STILL NOTHING TO SEE HERE | There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension - Part 2

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Oct 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
legend of the secret legend of the secret legend of the secret this still isn't our dimension too bad here we go wait stop wait stop buzz buzz pause pause pause pause hey welcome back to there is no game all right that's it here we go hey the good the bad and the princess wow home [Music] oh so sad i don't care stop by waking up this character okay [Music] we just have homes [Music] not even that voice is that you gaia spirit of the earth yes it's us it's me you've got a pretty deep voice for a goddess i'm not feeling well what's going on the princess is in danger abducted by the infamous dark lord and held captive in the dimensional temple user that must be a way out wow yes hero that's it let's go rescue let's do that let's do exactly that but before we do that i have to find the 12 sacred feathers scattered all over the world and slay eight ticklish guardians and find 50 sun fragments what i say we go straight to the dimensional temple okay we'll figure it out when we get there okay yeah we got this don't worry about it what is it the door's locked then go find the key it must be around here somewhere okay i said this one's not the sharpest knife in the drawer stupid then kind of yes i see it it's where could you have put the key to the door boeing blanc are you the one who's making everyone jump your monkeys oh what have you done i don't know what did i do that's grandpa's chest it was stored in the attic well open it maybe the kiss inside [Music] maybe grandpa's carpenter's hammer what that's odd it looks broken ah looks like mr glitch has been here it's okay my courage and my will are no especially a key screw grandpa can i whamp on this whamp it how did that work did the glitchy hummer do this i guess i suspect that it shrinks the sprite it hits well that's handy ah oh i thought i saw the key behind the dresser yeah i see it too behind the dresser wow you are so dumb i can't reach would have surprised me use her a little help yeah i don't know he's really dumb how about i shrink the house the wall how do i shrink the table drink this strength of this what if i shrink it twice and then it gets up on it oh my gosh hey you got it oh of course i've got it it's about time go open the door now hero can you please we need to get on with this like immediately [Music] what now the key doesn't fit in the lock it's too big unbelievable there's a key a door that's as simple as it gets oh i shrink him oops there you go buddy it's open perfect perfect finally get on with the game yes we can of course i mean yeah yeah there's no game here obviously [Music] verdant lens skips the path to the temple is blocked by these boosts do you have anything to keep them with sword of life might do it the villagers say it's in the magic clearing to the west here that sounds like a good idea yeah okay let's do that please oh my god oh my god what happened did you not see the hole no i don't think so i've got to be more careful this freaking idiot great don't please don't please don't please don't don't don't oh my god what happened there's one hole in the path and you fall right in it won't get me this time oh my god you should have called this game legend of the lemmings i can't shrink the hole can i put something over the hole no stop stop i just don't move until we find the solution okay okay all right we're gonna have to cover that and there's something going on here what okay i could oh i could put something in the teeth and then it would be able to crunch up the teeth i'm very smart my dudes bam if we had the board we could build a brick yeah i know i know what if i shrink the house let's try to find a board somewhere oh i'm getting to it just hold your horse even if there's something written with it written on it what's that bag over on the left inventory yeah i'm getting to it yeah hang on don't think you're so smart you're not this is no time to be talking about thank you also weird [Music] if you jump in that lake and drown the sword is on the other side of that lake the villagers say that there's a sunken palace at the bottom of this lake but since i can't swim i'll never be able to investigate you will probably have to unlock the amphibian skill uh yeah but wouldn't it be better if i could breathe underwater oh i'm sure it doesn't have any intel points so then how are we going to get through oh fun those lily pads are on their chains oh i saw something jump oh [Music] wait but i did it but i did the thing it's done he can go across now jump jump you idiot jump what are you doing jump you fool oh there we go that's that that's okay that's what i needed okay where did it come from the lake you idiot it looks like the royal chest from the sunken palace that's what i call rushing a dungeon yeah that's what i do holy [ __ ] what is that the monocle it belongs to the king of the abyss it looks broken too that's unfortunate i hope there's nothing wrong with the sword of life wearing a monocle underwater ridiculous very apparently this the developer's french no you didn't plan it i did actually the the developer's apparently french wow now we're making progress now we are thank you the legendary sword of life looks more like a copy of excalibur it's beautiful i hope i'm worthy of it don't grab it by the blade you idiot it's stuck come on yeah try harder try harder oh there must be some muscle underneath those pictures probably not banging oh let's make you bigger wait let's make you bigger you wouldn't pop into it oh yeah he's so strong i can feel the sword moving just a little more and it'll come out no no no make him bigger and me oh maybe i could make him double big no oh yup boing yep it moved the sword moved keep it up i am keeping it up i wasn't talking to you [Music] i broke it unbelievable do you know what this means gaia that you're the most incompetent hero in the history of video games yes but probably but it also means that this isn't the sort of life i'll never be able to save the princess from the dark lord's clutches all because of some bushes if this sword isn't the sword of life where could it be well i guess we'll never gaia help me i'm begging you give me comfort strength courage or a pair of gardening sheers hang on what are we gonna do with this that job completely crushed the tip of the sword now there's no way we're gonna be able to cut anything with it wait wait wait a minute wait oh your interface user yeah well you know bam the sword of life it was on the life bar the gift from the gods it was the sword of life all along what it's a sort of lie a legendary sword of life yeah it's a sort of life really it looks like it's from the galaxy far far away not far away believe me no it's part of your life bar i'm gonna try it wow [Music] wow it works let's go cut those demonic bushes that are blocking our path well i don't believe it he's doing it on purpose there's no other explanation i actually did it on purpose to save time not bad huh yeah just if only we all could plan our deaths like that kill the bushes or whatever the path to the dimensional temple is finally clear to cut down two bushes yeah well you know how it is he's one of the infinite stark lords guards no one gets through pip squeak my master must fulfill the prophet how original all right let's see what this interfer this sword does yeah let's see go whomp him and dad he's dead in two seconds are you hitting me well that ain't working longest fight ever and shrinking wham boom and big hey look at you you're as small as a bug i'm gonna crush you he is tiny that tickles kid all right fine what are we doing here what are we doing big feather big sun oh that's interesting ah fascinating fascinating fascinating fascinating wait hey oh what was that all about oh i've got a feather he's not gonna stop breaking everything too is he or fell down it might be a time for tickling damn he's just destroying it but that sun thing is now that's interesting i know i know something about that you want to get tickled you're gonna tickle little dude don't get tickled hmm ticklish guardians oh what was this noise it's fascinating [Applause] oh right of course ah fascinating what i'm stuck not for long loser could somebody give me a hand yeah which is easy easy peasy easy posizly easy wow we're here this is the entrance to the dimensional temp it's about time yes it is this is where the princess is being held captive but the passage won't open until i found the twelve sacred feathers and the fifty fragments of the sun stuff all right look there's a bomb over there to clear the way gracefully gracefully i don't know if this is a good idea trust me [Music] oh oh oh my god oh my god that stinks a little yeah your health has decreased we will have to be careful yeah be careful yeah be no not him not him not him and beginning ouch it's heavy oh no ow yeah yeah yeah are you okay are you okay yeah it hurts yeah okay we got this this is the one the princess it better be hot yeah i know what you mean man i know what you mean go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go vender oh i hardly felt the thing getting stronger and stronger she's obvious can you please just go not hang on wait wait hold on there's something else going on here what if i invigonate the bomb when he's just about to get there and he's dead all right well i blew him sky high yeah let's go come on let's go let's go let us go let us go all right so this we're gonna have to walk through the old thing again yeah well look man i was trying but it was hard so shut up eat a bag of dicks shrinky but big grenade thing wouldn't help at all it's too far he will never make it to the door in time yeah i know that's what i'm working on i'm trying oh right oh oh oh oh if you would do it which it won't do it what about him big regular bomb he has to blow up these barrels you know what i mean he's gotta blow the barrels big blow it you could quit dragging your feet this is what he gets this is what he gets this is what you get this is what you get [Music] can you cut the uh he's too way what if he needs to be teensy cut through yeah yeah yeah yeah and then i uh wait no okay wait no i i no no no no no no no no no no no no no he's big these are small no he's bit he's oh my god i see he's got to be big at first and these have got to be small no there oh my god and he's gonna run through there oh but he's in he needs to be small oh wow yeah there you go no he needs to be no he needs to be big at first that needs to be small right now he needs to cut through there but now he needs to be smaller so all right cool you know what that's fine let's make that big you're big for now this is small then i'm gonna make you you small you small you small you smile but if he's normal size he might be able to make it through [Music] perfect damn it yeah i get yeah oh my god yeah i get it yeah uh-huh come on yeah i know the funny thing is i get it you know i get it go for it and i'm ready to make that the biggest freaking bomb in the history of kaboom [Music] there i go yeah whoever that is dimensional temple princess princess no princess inside no dimensional vortex either we're gonna have to work our way through this temple okay i'd like to but the door's locked these switches aren't there just for decoration switches oh yes that switch must surely open the door nothing's happening strange hero oh we nightmares very slowly come on gaia we have a noble quest to complete i'm sure that the door is going gonna open eventually right big snakes big snakes all right kaboom oh yeah [Music] i heard the noise it must be absorbed not funny this is great stuff man this is really good stuff it's so quiet you decided to sabotage the adventure didn't you oh here we go the door's gonna open any minute i just know it hasn't stopped raining snakes good thing honestly i liked it better when it was raining russell crosson yeah okay that i felt like that was gonna be it and it turns out it wasn't it should have been it you know what i mean ah go for it my man go my my main me what what what you both but the buttons were pushed both put seems pretty cut and dry bam that one's green that one's red why is his one red this doesn't make any sense what's the deal eight hours later what am i missing i'll be missing [Music] i already did that but i did that what [Music] what [Music] okay i did it i opened the door and it took all it took was patience did you notice anything in the room god [ __ ] damn it that was dumb that was dumb and i hate it that was dumb and i hate it we're getting close to the princess i smell a bewitching perfume i think it's probably coming from the sewer probably you know probably this room is dark and i'm afraid of the dork come on a big guy like you yeah big guy like you it's not completely dark you can see a little bit you can see a little bit i already know what to do a switch a pose button a pose button all right hold still i will light the way for you you sir oh i see you wanted to light the fire pit with the sun ah i see i see it [Music] yeah yeah we're working on it you did it i'm so smart i don't know who that is please say real names next time the room doesn't look any brighter yeah well how about now all right i can guide him at least hey go towards the light thank you gaia very clever i know i know better hurry hurry oh me gaia i'm scared oh big baby big baby i don't know what's happening well that looks fun that's neat something happened in the other room wow hurry let's go see do i really have to guide you all the way to the line oh my god help me guy i'm scared a little baby all right look at that wow that is something wait there's something going on there you're so overrated yep awesome i love switches [Music] yep you got that right oh interesting oh nito oh fascinating okay all right interesting okay this is four one two three four he needs to go the other way he literally just has to go the other way around ah we just figured out how to activate those old switches ah well this isn't right i'm watching okay one on the right i know you will have to do better than that i know i got it i'm a genius did you know that hey look did it it's a key it's thanks to my special technique of rotational insistence i'm sure why don't you try using your special object speaking technique now yeah okay wow it's a big shiny key must be the dungeon brushes key sorry hero we're gonna have to go through the dock's mini room again oh no not the dark room yes the dark room take your time slow and steady oh this key gives off a protective light that's lucky it's very convenient for us yeah actually that's very convenient for all of us for all of us hi who dares defile my beautiful carpet someone who come to rescue the princess evil dark lord of the game i was expecting something more impressive i hear a voice who is this spirit that guides you this is gaia abominable dark lord gaia no that's impossible gaia is russian uh okay uh let's see we'll invigorate that and beginning the fireball nice okay well that worked i don't know what that did make it bigger though i do agree with him on this one nice you're fast when you're motivated that would have come in handy with big boss ouch hey that works how much longer is he going to run around in circles i mean it's working never gonna finish the game at this rate and anand nailed it find a way to stop this projectile no not that one i mean you could throw them at him if you wanted to we should use those bombs to hit the bus but i don't see how spikes watch out spikes oh my god oh wait wait i got it oh hero hit him now you're hardly doing him any damage spikes watch out okay okay okay please don't hit me there we go sparks watch out i got it i got i got it i got it i got it i got it hit him now get him get him yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah on the bed one heart one heart left baby one heart left a baby one art left if i didn't die there would have been very mad and it would have been my fault i fulfilled my destiny let's go free the hot princess hey princess also there's treasure you're free princess oh thank you my brave liberator i don't know you and yet i can already feel a deep connection between us princess mysterious night oh that's beautiful [Applause] because of their their love wow it's beautiful it's something all right it's it's what i'd call something i hear a deep sorrow in that voice don't you have a princess to save too not anymore i once knew shall we say a princess her name was gigi we were so happy together unfortunately she suddenly disappeared from my source code probably because of my cursed creator since then nothing has been right without her my existence as a game program is meaningless now do you understand why i was trying to drive you away i'm just an empty shell a nun game i've got an idea let us give you the contents of this legendary chest maybe it will help you find her i doubt it yeah i doubt it too oh that's the bad oh look gaia it's a thing what is it i was looking for a way out in all dust chests well there it is at last oh my glitch where is he going three small changes in the game design the kids are gonna love it okay i will leave you now okay [Music] well i don't know i kind of like your crunchy crunch cereal that's crunchy and melts in your mouth are the same that's really cool can i have that spoon okay bye oh did we miss the whole thing oh what have you changed in this game you will find out soon is it monetization sweet sweet ad revenue oh yeah we're gonna get oh wrong playability scam faulty sending cash champ it looks like the game's restarted what has he done [Music] oh oh no he turned the game into a free-to-play we aren't gonna die [Applause] sorry sorry i got a little carried away but being turned into a free-to-play is the worst thing that can happen to a game how can i explain it it's like riding a bike but without the seed let's try to leave this dimension fast i mean if you're writing never know it could be contextual if you're riding a bike went on a seat you could definitely just put the the pillar there the seat was on up your button and you'd be on there pretty securely so we can get out of here just hope you don't hit a bump so a clicker game i like that okay another one allow the application to access your photos documents bank accounts and dna oh absolutely thank you now don't come on oh use your agrees [Music] agrees to spend as much money possible and the game's paid content to squander his inheritance the progress through the [Laughter] price access to the game is completely free the user may make in-game purchases to facilitate his progress but this is absolutely not mandatory the game has been perfectly designed for the fun and easy play from the very first minutes i have been day's gonna be ready yeah i have wow oh we're back at the beginning ah wow the room looks different all right no time to waste let me wake up our friend and let's go save the princess get up hero i just made the bad move but i was able to wake him up the first time right ah oh oh my god oh what the bet gives you coins when you click on it uh oh yeah that's right it's free to play now right we should be able to use this money but how i did it alarm clock that's not an alarm clock listen listen hey hey listen listen [Music] freaking dead he's finally awake hey what's up what's that voice gaia is it you it's guy uh princess in danger dimensional temple dark lord uh shake a leg oh okay even though i'd have liked to have my crunchy crunch breakfast cereal first cereal that's crunchy and melt in your mouth at the same time we don't have time for that we are off the adventure hero and fresh you're right let's hurry what's with your speed my speed i'm at top speed boy don't you have more furniture back then i saw some really nice furniture in a catalog but it was a little bit expensive oh boy we will still be here in 10 years is there any way you can go faster maybe a new pair of shoes from the shop would help watch them oh boy even the shop is for sale oh my god i'm gonna have to download my clicker my auto clicker all right shop shoot call oh my god your shoes are pretty expensive yes but it's the latest model they're highly flexible and made of a breathable neoprene luxury apparently if you need money gaia i can find some coins they're all over the place yeah i know you got them leaking out of your dresser don't bother going to find them in a hurry to find coins [Music] ow okay are they your size they're beautiful let's not waste any more time and get out of here we've got work to do okay good it opens you don't need a key good oh we have to pay for the rest but we just started and it's not cheap that's a lot of money well i'm almost there yeah i just figured out why it takes ultimate clicker yeah me too i got it we're good don't worry about it all good unlocked baby it's clear again probably should have gotten more wait don't go yet no we need more ah oh we're out never mind okay thank you for taking all my money oh verdant landscape starter pack hey the life bar changed oh weird huh hero what's the matter with you i get tired quickly when i'm away from home i saw that your life bar dropped all at once i need your help gaia give me energy thank you guys every two seconds if i had eaten my crunchy green cereal i would have lasted that's crunchy and met in your mouth at the same time you like it too but we will get you some okay we'll get you some crunchy crunch don't you worry about a fake oh i don't have that kind of money hey look i have that kind of money eat your crunchy crunch a lot of wow delicious as always i need life it's a sacred sword forged in the grand tradition of cereal dwarves and for the modest sum of here let's go look for it in the clearing the past seems to be blocked by a pile of dirt we would find a solution oh god i'm gonna look around while we wait the worst part is this is not an exaggeration of we're free to play rid of this bite of dirt how how could we can we buy some kind of renovation oh loot box i found a chest i don't like the sound of that i don't think anybody does i'm sure it's full of amazing treasures [Music] oh wow mostly filled with amazing ads oh we could win ah okay what sort of trickery is this the arrow moved by itself and for once i had nothing to do with it [Music] don't cheat ever hey wait not that much oh okay you already cleaned up a little too much yeah a little too much yeah fill in the hole you just made box [Music] oh [Music] well you don't know that it could happen it could happen it could happen there we go we're finally going to move forward yeah come on hero the pass is clear yay it's about time no well there they go okay they're building something probably a parking lot i hope they're going to build a bridge instead because i can't swim no there aren't any lily bats this time preserver in the shop would you maybe what shop never mind let's look around what shop you said shop you're the one that said shop load box oh is that minecraft million damn it super cool i get it very funny do i just need to keep making it colder minecraft wow nine craft another one of those indie games that's doomed to fail yeah oh my goodness what are we looking at here very very interesting exactly yeah hey hold on you hush your face yes it will help it'll help [Music] hold i bet there's a tiny chance of getting the million bam i there are other ways to break the ice you know isn't that right sir he's dead super i think he needs to chill out you're very funny but he is dead crazy you're amazing gaia you even control the seasons uh i didn't need any money for that one that was dumb the sword isn't here oh i think we have to choose i think how about the snake blade that sounds cool i wonder what the legendary sword of life looks like [Music] all right screw me then i guess i was wrong can you find the money gary please no need to help us snag all right i won't move what a graceful form but it's made of plastic isn't it i'm gonna try it the sword broke great oh look there's something new in the shop of course we break something and they offer to sell us the upgrade but the price is in dollars you have to buy it with real money from the real world i'm warning you user i don't have a pay please account and i've got no cash on me i was quoted without pockets and i don't think i can find any dollars here well i will get it out let me just pick that dollar sign off of there just pick it out pick it vintage try blade dollar baby wait wait for it wait for it i didn't the the answer is here the answer is here how can anyone not see how in front of me that is how it's so clear here it is it's in front of me i see it the answer is right there yes what are you doing with that sword oh there we go decorating user i might be looking for a way to play it looks funny it's like uh it is i'm gonna try it wow it works finally getting somewhere we're gonna be able to clear the path in front of your house [Music] ah he is doing it again oh what but we're back to detect your screen uh oh have we used up all our lives uh-oh these try to plays are rippers oh energy bar depleted three diamonds you should oh now they want us to pay for diamonds and of course we don't have our super bag of dollars anymore we will just have to wait until the game gives off some smart way to increase the playing time okay i see a diamond got one a diamond perfect you see user when you hit something order the iphone with it it pays off i'm sure you will be able there's a diamond right on the scene dab it right there dab it literally on there here's the diamond bam got it yeah i'm a genius there you go there i go you don't have to wait we can keep playing for free easy oh my god looks like we're gonna have to wake him up yeah i know i know i know i know i know what's that voice gaia is it you're gonna oh no no i'm kidding i will kill you now that i have the sword of life let's go free the princess we're not here to have fun no way man do i need to actually get any coins before you move on i don't think so i don't think so the path to the devil is finally clean again [Music] oh she's one of the infamous dark lords scars i won't let anyone in i won't let anyone in unless of course you're a pioneer member oh you're not i'll destroy him in one fell swoop with the legendary 999 ward okay okay let me build up my economy here lalali lulu lower nice raise still doesn't do anything to him right oh ah smart oh all right he gave you quite a bit hardly felt it oh interesting he broke that barrel to get out of the way so what's i gotta do let's get ready to plop it down on him oh no that was too early damn it ah i see i have to give him the out to lower it i got it i got it here here lower and oh the barrel nah the barrel needs to be there and i need to buy it guy i know i know i know get out of here ah it doesn't look like he's coming back down good riddance what do you mean it doesn't look like he's coming back down what [Applause] we finally reached the dimensional temple wait the door is wide open sure looks like it maybe it's a death trap yeah probably go ahead go on in i will watch you i'll watch you too oh you knew it it seemed too easy so how much does it cost this time how much a million coins a million coins it's gonna take a while but it's doable let's get to work no way we're gonna farm one million coins oh i'm gonna get it what are these other things wait please i'll i'll get the millia don't worry i'll get the please paper please babe hello that's very funny that's very funny that is very funny that is very funny anyway time to get my economy up oh he's talking oh he's tuckered i just want to see what this other one is can you imagine me thinking no okay i'm gonna get that million but i'm gonna get that bomb well that's well that wasn't very helpful wonderful oh what if i make him fall no he is the paper i can give paper to the other paper please i think i have to time it when he's about to fall over now someone's gonna wipe their butt with you you're gonna get pooped on you're gonna get wiped in a butthole you're gonna get butthole wiped that's so sad for you oh that's so sad for you man that is really sad for you here you go there you go oh oh hello oh they thank you thanks for the gift say thank you something here no oh wait oh i get it that makes not sense but it is a thing a max wait a minute max see how max is a it's a little bit of a cheat you know what i mean you want a million coins i want a million dollars we're rich to spend it all in this freezer yeah yeah yeah damn easy easy i think i found enough coins we can finally access the dungeon you're very powerful that's a good ear oh and he started cutie who's a little cutie there's a little cutie there goes my coins all right cool [Music] premium content is here already perfect [Music] i don't know i don't know i don't know why anything is done in this place i just click columns get coins because that makes sense i'm gonna put a moon on the floor never mind moon mode oh no it's too dark [Music] wait there's something going on here also let me see if this is a real qr code it is not interesting okay but it is it is the answer so it's it's doing doink got it nailed it too easy i've just forgotten it i didn't actually take a picture of it god damn it no oh oh what the hell did you just do why did you just do that okay i better take a picture of it this time what if i just buy one at a time you know maybe that'll be it this one try that one okay light it last this tile appeared weird huh very strange two lied at last boy this is tedious maybe if you bought him in the right order he would actually press him i have no idea but i don't trust him floyd at last at last light at last light is lying he's tired god damn it hi bud thanks bud [Music] oh wow is that all you got fantastic crunchy crunch cereal it was getting a little hungry [Music] why did that cut them [Music] oh i see interesting so that one's missing a three three four one two so what i think it is is it's one two three four one two three four suck remember how they came in lie down last [Music] well oh wait he didn't press the right one did he he was supposed to press this one so you do have to do it no okay well that's weird much later okay so that is the first one i'm not sure why much much later oh oh my god okay i get it i was thinking about too small scale it's only looking at these two columns right i was thinking very differently so then it's two three four so okay let's go i'm not gonna try to do it differently just one at a time and kaboom i'll be getting more cereal and my energy dick goes huge i'm gonna knock that key right off of there ah there's another puzzle you will be the one who needs some paper yeah yeah yeah yeah oh wow oh wow official guides fully illustrated huh oh oh wait wait a minute oh wait i'm ready with my camera hang on wait hang on wait watch this oh come on no way okay got it done it done so okay watch this let's see if this works let's see if he's smart [Music] nice he actually does do it wow more cereal bigger energy what's that secret in the bush what's the bush secret what's the secret in the bush what's this bush in the secret what secret bush he just fell to the floor hurry up i said it did you see that user we're lucky it fell down yeah we're lucky ah lucky the room is too dark anymore they've probably got costs oh free gift son son all right well this is easy i can't open the door some kind of long bar is blocking the door are you talking about your energy bar who about the cereal something's a little bit too far open out there's got to be a mechanism somewhere but i don't see anything in this room that could help us then again it's really dark come this way i'll switch i'll probably have to go activate it well come on then i should oh my god you little baby baby baby i'm afraid of the door all right oh don't you worry we are on this i got a big chompy chompy oh he's got a key chompy with nose nose chompy i don't know what knows chompy do but i love him tickle tickle nose chompy oh i got oh that was a i just had to grab it okay i didn't shrink us finally it's clear open the door quick quick ha at last well that wasn't very quick hi who dares to file my beautiful it's currently on sale for 19.99 someone who's come to risk i can't see you anymore who's talking to me i can't see with this bar in front of my eyes there that's better where was i oh yes you seem to be forgetting what a warrior needs for a dude or death oh yeah but also vitamins uh b1 b2 and b5 naturally present in crunch crunch cereal the cereal that's crunchy you're right gaia enough talk come and fight prepare for a long and painful fight okay how painful how long oh well all right um [Music] you mean easy you mean to wait he was defeated by the power of love ah princess is there 18 plus dlc in this one oh thank you my brave liberator i can already feel we've heard it before [Music] wow feel like we've been here before the exit has appeared again oddly enough yes finally gonna be able to leave finally yes thank you brave hero for your help thank you it was an honor guy i hope you two live happily ever after and have lots of little sprites let's go user let's not hang around yeah let's not hang around oh i don't believe it even exiting the game costs money oh i get the feeling there are no more keys in stock mr glitch well played we are stuck here forever well maybe there's a key in the legendary chest oh it's a map that's the map the region great the game map ah the wait until we have done with the adventure to give us a map of the game and a blank one too blank but free we need a key to unlock this last dlc let us search the area from top to bottom oh i'll be able to find a solution wait a way to wait a minute wait a waiter wait a minute i know of a little bit of a secret uh apparently here squirrel ah okay is that it okay all right well oh wait wait wait wait wait wait there's apparently oh what's what's what's um huh there's something going on here maybe if i blow up the house if i just complete the map is complete but wait we're not going all over the place and there are no keys in sight uh-oh here we are stuck for eternity in the free-to-play free to play man this portuguese guy is real couldn't imagine a worse scenario for the rest of my existence even being stuck in ship simulator would have been heaven compared to this i'm very sorry user i'm not well what can you do for a klondike bar the shape of this map is strange [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh i would never have known that in a million years i never would have gotten that this [ __ ] for this market you know you had to add that in because no one got it you unlocked the dlc hilarious oh thank you thank you thank you you're welcome you're welcome you're welcome it doesn't matter my friends we're living again i hope this time you can finally go home guys i'm 100 sure this is finally the right thing finally thanks again for everything thank you farewell our companions finally made it home thanks to cooperation true friendship and an unexpected lack of budget the end [Music] whoa is that really the or is it is this a trick wait hang on a second no it's over already what with this lame ending that's i knew it this sucks hey i bet it's because of the crowdfunding campaign failure i hope you got me on sale because this is bordering on the sky and wait hold your horses get out of this raven phone dammit i'm not sure the music's familiar but what's with all these russian names who are these people or do you know what this means user it means we're still in the wrong dimension ah i [Music] what is he doing i knew it oh i knew it i knew it he broke everything even before you managed to do it well as much as i'm not afraid about it we're probably going to need him to find our way out oh okay all right then okay oh all right that's all the time i have for this episode it looks like i think there's a total of six chapters in the game i think just judging by and it almost got me there it almost made me think that that was the end but looks like we got another two chapters to go so we're gonna finish this up in an epic third part thank you everybody so much for watching i love this game it's super fun i can't wait to see how it ends it's gonna be really cool i didn't know their crowdfunding campaign failed did it is that true oh i didn't even know there was one anyway thank you everybody so much for watching look forward to the conclusion coming at you very soon and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,035,555
Rating: 4.9696565 out of 5
Keywords: there is no game, markiplier, wrong dimension, there is no game 2, funny games, awesome games, funny, gaming, do not watch, do not click
Id: 55xSg3ayXvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 56sec (3956 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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