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previously on the forest it's a small gap in here but uh it's a cave all right all right we'll split up that's always a good strategy are you going the water wait there's a person wait i'm going for wade why did we actually split up why did we actually do the splitting up oh please tell me we're getting out of this cave what is that there's a pit what where over there bob do not test something bob's fantastic bob i'm going to build a platform i'm going to try to build a rope off of the platform 31. okay i got to build a sled but my cup my car my okay hey hey uh what happened to the sled um i don't want to talk about it and all those logs we shot i don't want to talk about it oh i'm dying of freezing no i made a fire you can't kill me of freezing i'm in fire don't worry bob there's a sled of wood heading your way i am ready for it i believe where did you go i'm drying out right now by a fire i'm in a cave climbing mostly upward okay i'm i i see a uh there's a cave entrance wait whoa hey yeah yeah yo yo hey hey oh my god i'm gonna go down help help they're really barely married to why why do you get to punch through my freaking chainsaw oh he's down [ __ ] loud okay i'm coming mark okay thank you i think once i get out of here successfully maybe we don't come over here for a while until we're ready for that i wish i had never seen this thing it was very un un-good it was ungood bad even yeah i'm climbing up a long rope and in the distance i just hear [ __ ] come on how's your house how much time you got mark oh like maybe 10 seconds i'm outside oh no i'm safe holy crap mark i'm coming your way uh well about that i am actually a wizard wow that's great man oh mark died oh no holy [ __ ] you got me my god was oh my god let's go home and save this before anything else happens let's go holy i want you to know i met somebody special and i killed her for you so thank you thank you i appreciate that big if that herd of them comes around don't say anything man don't say a thing let's go back home and hunt lizards and build ridiculous houses no more caves never go to that hole ever again i forgot [ __ ] timmy yeah he's gone he is gone now and i feel no remorse there's a lot of bodies we could have just burned for armor and bones that's true we're never fighting again so yeah we're a peaceful people now yeah we're gonna show them ways through pure pacifism they'll learn they will learn oh i see your cabin your cabin is just this bastion i really appreciate it i'm gonna put a bunch of light up there it'll be like a homing beacon i know that the home is displayed really big on the hud anyway and we don't need that at all but but you know for realism's sake yeah yeah yeah man yeah yeah man oh you you did my you survived when mark and i died then you survived to fall to hell well you died in the fall to hell but then you survived i mean i jumped into an enormous pit so maybe genius is too strong but then i got myself out of the pit that i jumped into yeah it's pretty neat yeah dory i'm gonna put some uh fire on and get some well i don't have any fresh meat so i'm i'm not gonna put anything on it but it's some not fresh meat going definitely i saw some blooms now i'm eating some bloobs it's a good day hey we got a lot on the drying rack that's probably ready to go so that's good okay i've got something to hang on the drying geckos never dry is it just me or these things never dry i i don't know if they are bugged or what oh no you store them you grab the dried leather they stay in your inventory you got to eat them from so they're all good oh wow i have three dried lizards oh that's nice i'm going to just get some more light in this place because it is you know it's a little too gloomy we need to we have a big bonf never mind we no longer have a big i don't know where that went that that disappeared before we came here i'm just going to put some nice decorations you guys are going to love these all right thanks man okay that's a little more homey i got a bunch of meat my dudes your meat bro it's coming in hot and heavy just hot okay i see all of the delightful light that you've created in our home delightful i like this hey what's up dudes hey huh just coming up you know wanted to say hi are you up here where are you you up here i just got here i just i'm downstairs i just got back did you guys care to take a siesta are you making a couch up here hey listen i'm just hanging out you know you need seven deer skin huh pretty expensive investment no well yeah i had most of them i just you know i don't share with you guys it seems like you were missing six i put one in there for you oh well i appreciate that that's nice that's nice we can share when you're done so we can both snuggle on it together oh my gosh guys look at the lamp up here it's adorable are we sleeping am i screwing up sleeping well bob mark's on his way back up now i'm going down his way down to me i'm down we're sleeping all right one of three sleep let me i'm gonna save just in case like the game crashes or i don't know it's on the off chance yeah oh my god all right next cave i know exactly where it is ready here we go oh man i think going in right now honestly we're probably better prepared for the next game than we were that one but no i think we need a breather from the cave but i'm not gonna call you on your bluff i think we're ready all right i'm gonna call you on your bluff i'm gonna i don't know what i'm gonna do but you're bluffing all right uh i'm gonna go hunt some animals that's what i'm gonna do lots of rest i'm with you i'm with you they're hard to see in the tall grass i should turn down my grass detail are slang shots good for uh deer two slangs uh they'll stun them if you if you slingshot them they'll stop moving like when you hit them with a regular weapon so it's a good way to like stick them in place there's other animals we need to harvest for things we should find some boars and uh crocodiles i don't know what else we needed i don't remember crocodiles are there flying oh yeah there was a thing in our journal about them somewhere i just killed this one's friend bunny right next to it oh that's so sad man i wish your inventory didn't or your weapons didn't take like an hour and a half to change holy nailed it i am really good at killing these bunnies now i am we need more rabbit skins for stuff i don't know i'm just killing them for fun man you can make like pouches and things i would assume the rabbit skin might be useful i do a small rock bag i'm sorry you're just explaining that you derive pleasure from murdering rabbit's mark i was trying to people were stopping me i got a quiver how do you do bow graphic that was easy the arrows seem like a pain in the i don't know how you get feathers oh you can make a warm suit from skins too yeah we definitely need skins baby whoa i made bow arrow i need more feathers god i gotta kill beer bag in a warm suit die bird die did you make a warm suit wait no no no no no no the amount of stuff you have to get for that's kind of ridiculous no [ __ ] birds they don't know what's hitting them oh my god these stupid birds oh my god these birds are wrong with you birds stupid idiots are you just like shotting the [ __ ] out of some birds [Laughter] [Music] oh no i found a deer that's not broken that runs away when i stab it oh man how are you gonna kill it before it teaches the others how to survive give me a bird i need feathers to make arrows why is that why do arrows take five feathers that's ridiculous dunk right out of the air you take five feathers because you make five arrows wow hello all right dude i didn't know that it was amazing oh i have so many arrows oh my goodness gracious i am just absolutely laden down with delicious meat my dudes dude i'm soaking in bird meat and rabbit meat they have no idea literally i'm making them go extinct and i am happy about it they deserve it for how stupid they are exactly that's what i've always said oh wait the rabbit trap looks like it tripped is there a rabbit in here oh know i need to steam you caught an aloe plant that's not how this works yeah we caught an aloe yes i don't understand i don't know man i'm done serious i wish i could like you guys i won't take it out you guys are just ghosts check out the rabbit trap when you get a chance you're right mark we did we caught it hello yeah didn't even know those could uh be captured like that i thought you had to grow them or find them what are you talking about don't be crazy those are hard to get you could farm the aloe like [ __ ] we need aloe so bad i don't know yeah maybe so yeah how would we get seeds from it you just gotta find enough of them right there's definitely a place on the island where there would be seeds of those kinds well should we harvest this one see if we can get seeds yeah definitely but i don't know if they have seeds they might not aloe seed i got an aloe seed oh yes we need to start an aloe farm i agree uh fyi there are eight more caves to explore oh my god i have not found you okay i saw it i made us another drying rack because we're literally so filthy rich with food that we can afford we need need [Music] oh my god the warm suit is sick bambi power wait you can make a stick bag oh yeah oh [ __ ] dude what do you need a stick bag what do you need to make a stick bag is that your skin rabbit skins cloth and rope really still rabbit skittles oh that's not bad yeah hell yeah my dude oh god it is one all right i've got a stick bag now oh i need rope god damn it you make rope with cloth right yeah i'm making it i just don't like beans you may make a rabbit we got that from the cave yeah a deer where oh next to me [ __ ] was that we got to finish your couch man get the deer oh there we go from don't worry i got him how did that hit me did i hit you oh sorry a rock just came tumbling over my head as if it was bounced off my back i don't know who did that that was weird let's get those stupid birds where are they i want birds i want to upgrade you're getting feathers where do you see feathers at the feathers are separate they'll like poof off of the bird you can also get it from just scaring the bird sometimes they'll fly away and be all [ __ ] yeah if you don't want to commit murder birder if you will good one man excellent one incredible so let's see about building expanding the like the upstairs part of the base or something yeah the upstairs part your part did someone start a farm out here should i start building a farm for the aloe oh yeah get that aloe planted for suresies oh this rabbit is dunzo why do these rabbits even try for how fast i know rabbits to be in real life these ones are idiots [Music] i mean i suppose after our adventure in the cave feeling any sort of positive about ourselves is good i'll just make like a big aloe farm right here why not man why not there we go how's that i think it's beautiful man i bought la blah bro i brought a bro i put i put i put this i put the all right i got a log here all right mark you might put that together for me thanks don't buddy there you go it's all done it's all done all right all right good work good work you're good you got it all done all right okay boss we'll go fill up the logs all right we have one aloe seed planted hey it's a start so mark where did you say aloe vera typically spawns edge i've seen it before in where the uh the plane lands so i don't know if it's still there i just tried on a single player uh little level and there was plenty that was around that area but again i mean it makes sense it would be over there no wait there's more aloe right here it's spawning down here now oh hell yeah there's two more plants of it right here oh do you want to try to collect it bob to see if you can see the seeds separate sure where are they literally i'm standing on it like right now that's a rock for me what weird and so and where uh i'll just collect them then i got one more seed and two aloe vera oh [ __ ] son how do we make a plaque oh so aloe seeds are right next to the blueberry seeds in your inventory they look the same but it's like a separate pile all right well i have 30 blueberry bush seeds but i don't think i have any yellow okay i'll keep looking for aloe and then i guess if i'm the only one i'm the aloe whisperer oh i saw aloe i caught aloe that's true you did catch them in the bunny trap okay bob thoughts on this oh wow that was sick i like that that's awesome yeah too high up you want a little lower um well we could build this platform over so it's sort of all in one level we can do that i think that makes sense yeah we can do that we can make that happen i can make that happen for you i can make that happen for you make my dreams come true i will make you absolute beefcake of a man thank you what's happening here sounds awfully uh you don't need to worry about it someone like you just doesn't need to worry about it can you define the parameters of someone like me a person with your staff yeah yeah all yeah but bob's calling me i know that's the point no whatever exactly your height is that's the problem height i understand you don't need to anyway bob i'll make this for you i appreciate that do it i don't get why you don't get sticks from cutting down trees i know i feel like that would make plenty of sense most annoying thing in the world there's so much invisible aloe vera i can collect all of a sudden i what the hell happened you saw it so now you have like this the sixth sense you could see aloe vera i can't even see it but i'm just walking around and i see seed icons and i'm just glad i figured there's a name for that phenomenon i forget what it actually is oh hey look more aloe it's just what is going on it's everywhere wait do you want to help with this project of making uh bob's home even more glorious well sure yes do you want uh healy bandages that help keep you alive i wouldn't mind that's pretty cool yeah that's pretty cool oh my god it became dark it is very dark uh i can't even see um let's see what bedtime looks like it's a bedtime almost bedtime you guys want to snooze yeah yeah we could make a big snooze yeah no i know snooze and then finish up this gazebo how snoozy is snooze like times it's like if you've got that size slice of pie you'd be disappointed by how small it is left yeah so if you've got that slice of cake you might be okay with it because cake's inferior to pie is cake infuriated pie though yeah is it really though yeah yeah that's that's what you said like our wedding cake was really good but like in general cake is just like brownies are better better pie is better guys cut into the wedding pie she's sleeping now i'm sorry yeah look i love me a good pumpkin pie there's like nothing there but when you got things like cheesecake like you really can't make that many comparisons to how pie even just a good chocolate cake oh yeah it's basically superior to any fruit-based pie not even close yeah a good like double chocolate cake there's no way that on the whole all pie is superior to all cakes that's probably true there's the shitty pies oh yeah and they're shitty there's good don't get me wrong yeah but we're if we're comparing the greatest pot total yeah if it was like a game and it was pie versus cake like battle she always wins but i don't know man dude death battle takes characters at their peak of their power that's what they do and it's the only thing that can make it fair even if you don't even know if the best cake is better than the best pie though what would you call the best pie yeah what would you call the best buy i don't know i've had some good like see i'm simple man i like i like my dutch apples with the caramel drizzle i don't know okay so you're a fruit-based pie guy right is this what you're getting i'm not talking meat pies or you know no it's fruit based as opposed to like chocolate or pumpkin or coconut pumpkin pie is good pumpkin pie is up there but i don't know there's something about like a good apple pie that to me is a like s z tier either why the apple pie is eater apple pie is merely like tolerable to me like apple pie is good the fact that it can be made better by a scoop of vanilla ice cream does not make a strong i would argue cake can too cake doesn't need ice cream okay and it can be made of ice cream yeah it can be improved by ice cream let's remove the ice cream really good milk any ancillary items it would have to stand up on its own to have any qualifications like i i consider pumpkin pie the best with whipped cream but i i don't think i can add that on there just to make that pie i don't know what kind of sociopath pumpkin pie without whipped cream i know i know it's kind of a given i know yeah but the same with ice cream and like dutch apple like a slice of a scoop of ice cream with some apple pie like that that's what i'm saying together look at all the pairings like just a cake like the perfect cake is just like uh it's a life-changing experience well yeah if you fight aquaman in the ocean he's going to have the advantage but like who's picking aquaman that's just a nonsense straw man argument you can't put the pairings together with what goes well with pie i don't know i feel like you're well if you're high it's inferior cake doesn't need anything cake is the superior cake i would still take the pie cake can have ice cream in it cake can have jam in it kate can have just ice cream all those options ice cream cake i was considering those i i think the range alone cheesecake itself is just so good it is like it really is horribly good we talked to that baker in portland on tour what what was the decision cheesecake is definitely cake oh it's definitely okay okay maybe if if that qualifies as pie which i might be able to still remember wave you were there for that do you remember that i just forgot i don't remember what he said but i do remember having a weird discussion and we were like all by it yeah i i feel like the definitive answer was cheesecake was cake because the baker had some specific reasons they listed off yeah probably some something in the creation process but i forgot i like carrot cake is game over for me if there's carrot cake carrot cake i might go out of my way my groom's cake at our wedding not our wedding mark but my manny's wedding uh was a carrot cake and it was delicious yeah it was so good i don't recall it oh who hates carrot cake oh my god everyone in chat who thinks carrot cake is bad your opinion is wrong get you'll get your chase get your taste buds replaced because something is going on with you oh my god someone just said cheesecake tastes nasty just like go away like whatever cheesecake's really hard to qualify because there's so many variants exactly you get to have your pick like not everyone's a new york style cheesecake kind of guy but red velvet cheesecake from and that's like a mixture of like all the goodness so you get that from cheesecake factory red velvet dude that hershey chocolate one with the chocolate chips on it from like god i want to go to cheesecake i've not been to a restaurant in so long around a year since i've been to a restaurant soon people probably but like you see most people but i see a lot of people gotta be at restaurants most people i care to talk to all right so i i have to i have to like raise a qualification someone's in the chat was just like you dude vegan oreo cheesecake is bomb and i'm like i don't doubt you i don't like and i'm not questioning veganism at all but i'm just like there's no way vegan oreo cheesecake tastes better than straight up oreo cheesecake yeah like tofu chicken wings too and they weren't bad but like it wasn't i'm sorry are you talking about melts tofu chicken wings because if you're talking about melts tofu chicken wings i have an issue because they're amazing i've i've never even added they're not amazing they're not great yeah they're not amazing for tofu chicken wings they're amazing as a thing to eat they have a they were great right if there were no chickens in the world and i really wanted chicken wings i would eat one again but whilst i have an option another option i shall jesus christ yeah yeah i cut down a big o yeah now i have had a like an incredible like just straight up i think vegan pie or vegan cake like a no egg no milk kind of cake and it was delicious don't get me wrong but i'm just saying animal murder cake it's like totally possible to make vegan baked goods that are really delicious and i am 100 on board with that but i feel like it gets a bad rap at least in my from my perspective because i watch a lot of cooking shows and whenever it's like a baking show or even just like chopped or something like a cooking competition yeah whenever there's a person who's like yeah i'm all vegan or like i'm all whatever i'm vegetarian or whatever i i always kind of like root for them also they frequently are not as good which like maybe it's harder which is entirely fair but i feel like that's a bad representation because it's so it's so doable to make delicious satisfying vegan vegetarian food there are definitely some delicious vegan recipes and stuff like that i've i've had some myself but when you come from like like a professional chef with a diverse palette like you're basically like handicapping yourself from many flavors uh when you're like i'm gonna make only vegan and it's not that you can't make those vegan recipes amazing like some people have and some people will and more people will always do that but yeah but a lot of those cooking competitions they do run into that trouble anyway we seem to have beaten way down so yeah the hot's still opinion uh by a two to one vote is that cake wins and pie is in no way superior to cake yeah i'm gonna have to give a big vote i'm gonna use my one a year big vote here you're a big boy vote i'm using my big boy vote to make a tie all right we accept that you think that pie is better than cake yeah if you want to say that you think it's disgusting and you like experience well yeah that's acceptable yeah just to say that all pi is better than all cake that's just not true it's just not i don't know how you objectively do that but like yeah i that's totally fine i've just never been a big cake person i've always found cake maybe it's just the way i've had cake where it just always seems dryer like brownies are usually nice and moist like fresh baked cookies are so good i think all cake is dry but yeah you've only had shitty cake because it's been sweeping generally like if your experience is that cake is dry that's just shitty cake yeah cake is supposed to be as moist as brownies maybe a little less but with the icing mixed in like it's supposed to be very moist not at all dry yeah it just sounds like you've had like meyer or kroger brand cakes from their bakery good cakes come on now i haven't had kroger cake in a while maybe they're good but my favorites cakes are delicious my experience has not been too pleasant i just know if i was like hungry enough for one dessert and there was a really good cake next to a really good pie or a really good cookie or brownie the cake would probably be the last one i would take that's crazy boom it's done holy [ __ ] i'm just out here filling up the sludge all right well there's no more aloe spawning so i can come help you guys boom look at this look at this king of the castle okay what is that wow yeah nice this is nice this is lovely look at the view this is beautiful man yeah it's pretty cool wow i think there's a job well done man wow well the wind uh effect up here is a little intimidating yeah it's blowy oh my god you could just cut a hole do not go hold on hold on now what the hell you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 7,379,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the forest game, the forest, markiplier, muyskerm, lordminion777, mark bob wade, collab, multiplayer, online horror, scary game, crafting, survival
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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