SNL Presents Summer Vacation

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-Hey. Hey, Pluto, hi. Boy, it must be fun to work here. Although the biggest drawback to working in a theme park is that you must live under constant fear of deadly terrorist attacks. [ Horn wah-wah-wah-wah-wahs ] ♪♪ [ Carnival music playing ] ♪♪ -Good morning. Welcome to the Mickey's Breakfast Jamboree. My name is Billiam, and I'll be serving you today. You guys here on a special occasion? -Well, we're here on that new Magical Gatherings family package. Got the whole Matusic clan down from Ohio! Right guys? Say "hi." -Hi! -Well, great. Let me tell you Mickey's specials today. We've got steak and eggs served with some home fries and Mickey waffles. -Whoo! I love me some steak and eggs! -Ever since they found mad cow disease in the U.S., I'm not taking any chances. It can live in your body for years before it ravages your brain. [ Horn wah-wahs ] -♪ You're enjoying your day ♪ ♪ Everything's going your way ♪ ♪ Then along comes ♪ ♪ Debbie Downer ♪ ♪ Always there to tell you 'bout a new disease ♪ ♪ A car accident or killer bees ♪ ♪ You'll beg her to spare you, "Debbie, please!" ♪ ♪ But you can't stop ♪ ♪ Debbie Downer ♪ -Well, we did it, gang. We pulled off -- a family reunion at Disney. I don't know about you guys, but the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna ride that haunted elevator thingy! It drops you straight down. -This is my dream come true. I mean, I'm totally serious. Tigger hugged me at the door, and I thought I was gonna cry. -Aww. -I guess Roy isn't doing as well as they first thought. -What? Who's Roy? -Roy of Siegfried & Roy. He was attacked by his own tiger and suffered devastating injuries. [ Horn wah-wahs ] [ Laughter ] -So, hey, who wants to go on Space Mountain with me? -Me! Yeah! [ Cheering ] -I want to see the Country Bear Jamboree! -Ooh! -I want to go to every country in Epcot, and greet them in their own native language. Hola! Konichiwa! Hi! -Did you guys hear about that train explosion in North Korea? [ Horn wahs ] The media is so sensitive there -- so secretive. [ Laughter ] We may never know how many people perished. [ Horn wah-wahs ] [ Laughter and applause ] -Who's ready for Mickey waffles? -Oh, me, me, me, me, me, me. -Oh, yay. -Oh, my God. I just made eye contact with Pluto, and he's coming over here. -Pluto! -Pluto! -Pluto! -Oh, my God! Oh, my God! I'm hugging Pluto. I'm at Disney World, and I'm hugging Pluto! Somebody take a picture. -I want to be in it. I want -- I want to be in this one. -Well, you guys, Disney World really is fun. Makes me feel like a kid again. I mean the time before my two-year stint at Children's. [ Horn wah-wah-wahs ] Oh. Hey. Hey, Pluto, hi. Boy, it must be fun to work here. Although the biggest drawback to working in a theme park is that you must live under constant fear of deadly terrorist attacks. [ Horn wah-wah-wah-wah-wahs ] -Pluto! Pluto, wait. Where you going? -With that costume on, he's probably in the early stages of heatstroke. [ Horn wah-wahs ] [ Laughter and applause ] Speaking of -- Speaking of -- [ Laughter ] [ Cheers and applause ] Speaking of heat, if this greenhouse effect keeps up, we'll all be living under water. [ Horn wah-wahs ] [ Laughter and applause ] [ Laughter ] By the way -- By the way, it's official. [ Laughter and applause ] I can't have children. [ Horn wah-wah-wah-wah-wahs ] [ Cheers and applause ] -You know what, Debbie? You are totally ruining my trip to Disney! I didn't say a word during "It's a Small World" when you talked about low birth weight or during the fireworks, when you went on -- when you went about about feline AIDS. -It's the number-one killer of domestic cats. [ Cats meows ] -I can't take it! [ Laughter and applause ] -So, after this, we'll hit the park, guys? -Yeah. -Slather up the sunscreen. I had a mole looked at recently. The doctor told me that due to the extent of its irregular borders, I'm flirting with a melanoma. [ Horn wah-wahs ] [ Laughter and applause ] You guys go ahead. I'll meet you at my favorite ride -- the Hall of Presidents. [ Horn wah-wahs ] -♪ No, you can't stop Debbie Downer ♪ -They never did catch that anthrax guy. [ Both singing in Hawaiian ] ♪♪ ♪♪ -Aloha. Welcome to the island of Kauai. -Oh, thank you. Thank you. -We're on our honeymoon. -Oh, how sweet. -Yeah. Honeymoon in Hawaii. -Yeah. -That's so original. -Thanks. -It must be fun working here, huh? -Oh, it's great. They make us wear grass skirts. -We play the same song over and over. -We make $7 an hour. It's a dream job. -Well, Hawaii's a beautiful place to live. -Yeah, you should have seen it before it was covered in hotels. -Yeah, here's a fun fact about Hawaii. Our biggest export is coffee, and our biggest import is fat, white tourists. [ Both singing in Hawaiian ] ♪♪ ♪♪ Aloha. -Aloha. -Where are you guys from? -Boston. -Boston. Let me ask you guys a question -- When you guys go to a restaurant in Boston, is it acceptable to wear Crocs and a bathing suit? -What? -Well, you know, in Hawaii, we have a name for people like you -- garbage. [ Both singing in Hawaiian ] ♪♪ ♪♪ Hey, how are you guys tonight? -We're great. -This place is so peaceful. You must love living here. -Oh, it's peaceful? Peaceful here in your oceanfront resort? Because my brother and I here live 15 miles inland. Yeah. There's a rusty pickup truck with weeds growing out of it. Yeah. That's our house. -Yeah. You want to come visit? It's real easy to get to. You just drive through the shantytown, make a right at the meth lab, and you'll see a 15-year-old girl who got pregnant by an out-of-town businessman. Then ask for her brother. That's me. [ Both singing in Hawaiian ] -Skip me, please. I hate this kind of thing. Squeegee musicians, skip me. -Okay. -Okay. -We respect that. -Respect. -Alright. [ Both singing in Hawaiian ] ♪♪ -Hey, guys. Guys, check it out. Leis. -Yeah, yeah, yeah. The second we got off the airplane, we got "lei'd." [ Both laugh ] [ Glasses shatter ] [ Both singing in Hawaiian ] ♪♪ ♪♪ -Wow, you guys are great. -I love your traditional dance. What does it mean? -Oh! Well, it means I dropped out of high school, so now I have to dance like a monkey in front of you people. -You guys probably assume that Hawaiians are uneducated. It's not like, uh, our president's Hawaiian or anything. -Yeah. -Barack Obama? Isn't he from Illinois? -You know what? -No, no. Hold on, hold on, hold on. It's okay. She knows. Now she knows. -Anyway, aloha. -Oh, wow, aloha. You know, you really made an effort to learn our language. -Yeah, you know, "aloha" has multiple meanings. -Yeah, it can mean hello, good-bye, or suck it. -So, um, aloha. -Yeah, aloha hard. [ Both singing in Hawaiian ] ♪♪ -You know, I think our shift's over now. -That's too bad, brother. I was having fun. -Yeah. I really liked those people. -Yeah. -Alright, let's do it. -Let's go. ♪♪ [ Somber music playing ] ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ -[ Speaking Italian ] [ Speaking English ] ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ -Yes, yes. ♪♪ -Are we really going to get wet on this ride? I just got my hair done. -Sweetie, can you just try to have a good time, since it's your birthday? -You're right. Taking me to Universal Studios is as good as going to Paris after all. -Oh, babe, look, two seats in this one! Oh, come on! Shake a butt! -[ British accent ] I'm coming, babe. -Yeah. Oh, it's a little shaky, this thing. -Oh, alright. Grab my hand? -I got you. I got your hand, babe. -I'm excited to see real dinosaurs. -Oh, yeah, babe. Yeah, but they're not real, babe. They're stuffed. -Oh, alright. -Yeah. Oh, my God, Gene! Look at this! No friggin' way! I haven't seen you in, what, like two, three years? Oh, it's crazy, huh? You know, last time I saw you, you was with your wife. Yeah. What, you guys break up? -No. This is her. -Oh, whoa. What happened to you, honey? -What does that mean? Is that good or bad? -Hey, you remember Jemma, huh? -Hi, I'm Jemma. I'm British. This is my pig Pipsqueak. -Yeah. -She's British, too. -Okay, folks. Welcome to Jurassic River Rapids. As a reminder, this ride does get wet, so you will want to secure your valuables in the center console there. And I'm sorry -- Is that a pig? -Yeah, yeah, I think so. This is your pig, right, babe? -Yeah. It's a mini pig. Look -- We dress alike. -Oh. Hey, hey. Hey, Gene, she dresses like a pig, huh? How hot is that, huh? Hey, you about to pop through those button-fly shorts? -Gene, you're not going to bust your new shorts, are you? -I hope not. -Just don't. -Okay, well, uh, I still can't let you have any animals on the ride, so I guess I'm gonna have to hold him for you. -Oh, okay. -Sorry about that. -Hey. -Goodbye, Pips. Mummy's gonna miss you, but I'll only be gone for like five minutes. Oh, it's okay! I love you! [ Smooching ] Goodbye, Pipsqueak! I love you! -Hey, Gene, Gene, she's talking that sexy piggy talk. Bedtime talk to the pig, huh? Is your fly as strained as mine, Gene? Ha! I can hear my zipper going, "Oh, whoa, whoa! I can't hold it! I can't hold it!" Hey, what do you think your buttons sound like, Gene? -I don't know. Maybe like, "Boop." -Oh. -Does "boop" mean your button popped, Gene? -Oh, careful. He bites and kicks. -Okay. Uh, make sure you're all buckled in, and watch out for those velociraptors. -Hey, hey. -Oh, wow! We're moving! -Hey, I know! Alright, here we go! Dino time! Like that skinny Black guy used to say, right? -I think he used to say "Dyno-mite." -Yeah. -I got a song called "Dynamite." -Oh, yeah, Jemma's a singer! You remember that? -Oh, yeah, I actually do. You have a lovely voice. -Gene, duck. -Oh, my God! Why did you just tell him to duck? -Oh, because I don't know your name, girl. -Well, my name -- -Hey! Hang on, hang on. Jemma was about to sing. She sings. You can tell us after. Hey, Gene -- duck! -Why? -Oh, you should've told me your name, I guess. -Hey, give me a beat, babe. -Oh, you got it, babe. -♪ Boom boom blast, hey ♪ ♪ Boom boom blast, hey ♪ ♪ Got all in the club ♪ ♪ Shakin' their ass ♪ ♪ Girls are jel 'cause I'm the best ♪ ♪ But, boy, you better run 'cause I'm dangerous ♪ ♪ That's why they call me Dyno-mite ♪ ♪ I just might ♪ ♪ Blow you a-way ♪ ♪ Boom boom blast, hey ♪ -Oh. Hey. -Wow. That was really great. Right, honey? -Well, I would dance to that. -Hey, hey, Gene, tell your friend to duck. -What?! Oh, my God! [ Dinosaur roaring ] -Hey! Hey, that's a mouth. Keeps coming. You gotta turn around or something. -Look at that. -Oh. -Alright, guys, you survived your adventure. Hope you enjoyed the ride. And, by the way, you weren't lying. This pig kicks and bites and is very nasty. -Hey, hey! Hey, don't you talk about Gene's wife that way. I'm gonna kill this guy. -Oh, I-I'm talking about the pig. -Hey, it's his wife, dude! -Hey. Can you help me? My -- My seat belt is stuck. -Oh, nice! Hey, you get to go twice, honey. -But I don't want to go twice. -Can you just have fun, honey?! -Bye, Gene's wife! -Oh! -We'll miss ya! [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪ -Culture, history... spaghetti. These are the things of a boot country called Italia. Hello. I'm Joe Romano of Romano Tours. For two generations, my family has provided high-quality tours of Italy to people from all over the world, but mostly Long Island and Jersey. -We saw all of Italy in a bus, okay? We ate every day incredible. -Yeah, I got to look at the Pope, and he even told me, "Happy birthday." -Thanks, Romano Tours. -Thanks, Romano Tours. -Explore the old country with our award-winning 10-day vacation packages. See Venice, the city of wetness. Point and laugh at the Tower of Pisa. And play with some dough in Napoli. People love us, but every so often, a customer leaves a review that they were disappointed or didn't have as much fun as they thought. So here at Romano Tours, we always remind our customers, if you're sad now, you might still feel sad there, okay? You understand? That makes sense? Our tours will take you to the most beautiful places on Earth. Hike the cliffs of the Amalfi Coast. Fish with the nets in Sorrento. Do this. I don't know. But, remember, you're still gonna be you on vacation. If you are sad where you are and then you get on a plane to Italy, the you in Italy will be the same sad you from before, just in a new place. Does that make sense? There's a lot a vacation can do -- help you unwind, see some different-looking squirrels. But it cannot fix deeper issues, like how you behave in group settings or your general baseline mood. That's a job for incremental lifestyle changes sustained over time. I want to be very clear about what we can do for you. We can take you on a hike. We cannot turn you into someone who likes hiking. We can take you to the Italian Riviera. We cannot make you feel comfortable in a bathing suit. We can provide the zipline. We cannot give you the ability to say "whee" and mean it. You're not your sister. We can provide you with a wine-tasting tour of Tuscany. We cannot change why you drink or the person you become when you do, okay? I'm sorry, but it's true. And our friendly tour guides are happy to take your picture, but, remember, the pictures you're in are gonna have you in them. And if you don't like how you look back home, it's not gonna get any better on a gondola. -Right before we went in the Vatican, he took my face in his hands and he said, "If you feel bad about yourself in a church back home, the Vatican is 100% wall-to-wall church." -Mm-hmm. So we went for 20 minutes, and then we went back to the hotel and watched "Paddington 2." -Yeah, the best. -Love the Vatican. -This may sound rude, but I'm trying to temper expectations. I hate seeing people beat themselves up on my tours. It really gets to me. And, please, if you and your partner are having trouble connecting, we guarantee our tour will not help. If you don't want to touch each other at home, be reminded, in Italy, you will have those same bodies and thoughts. You're not blindfold, strawberry-eaters in Mamaroneck. Why start in Sicily? Look, a day is a long time to feel happy for all of it. Most of us get 45 minutes, if we're lucky. And that's our motto at Romano Tours. -Romano Tours -- We make memories, not miracles.
Channel: Saturday Night Live
Views: 536,965
Rating: 4.8834171 out of 5
Keywords: snl, saturday night live, summer, sketches, funny, hilarious, live, new york, sketch, comedy, guest, host, summer vacation, vacation, hot, heat, Romano Tours, Debbie Downer, Disney World, Hawaiian Hotel, compilation, best of, summer sketches, summer comedy, summer olympics, olympics, beach, island, getaway, relaxing, tropical, Hawaiian vacation
Id: vHobHWbL-i8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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