Best of the Worst Spotlight: After Last Season

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oh my God would you guys like to know some trivia about after last season you know what Jay I I honestly would yes I don't know if it'll give us any answers but the film was only released in four cities afterwards Distributors called each theater individually and told them to burn the prince because it was cheaper than sending them back hahaha [Music] I worry sometimes that we've run out of ammunition that we've we've seen every everything there is every kind of bad there is and then whenever I think that something like after last season comes around I don't understand what this is it is worthy of a spotlight episode of best of the worst I'll tell you that much like a lot of bad movies even though they make no sense like I can it's like the real shark I can see what they were trying to do because they've seen other movies and like things they're kind of trying to emulate and failing I don't even know what this is trying to do what well what's the story what's the this has been on our radar for a decade this is one of those movies that's always kind of looming it has a mild notoriety it's slightly famous in the world of bad movies but who released it is this a self-release just before you get into it we need to talk about uh is there a distributor I think it was released by him because the only production company name on the back is his after last season on DVD order it from oh oh boy oh boy one of the most intriguing and amazing films of the year is also a frightening experience these are the chips well the question is is this movie a failed pretentious art film or was he going for a more conventional movie and failed so spectacularly at that that it just kind of feels like it's an art film it's too spectacular a fail let's be on this is beyond failure to make a movie this is into the category of somebody truly drained failed to make a movie and she didn't know she learned to shrimp no she told me she's had shrimp many times before this was the first time she developed an allergic reaction to the food cut I'm not starting to predict when a scene oh no it's not over never mind this is like if if John Wayne Gacy failed to make a horror movie right well no no those those those line up too too well it would be like if Rich Evans got out of blueprint and designed a building [Laughter] murder he could probably make make a pretty darn good horror picture but rich I don't know if you know a lot about constructing a building so your blueprints when handed over to an engineer and a contractor would build something that that was like the Ned Flanders house in the city but but Mike I understand what a building is this goes beyond that this is like building has four walls you can draw a square or a rectangle probably you could probably muddle through a blueprint no no this is this is like if somebody asked Rich Evans to design a nuclear reactor foreign oh Rich Evans is a fashion designer how about that given a bunch of material like just all these different kinds of materials in a sewing machine and said make make fashionable outfits for all these women to walk down the the runway women and men to walk down the runway in design clothes make ants zip up and button and shirts and and see what happens sewing machine and a ream of paper okay sure breathe normally the real star of the film yeah pieces of paper so what is after last season I don't know no one knows I don't [ __ ] know what this is well halfway through the movie it started to feel like a plot was being introduced and that goes on for about 20 minutes and then it turns out that's a dream Matt are you okay and then it goes back to nothing you're jumping to the engine let's start off at the beginning sure because this is a spotlight you know we we have we have all the time in the world uh to talk about this we opened in Grandma's MRI machine Grandpa Samurai machine which is in her her guest bedroom where they cleared out the furniture the walls are pink or blue I can't remember they're pink but and the MRI machine is made out of cardboard and tissue paper yes you will need to remain still for the images to be sharp oh that's an MRI that's an MRI machine made out of paper it's it's like cardboard covered with wax paper is that what that is while you're inside the MRI scanner you'll be able to talk through the two-way Channel they they made their best sixth grade effort to build their own MRI machine but along the top of the the set the the room not the set they covered up the like the grandma uh wallpaper border with pieces of white paper as we've done here to to honor the film we got out eight and a half by eleven sheets of white paper which the movie used no no expense so they covered up the border with just white paperwork I'm going to take one cross section I'm going to take one photo of a cross section what what okay lady that's an actual Doctor Who it's her first day as a doctor because she just opened her lab coat out of the plastic package it came in apparently it's everyone's first day so lady is explaining to man how the MRI works and then there's a bunch of [ __ ] about doctors talking to each other about brain how the brain works and well another doctor comes in it's the same MRI room and he's explaining the MRI machine to our two main characters Matthew and Sarah yes and we only know their names because their names appear in the credits at the end of the movie yeah I don't think they ever say she says her name she's like my name's Sarah Sarah Collins or something like that on the phone yep when she calls 9-1-1 when the ghost throws a folding chair at the serial killer laughs [Laughter] the chair it knocked him out the chair knocked him out I'm in the corporate building I'm in the room right before the meeting room someone's been stabbed uh the murderer is still in the building no I'm fine Sarah Austin when that first scene happened in the hospital did you expect a ghost to show up at any point in the film I expected the hospital to show up at more points in the film we have the hospital our two main characters are interns and a doctor explains the MRI machine the MRI machine seems very important because it's featured prominently in the first two scenes to take place in the same room and then it disappears for the rest of the movie and our main characters are no longer Hospital interns yeah just for that first scene and then they coincidentally get uh jobs at the company the the Polonia Brothers Colonia Brothers complex uh Corporation where we get the establishing shot of the building and they superimpose text onto the building that's supposed to be the sign for the company is now is the opening with the two with Matthew and Sarah is that a Flash Forward or a flashback it's neither it's just narratively it's going linear because she's in college there's she goes her in her dorm room remember when her best friend tells her about her friend she had a sound but her friend had the shrimp and her friend's brain just decided it was allergic to shrimp yeah and so but but Sarah is very clearly established that she's in a dorm well you it's a nice radio [ __ ] when did you get it you have a nice radial clock yeah yeah what what they had a radio and they had a clock and so they just put one in front of the other they taped them together I often compliment someone's radio what what is what why wouldn't she coming from a room [Music] the doorway what is that what's going on where are we I can't processed what I'm seeing [Music] is the dorm room of the room that had gift wrapping paper half wrapped around a wall and the door away was just like a gap that's everything was that the dorm room there's that room that has it's like the wallpaper that they bought to cover up the set was wrapped around it ran out and so they just taped and there's like a weird piece of plywood that's just sort of screwed into the wall underneath that piece of paper I know you guys want to talk about the sets but I want to talk about Sarah's linear progression in her profession from college students she's an internship at the hospital hospital and then she gets a job at the Polonius so she's like a fifth year medical student she's still in cotton in studies but she's doing like rotations learning about MRI machines but in her spare time she meets up with Matthew and Matthew is a Psychology major who's doing interviews he's doing some kind of psychology research experiment thing that was a surprise in another room in the Polonia building where they work which is a a building that has walls built out of pieces of paper that are taped together I like the end of that hallway where it's just wide open gaps but there's like a door in the middle of it but then there's just like no wall and there's we're talking about the sets I feel like if we if we figure out what's going on with the sets it'll it'll be like the key to understanding the whole film I know rooms A through beer that way and all that well okay so the guy who made this movie he spent five million dollars making it allegedly according to IMDb uh yeah we don't know if that's true or not but I mean clearly he spent something on it because it's shot on film yeah but the like our like our old Studio was in like a gutted Warehouse arts building right and it appears that he went through the pointless trouble to recreate what is in real life like if you want to make a science fiction Epic you build sets inside of a warehouse [Music] if you want to shoot in an apartment hallway you can shoot in an apartment Holly because there's plenty of them you don't have to build one with with with plywood and duct tape but they have all that paper mic they have so much paper and bright orange arrows what are you gonna do with that it could be like a tummy with so situation how when they're like why don't we film in the alley right across from the studio and he's like well because this is a Hollywood movie we had to shoot on the set he has to look he has to control you shoot on a set so you can control the environment you can control the lighting and that's very important to this film sound let's finish the exercise let's see it is the worst sound it's like it's like the uh building that they filmed in was next to like like a NASCAR track because they tried to filter it maybe that's the weird thing is they that they're talking and has that yeah if you know anything about audio when you like super filter audio down you get that weird digital like gross sound wobbly warbly it sounds like you're underwater it's hard to explain but like where it's like all the like the the thickness of the audio gets pulled out and it becomes like the like tinny kind of sounding and and you could tell when a car is passing by because it sounds like like a demon EVP is like yelling wrong yeah there there are two chairs by the sink and one of them seems to have a piece of paper on it the Chrysler demon growling in the background constantly like like they filmed this inside a fish tank okay like this movie was dying on life support he had to hook it up to an aquarium [Laughter] it's a deep cut the thought transmission either open your eyes or just remove the chip from your temple foreign so something about the brain yeah well the whole movie hinges on that psychology the the way the brain works does it hinge on that I think so that part is all dream well movie hinges on those two plywood doors there's a lot of those oh there's oh there's a killer yes which is established early on because we intercut between our two main characters as interns at the hospital learning about the MRI machine to guy in Warehouse sitting in a chair standing next to the chair looking out from the room with the chair and then he gets killed off camera I guess he was stabbed and I to be fair I did not notice that he got stabbed because I I was so befuddled by the sets and just the jarring cutaways into just a wall for a second or two and then back it's all so poorly done it's so poorly shot you're so confused that you just start to reject the movie thank you in this Corporation I'm a new intern I think I'm on the third floor what she said no intern she's supposed to be on the third floor was she saying that to the other girl that knocked on the door like your brain rejects it so you you forget information it's like getting an organ transplant right well well I I think like logically I I made a joke during the screening room that the film is filled with 90s album covers yes in this guy's head like progression of time between shots he didn't know what to do he had no idea how to construct a movie even progression of time is very easily covered up with an exterior shot of a building it's like the simplest way to do it right or [ __ ] a clock sure it's Film School like a clock is is spinning he didn't know what to do so he just used whatever like random things he had random shots and there's there's one where there's like a shot of a dresser like a Dusty dresser and has no connection to anything it's just that or the or the signage on the wall yeah How likely is that because because something I noticed he doesn't really do like close-ups of people's dialogue everything most conversations play out like a two shot yeah and sometimes they'll cut from one wide shot to a slightly different angle of that basically the same wide shot is that because he didn't have much film and he couldn't film like you know the conversation and film it again in close-ups I'm gonna assume that he just didn't know how to make a move okay he did not understand the most basic of cinematic language when he was here during the winter we talked about what he had seen emo Phillips that was severe injury which one the guy in the right you have a theory that the guy who made this is insane I I expound upon that because this makes so little sense and it's so fixated on like the brain and psychology you might fix it on like medical information there's lots of people just talking about medical science type stuff and I'm like is that is that like his weird Obsession and he thought like that was like super important yeah a lot of that doesn't have anything to do with any kind of large narrative just people constantly talking about MRI machines will scan for this and that they took a snapshot of her brain and compared it with the brain of a patient who was treated with a different medication one that blocks serotonin receptors I have some of the MRIs this is written by AI it was written by MRI I'm so distracted by the sets I have to look at the best joke I've ever made like the how to make a good movie but they would like they would know like well you need the scene where they're in the the strip club talking about plans and you have that and the dialogue's bad and their plot doesn't make any sense but they have that that semblance of that scene that they're supposed to have in their crime movie none of this makes any kind of sense like this was what was this inspired by like movie wise nothing nothing this exists it's like it's Unique it's a movie it's a unicorn I guess that's about as close to anything positive as we can say about it right I was trying to get into the lab there are six digits to the access code now what are the last digits to the access code oh foreign no I guess they saw him [Music] what [Music] he doesn't understand scary but he's very interested in like how a ghost physics might work which is why you have a lot of of the ghosts would have to move the things out of the way and uh he's like the ghost is describing what it's like as a ghost to pick up a ruler and to have the ruler start sinking through his face and his moment of death the ghost describes that remember yeah Craig what have nephew collapsed I saw myself lying on the ground the person on the ground wasn't moving I felt dizzy and I walked into the front yard of the house oh so the focus on that scene isn't horror it's like the physics and realities of being a ghost yeah yeah so I I can't handle this I can't handle this Jay what do I do I wouldn't I would not be surprised if this person has some kind of legitimate mental health issue okay well that's a that's a nice disclaimer rip apart it's movie okay uh but so uh uh uh uh It's a small world huh I mean we're in the same graduate program and in terms of the same company yeah How likely is that what is that is this like mysterious shadows and things everywhere I'm starting to think this is legitimately legitimately made by somebody with mental disabilities this is beyond the normal level of incompetence laughs next time we cut to them are their heads just gonna be at the very bottom of the frame an hour most of the subjects were done in like 20 minutes [Music] I'm Sarah and Matthew our interns getting taught about MRIs then they discover that they work at the Polonia Brothers company and Matthew says to Sarah I'm doing weird research then he has a box on the table and he presses a button and the it's like a file box like a legal file box and then the top goes like a sci-fi movie and I'm like murder laughs [Applause] what the [ __ ] was that and then this is 45 minutes into the movie This is the first introduction of anything sci-fi yes yes and I'm like oh we've taken a Sci-Fi turn and he says look look listen lady listen lady um I've got these little chips and you put them on your right Temple and we can we can communicate and she's like can you can you read my thoughts and he's like oh yeah and she's like can I read your thoughts and he's like no then they start telepathically linking each other and seeing CGI imagery and then uh it goes on for a little bit I'm sorry I'm sorry if this is long-winded but this is the movie okay everybody it goes on for a while and then we see animated humans yeah and after like 20 minutes of just squares and circles and stuff yeah and then we we see there's a house and again with the eight and a half by 11 sheets of white paper there's a house that has two windows and it's in the two windows that's second because first someone is stabbed in one of the Visions it's just the crude CGI it's got like the weird messed up face on one of them yeah yeah yeah oh yeah she tries the CGI lady tries to throw a box he's trying to defend herself just throwing boxes and this is where she explains completely out of nowhere in the middle of the movie that she is psychic yeah and she has visions of these murders that have been happening so okay wait there's either a house that has two windows and three sheets of white eight and a half by eleven paper taped to the outside of the house yeah which probably wouldn't last more than a couple of nights in New England in the winter in the winter in New England depending on the weather if there's a nor'easter coming through through the Boston area on the right side of the street doing the narista and make sure you got plenty plenty of extra batteries and flashlights in your Cellar then there's a pantry and a pantry door that also has a sheet of white paper shaped to the door and we're intercutting between the their psychic length CG stuff and the real world stuff and we presume that the murder is happening on the other side of the door and she's like I see a man there's a lady she's wearing a blouse and she's and she's a lady and then there's a man but you can't see his face and he's holding like a like a cone uh night stabbing instrument and then we think the lady gets stabbed hard cuts and then we cut to some Bostonian who walks in and says Carol why is there a book in the living room Carol I gotta talk to you about this book Angie it looks like someone left a book in the living room do yours it's a big problem here what we just Angie we gotta talk about this book who left the book in the living room it's a book it's out of place it's out of place we have to talk about this book simple there's a book I know where every article of item we own in that living room is supposed to be at all times and there's a book there now where did the book come from Sarah Carol why are you why are you in the pantry the the piece of paper Pantry the piece of paper I put the piece of I didn't want this paper [ __ ] how are we gonna stock pizzas at the pantry it's not refrigerated I said I want a refrigerated piece of paper piece of paper pension Pantry Cairo well now our fridge is full of paper I put all the pieces of paper in the fridge and all the pizzas of the piece of paper pantry and they all went bad the book is about how to keep pizzas freshwater at room temperature [Music] [Laughter] it's stuck so then Carol is dead and we we know this oh yeah he leaves remember he's my favorite part of the movie Matthew just leaves but it was out there and ambulance went to a house on Lara Street oh oh he went over the trap in a room he went there she has multiple stab wounds or she's in critical condition what wait I don't even know where to go he followed the pieces of paper he saw the house on whatever street with the paper but and and somehow he knows exactly what while she waited there she just sat there I guess do you remember the science fiction machine the chips were in look at these paper monoliths why why what what where'd she go how much do we have left well got four questions left I just forget about the murderer they almost all stop the murder I'm gonna finish what they're working on it laughs my son shines in the small ways in the ocean then but then we're like okay so uh uh Alice Sarah Sarah has psychic powers and this is now a movie about these chips on their temples and they're gonna psychically link and kind of see through the eyes of the killer it's like that movie um uh where she's she's got the the twin in her that couldn't joke oh malignant it's like malignant when they could see through the eyes of the killer yeah we get a few shots in the movie that are like it's like a parking lot that's covered in snow and we didn't know what it was supposed to be I thought it was like like white monoliths but I think it's supposed to be miniature houses and buildings yes um made out of presumably paint made out of paper just I don't know how he had access to all this paper but he's utilizing it well it's movies of Michael Scott joint directed by Michael skarnen Threat Level Midnight several midnight was a great film compared to this but that's the killer he's he's coming to their room because we've seen the vision the the room it's got the piece of paper that they didn't actually have the the experiment room printed on the paper they did that with CGI with a like an effect after the fact yeah like an After Effects it's yeah they filmed the piece of paper on the wall a blank piece of paper and then just digitally inserted text on it it's so bizarre but now we see that door in her vision and the Killer is right outside their door and then the door opens and a ghost walks in who's there that'll stop the ghosts I don't see anything moving [Laughter] it's the killer but he's invisible now oh that's part of the dream yeah and then they wake up and then they wake up then the real killer then comes in yes after they wake up and it turns out Sarah is not psychic the last 40 minutes of the movie have been one extended dream sequence he fell asleep right before they started their experiment there isn't even a mind control a mind reading chip that doesn't even exist the cardboard box is just gone now all in his head yeah the experiment is just her asking him questions oh laughs but it's okay because then the real ghost saves them then it goes the ghost actually shows up and I guess that's he's he throws a chair at him the serial killer and then they're like oh wow The Ghost and is after that when they start talking to the ghosts about like you can move stuff huh but he can't move anything after that except for the ruler oh this is too heavy to move it's like very really like specific on what the ghost can do it's like weird but he could throw the chair earlier it's kind of the questions I probably would ask a ghost too sure sure I'm having a difficult time moving that chair I could see myself having arms with my arms I can feel the object and I can push it well can you move my backpack the bag is too heavy I can't hold on to it I can lift the ruler that's cute because a killer comes in and there's just like a moment because remember there's that long sequence where the ghost is like the serial killer is The Ghost and he's like stabbing them oh yeah we see them get their arms cut yeah and that's a whole thing but that's a dream that's a real life serial killer isn't the Ghost no the serial killer is a real person it's real it's just not a cereal he comes in the room and he's like I'm the serial killer and then a folding chair flies at him and he gets knocked unconscious and then and then they just stay in that room then they stay in that room and then the Ghost says oh he starts talking to them ethereally I'm this I'm a ghost most people can't hear me I'm a ghost Joe but you can hear me for some reason all right they can just hear him yeah I'm just wondering like sure it's hard to recreate a hospital I get that it's hard to shoot in a hospital and it's hard to recreate it with absolutely no money but a dorm room a house an apartment a hallway a company you know like you're shooting an actual film and you have you're you're spending a lot of money apparently on CGI that was done specifically for the movie apparently so you're putting like all that money into those weird things but you can't recreate a room it's it's just like mind-boggling they've decided to recreate that room when you didn't need to and it would have been much much better if you didn't try to recreate a room sure even the house the hospital was shot in a real room and that would have probably looked better if it was a shot in the dumpy Warehouse yeah that would it like why that scene where you can see the ceiling fan frame that stuff out they cut to one of his weird cutaways there's just a cutaway to a close-up of that ceiling fan in the hospital did they feel like a failure of a filmmaker when they actually had the film The Pizzeria Pantry scene in an actual kitchen we're not shooting this on a set ticket like a movie we gotta film in a kitchen why can't I build a kitchen out of cardboard construction paper we're out of budget there's no more construction paper you have to film in an actual kitchen it'll look great damn it damn it or maybe the warehouse he was shooting all the other scenes in burned down like the paper caught on fire and just it all went up now he has to shoot in a real place action [Laughter] and I guess the twist or the Revelation is that the ghost is a victim of the killer right we think isn't that what the final scene is the final scene we have Emo Phillips lady homely lady who looks like emo Phillips yeah and other lady who was a patient of doctor emo Phillips lady has moved into a new house and her boyfriend friend colleague relative his name's Steve and she's like I love what you've done with the older lady I love what you've done with the place you've put a computer monitor in the middle of your room and you've turned your pictures towards the window let me just pick up these pictures and look at them oh isn't this Steve Steve was a great guy four years ago something tragic happened where he died I don't know if they said he was murdered or not I thought that was the point of that scene is that he was a murder victim of the killer yeah but we discover that the killer because there's a scene where the Killer is interrogated by the FBI in cell one and the locations are indicated by a piece of paper of course of course so one this time they were laminated no expense was sparedness in the FBI building so we wanted they did have a jacket that said FBI on it they did that's kind of surprising yeah I don't know how important the serial killer part is I think the part the more more important part is how the human brain reacts to trauma or ghosts I really I have no [ __ ] idea what I'm talking about it's a it's a mystery for something I'm pulling for it's a mystery yeah and the movie just ends guy at the beginning yeah which guy he's just standing in a chair and he'd stand up he had stubble and sit down and throw the movie ended oh my God it's over foreign [Music] I knew it would just end was this made out of like a bed like my friends never seen a movie I bet I can get him to make a movie I'm independently wealthy I'll just throw money at this film let's just see what happens when Mark makes a film is from accounting he's super weird getting five million dollars and see what happens maybe this was like maybe this movie was a Psychiatry experiment where like they found one of those kids who was raised by wolves what happens if this kid makes a movie foreign this was the biggest challenge we've ever faced but I feel like we haven't we haven't found satisfactory answers like usually we can kind of Reason well they were maybe thinking this I don't I have no idea this is a big question mark to me yeah that's a regular thing where we're like oh I can see what they were trying what like in their mind I can I can picture what they thought the scene would be but this is like there's no explanation this is like distilled befuddlement was it fuddled by bad movies before but usually there's other distractions like all that acting ly bad or oh that special effect is really cheesy and this is just befuddlement like distilled befuddlement the acting is one of the best things about it yeah he's not even good yeah that's true yeah the acting is passable yeah they they're doing their best with what they were given and it's not bad oh there's some quotes on the back oh share a film that is completely unlike any you've ever seen before that's true that's true that's true that's a true box quote on worst oh both quotes are from the same website but by different people uh the psycho thriller Blends science fiction mystery and murder dot dot dot the movie as a whole is so entrancing what did they cut out what's the in between that ellipses out of context a lot of negative very accurate yeah what is the official synopsis printed on the back of the box I'm curious uh the residents of a city have discovered several murders the residents of the city as two medical students Matthew Andrews and Sarah Austin continue their work at the pluralist corporation a medical research facility their work takes them through a new mystery they find themselves on a perilous path toward the person behind the murders I mean let's yeah literally things that happened in the film oh no it's a ghost the ghost is here yeah I mean I've never seen a movie quite like this I mean a movie about MRI machines and a ghost not about MRI machines and a ghost yeah about so much more and and nothing yeah yeah weird it's weird it's weird you can't see me but the two of you can hear me what oh my God what no one else seems to be able to hear me talk can you tell where I am ghosts are you here I don't have a shade neither of you could touch me now oh I guess that was just fishing line but the ghost was pulling the fishing line [Music] [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,338,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans
Id: xs8DxWqx7j8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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