BEST Building Tips & Base 101s for Beginners in Palworld!

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being a survival game Base building is pretty important to the gameplay of power world so here are my Base building 101 and tips to improve your building skills in power world first and foremost location location location choosing a good spot for your base is crucial as it will determine where and how you can build buildings affecting your Pal's pathing AI where they will and won't work and determining which resources are available to you so first things first try to find as flat of an area as possible for your bases Clips will of course limit where you can build but they will also confuse your Pal's AI now my first few bases were at the top of cliffs and I would often find my P stuck at the bottom of the cliff without any way to get back up meaning they were not working on the base while I was off adventuring around Pala now another bug I've run into with some clips is that my power will often clip into them getting stuck in the geometry and the only way for me to unstuck them is to go back to my PO box reset them take them out and then put them back in the base which is kind of annoying the next tip in regards to location is try not to place your bases too closely to fast travel points this is more of a guideline than is a hard no no as it's just a little redundant to build near fast travel points since your base is going to act as a fast travel Point itself but at the end of the day if you find a decent base location and it's near a fast travel point it's not going to be game shattering just build where you want to build realistically now besides a nice piece of flat land what also makes a good base location are the available resources in the surrounding area I like to build in areas where the four main resources of the game are easily accessible and abundant and I typically prioritize these four resources in this order first is ore because it's needed for almost everything when you hit the early mid game and unlike wood and stone there aren't buildings that you can just place around your base to farm it right on the base second is pum now pum fragments can be crafted from Stone at the crusher building and stone is pretty easy to stock up on so having readily available pum veins nearby isn't crucial as you progress into the mid and end game but it is nice to have nearby sometimes as you can just run out and grab some extra pallum if you need to make some more palpares then tied for third and fourth are Stone and wood once you unlock the buildings to farm these on your base which is I think think the lumbering building the lumber yard and the stone I don't know what they're called I'm not going to lie to you guys once you unlock the building for them though and build them being close to naturally occurring wooden Stone are not really a necessity anymore since if you put a couple of PS that only have lumbering or mining to work on your base you can pretty quickly stockpile thousands of wood and Stone from these buildings alone and then just toss them into a storage box that you place right beside the buildings and then some last little tips on base locations this blue circle surrounding your base indicates where your PS will and won't work anything inside the circle your base Pals will mine Farm build and or defend I know to some of you that might seem a little obvious but there's probably somebody out there who just learned that for the first time so and lastly Pal's pathing is not that great it was fixed a little in a recent patch but they still do get stuck and Confused sometimes so try not to have narrow corridors and walkways between your base buildings as these will especially trip up the larger and bulkier Pals from time to time anything a pal will be using regularly like crafting tables smithing furnaces and cooking pots should have a decent amount of space around them for pal to work and ideally you might want to place them even outside so they have as much space as possible and you don't have to worry about pal getting stuck in a building somewhere also make sure to place your buildings and crafting stations the right direction destroying a building gives you the full resource cost back so if you realize you place a building backwards and now your poers can't access it just deconstruct it and then place at the correct orientation now next up is just some basic building 101s you can continuously build by pressing y on the controller or right Mouse button on the mouse and keyboard This is most useful when placing foundations walls plantations and crafting stations and then to disassemble finish buildings press R3 on a controller or C on your keyboard while in the building menu if you're having trouble placing a building straight you can rotate it so the building is vertical to your character this will kind of give you an easier view to see exactly uh how straight the building is actually going in parallel to whatever you're trying to place it up against maybe a wall or the edge of a foundation this works especially well when placing crafting tables assembly lines and defensive walls I definitely use this a lot when placing assembly lines cuz they're huge they're long and I can never seem to place them correctly if I have them facing me horizontally now finding a perfectly flat base is not always as easy as it sounds and to be honest I think two of my bases now are not exactly on fully flat spaces so if you do ever need to build on uneven terrain foundations are a great way to give you a flat building area this is especially useful when placing defensive walls and Gates as it will make all the walls and the gate set at the same level then you can just place stairways down staying on the same point as uh foundations if you have a cliff or a hill or something and you need to extend the building area for yourself a little bit you can sometimes Finagle a few foundations right at the edge of that Cliff to line up exactly flush with the ground and it'll give you you know maybe two or three foundations length away of a building area to extend for your building if you need to build anything off a cliff so it's usually good practice to build some storage boxes near your PO box so that you can easily fast travel to your base and move resources as quickly as possible now this pair is nice ly with the grappling hook as you can fast travel grapple over to the boxes that you have set up and then grapple back to the power box to fast travel again also on a side note the grappling hook is just awesome in general I almost always have it ready to go if I'm at my base because you can just Zip Zip Zam and zoom all over the place and you kind of feel a little bit like Spider-Man now speaking of resource management between bases since we get a maximum of three bases you're going to want to specialize your bases for specific tasks you're definitely going to need a mining and smelting base now this is just a must as metal ingots and mind ingredients as a whole are needed to craft basically everything in the game so you're definitely going to want a base setup mainly to focus on metal and stone and eventually as you get further in the game sulfur and maybe coal you'll also probably want a farm and breeding Ranch now this is where you're going to be farming ingredients for your cakes and of course breeding Pals breeding is a great way to get new Pals as you can breed two completely different Pals and get a third completely different pal from the egg which is why wild and is a pretty cool mechanic now you can use this to get hard to find PALS and even ones that you haven't captured yet and there just so happens to be a great breeding calculator on game 8. that I've been using for all my combos so I'm going to drop that link in the video description below so check it out if you need a breeding calculator and now your third base can be an industrial base where a bunch of production and assembly lines happen this one's pretty straightforward uh you need to craft a lot of stuff in power world so having a base solely dedicated to that with Pals that have the highest handiwork level is obviously just going to make your life so much easier now obviously you don't have to specialize each of your bases like this but it's generally a good mindset to have when setting up a new base since the space you have for your bases is limited and you want to consider what you really want this base to do so you can build smartly and one good way to build smartly to maximize your space is to build vertically currently there seems to be no limit to Vertical building in the game so if you can dream it you can build it the sky is quite literally the limit and when you build it you're definitely going to want to build it with stone as soon as possible possible wood buildings will burn and take damage over time and as you go through the game you're going to start getting raided by a lot of Pals that actually use fire and people that use fire which I guess makes sense if you're raiding a building you probably want to build fire build fire you probably want to use uh fire though unless you want your bases reduced to a pile of rubble upgrade to Stone ASAP in fact I would just say don't even try to build too much with wood and just try to get to Stone buildings as fast as possible and then just start building with that because right now you can't replace old buildings like old foundations and walls with new ones so you can't just upgrade like that you have to like completely demolish everything and then rebuild it um now my last tip for the video has to do with World settings if possible I recommend turning off building decay in your world settings this will let you build things like walls especially defensive walls which I find I like to put them outside my base a lot of times and this will let you do that without having to worry about them slowly decaying over time and then breaking down this is also pretty useful if you want to have like a little kind of on the-go Hut to use a little Outpost if you're out exploring and you need just like a little space to like maybe store some stuff and put a bed in so you can sleep through the night if you don't want to explore through the night I I'm 50/50 on the night sometimes I don't like it cuz it's too dark and sometimes I'm like you know I got I got stuff to do let me get it done through the night but yeah I usually turn off building the cave because I like to build little things outside of my Bas sometimes and I don't like them to just uh Decay on me but yeah that's going to do it for this one folks so if you found any of these tips useful drop a like to let me know and if you want more power videos subscribe because I got much more on the way and I will catch y'all next [Music] time
Channel: JayJonesR Gaming
Views: 1,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: videogames, videogame, nerd, dlc, gameplay, tips, tips and tricks, lets play, walkthrough, game, gaming, gamer, video game, playstation, playstation 4, ps4, ps5, playstation 5, xbox, xbox 1, xbox one, pc, sony, microsoft, computer game, computer games, pc gaming, pc games, palworld
Id: SgkvYE1-Z9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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