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walk to the window to the wall hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to frosty nights now this game was made by the same person that made boogey man and if you remember boogey man it was a scary game that was an offshoot of some sort of five nights at Freddy's type game that then became a beast of its own but this is completely different as far as I know maybe I don't know and there's a mystery door what could be inside I don't know I can't I can't open I just want to vibrate very intensely on this door okay alright can I can I not go into it okay well boy or girl well this is [ __ ] only boy and girl option where's the man option cuz I'm a man we said they'd come Oh think of my man oh I'll choose boy like that this doesn't lead nowhere what about girl no it's no good either I'll go the boy I'm a big boy I am a big brave boy Oh pick up interact II for them glad these floating instructions are okay they're gone oh oh I know what to do here oh I'm glad it snaps in place I wouldn't know what to do otherwise am I about to create my demon here is this me oh [ __ ] didn't mean to do that that fast I meant to put this on first that would have been weird elbow and I scarf and then the magic hat to bring you to life this is how the story goes so I'm assuming this is gonna cause you to turn into a demon oh I could kill you if I just push your head off okay no nothing on your body oh oh I'm not done oh let's get this I'm gonna throw it up that ain't working okay let's give you arms I guess let's give you nice arms with which to strangle me whoo I think you're done oh I'm going steadily blah well goodbye cruel world Oh yep I passed out in the middle of the field now I'm looking straight up okay oh oh now we get going yay all right show me what you got come on I'm ready I told you I'm a big brave boy clockwork wolf or clockwork eight wolf or qual quality never mind somebody there's so many cool Christmas games that I didn't play because I took a nice vacation and then went immediately on tour for Christmas oh that's not good oh I didn't even notice the deer good god it's it actually startled me and I have no idea why hi dear how you doing you doing good no don't look at my house don't be jealous of what I got just because you're a stupid deer and lives outside and me have a mature what the oh I cannot tell what kind of wildlife is out there I've never even been outside I don't even know what an owl looks like what other animals can I identify that's a deer that's a foul that's a murderous snowman that's a mile who's that's a star alrighty then whoa what's this story time I hid my story tapes around my room to stop my mom finding them that [ __ ] I'm not sleepy yet I might find them and play them in my tape player cuz I got nothing better to do I won't have time to listen to them again I have five tapes I'm so glad that I wrote all this information down for myself I wouldn't forget about mine own tape okay you know they give you nightmares thanks for not coming in my room and giving me some privacy to myself I'm good for we're not gonna loosen the new boobs do I have a flashlight or anything what is this what do I have here what so this then oh tape no no no if that's useful at all let's see if my claws Narnia or some demonic equivalent was this a Raygun the hairdryer why would I have an array gun and/or this looks actually like a hairdryer oh oh I can use it in defense and ever pick it up again never ever ever can I pick this goddamn thing up again I can use it in defense of frosty because I can melt him can I go in my closet Oh squeaky I can't see [ __ ] I can't see [ __ ] I'll never know where I hit anything is that a book at whoa Kate's gone oh there we go please yes ah perfect okay anything in there hello hello hello well that's weird so far so nothing I can't even find a single one of them well okay like what did I just I don't know what I did what did I do what oh okay action plan before each night I should search for useful items put them where they will help best offensive position to start the night but what got a child stratagem am i coming up with what kind of battle general am i all right well let's go find some useful [ __ ] oh no come on now okay the selection process is a little buggy there we go that's good wait do I have a hair dryer duct tape my hairdresser chapter would welcome children to a wonderful magical Saint Nicholas never wanted you to know okay story takes us back a long long time ago when old Nicholas still had flexes ginger and his beard we'll just call him by what everyone today know him as Santa aha start from the very beginning when Santa was still scouring the world for the perfect place to build his workshop he found none better than the North Pole where garsik seeped readily from the earth oh I got as much magic was there that Santa learn to use the magic in ways he had never dreamt his body no longer grew old he could slow time around him to a near complete stop and as long as he gathered enough magic he knew he could travel the world in what to us was a single day even slowing time as he could Santa quickly realized to make enough toys for every child in the world would take him far too long so Santa placed his hands into the snow and called to Mother Nature herself for help Mother Nature was gentle as she was wild she saw the kindness in Santa's heart and agreed to help by melding Santa's magic and mother nature's spirit into the snow itself the first of the snowmen bubbled up from the ground like liquid snow yet unmoving in lifeless just as the Snowman we know today mother nature seemed to pause before then placing a carrot for its nose you see everything that is alive requires a small part of life to begin with the Acorn for the oak tree the egg for the Red Robin and the love of a mother and father for Humanity the carrot twitched and ever so slowly eyes within the sphere of snow began to appear and opened for the first time okay Santa slanted his head to the side in a curious thinking gaze as he took off his scarf and hat and placed it upon the snowman taking a step back he looked again and smiled the Snowman smiled back as Santa the father and mother nature as the mother the Snowman were all too happy to help Santa what getting on the bed maybe uh I was still listening to the story about saying Mother Nature got freakin shot out of snow man oh man I understand where that story went oh I it's it's begun I go oh okay I don't that was it that was a long-ass intro to get to this part of the game you guys may not have seen all of it because why why why how do i what I got hairdryer I guess what Oh oh dear no don't go near the Snowman oh no that deer ain't happy no don't repeat what Santa and mother nature did to make that snowman in the first place okay no no don't go near no don't go near no dear no oh it's fine okay never mind then what about that owl that all that I saw oh there it is okay whoa what the [ __ ] did that worker did that not how can I tell you're a like I don't even understand okay we're doing great apparently I don't know if we're doing great but it feels good yeah hey whoa whoa whoa whoa hey why did that's not normal um um oh sure well hey I don't know about that oh well okay can I nope can't do nothing oh oh is there something actually gotta happen around I already this is one of those systems where I'm already dead my WOM oh she dead the hit stop stop stop Wow what did I do oh did that do anything it's getting awfully cold in here now you loved it in a draft my mom's gonna kill me about this heating bill replace that I guess replace anything would only replace it a little bit that's not how flashlights work oh boy there's gotta be like some strategy right it's probably gonna end at 6:00 a.m. but these two windows are open which usually in any other case would spell death for me but I ain't dead hello rat how you doing at least I got a good B to blow weapon that's the only thing that I can be happy about whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that's not really it's a ghost basketball I don't even know where you came from oh whoa [ __ ] toe Jesus oh my god that that scared the piss out of me I thought I was dead okay all right thank you shut up shut up shut up okay all right okay hey we're all smiling here all right okay okay oh I can see how that would be a problem okay [Laughter] happened and why I'm missing some careful context of why all right I just look for things that make noises and try to put them in places that will alert me from where the snowman is coming from I'll need to get back into bed when I'm finished ding-a-ling playing a ping squeeze sure can I make my sweet hybrid gun again cuz that was oh man let me tell you something that was delightful okay I can't get in this thing I'm looking right at you and you are not ah there we go okay ring a ling a ding ding can I just all right you know that's probably good enough well it's gonna have to be good enough because I can't ever get again oh okay well that's I'm alright [ __ ] really I can't oh there we go okay [Music] that'll do now can I can I find the goddamn cassette because that's really what I'm looking for here whoa whoa whoa you're not supposed to be doing that yet are you I don't know is the night going what no it's not shut up [ __ ] you go away [ __ ] oh there's some ringa Linga ding chimes now how do i oh can't get out of room now okay how do I Jesus how do i how do i string this up what do we do okay whatever ringa linga ding is good enough okay I guess that's good enough okay well I had a batteries on this bad boy can I grab one of these no I guess just out okay great is if there's a tape in here I'll never know Oh squeaky peaky big he's squeaky all right you right there squeakums all right well I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be but I won't I want to know the story just tell me the story why do you why are you making the story something that's just like oh maybe you'll find out wokai where how did I teleport from that didn't make any goddamn sense all right whatever you know what mom please Oh we put happen to my chimes what what happened to my chimes what the [ __ ] all right whatever you know what [ __ ] it is going on the bed because apparently that's how or or not okay or not okay or not did I just kick my bear out of the way I can't see [ __ ] [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is happening what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] game he's serious I can't see [ __ ] I don't know what you want from me game what do you want well there they are [ __ ] okay so they gotta go in specific places you can't just put them willy-nilly like I thought okay well that's there now where's my goddamn bear it's in here somewhere but I can't see [ __ ] diddly so I'll never [ __ ] now I'll never find it there's no [ __ ] way I'll ever find it again can I just can I just start over can I just start over can I just is there any way I could just start over can I start over main menu can I start over and not from the beginning of the game I'm just talking about from where I was okay continue yes please no not this [ __ ] get out of my face I don't care about this I'm sorry I'm sorry okay I'm sorry I'm not mad I'm not mad because of the game I'm not trying to [ __ ] on the game I'm just frustrated with like what the [ __ ] I just want to play the game number one and know the [ __ ] story Jesus [ __ ] tit my ass holy [ __ ] my balls it's so infuriating ly frustrating and I have no idea why whoa okay bye okay alright there we go I guess and you know what I realize is that it's gonna give me the tape after I do this so all my time spent looking for the tape first which you think is what you would [ __ ] what I can't [ __ ] pay oh my god are you kidding me which is what you would want right it's what you would want while you're doing these mundane tasks whatever I'm getting heated I'm gonna kita and I don't need to be good tell me you go here right you go here or are you somewhere else there we go apparently all right you're there how about okay and we're starting oh [ __ ] there we are there we are okay all right okay I'm a clean slate clean slate not gonna let it get to me all right not let it get into me I've got my hairdryer I'm fine I don't even know what the stakes are I don't even know what I'm risk hey hey stop [Music] okay well can you oh can you shut up please okay it's like boogeyman right there was a lot of noise destroy hi there was a lot of noise distractions before and like oh I don't know if I got that oh yeah that we're trying to stop you from hearing things but I can hear and see see oh what a [ __ ] god damn it I can hear and see everything pretty well enough I just don't know what the threat is I just don't know what the threat I mean obviously that's right let us know about coming out you can claw your eyes out with this sticks but what's the threat [ __ ] that's all right he did it oh that's not good all right well gotta keep my head on a wobble I guess oh ok it storms up problem it is a lot like boogeyman ok now I'm starting to fall into the rhythm because I remember bogeyman was very much about that the lots of things happening at once and not knowing the cues for the what-have-yous ok now we're in it oh no no no no no no no no no no oh no no no no I don't know why don't just shut it completely but maybe I'm a big [ __ ] baby and I can't sleep with my door not cracked open which to me this is just a threat like I don't sleep with my window whoa whoa whoa whoa my windows aren't open none of that [ __ ] none of that she ain't getting me doors locked there's a love big blockade on the door I sleep with a barricade twelve inches of solid steel keeping me and the danger separate and my windows a reinforced bulletproof glass and I sleep with an industrial slab a lead on my body at all times and I've got a binky and a pacifier made of bullets and glass just try to [ __ ] with me when I'm sleeping and they ain't gonna happen he ain't never gonna even get close to me my pillows made of industrial-strength c4 so if you do get to me I'm taking out the Althea you and me I'm talking to me in the second person and you yeah that's right I've got one of those Bette it's a Murphy bed I've got a Murphy bed as a spring-trap I've actually got a dummy of myself set up in my own bedroom I sleep in the closet so they can be there if there's any monsters there but if someone goes for me on my actual bed they get sprung into a wall of spikes whoa ain't nobody ain't nobody gonna get me when I'm sleeping that's for damn sure whoa that was silent thinks there should be a noise there but no alas there's not many snowmen are awfully stealthy okay I'm almost there I think that's why why that what happened wasn't cool what was wetting splish splashing huh did I just piss my pants probably yes well no don't how do I prevent that well so what does that do I don't know it's almost time though so I think it's okay if I just you know and let that be hey hey okay well we did it close that my mom's gonna be pissed Oh does this kid just not sleep this kid just not sleep he doesn't need sleep growing boy don't need no sleep what am i stupid oh that is that's not okay that's not good okay all right all my anger about this game has been pushed aside that's too quick all my anger has been pushed aside slowly fine wait I don't even get to prepare it's just rolled right into night three oh okay what about the store oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh that's not good okay well it seems to be a lot more problematic than it once was whoa I melted someone preemptively holy [ __ ] I don't know what happened okay well just gonna stock up on these hey uh uh uh tiny whoa whoa man they were doing some pretty cool tricks oh well they were just about to do some tricks and I just melted um like an [ __ ] it's getting dicey I don't have so many drawings of horrible snowmen on my walls usually usually kids draw things that they like you know there's a nice butterfly but it seems to be juxtaposed by the other other horrible things is happening here all right whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I heard that I heard that I heard that I heard that I didn't hear [ __ ] ah stop please don't no don't do it no please I don't want to get up all right fine for you here we go bring it on but [ __ ] god damn it kind of not turn on [ __ ] [ __ ] okay well good thing we got so much blowing his heart what if you [ __ ] think that you're gonna get me you are sorely mistaken and goddamn these nights are long oh whoa whoa what the [ __ ] is why was that I'm blow I'm blowing I am blowing what okay that's just existing now that's just there that door is closed I don't understand what the [ __ ] is going on did it get darker seems like it got darker whoa why no what the [ __ ] is I whoa whoa I don't know what's happening out there I like it huh oh okay no no no no no I'm literally knowing all over you okay no barely got so many snowman I thought this is all for good let's animate sweets we'd love to mother nature for good oh hey okay no that's not right they're not supposed to be able to go through that [ __ ] [ __ ] what's the point of even closing the door if it's gonna go through the door nothing you said there were five tapes oh boy that's fast okay just in it to win it till the very end I suppose oh that's that's not good i I don't know what did I don't I don't know what what was the point of that or whoa hey whoa whoa hey whoa okay all right let's oh [ __ ] my dick no no the worst time okay fine got it nailed it all right well can't get to there there we go so long as I'm very cautious about my usage of my various tools oh you are creepy you are creepy as all hell you are [ __ ] creepy oh but I'm too good for this game it's a goddamn good - god damn good that's right you can open that all you want it ain't gonna save you when I come for you old piece of [ __ ] oh okay I just I just [ __ ] closed that you dick alright whoa [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I don't know what the [ __ ] did but here we go we find her we find her we find is anybody there hmm okay we're fine apparently man this this nights a lot tamer than I thought it'd be I thought it'd be pandemonium all day long but apparently night night all night long I'm sorry my grammar was incorrect my usage of word was all bad and stuff he's easy whoo hey okay that's horrifying all right but not bad yet I guess I knew you were coming but I got a priority [ __ ] oh [ __ ] all right then well these nights are so long all right back to life I guess okay next time the door opens I'm just gonna leave it open just to see if I even need to do anything about it I mean I have a funny feeling that it'll kill me but it affects my strategy whoa whoa [ __ ] you it affects my strategy a bit if I if I have to do it okay so whoa all right I'm watching you buddy well you oh whoa okay okay all right well double whammy on the same KaBlam II order if is like horrific ly painful for these snowmen to be melted like this cuz it seems like it'd be pretty bad seems like this would be pretty bad to ever have every single part of you melt horribly slowly it's like any of us being burned alive and they're just screaming silently oh no you don't know you don't know you don't know you don't wanna know you don't what's a new one oh no no no no no no no no wow you are hard to find okay I had no idea what that was I had no idea what that was well it was not good was my goddamn gold fish jumping out of his goddamn bold whoa okay you know how I said I was gonna just let that go I don't think I'm gonna let that go anymore I think I'm gonna get that Oh Oh something was that my door on my window walk to the window to the wall to this last drop down my ball here we go for realsies this time man this must be crazy for you guys to watch because it's just me whipping so fast back and forth between all these but it's what I have to do it's boogie man it's the boogie man all over again you're there I think I can break it up into two sector whoo whoo hey buddy okay I'm just gonna leave that open this is early in the night I'm just gonna leave it open whoa [ __ ] just gonna leave it open I don't know what's gonna happen I don't know if I need to do that it's just kind of a test to see if I do I think what it is is just it's just another avenue for them to get in so whoa so it's like another thing to pay attention to but the the few seconds that it takes to okay melt the few seconds that it takes to look over there is not that bad I guess but it's it's more usage of my tools so possible more battery usage but then again it's a lot of time away it's so much time to close hurry why do you take so long almost there almost there I got this I got this one it's in the bag not today in the bag my bag my sack it's in my sack it's all in my sack okay yeah yeah yes yes oh this is turn it on full blast anyway okay [ __ ] hell god that's stressful that's stressful that's like more stressful than I remember booking man I don't know why okay I'm assuming there's only one more night left if I know how these are gonna go oh you don't even give an intro for the next snowman that's involved welp that hallway light is gone and that is gone early but if you [ __ ] want to get at me you could be in the pitch blackness of dark night oh [ __ ] okay you could be in the pitch blackness of dark night and I'd still be able to find you and melt your asses so don't even think about it don't even think about being clever don't even think about being smart cuz you can't outsmart me and you can't out clever my big brain ain't gonna do him no good I haven't seen the new snowman yet but I can only assume that he's an ugly [ __ ] and he's so ugly that he's afraid to show his goddamn face to me you piece of garbage if I demoralize him he might either come after me sooner or [ __ ] [ __ ] me you might he might [ __ ] me closing it why [ __ ] why why it's not worth it what the [ __ ] whoa whoa well that's a problem oh that's a problem I've never seen before how many other weird random events happen in this room that I just don't know about because I haven't seen it I mean I do like it that's one of my favorite things in games is when they they do weird random events and they don't always seem you know like they're supposed to happen so they surprise you you for replayability and [ __ ] like that oh oh that's a head okay that's that's a head oh that's not good well lights out in this neighborhood huh no I'm not gonna go for it you know [ __ ] that it's gonna leave it open it's fine I can survive it just need more power I'm good good gumdrop good oh god oh god oh god oh god I don't wanna close it I'm not gonna I'm not gonna oh my god is so dark oh whoa oh good good thing I have that Life Alert oh well all right pitch blackness it is then you know what fine [ __ ] I don't need light oh that's a problem please [Music] god [ __ ] damnit see if they're melted it just be dead there's it this game is buggy is [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I melted that one we're getting pretty far into this and my eyes are open I think I saw something there did I did I not see something there maybe I'm going crazy at this point which wouldn't [ __ ] surprise me I mean I am looking at a whole invading army of goddamn [ __ ] snowmen [ __ ] who's that that's two of them that's not fair that's two that's two at once not fair not fair gonna definitely pull a not fair it's so close oh my god is so close I'm just keeping this on do it break it dawn yes yes yes oh [ __ ] hell good golly [ __ ] [ __ ] but they did it but I did it buddy [Music] what night six you can't do that you can't just say night six end it end it you [ __ ] just end it oh [ __ ] okay I guess we got to do 96 now okay yeah just open everything turn out all the lights get to the point already you already know what you're gonna do I already know what we're gonna do you know we know I know let's just get to the [ __ ] point already that's so [ __ ] many of them saw Manny oh it's a non-stop parade of snowmen giving you an extra dose all of you even though I probably don't need to doing it just cuz I hate you oh [ __ ] you're not supposed to be silent big guy all those the whoa yeah sometimes I don't oh [ __ ] okay well this is a lot everything's fine we're almost there whoo silent but deadly come on baby come on baby come on baby whoa whoa whoa oh [ __ ] I thought that was the door what does it mean is there a night 7:00 and am I just gonna roll on into that one without any solace please tell me Christmas but I don't want to celebrate Christmas why do I have to celebrate grams meals this is [ __ ] [ __ ] you buggy [ __ ] [ __ ] that's where this game has made me curse more than a lot of games recently and I don't know why [ __ ] from what is that one I'm not seeing it uh-huh my eyes hurt my eyes are dry my eyes are so dry it's deserts in my eyeballs what is that all about I saw that oh my god oh my god I almost ten mattes hour oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] up top bastard 420 blaze it 420 blow it 420 time to blow it oh that's that's not good but I don't get a regular stream of goddamn batteries and if my eyes don't lubricate them for themselves properly I'm so [ __ ] come on 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes which is less than throw God that one up there oh [ __ ] let's go blast you and your ass yeah that's right whoa big guy big guy how did you get by okay we're fine we're fine were fine yes yes yes yes yes Christmas was a goddamn nightmare [Music] [Laughter] [ __ ] whatever new thing of five tapes oh this was an experimental title that turned out really nicely I was a little unsure just how scary I could really make snowmen and if animating them without it looking soo silly would even work I need just giving snowmen pointy teeth and glowing eyes was never gonna cut it they need so much weird goofy creepy personality to pull it off fortunately an amazing concept artist character artists and animators to help me make that work so I'd very much like to thank them all for a great game well done this will be my last title in the point-and-click horizontal like it's time to move on to something fresh and new outside of the boogieman universe so to speak have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year barry mccabe all right I had a lot of criticisms at first in this game but it was good it was scary it was stress inducing it just threw you into the deep end just a little bit too much and then there was just a little non refinement in the beginning but as an experimental title this is good it was scary those snowmen those bastards those [ __ ] loved him and I like this game so let me know what you thought down in the comments below there is a mystery door but honestly I don't even know what that means yeah I'll see what happens let me let me get to the end of the credits here and then I'll see see if there's anything in the mystery door yeah don't look at me I never did figure out what that fifth drawing was about maybe there's something else to this I don't know oh my back okay let's see what's in the mystery door if it'll let me maybe I can't get to there unless I be like nightmare mode no what could be inside I'm so confused nightmare night how much worse could it possibly be I wonder probably infinitely worse god I don't want to do this Oh No well that's a problem as all profits the worst thing that's the worst thing it's the worst thing oh it's the worst thing there's a there's a head there's a snowman's head in air this is the worst I don't wanna I don't wanna I'm not gonna do it just kill me just kill me just kill me kill me already kill me ah you guys can try that out for yourself if you want to give a real challenge so whoa what the [ __ ] all right that's that's new all right well just quit and quitting God quit quit all right so thank you everybody so much for watching let me know what you thought down in the comments below if you want to play this for yourself I'll provide a link the description as always and if you got more suggestions of cool games for me to play put them down in the comments thank you everybody again and as always I will see you [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,466,537
Rating: 4.956553 out of 5
Id: JL2NjKxX8Vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 1sec (2521 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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