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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Aaquin 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
all right how do I open the overlay and [ __ ] you shift F to okay there we go alt f4 hey hey look all our pictures are there swaggy is and I don't care swaggy can't be that bad swaggy could be that bad I don't I don't think you understand how why are you Barbara why did you do that I had a movie literally I literally had nothing else I could do I want a little bit of fairness I just want a little bit a little bit of fairness why did you do that mark well because I would this is what I wanted in the first place [Laughter] [Music] you're our Neutral help you every wait wait dial it back we're Plato for like nine hours today okay you need to calm down yeah you got to pace yourself alright so this game [ __ ] whoever wins everyone else has to gift 50 subs to that person right that's how this work I don't I can't wouldn't be 250 no yeah I will gift one of the numbers in that number I will gift that amount of subs oh boy okay wait here buddy this for you why did you have this many sevens yellow no oh wait no hang on wait no that's yellow I can do this using the call swaggy swaggy come on it's not like this I can't believe it actually was yellow red do you want red what are you red bread bread bread well now I'm not gonna do it I mean he's not gonna go I was good what's your problem what's your problem man we just started what is that oh it tells us whoa wait I need I just need a promise from you that you're just gonna you're gonna hold it together and you're just gonna really like try I'll try to be the man that we all know you can be it's your birthday tomorrow you need [Laughter] [Laughter] identity god damn it all right what are you gonna do you as a friend well when you say like that how can I not okay [ __ ] you from me to you then challenge challenge me can't possibly be there oh I know what he has oh you don't know it yet what are you talking about just so that there's not two who know hands I'm gonna challenge what I knew we didn't have any yellows all right okay Jimmy and Tommy is that a thing is that a reference to something yeah you don't know them oh no we're hang on yeah roleplay Marcus Henry office Jimmy wait is Tommy's what I just once these our God why is that there you go my bro [Laughter] I did not put my dick in your ass I want to be very clear right it was like sliding right into the DMS I did with his dick with yours and so it's a lot that's why I didn't do that you dick whipped his peepee and then you put it in my boob I put it in your boob yeah I just want to be clear what the hell you're talking about hang on wait hey bye blue [ __ ] you could have said ball hooks suck this Bob feed my blue baskets yeah yeah normally mark would have owed me 50 gifted subs there but dude do you want to go down this road you would have to do it too so like let's both though both we're good we are all good we could low-stakes what if you just go on a sweet winning streak hi oh [ __ ] how Henry Jimmy and Tom Tom Tom Tom ah what the hell happened to me Tommy are from Goodfellas o-tama why swaggy why are you you need help Jimmy put pie may we go to the park today I'm dad nice what the [ __ ] happened to you who did this to my knight bye and I'm gonna keep doing this until I give me another one yes perfect oh I can't jump in on every [ __ ] mother Oh give me my mind oh we got to get rid of one card that's great thank you Bob Bob are you savory Bob I did that for you much thank you Oh God trying to be mean to you wait I'm trying to be nice to you okay I feel like you know this is one of those things where you're setting yourself up for failure because oh I forgot about the rule [ __ ] yeah oh [ __ ] dick that's okay I just wanted to see your cards it's a strap means a good dick you can suck my [ __ ] [ __ ] why would you want that wait eleven guards okay Bob what is this and I don't like this hand it's not good I was trying to get rid of it for once I I couldn't [ __ ] do anything good yes you swaggy give me your hand oh wait I realize I made a mistake why am I getting so many gifted subs I know we don't we don't talk about this now but why the [ __ ] am I getting so many gifted subs what it's anytime you talk about gifted subs everyone's like oh yeah it's your birthday mark you ordered it buddy but waves the one that's starving about to lose housewife people giving Beach whoa whoa whoa I'm about to lose my house plus to zap me there why do you know please it's not god it's swaggy swaggy swaggy it's just Rescate barbel I don't know what this does I mean it's like all BOTS in this game are programmed the same or something you know we have a random card you just never realized that you know things could get worse than Barbara you just didn't realize how good you had it gave you another ternal you're moaning about Oh sexy carrier here you wait go again mark I'm trying to be chill okay I'm trying to include Wade okay you know I'm saying it's okay can I [ __ ] play okay I play the game the other two dokey you got a green smart yeah you did it green know you know good green swag is crazier things [ __ ] man oh yes oh no swag you'd be nice Mike you'd be good spikey be gentle what is that oh my cards what does that do why does that do that [ __ ] is that wait wait I don't like this game okay hold on okay oh boy nice card all right cool I like this game swaggy has a winner oh boy oh boy why am i skipped again some card swag oh this game hey I don't remember is it yellow why are people giving me subs give them to Wade and Bob they're the baseline literally you need the help he can't afford like a bag of turnips he's he's like desperate buy a bag for turnip soup Wade sound material is actually mounted on recycled cardboard that he got from the grocery store he he's actually streaming from an open field it just looks like he's in a room the green leaves in the background is a green sky he's so sad please he gave you a foreign you just get this unbridled quiet monopoly ask hate towards it what does that do again why would blue a better bucket and you got a lot of weird stuff in there who I got a lot of weird stuff that mean out turnips god damn it it's for it was [ __ ] try to give me a bite turn I don't do it at the turn of taste like God why do you guys love blue so much what is it with you in blue I don't love blue okay are you mark listen have a green how about yellow oh you know you want mine oh yeah I guess you played yourself you think you think I've played me but I haven't you you think I'm played don't swaggy swaggy oh wait you gonna have a lot of cards if something says here's some bits for the two decades you're about to leave behind does that mean I'm gonna die oh boy alright that's better that's not good at all it's better it's better all right bull [ __ ] whatever that does [ __ ] you guys alright does that one alright alright how many turnips are you gonna buy after this Wade uh I don't know how much a goddamn turnip cost but probably none why would I buy turnips yeah no turnips are like a cost-effective way you can make turnip soup you can like maybe it was the brah water the turnips have water burn up some water ah I mean listen man times are tough but they're not like turnip water top what's it like my mom my mom makes a great turnip soup it is delicious if it's just turnips and water how can it be any different than any other turnips have you ever eaten a turnip man it's a it's a it's a food it's food might have not been abundantly clear I've never had a [ __ ] turnip I guess I shouldn't be surprised you you your food expertise is so unbelievably ok all right tell me the most diverse food you've eaten what's the strangest food you've ever eaten strangest yeah what's the strangest food does like eating raw ants and stuff in the wild count no no like an actual food that you could get at a restaurant Oh probably like a squid or Gators nothing crazy okay I guess that's all right oh we're starting this one off with a bang bang bang what am i doing I just click things I don't know what I'm doing I chat so I stopped paying attention to anything I guess I'm losing my house everybody I at least have a place to stay ha ha ha ha take this way Wade needs turnips ok you can find yeah yeah yeah Doritos are gonna make turnip flavor for Wade for his bees oh damn oh ha damn oh wait what color does swaggy have wait what what what of it fix it fix it all right wait but mark has maybe green it's all right it's all good ha ha [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] [ __ ] blue wait if it makes you feel any better I don't have blue either does that make you feel any better no no Bob no there's nothing I could do about it it's beyond it's out of my wrist beyond my reckoning out of my control not your reckoning no that's it lies beyond my Ken oh I'm really sorry bud turnip soup so now turnip soup is a thank you for that wait you're gonna have to make a video after this of you actually cooking and eating turnip soup you have to please I know how much you like turnip soup win we wait hang on listen that's not what you want dammit we all know we all know I'm sorry darn it geez why do we play this game why is it green I hate no no no why again why whatever to you it's clearly your fault I didn't do it thank you you saved me good sir it didn't do it look it was I was I couldn't touch him uh-huh ice cream no I could buy ice cream cake instead of turnips not that one why would that even be a thing no you get birthday turnips we stick a candle in a turnip we light it on fire you blow it out you eat the termit that's your birthday wait wait my dad just said wait is to turn up as Bob is to Lobster what does that mean if we love sorry mark why are you sorry I wouldn't what Oh mark I believe has blue so let's not let mark win yeah he's got blue it's a lie don't believe him it's a lie sexy carrot sexy weird al' this sexy weirdo anyway he actually has yellow soda cream turn you've never had a turnip it's it's it's actually good like I wouldn't bite into it raw but there's good I could not do anything couldn't do it oh not Oh mark you know my my time close to the Sun my wings melted you're getting a lot better you said you're going slower than I am you just got to get some funny [ __ ] loaded on there then wait I'm gonna save your turn for you okay ternopil crust oh Jesus Christ that's the worst use name of a bread knife and people are so fast it just we talked about its also its French its turnip Lick crusts I don't know why you're going to turn nipple crusts that's just weird alright well what the ok [ __ ] you Wade you [ __ ] you're listening to gifted subs you're thinking about turnips I'll do it I was so ready to [ __ ] you I'm so prepared to sex you know what could you possibly have gained from this this didn't help any why did you do this like that oh no bunch why are you doing this I like how the the rage and discussion comes at huge waves I think I think it's just because weight is is breaking the rules of the podcast and addressing his subs which was the rules we're not allowed to do that we're not doing the podcast we're playing a goddamn Gabriel the podcasts what did you stop podcast this is games no it's yummy to read all my turnip puns out loud no I don't want you to read them at all ignore oh it's only got cold thank you for the $5 no you have to ignore them turnip cousin's calm anything else you guys want for me keep going good draw some [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] me Oh I'll be your hype guy I got you so Bob how are you doing good good you know I'm good I'm feeling good good good good man good man yeah oh yeah for swaggy oh dear it's blue now excuse me mister not paying attention to the game donation swaggy why are you such a piece of [ __ ] wait uh what color do you want we give you wait please stop your amazing commentary for two seconds - [ __ ] - great color [ __ ] about what color we want it to be it's all good swaggy and I we've got a system going on we got it good we got a good Oh your life is so hard you've all your turnips with us so many turnips out there yeah yeah yeah wait hey listen don't do that I realized my mistake [Laughter] maybe God Bob you're gonna put you're gonna put my hand I sure you don't want shut up it's good no it's fine was it was a good call to not take this head just let me get to my turn just let me get to my turn as normal I'll fix it I'll fix it I fixed it okay the two that I got left with it's all good it's all good better oh come on oh well all right that's Oh fun some of those more squares [Laughter] not getting me this time you're not getting me this time sir okay all right okay you guys are so slow when it's swaggy but when I'm doing it you have bullet-like reflexes I see how it is the both of us not me just like oh god I knocked my monitor over I can't figure out how to do this oh god what's going on here it's coming back to you wait it's fine it's fine oh my god that's not a good color oh thanks bud you're welcome bud no I don't does anyone know what color so I have no idea let's just draw and see what's hard of the car okay guys they get a five okay well that was short-lived hi this is actually something you want to happen all right let's do no yellow no yellow Bob nice what does that even mean what does it mean you could have 69 did you know I don't know what that means what is all you [ __ ] dare I don't know you didn't want me to win that badly swaggy is on my team god damn it swaggy is on my team shut up oh thanks dude I have some of those yeah keep it yellow that's what I want please keep it wave you know what card I have [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,736,277
Rating: 4.961956 out of 5
Keywords: uno, uno gameplay, uno multiplayer, uno markiplier, uno funny moments, markiplier, funny, multiplayer, collab, online
Id: ZMVH0dpmUy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 6sec (1806 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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