Best of the Worst: A Very Cannon Christmas II

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foreign [Music] [Applause] that's right Mike it's Christmas time one of the most important best of the worst episodes of the year and to make sure this one was extra special I have spent the last two months painstakingly screening every holiday movie we have so I could find the worst ones and let me tell you Mike it was [ __ ] miserable but it was worth it in the end because I got some doozies here I've got I've got Hobo's Christmas candy class Santa surprise I watched Christmas train the Kudzu Christmas I've got I've got Jack Frost two you watched all of it I watched all these I even watched Hercules rectic dos Vine knocked Fest uh you can't tell what they're saying because it's in German and that makes it funny we're not doing any Christmas films this year what we're just doing three Canon movies I'm so so sorry you wasted so much of your time you just picked three movies you didn't even screen them or anything oh and you skipped all those chemo treatments too I didn't have time I didn't ask you to I mean you got to check your email bro that was our only copy of Elf Bowling foreign this [ __ ] crap all right now that we've got all that crap out of the way we can start reading the boxes of the movies we're actually gonna watch you get you oh you get to pick the stockings for me I wonder which of the three movies we know we're gonna watch Mike is gonna get it's just like some holiday why it's avenging Force starring Michael dudikoff this isn't Christmas this is fakeness dirt did Michael dudikoff have on Canon films because they kept trying to push him as like an action star and he's just Michael dudikoff he knew the secret the dark secret behind their business they made cheap movies to turn a profit uh Michael dudikoff style is reminiscent of a young [ __ ] Eastwood the New York Times uh-huh a deadly conspiracy of right-wing Lunatic Fringe Killers slaughtered his friends and family oh my God friends and family a whole bunch of people couldn't they just Slaughter him well maybe he wasn't there now there's only one way for Michael dudikoff American Ninja to survive he must Unleash the Power cunning and fury of the avenging Force so the the fact that there's a v makes it makes it sound like it's a team of people right like The Avengers the avenging force or it's like a power he has within him to avenge right like a spiritual power like yeah that I mean it does just show him like all by himself with a crossbow it's probably just gonna be him running around in the woods killing people randomly Matt Hunter dudika that's his character's name Matt Hunter is an ax secret service agent trying to protect his best friend well he's trying to protect his best friend not a wait wait wait wait he didn't get all of his friends they didn't get all of his friends his best friends survived he has so many friends he's a very likable man very affable look at this handsome man he's so likable why would somebody want to kill all of his friends and family uh his best friend from a super secret so many Secrets band of political terrorists known as the pentangle pentacle the ruthless organization torches his Ranch and kidnaps his little sister they didn't get all the family and they had to do a couple of passes you know um so it's like a process it's a process he has so many friends and family that they have to do many passes to before they kill them all just because Hunters forced into pentangles barbaric Manhunt played out in the remote swamplands of Louisiana so we got a little most dangerous game situation going here Hard Target a little bit of Hard Target it's the ultimate game of cat and mouse as Hunter employs an awesome array of martial arts skills in his desperate fight for survival and revenge this sounds like the ultimate action movie whatever family friends and also he's got to protect his best friend and I kidnapped his sister uh hunting him down in Louisiana dangerous game style CIA crime Hitler was right man was a Visionary it's like like Bingo you know what do we got what do we got pull it all out of a hat this shotgun approach to action movie writing yeah yeah well uh it's a Canon film and it's directed by Sam Furstenberg so there's two two pluses right there and has Michael dudikoff in it this is lastenburg movie and here's a little fancy dinner party so we're not just in the woods these are bad the the bad guys uh there's going to be some kind of bad boss that he's going to go to his Mansion at the end and throw him off the roof of the mansion right a mansion or full body I'm out of here okay should I should I go too bad Hunter we are the fantango hunting fraternity you've been looking for us I believe oh my God oh my God are those real people I think the kid was a dummy yeah so what are we gonna do well we always do improvised funny people said different things make a plan improvise oh [ __ ] it was like perfect okay for that to happen should I read the back of the box that Hercules Rec Tech Von Venus no we're opening my stocking now [Music] oh my God it's The Barbarians oh my God it's two buff dudes it's David Paul and Peter Paul they're the Barbarian twins they became celebrities called the Barbarian twins because of this film The Barbarians stars of the famous films twin sitters and other starring Michael Berryman oh oh yeah we could tell Michael's Michael Berryman story it's the Christmas tradition now gather around the fireplace and listen to Mike awkwardly try to remember something that happened to him the Unstoppable Barbarian Brothers seen recently in the flamingo kid and DC cab pit their awesome Brawn and their equally unbelievable sense of humor against the Fantastic Perils of a violent primeval World steeped in Magic and ruled by the sword captured as youths the identical twins Gore and kuchek are transformed into bestial gladiatorial Fighting Machines escaping the putrid death pits of the evil Tyrant khadar the twins set off on a fabulous quest to rescue their ravishing Queen Vanquish a mythical bog dragon and recover the magical Ruby of life a wild double-bladed romp into a fantasy Adventure so outrageous it takes two Heroes to handle it oh God that's them can I just say I love Fantasy names because you have normal English like we're speaking and then you just have somebody called gorg rocks yeah just put a combination of letters together and you get Gore and kuchakuchak the emulsafeter versus kedar all right let's watch it it says on the front the the tagline is Warriors conquerors Heroes here should be with like a question mark if it's a comedy that'd be great [Music] their helmets are gonna fall off they're gonna look into each other's eyes yeah yeah we're brothers [Applause] Earth but this next bus called broke the Rope where's my stocking threw it out hey mine [Music] breaking and breaking two Electric Boogaloo let's just do the breaking two we're skipping we're skipping breaking one we're gonna skip breaking one just go to Breaking two sure why not [Music] thank you okay even though we're skipping breaking uh the beat doesn't slow down for the slamming seat will break into Electric Boogaloo A hip-hop homage to the hey kids let's put on the show musicals of Hollywood's yesteryear this fly follow-up finds Our Heroes ozone and turbo um but this is American Gladiators yeah they're all aware of the effects of the sun expect the Barbarian Brothers to come out like American Gladiator outfits and start break dancing with names like that well they come out and rescue uh in rescue of a community center facing demolition at the hands of a greedy real estate developer featuring even more fancy footwork than the original film breaking two Electric Boogaloo is unquestionably the greatest film title of all time in the history of of film and storytelling has there ever been a heroic property developer anybody who builds a McDonald's I guess I don't know that shit's delicious Electric Boogaloo [Music] I was supposed to get a hot chest from wearing this might be wired wrong you lost your Edge you're the loser Punk try me yes there it goes dance off everything just leads to a dance off drip dance off who decides who wins the dance off we'll see it looks like they're all just having fun together now it's an artistic interpretation of them fighting in dance form okay I think it's not meant to be taken literally I think merry Christmas everybody oh what a wonderful Christmas this year will be nothing puts me in the Christmas spirit more than gross drizzly rain I'm filming this on a very rainy day windy blustery gross it's gross not like magical snow would you rather have four feet of [ __ ] snow I I not four feet but I would rather have some snow well how about four feet of snow like but after it's been maintained yeah I like a lot of snow when I don't have to deal with it four feet sure first snow to Mud December is the month of gray skies and human misery December is the most miserable month which is why which is why we've just stuck this artificially cheery holiday near the end of it yeah just just so more more people don't kill themselves in December okay put lights up get your vitamin D whatever distraction you need yeah that's that's why to take our mind off this miserable month we have now done our our second traditional Canon Christmas best of the worst episode which is hosting yeah he's grabbing the hosting yes this rarely happens it's a it's a very special holiday it's a Christmas spirit in them I have to grab the host rains because I didn't pick anything out of these socks that's true you [ __ ] did but you are the one that in years past has been why aren't we doing another Canon Christmas episode I because you know that we had a wonderful time the first time we did it we watched Death Wish three and I don't remember a single other thing we watched uh our first movie today is avenging force and Mike you you didn't pick this out of the stocking so yeah I did he was first and last tonight what do we call the second one middleburger directed by someone else Zuckerberg I don't know well we had the choice between a couple of different Canon action films that were placed inside my stocking uh I went with this because the premise sounded a little more out there than the other action movies and uh you know what's funny about tonight what um is that all three movies were were adequately good for what they were they were easily talked through I mean it you could pay attention but carry on conversation yeah thin on plot uh uh this one starts Michael dudikoff um American News he's got the personality of a ream of paper yet yet he started multiple Canon action films Canon was really trying to push him I think it was a case of like they'd look at their scripts and be like wow we can't put Charles Bronson in everything and Charles Bronson cannot do uh kicking [Applause] if I had to guess if I like I have no idea if I had to guess he probably started off as like Chuck Norris's stunt double it's a good that's a good guess it's a real good guess he said take that fake mustache off that man and make him the lead yeah we could do it for a third of the price yes yeah that's probably a part of it too now wait I I stopped I got to stop myself here for one moment okay because skimming the the the uh the the description I I forgot about one really important part production value they put up a lot of money into this and I got to give them a little credit for that the movie takes place in New Orleans New Orleans also known as New Orleans still too many syllables us milwaukeeans trying to sell them from like we're from New Orleans sandwich and down in nyal is and some fried crawdaddy Lobster fish uh whatever yeah French creole jambalaya fried crawdaddy po boy fish down in yalans with some blackened shrimp rice crawdaddy po boy French French beignet sandwich that seems very rich I really yeah they have a big big appetite down in here oh woman's but a big appetite for pots filled with tons of different things yeah but you set your action movie in New Orleans Louisiana end and we see a forest on the back and we're like oh no they're just gonna go in the forest what's New Orleans famous for the bayous swamps Mardi Gras an excessive crime [Music] foreign [Laughter] 's gonna happen [Applause] oh my God oh my God oh my God they shot Bubba Jesus yes they're killing everybody so this little town was his friends this is not shooting the rodeo yeah they filmed they filmed the rodeo they shot the rodeo they filmed some stuff got some cutaways and then kind of recreated a chunk of it for their shootout sure and we were like whoa extras squibs you know they they a lot with this we watch a lot of of low budget movies that are you know wannabe Hollywood movies and like I I think the thing that defines a Canon movie is just they transcend that a bit they're the the effort yeah you know it's the same kind of B-movie schlock but but God damn they give it their all to make these B movies feel like a movies we're not just gonna have characters shoot at each other for 15 minutes and that's our action scene they're going to shoot at each other then run to a new location and shoot at each other some more and then run up a ladder and shoot at each other some more and then someone's falling off that building foreign off the thing somebody's gonna get knocked off a roof possibly both of them look he's right on the edge come on yeah I'm a little disappointed wasn't a dummy oh that that's a fun shot I saw you knocked that guy good job in another movie this just would have been people walking around in the woods on a normal best of the worst night and it would have been [ __ ] awful but you're you got a [ __ ] car chase that ends up in a warehouse that's by a dock and then three people get knocked off of a giant scaffolding and they fall 100 feet into the ocean and not to mention the premise the brutality of the premise Michael dudikoff plays xcia Agent and he has his best friend is a black guy who's running politician who's running for Senate the villains of the film are the pentagonal Pentacle pentangle pentangle the pantavera it's a five-fingered organization called The pentangle Run by man old man old man and his second in command is goldacot who shouldn't have been the main henchmen because God damn that man is a great villain yes yes well said you know who he is that's Glastonbury should trademark that saying whatever you just said just trademark it Glastonbury he's the best Barry is the best guy the [ __ ] AKA um the butch man bald Butch man with the mustache and then there's um younger man but the important part is they're members of a group that is like xenophobic racist they don't they don't like minorities they're like America they're the most racist they're super racist people you'll ever know um absolutely disgusting human beings Americans they call us paranoid because we love our country rioting in the streets of our cities civil [Music] have been called electric boogers they should just copy this text for like a trump speech yeah yeah pump it through the teleprompter just see me he'll just read it like uh Ron Burgundy so they kill uh Michael dugoff's friend who's running for Senate I don't remember his name well they don't kill me no they shoot first yeah well something Richard yeah a whole bunch of bad [ __ ] happens to him and his wife and his little kids and it's it's really bad one of his kids gets shot and you're like oh my God this movie just killed a child during the Mardi Gras during the Mardi Gras older child there's Willis and Arnold he's got Willis Scott shop yeah when Willis gets shot first that's the inciting incident for the whole movie and I was like oh okay this is pretty brutal they're murdering a child but that's what you need to make us hate our villains and that's the kickoff for the whole film little did we know that as the movie would go on it would get more and more violent and cruel and brutal towards this poor family oh man does it ever we yeah we have some middling action in the middle of the movie and then we have the most glorious action scene well their original House in New Orleans uh in like the downtown area gets it gets graffitied up oh yeah oh yeah I think it's a swastika or two on it or a spelling race and then they say well you have to move you to the secure Farmhouse and we're gonna have like FBI or CIA guys like protecting you you and your family we promise they won't get distracted by soup getting a little chilly outside hot soup on the stove [Music] oh they shoot the senator in the leg with an arrow they set the house on fire they kill all the security guards they shoot his wife in the barn like just off camera she's just like oh no no don't yeah yeah I wasn't expecting she spits at him she spits at him oh oh damn whoa the most heroic death of all time even though it doesn't work out in the end when he goes back into the house he shot with a [ __ ] arrow in his back and he still goes in to save his child his child is up on like the third floor so he gets to the second floor and then the stairs collapse I I can't go any further it's now on you Michael dudikov yeah and then Michael oh my God [ __ ] up oh my God oh my God Jesus Christ at least his boring sister is alive yeah so hey they did kill his family and friends yeah it happened well he he goes outside he's on the roof and then him and a dummy version of that child oh that goddamn roof that kid would have been dead right there he got shot through the leg too yeah yes that kid would have been dead because they smack into the roof and then they smack into the porch and then they smack onto the ground that kid is just fine until they shoot and can murder him he gets put out of his misery do it well he probably broke every bone in his body well he got more [ __ ] up than uh than the zoops who's zoops what are you talking about Electric Boogaloo and zoops what were there two games what were the turtles whichever character fell down all this the concrete spells that was turbo I don't know he got more [ __ ] up he was probably end up in the hospital like Turbo with all of his broken limbs in it yeah there would be no dancing for that kid and Michael dudikoff got an arrow on the leg and pulled it out and said sorry kid I'm out of here my leg hurts a little how about Jesus Christ [ __ ] got dark too far uh there's uh a daughter a sister a sister this is a younger sister so Duty sister daughter and she should have been his daughter yeah or his wife I'm looking for a girl 12 years old but she loves making coffee and and then that old man tells her to make coffee in the car now Paul give me some cough when we go over those railroad tracks I shouldn't finish the dishes everyone Grandpa got blowed up by a grenade so then we get to the the last Trope of this which is almost just randomly tacked on to everything else this movie does which is the most dangerous game yeah well that's kind of like what the back of the box alludes to so we're like oh this is going to be one of those movies right Hard Target uh Apex the the famous movie Apex deadly prey deadly prey we're like they're gonna wander around the woods but yeah it's only the final Act of the movie but here's here's the thing though and it probably made this 20 times harder for them to film they hadn't [ __ ] raining yeah the whole thing which despite the fact that the filming in the woods made it seem not cheap yeah and visually interesting yeah well it made it feel more like yeah dangerous like they're they're not just fighting they gotta slip around in the bayou they make a mention of like oh alligators they go they come they go crazy when it's raining it's like a Storm's Brewing boys rain brings the Gators out which they don't really pay off because there's never an alligator yeah I thought one was going to come out of the water I was waiting for an hour it was an alligator yeah given this movie given the production company the budget I don't know if they had a rain machine or it was really raining out but it's raining for a good majority of it where I think they would have to have a rain machine because I was filming over like days just like suck up the water on the ground and shoot it up in the air because everyone's up to their like knees and water you just put one of the hose into the swamp Mike it's like then you gotta it's like okay every living thing in this swamp is going to be raining down shuts up on that motor and get chopped up you're just going to get covered in alligator faces just imagine just go under the water if you feel like you just take that punch go into the rinse off come back up yeah give more fecal matter on you like and they're really fighting in a swamp I mean there's legitimate dangers of snakes and leeches and crawdaddies and the Pea fish the the inbox like no the little no it's that that's I don't know what an Amazon thing this is Canon if it's bad [Laughter] ass Star Trek yeah oh look at his legs they're all crazy it's also visually kind of interesting because all the villains all the the the uh pentangle have their own little costume one looks like the [ __ ] one looks like a a member of the eyes wide shot uh orgy party oh yes yes yes um so yeah they all have their own little little like stick I wish there was more of that throughout the movie because it starts that way and it ends that way and the middle is when the movie kind of sags a bit but then the dude's voice was like I killed you and I Mr Jack King leads of the United States Sunny sounds like snaggle puss or something there's some sort of America you next time do the cough you're going to have a far right like Community have a salute like they certainly did they kind of it's like there was like this and then some people were like that no no they were like they were like they didn't do the full like Nazi salute thrilling yeah but main dude was like hitting his arm like [ __ ] you kinda yeah and then some people are like oh my God they didn't know what they're supposed to do yeah they were like are we Nazis uniforms only Connie were there to show them how to do it properly I know the goddamn liberal scream fascist but the simple truth is Hitler was right man was a Visionary I I see I I see good things about Hitler also what weird times we live in yeah who would have thought who would have thought [Music] a movie in Louisiana without fighting the Bayou not just the dry Woods ah thank you thank you and I could leave the set actually your body is going to be the Lioness mud puddle you know we can talk about the final fight because it's an it's an interesting idea for a fight yeah they don't execute it perfectly oh when he goes to his house yeah when they go into the specifically the ancient weapons room yes I loved it well he interrupts dudikoff interrupts the the fancy dinner where I guess they're just hanging out with a bunch of other racists and a little cat and uh they just talk about their plans for world domination yeah they're talking well they're talking about how much they love Hitler this is where they specifically are referencing to Hitler for the first time in the film still covered in blood he didn't even go home and change his clothes well he whitened his shirt a little bit I think like if his shirt would have dried with all the swamp on it it wouldn't be just like blood it'd be some dirt okay so I'm like just you know have you ever rolled around in swamp water and then had it dry out found some crawdaddies in his underwear a pole boy up in between his butt cheeks there's all sorts of stuff floating around in the water oh because Po Boys some Mardi Gras beads and discarded bras it's just like pulling it all out of his clothes oh gross oh good dry off and go go to his house I thought he was gonna kill that whole room of people they missed a trick what's up to me due to call for the dinner he says I'll be back I will return and God they they miss an opportunity for judicov to just like throw his body into the room right into the middle of the table before before stepping in and telling all the dinner parties there I'm about to get you guys next you're next yeah I really missed the trick make some better choices are your next spreading all over this country like a brush fire on a hot summer day I'm gonna put the suit of armor on now give me a few moments that would be funny you barely move just can't defeat him the ultimate draw just never stops both get tired and fall asleep next day wake up they start again start again [Music] oh it's on quarters down this movie is the ultimate like of Peaks and valleys of boredom and excitement [Laughter] well they have a little conversation then go up the stairs to the weapons room yeah I think it was a little reminisce of uh Enter the Dragon because like after the mirror room or whatever there's like all the weapons and [ __ ] yeah so it was like honky Enter the Dragon I like Matrix Reloaded when they fight with all the weapons yeah in the big French Mansion wow you remember vaguely remember that film I mean he's talking about some kind of [ __ ] movie Enter the Dragon I don't know what that is Reloaded before all the real comments should we make a point uh sex on the bottom of the screen to make sure people understand that you do know in reality what enter well no okay let them figure out let it Let Them Fight yeah it was a dragon Bruce Chan [Music] oh how ironic African art ah right here I get it [Music] I can't believe no [Music] it's a quality death got a little tough on his knees after 12 takes but she's through the crisis she's coming round she'll be traumatized for the rest of her life but let me recommend a good therapist oh hi but you said Canon like eventually pushed themselves to the brink where they ran out of money they tried to take on bigger properties like messages Masters of the Universe and Superman four yeah and then do you think like this one was which phase was this like right before this this was like right in the uh the prime period where they were at the top of their game uh we're like spending more and more and more and more money train is never going to end with that [ __ ] if it wasn't a rain machine I was impressed they used the rain machine yeah in terms of like all three of these movies the production value and all three of these movies was pretty darn good yeah I think all three of these are kind of in the like the the height of Canon's uh uh Power whatever you want to call success they were in full bloom yes yes and this movie is like this is what built the company they had some more successful movies the kind of more famous ones that we joke about like death of three but kind of C grade action schlock it's not too memorable but is kind of fun that that that was their bread and butter and avenging force is like right in there it's a little unfocused and if you focus we we should get in a time machine and go back in time and be like Consultants on Canon films listen monachum listen it's not gonna cost you a dime dad a little characterization Michael dudikoff couple lines of dialogue couple lines of dialogue a couple scenes with a lady they did the breakdown it would have taken like four months of having him work with an acting coach in order to give him his character Arc and that was just too costly you'll have your next big action film that's going to play on theaters and people are going to line around the block to watch it it's going to be the next big thing trust us you're just going to make a couple tweaks to your film I want to make Superman [Laughter] Superman seven years ago all the kids that love hey men are now in college but I'm still going to make Masters of the Universe and maybe he had that idea because of uh ball gag assassin and the He-man um [Music] a little more kinky but yeah we don't get her He-Man characters until the next movie then we get our He-Man character there you go yeah that's a good segue because they their bodies look exactly like those He-Man action figures I always thought humid was atomically incorrect until I saw them our next film of the evening was the barbarians and I believe Jay you you picked this one I did I put this on my stocking it was such a shock I didn't know what film I was getting and there was The Barbarians it was completely fakely randomly chosen out of the three options Peter Paul watched three David Paul the Barbarian Brothers there's nobody no music no colors nothing so they were hired for their acting right I should have called this movie The acting Brothers [Laughter] why didn't they start more movies they did they started a number of movies as the Barbarian twins because I I think it started with this movie and they were like trying to make that the thing like we're gonna Market them they're gonna be the next big action comedy stars in a day it went real slow [Music] both physically and successfully yeah and these guys are twice as huge physically because there's two of them what could go wrong what what could go wrong you mean you wanna arm wrestle they need Austrian accents this is the problem I don't know I I think they're they are what save this movie or what make this movie I should say the movie itself is fine but it starts as a very like typical kind of mid-80s sword and sorcery movie Barbarian movie Richard Lynch Richard Lynch yeah he actually thinks he's in a real fantasy movie everyone thinks they're in a real fantasy movie except for the Barbarian Twins and they're they're little and girl that follows them on their Adventure gee thanks but yeah no and that's the interesting thing where it's it makes me wonder if like this was conceived to be just a generic Barbarian movie and then for whatever reason Golan and Globus got in their heads Like These Guys these Meat Heads we met at the gym are going to be the next big action Stars put them in your movie are you kidding oh look at us we're huge they're they're fun to watch it doesn't make for a good movie but they seem to be just having a good time and I think that that rubs off on your your viewing of it where you're like you know what they're having fun [Applause] [Laughter] hey got an idea what if I said this in the scene say whatever he wants here just don't hit me they did the comedy dial is at like two and a half they needed to turn it up to like eight like my rewrite of them being like newt New Jersey Gym Rats who are working out late at night that get sucked into a Time Vortex because they're they're arguing with each other like yeah what do we do and they they sound like they're from the East Coast they don't sound like they're from like some mystical land of whatever yeah they sound dumb yeah right here there's no Ruby here I know there's no Ruby here what do you want me there's no Ruby here no kidding but what am I supposed to what are we gonna do I don't know it's like we'll do your movie if we could just flex your muscles and also we love Abbott Costello so if we could do our version of Abbott Costello jokes look I just want to lift someone above my head every once in a while yeah yeah like Bill and Ted Like are stupid California Surfer guys if if Bill and Ted were bodybuilders had were bodybuilders equally intelligent got thrown into some historical contact you make them so stupid they think they're at the Renaissance Fair sure they're never aware of never aware well that's kind of the first thing that's a fantasy world uh like Galaxy Quest right where they they're they don't think any of this is real right and that's where the comedy comes from yeah here it's just it is a straightforward kind of sword and sorcery Barbarian movie with the only joke really being the anachronistic qualities of their performances yes and the girls first of all Breaking joke yeah very like the girl is very like Valley Girl look at the size of YouTube she looks like a young Britney Spears and she just sounds like the girl at the mall yeah I think she took her cues though from the Barbarian brothers and that's the kind of movie okay that's how they're acting that's the tone of this movie I'm gonna give her the benefit of the doubt and she thought well that's that's what I need to do and I'm going to place a high value bet on the fact that the director didn't give a [ __ ] Sam ferstenberg no this isn't Sam firstenberg this is Sam Furstenberg Sam Furstenberg the middle one is uh this is like an Italian co-production because the director is regero diadato famously directed The Classic children's film Cannibal Holocaust okay a miracle a miracle the ragniks can choose another queen hurry hurry we're all gonna get laid Claudio de bagarborough he had no idea what was going on he didn't know that their their performance was was Goofy he just was like what's going on with the camera pointy where's the camera pointy the big a muscle man to say the things we you hit me up baby one more time and and he had no idea what they were doing are you saying the Braves were actually got a scene and he's facing another way looking at the crew thinking the crew are like the X movie yes he thought the muscle guys were like like the guys that just like rig up all the equipment his face wrong way thinking geez Jesus you're distracting everybody else with your muscles you're trying to shoot a film here they were 397 kilograms they could stomp on my grapes uh smashing my grapes on my Vineyard do your job the star of my movie is trying to light the set foreign [Laughter] never mind I want it back it opens with the uh a caravan of circus folk yep with natural properties jugglers fire breathers fire spitters uh people a knife thrower they're probably they are magical creatures who have a magic Ruby the McGuffin of the film that gives you some things purchase for a mountain of gold because they have the magic Ruby they are given a magic tattoo that allows them to pass through any land in this world that is ruled by the power of the sword so they're basically immune to any warring factions all over the world they're happy entertainers that are given a free pass by anyone to travel around the world except when Richard Lynch shows up bastard bad guy they fight them there's a battle scene and to the movie's credit all these circus folk use all their their talents to fight the uh the bad guys yes yes that is a fun it's a fun sequence it would have been a better movie if it were just about the circus troupe having to fight against it we had Paul Rubens wherein the queen amidal had dressed yes uh we had a whole array of colorful wacky characters but the point is the Barbarian twins names Paul David Paul no and their characters Gore and kuchak kuchak they are mere seven eight-year-old boys yes that then get sold off into slavery by uh Richard Lynch he promises not to kill them which is why the queen submits to him yes but their entire lives from age eight to age 25 is is spent carrying rocks breaking rocks in a in a slave mine or a Work Camp being whipped by Michael Berryman they come out of this situation not grizzled and angry and bitter and dark but happy-go-lucky Gym Rats from New Jersey that's the joke of the movie our villain who has promised not to kill these boys nor anybody under his rule is allowed to kill these children so the clever way around that is to train them all their life to be Gladiators to put helmets on them they've been separated since they were children so they haven't seen each other and to have them kill each other it doesn't go so well the subversion is they take off there's helmets and they're just hey oh it's you it's you away we're gonna buddy right hey we're big dumb guys [Music] get your arms out of the way yeah no [ __ ] your leg that would be [ __ ] great if they're chopping off yeah like they don't give a [ __ ] oh [Music] hey it's a Christmas beer I'm so happy oh oh they're conveniently oh look like me Canary she's alive that's right bonehead and we gotta get out of here I wish they established that a little bit more oh they're not gonna miss children that they're goofy that they [ __ ] want to say goody out bonehead I just want to play with the Scorpion [Music] Hamming it up now I'm surprised that the dude didn't want to kill these kids after one of the kids bit off dude's fingers because the print the queen promised to surrendered him if he wouldn't kill them man my fingers bit off I probably would just be like I don't know what happened it was an accident I snapped this child well also I live in this horrible world where everybody's a Monster who cares if I break my word or not without getting crass what did the queen provide Richard Lynch nothing this movie is not fully thought through because he was the second of his hair he called it his Harem but unlike the other women in his Harem that just kind of laid around in a big pile and slept on each other she was specifically kept in a cage but but it was like there was just blatant with the rape as most Barbarian movies are yes that's true it was kind of like a PG Barbarian movie but he didn't I guess today they were like presser about the Ruby like the Sorceress it's been 10 years now just kidding around to asking her they do this every day for 10 years we don't it's important he seems to want to we don't know why he wants it why why does this villain who already is in charge of his Empire want a gem that will make you more entertaining at parties he just wants to be a juggler I'm sick of being the one at the table not saying anything while I'm eating his soup should this movie have gone Full comedy sure there have been scenes with Richard Lynch and he's got like juggling pins he just keeps trying but he just can't do it damn it he's really good at being like a like an evil dictator monster but but he's not good at entertaining he keeps fire he keeps forcing his head his henderlings to watch his stand-up comedy routines and then and then if you don't laugh you can beheaded the problem is there's a lot in this movie that we're just not sure if they're supposed to be jokes that didn't land or not yeah so if they're going for comedy they missed the mark because there's a when they go into the the layer to get the Gem we keep seeing glimpses of this monster that's following them oh yeah it's it's lurking in the background and we see its eyes then what you think is going to be an epic encounter with this Wolf Monster [Music] oh my God it's a wolf man oh no whoa you just wanted to be your friend oh my God that was it and they just cut his head off right away and it's no problem immediately and then mock his course he's like holding it up making it bark Jesus let's let this go on for 10 minutes she was smiling like that was just like an outtake they're just going around yeah was that a poorly poorly executed joke where the the confrontation they've been building up to was an anti-climax maybe maybe the red ruby yes was put inside the eye of like a a a stone snake sculpture yes that was protected by the dragon yes and in order for them to go get the Ruby they had to get weapons remember so they go to that like disgusting bar thing where other people medieval strip club the medieval strip club where there was a contortionist dancing on a stage covered with with with fur foreign [Music] they desperately need weapons they beat up some people and then they find magic weapons somewhere and then the bad guys beat them too I guess the bad guys get the sacred weapons so evil Lynn and Michael Barrymore aren't able to defeat the dragons eaten Barry Basia he's not related to uh your best friend Drew Barry to Drew yeah is that another joke here's here's two of her main villains and our heroes don't even have a confrontation with them they just get eaten by a dragon off screen yeah was that supposed to be a joke foreign [Music] which was confusing because we thought they were talking about China Richard Hatch for some reason has uh an evil in and then at the end she gets sucked up by the dragon and then our barbarians go inside the dragon's mouth and find her and is that when they get the Red Room not chewed up I guess the dragon just swallowed her whole and yeah killed her maybe she had a heart attack from the weird experience it's like a boa constrictor swallows you whole and then just digestives she's not being constricted the dragon swallows her whole she has plenty of rooms but now she's just dead there's there's no Oxygen inside the dragon she she passed out okay she died of embarrassment now it's time to talk about the smooth turret around the world Rich tell us all about Barbarian incestors well the transition from what we were talking about I know I want to talk about I've been waiting to talk about it [Music] oh I guess you were kind of right yeah that's very unfortunate foreign [Laughter] we knew these guys wanted to kiss each other from the get-go they they I mean they're living out the McNamara Brothers biggest fantasy really because there's been the movie did you [ __ ] yourself it's the ultimate narcissism these guys are who the McNamara Brothers wish they were these guys are bigger yeah they're funnier and they go full force and kiss each other on the mouth they're younger they're stronger they're handsomer and they're not Canadian they are the McNamara's dream come true and they they actually can [ __ ] each other McNamara's can due to the contractual obligation who made this contract they did their mother did Rich tell us all about the kids heard around the world tropin movies that when like the the guy and girl who don't necessarily like each other are forced to work together but they don't want to get noticed by the guards because the faces are recognizable so the guards walk by and oh they start kissing and the guards will see our faces so the joke is the two brothers are standing next to each other when the guards can buy oh no we have to kiss each other and that was done as a joke but I I think they got uncomfortable about being seen as gay so immediately after this there's like five not gay scenes they just they just run into the bad guy's Harem and just ravish his his girls all night long yeah because they kiss each other and then there's just a tent of naked women for no reason and they just Google boobies so they're not so that they convert actually looked at the camera and said we're not gay yeah boobies oh so the the the uh ultimate climax of the film The Showdown between the barbarians and Richard Lynch [Music] seriously that's what happened oh my God that's amazing that's a wonderful that didn't even register with me I forgot about the fingers that's the perfect combination of clever and stupid they've never reiterated the fingers thing since the very beginning so I completely forgot about it they should have set it up a little more and he completely forgets that he lost his Trigger Finger 11 years ago right after it happened he had some kind of thing on his hand but then after that they you just forget about it yeah I mean maybe that was to them that was the payoff you this thing that happened at the beginning of the movie you know Citizen Kane says Rosebud in the beginning we don't hear about it till the [ __ ] end right yeah weird thing is though like it's been 11 years you think he would have learned that he doesn't have fingers anymore by then yeah but yeah that's the barbarians I don't know I uh I I know these guys did some other movies that were all like Cheapo garbage they did not become the next Schwarzenegger [Music] and it's good that a brother found out it's just like I don't really want this thing I want the other thing but then again he really wants my thing so I'm gonna have fun with it he's gonna be like give me that I want that and then he's gonna give me his thing and I'm gonna make that scene more fun that was like they thought that was such a good joke that that becomes the Capper to the whole movie comedy in twos The Barbarians I want the rain oh here they go the ring I don't like the ring good electric just like the sword get out we're done wow wow we're done wow the movie stopped [Music] [Applause] we're back everybody and we're back we've got our our final movie and it's probably one of the most famous sequel names of all time yeah and and now it's unfortunate it was unfortunately co-opted by extremists by extremists so please how does anyone expect to be taken seriously when they wear Hawaiian shirts I don't know there's a reason Weird Al doesn't write serious music but [ __ ] those guys Tim tell us about break into drink Boogaloo since it's a Blu-ray that's right wait is that on the box electricity [Laughter] well um man when did the first one come out it's the title of the Canon documentary Electric Boogaloo it's it's the most famous sequel subtitle of all time it's this and The Squeakquel those are the two that everybody goes to when they talk about like joke sequel the movie is more famous for its name than the movie it is yeah well that's because the movie if you watch it it all just Blends together into like a fever dream of dancing and nonsense dancing in 80s 80s fashion yeah yeah attempts at creating 80s Fashions I feel like some of the things in this movie were not actually fashion but they wanted it to become a thing give us the plot okay okay he wants to do the movie Justice let him think about it so it's an important story if you you know uh breaking introduced the three main characters of Kelly ozone and turbo Kelly from very affluent uh uh a family and all that stuff and ozone and Turbo from the streets damn it just shut the [ __ ] up and let the man tell the plot of Electric Boogaloo I just wanted to hit up break into electric Boogle he's trying to tell the plot I want to know if he's seen breaking one but uh he's seen Breaking the Waves it's very similar I'm sorry so just shut up I've seen Point Break I saw Point Break uh Point breaking it's bad like Breaking Bad which is good I've seen I've seen Breaking Bad Breaking the Waves to Electric boogler okay it's a good film Tim tell us all about okay rich wants to know if you've seen break in one nope okay so breaking two electric boogers yes I wanted to watch it because it's like Boogaloo is a fun word to say when your child an electric anything better is plugged in it's Electric Boogie Oogie Oogie but anyway this is the follow-up story it's like at the end of break-in they're just like wow Kelly and ozone and turbo overcame so many like hurdles you're assuming friends yeah yeah I'm assuming I'm assuming I'm assuming what happens in breaking one they they break I haven't here I haven't seen breaking one but I'm going to tell you what happens in breaking one oh uh she's an uptight preppy rich girl who's whose parents have her life plotted out for her he does who does fancy dancing yeah she sees people fancy dancing on the street and her parents scoff at it but she's secretly intrigued by it and then no no she does fancy dancing not not in breaking one and breaking one she's like oh my God he doesn't know what fancy dancing is so [ __ ] dense Rich fans we're fancy dancing is traditional dancing Reagan is the cool dance yeah you're right you're right she hasn't as in highbrow up across snooty she does she does pure weddings she does ballet oh ballet different bow and ozone she she falls out of her parents limo when they take a turn that's just too sharp oh it's kind of like overboard yeah overboard she is Goldie Hawn falls off into Kurt Russell's or ozone does she hit her head and lose her memory she rolls on the ground and hits her head on a fire hydrant instead of calling I I remember that I remember that happening in this movie he wakes up in a warehouse where everyone's breaking and she's like I don't have dudes I don't know who I am but I know how to dance are you Dr Death and she's like no I'm turbo and then at the end they defeat the the bad dance troop because we didn't we can't introduce the souls dancing culture but then she starts to remember who she is and she has to she has to make the choice between you know what her parents want her to do and the dancing that she's learned to love so much so kind of like breaking two Electric Boogaloo yeah well this is that this is I mean this is a typical sequel where they just do the same thing yeah I really missed you look like Showbiz been treating you good actually I'm pretty burnt out what's he sweeping for pennies hey all right Kelly's back all right Jesus she's well liked everybody loves her [Music] ah the mailman's didn't do it [Music] everyone's breaking oh the telephone operator [Music] man's crazy look at everybody's they're they're all ages and races are all dancing together brought together by the power of bad music I mean if that's what it takes to bring people together it's a fair trade-off even the car is dead and we'll start with breaking two the story of Kelly showing up to Miracle now Miracle is a nice uh building that lets all the the neighborhood kids go and break and dance and Riff Raff and like they love dancing and it's like a community center yes it's a community center Miracles is a place that it's like this is Street and it's like all these kids on the street there's no way that they are going to be able to get together and be happy and like not cause problems that would be a miracle holy [ __ ] there's a building where that happens Miracle it's a miracle let me get this straight Miracle is a built-in where children go inside to do what the children ordinarily do outside on the street yes or foreign hospitals they do it pretty much we're on a tractor-trailer hey come on let's turn the music up keep that energy up why isn't you dancing [Music] why isn't you dancing come on now do you need to ask that question Feel The Beat he's into it I'm a miracle is is a building that's owned by the city but the caretaker is our as our elderly black man named I don't know his name I just am very proud of myself for recognizing from recognizing him from uh ghetto blaster a movie we watched 26 years ago whoever you are you got no business coming around here with that equipment this is a deep hole but I think that old guy might have been in do you remember ghetto blaster of course we did on the show a million years ago I still vividly remember the old guy that's like what are you doing to my cat what are you doing the Marquette I recognize this voice because I always have that in my brain look what are you doing to my cat so anyway ghetto blaster runs Miracles you get an ozone and turbo are like we love this place too and look at him where are we they welcome all kinds of dancers yeah and little kids rhymes a mime yes a mime with a half he only did the mouth you know they're tolerant when they accept mimes right and and they do all like all sorts of dancing but they do have a rival dance gang Electro okay which which one's uh which one's Neutron and which ones right the electro rage Electro rage Electro rage Neutron and proton hi yo what's up oh ozone is the tall one because he's the older tall one who's gonna be up in the ozone okay that's a good way to remember and the other one is Turbo because he went really fast when he fell down those stairs ozone is in love with Kelly yes I thought they were in a relationship the movie starts and she shows up and they're immediately smooching I thought they were like oh they're a couple I thought there were a couple that got together at the end of breaking one yeah me too turns out she has a fiance in a kiss and breaking one they did remember when we watched that film oh breaking one yeah yeah but turbo is the younger guy the one who ends up Dancing On The Ceiling yeah um and he is in love with latino girl yes who is is part of a different subculture of dancers yeah who dance on a stage remember yeah in front of and he's like I don't speak your language you just say there's a stage and we'll know they dance on it okay he's in love so so there's multiple factions multiple ethnicities um groups all at all in Los Angeles and they all dance they all love to dance and they they just want to dance too hard I'm picturing like the real world audio is someone that far away it just looks like a bunch of insane people oh this would be a great oh uh uh shreds shreds yeah [Applause] to be fair it is kind of a beautiful Harmony we never really see Earth in Star Trek but I imagine this is what they're doing they're just non-stop dancing and even even their gang fight was was was rather beautiful they just said you know what we don't need violence we just we're going to settle our differences with dance whether it's interpretive on us well we were talking about that during that scene we're like is this supposed to be metaphorical or interpretive yeah like a musical but later on when uh Boogaloo shrimp AKA Turbo Turbo is Dancing On The Ceiling yes his love interest comes into the room and she's like what the [ __ ] so I think all the dancing is literal what's happening he's going to the wall there it goes camera tricks yeah there's like a hole in the wall and you can see through it oh are we gonna get a split screen what the [ __ ] [Music] look at them what what it's really happening it's not just his imagination how did they do it a shitload of hairspray yeah harness yeah out of any crazy ass movie thing to cause a romantic or sex scene to happen this is it the room rotating room oh just not a technical level it's just [ __ ] it's just [ __ ] awesome in a goofy movie that is a great effect yeah it looks great it's fun and they don't have like uh like occasionally they cut two because there's uh uh what you call it it's a skylight and you know we see him dancing on it and it almost looks like a like a break dancing mat or something but then we cut to the exterior through the window they took the time to shoot that totally different setup yeah okay here's something that happened in breaking one oh okay turbo dances with a broom look it up you mentioned that because he thought it happened because I thought it happened it might it's like I've I've only seen some pieces I thought you went back to making up stuff that happened in Breaking water no no no no no no no no no from the first movie finances with a broom and so they're like holy [ __ ] how do we stop that tanning is on the phone they want to make a break and two wow we got a [ __ ] top turbo in his broom we can use a vacuum [ __ ] do you remember the scene when uh ozone is Turbo comes to Ozone for help with ladies he's like I'm in love with this Mexican girl dance with my doll I have a doll I have a ozone as a doll of Kelly looks suspiciously like Kelly and has has kind of a worn out crotch area why is there a slimy hole it's kind of like a version of uh Kelly kinda looks like a haircut yeah yeah that's why they did that so they could transition no she did she refuse to be in the scene with a doll yeah she was supposed to show him how to dance with a lady wait a minute it's getting all weird now tripping I'm sorry but I dropped acid about two hours ago and now you're with my woman [Music] oh How Bizarre oh yeah yeah I hear they realize they don't need no woman that's why yeah and then they're dancing and then it keeps like inner cutting to like other real life characters and then the dial falls apart I mean all bets are off reality is bending it's a musical it's it's an action films it's everything yeah you do it kind of like like one musical number or one dance scene bleeds into the next where they just sort of like dissolve the music and it just keeps going and it becomes like a fever dream it just keep they just keep dancing a fever dream where developer Ron Johnson uh wants to build a supermarket or or a ball of them all then just later they say a supermarket he's an 80s corporate billion villain we can just assume he wants to build something on property foreign [Applause] if you put the entire cast in a lineup and you're like pick the [ __ ] curmudgeon who wants to change everything 100 would be like that guy he's a crusty old white guy in a suit whose Dentures are falling out and the plot of the movie is like five minutes of the movie like if you were to condense that early scene remember oh yeah they're like get in get out we need more dancing I want to build that shopping center I want to build it on the site that we talked about and that building that the kids are in well that has got to go it almost feels like parody I want zoning's cooperation [Music] get the plot scene out of the way as quickly as possible although as for grown-ups who are into our 40s we look at this through different lenses and we say well maybe the mall is a good idea the cynical nature like you can't just dance forever in a building that's about to be condemned that job is going to help you a lot more than dance news [Music] the only sad thing is which if you know they're not gonna they're not gonna use like violence or anything but it's not gonna turn into an action movie it's just gonna be like they're gonna win a dance competition or something if it started like this and it turned into death wish three yes yes yeah I thought you were gonna say the sad thing is they're not actually going to tear down this building so that businessman can finally build a shopping mall I mean it would be great if they started tearing it down while they're all in there dancing oh my God I was just like like peons with machine guns coming and just like mowing everyone down and the the few that survived have to like defeat him the top of his skyscraper a dancing Kung Fu battle Yeah like the girl she's like I want to choose between Princeton the abandoned building with my friends who did it's about to collapse the building's about to collapse uh I know your dad's supposed you have your dream job in Paris or you can slum it up and the literal slum but Stanley tells me that you backed out of that Paris deal in order to run off with that that uh street dancer yes my friend's battling any two hundred thousand dollars so I quit by the job you want me to take so I could help them if only somebody would give them two hundred thousand dollars I would be able to take that job I'll bail out miracles [Music] you thought you were smarter than the movie you were wrong Princeton or end up on Skid Row stop Choice that's not a hard choice I mean Miracles is only going so far yeah yeah in the long long term care of ourselves we don't need your money yes you do [Laughter] you desperately do or this city will demo the building I said all those characters all the way down to the five-year-olds they're all gonna end up on Skid Row oh so I'm gonna be cheating on you with that other girl in like five months six months someone's gonna start doing heroin where the the mirrors is there a new drug that makes you dance well if they if that if that exists they're already taking it and breaking two because these people are are lunatics well that's the reveal we get break it through they're all taking this drug that makes you dance it's not even a pill you drink it breaking three withdrawal [Laughter] not drug related but oh withdrawal in the dance hall that's good this movie feels like a like a virus movie and the virus is dancing and it just is contagious and it's like a zombie film but with dancing bones within days there's that too we should mention the hospital scene which is the best that's the best scene in the film yeah [Music] oh my God the alien was gonna pop out [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] the power of Dance Can't Stop him oh my God everybody [Music] oh no oh my god wow sexy nurses what the [ __ ] [Music] never come back to coming to life right [Music] [Music] dude he's just dead [Applause] the power of sans this is amazing this has gone off the rails foreign [Music] what happened so the ticking clock is they've been given 30 days grace period to come up with two hundred thousand dollars to make desperately needed structural repairs to the building to make it up to code yeah so the obvious way to do this is to have a dance concert and then it's like the media shows up and they confront the Builder and he's like oh yes my Building Company Douglas Building Company uh uh I'm out we have the Douglas Construction Company Feel we won't disrupt the community we will withdraw from the project let's see the power of Dance this is dancing or just standing in front of the construction equipment to lead up to the big [Music] it's teaching you that you don't solve a problem you just pout [Music] and a obstruct and then the problem solves itself it needed to be the big moment or they need the dance number to win the competition and they need the help of Turbo and then he just bursts out of his cast power of music and they're just like spectacular outfit on under his hospital gown for some reason he just rips off and he starts dancing that's how you end the movie and why don't you tell him about it they tried to raise money they didn't get there and then they did not wait they're still doing the show the day before concert so like before before some reason the writers have chosen to completely de-escalate the threat yes I think that's so you don't have to worry about it if you're watching the movie and you're worried you're actually invested in the plot and you're worried about oh will they make it now that's not a problem so you can just enjoy the dancing and just watching make all the money I think that's the idea even though uh in story terms yeah it's it's bizarre they needed a story and then they had it and then they they like resolved it they just let it go too logically about movies you think too like you think two movies about movies you think what nothing here that's our job I know but no I'm saying like you you were like the guy that writes the 80s movies but these are not those movies these all have like the facade of logic these are like you look at them from a distance and it looks like a movie yeah but then you think about it and nothing adds up the monets of movies I really just love the fact that breaking and breaking two gave the positive messages of a community forward MC iced tea yes it's just like he's nailing it with positivity I'm like this guy is gonna go places he's gonna work with the community and he's gonna make sure everybody stays clean and this is 1984 so you know he's got oh [Music] he was going with the flow whatever was popular at the time break dancing rap I gotta say that a lot of the skills of breaking from breaking to break into to today has come Leaps and Bounds um yeah yeah have you seen like some like you should just look up some like robot like dancing and you gotta wiggle your hands around like it's cool did Breaking two come out too late for The Fad probably it was probably like slightly after the fat had started what year is this one what year what year was Star Trek 3 because there was a lot of Klingons [ __ ] popping and walking 86 was Star Trek four it would have been 80 83 four I'm assuming 43 82. Search for Spock was 82. yeah so I think it's 83 is because this is Star Trek three I I saw this during its theatrical run no in the drive-in theater what it was playing as a dual feature with Star Trek 3. and so the family night I wanted to see Star Trek three what's the Star Trek 3 and they played Breaking two first and I had to sit through breaking two and I was just like I just we're the [ __ ] spot I want to find spark already God damn it I'm sitting breaking two was the real search for what yeah what if you watch it that's like the [ __ ] like listening to The Wizard of Oz uh oh the dark side of the moon but you need to watch break into into the Search for Spock yeah and there's gonna be something yeah you'd play them the audio from break into while watching search for smog It lines up it all lines up but did you think while you're watching break into that someday when you're when you're 56 you'd be talking about it on a on a bright green table to the internet like would where you jump Christmas hats they're wearing a Christmas hat I thought thank God I'll never need to watch this again okay there it is there it is there it is it happened what a magical movie memory yes through his movements he's gonna go take a piss I feel like I'm in the movie [Music] oh yes I guess I am in charge here uh we're at the the end of the night it is time I I guess we'll go around uh Tim what is your pick for best of the worst I will have to go uh barbarians stupid hilarity and like a great practical effects but boy did I call at least three or four things in that movie and I'm pretty [ __ ] proud of that put these up they're proud so yeah barbarians I guess it's up to me then I'm I'm kind of on the fence I'm actually I'm almost a three-way split oh I'm a two-way split yeah I'm a three-way yeah yeah there's stuff I appreciate about all of these movies for for being a try hard movie that doesn't quite get there it's being just something that's kind of just bizarre the goofy goofy leads really goofy leads and just all around what the [ __ ] and then electric googlers Electric Boogaloo I'm just gonna you know what just just to keep things evenly distributed I'm just gonna go with avenging Force okay just just to keep things evenly distributed so we can have some excitement for who the actual winner is so avenging force is definitely the most Canon movie Yes like when you think of what a Canon movie is it's that [Music] oh so Jay what is your pick uh mine's Electric Boogaloo I thought about it for for five seconds and I decided the the the hospital scene is just so fun it's so entertaining to watch it's the stupidest [ __ ] thing I've ever seen in my life and it's colorful and I enjoyed it Mike I'm with Jay Electric Boogaloo is my pick all the way I'm I'm kind of glad you went with that I know I picked a vegging Force just to keep things even well the thing is all three movies are all pretty good they're all they all kind of do a thing but just on just the most basic level I think I had the most fun watching Electric Boogaloo I I still hated it I hated all three I did because you're just like what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing why are you doing that like a benching Force just ah you know so much potential they've spent so much money great great like Mardi Gras action the the swamps and the rain and you just used to fix this character barbarians like is it a comedy is it not what are you doing this it's the same thing it's like you're trying to make a like a fun like musical but you're just kind of like vague vaguely giving the choreography and the music and it's it's just sort of like no music stands out in the music yeah and that's weird yes exactly there's nothing fun musical fun dancing's great but none of the music really stands out overall it's mostly embarrassing and it's and it's but like there are many standout moments my recommendation is just go look up clips for the hospital scene and the spinning room scene and then you've got everything you need to get out of breaking two I don't know I think if you watch it from start to end it has like some sort of weird psychological effect on you because it's it's not they never stop Dancing Yeah you get drawn into it it's not like like a musical there there'll be a musical number and then there's plot happening plot happening characters there's scenes happening and then another musical number this one it's just non-stop dancing a good a good musical will develop the characters through the song that's yeah that's the goal that as well the problem is everything was like laid out in a super fine detail in breaking and we [ __ ] threw outbreak and we're just like give us the [ __ ] rough yeah yeah it's like Jaws too you didn't need the sequel shark blew up in the first one [Laughter] and the fourth one for no reason it blew up they stabbed it and it blew up and that's the end of the movie it got impaled on the master of the ship as it jumped out that is exploding uh but I don't I I don't want to destroy any of these films I don't know about you guys they all have a special place in my heart until tomorrow when I forget all about them that's fine tomorrow wait what did we watch it is tomorrow that'd be the first time you remembered something for more than three hours I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt maybe tomorrow I think Boogaloo has so many images that'll be just imprinted in your brain I'll tell you I'll tell you this what tonight really did make me want to do is watch The Electric Boogaloo documentary I have a major itch to watch that now that is a great documentary yeah yeah we recommend that if you haven't seen it watch Electric Boogaloo the untold story of Canon films I think it's the title that's good we hear from Lucinda Dickey from breaking two we hear from Michael dudikoff I don't think the Barbarian brothers are in it have a Merry Christmas everyone a Happy New Year we're done we're done here you gotta cut it on that laughs [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,885,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans
Id: mhhWpwkWRiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 12sec (5652 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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