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-7, 8. ♪ Ga goo goo ga, ga goo goo ga ♪ ♪ Ga, ga, ga ga ♪ -Got it. ♪ Ga goo goo ga, ga goo goo ga ♪ ♪ Ga, ga, ga ga ♪ -Okay, it's not just the sounds. You have to do the movement that goes with the sounds. -Then I don't have it. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ -Ooh! Wow! How now. -[ Vocalizing ] -Okay, hey, g-guys. Everybody! [ Clap ] Guys, everybody. If we can settle down. We can settle down, please, okay? As you know, as you all know, Broadway is in trouble and that's why we're all here. Now, you know me. I am the Phantom of the Opera. -And I'm Mark, from the -- from "Rent," the Pulitzer Prize- winning musical. -Unbelievable. Alright, look, guys, we know it's bad out there and we are all struggling. -Yeah. Some people are even having a hard time paying rent! -Oh, my God. Please, don't do that anymore. Okay, first off, is, uh, is everyone here? -Everyone except Jeremy Piven, but I don't think he has a good excuse. -I don't doubt it. -Huh. -Alright, well, that's okay. Alright, we need everyone's best ideas to save Broadway, alright? So let's get started. Yes, you. -♪ Meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow ♪ It is I, the magical Mr. Mistoffelees, and here's my suggestion -- we need to feel the wonder! -Oh, man. Oh, you people from "Cats." You think you're so great, you know that? [ Scoff ] Seriously, you think you're the Michael Jordan of Broadway. [ Scoff ] -Who's that? -What is that? -Who is that? -Wait a minute. No, no. You guys don't know who Michael Jordan is? -No. -What? Guys, he was like the, uh, the Tommy Tune of basketball. -[ Gasp ] -Oh! -Tommy Tune. -Yeah, there you go. There you go. Yeah, that's right, yeah. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Okay, come on. Alright, guys, let's see. Who's next? Alright. Okay, what about you, Music Man? ♪♪ -♪ We got a ♪ ♪ Devil of a pickle ♪ ♪ Puttin' people into seats ♪ -Uh-huh. -♪ We got actors being forced to find real jobs ♪ ♪ Well, we got trouble ♪ ♪ Right here in New York City ♪ ♪ I'm talking trouble with a capital "T" ♪ ♪ That rhymes with "C" and That stands for ♪ ♪ Cutco knives ♪ Now just $49.95. -Okay. Stop, stop, please. Professor, just stop, okay? -Hey, for what it's worth, those knives are amazing. -Yeah. -They're like the "Rent" of knives. -Oh, man. Cool it. -Hey, guys, can we just stop effing around, okay? 'Cause, if "Wicked" closes, I have very limited job options. I mean, look at me. -Well, you're green. Maybe you could be in "Shrek the Musical." -Wow, that's racist. -No, no no. That's not racist. -I'm not racist, lady. -No, no, that's enough. That's enough, okay? And, for the record, Broadway is an inclusive place. No one here is racist, okay? Moving on. Yes, you, from "The Color Purple." -[ Chuckle ] I-I'm sorry, I'm not in "The Color Purple." -Oh. -Oh, "Bring in 'da Noise, Bring in 'da Funk." -I wrote "Miss Saigon." -Jeez! Okay, sorry. [ Laughs ] Alright, what's your idea? -Isn't it time we revive "Miss Saigon"? -Ugh! Are we almost done here? -What? Why? Where do you have to be? -I don't have to be anywhere, but... I need to get to my new job. I give massages behind a Thai place on the Lower East Side. With my mouth. -Okay, no, I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. Thank you. -Hey, everyone. Why so glum? ♪ The sun'll come out ♪ ♪ Tomorrow ♪ -No. -♪ Bet your bottom dollar ♪ -Sit down. No. Hey. -♪ That, tomorrow ♪ -Annie, Annie, Annie. Annie, sweetie, not the time, okay? Please? -Yeah, watch yourself, Phantom. Had a hard-knock life, okay? [ Snaps fingers ] Someone steps to me, [ Strikes palm ] I break them. -Okay. Alright. Okay. [ Clattering ] Sorry. Eee! Okay. -Jeez. -Guys, come on, man! We're creative people. We just need one good idea. Anyone, anyone at all. Blue Man Group? ♪♪ Oh, man. You know, sometimes you guys can be a bunch of blue dicks. -Ooh, hey, what about the ladies from "Chicago"? -Oh. ♪♪ -♪ Hiss ♪ -♪ Lipschitz ♪ [ Hissing ] ♪♪ -Not helpful. Not helpful at all. What about you, dude from "Stomp"? [ Clang ] Wow! Wow! Still relevant. Alright. Okay. Alright, so no one has any ideas? I mean, no one? -Wait, wait, wait, I got it. -What? -We can put on a big show with lavish costumes and huge, expensive sets. We'll charge like $150 a ticket! -What? No. -Viva Broadway! -Yeah! -No, no, guys! No! That's the thing that isn't working anymore. -No, no, and then, at the end... ♪ We'll all join hands ♪ -Where the hell's that coming from? -And we'll sing the anthem of the '90s. -Please don't. Please. No. I'm not -- -♪ 525,600 ♪ -No. Stop. -♪ Minutes, here we go ♪ -Mark, stop. -♪ 525,000 ♪ -No! Guys! -♪ Moments so dear ♪ -Stop! Okay? Okay, that's it! You leave me no choice! Go! [ "Organ plays "Phantom" overture ♪ ♪♪ Go! ♪♪ Go! G-- [ Crash, music stops ] -Wow, really? -I'm sorry. No, that's usually a showstopper. I don't -- That's not -- God, this meeting is awful! It could not get any worse. -Oyyyyy! [ Crash, vehicle alarm blaring ] -What was that? -Well, it was the Fiddler on the Roof. He jumped. -♪ There's no business ♪ ♪ Like show business ♪ ♪ Like no business ♪ -Writing the "Mean Girls" musical has been a dream come true. The only awkward thing is that people keep coming up to me saying like, "Why aren't you in it?" and "When are you going to be in it?" Just the other day, Cecily Strong said, "Girl, you must be in it." -Oh, what I said was, "Girl, you must be in it," like meaning you must be really busy. She high-fived me really hard after, so it was clear she misunderstood. -I don't think anyone really expected Tina to be in the show. -She's not really loud enough and she has a really small head. -But the thing that really inspired me was, one day, my best friend, Aidy, and I were listening to the "Hamilton" soundtrack. -Tina kept talking over it, you know, just kind of being like, "Lin wrote this, but they let him be in it." -Can you just leave me out of this? -Also, did she say we were best friends? -Tina Fey starring in the "Mean Girls" musical is going to be fetch. ♪♪ In that it's not going to happen. -She's not going to be in it. -No. Not a chance. -Talk yourself out of it. -Okay, guys, so, today, we're going to put Tina into the show. [ Applause ] -Guys, I am so excited for all of us and my friends Aidy and Cecily are here today to support me. This was basically their idea. -Oh, no. -I was told it was a baby shower. -So I'm just going to shadow you guys and sort of see what part it might be fun for the audience to see me do for like a week or so. -One matinee, that's what we agreed to. -Let's get started! -7, 8. ♪ Ga goo goo ga, ga goo goo ga ♪ ♪ Ga, ga, ga ga ♪ -Got it. ♪ Ga goo goo ga, ga goo goo ga ♪ ♪ Ga, ga, ga ga ♪ -Okay, it's not just the sounds. You have to do the movement that goes with the sounds. -Then I don't have it. What if my Regina just kind of log rolls in and hits a cool pose? -Okay. -I think that's actually better. Alright, let me ask you guys this. What kind of vibrato do you think I should use? -What do you mean? -Well, I notice some people go very straight-tone, like -- ♪ Broadway ♪ But my vibrato is naturally a lot wider, like -- ♪ Ha-a-ppy Bir-ir-thday ♪ ♪ To-o-o you-ou-ou-ou-ou ♪ So this is kind of a Gretchen Goes to the Mall look. I play Gretchen. -Oh, yeah. Yeah, you look great! -Yeah, is -- maybe, is the wig big? -Yeah, just not sure you're passing as a teenager. -Also, I'm not to be able to dance in these shoes. I'm going to need the kind of shoes I wear in real life. They can only be ordered in the back of Parade magazine. They have copper in them. They're called Sunset Steppers and they also have a little pouch that holds your pills. -5, 6, 7, 8! ♪♪ -Am I doing it?! -Okay, I think this could be a really fun use of you. -It's like a little Easter egg and then, at some point, I take the head off... -Yeah, exactly. Or not. Okay, come on, guys, let's go! -Whoo! -5, 6, 7, 8! -♪ Revenge party ♪ -Okay. Whoa. Sorry, sorry. -Ow! -Sorry. [ Crash ] -[ Murmuring ] -Oh, gosh! Oh! -But, ultimately, I realized that Broadway's hard and the people who do it are super talented. ♪♪ [ Cheering and applause ] Maybe it's okay if I can't be like Lin-Manuel and jam myself into my show, whether people like it or not. -Okay, you know what? She just made the book. ♪ Let me tell you about this tiny-headed bitch named Tina ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ -Wow, wow. What an outstanding first half of this Super Bowl XLVIII between the Denver Broncos and the Seattle Seahawks. -Absolutely, Jimmy. That one play with the one guy who did that one thing -- incredible! [ Laughs ] -But the big story of this game is the unfortunate news of Bruno Mars and the Red Hot Chili Peppers having to cancel their halftime show. -Yeah, I guess their flight had to be rerouted due to the polar vortex. -Oh, man! I really wanted to see Bruno Mars. That little fedora-wearing jumping bean, I just love him. -Fortunately, the producers scrambled and were able to find a last-second replacement, just across the Hudson River. -Yes, sir. This year's halftime show is going to be performed by some of the best and brightest of Broadway. -The show's about to begin, so let's head down to the field. -Holy cannoli! Growing up in New Jersey, I never thought I'd ever see a Super Bowl played in my own backyard! Hey, ain't you Peyton Manning? -Is it that obvious? -Today's the big game. Ain't you nervous? -Ha ha! A little. After all, it is... ♪ The Super Bowl ♪ -♪ The Super Bowl ♪ -♪ It's Denver and Seattle ♪ ♪ Ancient rivals locked in battle ♪ ♪ The players are in their costumes ♪ ♪ And now it's time for them to travel ♪ ♪ Across the court ♪ ♪ One hundred yards of green ♪ -♪ I hope I score ♪ ♪ A tackle for my team ♪ -♪ So, who's gonna win the gorgeous ♪ ♪ Super Bowl ♪ ♪ Ring? ♪ -Oh, my! -Wow! It was only one year ago, I was down on my luck! A has-been, and then, she walked in, in, in, in. Oh, face it, Peyton! You can't throw worth a darn! -Not from where I stand! ♪♪ The name's Mama Pass and I'm the best dang quarterback coach this side of Seventh Avenue, and I can tell you all you need's a little... ♪ Womp womp ♪ ♪ Throw it where they're goin' ♪ ♪ And make sure that they're wearin' ♪ ♪ Womp womp ♪ ♪ Your same-colored shirt ♪ ♪ 'Cause, if they catch ya, you'll be ♪ ♪ Womp womp ♪ ♪ Scorin' all the touchdowns ♪ ♪ That's the only way to ♪ ♪ Womp womp ♪ ♪ Win all the points ♪ -Oh, Mama Pass! You really think I could win the Super Bowl?! -Oh, you bet your hand muff! Nothing's gonna stop you. -Well, don't be so sure of that. -Oh, no! Richard Sherman?! -Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Ben Vereen. ♪♪ -Hello, Peyton. If you're not careful, I'm going to steal your ball. Here's a tip -- Don't throw it where you hear the tap. ♪ A tap like this ♪ ♪♪ ♪ Or like this tap here ♪ ♪♪ ♪ A-tappity tap ♪ ♪ Tap a-tap tap tap, tap ♪ ♪ And that's what you call ♪ ♪ An interception ♪ -Wait a minute. Wait a minute! Knock it off, Sherman! Save it for the field! It's game time! [ Whistle blows ] ♪♪ ♪♪ -♪ Get the ball, get the ball ♪ -♪ You're tearing me apart! ♪ -Tackle, block, kick, huddle ♪ ♪ Drink lots of Gatorade ♪ ♪ Win, win, win, win, win ♪ -♪ Ohhhhhhh! ♪ [ Whistle blows ] -Stop! That's Peyton! He's hurt! -It's my old injury. I thought it healed. Ah! Such a fool! [ Cough ] -Don't -- don't speak! Just sing. -♪ I guess the game is lost ♪ -♪ All you need is womp-womp ♪ ♪ Suppose I was just too old ♪ -♪ Don't you say it! Womp-womp ♪ -♪ At least you're by my side ♪ -♪ He's bleeding, womp womp ♪ -♪ Time to say goodbye ♪ -♪ This is not what I wanted ♪ -♪ We're all just ♪ -♪ Strangers on the grass ♪ ♪ But we all want the same thing ♪ ♪ There's no Seattle ♪ ♪ There is no Denver ♪ ♪ There's just ♪ ♪ Love ♪ -[ Clapping, sobbing ] O-Okay, stay tuned for the second half of the Super Bowl. And live from New York, it's "Saturday Night"! -Are you tired of family entertainment [ "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" plays ] with no edge, no grit? Then let... you a new twist on an old classic. It's... ...starring "Glengarry Glen Ross'" Al Pacino. -Christmas is coming, but I'm not happy. -Philip Seymour Hoffman as Pigpen. -You know, I think the whole Christmas experience is overrated. -Pigpen! -Charlie. -You look like [bleep]! You smell like [bleep]! But you're my friend, Pigpen. -With Edie Falco as Lucy. -Charlie Brown, what the heck do you think you're doing? [ "Linus and Lucy" plays ] This is Christmas! You can't just be moping around. It's not right! -I know. -I know what you need. -What? -I have Ativan. You want that? -Oh, yeah! -Little Valium? -Oh, yeah! -You like a Klonopin? -I want something to take me sky-high! ♪♪ -It's Charlie Brown by way of Brooklyn. With Larry David as Linus. -I don't know. This whole Christmas thing, it's a whole to-do, you know, the parties and the presents and the decorating. Ach! It's not for me. -What do you mean, Christmas is not for you? Don't tell me it's not for you! If I say it's for you, then it's for you! -Oh, so, so, so, so I'm just supposed to accept what you say? You know what? You don't know what the hell you're talking about! -[Bleep] you, Linus. -[Bleep] me? -Yeah. -Why don't you go [bleep] yourself, Charlie Brown? -Ohhh! -Plus, the whole "Peanuts" gang. Like Forest Whitaker as Franklin. -Charlie, what's the meaning of Christmas? -Kristin Chenoweth reprises her Broadway role as Sally. -Dear Santa, How was your summer? Did y'all have a swell little grand old time? -[Bleep] Stupid [bleep] -Michael Keaton as Schroeder. -You want to get peanuts?! Come on! Let's get peanuts. -And all the adults. -Nobody likes me, Ma! -Wah wah wah, wah wah wah. -Oh, you're killing me, Ma! -Voice by the incomparable... -Wah wah wah, wah wah wah, wah wah wah? -Oh, that's like a knife in my heart! -[ Staccato laugh ] -Oh! -Charlie. -What? [ Melancholy tune plays ] -You're out of eggnog. -I'm out of eggnog? -Yeah. -You're out of eggnog! This whole party's out of eggnog! -It's all the iconic "Charlie Brown" moments you remember from childhood. -Lucy, you're going to hold the football? -Yes! -You're going to hold that [bleep] football? -Yes! -Alright, here I go. Cha-a-a-rge! Wow! -[ Laughs ] -Oh, you bitch! -[ Laughing ] Oh, [bleep] -Calm the [bleep] down. [Bleep], Charlie Brown! -Get the [bleep] outta here! [Bleep] -It's got grass. It's soft. -Alright. We're going to take an intermission real quick. ♪♪ previews now and forever, so they can never review it. -It's, uh, pretty, pretty, pretty good. ♪♪ [ Horn honks ] -Sugar, babe! It's the opening night of "Cats" and the curtain goes up in 15 minutes. We got to scoot, Liza. -Oh sure! I'd be delighted. Just let me turn off some of these lamps. [ Jazz plays ] -And, now... ♪♪ -Just let me truck it down over here. ♪♪ Oh, I see it. Here's the scoundrel. Here's the troublemaker, right here. Time to turn this doodad off, off. ♪♪ -Want me to help you, Liza? -Oh, no, darling. You just relax. I just need to find the clicker or the switch that turns this whole cuckoo thing down! Is there a little knob on here that you turn and everything goes black? ♪♪ -I don't know, Liza. It's probably pretty simple. -You tell that to Debbie Reynolds. ♪♪ -What?! -Okay, there's got to be a turner or like a ball on the end of a chain. Remember that? -Remember what, Liza? -Chain, ball kick, chain. Remember that? Oh! Atlantic City! I choked on a shrimp! -I don't know what you're talking about. Liza, forget the light. We got to go! -Oh! Oh! I'm thinking it might be in the box of a middle of a chorus or a thin plastic clicker wheel in the middle. You kick it once. [ Cymbals crash ] You kick it twice. [ Cymbals crash twice ] You kick it three times. [ Cymbals crash thrice ] And the lamp goes out and the party starts. ♪♪ -Baby, we're going to miss the show! Don't make those little kiddies wait. We're going to miss "Cats." -Oh, then I better turn off the skinny lady. Is it a foot tapper? Once. [ Drumroll ] Twice! [ Rimshot ] Three...? [ Rimshot ] Will a Fosse Neck do it? ♪♪ -No! -Hey, remember this? ♪♪ -Just turn the lamp off. I'm blocking for Chris and Pete. The car's waiting downstairs. -Oh, that's right! The lamp! That little rascal. Oh, wait. Here it is. I found the cord! I just have to pull it out of the wall. ♪ Ahhhhh ♪ Look how long this cord is. Ben Vereen, it's long. I'm not getting anywhere with it. It's like Tommy Tune. -'Cause you're walking in place. -Am I? I just got to find the clicker that dims the whole shebang. ♪♪ -Once again, not my house, not my lamp. -Oh! Here it is. It's just a button. It's on the neck, but you don't push it. You got to give it a little turn. I did it! [ Cymbals clash, horn bleats ] -Good job, Liza, baby. Good job. -Pow! -And...we missed the show. -The heck with "Cats." Let's dance! ♪♪ -This has been "Liza Minnelli Tries to Turn Off a Lamp."
Channel: Saturday Night Live
Views: 807,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snl, saturday night live, sketch, skit, compilation, Broadway, NYC, new york, hilarious, funny, stars, celebrities, Save Broadway, Mean Girls, Liza Minnelli, musicals, Liza Minnelli Tries to Turn Off a Lamp., Lin-Manuel Miranda, tina fey, keenan thompson, bill hader, neil patrick harris, nph
Id: 86mPVP2AgpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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