the secret of the island... | RAFT

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
previously on raft okay look guys there's bees in here I don't trust these bees I don't think that's where our boat was either you're kind of the ex I'm gonna run around in I'll chop some little trees I saw a Bruns song one of three relay stations are now active Wade's making moves I'll be dead very soon we're out in the water you came back a horror monster what if you do your solo normally I don't know man no you're you're you're animation speed is like doubled because your breathing cycle is how much would you guys manage to get well between having to restock the things and I'd have to rebuild a bunch of planks we got net plus of 18 okay teens not nothing it's not much mark we don't have any planks in these grill the line rows no the little girls are not sufficient they're very inefficient maybe we should get rid of those and just make another large I don't think that's a good move I think that's a smart play I think that's fresh play okay I don't know what that I am my health went down what are you telling me a Robbie gives nothing I think that's right much Oh WeHo my god wait watching you is gonna make me throw up should we chug around and just try and get resources then should we do nothing laughs I think we have to we'll do another lap and then we'll get enough resources to go back on the island and then we'll all have bottles water we have 14 vine - I just made myself a water bottle I'm actually did you put the goo back in I only took out enough to make it okay I'm gonna make one of them up with the goo there's enough for another water bottle if you want it to come on make one for me I willed hand-deliver one to you hell it up would you I will make it fill it and I will give it to you and your cup will be no more you can abandon the cup I am gonna Chuck my clothes right in the top to refill the thing it's okay we have like nine million plastic and it's like free plastic I'm coming to give you a bottle oh it's down there you can get it Oh what what kind of half-assed service is this it's all the ass I know you don't need a cup you can you can you can fill these bad boys you don't need a cup but wait is a little mop see it Oh first off I know that's why I went fast wait why are you over there help with the shark I don't feel very fast and Wade you can fill one of these things with the plastic bottle it's much better than a cup so I don't even need the cup so what all you need right now there's it just would obviously would I think it's what we're hurting for but we could also use advanced stuff well that most of that stuff's what we get under the water if you mean like metals and things right yeah but I this quote-unquote island is gonna have this stuff but I gotta feel like there's there's some secret on this island Wade was discovering things and turning things on we got to do the rest of that we just look for stations and there's crates of stuff in the station's just nothing for water like you've learned the island Wade do you feel like you could stock up and go back into the islet and try all the signs literally pointing in the directions then all I did was follow the signs I think we should get back and close drop weight off and then leave him there is more story on this island and I want to get to it well I'm just saying I want to keep chugging the boat around okay I think one farm that's one of us should maybe grind food or two of us should go Island yeah well yeah yeah yeah yeah I definitely want two water bottles I'm going back to the island though I don't know why would you need two water bottles you get a full bar of water if you you could fill it up five jugs I would have to come back to the boat I couldn't do all four stations on one bottle thank this guy this guy I'll run out and I'll just grind I'll grind cooking what we've got and I'll just run the boat with planks and whatnot we've got plenty of food god you're so greedy I don't like the way you're anything I laid down but I fixed me am i fixed nope you're even faster I think I need to make another spear or is a machete better than spear I think a machete is better okay that old spear was definitely better than the wooden spear for the Bears I imagine the machete is even better I make a machete I made a machete so I'm good on weapon apparently killed that bird yeah I won laughs the word the word the word I'm gonna put more plants in these engines cuz you're about to run okay if you fill your water thing you then cannot refill the water we might need another bottle for refilling Thanks well I hear I've got my cup still I've not thrown out my cup myself another cup we have like a lifetime supply of plastic this technically we could make some more vine goo and make one more bottle only I hadn't wasted vine goo on making this stupid rebreather that did I don't have anymore cuz I died with it God my rebreather sound like your fault I'm not really one but myself like we're blaming people in that that's not very nice slamming myself how could you easily I'm an [ __ ] this is very pretty by the way guy got admit the island looks beautiful right now picturesque I know what a great ass weird that it's glowing and slightly opaque like a ghost island that doesn't really exist and that's going on is just us absorbing the curse of it but very pretty here comes a knife of barrels there's another barrel off the right side I'm too far away no you're not both of you suck no no I would have had that Bob thank you coming down over there whoa that is a place that you don't get it all right Bob those on me I killed this York waved it around watch there's a bird eating your vegetables no no not for long does a burden do okay I missed I'm really regretting this tall tall driving position now that I volunteered to run the whole boat by myself what fool you know what I'm just gonna put L where it belongs up tepee top II know I'm down here just just for ease of manipulation wait you almost ready you got food in your env2 E yeah I'm good all right 30 seconds God be with us that was a Saving Private Ryan joke for anyone who didn't know okay way to inform me of what we are going to get it's like the it's like the the big boat that we had to find stuff at so what did you find already I went up to the right and then to the right from the bear okay what that if that helps it didn't but I'll figure it out I'll be fine all right Jesus Christ look you can see a on twitch is real bad right now so I got to do this version you know you guys know okay let's go for six or go with me either way I'll go four and six if I need help at least I won't be seeing you do you want liquor there are no bears in these woods I don't know what you're talking about there you go got that hey the bear that's eating the berries is that just gonna be there forever yeah so the sign I follow us at ranger station and relay station two so I think actually I hit both of those already so maybe I'm gonna go toward relay station four and six as well okay I'm coming up on another sign yeah what makes sense though because there was three relays so yeah I guess I hit two things I think I'm going for a relay station four okay I'll keep an eye out for relay station six they're both kind of pointing in the same directions so I'm just kind of following the Sun yeah my sign in there point the same direction - Thank You bear whoa it's got a lunge attack that's not cool my seagull friend left because I try to murder on I've got the actual maniac song stuck in my head I can't stop you guys may not like it but this is what peak whoever the band is that saying that you're like oh Stone Age sounds like is and out on that state effect that one I'm that's right all right so I've had a sign that four and six split off I'm going for four which is to the right of design that I found okay so I'll go for six I have a feeling that I'm like right behind you who you probably are oh I see it oh my god this is scary as hell how do you the parkour use for the punk or not it's not really a parkour it should kind of like a fall are you it like the drawbridge mark yeah I'm at the drawbridge my advice would be don't do that alright six it is alright okay you up through a mountain pass like you went up along when you might wonder if you have to go to six first and then maybe god I'm so wealthy with things good I see it watching bear in the distance these things some of these were organized and someone waltzed in here and just absolutely diarrhea all over marks hard work I mean did Wade specifically screw it up the organization is for dweebs did you keep going the mayor's can lunge don't have you knew that first can you're like I know that problem you yeah they kind of like dive-bombed out uh out of the abyss Wow I don't know if I'm going right I'm just minding your own business then from from the fog this here I found a cave there's probably no bears in their maturity to get through the cave oh I have a machete I made a machete with you thanks what go towards the other place their shovels shovel bowls here plop my shove shove them shove it oh [ __ ] here it is dude dude dude dude are you doing it dude Bob I'm doing it I'm doing it for you doing it did food yeah I'm doing it for you save it for me you freaking monster there's nothing to encourage you not to [ __ ] up it's me chasing your ass yeah pretty much actually you do not know it's very scary I don't I haven't seen the clip Oh Bruns wrench okay one of three relay stations active what does that mean did you see that Bruns wrench and choose not to grab it yeah I left something for you man ice flipped a switch okay we got two notes okay this relay station is active so we need to get number four but how one of three active is the other one I did yeah so we just need to figure out a way to get to four there's got to be a way to jump that guy how'd you get up there there's a way to parkour up the back what OH is there anything up there it was a crate I got a full inventory from it alright cool so about that wrench what do we do with the wrench I even take it back to the ranger station but we're still missing one more tool that I'm imagining is it the other relay place okay so there's gotta be a way probably here like somewhere connecting here as a way to get to the other one that's what I'm do we have a fruit compost recipe it or is that new new fruit compote or compost compost what does it say Wade because fruit compost is not something that you eat comm pod this is kompot come you're the most uncivilized man fruit comp I come pot I don't know the cub pod ah it's the fruit pod yes I have to open inventory [ __ ] nope this island is beautiful this is not the way let me figure out the bridge no oh we're dumb way back they weren't no I'm going back down because I realized how to do it and I I'm not gonna say it until I do it in case something wrong I might be really really dumb can I go with you there are you still the case no I'm I passed the cave I'm coming back to the sign that splits up I'll wait for you you freak of nature there you are I see you jigglin Jesus Christ are things called Bruno's acts and things saw definitely pre are you Bruno's wrench absolutely on Bruno no all right hold on Bob the outrage can hold the first just a second you're about to do I know right like that's pretty smart boards this has got to be it right I can't pull it back but it's got to be something like this was a big brain oh man I wonder how many people got stuck on that we're almost done Bob we're almost done oh yeah many things don't worry about it all right uh when you go upstairs I got another note yeah that is Bruno's Bruno's hammer grunt why would it be Bruns oh you know common name Branagh okay we got a pipe we got PI there's nothing up here all right but the real ace ace o two seven five six we got pound two seven five six or more coordinates down to 75 oh that is a coordinate pound two seven five six okay all right head your head to the ranger station I'll I'll give this place a once-over yes you said five six caravan island caravan why is it crossed out in the journal it's crossed out I don't know I've never done deep island this is all new [ __ ] for me we just found little islands and try to get some goats weird two seven five six though that's pretty good all right Bob looks like it's clear here way do you need some more water or something before you go I should have enough take some watermelon just in case take those thank you yes are you good to go on the place yourself yeah that's fine okay Bob are you near the beach are you about to circle back I think I'm almost background all right I'll come back help with the ship and whatnot and Wade you finish the soft strong you do us proud okay you do us proud wait where's the beach I'm scared I don't know where you are right god I see you in the distance wait with my [ __ ] ankles I'm going to stab it in the bone I got right up the butthole right in the bottle boy man this thing's just a harvester yeah I'll take it back to the boat you go ahead uh here take this then just in case I need space alright see around buddy how how do I get to the boat um it should be to the left once you see the next signpost it should be the left to go down to the beach from there okay I trust you thanks babe I trust you oh I see the boat gets what it's right down there yeah Farquhar my way down we'll just go straight down the mountain nothing can possibly go wrong I'll catch you don't worry literally careening over the sides as we speak alright baby baby no who did dump everything yeah but he came through you're nicely organized chest and was just like listen not to distract but also this is a secret achievement note somebody read that while I try to make my way back I'm not reading it mark you have the voice that's like buttery flowers on a baby bottom read it you was a voice he's right oh this is not in the game yet oh alright we just see a bunch of time doing a thing that's not at all no no the next parts not in the game apparently Caravan Island the thing we just got coordinates for is apparently not a thing yet okay I'll read this real quick I'll give you the Cliff Notes version of it first entry lefty the auxiliary boat I'm sorry Bruno they're all alone out there second entry Albert to him is to contact someone they sounded foreign but they might have been the Navy ask them about you they didn't seem like they were receiving number six went underwater left a message in case can't be so bad this is Bruno signing off Albert day I found your wrench out by the clearing did you leave it there is this some kind of game I know it's been rough on you being stuck out here but I think Cruel please if you're here I just want to talk fourth entry number three is gone but I'm fine I'm not angry Alberta you keep saying I'm angry I'm not angry just tired you keep hiding from me birthday I know you're here someplace no matter the water will drive you out Henry says I shouldn't say that but it makes me feel like a right old bastard but you left me here and I'm sorry but it's just the way things are okay fifth entry how did Vonnegut put it something about not enough people you keep telling me I need to go Albert a but you're just not enough people eh I don't even know if you're anyone else you remember how the guys used to pull our legs back at Central one guy two paychecks ha ha ha but maybe they were onto something Albert a six entry Miranda made a scene the other day said Henry is getting too clingy Errol likes to push her buttons but I know how she can get she hasn't done anything but Jesus that woman scares me Bobby says we should have talked with her about it but he won't do it so what the hell is good is he Albert day I found your harness but it looks in bad shape I worry about you um oh there's more okay Errol's gone Miranda likes to act like nothing happened but we know better we all know better except Bobby's gone awful quiet Henry won't talk about it but Bobby I can tell he's worried the trip will think I'm too quick to point fingers that he'll turn up but they don't know Errol he's helpless without anyone holding my hand my hair's getting thinner sometimes I mumble back what I just said just to hear me say Henry's right I'm turning into my father a thin tree I'll birthday I don't think anyone's coming I think Errol is gone for good - Henry says I oughta make a choice the others they won't make it here it would be cruel to leave them now that Bobby is useless they don't know this place they were just born in it I'll leave as soon as they've all gone Henry keeps saying I'm doing the right thing but with the water it's getting higher in the generators mostly gone - my father called me the other day asked me if I'm coming home but he's been gone for years and I don't know if I'm not just desperate 9th entry Henry - and I took the auxilary boat I'm sorry Albert I am here all alone out here Bruno alright well that's a whole saga oh god wait back eyes even faster wait you really shouldn't have touched Bruno stuff man man Bruno really did a number on you man the question is what was in the ranger station the last note I got it was I so I had to put tools on the little tool shelf or whatever and then it dropped onto the floor and just revealed a note so god I guess was the big secret the big thing was those coordinates that I guess lead nowhere yet yes so the question is all these extra things that they got us like the biofuel refiner the bio fuel tank the pipe what is it for like a battery engine fuel source right probably Oh what if we put the honey in the research thing did we try that I did not yeah see if we can make a honey jar yeah because unfortunately seems like we may be approaching the end of the content that's here but there's a lot of like crafting stuff left to discover yeah we haven't encountered any of the animal islands and we haven't done the puffer fish stuff we should chug along and try and find some more islands I think so where did the honey go anybody get the honey oh I might have moved it up to the food okay there we go and then honey okay we researched honey Oh bee jar hope you catch the bees and the bee jar ah-6 honey Jesus Christ okay all right okay all right are we leaving this island or now and let me come how to get bees sweep sweep net the of course useful for catching bugs all right fine then take this goo and make a sweep net and then you go run off and get us some bees baby I'll take a walk into the distance life it just makes you want to sing yeah and a little Home Slice that your skillet baby baby I will never call you skillet baby why my lychee I don't know and try to be just born this way did you say born this way I did isn't it awesome I want to die I thought maybe you guys would appreciate that one my leg itches all right back on a mission what do I do with the bees once they're in the net hey I don't know if you remember that well I remember now give it's a tiny bit of Health it's very small but they do it's just yeah but I guess soup would be a smarter way right I mean we just need clay for bowls which I think we have a pretty good stash of clay anyway yeah let me go find the clay so once the bees are in the net I don't put them in anything right I just have bees just get the bee I don't know man just get a bead I got four plus four B jar and I got stung love it get the bees we do not have enough clay oh really we have play bricks we we don't have clay Oh Frick well the potatoes are still valuable for the soup we just need a hidden island where we can grab up some clay yeah we do Wade you got those bees I've got four the other ones are being [ __ ] are too high what you're tall what do we do with bear heads can I wear three bear heads probably no I cannot wear three bear heads go back home Bears be with your people in the sea maybe we camouflage with the bear heads they never would have known you're wearing a bear head this is true they wanted to kill me just as much if not more they really did how many bees do we need I'll get as many as you can they just they won't land make Oh hardly distracted by your greatness come and give me once and twice and thrice talking about you mad be human only to lure the bees you mad human why would they want honey they make honey use a vacuum what I'm sorry who recommended them Oh a shed someone who doesn't want speaking privileges no more I have 19 B jars is that enough yeah yeah that seems good what do you mean using the bees doors we're gonna make beehives in that way we can make honey on the go okay is it like a thing we're like once we have one started we can know if the bees [ __ ] I asking me that is that what you're asking me I don't know we didn't bee to like yeah man you know dude I don't know I can hope and I wish but I don't know I caught a lot of bees I hope there was a queen in there somewhere does it kind of like yeah you know I don't know I'm thinking about it just as much as you are but I don't know everyone needs to calm down and stop talking about bees banging I'm pretty sure that's not how it works whoa who put a lantern up by the up by the cooking stuff look at that that's been there for since I was in the cooking it's a good idea I'm glad that that happened thanks man thank you why are these mango trees not growing at all are they done maybe I made a mistake you did job and now I'm back we made a mistake that we waited for you is that what you're saying probably because now you look at my twitchy self again are you really alright thank you wait your job services is something sighs okay Bob give him a medal I don't know wait I have something to present you with right here then you for your outstanding service to our raft and ordination I give you wait stop the ceremony [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,702,471
Rating: 4.9778562 out of 5
Keywords: raft, markiplier, markiplier raft, raft part 8, raft gameplay, raft funny moments, raft multiplayer, raft island, raft ending, raft secrets, raft truth
Id: O5O2-oGvACM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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