This YouTuber Thought he could Trap me

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what are you guys doing nothing nothing nothing to most this is a normal conversation but I have fine-tuned my ability to detect lies and traps for months something about these messages isn't adding up maybe it was that or the fact that the same guy publicly announced to trap me in his latest video just like that I was on a mission find and ruined terrain's friends oh sh people usually don't swear when I join the voice call so that confirmed the Trap but it got even better when he said this question am I trap or why is there a sign that says clutch was here immediately IDM clutch he's the only one who could know where terrain is but he's offline right now so I begin searching the nether until terrain gets a little excited and starts screen sharing what he's working on he was careful not to show much but he let two things slide one oak leaves in the bottom left as you scroll two a bit of dirt in the bottom right corner now this is important because that color of grass is only found in Planes biomes I know it's not much but at least we've reduced the search from the whole server to only planes biome clutch gets back to me but he can only meet tomorrow morning so in the meantime I spend a couple hours searching the server for any sort of planes buying does anybody else get like really lost in the nether it's like cubes backwards like noted I am searching nether it's not working I haven't found a single thing the only way I'm going to get information is by talking to people so I call up somebody that I have a pretty confusing relationship with Ash three days ago he did this to me look at my feet rock rap too yo yo oh my God now I know what you're thinking why is he hacking a plot twist he's not see we have a plug-in on this server that allows us to get extra hearts ashwag found the developer of said got him to code a fake one called Bug fixes that actually gave him hack abilities and got the server owner to actually install it on the server which is why you can understand I was a bit nervous to ask him anything how close are you to terrain why because I feel like he's trying to do something to me oh he definitely is I'm down to help you but I I want you to apologize to me and write a three-page essay about how ashlock is the best wow essay going back to college counteroffer a one-page essay you so I wrote him an essay and did the whole apology thing of course it was it was really just a big misunderstanding so we hopped back on the call and he's gave me the information hey oh gosh dude oh okay you know after he had some fun with me according to Ash the base is within a hundred blocks of the iron farm the first sign of habitation was a single piece of dirt but it quickly escalated into clue after clue there's actually no way this is me uh being delusional thinking this piece of dirt is terrain's base I'm gonna be real with you guys it's really hard to find secret stuff in real life the movies make it look way too easy so I gave up on that lead which was a bit of a shame but then clutch got back to me I've never placed a sign like that no really even if I was willing to like pay for this information no I actually have not placed a sign like that I swear dang it unfortunately he has something better directions to terrain's base clutch said follow the rail and it's like 1K away from the end of the rail line oh and you come running around this corner and there's just a portal here hmm so I know portals only spawn with this obsidian platform thing if they spawn over a lava lake or in solid grounds they must have built the portal on the Overworld it was a complete dead end I spent a few more hours searching the Nether and playing Smiles but it was really slow you know what would help a lot with searching planes biomes what you see on my feet right now are the only pair of Swag 300s the most powerful boots on the server yeah yeah yeah yo Ash what is up also dude I I forgot to send you I have finished um I'd like to give you some good news I've managed to successfully deep the most powerful item on lifestyle oh my God I present to you the second pair of the swac 300 flying boots just put them on your feet and um double tap as you would in creative oh no apparently the flying boots are coated specifically to ashwag's username I was not looking forward to more hours of searching planes biome so I scratched my head how could I find his base well I I could just follow him to it so me and my friend jiren what about creating an elaborate plan to lure terrain over so I could go invisible and track him to his base it all came together Jaren just needed a fake place to meet Terrain yeah the plan didn't work but the system was still in place my goal was to follow terrain to his base so I waited a few days made sure to join the Discord whenever train was and then I got a bit lucky hey guys what's up Parker we're about to start a mindfulness session in Swan do you want to join yeah sure yeah we actually meditated for 10 min point was so I could tail to rain but still nice I managed to just up to rain for 17 minutes then as soon as I turned the corner to drinking invisibility potion he's gone I need to find this guy otherwise I'm gonna die I mean I could tell you about the time I followed terrain for 30 minutes only to have him log off or about the time I installed seed detecting software to run a Terrain algorithm but no no you know the one thing that actually worked I was running out of ideas and motivation so I helped my friend build a few Farms we chatted about terrain he didn't know anything but a few days later he sends me this message hey wreck I found the base how what did you do find terrain's place on accident I've been searching for like six hours I was just riding my horse I walked to the coordinates and there it was clear as day but if you know me I'm not just gonna sit behind a tree and watch terrain okay to be fair I probably would do that but a secret base would be way cooler [Music] no I found Train's base but I've also done a lot of work off camera in this cave there's a there's a button if I press that button um I have a secret base now if we need to spy on terrain we come over here pull the lever boom we're invisible then if we get bored of here we drop down this shoot we get Dolphins Grace and we go boom boom we're at another secret area like this is so fun I'm I'm having so much fun doing this but that was all put on hold when I got a message from one of terrain's closest comrades redoons I have information on what you're looking for okay but it's gonna cost you there there's a certain guy you know there's actually two people you know hair and Pinky and I think it'd be very funny if you sold them out to get this information basically what I'm asking is your help to kill them normally I would say no but redoons offered two coordinates as two terrains whereabouts apparently I hadn't found his whole operation but did I really have it in me to betray one of my closest teammates for a bit of information no of course not they're my teammates plus this redoons guy bullied my other friend the other day oh wait hold on he is the fox and then turned on one of his own teammates look I got screenshots to prove it if there's anybody in the world I'm gonna scam it's this red oons guy first I need a partner to pull off this scam so I contacted parrot not via Discord but via email you see it was high likely that redoons didn't trust me and would ask for screenshots of my DMs and an email seemed like a good way around them the email went like this parrot I need you to go to these coordinates there you'll find a suit of cursed diamond armor and a heart equip it and put all of your valuables away from there I need you to trust me because if you know me I'm a bad actor I didn't trust myself to sell it if I told parrot I was gonna kill him but I told him to put all of his valuables in a chest and gave him an extra heart so there was no way he thinks the Betrayal is real okay one final check of the Redstone tell parrot to go read that book boom pull yeah he's gonna die remember the deal yes of course for this I do remember the deal I'm just not gonna do it all I want you to do is is go over there and read the book that'll give you instructions on the next thing to do okay all right [Music] I'm sorry parrot did that actually work did you actually do it hold up I gotta go and inspect the seat nah there's no shot but you did record it right yeah yeah I did record it I did record it or just all his stuff red oons noticed the one flaw on the plan there were no items did he know I faked it oh but then I realized yeah TNT kind of blows up everything anyways so well Victory good job yeah thank you thank you on top of the scam we just pulled off parrot is totally selling it I don't think he's ever said shut up to me it was time for redoons to show me terrain's second area yeah sure you want to go there now and just like talk about the info while we're walking yeah yeah sure yeah Soul Sand ripped Stone Emerald D Bucky ENT Bedrock I I don't know I don't know exactly where his thing is but I he told me like you know wait you don't know where yeah you heard that red oons doesn't even know where the Trap is but to be fair he said it was within a hundred blocks of the area and he did offer to help look uh hey Rick you may want to come down okay you're down here no oh okay this rail isn't natural we found terrain's second area just like Redden said it was at bedrock and there were soulsane but parrot was dying to get on a call so I thanked Jordan's and joined the VC that works beautifully parrot wreck what come to Russell wait why just come just come over here you knew I was going to kill you right like all like the fake armor put all your valuable stuff away wait what that was the plan you're serious I'm serious but that's why I gave you a heart parrot um why what did you think what did you think parrot parrot what'd you do oh I am so sorry I just I Blew Up Your Castle that'll help sell it more apparent you're a genius was I planning to have the castle blow up no do I have more items no but I know not one but two places terrain is cooping up and that's what matters trains on tyrannos on terrain is on oh I'm so excited okay okay go in crouch crouch crouch crouch crouch crouch oh my gosh she's here go go go go go rain is totally here there he is oh my gosh oh my gosh that was so close do I follow him or do I go see what progress he's making oh no oh no there he is do iron Farms generate iron while chunks are unloaded that means terrain has noticed extra iron in the AFK iron farm you know because I was there not great if I'm trying to stay a secret it's down here look changed oh my shall your soul consume or the heart prevails the sign is cool and all but let's talk about the extra iron incidents it's true terrain might chalk up the extra iron to some sort of coincidence but I changed my mind next time I logged on let's hope he's not in the area I'm not sure [Music] are you kidding me he logged off four seconds after I hopped on that plus him noticing extra iron I'm a bit scared he moved his whole operation but no no don't worry it gets even worse bit of an interesting development when I log on the server I'm not wreck rap too I've actually had a huge problem with my Minecraft account and I'm not gonna be able to log into it for the foreseeable future but that's not gonna stop me from finding what terrain is up to first though we kind of we caught a punch a tree again I wouldn't exactly call this back in business but I'm not gonna get one tapped in a PVP fight you know what would really make my day if Terrain had done some progress doesn't look like anything has changed turns out terrain was too busy you know applying to collagens and stuff it's like really small test called the act or sat come on terrain kick it into high gear trap me already however there is one good thing about all this downtime as I was searching through the editing files I find this peculiar moment when Reddit just stops and so I amplify his microphone this is what I hear sounds like he's typing on the keyboard which leads me to believe he's in cahoots with terrain I mean that's only one piece of evidence so I I continued on until I was getting some cinematic shots I see some invisibility particles as redoons is showing me the bass guess who the mysterious invisible person is it's terrain everything's compromised now I don't know who to trust I don't know where the Trap is everything was up in the air until I got a message from terrain yo wreck are you available later tonight got something you may want to see I knew this was gonna be the end I either escaped the Trap or die trying my reputation the countless hours I poured into finding his trap was on the line but as I looked back it wasn't all about escaping the Trap I had so much fun searching the planes biomes for hours I had so much fun doing the investigation life isn't about achieving goals and escaping traps it's about having fun doing it and I think I summed it up pretty well two minutes before I got on the final call with terrain I'm hopping on a call with Terrain in like two minutes and the only goal is to get trapped generally not what you want but this cat and mouse game of people trying to trap me and I escaping is only going to continue until I get trapped so I'm gonna end it on my own terms I swear if his trap fails and I live somehow goodness I'm gonna be so disappointed you want to step inside yeah I mean am I gonna die no you won't die you won't die what do you think this is right crap I don't know the the heart shall shine to a new nation hello to failed migration that's you because the migration failed right oh oh there's that tooth yeah baller dude that was so epic I I know you have been in this base before oh yeah I know that you know that I just yeah we all know that yeah we all know information did you actually think there was like a trap including Soul scene wait wait and see wait you're almost telling her there's not a trap here yeah that's basically all that was there's no trap there's nothing Michael this whole time has been to get trapped I was gonna willingly walk in here are you kidding me you know what's the funniest things like we were like okay should we try to trap him but then I was like nah you know what would be funny if we make it so anti-climactic that there is no trap therefore you don't have the opportunity to escape
Channel: rekrap2
Views: 5,702,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rekrap, lifesteal, Minecraft
Id: Er-iLDdqb0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 05 2022
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