The Wonder Wall

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what's going on YouTube and welcome you've seen the title you've seen the thumbnail this is terrifying this is a1 b1 that I've played just the other day against the pro player MBL who's in the north and there's a lot to talk about here there's a lot to break down it's one of the more unique games you'll actually see on YouTube not just saying that because I'm casting it and not just saying that because I was one of the players but I've genuinely never seen this and a1 b1 game before so before we dive in too much I just want to spend a few seconds and won't go too crazy with it just to say thanks the channel crossed two hundred thousand YouTube subscribers recently there's more people watching and commenting and liking and all that good stuff and as I said in the community post recently there's a little area where I can type things to you guys which I rarely do I don't really feel worthy of the amount of people that are watching and that are enjoying but I'm really happy that I've been able to play a part in Age of Empires twos journey and I will my thank you to you guys is that I will continue to do this innovate make things interesting with my casts and some other uploads so thanks so this is a1 b1 for lakes game I'm here in the blue I've gone for the huns now it's funny is I new MBL was queuing up for games and last I had checked he was playing chess or something I thought he was either doing that or oh yeah he was messing around with cheat codes for whatever reason so I was like all right I was actually I had some really important real-life things to do and naturally like the adult I am I decided to procrastinate and play Age of Empires instead so I'm like okay we're not gonna play MBL okay I don't have to do all these other things let's game and then I got a meal and just as I was trying to rank up my main account as a freaking duck account my second account named Harold I was higher than me so I get a pro player now Huns are great civilization for this you you have the mid game flexibility which is really where they can be quite strong so I had never faced up against Incas on this map before so I really felt like my eco was going to be better because I could probably take control of the pawns full law and expected especially with my forward stones for MBL to go for and to go for towers if you know anything about Incas Incas are incredibly strong with their villagers because the polluters are affected by blacksmith upgrades MBL and I are good friends I've known him for years he obviously knows and yeah I'm a caster and whatnot so it's just fun for people to see him go Yolo against me right so he's docking here here's his back ponds and then I'm gonna dock in the back here and I can break down kind of what I was thinking throughout this game now initially I was thinking I was going to be full-on tower rushed bill rush whatever and I figured if I could take controlled ponds I could I could get fishing ships out and then I could use the wooden gold to create cab archers that I'd be in a good spot here going nights can be a little bit rough against Incas and actually in general Huns are really poor against tink is in the post Imperial age Huns don't have anything that can be elite cameo Eagles even questionable right Huns if they make if they have anything against Eagle warriors it would be their cavalier then Incas get Halberdier then the Kami looks the ideal unit for Incas because cameos are a bit like a pointy boy like a halberd ear and also they have a decent attack and pierce armor like an eagle up against any archers but yeah we'll get there I wanted a fast futile so I pushed in quite a few deer here so lots of food have my doc up Hans do start with 100 less wood so I'm a little bit delayed when it comes to that and you'll see mb already has the second fishing ship out and off I go to scout MDL now I played this I have not casted this so I know everything from my perspective I'm gonna go to MBL's perspective a little bit more frequently I think at the start because I have not actually SPECT the game but if you look at MBL's point of view first up he's already getting alumina which indicates he's probably gonna drop off food and go feudal which is pretty quick but he can see both of my stones and my gold there whereas if you look at his gold his gold star on the back his stones in the back only resource he is to worry about the main goals even and it's just the stone here so they've my gold my gold being here and here compared to MBL's gold being on the back of both of them being on the back it's pretty unfortunate for me and if he's gonna go towers and bills this would be the ideal map to go forward on but I was always thinking well what's a villager rush gonna do against my fish so my concern was as I'm about to go to feudal age and send a lots of wooden golds I need to wall this up that way I can keep my pond secured you can't sneak any villagers dock there and my approach was to go archers try and get this left hand side docked and MBL is it just gone for straight greed here right no barracks like I brought up the feud late Slater's so I can have a few more villagers floating to have on wood to have on gold but he had no barracks from him and just villager to this side so he could add a dock now hindsight's 2020 I think I probably could have looked around a little bit more i had actually pulled my scalp back here because I was so confused I thought he might have been trying to rush me down here there's nothing there I was at his base I didn't see a barracks I didn't even see his main goal because it was so close to his town center I wasn't really sure with this guy be up to scouting definitely could have been better sometimes it's not what you see it's what you don't see that can give you an idea of what they might be going for when I played this map a lot and normally when someone goes futile age they're going to fight in some way MBL is not doing that he's gone for the greed so he's going to gold now but he's just at home pushing in his deer and he's over here I will add fish and chips so it's pretty much all eco remember l think my feudal age time could have been a bit more true faster so I'm really expecting some type of pressure like i-i've Wald's here I was expecting him to come in with something I brought my my Scout over to protect this filled with sheep walls I didn't need to do that at all but my resources are looking good I am behind an eco but I'll be adding fish and chips back here eventually and I'll also be making army where as MBL is just going fast castle so he's adding a barracks he's on his gold he's plenty of fish back here a fishing ship over here this is one I picked up on it like I'd yet to see villagers come forward I'd yet to see a tower MBL's hoping that he can get away with this greed so I said okay well I'm gonna send her over here I'm gonna build a dock and try and get some fire galleys out to take that pond away from him now I want to show you this do you notice how he saw my Scout look what he did with this fishing ship first thing he does is scout with the efficient ship to see if I've dot and then he queues up a galley so just the reaction cream is really impressive there to notice my scout and know what that means maybe I shouldn't have hung around there is freek as a as much as I did but there's my dock and unfortunately for me at this point he's definitely gained an eco lead I've not been able to punish him and he's making Eagles and it's heavy on gold and so he's thinking let's go castle let's go crazy Eagles good start for MBL my walls are up I'm making archers and Here Come those archers with flexion so I'm and I'm investing a lot more in a feudal age at this point I always feudal age military alright so I I came forward I sold the market and I had suspicions now I'm like oh no now I realized oh shoot because when you see the market you know what's probably market blacksmith and if it's Incas they they would only do that if they're gonna add a few barracks and go Eagles still like I haven't seen him on gold either which is really annoying it's a really good gold spot for him but I have fletching so good thing is fuel eight archers in numbers can take out villagers feudal age archers with numbers can also take out the Eagles so I figured I had some time well also on this side I was gonna try and fight against him where he has a few fishing ships already mic room with my scalp mm-hmm this is MBL's point of view if I take him off gold you can't make many Eagles also I really wanted to keep MBL away from this pond I've seen enough MBL cross games where I know that he goes for extreme greed he's already started with extreme greed here meanwhile my food economy is getting better I the difference is that he's been on two pawns I've just been on one I think in total fishing ship members I have six here he has seven and then he had had three on the other side and of course he has a gold in the back so I deny one gold I'm harassing but it's kind of unfortunate that he also has that gold back there and I can't be in more than one spot not with these numbers of archers anyways so I saw that he's trying to pick off my reinforcements I figured all right well I had some success didn't kill any villagers the villagers were armored because Inca villagers are affected by blacksmith upgrades and now I sees in castle age so I unfortunately the greed for MBL has paid off at this point I was Mike going over here I was going to be able to clear out his fishing ships which was really important but yeah unfortunately the greed has paid off for MBL and this is where he starts to extend that that eco lead into an even bigger eco lead here he has Eagle really really tough for Huns to fight I'm doing my best here to clear out weak Eagles I forget what happens I think I end up losing all my archers futile eight archers shouldn't do anything here yeah I end up losing my archers and while I have been able to do okay here on water I'm on my way to Castle age what's MBL doing he's already add adding his second PC now you know what direction this is going okay just appreciate the fact I'm showing you because I thought long and hard over not doing so here's MBL now with another town center now that actually reviewed some of my games on this map I think I'm not fishing as heavily as I need to hey it's I basically put more wood investment into lands and MBL put more wood investment into water early now I did see this villager he had sent this villager over here to try and get another dock up so I'm really glad I patrolled these archers and I decided that I was gonna go all-in CAV archers and when I say all-in I mean all in-cab archers because if you get a mass of them I can start sniping villagers I can even start sniping fishing ships and it's it's what hunters should be doing on this map especially in this situation now if you're thinking well T now do you have food shouldn't you be making Knights against Eagles it's actually pretty tricky I would say no now it depends but big reason I'd say no it's because then MBL could go for Eagles and pikemen and you could also contribute monks whereas with CAV archers CAV archers with enough of them you can take out the Eagles and with enough of them you're able to take out the monks in the Pyke's as well so full CA especially when they're discounted is is the way to go tried to kill that villager that armors insane still patrolling over here though MBL's investing in two so he started off with heavy fish and then the food count from the fishing ships as we're fighting on water over here he is then just put straight into pills and now he's also adding farms to all right I got a big demo MBL comes over and gets a really nice demo I was well played from him and unfortunately I'm too focused on everything else right now so I didn't realize it was quite that good for him still haven't given him that pond and then I noticed this I I thought I had this locked down and then it turns out he did dock over here anyways so now I have some real decisions to make I I know MBL's faster DTC's as I add my second key see and I basically just trying to come back at this point right so now you get to see the the high APM play that the caster APM plays I try my best to be annoying because he's investing so heavily into eco and I was hoping that I could make him pay the price for that trying not to be humiliated it's probably the better way to say it now we talked about my gold problems this gold that's mine this gold that's my these stones remind MBL's resources all on the back at this point he's 40 C's producing villagers you can see the Eco difference already growing you'll see some of the micro you'll see me start to invest into some farms and you should seek a varchar numbers coming forward I pretty high numbers right now at least sorry I will have high numbers in a moment alright so I sent few cabbages this way i I really like to play with Hans on this because the mobility so incas is probably not like the top pick on this MBL is just just hoping to have extreme greed like I've mentioned earlier I will end up losing my dock here I think so anyways I forget funny enough but yeah I get through he's over chopped so I've killed the villager it's really messy for him I sent over two monks and I'm not sure if this is the play but I delete all three of them we're gonna forget about that Here I am with some CA and kill a villager Here I am with some CA at this point I expect his monks to come over to do with these calves archers so I figured I can run around here and and this so far is actually working quite well for me to be able to get this many groups worked very well for me to use that mobility he has quite a bit of idols about 20 idols which is that also the difference in the Deville Cal now fishings really gonna hurt I think that the lack of fishing for me is really gonna hurt cuz he's adding fish and chips on this side while also adding villagers out of the TCS but so far I'm controlling the map scores looking good because I have a lot of military out and everytime MBL goes to it to deal with this I'm gonna switch over to the left-hand side so I really I personally thrive when I'm able to control the map you just never want to be in the position where you're at a huge eco disadvantage especially up against Incas and this type of the matchup abso MBL's point of view this is it here now he goes to deal with the CAV archers on the left and then the second he does that I go in with the CAV archers on the right so tough to raid incas all right this is where this is where the problem comes in now I have the military to fight MBO look whatever he has right now I have the military to kill right his eco is good it's very good in fact however with with math ca I can film a gun Ellis and I can kill the Eagles he has right now however where is my army my armies in the back so I'm still microing multiple groups getting some villager Snipes thankfully but I don't have a lot of army here some I've just built this TC here to protect the area I'm going to stone so I can soon build a castle because that's such a bad such bad part of the map for me here MBL has Magon l here i attack villagers here MBL has Magon l run away send more calves archers to the right I'm just it wasn't quite desperation at this point I actually felt like it was going pretty good for me I didn't realize what was about to go down I knew he had this cat oh no I didn't know you had this castle okay I played this game two days ago and I still forget I I tried to dock this side so I could clear out those fishing ships I think it's definitely a case of it has already paid off for MDL CAV archers are on the left they'll take out that dock so he can't fish there I figured this is a good move and I'm also trying to raid on this side so I am moving round that with three different groups of CAV archers and now I'm thinking well he has monks maybe I could make a few nights and like have to deal with this but guys my military isn't here I never expected now hindsight's 2020 maybe I should have I should have seen this castle maybe I should have saw that he was on stone and expected it but it didn't dawn on me until now how vulnerable I was in this spot of the map Andie's Incas so the castles are extremely cheap now I'm I'm in different areas pressuring MBL and I'm feeling good about what's going on on water feeling good about what's going on here but guys I can't stop this he goes for two castles the Casas are cheaper and that's that's my gold these are my stones and then my other Gold's over here so my first reaction was scores good it's a good indicator of position in the game the the eCos actually a lot closer because I've been able to get so many Snipes populations actually leaving but I didn't know what to do if I had enough stone I would drop a castle here and stop him from pushing further I didn't know what to do so I I said I obviously have to continue to raid I send villagers to this goal and this stone immediately having scouted that earlier and I think I was panicking because I over made fish and chips here I didn't need to make more I could have made some fish this is just so bad right I mean I'm making CAV archers the CAV archers are working well come any villagers I'm killing even against Incas but now I have you just can't push this and while the Ville count is decent the fact that I can't collect resources the way I would want to with those villagers is bad I'm even out of wood back here just have to chop through it's just nomads now boys an ink MBL spotted that I had sent some villagers to the left which is a shame because I didn't expect him to go over here and this is like everything that has happened at this point I had actually seen and accept this so these 17 or how many bills is that 15 villagers I'd never noticed never notice that happened because there was so many other things I was focusing on so now MBL has four castles on my face I knew this game was probably over right but when you when you get into this type of a situation you have to play until they finish you all right so I'm at a disadvantage I have maybe a 5% chance from here because of all life forward resources being castle but I knew I had just came to one pond it's gonna try my best to deny this castle I still was sniping some fishing ships keeping them off gold and keeping him off wood so I had good mobility there so I felt like I would I would continue as as long you know as long as I could so MBL he has all the gold and stone in the world and he's going to get that castle up and take you from more stone he is not gonna go for the immediate kill he's gonna go for a big boom because he's my friend and he wanted to lose that friendship I'm kidding I'm obviously still friends with him but uh he could have just stomped me he could have just killed me now granted I could have resigned I suppose think he was buying stone at this point one two three four five six castles damn actually um one thing that really hurt me here see when you're playing you look at the amount you have on food and I felt as though a guy had to abandon all my farms and also this back dock is gonna be taken out and so I like my food count was looking really good but I didn't think to add more food until now so as I was relocating if I would have added more food eco I think I could be on my way to him I could make a castle and then I could maybe make some traps and I don't know where would push exactly as I'm still trying to raid MBL on this side but like that that was my way back into this game is to go in and hopefully get bracer and calves Archer upgrades look how close I am it's time to make a market like I've been closed for a long time and it's just a lot of wasted time so to speak you know look at this lady batter she's knocking on the door she's like let me in let me in I don't know what happens to her kind of forgot about her so what MBL is doing is still investing putting all this food into more villagers putting more into eco and now I'm going on the way to him so his economy is obviously going to be more stable he can take resources I can't and he's dropping a castle here and again I have military I didn't have it in the right spot I had CAV archers here I was about to I don't know what I was doing with him actually but I still felt like I had a small chance until I saw this castle going up I knew if this castle went up that was probably it for me now if he wasn't Incas you never know here I build the tower I have cavil archers but the villagers is two for control he maybe will lose a three now what hey this is MBL's point of view he sees everything more importantly this for tile gold was was like just as close to him as it was to me and I couldn't take the left-hand side so he knows at this point t9 he's probably dead and or at the very least his eCos way worse than mine mm-hmm he has a relic collected he is 50 on food now I have five on food I think I ended up having to buy bracer this is the point you look at that score this is the point where you're probably thinking all right it's time to resign t90 but I wanted to continue to play I was still killing villagers and I felt like my only chance is the Imperial age only chance is getting some calves Archer upgrades before MBL gets to the Imperial agent gets elite cameo because we're as of now castle aged Cammy Oaks not all that good against elite I was still lacking like just basic upgrades like wheelbarrow all right so I'm splitting groups like the micro nerd I am feeling good oh yeah killed a villager down by 50 kill the villager great you're so good man oh my gosh still making CA o MBL Saul I was him and I think got a little bit worried and he typed this he typed advanced to the imperial age I just immediately said No I know that trick and there goes MBL on the way to him based on what I can see I am doing damage right but the KDS now that bad I do have a pond that's fishing it's good I don't know why I must have missed clicked here why am i making more fires that's weird I knew I made more than I needed I didn't know I was still making them here and my thought was still raid it's kind of a sign that my eco is bad when I don't even have bracer yet these are still Castle aged calves archers raid get some siege out and try and get this area back right where is MBL he at this point has he should win this game right he has yes relic there's nothing Huns can do against the league kameoka you'll see how strong these things can be so nvl is gonna try something he's gonna try it's a keyword here I'm hoping I won't let this happen right now we've seen the castle wall on my youtube channel where MBL built a wall of castles to let someone know hey I've won resign we've seen the bombard tower wall all of these have been on my channel over the last two weeks no no months okay we are about to see the attempted and more ridiculous wonder wall now wonders they're useless and rated games because you cannot win the game with wonder victory or relic victory they are a building that takes a long time to build and cost 1,000 wood 1000 gold in 1,000 stone at this point I was already feeling pretty disheartened but I continued to try knowing that I would probably be dead the logic I used earlier I will resign once he kills me but he's not killing me so I'm I'm like I'm trying my best to kill as much as possible it's it's actually pathetic to watch my attempts here because I'm doing so little and obviously once armor comes in as well it'll affect the bills even more so I won't do much with Michael archers I guess the KDS okay I've made a trebuchet I want to trip down that castle and here's MBL so he has enough resources to build two wonders right now two of them now he got the upgrade are the upgrades on the way for his Vil's i quikwall impressive except the other side still exposed fricking Incas man I just wanted to take this castle out and mvl will build a wonder of my face up here now if I wasn't gonna resign before I definitely wasn't gonna resign now because this is not only is this a flex which hurts my feelings but it's also a way for him to throw the game right I might feelings weren't heard I started attacking with my own villagers and go to deny that and then he's going to build this - I mean it takes forever to build these things and it's also really expensive so here does he actually lose this no he deletes it so he gets the resources back and here this is one TREB shot one ram shot away from going down and him losing those resources I did destroy that castle now kami Oaks are on the way kami Oaks are not elite yet but they still have decent pierce armor they ton of damage against these calves are shoes that I have especially because I'm lacking tons of upgrades on them these villagers still not dying still not dying over there wonders still on the way up and we haven't okay this is where it became more of a wonder wall three of them three of a man it's a wonder why I was so upset when I saw the first few I was like whatever but then I saw that he had three up at one time and I was just like no MDL stop this three of them okay well he has to delete that one this one he has to delete as well I just I couldn't be disrespected like this I have 143 population MBL he's below me right now this is my chance the villagers are incredibly tanky but you sent a lot forward the wonders are expensive I really should have made a trap I'd bet I didn't have access to gold but I really should have made a trebuchet and just tried to snipe these things the second we built them because if I would have been able to snipe two of them or even one of them you never know I think as MBL still tries to build these wonders his eco he never used his auto farm so I start to raid him here but look at his eco back here LOI lo legend status and suddenly the score is really close like so much of his eco as I told and if only I would have had this for tile goals if I would have had that on this side just imagine actually in hindsight I think this was my for tile gold and that was MBL's so I I did know this one was here but I didn't end up taking that till later on man this is even more depressing because when I was playing this I felt like MBL always had even population with me while he was sitting on resources I didn't realize he went down to a hundred pop this is I should have emotion I should have looked at this ahead of time and emotionally prepared myself for this he's at a hundred pop ah dang man I actually I could have maybe pushed here I really didn't believe that I ever had a chance still despite the score being close like I was doing good with the race I was taking this gold I deleted these Palisades and remembered that gold was there dang man I can't upload this I can't upload this this is okay he's building a wonder in the back all right listen guys I've uploaded my wins and I've uploaded my losses alright this just happens to be one of the more embarrassing ones oh god he's basically rebou mning at this point except the difference is he has one two three four five six seven seven castles and he has more access to go I had a relic here and had a relic here so I actually could have snatched three relics because I just got one yeah I was really I really felt like the area that was impossible for me to push while we still recording I think we are sorry I just had a weird issue here that the area that was impossible for me to push what here was here or at least I would need a big force so I thought I would maybe weak in this area of his base but I can't even I wanted to run through the back of his base and I couldn't even do that because the way these castles were positioned it sucks 56 on food for me I'm getting like calves I decided to run back here scores really close now as MBL's rebou ming and getting fabric shields which gives the extra pierce armor to the Kami oaks which is the unit that just hunts cannot kill spoke to MBL later he said I knew it was impossible for you if I got cameo so now I ran back here with a bit of confidence and okay I finally made it through this castle wall and now I see a wonder going up and you know the what little confidence that I had returning will quickly disappeared all right all right I start to rate a little bit there's just one cameo here for MBO I make a doc over here wanting to clear out any fishing ship she doesn't actually have any definitely could have done a better job working with the pawns in this game in general and I'm 200 pop I still thought that I was 200 pop verse 170 I I should have made more siege this is like like I actually got pop capped here as I'm trying to make trebuchet Xin Rams like look I have them queued but I have so much I guess I have too many villagers I guess I should be impressed that I weathered this storm I should have deleted these fire ships that's that's a waste of a population there should a what I could a youtube shoulda woulda coulda the guys already tried to drop four wonders on my face obviously he didn't complete the Wonderwall which is good and here I thought that maybe he be he would have expanded his farming eco because as far as I can see he has farming eco here he's losing access to these resources now he's getting a leak a milk now he's getting bracelet bracelet would apply to not the Kami Oaks but the castles and he's MBL's the cockroach of AOE alright so he is he is really good at not dying and you're about to see the power of elite Cammy Oaks he's been able to read boom he's been able to use the gold I'm I'm trying to push the only area I can and take this coal bin this gold what's funny as I might even end up having just as much gold collected in this game as he did again I was starting to feel confident I'm starting to amass the Rams the Rams over this way all at assume I'll soon patrol in assume I will soon patrol in there we go I'm pushing his base but there's not a lot over there anymore MPL is completely collected this goal he is almost completely collected this gold of course has villagers building this wonder which is it's a mouldy wonder just wait till you see this thing I think it's a mossy wondered to be more exact and I wanted to break through this house so I could get back into his eco whereas he is uh massing the Kami oaks now I recall seeing the TREB sitting there because of my outpost I sent in a ram to try and take the tribes out I thought that would be a good opportunity because I didn't think MBL would have military with it now you have six pierce armor my calves archers are doing isn't a 10 damage 9 damage because I don't have chemistry yet and he has seed behind this really good work from him to have so many tribes with it because I could I didn't have a chance to really adapt and like prepare something for this these things destroy everything I make watch these cameo stone me here I'm trying my best to micro trying and that one range I'm dying I'm dying I'm dying here I'm dying MBL's populations growing the wonder is being built the Cameo ups are melting everything what to make matters even worse for me this is not an area that is unimportant this is like the last area that I can be on as so much of my my precious farming eCos over here I tried to pull the ca back underneath the castle and I was just about the hustle right when Italy cameo came in for him I I'd used multiple demo attempts over here to try and take out the cameos doesn't work too well yeah there was a few minutes there where I could have maybe I could have took initiative and maybe done a bit more with my raids it's trying to get over the the depression that's setting in as I look at what could have been now I'm at 106 villagers still don't have a lot that can count sir Cammy yolks MBL is creating quite a few of them yes 52 cameos does he look at my military not all that impressed my population not that impressive especially when I don't have an important upgrade like chemistry on the ca I also think my like here's the demo attempts I also think my thumb ring upgrade was pretty late look how fast the CA died you just get poked right down man still felt like maybe I have a chance at this point I'm just continuing because I know MBL is probably trying to build a wonder and it'd be great YouTube content and there it is this this actually looks amazing Dave made the joke once that this is a moldy wonder it's obviously not mold think it's moss but that that looks incredible like I would go on a journey within that wonder doesn't do anything for MBL except flex and I don't know what's up either I don't get a notification that that thing's up so I'm gonna try and raid here in a moment I'm I'd played one too many games in a row so I'm just like I'm not really looking at my pop or anything I'm just trying to mass produce units that are gonna died it camy look but I decided to try my best to rate because I know MBL has a lot of his population here and now I see it so I think I signaled it we banter back and forth I don't really remember but I I can't kill this I just cannot kill this and I can't relocate either yeah there's my signal of it I guess I just now noticed it it's really tough to rate incas because their villagers are so armored so even if there's three or four cameos patrolling arounds that's gonna be enough to clean up any raids I have and it's a lot of population I'm not gonna have where I need it but yeah this point but resigned t90 resigned I have 43 idols I look at my pop so if I dip below 120 pop that's normally when I know I'm dead what I can't well actually I can't see the amount of idols but it's not something you see as easily as your total population when things are moving quickly so I was just trying my best MBL sees my relics are here so he's gonna attack that he's getting sappers now which means his villagers will do extra damage against buildings which should be pretty insane and I tap out with a hundred and fifty three population against his one sixty so yeah I didn't just get one two drops I got multi wonder dropped I got one der waals now I if you felt like there was going to be multiple wonders standing up next we each other but we would have to be pretty freakin bad players for that ever to happen because wonders takes so long to build but that that's as close as it will ever get I hope for me and props to MBL cuz he could have just steamrolled me he could have gone full kameoka with his boom and won the game but if anything he gave me a chance and it was a good laugh he said afterwards that he felt that I don't think he should have felt that maybe on a different day would have been actually upset by it but it's like in anchorman when Ron Burgundy is talking to Baxter you remember that scene and he's like he's like you I think he said something about eating the entirety of whatever food was in the fridge or pooping in the refrigerator either either one or both and he's like I'm not even mad I'm just impressed that's exactly how I feel about this game beautiful wonder I like that Incan wonder wonderful play from MBL I guess we should sum this one up and go to the statistics I'm gonna have more gold collected in him aren't I okay thank God Oh as I was casting that I was thinking I think I collected a decent amount of gold now when you look at that it doesn't seem like that was the type of game it was it seems like it was a lot closer than it was I still think and after the wander moments if I would have deleted those fire ships in the right corner or just deleted some villagers somewhere and I could have had four or five tribes with seed Rams in the south or or at least pushed him north a bit earlier I could have maybe hit him harder before the Cameo came in there's still just so many castles there I had 98% of the map explored woohoo I wanted that category yeah everyone's excited there's the relic gold for you I obviously could have gotten the third relic not my best game but at least I have this bad boy here I don't know if that's good or bad whatever hope you guys enjoyed my misery I hope you guys don't get wonder dropped in the future and hope you didn't join t YouTube content recently thanks for watching everyone I am actually gonna suggest a video where MBL was playing against vivvy or the fat dragon and let's just say that MBL got a taste of his own medicine in that it was a 1v1 before de so it's a classic Age of Empires and it was a great one to watch so I will make sure I upload that I think this is officially we're not upload that recommend that I think this is officially the second time that a pro player has wonder dropped me only the last time it happened it was just a single wonder and that was when de frst came out and that was actually the fat dragon so there's a few out there anyways enjoy that video if you watch if not enjoy the rest of your night and I'll see you you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 93,236
Rating: 4.8877306 out of 5
Keywords: The, Wonder, Wall, Tower Wall, Castle Wall, Oasis, Classic, AoE2, Age of Empires 2, AoE2 Definitive Edition, aoe, T90, T90Official, Commentary, Islands, Cross, Four Lakes, Hidden Cup 3, Legendary, Embarrassing, wtf, why me, don't remember this
Id: wI9RffrLQpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 41sec (2501 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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