The Cannonball Run Countach: Supercar Legend | Full Documentary
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Hagerty Drivers Foundation
Views: 4,048,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cannonball run, cannonball, lamborghini, countach, cannonball countach, supercar, hagerty drivers foundation, documentary
Id: 8b7erU_DOfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 52sec (4732 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I thought the sport kind of peaked when the pandemic cleared roads and new records that will likely never be beaten were set.
Gotta watch Cannon Ball Run, haven't seen it since probably 85 when I was 8 years old. Fast cars, big tits, just so many unobtainable goals for a little kid. Just magic.
This car was just on display in DC over the summer on the National Mall - was pretty cool to see up close!
One of the little placards said the raised โwingโ on the car was to satisfy a bumper height requirement in the US.
i had the posters and models of this... the transformer, remote control cars etc as a kid. fun memories. i think it had a big part in making me a 'car guy/fan'
lambo is doing a 50th anniversary of the countach with a limited edition of 112 cars. of course, got to be chosen by them to buy one. i believe they were all sold before the car was announced to the public link to lambo countach lpi 800-4 info
I just knew Ed Bolian would narrate this.
I love that my auto insurance company is funding things like this.
How dare they ugly up a countache