Baldur's Gate 3 Light Cleric Build (+Trickery/Life)

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all right today we're going to look at a cleric build that I've come up with I think it's pretty powerful I don't think anyone else is really talking about this particular type of build on YouTube at the moment I watched crpg Bros cleric video that you put out yesterday and it's a good video but I think he missed some aspects of what makes a cleric really powerful I would really recommend that you check out the larian Discord and go to the builds Channel because there are some really smart people in there can help you with some amazing build ideas anyway so let's have a look first of all I've revised the tier list that I made in the last video I think I underestimated how powerful light domain is by quite a bit place that higher now also a place 10 plus domain higher because some of the bills I've seen using Tempest domain are just wow being able to maximize lightning thunder damage is just broken on the right builds I still think light domain is sorry I still think life domain is really solid the group heels you get with this domain are really excellent and I'm gonna show you some tricks that you can use with it that are going to make it really powerful um the other domains are pretty poor in my opinion uh there's some things you can do with them but they're pretty inferior to the other ones for those who are wanting to use the trickery domain because you've prefer a trick because you prefer a domain that fits in better with Shadow heart story I'm going to show you some tricks you can use for her after the light cleric section so stay tuned for that all right so let's look at the light cleric first now on the right you can see my steam page that I've created for Border skate 3. I did this for all my builds so whenever I'm talking about a build you'll be able to find a written steam page that details all the selections gear and so on I just think it helps having it written down rather than having to watch a video every time you want to check on you know like a spell to take or what feed to take us on uh you can find my steam Page by Googling yasharian and bg3 builds and it should be the first result also put the link in the description I'd really appreciate it if you checked it out anyways if we go on to the third build you'll find the light cleric build the other builds are more or less complete so if you're interested in those feel free to check them out I'm going to do some videos on those builds as well at some point I've designed the builds to complement each other a fill it when people design builds without taking into account the rest of the party they're kind of missing a big part of what makes builds optimized so this builds role is to stay in the main tank and deal damage up close for Spirit Guardians it also debuffs enemy attack roles that can't hit you after a few rounds they're not dead they're definitely not hitting you anymore it has pretty good survivability and it's pretty resistant to Broken concentration it also has a lot of other spells it can use as well not just Spirit Guardians so um let's have a look then so we're going to get into a fight here and I will show you Spirit Guardians first because that's the main thing footsteps before we see it um actually I'm also going to show you sacred frame because that's also a big part of the um right come on out there um so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to cast um sacrifice now uh one thing to bear in mind here is obviously I'm like this character's level 12 you wouldn't usually fight this creature at level 12 so don't take the performance on this Albert fight as an indicator of like how good the build is this is just to demonstrate some things so I've got this weapon equipped and I'll go through all the items in a minute I've got this weapon equipped called the spell sparkler and what it does is it whenever you deal damage with a spell you gain two lightning charges now unfortunately this doesn't work off um Spirit Guardians so the spirit Guardians damage doesn't trigger this so um you'll have to use other spells like um you can use the contract that I just used to take a flame now a second flame isn't normally a very good spell to use but it is cheap because it costs nothing because it can trip it does use your action but we're not really using our action for anything else unless we're casting one of the big spells and I'll go through those later so it's a pretty efficient use of Your Action so now I've just cast um sacred flame on the Albert and you'll notice a couple of things so first of all I've got lightning charges now and also the Albert if you look at the top you can see that it says radiating orb so the Alba Is Now debuffed by two radiating orbs right um now I'll show you what that means in a minute but that's that's important so it's inflicted with radiating orbs and I've also got um lightning charges now if I wasn't hasted I would be doing this next turn but I'll just show you it now so if we cast Spirit Guardians now beware when your Casper Gardens there's two types we want to cast the one that does radiant damage not the other one you can upcast it if you want I'm not going to because as I said this Albert is just a lot less tough than me but you can later on you can upcast it to do more damage so I'm just going to cast this now interesting thing here so the Spirit Guardians that are just cast so it also added radiating orb stacks um so you've got two different sources of adding radiating orb Stacks you can do it with your spells or you can do it with um Spirit Guardians so when you're just wandering around the battlefield and damaging things with Spirit Guardians you're going to inflict stacks of radiating orb on the target which is really great um and I'll show you what radiating does at the moment now what you'll also notice is that the damage um on radiating orb has got lightning damage on it right so the the effect from right uh spirit Gardens as a walking around everybody you have this is one there's only one enemy here but usually you know you would use this when there's a bunch of enemies so imagine I'm surrounded by goblins they're all getting hit by this lightning damage that is from my lightning charges now the clever part here is we're using this ring called callus glow ring and it deals an extra two points of damage and that's um working on the main damage from Spirit guardians but it's also adding on to this lightning damage so this lightning damage is also getting an extra two so every time we use Spirit guidance we're getting this extra four damage provided that we've got lightning and charges now this isn't a huge amount of damage but it is very nice and it's also it also works with um what's the word uh sacred flame which I'm going to show you next turn how that works okay so now I want to do is I'm going to let the turn by whole Cubbies on the clock to me all right now I'm just going to let the Albert fit my card in and all right where is it here we go so you'll see here radiating orb is debuffing uh the owl bears attack roll right so it's getting -3 to here it was minus four but it decays by one point every turn so it's down to minus three now so the um the Albers attack rolls are getting debuffed now now this keeps happening every turn right so every turn that it gets hit by radiant damage it's gonna start losing some attack rolls right now it's down to minus five so it's minus five to hit um now if I cast sacred flame on it again which is probably going to kill it I don't get it survived you'll notice that the sacred flame damage is benefiting from potent spell casting right and the callus glow so we talked about that potent spell casting is the eighth level ability that you get from light domain so the damage from sacred flame is getting boosted by the um spell casting it's also receiving the colors glow buff so that's I mean that's normal you would expect that but what you might not expect is that the um Lightning Charge when the Lightning Charge does one damage um it also benefits from potent spellcasting it's also adding five damage now this uh damage breakdown here is completely wrong but it's not to really get down the radiant ignore that it's just one lightning plus five from potent spell casting and you'll notice again I'm getting the carous flow bonus the colors glow bonus twice so this actually makes um sacred flame which is usually not a very good ability it actually makes it really good because you're getting your wisdom bonus twice which I mean if you're level 12 then obviously it's um plus five but you know whatever and then you're also getting callous glow twice so you're getting like um 10 damage plus that's 14 damage something like that on top of the base damage from from sacred flame so this makes sacriflame quite nice uh it's you know it's not it's not earth-shaking damage but it's still great and also it inflicts radiating orb so every time you cast it it's inflicting even more radiating orbs so it's quite nice if you're a fighting group of enemies with your spirit guardians but there's you know maybe a tough guy that you wanna do a bit more damage to you can use sacred phone to do that you can also now obviously that's that's free you don't use any spell slots to do that if you want to burn some spell slots you can also use Garden bolt um there's also there's there's when you get higher level there's also there's other spells that do radiant damage as well like flame strike or destructive wave those those do radiant damage as well um so there's a lot of different options to deal radiant damage as well as your spirit Guardians um which you know you cast at the start of the fight and that's just on forever well it's on unless you lose your concentration not forever but until the end of the fight so you're racking up a lot of radiant damage some of it is benefiting from things which it really shouldn't be but you know will benefit from it um and and you and while you're doing that damage you're also inflicting a lot of um debuffs so that anything that doesn't die straight away it's gonna be debuffed a lot I mean -7 to hit is quite a lot and it just keeps going now we can do other things as well so this is where the light light uh cleric becomes really nice so I talked about this ability Radiance of the Dawn in the previous um video and I I said I didn't really like it it's not that powerful in terms of damage now I stand by that it's not amazing damage but here's the thing so with uh Amulet of The Devout you get three uses of this right and if you look carefully you'll notice it does radiant damage right so whenever we use this and it's a quite a big um AOE we're we're also applying even more stacks of radiating all so anything that you hit with this so presumably you've already hit it with Spirit Guardians and now you're hitting it again with your action um and it's getting another two stacks of writer and orb so this ability which is it's just okay starts to become really good and if you've got a bar you can get three short rests per long rest so you could use this nine times per long rest it's actually really nice um you know though the damage isn't amazing the fact that it doesn't hit um Alloys and it has this debuff effect attached to it really nice and you can see I don't care about you 'll strike you watched so you can see that when I use Radiance of the Dawn it also is benefiting from this uh lining damage um tagging onto it and though and and that makes colors glow hit twice so every time we're dealing Radiance damage we're we've got this combo that's just adding a little bit more damage it's not much but it's enough to make a difference it just makes these little uh spells um uh I was hoping you'd come to chat sort of shut up right it makes these little spells these radiants are Dawn spells and Flame stroke even flame strike is not a particularly amazing spell but the fact that we've just got these extra bits of damage coming onto it uh just just makes it slightly better it UPS it into a better tier now so if we look a bit more closely at these items so this is the colors glow ring so this is what's adding those extra two points of damage you need to be illuminated so this is not going to work well if you've got a strategy where you're using I don't know for example like a warlock strategy if you're casting Darkness this um combination is not going to work well with that um luminous gloves is the thing that makes your radiant damage inflict radiating orb um so it's really nice there is another item that does that as well called coruscation ring um and what this doesn't work on spells like Spirit Guardians though it only works on spells that deal direct damage so it would work on sacred flame and it would work on it doesn't work on Radiance of the Dawn because this isn't actually classed as a spell unfortunately um but it would work on stuff like flame strike now you can use this item if you want I personally I'm going to use it on uh my my wizard build um because he doesn't really have any rings that he needs apart from ring of regeneration so I'm gonna put that ring on him instead so that when he uses magic Missile or chain lining or whatever it's gonna apply that effect as well so you've got both the wizard and the cleric applying this effect and it's just yeah I mean the enemies are going to become so debuffed that they're not going to be able to hit anything when I've been testing this I've seen I've seen that it the capping behavior is a little bit weird sometimes it caps at nine Stacks sometimes it goes a little bit higher but even if it caps at nine Stacks um minus nine to hit is is such a devastating debuff for your enemies I mean it's a bit like having nine AC just on tap so you know it's a really powerful uh yes so that is the main part talked about lightning charges now lightning charges uh they only happen when you've got the spell sparkler equipped um so there are other options for this build so there's blood of latanda which is really good um something weird going on there there's bloodhounder which is really good for fighting fiends and Undead and there's uh devotees mace which has a really great aura um it lasts for 10 turns and it's gonna combo really well with Whispering promise I'll talk about that in a minute um and then you've got staff of style power which staff of spell power which bus Buffs your spell DC's and it gives you this really nice Arcane battery which allows you to get a spell slot back so you know you've got some options here the spouse marker is probably the best for just free damage but you've got other options okay so and then lastly I'm just going to talk about held us boots um these are really good because once prolonged rest you can choose to succeed at a savings row now this is really great because the one thing you don't want on this build is losing your concentration and if you roll really badly you get hit by something you might lose your concentration so you know you can use infernal evasion uh which is usually a reaction and you can just choose to succeed at um at that saving throw as well and that allows you to not lose your concentration I will say though this build has resilient Constitution so it has Proficiency in Saving throws and it also has advantage on contexts which works for your um concentration checks so you know it's unlikely that you're going to lose your concentration but it might happen I'm also using cloak of displacement so at the beginning of every combat when you get hit they'll have disadvantage yes so you know it's quite uh it's quite a tough build the AC isn't isn't as high as it could be but 22 ACS is pretty decent and I think you're going to want to put the best AC items on other characters um yeah okay just going to add something real quick before we go on to the next part of the video is um the light cleric talk to me the light cleric has some other things that it can do which I didn't talk about before now and it's worth looking at it because it's actually really nice so we've got warding flare here and the thing that makes this really nice first of all what it does is it imposes disadvantage on an attacker right so the Albert's about to attack me and now if it had missed me because my AC is can just about see it there 19. so you know there's a good chance that it might miss me if it had missed me this wouldn't have come up so this would have been really annoying this ability if you'd have just given if you just been asked every time something attacked you or do you want to use this but it doesn't work that way instead it automatically figures out right is it going to hit you or not if it doesn't hit you it doesn't doesn't offer it if it does hit you then it says right this guy's about to hit you do you want to use warning flare that makes this ability so much better that it would otherwise have been and it's especially useful on this build because we really don't want to get hit when we've got Spirit Guardians active now bear in mind you can also use this ability on your party members if you want so if you know you're Paladin or whoever is in the front and they're getting hit and then maybe they're low on hit points or maybe they're concentrating on a spell you really don't want them to get hit you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on them now disadvantage means that this guy has rolled you know he might have rolled a did he roll 19 no I think the 19 is the total so he probably rolled like a 15 or something like that now if I make him roll this a disadvantage he's going to roll another Dice and he might roll lower than 15 he might roll like a three if he does that if he rolls lower than that 15 he's forced to take the lower role now he might roll higher right so if I ask him to re-roll he might roll a 20 instead so you know it's not a guarantee that it's going to miss just because you're using it but it gives him a lot less chance to hit now the other thing that's really nice is you can negate critical hits with this now once you've got the Helm of Boulder and don't really care about that anyway um but before you have that it's really nice to be able to negate Critical Hits if he rolls are 20 then he's obviously going to hit you and he's going to do double damage and that is going to hurt but if you get make him roll with disadvantage it's very unlikely that he's going to roll another 20. he's probably Gonna Roll something lower even if he still hits you like maybe he rolls a 7 team and he still hits you he's not going to have that 20 so he's not going to do double damage so this is particularly good for getting rid of critical hits so I'm gonna we'll just roll the dice we'll see we'll see what happens oh no he still hit me okay so this isn't a great example of like how good it can be but you get the idea you know he still might hit you so I made him re-roll and he still rolled pretty high so you know he hit me anyway what I did do for this test is I did take off the shield uh so if I'd had the shield on I would have probably not got hit there but I've got hit no he would have just hit me actually now but you get the idea so I just thought I'd mention that because I didn't go through it um so you know warding um Flair is really good ability and it it does use up your reaction and this build does have quite a few ways to use reaction so bear that in mind you can't use your Shield ability and you can't use your infernal resistance ability if you do use your reaction to to do warning flare so bear that in mind but it's a really nice ability and and it's infinite uses per day so you get to use it as much as you want which is really powerful so yeah that's it on with the rest of the video so I said earlier that you can choose to be live cleric if you want live cleric has a lot of really good um heel abilities so the life cleric instead of having the radiance of the Dawn that casts a rainy damage in an AOE instead of having that they have a similar ability but instead of doing damage it heals now you might not think that that's very powerful typically healing abilities aren't really favored by The Meta because they're um they're kind of inferior to just doing damage instead but there's a reason that this ability can be quite meta so it's supposed to is exactly the same as this but it just heals basically so if you imagine that what that looks like now um the reason we like heels is because of this item Whispering promise um so when you do heels you gain less right and this works in combination with the Helm of Boulder and so when you start a fight the helmet bundle bouldering will heal you and that will trigger Whispering promise on yourself so you have permanent bless on yourself and that really helps because the saving throw bonus is going to kick in and you just basically going to have that 1d4 same throw bonus no matter what you do you've got it automatically now if you choose to heal the party um you will give that to everyone right so it's a way of giving everybody heal sorry a bless without having to waste your concentration on it which is really nice so you can use if you're not a life cleric you can use spells like mask your wounds or mass healing word you can just cast that and that will trigger it on everybody for I believe it is two turns yeah two turns it's a little bit expensive because you're using a quite a high level spell slot for it but you know in big fights where you're up against the tough group of enemies it's fine to do that and you know you don't want to be wasting your concentration on bless you certainly don't want to be wasting your concentration on things like um the armor spell bit called I can't remember what it's called now oh sorry not the first The Shield of Faith I've seen some builds um online using Shield of Faith to like make the armor class really really powerful but you don't want to be doing that that is a really poor use of your concentration okay so that's an example of how to use the life domain but there's more you can do with it so if you equip the Reviving hands as well then when you use the AOE heels to do the whispering promise effect you also give everybody blade Ward now for my party here I have a lot of other sources of Blade Wards so I have chosen not to use that on my cleric but it's definitely an option and if you were doing the life cleric build that would be a really great one it's you'd be giving everybody blade Ward and and bless whenever you use the Ability the channel divinity so again that's a really powerful option for Life cleric okay so now what about uh trickery so I know there's people who don't really like respecting the shadow heart into a light cleric or whatever because it's it's a bit I mean some people argue that because of her kind of story it's Justified but it's not really is it let's be honest um so if you want to keep her as a trickery cleric got some options for you as well so the first thing you can do first of all let's just talk about what cleric uh what trickery cleric gets so it gets the fear spell which is quite a nice spell it also gets bestow curse which well cleric gets that in a way but it gets it for free you don't have to waste a prepared slot on it so that's a small thing there are some other spells but I think these are the two most interesting and I'm going to show you why now so there's a couple of items in the game which are kind of interesting so first I've got Shield of the undivout now this is kind of a late game Shield so you're not gonna be able to get this too early but it has a really interesting ability so it can give you it can give your enemies disadvantage on saving for us against fear now unfortunately this only works on the first saving throw because the way that fear works is when you cast it the first turn they get a saving through and if they fail that they start to run away and then the next turn they get another save and throw unfortunately the disadvantage here only works on the first save but it's still you know it's nice to give you at least that first turn is pretty much guaranteed if they've got disadvantage now the other thing that we can use is we can use either of these two staves and they have disadvantage actually this one doesn't uh this one has spell save DC so I should ignore that one um so this one has disadvantage on saving throws against necromancy spells now cleric unfortunately doesn't get a lot of necromancy spells but it does get a couple I'll just show you them now so first of all we've got um bisto curse so that's really nice and again it only affects the first turn but that might be enough to you know bring down a boss or whatever because let's be honest if you're casting this you're probably casting it on a boss the other option is blindness blindness is quite a nice one if you don't have a guaranteed source of um Advantage for your other party members this can be quite a nice one to cast so that your party members will get automatic advantage because when they're blinded they suffer attack rolls against them to have advantage and also when it attacks you it has this Advantage now a con save isn't the best because most enemies do tend to have quite High con saves but yeah it's it's still good yeah there's going to be some enemies that don't have a high concept so blindness is still useful so let's try this way if we go have a look um we'll just start the fight again so I'm gonna just demonstrate these these spells on the on the Albert um now the owl Bears got a pretty tough uh con save so some of these spells still might not work so you know don't look at that just just consider how they might be effective so blindness is a spell you can use there we go he failed this saving through so you can see he had a disadvantage which meant that he rolled a 10 and now he's blind so if I was to attack him you can see I've got a pretty good um attack roll chance now the other thing you can do so let's see what else do we have we've got fear so sphere [Music] there we go and installed again so now he's got fearful now the next turn um he is going to be able to save without Advantage without disadvantage sorry he might still fail you know the DC is quite High um and he did his wisdom modifier is a lot less than his con modifier so fear is going to be a lot better um so this is quite nice you know it's nowhere near as powerful as what the light cleric can do let's let's be honest um but if you're really wanting to keep the trickery domain you want to have something that's um is decent but you know uh but so you you want to keep the trickery domain then this is definitely an option and as I said it relies on these two items Shield of the underval and staff of cherished necromancy now if you're thinking well I'd really like to do something that's a little bit more exciting than that you can also do harm now this is really nice so this does a set amount of damage and it reduces the target's maximum hit points so if you're against somebody that maybe keeps healing um then you could use this and it does quite a lot of damage so sorry Albert Hub but you are the guinea pig failed and so you can see that he's down to one hit points so the reason that it did that is because this spell can't take a creature below one hit point so because the club didn't have a lot of um didn't have a lot of head points it just went straight to um it just went straight to one so let me just get that back and I'll just show you um I'll just show you what it does to the Albert because we need to see so there you go so it goes down to 50. so I had like 91 and it went down to 50. so that gives you an idea you know it could be interesting I'm not going to say it's like the most powerful level six spell you could do but it's a bit of fun and uh you know the creature has disadvantage on on that saving for it because because of the staff has cherish necromancy so you know this is something fun you can do with a trickery cleric if you advance it okay so um as I said before if you want to look at any of the details on the videos such as what items you want to find or where to find them or that kind of thing what you know if you maybe want to look at the Spells um without looking at the video it's all here um now I'm not going to go into detail with the the spoilers regarding where to find these items but you know they're there if you want them okay so what about other spells are there any other interesting spells that you might want to use well there's a few so I'll just go through them quickly well what a lot of people tend to do is multi-class their clerics but I think clerics have actually some really nice spells um I'm not gonna lie most of them are earlier on so I couldn't blame you for multi-classing but I do think that there's some merits who continuing in your um your cleric class rather than multiclassing so I'm just going to go through some of these so command I think this is kind of I think everybody knows about this spell by now but command is a really powerful spell being able to command the enemy to drop their weapon is really amazing because you can just pick it up um it's just that's just so good um created the story water you might not think that this is very powerful but this is actually one of the most powerful spells because the way that alarion have implemented water is it makes targets wet and I can just demonstrate that here it makes targets wet which means that they take extra damage from certain things so you can see that wet gives you vulnerability to lightening and cold vulnerability if you don't know that means you take double damage which is very powerful if you were for example a Tempest cleric and you cast this spell on on your enemy then you're now doing double damage with your lightning spells and obviously the Tempest cleric can maximize their damage on Lightning so pretty crazy there's a potential to do some very powerful damage there Sanctuary is a really great spell to protect either yourself or someone else I think everybody knows about that spell by now but I just thought I'd mention it Q wounds is a spell that a lot of people don't use but I think it's sometimes it's useful to be able to do a bit of extra healing to an ally also there might be a um what's the word that I'm trying to get out you know when you're escorting someone an escort Mission so you're trying to escort an NPC and you want to keep them healed up it might be useful there are other spells that you can memorize instead inflict wounds is a nice one blindness we've talked about whole person is a great one um anyway so next one is guiding bolts this is a nice one I wouldn't necessarily memorize this later on but it's it's okay unless this restoration is just straightforward you know useful to remove horrible effects silence is a really um underrated spell this is going to be really great um against spellcasters um and other targets that that suffer from being silenced yeah this is potentially actually more powerful than you might realize Aid is a really powerful spell because it increases your hit point maximums and if you upcast this you get even more so this is a great spell River verify well obviously you know it's a it's a revive spell what do you want remove curse that's actually not what I meant to memorize I meant to memorize something else so ignore that one uh spirit Guardians is powerful obviously we know about that Glyph of warding is a really great spell when you cast this belt you get to choose a variety of different wards and some of these are really powerful some of these are just damage some of them are knocking people back the sleeps one is actually really powerful on the right and but there's other ones as well so you know just a really great spell gives you a lot of flexibility banishment is another one that's very very powerful the thing that makes this very powerful is it uses a Charisma save and nine times out of ten your enemies are going to have a really bad Charisma save so you might think to yourself why would I use this spell over other spells the Charisma save is why and you're supposed to be able to benefit from upcasting this I wonder if they yes so you get an additional Target for every level so although you only get one target fourth level when you upcast this you can potentially do you know up to three targets now obviously it doesn't damage them it just banishes them but you can imagine you know if you've got like a really annoying spell Caster at the back and you just want to get rid of them so you can defeat his allies this is really powerful you know you could get rid of the boss and with the Charisma save you're more than likely going to succeed so this is a very underrated spell I feel like people don't talk about that spell enough greater restoration is just okay sometimes you need it playing at Ally is very powerful when you use this you can summon one of these and some of these are really powerful and they are crazy powerful look at that you can't argue with that that is beastly and um it doesn't use up your concentration for some reason and yeah it just lasts forever so you just get this summon just forever I mean that is just crazy let's just have a quick look at them oh there we go so he has four and his AC is not that high but you know it's pretty powerful anyway it's good but you can you can explore the uh something just for yourself so the last spell let's go through is so we've got blade barrier so blade barrier is really nice and let's see find it I need to restore myself where is it there it is so by barrier is going to allow you to create a wall of blades and uses your concentration so obviously you have to bear that in mind but if you if anybody walks into this um that's going to do quite a lot of damage and you can see the damage it's doing obviously this is cast at level six so you know but it's it's very useful bear in mind that it does use your concentration so um you'd see here it uses concentration so you know bear that in mind and you've got Heroes Feast which is great to give you wisdom saves on everybody um the hit point increase is nice but um the I think the wisdom save thing is the main one you know if you're going into a fight where you really need that wisdom saved advantage or maybe you want to be immune to these things then Hero's Feast is just great and you can cast this in your camp and then you know it lasts until long rest so you could you could have somebody who isn't in your part you cast this to be fair so that's a bit of maybe exploit that you could use anyway so those are some of the other cleric spells that are also really useful and so you can see that some of those spells are really going to have a big impact so that's it I hope you found the video useful and as I said feel free to check out my steam page in the details um the impact my steam page for the details the link will be in this description or you can Google it
Channel: Yosharian's Builds
Views: 2,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, BG3, Baldur's Gate III, BGIII, Cleric, Light Cleric, Light domain, Spirit Guardians, Shadowheart, Build, Class
Id: drrlksFmumE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 25sec (2485 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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