DON'T ESCAPE 4 | Part 1

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This was a good one, i cant wait for more

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Midnight-Coffee 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2019 🗫︎ replies
Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier, And welcome to "Don't Escape 4... .. Days... .. I N A W A S T E L A N D" If you remember "Don't Escape", Er, if you don't remember "Don't Escape", here is a synopsis of what it is. Uhhhhh... You don't escape. There's been three other games before this, It started out as a flash game that was tryna like, reverse the concept of an escape room Wha-- why am I giving you a history lesson? It doesn't matter. This is "Don't Escape 4", the games were amazing, They're made by Scriptwelder, they're really cool. Let's do this! Good. Glad we got that out of the way. Oh, also... They're horror games. If I didn't mention that. You probably noticed because the whole intro sequence was so spooky. That doo- that door has got some issues on it. (READS ON-SCREEN TEXT) Okay. (READS) Now, you say "sturdy looking" door, I say... .. shifting in and out of the plane of existence of reality that we're in." A kinda like trans-dimensional door. What about the chimmneh? (SEDUCTIVELY) Ohhh, yeah. Also, Scriptwelder has a really unique pixelated style for their games. It's really cool. It's locked. Why am I not surprised? Is that what I want though? (WINDOW SMASHES) OH! OH GOD! OH GOD NO! No, wait, no... Wait, was that bad? Was that good? Oh. Oh okay. Alright. (READS) Yeah, maybe it was the stinging, and laying eggs in my eyes. (READS) Alright, well. Got my backpack. Uhhhh... Move my head for a moment! N I C E So that's where my backpack is. But uh, I guess my head is gonna move to the other side of the screen, in three! Two! One! HUAGH- (EXPLOSION) Ok, good. Now we're good. (READS) That's not a good idea! (DEEP VOICE) Oh-kay! You got a story behind that, or are you just gonna say that the Moon's broken to pieces? Okay, Mr. Depressing. Alright, thank you for that. That's real nice. I don't see nothin' else, so uh, guess here we go... Run... Yeah, you know what, you're right about that. (READS) Oh yeah, wait. Hang on. You saying that you have powers of foresight? Journal. Ok, here we go. (READS) Oh, the swarm, you say? Alright. Okay. I love this game already. I'm so into this. Love the setting, love everything about it. I'm down. I mean, I got nothing else to do, so I might as well go for it. Well, good thing there is a nice human-sized hole. It's like Blues Clues! Do YOU see a way to get to the other side? (READS) Alright then! (READS) Alright I will take that... O H N O ! (READS UNTIL "It's 07:00 am") Well, I mean, yeah, I guess that's not that much time, Hang on! Let's hold on here a second. I wonder what's inside. Alright, let's see what is inside the shed before we do anything. Oh. A sledgehammer head! A Sle-DGEMERhead! Alright, so if I combine it with this pole here... See, I ain't too dumb! Here we go. Solid wooden pole, solid wooden sledge. Let's sledge this wall! Habooski! Habaoo! Habawaaa! N I C E Alright, I guess that is what I wanna do, right? I'm taking everything very slow and cautiosly. You guys know that I am not one to rush into danger, so I don't want to rush in anything that I'm gonna regret. "Can get through"... Well I guess I could come back, but i don't know if I want to, so... (LAUGHS) Here we go! Oh that's not good! (READS) OK! (READS) Okay... Well I don't want to, but here we go... (READS) Shift? Ah! Alright, well, maybe I shouldn't drop it right there, ya know what I mean? Maybe I should drop it... over here? That's so cool though. Like a persistent item thing. Heh, that's so cool. Alright let's do this! (MARK MOANS/SIGHS) Alright... (READS) "A vast desert lies ahead." (READS UNTIL "It's 7:03") I mean, yeah, I got nothing else to do, right? Whoa... And the journey b- Ouahh! That's pruetty COOL! Alright, I'm down for this! Nice tutorial, story based tutorial, that's nice. (HORRIBLE PRONUNCIATION) Matoose... "Scriptwelder" S-- Ah, okay, I'm not even gonna try. I'm not even gonna try that last name. Wow... Wow! I'm excited about this! This is a good intro sequence, getting me hyped for it! That was pretty cool! If you haven't seen the other, uh... Don't Escape games, or if you haven't played 'em for yourself... I'll put it in the description below, like... They're not story connected, but thematically, you know... they're all about not escaping. You know what I mean? Trying to find a shelter, trying to shore it up. Trying to make it... nice. "Well, this place looks promising." Alright, sure, yeah. Is this a dickbutt? "Gas station sign". I was close. Road east, road west... (READS) Well, I don't know if I'm gonna need anything from the gas station yet, so I might as well just go for the house, I suppose. "Leads to a decent-looking farmhouse..." Uhh, let's go to the first place first. Oh no... Wait a minute... I remember that window! (CHUCKLES) Wait a minute! Hang on a second! IS LAWCKED! "I have to break that glass if I wanna get inside." Um! Alright! Let's go find something. If only I had my trusty sledgehammer, maybe I could SLOODEHOOMER THAT THING. Water sprayer? That's not gonna be any... Kitchen door? It's locked! ...For some reason. Alright, I guess there's no pomp and circumstance for getting that. Alright, tractor... "Rusty piece of junk, the sad thi-" Woah. (READS) That's not as sad as you might think it is, but, yeah it's sad. (READS) (READS) Probably something about... water, cause I just got, like, a water spigot thing. A short pipe! I'll take THAT thank you! And a... haystack... Uh, take a roll in the hay, nice nap. (HAY RUSTLES) POOF! TAKE THAT, HAY! (READS) Probably. TUH! Really? (READS) (CHUCKLES) Alright. "Pesticide inlet." (READS) You're probably right. There's a cargo box over here... Ooohhh! I can probably break in with this pipe. that is convenient on the cargo box. "I should find a way to get in the house." Yeah yeah. Alright let's go bash the window open. I'm sure that nobody inside will really mind, right? Really warp this thing! Not gonna do me a lot of good for trying to keep it safe inside, but you know... c'est la vie, bygones are bygones, and whatnot "This place looks abandoned." Also familiar! (READS) Okay (READS) Okay this is where my decisions can probably go awry. Aalright... "Painting of an old-fashioned"-- Hey! Hey that's the house! That's the one, that's the one! The first one-- the first one? Maybe the second one, I don't know. (READS) Yeah if it gets cold it's bad news. I'm gonna explore that house first... see if there's anything useful in here. (READS, RATHER CONFUSEDLY) Nope! okay I guess it's locked. (READS) Alright good to know. (READS) Won't? Or can't? Mirror... (READS) Oh come on! I'm so handsome, you think that I wouldn't be looking at my own face? It's me we're talking about, come on. (READS) Well that's not- that's not nice! That's not nice at all! Actually... also did it get quieter? "A nice view around the wasteland..." Yeah okay, whatever you say man. Uhh creepy! What's that-- keys? Oh, keys! That's nice. Okay. (READS NOTE) "Buy milk." (READS) "I think they never bought that milk." Well let's check. (READS) Heh, heheheh! (READS) Alright, well. (READS) Well, alright then. "It's locked." That's probably for the best (READS) Okay. Oh there's some music, okay. I think we've gotten everything that we need. Can we use this on the door? Alright I guess we should close the door as well, right? That'd be smart. (SOFTLY) ...Or close it first. Douche. Alright cool, it's locked. I mean the windows still problem, but it's locked. Alright, good. Umm I guess I'll go this way, down to the gas station that's probably over here. Oh no... (READS) Okay well... I guess we got to go somewhere. "Destroyed bridge"... would there even be any point of going to there? AAH shit I can't make any decisions without any knowledge! "Small spade"? That's good. Ohh you goddamn idiot! (READS) You just broke the shovel! Was that my own eagerness just getting in the way of me? (READS) Well I got a wooden handle, that's nice! Okay well whatever. Alright a ravine... You want me to cross the ravine? "This action will take two minutes." Yeah! I guess, right? Sure, okay alright. Two minutes. Yeah I'm probably gonna want those two minutes back by the time I get to where I need to go. Hello? Hello? Anybody? (READS) Alright... Nothing left that could be useful... crowbar... "Do you want to free the crowbar using brute force?" "The crowbar seems to be really stuck in there." "It might not be easy to get out with your bare hands." Uh I guess I'm good. I'll take the hunting rifle though. "Gas canister" Yes please. (READS) I mean what about the charcoal? that seems useful. (READS) (READS) I'm guessing that's not what happened. (READS) Well I guess that didn't go so well. SODIE POP? Metal bars... ah useful. "It's too heavy, I have to put something down first." Um, probably one metal bar is gonna be good-- A bag of charcoal is ten kilograms?! Do I need charcoal? Probably not, you know... Since that was the item that was like, "You don't need everything!" Maybe I don't need charcoal. Well I mean I don't know I don't need charcoal. Uh... Alright. Um... well, I don't know if I need TWO metal bars, but I like the IDEA of having two metal bars. I really like that idea. Ummm... Bahummm... Baprrrrr... I don't like having to make these decisions. These decisions aren't as fun. "Small rock"? Why am I looking at the window? Hang on here we go. (READS 08:20 AM ENTRY) Well I can fix that window, that's the first thing that I could do. The plastic would help with that, right? Probably. A ROCK! Guys it's a rock! "Item weighs one kilogram". Oh I can't even pick up a rock! Huh... alright well, you know, what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna just... I guess... I guess what I'm gonna do is... I'm gonna drop this. I'm gonna drop this for now. I'ma drop those, I'm gonna go get the rock, because I like the rock, the rock's gonna be my friend! Everybody say hi to Shiny Rock! No, Teensy Rock Toony... Tata... Piddly Pebble Paul! Piddly Pebble Pierson! Peter- Peter the Piddly Pebble! Piddle... Piddle Peter... Pe- Peter... (SLURP) I D O N ' T R E M E M B E R I have no idea. Fuel valves. (READS) Good question, how DO I open? SHOOT IT! I shouldn't do that, but I want to. Hang on, wait, let me see... save game. Here we go, let me save real quick before I use... bad idea. Are you sure about that? Are- are you sure about that? "I can't see how that would work." Well you're stupid then. You lack imagination. Alright then, fine! Light it on fire! "Not really..." all right whatever screw you you nerd so I think that's probably everything in here besides the crowbar I mean it's only five minutes so yeah that's a good idea right it was a good idea probably I could take another plastic wrap with me I'd be good and then I'm pretty full up I think this is good enough right I don't know what I need so I guess I just got a guess and work back just just knowing what I was doing there was a window that's broken so logically Oh God carrying more stuff affects my climbing speeds Oh God alright whatever then let's go back home first drop off some stuff see if we can like I don't know let's climb in that window uh let's see if we can like plastic the window up it's just hanging there I still should do something to attach it to the wall around the window well I could burn it I'm a Stephenie R remember your inventory is limited you can put item here for later use you can also just drop them on the ground they will not disappear alright we're gonna put the metal the plastic we're gonna keep the crowbar we're gonna put the fuel canister in there keep the rock with us it's a small rock small rock Smith No puny rock Percival that's what he is that's his name puny rock Percival no he's she's strong many rock marshall battle that's it no meanie rock max yeah narc Marshall mini Rock Marshall yeah okay mini rock Marshall okay alright mini rock Marshall put a face on that rock that rock is the new mascot get our tiny box cam you've done yeah we got this we got this yay I don't know what I'm gonna need so I might as well keep the light stuff uh crowbar probably useful all right mini rock Marshall all right let's get out of can we just burst through this cool so I put the heavy stuff away wait no I did not let's do that okay that's good now I should be able to get more stuff and we don't have to take this goddamn plastic wrap with us okay let's see what else we need oh god those corpses are partially eaten the swarm got them it looks like these men put up a fight and killed a bunch of the insects but they didn't stand a chance in the open yeah that's obviously true something shines between the pieces of the torn bag that he was carrying well as well grab it there was a strange remote controller and the corpses bag alright good great I have to take a closer look to check out this vehicle well I don't want to do that yet Oh a wrench let's hope this will be more useful to me than a most of them there is a small leaflet tucked between the folds of the ripped clothes attention team as of this week we've been hired by the locals to help deal with a new kind of locust terrorizing the area perhaps we'll finally use our sonic repellent device it fans off different kinds of insects you just have to installed on the ground but before you can start counting on it you have to know exactly what type of insects you're dealing with and set the right frequency with a remote controller I know this job sounds exhausting and a bit dangerous but at this point we need the food and fuel the locals are paying with alright ok let's just search this car let's do it get plenty of time the car is busted so it's not going anywhere one part that seems to be fine is the ignition coil but getting it out won't be easy well I don't know that I need it yet I guess I could remove the ignition coil but I wouldn't even just will wrench for that oh well I guess I got one well let's see 45 yes do it why not I don't know what I don't know why I need it but um I got it wasting my time right bye see you guys thanks for the supplies hey there truck the back door is locked how about a crew burr there we go I knew I got a good reason for getting that yeah this don't look so good what if we got kin of pesticide oh that's good it's locked well is it locked for me nah nah yeah yeah there we go whoa what the hell is that sonic repellent device drop this item to set it up okay yeah all right why am i carrying that no no oh there's a note hang on oh oh that's handy oh well let's take a look at that that's why I picked this up okay all right so it's got stubby legs these things go back it's got two long pincers I don't know oh I kept the note okay here we go all right so stubby legs like this legs go back and forward stubby pincers and fat legs I think it's 4:20 I think 4:20 is the answer yeah yeah 4:20 yeah 4:20 yeah okay I think that's everything in here oh god I didn't know that guy well I got what I needed I think anyway so yeah okay goodbye I guess let me go drop some stuff off first I think I got what I need to go get the fuel now I've got an adjustable wrench which I know could help out so let me grab the fuel can let me drop off the pesticide I might need the duct tape ignition coil I'm gonna keep here Sonic appellant here remote controller keep the Kroeber that insect and this note can stay here and I'm gonna keep this stuff just in case and I can grab more if I know if I'm careful about what I bring I could grab more stuff I'm guessing I don't need the rifle I want to keep this rock on me hammer with a broken handle maybe I could do maybe I could fix this that won't work I need a new handle for this hammer oh well oh well that was easy but do I need this hammer with me is the question yeah maybe yeah why not okay you know what why not alright let's go for it let's do this now let's use the wrench on this there's a valve from which the fuel should open but I open it with the wrench there you go whoa whoa wait wait what oh yeah wait no yeah I by man idiot I'm an idiot yep there we go that's I'm real dumb I'm real dumb real dumb oh yeah perfect perfect okay cool how much dude that way ten ten my left no I shouldn't have brought all this other car I really shouldn't have brought this other crap um okay well the only thing that I can bring is the metal bars so I'm gonna bring the metal bars I meant to bring more plastic but you know I always come back bad you know it's fine actually wait let me let me save go quick maybe I should've saved before I'm gonna make so many mistakes I already know this I'm gonna stop by this place real quick cuz I want to go to the car right here real quick it was something else that I need I have a wrench so let's take the wheel off I don't know if we'll be able to carry it yes her from almost falling off the cliff once all went well I got the wheel Oh perfect all right good then we're good we just got to go back and then we got to make sure that we don't die here so he's kind of uh we got a buttload of supplies I don't know what else to get I don't have nails oh I have duct tape okay so let's get the wheel there let's leave the metal grade there as well we're gonna take this plastic and we're gonna try to fix it with the duct tape which makes sense but that there duct tape wait no I need nails to do this where am I gonna get nails hang on let me think about this I could recycle from some of the nails that hold this together but I need a tool for that hammer yes I need nails nails are gonna be better than duct tape and duct tape is more uses than just getting things to walls yeah we're getting on to something yeah all right this car seems to be in bad shape without taking a moment to inspect you can't be sure what it needs to be done apart from finding a spare wheel of course checking on it will take some time yeah let's do that well the car could be started I guess but it doesn't look very good obviously a wheel is missing the ignition coil is busted it has no fuel well all right wait do you want to pour some fuel yeah I fueled the car I have all those things I have all those things I have all those things I have the wheel it's flat probably but I have the wheel and I have the ignition coil maybe that would cut down my travel time do you want to do this 15 minutes yeah I do mission coil 15 minutes yeah I've installed a part will the karst Hey look at that I don't know if it'll go there because the truck might not be able to jump that but I should go back get more fuel then yeah can't be reached by car there's a broken bridge in the way that's right oh that makes sense but it can help me get I can get the rest of the supplies and then I could go grab more gas on foot okay wait before I do that yeah cancel this cancel this all right before I do that before I do that let me grab all of the supplies that I had out of the chest the kind of tools and shit actually Han let me just go ahead and put this up here a hammer nails to attach the plastic wrap to the window frame the section will take 20 minutes I'll hold off on it then okay I'll I'll do that later then cuz I don't I don't know if I'm gonna need these nails for any particular reason later cuz I might need them to fix the bridge because maybe the wood I nail it down bada-bing bada-boom I'm not gonna leave anything behind all right let's do this I'm gonna take the truck cuz why not it saves time I've spent the time fixing it up so I might as well spend the time going here bro okay so now what I'm going to do can't take that probably use proper tools I have tools with that work use hammer on planks hammer this will require one handful of nails but it will allow you to travel to the ravine without any delays however you'll still have to stop your vehicle here if you have one it's ninety minutes that's a lot of time boy I'm planning for the future here I'm planning for the future and if I'm planning for the future then this seems like a good idea nice okay then I go to the gas station I get more gas so that I have extra if I want more gas and then I'm set up for success down the road I'm guessing that this thing has so much gas in it that it's never gonna run out hopefully anyway all right what do I got I can carry another metal grate and eventually the bag of charcoal but you know they said I didn't need that so whatever cool cool cool tight tight tight let me see if I'm let me see I can put this in the generator and see what that does fueled up the generator now I just have to start it okay house it choke didn't start come on start already yay it's running shocking that's good right oh we have power well la dee de la Vida holy shit we're really turning this place into a home let me try to use the Kroeber on the patch I wouldn't be able to pry it open anyway I should just leave it for now okay whatever you say man you big baby okay so that windows fine this window is fine so in order to shore up this thing what I'm going to do is I need to get more nails I need more I need more nails I need more nails all right so I got the I'm gonna actually do the window this time right get that up do you always app last hammer and the nails attach the plastic wrap to the window would it be better okay would it be better I'm curious like cuz my instinct tells me if insects are gonna be getting there the plastic would keep it out because of mosquitoes but what if I double do it what if I do it double style cuz maybe I maybe I only have so many nails it's just hanging there what if I do double there's something else in the window I should remove it first so I can't do double my only question is that I don't know if these bugs are gonna like slip through the bars cuz they might they might slip through so I guess until I know I'm gonna I'm gonna wait I want to I want to go get more gas cuz I can because I have that time for it I think anyway might as well go get more gas and get that last piece of plastic before the night do planks oh cool put these in the truck storage okay I'm gonna head to the bridge real quick I'm gonna hop out I'm gonna go west I'm gonna grab even more fuel because I've got the time I'm gonna run through your real quick and just double-check cash well you never know maybe it's gonna be worth something again someday yeah probably not but okay I like your optimism the plastic wrap if I have the time I want to make sure that I have fuel I don't know if I'm gonna need this much fuel but having having a full canister fuel cannot be a bad thing and then I got just enough for the charcoal ah well fancy that and I think I've cleared this entire place out nice I don't know if the charcoal is worth anything honestly I don't all right so there are four hours and 15 minutes left what I have to do is I have to shore up this house to make sure that the bugs can't get in and eat my flesh I am unsure about the strength of a plastic sheet on the window but at the same time not the worst idea because maybe they would slip right through the holes of the metal grate so I just got to make a call also we've got this sonic device but I'm not a hundred percent sure about how to utilize it if it needs to be like in the house I don't know if that helps does that help I have no idea I'm gonna take more stuff from the greenhouse it's because I want to get all of it because I just remembered something in my dream the one where I died those little bastards just blasted right the heck through my entire day they didn't care that there was glass there so I need something at the end of the day I need something stronger than glass I think and is the best I just for if if okay it's the hip it's the heavier thing I'm thinking that it's the better idea either I mean I've also got planks of wood I I guess I could the planks are too rotten and fragile to be of any use here yeah yeah it makes a make sense yeah it makes sense could put them in the fireplace I guess or save them for the fireplace but I'm thinking okay they give three plastic sheets and then three metal bars I'm thinking that the metal bars are I've got three windows in the place I think that that's a wait there's a window hang on a second okay no you can't do that okay I'm thinking that the metal bars there's three broken planks there's three of these things I feel like it's minecraft again I've got three of those let make him in like a t-shape I can make a shirt nice Armour get that I'm gonna carry this on me now ah indecision is crippling me maybe I could put this in the kindling box I don't have any fuel in the kindling box I don't plan on letting a fire for now all right fair okay all right I know I've saved my game like 15 times now but I'm just gonna I'm gonna commit I'm gonna commit to this yeah I'm gonna do this we're gonna I'm gonna go for it we're gonna go we're good on for it man I guess I could try the pesticide thing but I don't know what the pesticide would be for why would I need that I mean pesticide yeah the bugs but I don't know if that's actually gonna help is it gonna help would it help I don't know man there's no crops why would I bother with that let's save it until we know we need it and see that okay all right I'm done pussyfooting around with indecision it's time to get good or get gone I'm gonna get if we're gonna get good I'm gonna go for the metal cuz I'm metal no not not that um I'm gonna go for the metal because I'm metal as hell you want to hammer the nails and test the metal bars yes I do I want yeah exactly okay I installed iron bars in one of the windows is there anything else I can do not a thing not a damn thing was put put get some more get some more metal oh yeah here we go baby oh yeah now this is what I have been talking about yeah it's what I've been talking about this is what I've always talked about everyone knows this or here we go guys this is gonna be this is the real deal this is what this one genius-level gameplay like this is what you really signed up for right this is the kind of top-tier 200 IQ thinking that you guys really appreciate so those aren't bars they're not going No we're yeah they're not going nowhere oh we're getting cozy up in here oh yeah and you know what else I'm gonna do you know what else I'm gonna do I'm gonna set of the sonic device right here in the living room ain't never gonna get in here no no no no way no how and I think it's 420 420 I'm pretty sure I'm almost positive I am a hundred percent positive because this foreleg sticky-outy long pincers Ford legs sticky-outy long pincers that's what that is right yeah that's what that is okay cool so I think we're kind of good right there's some time left in the day but I don't know what else we could get they move scavenged everything we possibly good I think we're good yeah let's let's save her up another I'm out of slay save slots already let's save Rob let's do this do this are the doors locked make sure let me make sure is it locked okay it's locked it's locked okay those are locked time to time to go here we go pick one item for unit or that you would like to equip during the night or cancel if you don't want to finish the day just yet oh god how about a wrench because I don't think a gun would be good to shoot bugs do a wrench yeah I'll do the wrench yeah it didn't really help the other guys but you know probably better than a gun yes do this an evening sky darkened is the black cloud of swarm arrived you found a hiding place in an abandoned farmhouse you deployed the sonic repellent device to fend off some of the insects it was placed inside the hideout the walls probably weakened oh shit the device seemed to be set to the correct frequency fending off 25 insects oh god damn it the front doors closed keeping away all the 35 locusts that would have entered through it the back door was closed keeping away all the 35 locusts yeah the window on the ground floor was reinforced with metal bars the bars were nailed to the frame out of 35 insects that tried to enter the house through that window 9 were stopped oh we know how the upper floor was reinforced out of 35 10 were stopped oh the bathroom was reinforced the bars were nailed to frame oh they got in oh a wrench was your last line of defense you managed to knock down 20 oh god no oh oh oh no the death was painful and slow not merciful at all that was a painful death just like in your nightmare maybe there was something that could have been done to prevent it oh right I'm just gonna pick this up and oh well shit right so that was very death first of all we're gonna put this bad boy right here drop that bad boy right there I'll put the sonic Norris it should scare something so I configured it right yeah well yeah 420 okay all right no weak signals here all right so I'm gonna also do like the insecticide stuff cuz I'm thinking now that maybe maybe I shouldn't wait maybe maybe waiting isn't the best option maybe waiting is not exactly what uh what we were hoping for okay let's do let's do some of this okay first off we're gonna fix this bad boy we're gonna fix it fix it right up right we're gonna fix it Wow we're gonna fix it right up yeah fix that bad boy okay that's fixed good put enough duct tape make it last till the end of time well until Thursday that is why what happens Thursday what are you saying what happens to stick all right so then we're gonna put some insecticide in there then we're gonna switch this over because we don't eat house power why would we need house bar water pump and water pump and irrigation control system okay overnight mist spray irrigation this should cause the night sky to be soaked with a dense mist oh yeah oh whoops oh oh so it's a puzzle well good thing I'm so good at these done all right I scheduled the water sprinkles to put us a wall of mist with some extra pesticide solution can I improve my chances somehow okay what if I do I have to use all of it though I think that using all of it might be unwise we're gonna close this lock that up close this we're gonna lock that up good duct tape doing no ooh wait no I already got they're already affixed already there it's already perfect all right cool let's save her up I think now we're gonna have a much better solution to this alright ready who's ready I'm ready let's do this let's take the ranch dad perfect okay here we go found a hiding place in a house automated sprinkler system kicked in as the swarm was getting the air despite being old and faulty the sprinklers worked perfectly yes fully covering the air above the fields with a dense mist as a result 32 insects will stop at the sprinkler yes it was a strong pesticide mixed with the water making this wall of water more dangerous to the incoming swarm killed 24 insects us deployed the sonic repellent to fend off some of the insects this place area hideout so the signal was strong the device seemed to be set to the correct frequency fending off 50 yes front door was closed keeping away 19 backdoor 19 window guards were nailed to the frame 9 were stopped 10 were stopped 10 were stopped 27 that's a lot Oh Oh God 7 got through their bites were painful as they're tiny sharp teeth shredded your skin but it wasn't enough to kill you somehow you managed to tear that each stagger off your body and killing in chaotic dirty fight wait no what no wait no stop I don't want to know this wait no stop I can do better I know I can do better I can do better guys stay with me I can do better I can do better doesn't sound like words anymore I can do better I can do better I can do better I can do better I can do better you got to believe me I can do better ok let me do I want to try something else no not that I want to try this and yeah I got this hang on guys I could do better everybody hold on I'll be right back ok so now I switch it out to plastic wrap I don't know if that's gonna be better than the middle but I also use double the pesticide so hopefully hopefully it'll be fun and I'm gonna use the gun not that I think it's gonna be any good but I'm gonna use the gun ok so we're all good use the gun and let's see what happens okay fine hiding place 32 we're sought by the sprinklers 48 killed by the pesticide that's pretty good see 50 insects gone 14 14 out of 14 incest to try to enter the through that window 14 were stopped yes plastic is the correct answer oh oh oh hell yeah Oh plastic was right ah oh oh that's what I like to see us what I like to see that's all them you fend it off all the insects before they even entered the house you went to bed early and had a well-deserved rest allowing you to regain some strength plus 5 kilogram permanent Gary whip Oh using that you okay cool great got that now now I can know what the hell is happening here Wow a helo chopper oh god damn you to hell oh it's money it's my dream uh-oh Wow this ain't too good a little ooh dude it's locked the window oh oh god oh god oh god oh god oh what the hell I'm burning on Oh God okay well I'm dead now ah that's no good okay well that's a problem what was that the attic yeah okay all right well a destroyed barricade destroyed just destroyed bullshit what do you mean destroyed did they actually destroy it all oh shit they did I didn't know that that was temporary well shit well anyway so that is all the time after this episode of don't escape for but I want to play through this whole thing and there's four days four days in the wasteland so one a day in episode and I will look forward to playing through this we got to go up into the attic next but thank you everybody so much for watching let me know what you thought down the comments below and as always see you in the next video
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,509,762
Rating: 4.9644713 out of 5
Keywords: don't escape, don't escape game, don't escape 4, don't escape 4 days in the wasteland, markiplier, survival, choose your own adventure, awesome games, flash games, gaming, video games
Id: zxKMQHOS_m0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 14sec (2474 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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