Best of SNL Five-Timers Club: Will Ferrell

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-It is so nice to be back hosting "Saturday Night Live," New York City in the house! Get your hands up! Get your hands up! Is this a thing that people still do? I don't know. ♪♪♪ -Do you think anyone's home? -Well, I hope so. We got to figure out where this leak is coming from. [ Doorbell rings ] -Yes? -Hi, we're your neighbors. We're renting out the unit downstairs for the summer. -Oh, the basement unit. -Yeah. -Oh, what a surprise. Honey, the basement people are here. Come in, come in. -Ah, visitors, what a treat. I was just BBQing some urchins. Can I offer you something to drink? Hot cream? -Um, no thanks. Uh, we have a leak in our ceiling, and we're just trying to figure out where it's coming from. -Mm. How curious. Won't you sit down? [ Sizzles ] -Allow us to introduce ourselves. This is my wife, Nooni, and I am Nuni. -Nuni and Nuni? -That is correct! You are the first Californians to pronounce our names correctly. -Yes, you're really using the muscles in your uvula perfectly. -Yeah, hey, uh, how does this work? -Put your face in the face hole, silly. -[ Laughter ] -This chair is neat. Is this a barber chair? -Y-Yes, but here, but look, Tato! -Tato, do her chair. -Oh! [ Chuckles ] Wow. Wow, how high does this chair go? -You don't know? This is a limited edition prop. -[ Laughter ] -Next year, I'm going to buy a goldfish. [ Laughs ] -That's great, man. Hey, um, what is that hissing noise? -Oh, that is my chair melting. It is melting because it is made of ice. -Yeah, okay. Well then, that explains the leak I was talking about. -Mother, father, I can't find my tube socks! -We're in the solarium. -Join us, darling. We have strangers in the house. -This is our son, Noonie. -Wow, a, another "Noony." -No, no. "Nu-nee." -Noony, right. -Are you crazy? That's my wife's name. You already met her. "Nu-nee." -"Noo-nee." -No, that is the name of an old person. "Nu-nee." I'm young. Who do I think I am, a grandmother? -Oh, forgive us, we don't know your names. -Yeah, right. I'm Greg, and this is Susan. -Sweezle? -No, Susan. -Pursol? -Su-san. -Hey-ho? -Susan! -Wer-wer. -Shroom-thing. -Shrufus. -Turtle. -No, Susan with an "S." -Oh, not "K?" Like "K" in kite. -Let's fly a kite. -I want a kite for Christmas. -Shrufus, your name is very difficult to pronounce. Who wants to change the subject? -I want to be a pop star. -Oh. Our son has a wonderful talent for music. -Noonie, share one of your originals with us, please. -This is a song about insecurity and when your body change. ♪♪♪ ♪ Running with wolves now ♪ ♪ I'm playing the game now ♪ ♪ Ignoring my friends now ♪ ♪ I'm dancing in the mirror ♪ ♪♪♪ -Wonderful. -He's a musical genius. -I want to perform in stadiums around the world. -Yes, darling. Greasy, shoeshine, how do you feel about our son's music? -Yes, do you think he's a musical genius? -Yeah, best ever. -I'm starting to get a little lightheaded. Um, will somebody let me down? [ Crying ] -Child, what is the matter? -Mama, I'm hungry. -All right, darling, all right. Tato, Noonie needs nourishment. -Right away. Who wants beef paste? -Me, me, me, me, me, me! -Here comes the autobus. [ Imitating sirens ] -Mm, mm, Noonie loves beef paste. It's making my body grow. -How old did you say your son was? -He's in his early to mid 30s. -All right, you know what? I know I'm a guest here, but I'm just going to go ahead and say this. Hey, Noonie, you're too old to be acting like that. -But I'm 56. -Not you. Noonie the son. Oh, forget it. Come on, Susan, we're going to go home. -How do I get down? -I don't know, this? -Will you be staying for urchin? -Will we be staying for urchin? Tell you what, we're gonna pass. And if you could just put some towels around that ice chair, that would be fantastic. -Well, maybe we'll see each other at the beach. -And maybe we won't. Let's go, posey. -You have a lovely ceiling. -Oh, what a sexy couple. -Yes, I found them very intelligent. -Mother? I want to go to the beach. -Oh, wonderful, idea, baby boy. Tato, our beach helmets. -Thank you. -Thank you, Tato. -Last one to the beach is rotten. -That's correct. I will tickle you. [Upbeat tune plays] -This is PBS. We now return to a mildly enjoyable super old rerun of... -Thank you; thank you. Welcome back to "The Lawrence Welk Show." Aren't these bubbles wonderful? If I could have them follow me around everywhere, I would. But enough about the wonderful bubbles. Let's continue on with our salute to spring. And what comes with the spring? Romance. Here to sing about it is the handsome baritone Ted Nathers, accompanied by the Maharelle Sisters, who came all the way from the Finger Lakes. They're lakes that look like fingers, I guess. I don't travel. Ladies and gentlemen, Ted Nathers. One, and a two, and... ♪ [Fingers snapping] ♪ Do you wanna know a secret? I love this corner. ♪♪♪ ♪ Boo ba ba doo, ba ba doo, ba ba doo ♪ ♪ I like potatoes; I like meat ♪ I like standin' on the corner of a street ♪ ♪ It's my favorite place to be and I'll tell you why ♪ ♪ It's because I get to see the pretty ladies ♪ ♪ Passing by ♪ ♪♪♪ ♪ Hey, where ya goin'? ♪ -♪ I'm goin' to the park ♪ -♪ Hey, where ya headin'? ♪ -♪ Headin' to a party ♪ -♪ Hey where ya off to? ♪ -♪ Off to the parlor ♪ -♪ Hey, where ya goin'? ♪ -♪ And I'm Junice! ♪ ♪♪♪ -♪ Hey, there, ladies ♪ ♪ Before you go ♪ ♪ There is something that I'm dyin' to know ♪ ♪ It's a tiny, tiny question, hope you understand ♪ ♪ Tell me what you're lookin' for ♪ ♪ In a man ♪ ♪♪♪ -♪ I like strong arms ♪ -♪ Well I got 'em ♪ -Ooh. -♪ I like white teeth ♪ -♪ Hey look at 'em ♪ -♪ I like soft skin ♪ -♪ I use lotion ♪ -♪ I like can I touch? ♪ ♪♪♪ -Oh! Whoa! ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪ Well, thank you ladies, for enlightenin' me ♪ ♪ I hope you give me a chance ♪ ♪ There's one more thing ♪ ♪ We'd like to see ♪ ♪ And that's if you can dance! ♪ Well, I certainly can try. -Ooh, boy! -There he goes. -Wow! ♪ -Ooh! -Look at that! -♪ How's that? ♪ -♪ Ooh, that's nice ♪ -♪ And how's this? ♪ -♪ Do it twice ♪ -♪ How's this feel? ♪ -♪ Are you for real? ♪ -♪ Shall we dance ♪ -♪ Yeah ♪ -♪ Real close? ♪ ♪♪♪ [ Crash, glass breaks ] -♪ We'd like to tell you that we all agree ♪ ♪ That you'd be the perfect mate ♪ -♪ Then, there's only one thing to decide ♪ ♪ Where will we go ♪ ♪ On our first date? ♪ -♪ We can go sailing ♪ -I like that idea. -Oh! -♪ We can have a picnic ♪ -Oh. I hope there's no ants. [ Laughter ] -♪ We can ride bikes ♪ -A bicycle built for two? -Mmm. -♪ I put worms in my bed ♪ ♪ And slept in my bed ♪ ♪ And put a squirrel in my bed ♪ ♪ And mustard in my bed ♪ ♪ And then I ate 'em all ♪ ♪ Is that bad? ♪ -Yes, that is bad. -♪ A do do do do do do do do ♪ ♪♪♪ -Thank you; thank you. Wasn't that wonderful? And, by wonderful, I mean interesting. ♪♪♪ Please stay tuned as our salute to spring continues with husband-and-wife team Dana and Donna, -Stay back. Stay back. -singing the popular hymn -Stay back. -"He Makes All Things Beautiful in His Time." Now, a special word from our sponsors: Pall Mall cigarettes, Coppertone tanning butter, and Morton salt. ♪♪♪ -Coming up on C-SPAN... [ Classical music plays ] ♪♪♪ But, first... ♪♪♪ [ Funk plays ] -Welcome to the 2012 Funkytown Debate. I'm your moderator... I'd like to thank Bootyskank University for hosting these debates. Let's meet our candidates. He's the current mayor of Funkytown... -♪ Owwwww! ♪ -Next, we have two-term city councilman from the All Party Party... -Oh, yeah. And, finally, third-party candidate Janet Nichols. -Good evening. Hi. ♪♪♪ -Candidates, thank you all. Mayor Delicious, this first question is for you. -♪ Here's a question for you ♪ -♪ What have you done to earn a second term ♪ -♪ What have you done? ♪ ♪ What do you plan to do? ♪ -♪ Uh, well, I'm glad that you asked ♪ [ Chuckling ] ♪♪♪ ♪ We have dirty water ♪ ♪ Said we gotta clean this water ♪ ♪ And we clean the water ♪ ♪ And we clean it good ♪ ♪ Said I'd go under budget ♪ ♪ But I went over budget ♪ ♪ But we got clean water ♪ ♪ And we got nice schools ♪ ♪ Shag carpets in the streets ♪ ♪ Disco balls in the parks ♪ ♪ Ladies butts are bigger ♪ ♪ Mustaches are smaller ♪ Uh, let's keep Funkytown workin'. Ah, ooh! -Thank you, Doctor. Captain Catfish, your response? -♪ What you gonna say? ♪ ♪ What you gonna say to that? ♪ -Thank you. First, let me introduce my attaché: Mr. Galactic Fantastic. ♪♪♪ -♪ Let's get down to the issues, yeah ♪ -What happened to Funkytown, huh? This place used to mean something. -♪ So special ♪ -Let me tell ya something. ♪ Yes, we are funky ♪ ♪ But we can get more funky ♪ ♪ Our sunglasses are big ♪ -♪ But they can be bigger, yeah ♪ -♪ In this race, I'm the only one ♪ ♪ From outer space ♪ -♪ Let's get out of this world ♪ -♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ -Thank you, Captain. -Um, I'd like to talk about fiscal responsibility. You know -- -Moving on! To questions from our audience. Our first one is from Freaky Frankie, head of Funkytown's Board of Tourism. -♪ Hello and hi ♪ ♪ There was a time when people would ask ♪ ♪ Won't you take me to Funkytown? ♪ ♪ Now, they just say, won't you take me ♪ ♪ Through-ough-ough-ough-ough ♪ ♪ Funkytown? ♪ ♪ How do we bring the tourists back? ♪ -Uh, well, I'm glad you asked, Freaky Frankie. I know it's a problem, but I would just say to you... ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ -Excuse me. I'm gonna interrupt. The Doctor's flip-flopping. Today, he says... -♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ -But, four years ago, he was asked the same question and he was like... -♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ -♪ And changin' your answers, yeah ♪ -♪ I am not a flip-flopper ♪ -♪ You are a flip-flopper ♪ -♪ This man is a liar ♪ -♪ I am not a liar ♪ -I-I have some ideas for the tax code. -Moving on! Our next question is from Cold Giblet Gravy. -♪ Oooooooooooooooooh! ♪ ♪ Captain, you're a two-term councilman ♪ ♪ But you have no executive experience ♪ ♪ What makes you qualified to lead Funkytown? ♪ -I'm so glad you asked. If elected, I plan to surround myself with the funkiest, most qualified people. Like this. Hit it. Ladies and gentlemen, my future cabinet. First and best is my sweet First Lady. I'll be appointing her to head of Commission on Fish Sandwiches. Jackie Too Nasty! Yeah! Minister of Kung Fu: Tasty Turkey! Yeah! Head of the police department: Exotic Robotic. City Comptroller Diaper Jones. Go, Diaper. Go, Diaper. And, finally, my vice mayor will be this giant wig. ♪♪♪ So, everybody, what do y'all say? -♪ Let us lead you, Funkytown ♪ -♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪ -♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ -♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ -Thank you, Captain. When we come back, we'll ask Doctor Delicious about allegations that he has never had a sex scandal. -It's a lie! ♪ I just got freaky with Janet ♪ -It's true. It's true. -When we return... -♪ When we come back, now ♪ -♪ Yeah ♪ -Well, should we start eating, or should we wait for Robin and Dane? -Are they still coming? They're two hours late. -Well, I guess now that they're big reality TV stars, they think they can just show up whenever. -Oh, come on, don't do that. They're our friends. And they're great on "Kings and Queens of Santa Clarita." -Do you think they've changed? -I'm sure they're the same old down-to-earth people we remember. -Oh, my God! We are late! We are the worst! -We suck so bad and so hard for so long. I need hugs from everyone. -Ooh, so do I! Hugs! Ooh, I got to hug my girls. -And where are my bros? Let me punch your butts and slap your sacks. -Oh, you meant that. -I can't tell you how great it is to be out of L.A. and back in Flagstaff with my normies. -Give me reg peeps over Holly-woo-woo any day. -Well, I'd offer you a drink, but it looks like you walked in with full glasses of wine. -We did. It's ours. We just started our own line of weight-loss wine. How coo is that? -Yeah, it's called Slimfandel! It's got caffeine, olestra, and fen-phen in it. -You get so much energy, and then you go to the bathroom 11 times a day. -Yeah, and then another 11 at night. -Oh, wow. -We brought bottles for all of you. The labels are wrong, though. They got Carla from "The Chew" on it. -Yeah, she backed out, so they came to us. How faboo is that? -Yeah, that's -- that's great. So, um, your faces are different now. -Yeah, thank you. They are. They really are. Mm-hmm. -We got the most expensive procedure from the cheapest doctor we could find. -Well, it certainly looks like that. -Aww! -Aww! -Do you want to put your dog down? -No. -No, no, she doesn't walk. She hates it. -Mm-hmm. -Walking is for babies. -She didn't like it. And now she can't. She doesn't have leg muscles. -She got so hot when she walked. -Oh, God. Oh, I just feel so grounded being back here, right? -Well, should we sit down, catch up? -Oh, yeah, great idea. You know what? Actually, our camera crew is outside. Do you guys mind if we just film a little bit of this? -Like us? You want us on your show? -Yeah, just us catching up and talking. It'll be like a sweet back-home moment, you know, showing people our roots. -Sure, yeah, I guess so. That could be fun. -Ha, totally. Hey, come on in, guys. They're cool with it. -Hey, guys, just act like we're not here, and action. -You are a manipulative skank. And you wish you had everything I have. -What? -You need to own it. -You need to own your BS. -Excuse me? -Hey, don't you dare yell at my wife. I ought to hit you over the head with my dog. -Oh, and, Tina, here's some panties. -Yeah, Tina! -Next time wear then. You've been showing your chooch all night. -Exactly, Tina. -My husband's eyes are about to pop out of his head. -I'm a red-blooded American boy, after all. -What is happening? -Oh, buddy, don't make me hit you with my dog. Because I will do it. Peanut is locked and loaded. -Hey, why didn't you come to our vows renewal in Catalina? -I didn't know. -Oh, well, we did it right after I cheated on her. Everyone was there. Literally everyone but you, you bitch! Also, my wife can't have chicken! What is it, Tom? What is it? Chicken! She can't have it! -Chicken. -Burt, what is this? -It's chicken, like he said. -My wife...can't... have...chicken! -I stopped eating anything that can talk. -If you watch the show, you would know this. I told you she outgrew these "C" words. -And cut. That was awesome, you guys. -Great. Thanks for doing that, guys. -Yeah, they're gonna e-mail you all release forms. Ooh, can we use your bathroom? -Oh, yes, please. -Why, so you can poop out your energy wine? -Oh, no, no, no, we're just gonna do drugs in there. -Yeah. -It's Thanksgiving, and it wouldn't be the holidays without Heinz. -Honey, can you pass the ketchup? -Well, I'm just happy that we're all together for Thanksgiving. [ Bottle sputters ] -Whoa, easy there, Greg. [ Laughter ] -That wasn't me. That was the ketchup bottle. -You sure about that, Dad? [ Laughter ] -Yeah, I'm very sure. I didn't cut a fart at Thanksgiving dinner. I wouldn't do that. It's not who I am. -Yeah, Dad, we know. -It happens every year. The ketchup bottle makes an innocent noise, and everyone thinks you ripped one at the dinner table. They say they believe you, but you know what they're thinking. It's made every Thanksgiving a living hell. Until now. Introducing Heinz Relax, the ketchup you know and love without the uncomfortable noise. Now when you squeeze the bottle, it simply lets out a relaxing sigh. So this Thanksgiving, things will be different. -Honey, can you pass the ketchup? -Oh, sure. -Can I just say, I am so grateful to be here. [ Bottle moans ] -What was that? -That was the soothing sound of Heinz Relax. Looks like this bottle's almost empty. [ Bottle moaning ] -Kind of sounds like -- -A relaxed sigh. I know. -That ain't what that sounds like. -Hey, everyone just...relax. [ Bottle moaning ] -Spare yourself from further embarrassment with our whole family of Heinz Relax products. Glass bottles. [ Bottle grunting ] Mustard. [ Bottle moaning ] Even mayo. [ Bottle moaning ] -Mom, may I be excused? -Absolutely. Wait, where are you going with that? -My room. -No, put that down. -The boy loves ketchup, just like his old man. -Heinz Relax, now available at your local supermarket. Must be 18 or older to buy.
Channel: Saturday Night Live
Views: 2,720,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saturday night live, snl, will ferrell, 5 timers club, five timers club, best moments, live, new york, comedy, sketch, funny, hilarious, late night, host, music, guest, laugh, impersonation, Will Ferrell SNL, Anchorman, Ron Burgundy, Ron Burgundy Podcast, Talladega Nights, Blades of Glory, sketch comedy, SNL s45, SNL season 45, Will Ferrell on SNL, Studio Tour, SNL Behind the Scenes, Behind The Scenes, BTS, compilation, s45e7, s 45 e 7, Will Ferrell host, funniest moments
Id: lTsnOW2JuFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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