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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
it's just you she are you scaring them again what did I tell you about that you cut that out they deserve better they're good people leave them alone welcome to siren head retribution do you know that a character is starting to pick up steam when it gets names like siren head retribution because everyone's trying to make a siren ed game well let's see what this one's about all right whoa all right I should check with Dan and Riley in the station to see what needs maintenance yeah some tells me that um this looks pretty good you know something tells me that Dan and Riley aren't gonna be there something tells me they're gonna be very dead where is everybody was the power off reasons.i Dan should be allowed to eat pasta in the ranger cheap generator Greg Mottola I like pasta it's convenient you can eat pizza all the time basically it's the same food I like pasta it's very funny very funny hi Daniel Carter of sound mind and body do solemnly declare that I have died of boredom we barely even get calls on the radio anymore even my Walkman broke just this morning it's 1988 what does a man have to do for some excitement around here Riley if you see this know that I died in Restless agony and will forever haunt you unless the next time you go into Atlanta you bring a Nintendo Entertainment System back with you that is I'm begging you your deceased friend Dan kind of like this one day Dan you will live here sincerely you in Chicago Chicago Oh Chicago baby the ultimate place to go I like this word building Chattahoochee National Forest ranger station my name is Riley how can I help hey I'm I think I'm being followed by someone what's your location sir who's following you I haven't seen them I just hear some strange things out in the woods and some heavy footsteps sir I need your location if I'm gonna help you I think I'm on the yellow trail this guy better back off do not confront whoever's following you sir my partner is on the way right now can you tell me what they look like no it's I mean I haven't seen him yet I can hear him though okay sir calm down what does he look like big really big sounds like he has a damn radio with him to radio like a tornado siren or something yours is probably running to be honest I'm probably getting freaked out over nothing actually our tornado siren has been broken for days radio static neither party spoke hang on I think I think I can see wait oh my god hello sir can you hear me interesting I got an idea what's up dad that person's death is next still come on we got places to be since today is Thanksgiving at all why don't we just forget rose and get a bite to eat people might still be out there you remember last year with the missing kids if over you would you've wanted people to stop patrolling here we go what's that supposed to mean you know that there was nothing that you could do to find those kids right I know that one of them was your sister but you're on some thin ice now Dan point is you're torturing yourself come on back okay I made dinner but not did you hear that feedback maybe listen thanks for making dinner I'll be back in a minute but I need to go check out something real quick well that doesn't sound good okay Riley I've gone for help my project cars in the garage out back it still needs a few parts before it can run but I know that you can piece it together Vendetta or not take my car and go now wish me luck damn I need to start the generator before turning on the main power uh what about all the problems that are happening should be around garage if I miss you Riley mom oh man lots of notes it's cool it makes it feel lived in whoa box box tiny box Tim it's you that other box is oblong it's a rectangle it's you tiny box Tim Wow you're a rectangle do that's okay your twin brother back there doesn't matter tiny hey you been spent so long it's good to see you why don't you come with me let me come with me a little buddy oh let me drop your friggin at least a foot that's six feet thank you days since anything happened at all ever well tiny box Tim looks like there's a mystery but we gotta get it solved oh hi all right well this seems normal - do you replace head taillights grease components finished clean partial reattach we'll get a new battery filled with gas roots it's a wheel battery and gas that's what I need to get this going have you seen that a burner oil grease no it's like a blown fuse bought from big bill hell's cars for a steal they said Leigh found rat in the trunk got started without a muffler it made my ears ring befriended rat in the truck named Walter well that's adorable okay so fuse so where's a fuse damn where's fuse never seen a fuse oh all right okay all right Tim I guess we got to go Riley did you take the ladder back to your shed again I know that you need it because you're short the other one is all the way in the water tanks give me a break will ya I don't find that joke very funny find it funny at all right let's go find something I'm here to do maintenance not wander off in the woods I thought I need to go find a fuse or a ladder what do i do what do I need wait what did I need wait I forgotten what I need what do I need I missed it lick see and put it on screen again for everyone to mock me good excellent thank you two hours later all right I'm back I had to restart the game to get this one prompt so I can know what to do yep looks like a blown fuse thankfully I have some extra in the back of it alright fine what if I got rusty when looking at an outlined object to grab it I know all right Tim you wait here at the van keep it safe ah be back I'll be back I'll be back for you alright slammer Brammer boink easy that's dude like a dream like dream now I can turn on the main power in this station well now without Tim Tim you see anything weird out in these woods good excellent that's what I like to hear yeah the clunk all right I was looking away I was looking away what happened oh I might just eternally bone to always miss it because I turn away at the low whoa oh my god my van my van maybe I can get that car in the garage running Tim good thing I didn't leave you by the van that would have been a tragic demise all right well Oh the siren is gone that was siren it and I missed it great what is that oh it's my run bar okay so I need wheel battery and gas you gotta go find it all right Tim I'm gonna have to leave you behind here you stay watch this car I'll bring you the material you get it all set up okay you got it all right my cottage damn your voice sounds different it's almost like you haven't spoken in five years what happened look out there's monsters in the woods thanks Tim thank you stamina does not reach oh it's one of those humans that doesn't ever catch their breath I get it I understand all right so what am i approaching a cabin sure well that doesn't sound very good hello a wheel Dan didn't you need gas for that car of yours either way I bought some and left some in the utility shed where's the utility shed is there anything else in here that I would possibly need maybe I'm writing this down as a reminder or maybe as a warning but either way I think I know how that siren thing works you can't see you but it can hear your shape it hears everything that's why I uses sirens you can hear everything it knows where you are even if you hide if it wants you it's already coming don't stop don't make any noise don't let it catch you Dan I hope you're still alive to find this Riley sounds like you're both alive what do you mean don't stop don't make any noise I thought that's didn't ain't that the thing that the things that the thing [Music] what what stay moving stay quiet stay alive keep dogs on a leash both good good info my steps are real loud hey stop stop I don't know what it means by stay moving stay quiet how do I stay quiet if I stay moving damn get fired up why did the wheel up come back with the whale shut up don't be rude oh sorry I didn't mean it like that oh hey Oh oh no no no no Tim everything all right here I'll stitch it in all right thanks Tim your voice is getting better I think thank you throat lozenger all right um I don't know how to be quiet keep dogs on leash great is this the utility shed I see gas and I thought it was a French horn okay Dan if you know some I find this note just know that I'm on my way back to the station something attacked my car listen for the sirens stay away okay I don't know I don't know what to do no no no oh that's terrifying oh I hate it oh I hate that okay hear him I've got a bit of a problem Tim Tim I've got a bit of a problem Tim please tell me that's you connecting to the internet Tim please we got big problems Tim all right the big problem in particular is that I don't know where the last thing is gonna be he was gas was a gas that battery battery I don't know where a battery would be Tim I don't know if we're gonna get out of this one oh I believe in you God man Tim your voice it's real bad I guess the only thing I can do is try to go for these southern ones and hope it seems to be over that way so I'm gonna go this way you know maybe I should just stop looking well that's not good [Music] did you say what say he turned himself into a pickle is the funniest [ __ ] I've ever seen that's hilarious and horrifying please leave me alone this isn't something that I can use to retire I don't know what the hell that was I got a ladder you step back mister man I got a ladder Oh what is happening it could be right next to me and I would never know you can't you can't you can't you can't you couldn't you could never had two ladders says will you get HPR is suck my ass dan I'm sorry I won't be able to making it back to the station after all it's here after all this time it's here I don't know why maybe it knows that I was researching it somehow but I won't let this opportunity pass me by not now not ever I'm coming for you now you siren headed son of a [ __ ] I want my sister back oh well Russian experiment demon alien sound of terror radioactive echolocation yeah pretty sure all these things correct all correct yes all correct all of them every one of them I am stuck Wow what is it dear dear bear people dear bear people well that's you know it's really unfortunate that you're over there mister man because that's the direction that I want to go can I get a gun the other game gave me a gun I'm going for mistake mistake I won't need to be that I'm pretty sure everything I need won't be this far oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no no no no there's nothing here oh no it was supposed to be another thing oh that's not a please alright so I'm gonna check that up there oh yeah oh wow right in front of me right right in okay you know that's a little rude that's not cool that's not cool that's not cool why would you do that that's so not cool that's so not cool that's so not cool [Music] that is very not cool ouuuu yeah I can do that too there's nothing out here it was supposed to be here and it's not why does stamina not regenerate oh it's not here it was supposed to be here and it is not Oh No Brij oh hi Oh No oh hey Macarena I don't know man there was supposed to be something on this trail but I didn't see it I did kind of go off the trail though so let me try again am i slower than I was why do I feel like I'm slow even slower what how what please please don't kill me I have a ladder you want a ladder buddy I died with my ladder all right cool well I didn't get to the end of that one that's okay not bad that was pretty good it's bit odd but not bad it was good it definitely like had the panic there it's good I like running being a limited resource you can't do it forever it's a bit of a change from just the short burst to being like your legs only work this much and if you go over a god help you I like that that's not bad anyway at least Tim lived all right this is smudged hold forward to move space to scream I think I just used up all my screaming oh oh nope I got scream back okay T why is it what's going on with it wait alright I was a little confused because there was this like gray box over my vision that seemed to be too small for this screen but what the hacking help what in the fresh help okay I don't know I don't know what that is I don't know why that is what am I looking for I was looking for the letters I found one now I've lost him oh this is found the e-everybody oh I can run oh my running and my screaming is tied together oh and and and enter Enderman int 10 Oh I was there I don't like it h/h there then her green friend bean Wow no thank you Jesus scream you silent piece of garbage oh no oh no hey you take my screen no no I got but I got bean that's not bad okay the letters seem to be in a static place so that's good and the maze doesn't seem to be too big scared me I scrubbed and Dee Dee Doo Dah scrubbed indeed oh that's a new one okay it's gonna avoid it alright cool can't avoid it oh no there's more in them more in the ass back of the hole what am I looking at what am I looking at the D Oh interesting hey that's what it was fiend it was seen I didn't get the question mark but that's not bad hey that wasn't bad that wasn't so bad that was pretty good I liked that a lot how does some charm do it I like the charm hand drawn charm I like that that's good this is goodbye Gordon I'm a big fan of half-life been playing it since I was young and playing it since the first one played opposing force played blue shift played a lot of mods about it played scientist slaughterhouse paid a lot of cool things I don't know if I've ever played a half-life horror game half-life does have some horror elements to it but this one is specifically a horror fan in goodbye Gordon now Gordon we better get a move on this is a faithful recreation this is a very faithful recruit this is a faithful recreation of the original half-life oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my do they rip the models or that level Oh No hey buddy um Barney doctor require play holiness what oh I still have a flashlight Oh play coins play coins play once Quinn's play what are you over there what I see you coming down yeah what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing we'll give you hi are you gonna kill me don't come any closer I have pepper spray in my nipples oh so you're gonna like eat me all right well that's unfortunate for me then all right goodbye Gordon try it again okay so I need to get play coins it is a little unfortunate that the reset is so far behind I imagine I might die again oh well it's my fault I owe my own stupidity led me to my demise hmm well this was not part of it okay call me a nerd but this was not part of the original level design I actually know that very specifically this intro area I played more times than you could possibly imagine oh no no no no yeah I know this area very I will not be swayed by such cheap jump scares you will not get me in such a manner Oh trap me in there you can't do it you remember what you remember how much of a douche you are you remember how badly you're gonna suck compared to me where's the g-man g-man oh well oh um uh uh well is it dead-ends okay that's weird all right sure whatever you say man dude get away from me I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get the fifth and six ones without running away oh this is two different directions I should have gone a different route Oh No okay buddy thank you cafeteria okay I remember I immediately I these are things that I am very aware of can I get my HEV suit oh oh he's quick oh no no no no no no not like this not your course no no no no no no no no okay I will get you in just a second chopper be patient all right gotta go down you remember what I did it I beat the video game well that just reminded me that I have yet to play half-life Alex even on my own I'm not gonna make a video series about it I'm gonna enjoy that on my own but I haven't played it yet that's why I will I'm pretty good not bad I like it pretty cool what they did I don't know if they just ripped the levels but they added some of themselves - not bad not bad so those three scary games hey Lucien I'll let you close out this video if you promise not to startle these fine folks here you got this one hey I trust you and don't worry you're in good hands all right you carry on see you around hey good job on the video well done I hope this time because the last go [Music] [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,135,156
Rating: 4.9714904 out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games, 3 scary games markiplier, markiplier, mark fischbach, markipliergame, 3 horror games, lixian, lixiantv, creepy, spooky, jumpscares, scares, jump scare, games, scary, horror, 3 scary games 55, markiplier 3 scary games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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