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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jul 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
oh my god people you don't want me to start talking about keto and intermittent fasting Marno what's your current dietary philosophies personally we had some Korean barbecue that we bought on my birthday you know my birthday was on the 28th and two days ago was like the fifth I was like it's still good right wasn't it still good I mean it's tasty kinda a glass of milk were half the milk stays on the side of the glass because it's also not good and then you feel horrible about it did you know that was the weird part I had the same thing I had my coffee creamer and it would come out and it was like these chunks would come out and my brain didn't connect that that meant it was spoiled I drank chunky coffee for three days before I eventually realized oh it's my milk was not chunky like it didn't feel chunky when I was drinking it was after I drank it I looked in the glass and there was just the sides of the glass were white it was supposed to be a clear glass I want to be clear Wade and I same situation the same chunky coffee I had he did it worse his block of the kitty cat okay hey [ __ ] you dude man you know what wait you didn't swear the whole talking part today the Olson video games began almond on my keyboard gross here was it still smooth [Music] yeah you'd be a good boy you don't need to yell at every random person that moderately inconveniences you did you murder my family you know I mean for any reasons for legal reasons I didn't also I forgot to play okay good job being able to play a game and talk at the same time I suck at everything I'm a troubling almonds into my mouth and I'm still winning it who knew now you'd now you're winning I was gonna not win on now you're technically winning you're technically all that coming in my third eye I saw that and oddly I'm Arnie winning would have been your hand so I guess you would have seen it you're a dream and I'm that guy who plays just real good no I've only met excuse e once and you know I don't talk to him regularly but I am never gonna let that go like and I don't know why but I just like I find it the funniest thing and I think I'll be on my deathbed and I will remember the moment that he made a stupid move in chess that I would have also made because I don't play chess but I've never honored by your grandchildren and their holographic wrist bones and look up at them and be like you remember [Laughter] what did I just do the almonds finally betrayed game where you can put a microphone input wins and you just have to scream you know into your mic and a lot of you scream it the less likely it is someone's able to get it before you I mean true to life then right hey when do we flip yeah actually well I'm one of those oh that's different that's different close enough I don't know what that little fold you asked for weighted delivers way delivered oh I'm like this at all I don't have this color well don't don't barn but don't bedont oh that just not wait sorry guys we're done ten seconds look I didn't have any control over that this new game-mode is so nuanced and cool I hope Bob doesn't win great that was almost fun for a second thing yeah man I was almost having a good time mr. almonds over here woman can I just say I'm I'm enjoying myself right now because the sound of me talking while eating almonds makes me sound like every fat guy from every movie ever to had the conversation while shoving food in his face and I don't know why that makes why that makes me laugh but it does there's not enough lip smacking still though yeah you don't bite him with your lips come on Wade don't be stupid what happened what why everybody suck a big dick everyone what is that I'm frozen I'm challenging got a question mark no you didn't have the thing the the obvious thing that I would and of course two could play it three can play at this game Wade whatever that means mark make it a normal color I don't and hang on we're going twice I think that's a wild I think that's a wild draw four whatever buddy just looks super crazy listen more I'm like really sorry five oh that's a lot get them I don't know what that does that comes back to you I think it could skip Oh it basically just means play again and that card is just pointless and you guys believe how different it feels to play mmm lip instead of regular uno I mean it does I don't know why you're seeing in that kind of a tone I'm saying the same thing why you mean so you better be raised to draw never lie ah I see is it draw until it you find the 2 3 4 5 skip through my loop when you play this card the next player must draw until they get a color of your choosing interviews their turn what are you reading you can quit click the question mark under the far right I don't believe you and I don't trust you I'm not gonna click it ok man you guys ever realized how the last elements at the bottom of the bag are like a really extra salty because all the salts down there yeah man finally I do notice that lots of the salt I get salt alright blood pressure am i right yeah don't you have high blood pressure wait isn't that like a thing you need to not do yeah yeah I know I avoid salt like the plague okay perfect all right I'm supposed to eat bananas and not eat salt why bananas they help lower them for you yeah sure flushes stuff out of your system or something I don't know obviously my blood pressure has always been borderline a little high it's always like on the line it's never been super high but it's always been close up to the lineman like you better be careful you are closed well c'mon snap right oh that is that is quite a reference but I should have got a Professor Oak icon in uno like his picture was Professor Oak and he had some voices on his a XLR that said those lines that's why I remember the mandy and i streamed pokemon snap like two weeks ago the next week they announced the switch a switch sequel for pokemon snap it's coming in it you didn't so we made it happen i will take what does it matter he didn't he needed to draw it you're wrong who do you who do you do and just categorically wrong one doesn't switch i can't enable that and flip look we don't need it man it's that's a chaos rule anyway why okay and we're back right now it's game on everybody three i guess good evergreen oh yeah you can see the cards oh man this game is oh there's so many levels flip it's crazy oh yeah take this hmm 7 plus 7 is 14 14 divided by 3 is not a whole number try to do a conspiracy theory but i couldn't the luckiest number the geometry is all wrong if there's okay well i have one of those yeah wait here's a three laugh left left left left is there a keyboard shortcut to call FRU no i don't think so i think i know if there's the keyboard truck jump in one okay let me call you out like that but you know i'm me so i did because how you guys beat me do I was so fast we I was so fast Bob 69 Bob take this is are you asking me or take it no take it mmm take it he has a green eight and a yellow eight wave get him all right you guys are teaming up on me huh oh yeah you think I don't have a counter to that yeah but you know I definitely do now watch this no no no I had a Harvey that's what you get that's what they deserve you repay no way oh ha ha eat my song get a Murphy oh you didn't so any more drawing cards I'm waiting I just oh all right well I just sit here and watch I guess that's fine no it was supposed to be yellow oh sorry calm down like that or we're gonna think you're having a stroke oh well this is really building up quite that listen it's it's a deck building game you want to get them up dude belly games are mr. friends never that game we play at your place there's a deck building must have a DC deck marvel ultimate no DC deck building marvel ultimate DC deck build [Music] you wanted to have sex with that kitty not five minutes ago the way you're looking at the cat is very deeply concerning and he looks unhappy about it I don't like this also it's playing sexy music what did you do wait wait what have you done what are you about to do that how do you explain yourself in directions I have questions but no answers interesting this isn't a pop song from the 90's just say what you mean say what you mean to say Oh daddy's got a brand-new booth just wait interesting why isn't this +5 also count as a five you're lucky you're lucky my skin's you're lucky I feel lucky thank you very lucky that is not the color this is the only color okay never mind interesting I shall play this that was fun and then I shall play this look at the plays yeah you know I'm right there with you though you better watch out do you have no idea oh you think you think you think you don't think are key please [Laughter] interesting oh he drew a bunch of cards that's right okay I'm not upset I got my Just Desserts there I think third place is a good one first tourists a Wade's autobiography is it points based on how many cards the other players have the numbers in their cards might matter to I'm not sure how it's done oh god no that's right hey well it's not a draw so I don't even matter no I mean I had a skip and I you have a different I didn't see it more of it don't you know me you were really twisted my nips a my twisted harder oh absolutely huh read to me [ __ ] you shouldn't have said anything I think you know never mind hang on a second no no no no no I think it should be more embarrassed that you can even make that sound I think that looks bad on you and that doesn't look bad on me at all yeah that's really sad fun cards no problem oh god I refuse mark listen I don't think that snacks - hey what's it taste like your soundboard man right it makes me know I wasn't ready like me you whoo yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no no stop too late I can't change for you chose poorly for me or you for everyone but me right [Laughter] wait would you like to go back to the normal dimension sure holy [ __ ] we don't both have no okay only one of us is a real champion here Oh No pathetic I was not paying attention to your card I did not see what doesn't matter all right now the game starts for realsies wait all right oh oh well okay he probably doesn't have it mm-hmm I think he has blue though ah I don't know anyone caught the subtle hint well I mean he'd had two blues and you had your one yellow and that's you know I avoid that with the green just plus five of the death plus five hit him okay good one Wade thank you thank you ah wait but he doesn't have does he know he does sit and he does not I'm sorry I'm sorry hey listen I believe you what is this music what no no but someone check the vod's someone clip it was I'm afraid how would that help I just want to know the truth man just wanna know the Karen you know the truth is Mark that I don't like the truth - dude you need to stop speaking your truth this is rough that's I just don't I can't face this truth what you yell i won I'm part of it god I am some I'm like brick from anchorman sometime just over your stupid mayonnaise into the toaster like every other person Oh yuck and I like everyone else memorize everyone's hands [Music] memory it's called eidetic photographic what is happening gaiz you can have so many reverses this is terrible am i going or what oh okay nice thanks Archie oh did the - okay cool and you really take an offense from this cat he's an [ __ ] we've dict you over way harder than he asked you know I'm still not like you with Barbra with no one is like you with Barbra yeah no one wow that's pretty Savage I think Barbara's fine oh wait ha wait no hang on I didn't I see jump and I I see jump and I jump - jump in mark trip in Shipibo I'm trying get him apparently I don't have the card laughingstock yeah I looked away and he has 19 yellow mark has a green wait wait wait wait wait wait okay I have one of those hey come on now you don't call anyone else's cards edge is mine it's unfair I mean we can all see the green of the yellow in the back of your hand you were about to win so it's unfair you were afraid I was gonna win where you wade okay don't change the coat well this is a little rude why would I help you small hand oh come on because big hands and small hands hold well I'm sorry you say that again so I get that for my soundboard big hands and small hands hold well perfect Bob what am I doing here oops get out here okay mr. YouTube reaction man okay buddy you one of those a-holes that plays scary games on YouTube and you think I can be beaten by something like this so Ben you asked I was right there see all right look holy [ __ ] that's loud what I'm sorry Bob I listen it's fine I just blasted my own ears with something accidentally for a second and it shocked me out of existence I don't know why I was trying to get your attention I was just gonna get screwed not everything against you is done with malice wait but this is kinam oh I'm gonna get him yeah I'll get you remember how we got weighed we're buddies yep well I could be one of these cool guys [Music] go again oh oh hey that we were me yeah [Music] what I hate you draw so many cards right now no you're not you're draw three even though I drew like thirty less hadn't that happened to me I don't understand fine don't Oh humans are you even what is this look man I don't know garbage maybe like four percent Neanderthal and Homo Sapien I know it's really unclear how much inner breeding took place in the early days of humanity but whether but now you have my respect that's the thing do it doesn't go like that just stop and if it does I don't want you saying it I think that pretty much is how it goes I just not not like this like this you've had my interest now you have my attention what's the phrase take wait a minute I stopped it go away wait Oh Archie had a chance Mannlicher been friends Oh wild not gonna be artsy get a marketing arrow baby oh oh wait no hang on you absolute feline wait I'm going to ask you something in art are you in a relationship with that cat mark you know that it's not real right you wait online relationships are will relationship so will you people look at that that teamwork what is this this conspiracy something going on here this okay maybe not a conspiracy no they're throwing up off their scent we know what's up hey stop look you throw me a bone just to make me feel better what are you gonna do if I skip art you gonna retaliate you gonna get me give you another turn oh well if I do this to Archie huh what do you think that I'm gonna get a turn why don't you challenge me you dumb cat man I feel bad now up on us I forget your previous betrayal of me Bob to me against the world that we are both being unfairly treated and I play look at that Archie made it red Red's the color Wade wanted last round can i play Clark you keep gaining cards I think you're doing it wrong you want less cards have a turn thank you thank you thank you I'll take two please do I won't because we're a team [Music] never happened team winners two born again Marcus curb my flier my applier mom our names do not mixed yeah that's not good yeah my plier Marcus curb yes my marks complier yeah I feel like I get kind of shorted on that actually I don't like that one yeah that's not a lot of you but I mean you get the most important part the skirm bob is that one I thought for a second Wade's brain was too dedicated to coming up with names that he couldn't be bother to play completely gone combine this how does it fit mask betrayal he fives me okay okay maybe you're right maybe you're right maybe you're on our feet it ended up hurting me too so I really don't know well even better well don't take your rage out on me do you want m8 doesn't matter oh wait blue it is I could have screwed Wade over if it was a different color well here what if I'm just one of these good gentlemen's right here Oh double scoop go again man no after you sir oh now I can screw Wade [Laughter] no challenge of job 30 Artie jumped in to save you back on we knew it all along way the view in this cat are boning and probably other stuff yeah online cash so you admit it I basically pleaded guilty in court oh my god how could he play this we've got them we've got them mark what color do you need technically orange teammate I can't do that one but I've drawn these cards for you [Laughter] the teamwork really does Hajis listen I you've got some winners on the other side work is unreal this teamwork is something else oh goodness me we don't want that we don't want that here Bob you don't have to be your usernames out what Bork Tippie Bork I guess if I have to choose listen we're just gonna leave it blue I can do anything I could have done stuff to you I want you to know what's gonna happen to wane old buddy thanks buddy Thanks yeah you draw before [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,689,573
Rating: 4.9710779 out of 5
Keywords: uno, uno multiplayer, uno markiplier, markiplier, funny moments, funny, gaming, uno funny moments, collab, mark bob wade, muyskerm, lordminion777
Id: uuBZozZyY0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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