I Built The Most Over The Top Beacon In Minecraft Hardcore

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according to a Minecraft Survival guys when you spawn into your world the first thing you need to do is build a base to survive the night the literature on this is very very clear so far in this world we've created a mega portal mapped out our entire world in the end collected every illegal item in the game put ocean in the Nether and this is where I live yeah this is my base these nine chests here yeah this is where I've been working from this whole time yeah no this is embarrassing I know so yeah well that's all about to change in a big big way but first we need some food why am I always starving wait I think I could smell some carrots over here and then we'll just come over here and cover these carrots in Gold to demonstrate my wealth hmm I'm homeless but there's another way I can demonstrate my wealth and that is to build an emerald Beacon but make it like 100 times the size of a normal one small Kalani for reference and then just transform it into a base and then live in it um you're a step one we're gonna remove this creeper farm that is absolutely full of cats wait wait I think I think they're trying to say something yeah what whatever you do don't blow us up hey you know what that's actually a great idea okay so there's actually not very much gunpowder in these chests so what we'll do is we'll just come up here okay and um and just wait a pair for a bit basically just do it just doing a bit of this all right let's see what we got okay there we are we farmed the gunpowder from the gunpowder farm that we're going to use to blow up the gunpowder Farm brilliant so let's just come down here and then we can just start placing all of this sorry cats it's just that I don't care yeah fine fine all right listen you got three minutes of my time if you're not all out by then then foreign was was not what I was hoping for okay so it did blow things up but just not enough oh whoops looks like there were still some of those cats in there okay so now we're gonna build this down there all right so let's start by marking out some Corners one here one there one here and one there and then we just you know just connect them all right so there's the um and then there's and then there's uh the um okay so this thing's gonna be pretty big not gonna lie cats I didn't uh exactly think it would be this bit okay so we're gonna need this many chests full of emeralds except way more than that so a good place to start is probably an emerald Farm okay so this okay so this is my old Emerald Farm why is it still on why is it still on why is it still on that makes no sense that's anyway this this isn't enough this isn't big enough for what we need so I'm just gonna steal some of these materials and then we're gonna build a much bigger much better one right here yeah no here's good because that way we can laugh in the face of the old Emerald Farm we're gonna need a lot of materials I've come here for your shelves thanks for all those uh shells guys okay if I make this you have to subscribe okay if I make this you have okay if I make all right let's smelt up all this glass and let's smelt up some iron I don't I don't have any iron okay let's smoke up some iron and that's that's not enough iron okay so the rest of the materials we can just take from the update suppressor since we're not using this anymore okay this should be enough to get us started we're going to use a schematic which basically pays to build into your world to copy none of these blocks are actually here it's just tell me where to place them so I don't mess anything up because I'm gonna mess it up let's face it so I guess we just start from here oh [Music] um okay so I think I think I've broken it already I can't hear myself thick is that good up no I think the problem's down here I think wait I think I just if I just track myself I've just trapped my [Music] foreign [Music] villagers up there I I don't know I don't know how do you do that perfect a nearby unsuspecting Village they suspect that oh it looks like I've already been here look their houses are gone oh yeah I put them in the nether didn't I sorry about that guys that's you've just been here homeless this whole time same but hopefully I'm gonna fix that in this video and then you'll be the only homeless ones all right get in the boat we should make a little Bridge like this and there we are that should do nicely all right buddy let's go it's time to earn your place in this world and then we should just push be able to push them into no please stop all right buddy off you go yeah that should work and then down there and there we are trapped okay what we're gonna do now is place that there and that there then this guy's gonna come over like oh oh I sense a job opportunity over here but instead all he finds is a boat and a kidnapper that's me I'm the kidnapper and you're next hey you see that over there yep that's where you're gonna be spending the rest of your life ah there we are what with the Villager go oh so that villager just completely vanished okay okay all right what if I re-log hahaha there you are nice try buddy okay we don't have any Corner rails but this should yeah that's not gonna work is it no that's not yeah he's dead he's dead oh I love working with villagers I just love I just I just love working with villagers okay that's it they're all in okay now we just build these things to stop the Vex from spawning then we just slap this guys get the bad Omen okay this this looks like it's working already okay so we should just come down here and then start hitting the armor stand and it should work sum up how this Farm works these guys spawn up here in multiple raids and then fall down to the Sorting area where all the loot gets taken through keeping the good stuff and burning the trash so then all's left to do is come over here into this chest take out the shulker boxes turn the emeralds into blocks and repeat this for an insane amount of time okay so it's been a while we have seven shulker boxes full of emerald blocks uh so let's see how far this gets us I guess we just start here [Music] [Music] [Music] this is gonna take a while yep nope this is uh it's definitely going to take a while okie dokie let's continue okay we've got a couple more emeralds just a few just a couple oh boy I love placing me some Emerald blogs okay that was one side then I carried on farming emeralds and sorting emeralds and placing emeralds to far more emeralds but now we can Farm them without even eating with these power-ups look at this I'm even powered by emeralds I was placing emeralds all day and all night I'd play so many Emerald blocks that it began to stop all sunlight within a nine chunk squared radius creating quite possibly Minecraft's most expensive mob fan speaking of farms be right back while I spend another 12 hours at this one [Music] okay I think that's enough I think this is the last stretch of phase one I like how it slowly emerges from the fog like that that that thing is Big Cats how we doing haven't checked in for a while boy it is dark down here all right cats I'll let you free soon just got to uh just got a place like 20 000 more emeralds be right back [Music] okay last bit last bit wow my placing finger hurts there we are there we are it's done well it's not it's not actually it's uh it's like not even actually nearly done so so there's there's a normal one there's my one um but now we've got to put some texture on it because it looks too smooth it looks too clean looks kind of weird actually so Emerald blocks have this kind of texture where it sort of goes round like this so I was thinking maybe we should copy that so we come over here and uh just literally copy that that shape yeah like like that but everywhere okay it looks kind of weird right now but I think when it's everywhere it'll look quite cool so let's just uh let's just do it everywhere real quick how am I gonna reach okay we're gonna have to get some scaffolding so I can reach on the sides I'm so glad I made this thing it makes going to the end so easy okay let's consult the map we're looking for a jungle jungle jungle jungle jungle I think there's a small jungle there all right let's see there is a small jungle oh there's a big one okay there bamboo can I get a chi-ching sound effect okay now we just need some bone meals let's go to the nether wait what can I get a chi-ching sound effect okay alrighty let's plant all this up okay now I just need some string good job there's an entire mob spawner under this uh giant Emerald thing that I built all right we got our scaffoldings now we can start the sides [Music] it takes a long time but this makes it all worth it ah the satisfaction okay one of the sides is complete we just have all the rest to do [Music] okay there's the top looking good looking good this is the part that you don't see the hours and hours and hours of collecting emeralds we are getting a lot of XP though okay this this should be enough for the last part of phase two what have I created [Music] and done right my finger hurts okay I I do think that looks pretty cool I mean come on that looks pretty cool okay now we have to build the beacon and we're gonna need some obsidian for the base and I think I have some obsidian left over from the nether portal down here yep there we go actually I wonder how much damage a creeper does okay that was more than I was expecting okay gravel sand bone meal makes concrete okay which is whiter concrete or quartz hmm okay I think I'm gonna use quartz for the glass and just like that glass block okay now we can build the obsidian base out of the obsidian okay so the center is technically made out of diamond now is that something we can do can we make this Center up Diamond okay I've got some diamond blocks let's see how far this gets me okay that that's all I can afford uh with the diamonds um but I could always mine some more diamonds but now that would take too long but I could though I could mine some now but it wouldn't but it would look cool all right let's test this let's see how many diamonds we can get in 20 minutes 20 minute timer starts now after 20 minutes of mining we had 22 diamonds which means roughly we're averaging one Diamond per minute which means if we want to make the center out of diamond blocks it's gonna take about 15 hours per side yeah I'm not sure this is going to happen I think we're gonna have to find a uh a different different way to do this can I find some flowers and some cacti when I put them together I made some dye and stain some glass and then I uh built this um introducing the different way to do this yeah yeah we're gonna have to change that that just does not look good but for now this build the beacon laser thing this thing but for that we're gonna need a shed load of sand and a second what's that wait a minute hang on a second a shed load of sand oh that's convenient I definitely didn't collect all that sand and build this shed just for that joke okay let's burn the shed load of sand into a shed load of glass so we can build things with it okay so we just uh we just go straight up okay we've reached build height that's actually quite High okay that's looking good that's right up to build height okay let's try and fix the center maybe we can change the color and let's try light blue instead yeah okay that looks a bit better that's more like it I think it's got a cool effect with the difference well hat went up in Flames what do you mean the cat went up in Flames all right who set fire to a cat down here okay now to finish this Beacon off we're gonna need a lot of smaller beacons and for that we are going to need a boatload of skeleton heads wait what wait what's this hang on hang on a hang on a second boat a boatload of skeleton a boatload of skeleton heads how convenient I will take though I'm kidding I spent an unbelievable amount of time in the nether collecting these things I can't even tell you how long I was there for just on fire just on fire the entire time I was there for so long that I saw a full diamond and full chainmail mobs I was there for so long that at one point I just thought you know what forget it so anyway then I came home and built this boat to make a boatload of skeleton heads joke just to make you laugh subscribe right now okay now we do have some leftover Bedrock from uh the illegal video and I think that will come in handy so let's just come down here if we build a little Bedrock chamber to keep these guys in that should make things a lot easier yeah that should work I think I think that should work and then we just slap him a few times until the star pops out okay brilliant now we just do that 11 more times all right 12 beacons nice okay so if we light this place up quickly guys guys guys guys guys and then if we remove these blocks here like that you see how I did that and then if we come down here and build a beacon but like reasonably sized this time just like that then we place all the beacons hang on a second there's no there's no there's no way I've got this math wrong why are they why are therefore missing okay no I see I've got one here and then we've got three at the emerald Farm it was it was so long ago that I forgot my own plan okay here we go done so now hopefully that shines straight through and just like that okay that looks cool now that does look cool okay let's get some power-ups okay now we need a doorway we need we need an entrance to the base just like that and then we can come in here and make the floor [Music] and then I think we'll go for the same emerald block design that we use outside on the inside too foreign [Music] there's a couple emeralds here okay for the lights we're gonna pick shroom lights because who uses glowstone anymore I mean come on okay now we're going to cover the gaps in Green Glass so that we don't keep uh falling into it because that would be very that would be very annoying it would turn this very impractical base into an even more impractical one but we're not about practicality on this channel we're about making things look cool and does it look cool probably that's probably Up For Debate but [Music] okay despite the use of stream lights it's still quite dark in here so I think I have a plan for the route if we remove this bottom layer then sunlight can come through and then we can replace it with the Green Glass yeah so we're letting some sunlight now this place is so green [Music] just like that and you can't really tell when you look at it which is good okay now let's briefly imagine a scenario where I need to get up to my base but I don't have Rockets yep we're gonna need a staircase definitely gonna need a staircase because if my elytra breaks this will be my life okay start there and then we can take it up in this sort of fashion yeah you know what jump boost is actually really really annoying While You're Building okay I'm just gonna pause these power-ups for a while just while we build okay there's the frame so now if we fill that in with you guessed it more emeralds oh hello okay we've got a basic Emerald staircase let's come in here and do the sides just like that I think that keeps with the theme okay now if we put some water there right at the top then it can flow all the way down like that and it just adds a little bit of blue because it's just it's just so green okay and let's add some more green and let's just grab some leaves real quick and add some more green because we're going to put some like some small trees like little trees kind of like this okay one staircase done okay so now if I've run out of rockets I can still get up to my base which is pretty good I have to swim a little bit but I can get up okay now we just have to do that on every other side we've got three more staircases to go [Music] okay stairs done I should quickly add a little bit more texture on the sides okay now I think we should clean up this Lake by getting rid of these islands the island deleted that looks a little bit better now okay now we need to widen out parts of the lake like this here this is just too close this is too close we need to we need to expand this lake so let's just come in here and delete all this [Applause] there we go that looks a bit better [Music] oh okay almost finished filling this in and now I think if I just fill this in that should yeah there we go okay there we are we've widened out the lake but this bit here looks quite good hmm I wonder okay what if we carry that on around the entire Beacon will that look good there's only one way to find out [Music] and after we come in here and Bone me a little just like that yeah this this looks good I like it now let's get some saplings okay now there's there's one last thing that we have to do and it involves a lot of quartz [Music] and the grand reveal oh yeah we got a big cloud thing it's a big big cloud thing I don't know but it looks cool I swear we're pretty much I mean I don't know what to do down here uh comment below what we should do down here but I think we're pretty much done all this left to do now is move in okay so welcome welcome to my old base yes I used to live in a cave okay so I guess I just take my I guess we just do this and I take my stuff over oh that that is just absolutely disgusting I don't I really don't want to have to move this you know what I'm just not gonna I'm just not I'm just I'm just gonna leave it I'm going quick run [Music] foreign [Music] and here we are the finished the finished product I finally have a base and I finally have some storage I can't even tell you how long I've been waiting for some Proper Storage it's been a long long time now this is all looking great but there is still one thing missing here we go where are they where are they there they are see I promised I would return to save you from this nightmare that I put you in okay cats follow me just up here here we are cats this is my base what do you think okay so they they like the bed let's see if I can get them all on the bed that that's a lot of cats but it's only fair they live here with me now since I you know blew up their friends so there we are we finally have a base in our hardcore world after nine episodes haters are gonna say Kalani this is so over the top and you know what I'm gonna say this is so over the top yeah yeah what now haters I agree shouldn't have done it took a long time took a really really long time shouldn't have done this um yeah yeah all right see ya [Music]
Channel: Kolanii
Views: 2,978,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Kolanii, Hardcore, Emerald Beacon, I Built The Most Over The Top Beacon In Minecraft Hardcore
Id: X4VH98VeYO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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