Every Gilly Ever - SNL

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-Paula, did you toss the treat? -No, but I know who did, and she's ducking behind that female anatomy statue. It was Gilly! ♪♪ -Okay, class, let's pick up where we left off yesterday, on page 55. In the last chapter, Margaret Dumplecracker just landed on Giraffe Island. Let's read on to see what she finds. Who? Did someone -- Who just threw a milk carton at the blackboard? Was it you, Liam? -No. I'm a good kid. Just ask my stupid stepdad. -Was it you, Sam? -Don't look at me, Mr. Dillon. -Cindy, did you throw that milk carton at me? -Of course I didn't, Mr. Dillon, but you'll be happy to know I saw who did, and I'm not afraid to say. It was Gilly. -Gilly? Gilly? -Uh-huh. -Gilly, did you throw that milk carton? -Sorry. [ Jaunty tune plays ] ♪ Her name is Gilly and she's at it again ♪ ♪ Causing lots of ruckus like a barnyard hen ♪ ♪ She's always bringing trouble ♪ ♪ Her head looks like a bubble ♪ ♪ Knock-knock, who's there? It's Gilly ♪ -Sorry. -Okay, let's go around the room and everyone can read one paragraph. I'll start. Okay, uh, "Giraffe Island was an island full of giraffes. Margaret had never felt so short." -Ow! Ow! Ow! -Cindy, what's going on? -Mr. Dillon, I was just sitting here, reading ahead and noticing typographical errors in the book when a certain someone, who I'm not afraid of, attacked me with a bouquet of pencils! -Was it you, Liam? -No, Mr. Dillon. I was busy doodling a giraffe eating my stepdad. -Sam, did you do this? -I can't move my arms, so, once again, not possible. -Mr. Dillon, Mr. Dillon, I know who did it! -Gilly? Gilly, did you stab three pencils into Cindy's body? Gilly? -Sorry. -We'll have a talk after class, young lady. And, Cindy, please remove those pencils. You're grossing me out. -Yes, Mr. Dillon! -Alright, let's just move on to your homework assignment. I asked you all to write about the perfect island where you'd most like to live. Sam. -"'My Perfect Island' by Sam Jeffers. The island that I would most like to live is called No Gymnastics Island, where you don't have to take gymnastics when you don't want to and break your arms up real bad." [ Flames crackling ] -What the -- What's that burning smell? -Owwwww! Oh, oh, thank you, Mr. Dillon. My tie was on fire! -Okay, I can see that. Who set Liam's tie on fire? Was it you, Liam? -No, it wasn't me. I swear! I was getting ready to read my essay, "No Stepdad Island." -Was it you, Sam? -You're kidding me, right? -Cindy, did you set Liam's tie on fire? -[ Sighs ] For my own protection, I'm gonna say I have no idea what you're talking about. -Hey, I'm full of oxycontin for kids, so I'm gonna spill it. It was that one. -Gilly? -What? -Gilly? -Uh-huh. -Gilly? -Yes. -Gilly? -What? -Gilly? -Uh-huh. -Gilly? -Yes. -Did you set Liam's tie on fire? -Sorry. -Alright, I've had enough of you. Come up here to the front of the class. -[ Gasps ] Hey, she's making fun of my limp! -Gilly! -Sorry. -Alright, I'm starting to think that maybe you're the one who causes all the trouble around here. -Yeah, quick thinking, David Caruso. [ Thwack ] -Oh! -Someone just shot an arrow into the principal's ass! I'm sorry, children. The buttocks. -An arrow? That's terrible! And we say bum in here. -I apologize. In the bum's ass. But I did find this attached to the arrow. -Gilly, when we weren't looking for a second, did you shoot an arrow in the principal's ass? I mean, buttocks. I mean, bum. -Uh-huh. -Oh, Gilly, I didn't know this was your bow. I like it. Here, okay. -Alright, Gilly, your behavior is entirely -- [ Gunshot ] Gilly, did you just shoot me in the foot? -Uh-huh. [ Gunshot ] -And again, in the same foot? -Sorry. -♪ Knock-knock, who's there? It's Gilly ♪ [ Gunshot ] -Sorry. -All right, children. I would first like to congratulate our four science fair finalists. You've all done an impressive job. As you know, the first prize was originally Jonas Brothers tickets for you and two of your friends. But due to budget cuts, the prize is now a healthy lunch prepared by my sister at our condo and a private lecture on wood beetles, which I think is going to be a really fantastic opportu-- What the... Hey, all right. Who just tried to hit me with a drinkable yogurt, huh? Was it you, Liam? -No, it wasn't me, Mr. Dillon! I was concentrating on holding in a nervous toot before the final judging! Oh, great, there it goes. -Was it you, Sam? -Um, you have to use your arms to throw things, right? So, no. -Hunbyort, our German exchange student, was it you? -Mr. Dillon, I'm not afraid to tattle on ze perpetrator. It was Gilly. -Gilly? Gilly? -What? -Gilly? Did you launch a drinkable yogurt at me? -Sorry. -♪ Her name is Gilly and she's at it again ♪ ♪ Causing lots of ruckus like a barnyard hen ♪ ♪ She's always bringing trouble, her head is like a bubble ♪ ♪ Knock-knock, who's there? It's Gilly ♪ -Sorry. -Okay, let's begin. We'll start with you, Liam. -Okay. For my science project, I built an automatic litter box powered by a potato battery, and all you have to do is attach these wires -- -Hilfe! Hilfe! -Why, "Hilfe" is German for "help." Oh, my gosh. Hunbyort! -Someone has forcibly inserted silverware into my hairless chest. -Who did this? Was it you, Liam? -No, Mr. Dillon! I was just realizing that if I win this science fair, it's going to be open face, insert bully's fist. Oh, no! -Sam? Did you do this? -Can you see me? -I know who impaled me. Ze culprit is Gilly. -Gilly? Did you stab Hunbyort with a fork, knife, and spork? -Sorry. -In my village, we have a word for children like her. It's pain in ze butts. -Gilly, we'll talk later, little missy. Okay, and, Hunbyort, please remove those utensils. You're making us all hungry. -Yes, Mr. Dillon. -Okay, let's move onto Sam. -Okay. My project is entitled, "I don't think it's fair on a field trip for teachers to force you to ride a horse that has crazy eyes and a bad attitude." -That's a-a very creative and personal project, Sam. You should give yourself a hand. -I'll be sure to do that in about 6 to 8 weeks. -Is something burning? -[ Muffled screaming ] -All right, all right. Who tried to electrocute Liam with his own potato battery? Was it you, Liam? -[ Muffled ] No, it was -- Ohh! -Was it you, Sam? -Can I curse real quick and you guys just forget it ever happened? -Hunbyort? Did you litter-box Liam? -Mother, I want a one-way ticket home to Frankfurt. I have looked in ze eye of the devil, and her name is Gilly. -Gilly? Gilly? -What? -Gilly. -Unh-unh. -Gilly? -Yes? -Gilly? -Uh-huh? -Gilly? -What's up? -Gilly? -Yes? -Did you do this to Liam? -Sorry. -Okay, you come over right now and apologize for your behavior. -Mr. Dillon, zis is an outrage! -Gilly! -Sorry. -You're officially disqualified. Now, stand over here with me for the remainder of the science fair. Hunbyort, it's your turn. -Yes. In my project, I wanted to resolve whether a frog prefers salt to sugar. But where is ze frog?! Where's Waldo? -Sorry. -Gilly. -♪ Knock-knock, who's there? It's Gilly ♪ -Gilly? -What? Sorry. -All right, children. Settle down. Now, before our class begins, I want to apologize for all of my tears yesterday. Yes, my mother let it slip that she didn't find me attractive. And then I told her that -- What the... Hey. All right. Who just tried to hit me with a sizable scoop of Chubby Monkey Hubby ice cream? Was it you, Liam? -No, Mr. Dillon! It wasn't me! I was busy trying to forget last night when Grandma tucked me in and her dentures fell out and her wig fell off and everything went crazy in my face! Oh, gosh! -Was it you, Sam? -Um, let me see. No, I don't think so. -Paula, did you alley oop the scoop? -Mr. Dillon, no! But do I know who did? Of course! Hello?! It was Gilly! -Gilly? Gilly? -What? -Gilly, did you launch a generous scoop of premium ice cream at me? -Sorry. -♪ Her name is Gilly and she's at it again ♪ ♪ Causing lots of ruckus like a barnyard hen ♪ ♪ She's always bringing trouble, her head is like a bubble ♪ ♪ Knock-knock, who's there? It's Gilly ♪ -Let's do it. -Now, just before class, I was told our foreign exchange student has arrived all the way from Italy. Now, remember, her English may not be -- Oh! Uh-oh. -Buongiorno. -Well, welcome. Uh, Gigli, is it? Why don't you go stand by Paula and watch as the other kids show their art projects? -Hey! She pushed me! -'Scusi. -All right. Liam, why don't we start with you? I believe you were going to make a sock puppet? -Oh, I think I got confused. I made socks for a puppet. Oh, gosh! -Ow! Hey! Someone help! -All right. Who punched Paula's face through her weird giraffe painting? Was it you, Liam? -No! I was just looking in my lunch bag and realized that Grandma must have packed it for me. Oh, gosh! -Sam? -Uh, well, yesterday, a fly walked around on my face for like 30 minutes. And I couldn't do anything about it. So, no. I did not. -Well, I don't know who could have done this. -Mr. Dillon, OMG! It was Gilly and Gigli! -Gilly, did you do this to Paula? -Sorry. -Gigli? -Mi dispiace. -She said sorry. -Girls, we'll discuss this later. Now, Sam, let's move on to you. -Well, as you know, my options are limited 'cause, uh, my arms are broken. So I just ate bits off of this wheel of cheddar cheese until it looked like a clipper ship. -It's just okay. -Aah, aah, aah! -Hey, what's that whimpering sound? Liam, you've been socked! -[ Whimpering ] -Okay, who stretched out Liam's tiny puppet sock over his face? Was it you, Liam? -[ Whimpers ] -Sam? -Oh, I would like to harm everyone in this room. But here's the situation. My brother had to zip my pants this morning. -Paula? Was it you? Gilly? -What? -Gigli, is that wine? -Si. -Put that away! It's not lunch yet. All right. Now, did you girls puppet-sock Liam's face? Gilly? -What? -Gigli? -Che cosa? -Gilly? -That's me. -Gigli? -Si. -Gilly? -What's up? -Gigli? -Spaghetti. -All right, that is it. I've had it up to here with you two. I'm going to write you up and -- Hey! Stop that. Now, put out those cigarettes immediately. Gilly? -You got it. -You, too, Gigli. -Prego. -Now, if there are no more interruptio-- [ Explosion ] Gilly? Did you explode Gigli by tricking her into putting her cigarette out in a can of flammable paint thinner? -Sorry. -Gilly! ♪ Knock-knock, who's there? It's Gilly ♪ -Arrivederci. -Ladies and gentlemen, Gilly! [ Jaunty tune plays ] ♪ Her name is Gilly and she's at it again ♪ ♪ Causing lots of ruckus like a barnyard hen ♪ ♪ She's always causing trouble ♪ ♪ Her head looks like a bubble ♪ ♪ Knock-knock, who's that? ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Knock-knock, who's there? Yeah ♪ ♪ Knock-knock-knock-knock, who's there? ♪ ♪ Ohhhhh, yeah, yeaaaaah ♪ ♪ Oh, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ Yeaaaaah ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Oh, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ Hey ♪ ♪ It's Gilly ♪ -It's Christmas. -Okay, kids, put away your math books because it's time to decorate the class Christmas tree. And, also, I just got to the point in here where I don't know what's going on anymore. I'll take this home with me. Okay, kids, let's start by everyone presenting the Christmas ornaments that you made. -Yay! -Oh, boy! -Liam, let's start with you. What kind of ornament did you make? -I made a Christmas angel out of my grandma's pills. Oh, no! I just realized, without these, Grandma's gonna go crazy and dance in front of the gas station in her nightgown again. Oh, gosh! -What about you, Sam? What's your ornament? -Well, considering this -- or what I like to call my "I can't move my hands" situation -- I would like to present a popcorn garland that took me six days to make. Oh, it's finished. -Sam, get real. Paula, I hope you made something appropriate for our beautiful tree. -Actually, Mr. Dillon, I made three ornaments. Together, they represent my ideal first Christmas. This is Robert Pattinson as the baby Jesus... Taylor Lautner as Joseph... and Adam Lambert as Mary. -Paula, I have one statement and one question. I love those, and are they for sale? [ Hissing ] Hey, what the -- What's making that hissing noise? Liam? -Uh, it wasn't me, Mr. Dillon! I just accidentally swallowed one of Grandma's pills while I was kissing the angel, pretending that it was Jill Franklin from French class. Oh, Jill. Je t'aime. -Was it you, Sam? -Well, for the record, I don't make hissing noises. And if I were to, it would be in the privacy of my own bathroom. -Paula, is it you making that sound? -OMG, WTH, Mr. D.? BTW, I'm not making that sound, but I know what it is. Duh! It's Gilly's ornament. -Gilly? -Uh-huh. -Gilly? -Yes. -Running out of time here. Gilly? -What? -Gilly, did you bring in a lit bomb as your ornament to put on the tree? -Sorry. -Gilly! -Oh, no. It's almost 1:00 in the morning! I must have fallen asleep after the children's Christmas party. Wait. Did I ever go? [ Scoffs ] I always lose control during the holidays. Bah humbug! [ Metallic clinking ] What is that noise? [ Clinking continues ] Gilly, is that you? -Boo. -Oh, I know -- I'm dreaming, and you've come to teach me about the true meaning of Christmas? -Unh-unh. -Hm. Then are you just hoping to scare me? -Unh-unh. -Are you here to introduce another Christmas sketch? -You got it. -And scare me? -Little bit. Watch this. [ Metallic clinking ] -Okay, okay, class. Everybody settle down your mouth. No more jiggling. This is sex ed class. Now, I'm going to draw a very realistic sketch of my "vajija." Okay. Who threw that tiny, little cherry pie for one? Was it you, Liam? -No, Mrs. Roberts! It wasn't me! I'm still thinking about that woman in the birthing video you showed us and how she looked like a naked Dora the Explorer. Oh, I'm confused! -Was it you, Sam? -Are you for serious? These are casts. I have to flush my toilet with my forehead. -Paula, did you toss the treat? -No, but I know who did, and she's ducking behind that female anatomy statue. It was Gilly! -Gilly? -What? -Gilly? -Yeah-huh? -Did you throw America's favorite dessert at my head? -Sorry. -♪ Her name is Gilly and she's at it again ♪ ♪ Causing lots of ruckus like a barnyard hen ♪ ♪ She's always bringing trouble, her head is like a bubble ♪ ♪ Knock-knock, who's there? It's Gilly ♪ -It's on. -Now, class... Now, class, when you hit the puberty, your body's going to go crazy. There is gonna be acne, hair, especially in your no-no regions. But don't be scared. Now -- -Help! Help! Mrs. Roberts, look! -Paula, why are you covered in maxi pads? -They're soft, but I don't like it. -Liam, was it you? -No, Mrs. Roberts! I was still picturing the woman in the film. Just thinking about her makes me have to put heavy books in my lap. -Sam, was it you? -Are you for serious? I'm a human goalpost. -Yeah, Mrs. Roberts. It wasn't him, it was Gilly! -Gilly? -Uh-huh? -Gilly? -Sup, G? -Gilly? -Spit it out. -Did you sew Paula into a bunch of feminine napkins? -You got it. -Gilly, for years at this school, you've been causing lots of trouble like a barnyard hen. Sometimes I don't know whether to shake you to death or to hold you close to my "bossom." Frankly, I am worried about what life has in store for you. Have you thought about that, Gilly? -Let's check it out. [ Twinkle! ] [ Monitor beeping ] -I'm sorry to say, it doesn't look good, Gilly. -We did everything we could, or felt like doing. -Thanks, Doctor. -Any last words? -Come closer. Closer. Oh, wait, you got something on your tie right there. -Aah. [ Flatline ] -She's gone. ♪♪ ♪♪ -I was faking it. [ Twinkle! ] -Now, do you see why it's important to be nice to people, Gilly? You died all alone in that flash-forward. I ask you a question. -Shove it, lady. -Gilly? -Stick it, lady? -Gilly? -Suck it, bitch? -Gilly! -I'm sorry. I don't know where that came from. I went too far on that one, you guys. I really went too far. I'm sorry. -♪ Knock-knock, who's there? It's Gilly ♪ -Again, I'm sorry. That was -- That was too much. That was not cool.
Channel: Saturday Night Live
Views: 274,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snl, saturday night live, sketch, live, new york, hilarious, sketches, host, guest, stars, celebrities, compilation, kristen wiig, snl throwback, late night, snl classic, kristen wiig snl, Rosario Dawson, Zac Efron, gilly, gilly snl, gilly compilation, gilly montage, snl compilation, every gilly, every gilly ever, every gilly clip, gilly clips, snl gilly, kristen wiig gilly, gilly on snl, gilly from snl
Id: -BEt3HP7d18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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