DON'T MAKE A SOUND... | In Silence

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dude holding a wheel that's how you play man cool oh yeah there is a man holding a wheel oh this is about the rake oh oh it did look very rake-like in the trailer oh horrible no that's cool no i hate that i hate that yeah but you hate it because you love it though no i i actually just only hate that ah do you want to do creature on ai first or one of us yeah ai let's do ai we need to set our our microphone for this i am testing testing me it works okay my mic is all set up and good to go i think oh i just realized they misspelled microphone and they did microphone microphone stupid developer stupid hello testing hello is your output device i had to change my output device i think i got it working okay cool [Laughter] are you guys in the lobby penis enlargement pills or big titties i'm inviting you to my one can we all be my character why not yeah this is the character that was holding the wheel yeah this has got to be the best character in the game really williams real noisy still really i'm willy wheely wade what are you wheels mcfeels hey there hey bob i'm i'm willy wheely that's wheely williams william oh no are you on wi-fi or something yeah stinky whiffy if you want to play like another stuff that's defective willy yeah we're good i don't know if i like that all right you have no bear ready up here you're good go off i'm ready i thought it was just cause he disconnected what happened my wi-fi is garbage oh no no it'll be fine you're good you're good you're good it's only periodically oh oh hello oh jesus oh lens do you see fear of death and repair man on your screen i have actually seen scarecrow walking yeah i had different things i didn't remember him because oh god it's terrible who is that willy wheely this is wheelie william jesus christ how are you doing oh wow nice face you guys hear something terrible oh my god william um is he dead my god jesus christ guys guys okay i'm alone [Music] no no my god oh my god are you dead uh yeah hey how are you doing are you near me or i don't think it works like that when you're dead okay yeah near the rank yeah uh that was terrifying i i was somebody else is dead yeah i oh that that might have been the scariest thing that's ever happened to me i just got sick i lost my mind yeah um so ai uh rake is very scary i think just cause we were all talking and being loud is the main issue oh yeah i think it might be a little broken hey how you doing oh is everyone dead no he's dead now [Laughter] it's a nice body i'm munching on okay wow yeah hey guys hey man wow yeah uh rematch i guess let's not yell we have to shine our light at it oh surely yep also you could press b for a flashbang it didn't work it worked for me i only get one flashbang i'm really glad that uh that happened like that i opened a drawer and got jump scared and then i turned around and there's the rig yeah that was pretty cool that's pretty cool yeah i think uh just like talking was a bit of a problem let's not do that again i don't like how in your my ear you were so we need a key battery three wheels and fuel there's a bar on the right side of our little task bar that shows how much noise we make oh smart okay just knock you guys [ __ ] walking like that there's the three willy wheelies if i like yell does that raise the volume try it when mark loud it went up hey i'm staying away from him i'm gonna go over this way yeah [ __ ] at least compare so we can help you there's some science here camp barn number one number two number three hi i'm going to camp yeah just just come with me oh no girls they're dead they're dead they're dead we're so alive i can hear you we're alive but they're dead don't listen to our private conversation yeah yeah it's pretty fair i don't know if the game picks up our voices like that i think it does but you were laughing it went up pretty hard are you alive yes stop laughing go away from me get away if you did you guys both survive just step shut shut up stop talking to me i got a wheel oh my god shut up it's fine he's not over here oh my [ __ ] god don't you all of you giggling goobers just shut up and go away this is my house i actually don't think talking makes a difference my bar doesn't go up when i talk i like that we have lights on our heads like absolute dweeb machines yeah you look like you're about to call the rake's manager i look like i'm patrolling my neighborhood at night trying to tell faith that's exactly it you're telling kids to stop loitering mark where the [ __ ] did you go there i'm trying to sneak away these fools think that talking doesn't do it i guarantee it does there's an extra two shut batteries so many batteries [Music] [Laughter] hello hey you're the one who found the lid where's the car sacrificed yourself for waiting completely on the other side we have everything because it whispering does cause no it causes noise sweeping go to the car it causes noise no it doesn't yes it does camp left oh my gosh right oh i see it i see it it's right in front of me we want to go away from there there's camo in the barn that's fine camo in the barn what does that even mean so loud it's too loud it's too loud it's too easy to wear okay well i i'm fine if you got it just [ __ ] don't scream around me i'm fine what mark's saying don't scream what does that mean it braces the phone rough you have noise yeah mark i see wait just let him know that jack that guy always saw in the distance was not stop following me no did you leave me the car what the [ __ ] did you see the guy standing on the boxes i thought that was one of you no oh yeah the scarecrow wade no i thought that was one of you it was not ah well that's a problem mark is this quiet enough for you no hello hello honestly that didn't raise my bar at all it raises your yeah me talking doesn't raise my bar even though it does you see it's very quiet now it raises it but not that much guys please stop talking if i throw a rock in your direction yeah wait let me get away i am begging you guys that wasn't me oh you guys aren't yelling now are you mark shut up do we have all the supplies someone said we had all yes we do we just need to find the car that's it what do you mean find the car the car is where we started yeah we don't know where that is follow me i just came from the car okay bring us to the car genius i didn't say anything about my intelligence but i'm saying about the lack of yours okay bring us to the car i'm an idiot that doesn't have the same ring to it does it well you know what just follow me following the sound of your voice or am i do i get to see you or okay i see that we're going to create an elaborate signal of flashlight flashes he's behind me oh my god shut up oh my god i'll kill you i'm not that loud i will kill you can someone tell me where the [ __ ] carry i just keep going this way we're going to it follow our voices who the [ __ ] is that do you want to tell me who the [ __ ] that is it's a scarecrow they're decoys oh okay oh scarecrow they're decoys it's a decoy okay wade's coming up behind us okay i think it's due right there's a wheel on the ground do we need another wheel no we do not we just need to get to the car okay i think we have all the stuff that we need okay i think it's over this way just need to get to the car oh my god go to the car at the right it's over on the right oh that's [ __ ] bad wait sorry i think i'm going the wrong way i'm not going to rise to that you know like uh you can't be as funny as i can here i don't know where i am i don't know where i keep going in a circle hello i don't know how i got this lost i wasn't that far from the car when i started i found the car oh my god where are you hello [Music] [Music] [Music] well i'm dead well i'm dead and they don't care none of them ever cared about me anyway they all just wanted to leave me behind so i could die a painful death i don't even know if they can see me but i'm gonna ride on the hood of this and i'm gonna take it to victory no i can't even ride it wow you all left me behind you left me behind what the hell happened she inquired her what do you mean i was like i was talking to you guys and then you were all gone like i think we all know who died and who's good at but i never said i was good at this game i was just trying to survive what else just get kicked out of the room yeah it keeps me all the way back to the main menu because you didn't because you didn't hit rematch yes stupid batted game person left me behind i swear you guys were right behind me and then suddenly i didn't hear you guys anymore i was like are they messing with me and then i couldn't see you at all and then i was in the complete opposite end of the map that i thought i was and it was horrible what if one of us is a monster this time uh we have to remove the lobby yeah i mean just i want to see what well one of you guys can play but i just i'm curious of what it's like i'll be a mon okay do it bro do it bro oh dude it's a cool game it's kind of like dead by daylight yeah i kind of like it give the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of me you know what this game needs what's that proximity voice chat here we go let's go i'm ready i wonder if i can hear you all right so what did we learn last time to be nice and quiet what all right let's see what the cars got i got tow walking key battery three wheels one fuel seems to be the same thing across the board we keep track of where it is this time yeah by the big rock looks like it's the same is that a scarecrow again are there just random scarecrows around there i wonder if they're useful because you can pick them up what if we just carry them just have someone walking next to you i've got i don't like the scarecrow icon in my inventory that's not fun did you throw a rock back half the time before what the hell what yeah [Laughter] oh man it's weird how the monster talks to us can you guys hear me sure can ah that is weird wait i couldn't hear him i could hear him he's cause he's near me oh you're dead that's why i'm not dead oh i hear you you didn't kill me little [ __ ] baby like you couldn't kill a rat which you are howdy boy you hiding no well that's a problem you're blind and you can't you can't see there we go no [ __ ] oh i see what you're doing all right are they yet where they at where they at where are they at you could go for someone else besides me you and gracious prick that is [ __ ] loud oh whoops oh can you can i can you hear me hello somebody's over this monster hello hello i don't think you can hear me hey um hi hey come on now that's just rude i was gonna make a deal like what i don't know what do you want i want you dead what else do you want you did that's all i want well that seems incredibly challenging that's really [ __ ] loud holy [ __ ] what what the hell are we supposed to do about that once i don't have a flashbang what am i supposed to do yeah i don't know man i i don't know how he sees so i don't know what what he's dealing with that's true i feel like i thought i had got far enough away that maybe he'd struggle to find the trail he did not yeah if if he can just see normally i i don't know what the flashlights do i'm not 100 sure wait wait till i get there i want to see what happens uh he can't he can't hear us we just have rat talk yeah for some reason oh well here's wade oh [ __ ] i want to see uh i think i hear jack oh that was he hid apparently you can hide that seems really hard it's just weird that the the monster's voice isn't distorted in any way i know i can't find them what the hell where's where is them all right then hey i died so so what is it that you see it's really dark and you see everything kind of in red okay so one thing you see on your radar you see like little exclamation points pop up constantly and you just follow those oh those must be like noise i'm guessing and honestly it kind of feels broken to play as the monster well i think it's just like we gotta be actually quiet and stealthy [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 1,782,012
Rating: 4.9718466 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, in silence, in silence game, scary game, multiplayer horror, multiplayer scary game, online scary game, online horror, muyskerm, lordminion777, jacksepticeye, mark bob wade, mark sean, scary moments, jumpscares, stay quiet, don't make a sound
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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