Dream VS Technoblade (Minecraft Championship)

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"Throwback to when the top two battle each other!!"

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TMB_TTLG_TMW777 📅︎︎ May 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
all right I have a master plan prepared my machinations go beyond anything you could possibly dream of now allow me to tell you guys my master plan so yesterday I was sitting there and I was thinking how can I absorb the maximum amount of clown from emcee championships I see you guys in the chat you're saying oh my god this other guy he has more viewers than you techno blade this is all part of my master plan you see the other day I was sitting there and I was a dream and greener and this I need to absorb all of their cloud all right those guys they have all the views in the world and I need them all right I need to absorb their views were pulling a Minecraft Monday B 2 out here all right I need the clout all right we need the cloud but I was sitting here like dream he always screams on Twitch he's gonna get like 15k views I'm gonna get zero clout out of this so I thought I'm gonna make a community post pretendin that I care about being the number one viewed channel all right and he's gonna see that post and he's gonna be like hohoho now I'm gonna scream on YouTube my main platform I'm gonna get like 200,000 concurrent viewers and everyone is gonna see Aztec nobody wins minecraft championships now I'm gonna be like who's that guy they're all gonna subscribe that is my master plan all right and dream he's falling where's he's fallen for it hook line and sinker now I've been seeing a lot of comments coming up to this tournament saying oh my god techno blade is gonna get slide tackled by dream dream is gonna flatten this man all right techno blade is lucky he hasn't met dream before this tournament that's the only reason it's PvP Street credits arrived and I want to tell you guys all right this isn't even the first tournament I've fought dreaming he was in Minecraft one day it did not go well for him it did not end well that's why you've all repressed the memory to make yourselves think that this is the first time we battled but you know what he's father dreams probably thinking himself you know what techno blade he's an old man he's only good at 1.8 he's stuck in the past all right he's terrible 1.14 now this this is my game mode I speedrun it I hold a one-point 14 I think is 1.15 actually world record all right he's sitting here like a techno blade all he does his farm potatoes all day he never plays 1.15 he plays it once per month for this tournament I'm gonna flatten this man and it's not gonna happen all right here's not it's not gonna happen I beat him in 1.8 I'm gonna be the 1.15 I'm gonna steal this Klout it's gonna be fantastic I all stop the steal greens Klout for breakfast this morning what are we for breakfast this morning I ate some stead of the correct answer is bacon okay that's the correct answer blue instead of get let's get this bridge as we say let's gang and bacon get this bacon yes spam techno blades try wood let's get this bacon don't don't don't weaponize my stream what are you doing I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going in the end [Music] okay let's go let's go oh my god look we're first right now we're first right now guys we're first right now oh we actually uh oh this might go here oh I missed I'm gonna I'm gonna go a half oh no oh god I'm getting punished come on whose path is this come here we'll push you off I just bruised it him no you're joking I pushed him to victory Oh what's great I got this like I said I let dream an ad go see what they do oh there's off immediately okay I already don't wanna fall anymore there we go I got eleven eleven eleven okay we're still for us I like this I like this yeah okay truly people oh come on okay I'll know off what I missed it come on I am lagging I hate this Go Go Go Go I hop in someone else's boat go smilers go smallish Go Go Go - go yeah I see the problem now I couldn't slow I couldn't slow down I'm getting beaten by dream and you so literally just walking all right that's good that was good guys [Music] it's mine oh you're right get out of here oh that doesn't work come on there you go I'll get the homework oh yeah wait okay go first I go first I want to see the residual this is pretty good I'm not hoping that it's two teams who have never been in it before that's not I'm uninstalling the game I'm uninstalling the game I thought I was gonna steal his car he's stealing my Klout he's stealing my cloud yes 64 eliminations 10th of surviving so let's just survive as many tests as we can and I'm gonna for left Jeff well these aren't so just go go go go this iron sword go go go run peasant iron sword Pete has an iron sword Pete has an iron sword go left go left go left go left he's after us ok no he okay lucha lucha they're over there but beware Pete has an iron sword off the spawn I have a wood sword I'm with you guys everyone okay everyone's everyone's together once together I have an actuary clock George Clark applause what do you have George I have a 9 take this take this each other's hands everybody in single file line it's playschool time Gold the Rope don't let go of the rope don't let go of the rope we're crossing the street guys we can't be weary of cars their badge let's kill guys let's get them we have a lot of stuff they're bad ok ok ok wait get closer before you shoot get closer before you shoot there's no point shooting from that far a crossbow go in together oh behind one guy there look out look out for him look out for him nice I see em loo look Jesus can I have an arts or wine oh he's here my dad all cheese will be down a lot I got like full-on stop sword wait what all right oh we can't chance it here okay we can yeah okay fire so that's okey here you go it'll go through the armor fast get out I'll get over here just in case get over here guys everyone come here all right are you low you know I've got three hours time no food okay let's take the food make sure you call : oh yeah who would call it out yellow yeah actually you are the state a week okay week team let's let's get him - lets get him yeah look at the ones off there spooling up ones up border was shrinking what watch out for the border watch our dream your oh he's really low nice and I was gonna die he's gonna die but just Boop disconnected yes got someone get his look behind you dream behind me that somebody's is cave yeah I mean oh I'm behind you okay Oh they've split up they split up on chess play alright the board is right there actually guys let's get out of here okay there's there's a yellow here the last yellow guy let's cut him off right here [Music] and on the blue yeah oh he just stole that kill oh yeah I want to kill right guys are we together dang it oh wow dream it's off on his own I kill I kill them i kill them to kill them guys right here this warmth or separated or you guys they're kind of like two teams separated oh this guy's so dead oh I'm on fire about what's about to Oh house now dream 1v4 manhunt one before one before dream one of them is really low one of them's really low oh right yeah I'm dead guys I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead oh you guys weren't where were you guys uh oh I I thought you guys were with your are you were killing the other people okay yeah I got confused that's my fault best way to get I got second place I got suck yeah that's good first quitting again this is gonna be annoying with you guys you playin f5 mode no oh okay oh no it boosted me so far what no dream was fast how are you kidding me I don't realize if you if you get touched by the thing it like boosts you like I didn't get caught on it yeah it did me oh that's er me people just died like you who have played this before definitely get an advantage yeah let's go boy oh god Wayne Oh jinkx Oh jinkx a sight it's the psyche Keep Calm me it was behind at it was a cycle the psyche will almost got me there nice dude you live just dream know me all of us we're down here get those coins for us get out of my head close in I'll shoot away was like whoa nice going boys Massey y'all this second seventh the second BTech to bleed in my head techno blade let's go easy boy you go this we beat the pig turn the bacon we got this everyone says dream is a parkour god this is the showdown right here let's go let's go I believe dude I need my clout back alright alright guys parkour let's go hopefully everyone goes invisible just like a Clemente's no catch up I'm gonna catch up when it gets to the harder part yeah that's where I will shine oh come on Ellen right now here we go alright I'm going under William going no more fails no more fails here on out let's go no fails I am choking so alright here we go bingo let's go there we go bingo Bongo doing I'm going I'm going bingo boom I don't know where I don't see anyone come on oh well stage you I dream I'm at the little like stairs things go let's go yes I'm keeping up with beat leaving but we're getting this bacon right now I'm getting a flying bass boom there we go I see you come I need I need you to hold my hand about five minutes I hate this what's the play what role do I suck it come on please please bingo Bongo okay okay three two one prayer in face game face game face game face game face let's go [Music] yes whoa I'm Joe Jesus Jesus boom oh yeah oh I think I hear it's kind of urinates on that one last time and I piece it first try hell yeah dude smooth as butter no no come on here we go let's go let's go let's go come on impressive come on I want to get farther [Music] I keep falling we got we got third place collectively 390 top five players second place let's go okay I got I got second place behind pizza who finished and a head of techno blade it was in third and then there's mess got fifth place mess yeah you're killing it no flat I've been owned too hard we're gonna delete the part of the vaad where I said I was gonna win and we're gonna we're gonna simp we're gonna simply clout that's what we're doing that's what we're doing guys we're symfon for dream let's go dream my man my man dream I was just kidding excellent work dream we make a fantastic team knows when huge fan EVP we should hang out should be a good strike rate lift oh we got we need like everyone in there though right yeah I have to find dream dream hello do your shoes need shining dream dream please should you need coffee dream come back please please my cloud don't don't go away from me dream dream please do these practices look at him look at him practicing for manhunt right here dream come back I've always been a huge fan of your channel I can't get the clout through victory so we're gonna get it through simple boys since I was like team 3 we should hang out and make lots of videos smile sim simple all right all right that's it I'm about to speedrun this man's funeral where he's rejected me he called me a simp it's over we're activating our full strength I was holding back well that's a start all right I was holding back I hate that guy hit him again oh I'm out of here does anyone any people just run into this one does easily okay thank you everybody I think I killed everybody on the team I'm pretty sure I killed everybody and I chose nice rows the middle all around the side killing green you should be dead oh I'm doing for this you got it there we go one people big think they're going down it's gonna be hard Oh Oh guys we have to try hard please please the stands don't make fun of me all right everyone just like stay kind of Center if you're low on health just yell heal potion and run to me and I'll throw it down all right big money big money they're gonna do well we're gonna run to the middle so a ret okay how about this mess this time you go to the middle you've a sword right all right you had all this time you just killed over there guys something they're gonna do our strategy you go to the middle so are you gonna build a no yeah you go with him and pray elsewhere but just right away good man just try and take out their wool if you take out their what would you take out Wilbert all right is there wool guy most likely then you'll be fine all right go go go go go oh hey not me in some lava I got two wool in three one oh my god I'm so good at melee yes I know dang it why did we choke they're gonna get the wall filled getting the hose in the center he's got to oh let's go there's two health potions and I killed them Oh oh geez you can't the sparkles of love you guys someone's in the middle oh he's Prince oh no I would have killed him I fight I would have killed him a moment or II George we had one more war don't like focus because then you might get cut by other people just trying what did I check you all doubted me you all doubted the blood god you were all like oh man dream is gonna steamroll techno blades just because he'd been steamrolling me for three games are you is that is that all the proof you need is your eyes get out of here get out of here battle buck it's everyone says battle ox it's the only game that actually matters everything else RNG luck doesn't matter all right we right in and out of the BOD all right it's fine helping [Music] oh wait oh I didn't know there was to the left one person to cross oops I thought there was only one person would get it miss good job boy even these boys I did not get oh no we just obliterated but dream speeded me by 80 points my clout I had effective weight still I think I want to maintain that I want to maintain that in every game every single game let's maintain that do it right at right after this tournament ends I'm gonna get a DM from dream people were telling me you were good but not now that I've seen it for myself like the collabs off I you know I have a PvP reputation to protect you know at collabing with someone as bad as you people would think I just fight bad players all right so I can't do it this jungle what is this oh no wait I need what I tried to shake it out I tried to shift out I tried to shift out didn't let me shift out did he promise you I really shifted way before I would have gone off the what Kelly came I can get it I don't know I don't know what color is glazed terracotta Maps an orange and blue one blue okay I think it's like it looks like it's like orange blue and whites the fish sort of it's no fun glazed terracotta from yellow yellow yellow okay what kind of lime lime concrete just grab it just grab just get like get like ten get Tannen to come back so I let's get back in the second it's going second like that event was when green but it we brave by oh we are not build the hearse that was not it this is the worst day of my life dreams gonna get all my clout dreams gonna get all my clout he's just too good at the game he was just too good at the game I retire I retire no dream it's [ __ ] wait wait we be dream by like 80 points get out of get destroy dream all your subscribers are mine oh my good it's what it's what I've always said bill Bert bill mark it's our main game he'd never stood a chance get him out of here destroyed we would train for another million years first the whole game until just now because the stupid Bill Maher I'm being informed that we managed to narrowly defeated ream who has a colorblind teammate Jack we win these [Music] with the only people we beat her the colorblind people and it was by 80 points it was by 80 points I'm retiring I'm a dream can have my subs you can have my cloud he could have my cloud I'm back I'm gone santa's hands mega chicken hope someone hasn't met a trick mega chicken okay all right thank you see get up - okay remember arete you're being you're being the guy who's keeping track of the time letting us know and you're and we're gonna guys everybody drop when you gets and like if you don't do it right away but drop the sand at the around the entrance and just run around this circle all right oh and we'll be dropping sand like so we don't waste time going to the middle so just if you run around if you constantly run around the circle and keep us will keep us up with the time then the sand will be on the outside so you can just pick it up like what we're not gonna go to you and drop it we're gonna drop it or somewhere around the spawn you can just grab it let's go okay two coins I want to go into a tribe what are the rusty keys do I found some sand oh there's like flying like demons or something actually I go check we got 80 70 seconds on this - here I have six and I just I'm dropping it by the bank coins thing or the shakes this thing by the sinks it's up there and a lot of coins shall I Bank any of my coins or not no no just wait just say where you got this oh it's well left of the portal go away I hate you coal give me how do I get out of this go over there so much gold we have it's dude I'm trapped left of the portal this way I'm stuck in a hole like well there's no way though really phantom I think you back to spawn guys I have no idea where I came from I'm either I don't know I don't have any bus George go back go back if you can't go back right now if you can George go back right now everybody or if somebody gets in but gets in gets a man oh dang it George okay it's this way coming down the delay actually okay I'm at middle on that middle in my middle I'm coming I'm a tanks and do we have any more I have none none should we exit bank three Bank make it or exit your choice okay thank you Bank ghetto ghetto exit exit now exit now eggs are now 45 bank cone I'm stuck in this hole I've got 110 points dude how did you okay that's fine that's fine nice try nice try these later games the games that have the multipliers are so opie like if you just do good in one of gemstones like you just like yeah like we want we won like the first five games we dominate and then that we're gonna we're gonna be like out of the top two for losing two games in a row yeah that sucks let's see greens oh what's that mean oh I thought I thought dream was in prison please tell me I did really well so I can redeem some of my Klout v oh nice that's all the matters a MVP's are you kidding me dream got 10 more points than me and sands of time this is it this is it I'm a relevant from irrelevant I can already see the reddit comments they're saying like yeah you know I thought techno was good yeah but then dream God's dream got 10 more points than them in sands of time I'm forced I'm leavin it's cuz there's views I need the views Phil I don't know the kinda sucks just there's a shortcut oh wait I think they changed it it may have changed a little bit it looks much people you can punch people so just I can't see I can't see the sweat 1 you're carrying dream oh he's just what his bro he's just sitting there he's quicker coming up very soon oh come on oh you are who punched me he's going after me you know what dreams thinkin right now for insane techno malade old man he's done he used to I'm gonna kill I'm gonna beat him in footrace and that's it for his career it's all gonna be over you got it you got it oh damn okay oh thank you it's not good come on go Jim go go I pushed you nice doing absolutely there's more now you got this oh there's an idiot behind me trying to push me off it's a guy from blue get out of here go I came in I got it fuzz oh go trim go go G seventh nice man all right six seven squadrons you got it you got it you got it there's me all right now George go go go just go just go just focus on running folks are running that's fine we got six seventh and 13th that might that might be might be enough and dream beat me my clout and I got I got one before techno so every game how do you do in the last one the desert the sands of time that's all I care about Dreamz you get my channel now that's how it works it'll be the first time it gets consistent uploads he gets my channel now any better we need on the multiplier on the multiplier points if part if like parkour warriors only had been a little later with the multiplier like so we won we won so many I think we won the most games probably dream beats me by like a hundred points again every time I'm so depressed dream stealing my clout he's stealing my clout my clout know I always he's so good at video games I'm pretty sure we won I'm pretty sure we won the most games yeah like overall yeah it's just the multipliers we lost like we did pretty okay on the last night there was a multiplier look at this okay so I finished I finished third I finished third tech no finish line that's it that's it we didn't get to the finals that's okay even myself [Music] where's tech no at where's tech no at and not on the leaderboard now I'm not not in front of me that's that's what I see yeah not up here I don't see him I need to go simp for dream now that he's established himself as better than me at one point 14 dream do you give private lessons I need to get good to your mom I've been a game ended I'm sitting here like dream you're so good at the game and he just roast me he just stabs me he I was sitting here like all right dream you know what you did well this time I acknowledge your skill of dreams like get out of your trash old news old man I missed my god let's look at the final final leaderboard here the final leaderboard look at this how do you see it look at this yes we beat the pig the pig everyone all the rituals work debate all the bacon you consumed it was it was all worthwhile he was very I told you every viewer I had it would reduce his power and obviously that's what has done exactly because his nation bacon make it bacon and I'm here his power was reduced oK we've taken we've taken a bit of an L alright dream handed us the L today but that's fine you know when I I beat him in Minecraft Monday so basically it's one one because what 1.8 it's great I'm not making excuses it's fine it's look we're gonna go on a train in art alright but first I have to win the potato were and then I'm gonna train in 1.14 I'm gonna become the greatest 1.14 player of all time all right this is the redemption are all right it's it's a it's a multi tournament arc alright and they're gonna become a 1.14 god and we're gonna fight dream and it's gonna be fantastic alright and then we're gonna steal all those views that's the plane [Music]
Channel: Dream
Views: 14,115,085
Rating: 4.9498849 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, dream, dream minecraft, technoblade, technothepig, Minecraft Championship, Minecraft Mondays, Technoblade Minecraft Monday, technoblade vs dream, dream vs technoblade, dream vs techno, technoblade minecraft championship, technoblade dream
Id: sJW4Le1CX-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 46sec (2206 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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