SHARKS CAN FLY!! | Stranded Deep - Part 1

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That was surprisingly a really fun watch. It was cool to see Mark excited.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Mdaybloom 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2015 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DigbyMayor 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2015 🗫︎ replies

Man I want a flying shark now.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Thatonefreeman 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2015 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/356afan 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2015 🗫︎ replies

Man I'd really like more of Stranded Deep.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/cmiddleton1 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2015 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to stranded deep a game where you play underwater and that is exactly all that I know about it so let's get to it this is actually a pretty highly rated game on Steam and it came out just recently so I'm gonna give it a go I don't know if it's more inclined to be I'm sorry oh I'm on a plane this isn't underwater at all I was like what find a serving trolley and make yourself a martini priority's everybody who goes I did not know that I was without a martini on my private jet of course this actually reminds me a lot of the forest it actually looks quite nice hello pilots how are you craftable objects are hold in orange I didn't read that at all correctly hold laughter crafter Marty yes only the finest of cork excuse my spit everybody tab to select my life oh do I need to light my cigar wait what why do I need to use the lighter on the martini oh it's a flaming martini I'm gonna drink this liquid fire everybody hope you don't mind if I'm a complete badass and slightly crazy alright then okay woah hey wait a minute I can't go back ah do I need another martini Oh methinks that water approaches rapidly can I get back to my seat now thank you yes please I have work to do making me more money I'm about to find a an infinite money machine that's eventually gonna use cat furs point of sale Oh No holy half all righty then any minute now god this is a lot like the forest and cast away for some strange reason except that I'm not a low FedEx employee I'm actually a very high Oh society person well we're underwater now do I need to sir I need to supply okay I need to get to a life raft I'm surfing so I need to dive down huh alrighty then this is terrifying got like one of my worst fears is like not only just being out in the open ocean but like being on the open ocean while you're being sucked down into the depths by a falling plane like god that would be so terrible hello that's gonna suck me in I saw the first episode of Lost you can't fool me Q's much pit bull in here flynny er fly near fly near okay so what do I do I'm not underwater at all am I done what am i do oh I'm not now what is going on now's one hell of an intro man ah it's totally castaway I'm going for I guess uh uh all righty then I'm out in the middle of the ocean this isn't what I wanted at all okay then I best hurry sharks are about to eat my butt ah okay me about okay Liam I'll be okay um okay well it's so cool oh it's so cool did I mention how cool it was no it's really cool oh my god this this does remind me heavily or the forest except I'm actually on an island but I think I see other islands in the distance which makes me assume Oh item item item item I saw item can't fool me I know what I saw well tell me I didn't okay never mind then so I see other islands in the distance which only can lead me to believe that I can get to him what in case they have more resources than I have here so what do I do I probably shouldn't have left my oh me put rock and stick together me make ax me make good axe how do i there anywhere what I just need a shake-up oh I need to look at my watch okay alright wow that's crazy my watch comes with a day's survived function that's so convenient I they call me crazy when I got a watch with that function but I knew better I knew my luck in high society wouldn't run forever also my shadow appears to this be things floating okay I appeared to be just floating I have no shadow all right so I have a rock how do I bit it pinned it how do I eat do okay here we are then um alright then I guess I need to survive which probably isn't going to happen knowing me I'm not gonna do anything right so there was no way to like okay pick up a stick okay it taught me how to craft but I can't appear to actually do anything just yet yeah I got another stick so what am I supposed to do is six what did what did uh what did Tom Hanks do let me just try to think back and remember what the hell he did right no goddamn idea I'm gonna die I need to panic first I gotta get all my panicking out of my system I'm gonna die oh oh the family everyone I do love things I'm dead I'm gonna be stuck here forever where's Wilson ah okay now that I got all that out of my system I should be fine just ah oh god everything is horrible I'm a jack okay nothing I'm good I think I've got it all out now I can calmly and rationally try to approach this oh no I'm good I'm good I'm all set so I I probably shouldn't have left my raft but I didn't know how to pilot it over here so there's a crafting system involved I have to get enough stuff to be able to do something ah there we go I forgot to add a backpack okay so I've got sticks so what do I do with my sticks how do I put a rock okay I guess just like that so I can collect stuff I'm not dumb I can definitely click could break into something useful like what okay so I got my knife I'm gonna try to try to hack away its stuff nope that's a no no that's a negative that's no absolutely not I am stuck that trees not even in the ground ah I think I am boned but I won't give up yet this is apparently there's wheat potato plant what what that's not how potatoes work I won't complain I got potatoes hey let's kept that guy alive on the Martian or in the marsh in the book yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah give me your delicious crab meat yes I got you now okay so I probably can pots is a tiny baby crab over there death to you whoo ah that was mean but I felt good about it no I don't I feel bad I'm stuck alone I gotta survive hey don't judge me hi that's an odd request to say to mati audience but don't judge me I'm trying my best okay so I got crab okay then oddly enough Oh crabs are just like apples am i vomiting I'm probably food poisoned um God I I know who's like right-click and it was able to craft something but it's not letting them do that I gotta be able to well how do i craft okay there's got to be something here that I'm missing because I know that when I right-click it was like right-click on the thing it'll open up a menu you'll be able to craft but it was only when they were on the ground or he was only when they were in the environment what am I missing what am I missing what the hell am I missing it's gotta take a while let me fast-forward to the point where I actually know what I'm doing oh that's a shark holy hell that's a shark yeah I wanna go near him I mean oh that is another shark hello are you my friend hey buddy you can't get me up your right god you are terrifying and he yeah don't give it huh look out the music you can't get me hahaha so scary hey what you gonna do yeah no no no I got a knife I'm knife yeah knife you're right in the Gabba I get you I poke your tail a little bit yeah you better run oh yeah you better not come into my area well so I'm really gonna give you what for wow you're scary you're not even a great white you're just a tiger shirt yeah that's right guy here you ain't no tiger get lost oh here we go okay alright I got I got a six artwork gonna do it I need to get wood that's not a joke whatever shut up I got it okay didn't know that a knife was gonna be able to do this woo hey woo and cocoanuts we got a bunch of cocoanuts ok so I think I need to chop this up into segments that are on my inventory is full actually so I need to drop some stuff I can know I need to chop it ok alright didn't want to drink that but okay whatever yeah back back yeah there we go I got it I got a log what do I do with a log do I do anymore with the log how do I do hey I broke it into six goddamn in this execute that's not what I wanted to do at all I'm such an idiot okay I need the log not the trunk ah just bear with me everybody I'm gonna fast forward till the point where I get something to show you that's just bear with me all right okay what are you oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh I so know okay all right ah yes yes okay this is what happened this is what I thought was happening because of the game is very in the physical sense so everything has to be there to be able to make something like I'm not wrong I'm not crazy yes exactly god yes absolutely that's what I needed uh poop I don't have enough what do I not have enough of rocks got rocks yeah yeah there we go okay yes absolutely I need a crude ax in the crude hammer so that I can be able to have these tools give me give me no not that don't give me that I don't want that give me that yes I am caveman I am make tool I am make good on this world so now that I have a crude axe I can build more so I need more lashing is what it is a rope rather rope lashing whatever you want to call it looks like rope to me to be perfectly honest but not really so that's what I need gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gear I don't have enough room uh I'm just gonna put all of my she is in one pile why did I not notice those plants before like it was really obvious I guess not really obvious but you know what I meant noticed that but I didn't cuz I'm a doof you know where'd you go where'd you go there you are give me give me I want more of you one more of you God I should have just tried to collect everything on the island first because I wasted a lot of time gimme gimme gimme gimme II think you think you okay so I need to be able to build something uh wait a crude building tool of poor durability required for building crude cutting tool useful for chopping trees okay so if I put the rest of my rope here on the pile that would be able to make a bed holy crap that's awesome and then oh oh I can sleep by the moonlight oh it's beautiful I don't even have to worry about the Sharks I thought that this was all gonna take place underwater but I'm totally fine that's amazing this is so cool no that seriously this game is really cool and pretty too god I really really like this there's a lot of fun like the forest had a lot of limitations on what it could be but then again it was just like that's what it was so maybe I can crack open these yeah there we go yeah there we go gimme drinkable gimme gimme alright whatever guy get these out of here let that one drink away yeah I got some fresh water in me I don't know how much I'm gonna need but hey wait it is what it is can I make it an eatable coconut can I make an eatable coconut there we go coke and a half give me that I'm gonna eat it up Brock I guess black okay I did what I did came to do what I came to do and I'm good okay so now it's just survival at this point I probably got to get a lot more logs to be perfectly honest I haven't used the one I had I don't think there's gonna be enough here but I need a lot more lashing that's the first thing got this so cool I'm not a total idiot which is a first for me like usually I'm totally lost I'm like oh please comment some be able to do but now I'm actually doing it which is like you guys may not be all that proud of me but I hope you are and I'm really doing it hey hey alright cool thank you thank you thank you okay um yeah where do I go from here I don't know what I need to do besides get more rope like that's mission priority number one there's more potatoes not that I needed more potatoes um any I three lashing I need more of those Yuka plants cuz if I can get more of the Yuka plants I should have enough to be able to build some kind of like a raft or something that way and get to the other plants or the other islands safely so I imagine there's got to be a lot of other stuff on the other islands given them this is like the quote-unquote starting Island it's gonna hurt me eating raw potato I just still don't know why potatoes growing in an island all alone but hey it is what it is and I gotta do what I gotta do so let me just get all my lashing over in one spot along with my logs yeah HIPPA mm bear okay not enough need more anymore let me go ahead and chop down another tree because I don't know if that's gonna be necessary yes apparently when you chop down a tree it just goes up by a centimeter each hit until it just falls over from separation okay then give give give this is gonna take a while give give give give give give give give give oh wait I was already a long look doc okay what about that whoa no not enough can we try Hey Oh oh really oh that's all I needed uh okay I thought it was gonna be a bit more complicated than that uh yeah there's good okay that's good so I need more palm fronds and rope I'm guessing because I need to make some sort of like a roof or something like that I'm not sure but either way I think I know what I'm doing I got a mission everybody I got a mission oh no no no no no no no nu nu nu not in the water not in the scary water okay I don't think they're in sharks nearby I should be fine hopefully okay what can I do with this alright ah ha ha so the majority of it was just gonna be made out of sticks anyway ah crazy that's so crazy that's so cool okay so you can make a wall I just put the wall right okay apparently not what's what come on it's on the foundation I think anyway maybe I had to make Foundation supports all right at least it's forgiving okay support yeah okay that's what's first okay sorry I'll do that first stick give give give come on do it blammo come on man yeah ha ha yeah buddy yeah baby there we go all right okay all right I'm really excited I'm actually doing it I can't believe it yes yeah I need to expand this I need to make more uh can I make a foundation still damn it okay I need more sticks that's what I need right now I got it I'm gonna build a home I'm gonna build a real life home then somehow I need to make a raft but I think I need to make that out of logs I need to know more about this game in the first place because I'm doing all this through just me figuring out what to do I need to be able to look up stuff and get recipes going because if I don't uh probably gonna be dead just sayin probably not maybe but probably definitely dead I'm gonna die basically this is a matter of time at this point for a in this episode I want to get eaten by a shark Oh rainin oh I didn't know that weather was a part of this game need to find some shelter but I'm almost done I'm almost done guys I can show you what I got going on I'm SuperDuper excited god I'm still spitting profusely oh man you guys are gonna be so proud of me are you gonna be so proud of me ah yeah no training I need to get to shelter which I have oh okay han wait one second I just got to spit all this rest out um build need another wall right wait do I need a little yeah I need another wall right here your ass yeah have a Cabana oh I did it I'm doing it everybody wow I did it I'm so excited okay all right this game is awesome I love this game I've barely scratched the surface of what can be done I know there's got to be a ton of more craftable that are out there and I'm gonna save my game real quick cuz I haven't done that yet but I want to be eaten by a shark I want that to happen for I want that to be the crowning achievement of this playthrough go into the scary dark black is that a shark that little shark that fish okay I'm gonna go out into the inky dark water oh this is terrifying Zef shark cause the shark hitting it so shark so the shark is not just a reflection that's a shark hitting it there's a shark that's a shark okay just swimming out just out all by my lonesome in the terrifying black abyss Kirk hey okay I can't go underwater then okay no no no this isn't terrifying at all no this isn't the scariest thing I've ever done god you would never ever ever catch me doing this in real life in any oh oh I can't see the bottom oh oh I fear for my life shark shark good don't drown now wouldn't want to drown I think that's my home I'm leaving Kirk wait which one was my home oh they're the same thing I'm spinning around in a circle well god dammit sardine really oh you gonna come creeping up on me like that just want to go back home we'll go back to my home my cabana Oh finally the rain stopped maybe I can actually spot a shark now maybe I can actually swim to another place maybe my raft is still out there but I'm just too scared to go face it oh I found a shark I guess they don't come out during the whole whoa hi are you doing you're a pretty one ain't ya oh you ain't gonna bother nobody do you want to be my friend do you want to be shiny shark sushar oh sure yeah god you're terrifying huh then come back here I'm gonna I'm gonna eat you I'm gonna get you yeah yeah oh that music don't sound too good but I'm gonna get this shark yeah I'm king of the shark you ain't gonna eat me maybe yeah that's right yeah you better run okay I don't I don't seem to be doing too good but alright then they'll I won oh I just killed it feel bad now I'm just gonna drag the shark on land I'm doing so good at this game why am i doing so good at this game oh yeah I want a shark I want a shark like a prize what the hell what what whoa whoa whoa-kay found a bug found a bug found a bug found a bug I found a bug I thought okay okay I think I won the game okay what the hell so either way my voice is almost gone I've been like so excited to play this game but also I've been I had a little bit of a sore throat earlier so it kind of kind of strained it a little bit but either way I'm gonna do fine thank you all so much for watching let me know what you think this game in the comments below and let me know what I should do in the next one I'm gonna read unlike the escapists I won't be at PAX so I'll be able to read what you guys tell me so let me know what you guys think I should do I will play it again I will win again and I might find another bug kin so thanks again everybody for watching and as always I will see you in the next video bye bye very detailed scenario bring it home so so in this lake house in upstate New York in the Catskills
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 8,505,742
Rating: 4.9455214 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, stranded deep, sandbox, open world, crafting, the forest, sharks, survival, stranded, funny, funny moments, game, gameplay, early access, glitches, funny glitches
Id: XQAR-SoC87s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 30 2015
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