Best of the Worst: Clash in the College

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so [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's talk about clash in the college everybody welcome to a politically charged episode of best of the worst unintentional whatever whatever whatever you think politically we got you covered today i did not remember that aspect of this i know yeah me either i just remember lots of bad shots we we've had this what was the first time first time we saw this was definitely pre best of the worst right no it was post the start of best of the worst but it was at least uh in the first like handful of episodes okay okay this movie clash of the college is from 2011 and we've had it for probably close to a decade yes why did we not do this sooner that's a very good question hey how are you i'm doing good how are you definitely yeah how does um 10 o'clock sound um i was actually thinking more like one o'clock in the afternoon i'm gonna be listening to rush limbaugh at that time [Laughter] oh [Laughter] that's what she says i think we're done [Music] the clash in the college is on our go-to shelf of bad movie night movies but we haven't watched it in probably seven eight years it's been a while since we've watched it it was uh sent to us by an actor in the film uh who wrote us a very long note two pages worth of notes about his experience filming clash in the college uh i won't divulge the details of this note i'll put it safely back into the film uh but the important part is that the actors were all paid for their embarrassment yeah i know yeah i'm very glad to hear that that's the gist of the note is that the uh the director is a guy named paul cut to paulie no it's like kata paulie oh i thought you gave up and just called him paulie this is paulie paul katupali in the film he plays a character named krishna um definitely a college student hello fellow kids older people can go back to college that's true i don't know i have no idea what is happening i say highlight seeing a phone sex line what's happening like to walk around the courtyard while i'm talking to phone sex operators oh yeah can i help you no i'm fine i'm trying to get to the bus stop nice meeting you it's nice meeting you too uh you're keeping me out dude please let me know if you need anything [ __ ] off it turns around starts following that other girl did he just end his phone conversation well it's based on a true story so while he's his current age i think he's talking about events that happen in his college experience but it's the based on a true story aspect just it's a true story in the sense that these are real things real political opinions the back of the box says because we haven't we didn't intro this yeah let's look it was a quiet oh it was it was a quite college campus i've had a couple of beers so my brain doesn't say quite that that's right my brain corrected it for the what it was supposed to be but it does say it was a quite college campus until a professor lusts after a student a student becomes a radical an activist falls in love then the passions flare up politicians screwing hookers and pre-screwing children what happens when ideologies collide a gripping capital g un-gripping tale of romance drama action comedy suspense and separation [Laughter] those are all like classic genres of film i love separation films separation films it's this and creamer vs kramer sure that's it wasn't there a movie where a a siamese twin that that was like cut off and left for dead came back for revenge that would be a separation movie oh basket case basket cases classic frank hennenwater film yeah classic separation that is my favorite separation film there's some more text in the front here uh a great movie full of this again quotes uh attributed to no one yeah a great movie full of surprises exciting educating entertaining no period no no commas no no uh attributions sure an ideological clash of values erupts in a quite yes quite college campus they did it again they did it again after which means it wasn't a mistake it wasn't a typo no i it is again um the man may not english is probably not his first language and spell check doesn't catch quite and quiet that's true cut him a break there uh quite uh erupts in a quite college campus after the professor of mathematics casts her lustful eyes on one of her students she was a math teacher yeah algebra that's why she had her students doing a book report how's the assignment going well i just finished the first section goss is a child prodigy good start the man put his nose into so many different things i mean mathematics statistics analysis differential geometry picture him practicing that like jesus what you should get some rest [Music] how does this happen i just don't know how can editing be this bad uh one of the actors that worked on this film sent us a letter sent us this film a long time ago we would watch it for fun we've never featured it on the show surprisingly and uh he said the actors all got paid they got paid a hundred dollars a day um but the director who's in the film uh was very specific say the lines as i wrote them yeah don't don't don't ad-lib don't try to make them sound more natural say the lines say the lines and after a while all the actors are just like whatever whatever and then we're getting classic uh samurai cop amir chervan style the dialogue does not quite translate what is it exactly well we have a lot of high school dropouts the dropouts rates are very high among minorities i mean in some states like georgia the graduation rate for african americans is just 44 percent for hispanics the graduation rate is just 32 so i want to encourage higher education for minorities that's a great division plus we've also got to educate um american kids why does the car only make noises when she's talking it's more the subject matter it's just really odd well does anyone remember the movie higher learning the john singleton movie that was like a college it took place at a college and like one kid he ended up like becoming a nazi one girl discovered she was gay it was like like little stories but this is way more uh blunt blunts you see since the 1990s we have been increasingly diagnosing our children with bipolar disorder and starting them on costly medications i honestly believe conservative ideals will help to put our economy back on track compete with developing nations if our kids don't go to college what other nation is taking in a million immigrants a year this week i'm going to san francisco to attend a pro gay rally rush limbaugh newt gingrich i don't want to do any pre-marital stuff i was just raped by that psycho and you want to keep the baby 35th anniversary of roe versus white real challenge from china just redistribution of wealth we're what killing thousands in iraq and afghanistan a big welfare state an increase in global temperature socialism failed everywhere war on terror global warming i've been worrying a lot about james lately he doesn't believe in evolution anymore and he's criticizing obama at the drop of a hat it's like you just meet somebody at a bus stop and they just start talking to you about glenn beck yeah just out of the blue he talks about out of control government corrupt politics gerrymandering entitlement programs welfare programs that borrow money from china a bus stop that you're not intending to get on the bus no you just sit there and have a conversation and then you leave walk away but it's kind of like like it touches on lots of different angles politically and it's kind of like when people talk about like south park like oh they're making fun of everybody equally that's this movie except in this case it's unintentionally funny last night i was watching countdown with keith olbermann on msnbc and he showed sarah palin as the worst person in the world i can believe that that's funny yeah i never miss this program well it's hard to not talk about the film without talking about this writer and director paul katupali who plays v shnoo krishnan krsna krishna vishnu is a hidden new god vishnu is like temple of dope yeah um yeah uh paul katu pali plays krishna what we assume is a college student although he's just sort of like a ghost that just floats from scene to scene and involves himself in the lives of people who are much younger than him that would be an exciting twist at the end of the movie if it turned out he was like an angel or something he floated away but uh he [Music] it's hard to nail down exactly what his political angle is i think it's more right slash conservative leaning i i think it's just more he wants to make a film about how college shapes people yeah yeah i think for the worst they don't have strong opinions when they go into this movie right and then by the end everybody's got their strong opinions and they're diverging and they're clashing they're all clashing yeah i don't think it's meant to give you any sort of like point of view specifically from hit from paul whatever his face is i don't think he's trying to tell you how to think he's just showing all these different things no wonder our society is one big chaotic mess we're destroying the most basic human relationships and boundaries i'm fighting just to concentrate of course you're struggling and so there's scenes with a doctor whose office is in a holiday inn well everything is in a holiday yeah who she loves madame curie are you having regular pap smears no all right i recommending having regular pap smears i usually get irregular pap smears thank you very much you're welcome who is that on your wall that is madame curie it's not on her wall it's on the table leaning against the wall you can't hang up your own art at the holiday entrance why not like that thing that's behind her take that down and just put it on there but they can't have converse [Music] he's the only bag on the baggage uh that's not even moving it's not moving well let's go through our characters okay yeah we start the film with james wagner james wagner a bright-eyed college student who just got off the plane from arizona to pennsylvania because of course we're in pennsylvania he's so bright-eyed he gets off the plane he doesn't even have an apartment hi i'm looking for a single bedroom apartment i saw your ad on craigslist why was her all right we know he's got 20 different camera angles why is there a jump cut you just just didn't have the right uh footage he had to combine two different takes use one of your money the only option rich was the only option he had in editing he's he's he's a clean slate his mind is a clean slate he's been uncorrupted by politics as he says in the film i don't care about politics yeah he's a clean slate he's the only one on the plane he's the only one in the airport he uses the airport phone to call and say uh i need an apartment and she the girl on the other line's like it's 500 a month he's like do you have a discount for students she's like no welcome to the real world welcome to the real world welcome to capitalism um so then he walks very slowly so he walks very slowly he has a bad case on the hemorrhoids walks out of the airport into the setting sun we're into an awkward edit do an awkward transition where he ends up in the children's section of a library where he meets his [ __ ] college professor a lady who lives in two hotel rooms who inappropriately starts hitting on him and says you can stay in my house wait that's an exterior shot of a house but we're clearly in a holiday inn yeah yeah yeah no rich this is her house she had designed to look like a holiday inn i want to see this other bedroom that he's supposedly staying in oh it's going to be the the walkthrough yeah well yeah they rented two rooms one for her house and one for her office i couldn't even come up with any way to hide it it's very nice it's a hotel so you know it gets the job done look bigger on the outside this is the only room in this six-bedroom house what is the hallway of 37 other doors what do you have these plastic guards at the corner of the walls that prevent it from being dinged by luggage appealing plastic corner guards there is no logical explanation this isn't this is beyond like a cultural barrier or a language barrier there is no explanation to how anyone could think that constant hotel rooms pass for anything other than hotel rooms we've got hotel rooms multiple different houses presumably a couple of apartments uh it's a doctor's office it's like a like a hall like a speaking hall some kind of like like like conference area yeah it's a single bedroom that's got two beds in it that's her master bedroom that's her master bedroom yeah every once in a while there's just someone hanging out in the background of these these rooms too i don't know it's it's a place where people come to meet and talk about like they have like apparently it's some kind of like political club they just they just come together and they talk about the politics rich i wanted to say if you have a master bedroom with two beds in it you only have to make your bed every other day it's genius that's genius mike i know and that's why she's a mathematician uh professor right oh characters characters let's keep going we're going to start with character all right then the next one we made is jonbenet ramsay yes yes john bennett ramsay she escaped murder in colorado and fled to pennsylvania where she became an actress she's introduced to the scene with dr lady where we're introduced to the madame curie painting that is not hanging on her wall no because you can't nail uh put a nail in the wall of a holiday end they'll get mad so it's awkwardly at a table leaned up against the wall and everything that was on that table has been moved on to the uh the uh air conditioner pre-packaged coffee creamer and the single cup coffee makers back there uh james wagner and jonbenet ramsay are a love couple but but but we'll get it oh [ __ ] yeah just here all over here [Laughter] sorry rick baker this is your legacy mike you're such a good steward this invaluable piece of history the paint's coming out the alcohol [Music] no he's okay he's looking fine no foul he just fell yeah he fell it was your idea to put a beer in his hand absolutely it was not my idea to put a beer in his hand i want to make that clear i did not destroy one of america's treasures he'll be all right he's gonna just he's not gonna drink a beer anymore he's just gonna chill he's gonna fall over it's gonna chill this is this is horrible back to clash in the college we got uh whatever you do don't forward this video to joe dante please rick baker can you fix this did you just make us a brand new one email us on our web zone if you can send us a new gremlin rig baker we're destroying the most basic human relationships and boundaries let's talk about our pivotal uh bus stop scenes bus stop scene one oh that's our we introduced we're introducing sarah sarah meets does she meet well she walks to the bus stop and then her professor also comes to the bus stop so professor handkerchief [Music] oh hello sarah hi professor harvey pretty good gross blowing my nose at my old dirty handkerchief um well recently many for-profit colleges have have entered into this business it's like they thought the cut would hide the fact that he flubbed his line somehow you'll be distracted by the change of angles okay great thanks a lot sure my pleasure have a good day same to you thank you she sat down she was waiting for the bus stop scene two is also sarah who meets queen clinton who who starts immediately talking about like right wing politics yeah he's a little right winger it's you know the government is is adding trillions of dollars to our national debt every year to take care of the needs of the people well that's certainly something to think about i think everybody should think about it what is that weird shadow on him that looks like a camera on a tripod somebody else is waiting for the bus oh do you think they felt the robot is waiting for the bus do you think they filmed these scenes the same day they filmed the other scenes considering she's wearing the same clothing and it's the same time of day no no obviously it's a different day there's a different person at the bus stop yeah okay you're right there's a different person at the bus stop and she's going back the direction she just came from is she smiling because she knows how stupid that is [Laughter] third bus stop scene is james wagner and john that's i think that's where james wagner meets quinton yes yes that's right hi i'm quentin james wagner do you think they filmed this at the same time of day as the other scenes i guess i can try to come cool no one's gonna leave oh my god i can't believe they waited for a bus because the whole idea is that there are there are different factions and then there's redhead girl like super super liberal left-wing redhead girl who's like climate change uh you know equal rights blah blah blah pro-choice uh she's like super she's like the the polar opposite he's the opposite of clinton oh it's about conservatives lying to the americans about war on terror global warming the economy the usual the usual yeah i just attempted a glenn beck rally this one kind of catches my head a little bit there yeah that's a really good one and this one too she's she's giving her liberal propaganda don't read that ann coulter i'll see you next weekend well now everything's missing she has a book by ann she's a liberal now i'm so confused i don't think krishna knows what he's doing she's also reading a book by arianna huffington so she mentions that but here's ariana huffington and ann coulter they go well together they'll just keep just put these both on your book list and then uh so which i think was a mistake yeah i don't know if the guy picked the books by the titles and and cultures lady oh it's probably liberal uh and so so she's a character the the the thing that stands out as being out of place is like this the professor student relationship which doesn't have any kind of political angle to it um i had a dream last night really yeah about it i can't explain the dream it was about you and us in a hotel room where are you going i thought he's just going to drive off the edge of the parking lot they bring up at the very end because yeah uh james wagner they start sleeping together yes and it's not at first not at first there's some flirting and he gets on the bed with her and touches her leg and it's he does a book report for the children's section of the library they go out to like like denny's and they're like they're like talking about he's like laughing he's like like talking about being drunk and puking on himself i once did 14 shots in one night and i passed out and i vomited all over myself and she's like do me now i ended up probably doing close around 25 30 shots in one night oh my god vomiting in my sleep and instead of my friends being like maybe we should call the police maybe we should call a doctor and see if like [Music] they're like no we're just gonna watch him my friends are awesome i love my friends he i'm die oh no oh who are they with in that last they were with friends and then uh at the end when they break up he cites an imbalance in their power they have a imbalanced power dynamic which isn't exactly political but it comes out of nowhere it's not really established no it's not at all that was the problem professor i never got to express my feelings i think we had a great and dynamic relationship it wasn't an equal relationship you always exerted your power on me when when in the classroom you're an intellectual giant well i can't even make a c there's a classroom you own a big home and i can't even pay the rent on time in your home it's always been about the power james we broke all the rules oh my god she's an alien [Laughter] by giving you a grade more than you deserve what is happening there's two audio tracks doubling yeah there's an echo but medical center it's like it's like a snl oh i forgot about the doctor oh yeah so yeah that whole relationship runs throughout the movie and that isn't political at all and i'm not even sure what the point was because it's so different from everything else also everything with um uh krishna is different from everything else he doesn't really have a huge political political politics have influenced me angle [Music] okay what can i get you you have pizza what you have expecting oh pizza yeah yeah that's exactly what he said it's a pizza restaurant we have that and apparently someone's already helped him oh just any pizza oh my god their service is great i know that's the pizza they gave him it's missing lots of different pizzas what are these they're pepperoni pepperoni what is it like a porker beef i'm sorry i cannot eat that i thought there's some kind of place this is tim and eric sketch i don't even think we need to discuss this we just need to just play the whole movie this is a way to describe it i think it's semi-autobiographical i think these were some of the things he experienced when he came to america and went to college um the learning how to say words right there's a scene a famous scene i know what you're going to say they're all famous when he's like i think he just shot up a load of heroin and he's laying on the hotel room bed and he barely able to function and he's calling some kind of hotline and the woman on the hotline is like how do you say your name he's like hi i am calling to cancel my account no problem sir what is your last name okay um could you please spell that for me p k-a-t-t-u-p-a l i um i'm sorry sir i didn't quite understand that can you spell it again um a little more slowly why is he so sleepy okay chaos and king okay yeah as an apple um i'm sorry before did he intend to film the other end of this conversation and didn't that's why there's jump cuts i guess there's jump cuts throughout the whole movie so it doesn't matter oh okay two keys then you has an umbrella what is happening he's he's why is he so sleepy i don't know why he's sleeping but he's his struggle is that he has a weird indian name and people in america have a hard time understanding him yes and the spelling of his name that's what he's saying through this very long scene and now the scene's over but but what does that scene or anything with his character have to do with the rest of the story nothing that's his transition into america his discovery of snow he's discovering snow for the first time and and then so maybe he like jumped into this like a college campus where these all these like rich privileged white kids are arguing about politics back and forth yeah and he's like what i'm happy just to be here and they're like they're like yeah taxes and welfare and then uh global warming and he's like what he doesn't know what to make of this i'm just happy to see snow i'm just he's got a different perspective from everybody else yes yes and and so he's thrown and that and that's his like this is his film explaining like and maybe his professor hit on him maybe he had sex with his professor or slept in her house i don't i really don't know or maybe another student did and he knew about it it could be so maybe he's like this is america this is his weird like take on american college campuses uh done in a very very well crafted film how do you say water what was that i will write it down yeah [Applause] oh water it's water you sick water pressure lips water water water how do you say hey you're sleepy i'm sorry i'm so sleepy i gotta say though i doubt very many college students religiously listened to rush limbaugh to the point where they would turn down sex with a hot blonde that was a pretty funny scene that was the line delivering of the film i'm gonna be listening to rush limbaugh at that time [Laughter] the most amazing accurate thing he said in his film is that politics turn people against each other in and to violence yeah and it's the titular clash hence the two we get a couple clashes i would have liked some more clashes in this clash in the college film it was ideological clashing it wasn't as fun as like somebody pulling a gun out of their vests i was hoping we'd get more good the physical clash that we got was man and truck caesar caesar uh caesar pulls into an empty parking lot in the middle of nowhere it's the same parking lot that they that the the mathematician's house is in oh this country we're supposed to be proud of it who are you he's burning a flag with antifreeze [Laughter] he's burning a flag by himself yeah you do that to make like a statement in front of people he's just in an empty parking lot no you shouldn't do that why is my first amendment right don't abuse the constitution that way that man you'll feel sorry dude what the hell is your problem you threatening me come on no we gotta clash we gotta clash it's their clashing protect the flag quentin at all costs [Applause] this is my country this isn't pakistan you can't just burn the red white and blue like that that's right yes you can you absolutely can because this isn't pakistan yes rich we're gonna have a clash in the college clinton's right to stop him from burning the flag if that man wants to pour windshield wiper fluid on his flag he's allowed to god dammit [Music] although he could burn the flag on his private property he shouldn't start a fire in a public parking lot which leads uh caesar later to months later to kidnap sarah while she's jogging and repay her and to give getting a baby um but we never come back to any of our other characters for the rest of the movie everybody just falls to the wayside we uh yeah and i'm surprised sarah sarah stayed with quentin when quentin turned her down for sex yeah um let's let's stop there i i i don't want to do any premarital stuff not even hand and mouth stuff [Music] okay this relationship is over i guess we're done you [ __ ] loser [Music] oh um i'm going to that creation museum i'm going with my friend glenn beck but then yeah yeah the climax is she gets repaid and she becomes pregnant and it's definitely not quentin's because he refuses to have sex till he's married i'm pregnant no no there's no way there's no way there's no way the pregnancy test came back positive no there's no way there's no way i got the ultrasound too it's in my hoodie and then she wants to have an abortion and quentin can't deal with that yeah it's the end he says i'm sticking yesterday yeah it feels like it just feels so suddenly because we've you know it's it's been a movie about like six characters and the end is just like the two of them everyone else just falls out of the movie we we often there's been many movies we've watched or like that's it it's over this is the most extreme example of that we shouldn't punish this innocent child for what caesar did the guy's name is caesar yeah his last name is salad that's unfortunate i don't change my convictions for any circumstance screw your convictions that i'm out of here yeah yeah you should have left him when he said he wouldn't have sex with you she doesn't even know where she's supposed to go just wandering in the background is that the end of the movie oh what happened to all of the other characters they all quit the film she gets out of his car and just starts wandering towards like a bike trail or something she looks like she doesn't know where she's going and then the title comes up she goes in one direction and then she decides to go behind like the sign she's like maybe we should hide behind the sign until he says cut yeah she didn't know when they were gonna stop filming um well that's quentin and sarah but but prior to that james wagner and math professor who he's sleeping with have a falling out they they have an argument yeah but at least it feels like that was 15 minutes earlier like yeah the right what would be the resolution to his story what happened with him and jonbenet her issue i don't know is that because he wouldn't go on the date because he was listening to rush limbaugh yeah i think so we're talking about how mammals evolved from reptiles millions of years ago what did you say evolved you believe in evolution [Laughter] i can't see you anymore not one transitional fossil has been found in the past 150 years that proves evolution all the so-called evidence that the evolutionists ah who's that because then then we get introduced to a new story element out of the blue she gets a phone call from her mother saying where me and your dad are getting divorced because he's an alcoholic and he beats me every day evelyn i have bad news for you sweetie what's going on mom i'm separating from your dad what [Music] he's completely addicted to alcohol and he's been abusing me almost every day now i'm trying to learn my books i keep wanting to look away out of like embarrassment but i know the movie doesn't know you're passing your seats open there you go yeah adjust that camera [Music] don't let me miss anything i mean i can't control that i make no promises we'll start oh she's got pills it's tylenol but whatever she's got deadly pills she's taking a lot of time [Laughter] she distraught about her parents divorcing she's gonna kill herself yes and then that makes her so suicidal that she's gonna try and get rid of her headache and then she's 100 tylenol she's going to take all the tylenols but then she decides to not do that she puts it back in the bottle yeah and then she wants to go who wants to go out like peacefully with a bunch of sleeping pills i mean that'd be a shitty way to go why not slit your [ __ ] wrists whenever i feel down or depressed i just look at that picture to increase my persistence we actually got something related to something that happened earlier [Laughter] kennedy are inspiring her not to kill herself she opened up a dresser drawer she put the pills back in the bottle yeah and she opened up a dresser drawer that only had in it a a tiny blade and a wireless microphone setup and then she won the bathtub and now she's thinking about jfk is she watching a tv with jfk no she's thinking about it she's thinking about jfk she's thought about madame curie and her talk with the doctor and her picture of jfk and then she's thought of jmk she gets a eraser goes in the bathtub but then remembers the inspiring words of jfk ich bin ein berliner i am a jelly doughnut and then decides to not slit her wrists in the bathtub of the holiday yeah over her with the tiniest razor you've ever seen yeah over a [ __ ] parent's divorce yeah who [ __ ] cares you're in college and then that's the end of her character it doesn't feel like the end of a story but that is the end of her story and i think it's after that then we it's it's the full quentin and sarah show for the rest of the film yes there's no resolution to anything with krishna okay follow your legs yeah widen your legs like this like this yeah like this yeah like as light as you can okay i'd appreciate it if you would tell me what to do before doing it on me first all right no problem the movie does not realize he's creepy i'm convinced the movie thinks he's the comic relief hey hey how are you doing fine how are you good hey do you think you made this movie they'd be pervy on young women krishna there's been something that i've been wanting to tell you for a long time what is it i've been having a lot of feelings for you you never told me i just i don't know how to express them you know with a gentle hug oh that was it that was the extent of it that's all she would do that was yeah took off your bra and touch your water your water [Laughter] only my boyfriend touches my water the college professor i mean she could have been taken before i got bored for hearing of misconduct or something i don't even try let's just stop did you have to that meeting would of course take place in a holiday in hotel room between two beds between two beds the board would be sitting on the beds facing each other there's a holiday inn and then there is a real house at one point originally like james when he first shows up at math professor's house they have like this the the 80s sitcom like screams like a like a large house and they zoom in yeah and then she's like come on in and she opens the door and clearly there's other hotel rooms in the hallway he comes in and she's like welcome to my home and he said thank you and then like later on in the film he goes up to her bedroom for i don't know why but it's in a real house and he's filming with night vision and it looks like it's like his point of view oh my god he's filming on someone's house night vision it is night vision what does what is happening she's drinking a beer at the holiday inn what do you think zach brackets is coming to find her [Laughter] yeah like a horror film it looks like a horror film or like a ghost hunting program where it's like night vision and he's like here's the door and then he opens the door and then it cuts to the hotel room hey what's going on i'm working on fermi's last theorem he wanted to show james wagner go to her bedroom door from the outside but didn't want to film in the holiday inn hallway yeah so he went into a real house but wanted to do it at night and he didn't know how to light it but it looked like i guess so he flipped the night vision on and said i can see [Laughter] not realizing that it has other implications when you're filming like a navy seal about to kill osama bin laden it has different like visual like like interpretations but he's walking up to the door i can't see anything the lights start yeah i want it to be night time click oh i can see now now well they're oh god no so much to explain to you and he's the writer director star so there's nobody there to tell him don't do that nobody and so yeah and then he goes in and he client she's like he's like i have a question about the pythagorean theorem she's like why don't you get into my bed and tell me all about it and he's like and then they get they got all hot and bothered and he's like no not till next scene that sounds good but is there anything that the government does better than the private sector what's your character question it's a job is that the teacher wagner that's james wagoner's wing that's the worst in the world they're sort of jogging while talking about healthcare's problems i think he's is he running in his socks but don't jump too fast the the the story the characters the politics of this is is all very awkwardly done needless to say but what is more awkwardly done are the technical aspects the real star of the real star of the film [Music] [Music] well there is a credited editor which i refuse to believe that that exists we suspect is a fake name it has to be i know the use of star wipes leads me to think there was an editor who was not paul catapali who was just having fun with it after a while like i'm just gonna do star wipes he won't know the difference i'm gonna do paper peels [ __ ] it yeah yeah uh every transition is [ __ ] up like like once is like oh that's a mistake but it happens every time where there's like it starts to fade out but then it cuts to another shot in the middle of the fade out or in the middle of the page peel every single uh transition is messed up no had a transition mid mid-cut yeah [Music] how how is that possible every transition is [ __ ] up [Laughter] page feel every every transition is like a little gift night well there's so many like like weird like three frames of black yeah like like a a wipe and then like not even a frame i don't even know how they did it like less than a frame of some other video is in there like every and then the sound is a whole nother discussion but every technical problem that could happen happens from you know obvious like reflections in our generation we've we've voluntarily forgotten what this kind of you don't even have to i don't want you to say it seeing the cameraman is almost as common as seeing the actors in the film oh my god there's the scene where someone picks up krishna in their car he's got a dead body in the backseat and a tripod oh my god and we clearly see some guy laying on the back seat of the car and the tripod laying in the back it's either like the sound recorders like recording the sound or an actor because they're going to shoot the next scene they're on their way to a different location so he's like get in the back seat you won't be interested james wagner yeah it could be james wagner or um quentin somebody and then he's in the shot my favorite my favorite is the kfc hi how can i help you can i get a number two roads where he is they're like gorilla style film making this we just put a first batch of fries in she's pretending thanks you're welcome [Laughter] i didn't think to digitally zoom in that shot i guess do it fast do it fast maybe vishnu was just at the kfc that night he could be krishna krishna maybe krishna was just at the kfc that night well that's that's jean bennet she's in street clothes she grabs a handful of napkins from the napkin dispenser and is wiping a table down and then they have the gall to run over to an unused register terminal and she's like can i take your order can i take your order she's like constantly looking for the manager to come around one take before they kick us out of here yeah yeah just just say the lines yeah then she serves them like a waitress which is not how these places work she comes back at the end of his meal to take his how is everything that doesn't happen at kfc no no no and he's like fine what are you studying at college uh i'm studying uh [ __ ] english literature or something and he's like he's like my name's james hart doesn't even leave his phone number that doesn't forget to leave the phone number he'll run into her again there's only six students at this college so yeah i'll see you at the children's section of the library in about five minutes from now is this is this a clash at the college because we never see a classroom he's thinking too much is it is it a mistake on my part to think yeah clash in the children's section of the local public library yeah maybe they're researching whether or not it's berenstein or berenstein bears they're doing groundbreaking work on the mandela yeah yeah that's special idea yeah [Music] how does this happen i just don't know how can editing be this bad uh but yeah um general general coverage should we talk about that previous shot that first scene i joked we weren't recording when we started screening the film and we had to start over but the first time we watched it that hospital scene the doctor's office scene is shot from every conceivable and so i joke that it's like the matrix bullet time if you put all those shots together you get a perfect circle because it's just and sometimes it'll cut to a shot for like five seconds for no reason they were not only breaking the 180 degree rule they were breaking the the y-axis they were breaking the 180 degree rule vertically vertically horizontally i am writing a poem to express my love myself really yeah and i don't do stanzas sounds like a hidden recording like something you're not supposed to hear like you'd hear this in a court case yeah something yeah this is an informant for the fbi you don't see a picture [Laughter] the fascinating thing though is he has uh a or several wireless microphone systems in use they make many special cameos throughout the film they're in they're literally in the film on camera um but they are also uh he doesn't rely on the onboard microphone on the camera or a boom mic uh he almost specifically uses the the wireless lav sometimes to record other characters you can't don't just write if you're going to write a level don't just put rhymes together just to have some sort of emotional meaning to it he actually scratched the microphone like it had an itch you missed it oh no what did i miss you missed a beautiful transition it was a black screen that just went like this [Laughter] sometimes i think the wireless microphone is in another room under the table attached to the back of a of a mouse somebody dropped it in a bag of cheetos the wireless microphone literally could be anywhere it may not be on the actor but it's in the scene somewhere being used as a recording device when when in this is a rare uh instance when the on-board microphone on the camera is preferred closer to the subject because the wireless microphone is on the back of a possum that's running down the street and it's like where is the sound and it's like someone sounds perfectly clear but rough fluff ruffling yeah sure it's under their shirt so their shirts are wrinkling around like this it sounds like yeah it's like this and they're trying to talk and it sounds like this but then and then the other person will sound like 100 miles away it's very nice kind of like a hotel room it gets the job done serves a purpose well and then on top of that they shoot many many scenes in that library and the library is clearly open so they have to be quiet and they get quieter every library scene is quieter than the previous one are you related to richard wagner the german composer just asking what have you been up to not too much [Music] there are so many weird mistakes and errors and things that happen we can't even catalog them all yeah there's just too many to the point where it almost has to be a case of the editor intentionally sabotaging the movie yes and that's really i mean at one point i said is this a tim and eric's sketch yeah like it feels like there's there's like uh uh max headroom esque glitching of the dialogue no no you don't use this relationship to get such favors almost every possible mistake is made this should be taught in film schools yeah yeah i think there's only one copy left on amazon like a dvd you could buy oh it's gone already it's probably gone uh if you're watching this but uh but it's on amazon primer you can just watch it i think so yeah i think so it's worth a watch uh if you can snag up a dvd copy i will say we're always you specifically is always concerned about the running time of movies anything over like 85 minutes and you're like oh no but this movie's two hours long and i think we were riveted the whole way through because there's so many characters so many scenes you asked how many scenes are in a movie and i said it depends on the movie rich because a movie can have lots of scenes or few scenes there is a pointless scene every two seconds and i think i think the issue is is that it's a pointless scene yeah i think the point is a good bad b movie is constantly refreshing itself and this is a good example of that i i think so yes where where for 123 minutes i didn't want to leave the room i had to go pee a couple times and i didn't want to miss a minute i did get to a point where i was anxious for the clashes to start happening that's true but they did start happening shortly after that that's true yeah things pick up again once the the guy tries to burn the american flag with windshield wiper fluid that's when you're like you get a little bit of a refresher i can only take so much of people just standing there watching glenn beck there's a lot of political ranting there's a lot of people reading stuff off screens making webcasts uh political diatribes which i i don't know if the director is trying to like say something one way or the other it doesn't come across like he is it feels yeah i don't know if he's just trying to say college students are just regurgitating political talking points but uh so it's a movie full of dim-witted easily manipulated college students so it is very true to life right it may be one of the most realistic films we've ever seen oh [Music] you
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,937,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans
Id: X1nspyaDEEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 59sec (3479 seconds)
Published: Sun May 29 2022
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