LUNCH MONEY or DEATH!! | Kindergarten

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hello everybody my name is marip BL and welcome to kindergarten now a lot of you guys have been requesting this game and as far as I know the only objective in this game is to survive and that seems strange considering it's a game about little children attending kindergarten but I've played stranger games and I have no idea what I'm doing here press down to make money press up to put money back press down to take oh make money okay well I'm going to take everything out of my piggy bank I guess all right all right okay am I going to kindergarten am I ready to start another day of kindergarten yeah sure okay I I don't know what else I'm going to do hi boob lady how you doing H I smell money yes someone is definitely carrying more than $3 around here hey hey kid you carrying any cash no you don't know me I ain't carrying nothing no don't lie to me I know and I smell money give me half or else no way look I don't have time to argue with this with you give it to me or your dead meat go make your own money uh-oh ow ow ow ow ow oh oh oh God oh God oh God I didn't know that I didn't know that I didn't know that oh god oh no no oh no how was I supposed to know okay you know what I'll just I'll carry $290 I don't have more than $3 butch or whatever your name is am I ready to start another day you know it I don't know why I'm making a pentagram in my place let's see screw off kid I'm busy I'll screw off I guess hello hi my friends call me nugget or they would if I had any nuggets know no love or friendship since Billy went missing uh what happened to Billy oh Billy's missing poor nugget misses Billy but nugget cannot help him now it is too late do you know where he is nugget does not know nugget knows who knows who knows your question upset poor nugget you push too hard nugget needs his pills much better what were we talking about Billy who I don't know what you're talking about you're speaking normally now oh we were not the principal has forbidden me from speaking about it and if you press me any further I'll report you to him all right I need to know no you don't enjoy your trip to the principal's office whatever nugget ah boob lady no the principal just called me he wants to see you in his office what did you in this little weirdo do well that's a good question another good question is can he speak telepathically to the principal because this is a growing concern of mine well get going then the principal is an impatient man oh so impatient oh hi so I've been told that you're feeling sad about Billy who told you oh you know word just uh gets around you know it doesn't matter how I know it's that I do know see okay so what about it that's all this is about right Billy's missing and it's making you sad you're not trying to find him or anything you're just sad he's gone right okay that makes this a whole lot easier so here's what we're going to do I'm going to give you something and I want you to take it whenever you're feeling sad about Billy what is it just a little something I ordered for this exact reason here take one whenever you miss Billy too much okay you're giving me pills just don't tell anyone you got them from me the hall monitor is waiting to take you back to class please head outside okay principal I'm got to take these pills I enjoy them why do you have two guns here why do you have guns here there's some papers and a monster card here all right I'll take the card I guess new hint unlocked I don't know what the [ __ ] is happening let's see this rug seems a little out of place seems like there's blood underneath the rug yeah and it seems like there's some scraping going on here principal I got a bad feeling about this principal I I I don't even know how to count to three teacher I'm not learning anything in this school I think maybe it's a bad place for me I don't miss Billy but I miss my family welcome back welcome back boob lady hope everything turned out okay with the principal everything is fine say the principal didn't happen to give you anything did he he gave me some pills oh lucky day you wouldn't mind if your Lely teacher had one let's see be my guest do you miss Billy I guess we all just need pills someday good boy gulp oh that's nice thank you for that go on and enjoy the rest of your morning time I know I will okay you want two seems like you got some extra boob to dose up on this medicine right see you bye I guess all right okay hey don't go snooping around and you know what I don't really care do what you want okay all right I I'll continue snooping then this is Jerome's cubby there's a strange device in here okay I don't know what that did for me but okay what is this this is nuggets cubby there's appears to be a nugget of some sort in here I'mma leave that is this a knife this is bugs cubby that's a knife getting caught with this would get me in serious trouble all right I'll take it whatever what do I care Lily's cubby looking for clues for her missing brother Billy oh jeez that's sad okay I don't want to take the money cuz then I'd have more than three bucks and I don't want that why the hell do you think I want to be your morning buddy good point hello sorry sweetie but I'm spending my morning time with my boyfriend whatever Cindy okay hello nugget does not wish to spend morning time with you nugget is very busy see what are you busy with you're curious about the ways of nugget interesting perhaps you could be of some use to nugget nugget is in need of a magnifying glass do this for nugget before the next bell rings and you will be rewarded all right okay all right I guess I'll get you this steal this magnifying glass for you am I going to be rewarded now have you found the item nugget SE excellent nugget is pleased you may have this monster card nugget is quite fond of it okay now be gone nugget has important things to attend to all right whatever oh I don't really do the whole morning buddy thing anymore my brother Billy was normally my buddy but he's missing well that's sad where's Billy I want to take a bill dude you know you're not cool enough to talk to me let alone be my morning buddy besides mon is going to hook me up with a sweet yo-yo all right teacher I have no morning buddy go enjoy morning time before my high wears off you're such a role model oh he's so bouncy what you want to be my morning buddy well I ain't got time for that nonsense so unless you're buying or selling something get lost I want to sell something what do you got I got a bottle of pills who whole bottle of those things my guy who likes them is going to be thrilled I'll give you $4 for the whole thing all right pleasure doing business with you want to buy something what do you got a yoyo screwdriver cigarettes why do I need these things I'll buy a sweet yoyo don't you know about these things but Jerome loves them all right I have a oh I'm out of actions oh okay well I guess I'm done okay kids that's the lunch Bell let's go down to the cfer for a nutritious meal of blood and Billy slop how exciting why in [Laughter] the what are you doing I don't know why that's really funny to me just just I saw this lady hammering away at whatever the slop is how you doing there Sunny once I'm tasting nutrious slop uh uh what's in it it's an old family recipe lots of herbs and spices and salt and about 89% of the principal secret ingredient 89% is a lot I don't know how I know that given that I am a kindergartener who barely knows how to count to three oh it's not that much supposedly it keeps a slop in regulation with the government's new health standards what's the secret ingredient I can't tell you that it's a secret also I have no idea what it is either you're feeding us a seasoned mystery ingredient but the seasoning is so good is the best part I'm not eating it well that's your call I can't make you eat it I'd love it if you did it's it's fine let's move along all right fine then how about biscuits from from uh shimmy the janitor here biscuit balls get your biscuit balls here get them all hot biscuit balls my own recipe come up with it after a little incident that happened recently what's in them whatever's in a biscuit and a little something it's the extra part that worries me oh come on try it won't kill you they're a buck of piece quite a deal if I do say so myself I'm sure your little friend Cindy would love to try one why why you got say so creepy man just a just a hunch I have go on and give her one I'm sure you love it you're you're being really creepy about this I'm always creepy let's give her a damn biscuit did you Dr or something what of course not I'm not that kind of janer that's something else something a bit more entertaining all right fine you know what a a bite whatever quite a deal if I say so myself and I'm surely friend Cindy love one okay fine okay s Cindy was that you Cindy or is this Cindy which one of you is Cindy are you Cindy sorry sweetie this spot is reserved for my boyfriend go sit with ugly Lily over there the janitor wants you to try this there's no way I'm eating anything that creep mate I wouldn't either but why did I buy it then but I spent a dollar on this that I stole by selling a magnifying glass or whatever the hell I did sell a bottle of pills that the principal gave me no one ever SS with poor nugget nugget does not have any friends you say that like a statement you don't say that like you're whining about it you say it like a statement I figured you'd be seeing me around slop is no good and I don't think anyone is brave enough to try a biscuit from the janitor dumb old man can't even spell it right all right what do you got I've got a biscuit you want that can I buy something from you salad MC glob silly meal never mind okay I'm just going to leave now and try to find Lily I guess what the hell is this all right Lily hey stop you can't leave until lunch is over all right okay jeez I'm sorry do I have to eat something that is that what I have to I have to eat something well if you're sling and slop I guess I'll take it yeah I'll uh got I go to the bathroom oh I'm not allowed to handle any of you kitties out the hall maybe you could do me a little something if you wanted me to look the other way well I seem to have Mis blazed my glasses these old eyes can't read the menu without him see if you can find a pair lying around and I'll let you out is there anything else I can do well that mopy little girl's been paying me to let her out out I don't see why you can't get the same deal I'll try to find the glasses I guess are they in the trash can are they in the slop all right find that jeez you're not going to find the slide W find it somewhere else I guess in uh sir have you seen a pair of glasses vegan you're her boyfriend wow talking about sing the bar low I'll make you a deal I'll give you the biscuit ball for free don't worry it's vegan I'll also throw in one of the monan cars all you got to do is make sure she eats it what do you say I I come back here when she's downed I don't I don't know this doesn't feel right there's no way I'm eating anything that creep made well she didn't want it did she eat it not yet what am I supposed to do am I supposed to hide it what am I supposed to do oh man I have no idea how about a salad and I'll put it in there looking to cut some fat this totally healthy vegan Choice pleasure doing business with you all right is there any way I can like do I have an inventory system get nugget of magnifying glass well I don't need that okay all right uh can I just pay you money to go out into the bathroom because I feel like that's what I need la la la la la la la la two bucks okay oh I'm always happy to help a child in need keeps me young now run along I didn't see nothing okay thanks thank you lunch lady keep hammering away at whatever the hell you're hammering away at because super weird ding dong hello go away Kid I'll get in trouble if the principal hears you all right fine then what are you doing this is the door to the principal's office what are you doing why are you just standing outside the principal's office are you looking for Billy I can see something behind the a but I need something to unscrew with damn it I could have bought a screwdriver a I'm such an idiot all right it's locked and then the bathroom which is where I guess I whoa huh you're not supposed to be in here I got to take you to the principal that is unless well I'm out of cigarettes if you had some I'd be willing to let you off major bumperman looks like we got to go visit the principal a man you can't just be running around the school during lunch you should know better I'm sorry me too me why are you oh no why what the hell what excuse me why did you shoot me why did you shoot me and why are you sorry about it why are you like a burden like oh I have to put what are you War sash by some reason in your mind that's the only logical conclusion to solve your problem is like I'm sorry I have to do this there's literally no other way oh man that's hilarious okay so anyway that's all the time I got for this episode I didn't make it very far at all but oh and apparently I didn't get any of my collectibles because I didn't finish the day out well that is sad but now I know a little more about how to beat this so maybe I'll play another episode or so but let me know what you think down in the comments below there's a lot of different ways to go about this and I apparently am not doing it correctly so thanks again and as always I will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] oh
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,950,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, kindergarten, kindergarten game, kindergarten markiplier, violence, bloody, brutal, awesome, awesome games, epic, kids, fighting, survival, choose your own adventure, school, simulator, simulation, simulator game, early access, pc, sandbox, achievements, unlock, update, review, gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2017
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