Be the best YOU! | Independent Woman University | Tony Gaskins

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hey tony guys here popping in now hmm i'm i'm thinking i'm gonna get this video up on sunday night and sunday sermon was earlier today y'all know my sunday sermons it's no interruptions you know no ads on there just straight through just a word because i don't i can't control what type of advertisement show on on the video so i'd never want something that's nasty or secular showing on the sunday sermons but somebody said that youtube finished start putting ads on videos that we don't even select for monetization so if that started happening on the sunday sermons y'all let me know it's not a sunday term but y'all let me know um because if they do put ads on that better room in my check but what i want to pop in about and talk to you about is i i noticed um i did a video the other day and what what a lot of times you don't realize is when i do a video and i talk for an hour i could talk on that subject sometimes two three four hours because it's so many caveats and nuances it's so many layers to it and so you know god gives so much revelation to you if he calls you to speak on something so what i want to help you understand is when i was talking about when i said you know stop looking for a husband or something like that the video was called and i posted it on saturday january 2nd if you didn't get to see it make sure you go back and see it but what i was talking about is there are changes that a woman has to make there are changes a man has to make in order to attract our spouse and but what some people what some women that video was to women was what some women take it as is oh i have to do all of this secular stuff for a husband oh i have to wear tracks oh i got to get a sew in oh i got to get a perm and that never came out of my mouth but what i am saying is you have to present yourself the best that you can be that don't mean change and be like somebody else it means enhance yourself and even in in the bible and and so many women say you know well god is gonna send my husband regardless of what i look like but even in the bible the women were presented meaning they were put together they weren't just looking like raggedy ann looking like who shot john and forgot to kill him bro busted and disgusted and then a man just come and say ooh i want you no they took care of themselves you know when you was reading i think it's in the book of esther one was booker elster maybe it's the book of esther where they when they talk about like the queens and how they prepare and i ain't saying doing all that but it was like the six months in the in the oils and perfumes six months into juices and berries and it was like getting all the way ready and that's something a little different but the point still remains is that as humans if we want our spouse and just like the point that i made saying you know i had to change things about me for my wife like i can't expect my wife to be okay with a man with six gold teeth dreads long goatee you know talking all crazy and raunchy and nasty i had to present myself so when you see me today i look totally different than if i had six gold teeth right now with dreadlocks and uh long long old goatee just on the bottom we used to grow this here we used to grow this out real long that was all the dope boys all the thugs down here in florida we just had this right here not before the beers was in we just was the goatee everybody would grow our this right here long everybody grilled up everybody all kind of jewelry oh it's still all the jury and all that today and the day nice the big beards but it's like even with the big old beard that a lot of men wearing and a lot of men that a lot of women have grown to like we men always been able to grow facial hair but somebody made the beards a trend it could have been you know james harden it could have been rick ross and now when you take the beers off the men look totally different so some men grew a beard to hide or mask or cover something that they didn't like about themselves so insecurity and then women started saying beers are sexy but guess what my wife don't like beers when i grow my hair and start to get thick she ready for me to go to the barber shop and the reason why is because she also is a biomedical science major so she understand bacteria she understand that bacteria cultures and that we really not men ain't really getting all the way up in that beard to that skin and moisturizing and getting that skin good and clean you know and getting all the dead skin off of there we let some water run through there yeah we tangling some you know put some little stuff in this part right here but we really ain't partnering getting all the way to their skin so my why she think about cleanliness and how many bacteria cultures in that big old beard especially when men you know don't like to take baths don't like to take showers and brush the teeth all the time think about it if any of y'all ever grew up with a brother or you got a son how many times that boy tried to skip that bath you went in there he says he's moving the water around he's standing outside of the tub he got the shower running and he's standing he's sitting on the toilet and the shower running you think he took a bow and then tomorrow he's smelling like a out a back alley and you like i made you take a bath i mean you're going to take it back why you smelling like that because he didn't get in that water the water ain't touch him and so that's what my wife she's thinking about so guess what i had to change myself i had to present myself yes you could see me and see the canvas but it's like listen hold on bro like what you trying to do it's basically the vibe i got from him like listen this is not you like this not cute like all right let's get this together and so that's human nature and so when i said so understand that when i'm saying there may need to be a change that you may need to make i'm not saying i'm going against the word of god and and you got to be secular and have your booty hanging out and breast hanging out and all of that what i'm saying is you have to understand your best self your best look and present you present you at your best so if you've been one way and it's not working for you try something different try something new that doesn't mean that you got to go and get cosmetic surgery uh if doing a new hairstyle ain't cosmetic surgery you ain't got to go get a whole booty put it installed that's not what i'm saying what you have to remember is you are enough but it's many versions of us so i am enough but if i take and just let just go to popeyes every day and i eat popeyes every day and i don't i stop going to the gym and i drink mountain dew and coke all day what will happen to me what will happen to me so so yes that's still me it's still the same body it's still the same mind it's still the same brain it's still the same dna but there are so many more versions better versions of me so when i say you may need to make a change that don't mean that god ain't on the throne because god required that we change god required that we put ourselves together that we present ourselves the body tell us our body is our temple jesus uh when when apostle paul wrote to the husbands love your wife as christ love the church and present her blemish and spot free so what that means in that context okay a theologian could probably try to tell you what they think that mean but for me the way i read that spiritually is adorn your wife like shower your wife bless your wife like wash her with love heal her heart meaning you should be loving her not hurting her and when you doing that now you loving her you blessing her the way christ loved church christ bring blessings bring grace mercy favor forgiveness love compassion understanding so that presents us white is snow whole renewed refreshed so when i read that that's why i do my wife the way i do her and a lot of people you know may not understand it but my mindset is like listen if they make a hat and my wife like hats i don't want to get a 12 hat if i if my budget can't afford a 1200 hat nah that might not make sense for you because your budget fit the twelve dollars now if my budget could only afford twelve dollars i'm gonna get the twelve dollar hat instead of a two dollar hat if my budget can only afford two dollars imma get the two dollar hat instead of the 20 cent hat you see what i'm saying i want to get her the absolute best that is available the best material the best brand the best look the best quality the best because she is my wife and i want to present her blemish and spot free in every aspect of the word with my love with my quality time with my attention with my affection with everything gifts everything i want her to have the max of what god has allowed me to provide so that's what i need you to understand is we are even as believers supposed to work on ourselves apostle paul said i buffeted my body he said i take care of myself because of the work i got to do so it's no that's why the bible in the old testament had rules on what you should eat and not eat why because that affects your body that affects your brain that affects your energy the bible was giving you nutrition advice you you were eating beans and uh you know the lentils and the the vegetables and certain types of meat and then you come on in and and then jesus start to say in the new testament everything on this earth that my father has pro is clean for you you bless it through the father and it's cleansed you know what jesus started to come and tell you okay but here the bible was telling you how to take care of your body when you go and you read in the old testament and you read the descriptions of how to make the robes and the clothes even down to how the ark should be built and how to build the temples like god very detailed very very detailed god ain't sloppy god ain't messy the bible say everything ought to be done decent and in order so understand don't feel like that you looking good and you working on your body you working on your image is secular and of the world you think the lord won't you walk around here looking broke busted and disgusted how is somebody gonna see the peace of god the peace and prosperity of god and you looking like you just fell off the back of a train or runaway train at that that the conductor fell asleep because he a wine bibbler a drunkard like the bible tell you not to be that's the bible again telling you don't be sloppy don't be no drunkard don't be no wine bibbler the bible tell you like look you could drink wine jesus turned water into wine but don't be no wine bibbler don't be no drunker i don't know if it's a bible or not y'all forgive me just sound just feel good to me right now get my computer on just because i have doing a random google searches but listen to what i'm telling you the bible decent in order and and look at that now read the descriptions of the people that god used the people that he called now listen not in the grand scheme of things based on our society and what our the society deems as attractive what they were may not be attractive to you so i ain't just saying that god only used good looking people but who was it um solomon that was the bible say with head and shoulders above everybody else meaning taller see what i'm saying look at samson muscles strong now he had long hair that delilah came in got off of him you said i mean did it sound like david was unkept did it sound like joseph was unkilled did was esther was esther a queen did it sound like esther was unkempt did it sound like she's ever walking around looking like who shot john and forgot to kill him so y'all have to get beyond getting offended when somebody say you gonna have to grow you're gonna have to change you're gonna have to work on yourself if you have not attracted your spouse go back to the drawing board and look at okay is it me or does god have me in protective custody right now because it's not my time it's not my season so understand a lot of people now when you're looking to critique you won't hear this you may not need to change a single thing it may just be god's timing and you have to pray for the wisdom and knowledge and understanding the clarity the revelation to know if god has you in protective custody in this season let me say that again you might not have to change a single thing it just may not be your season and you have to get clarity on that so that you can have peace in and out of season in this season so understand this now okay a wine biver it ain't bibbler y'all forgive me i i said well i know i'm probably tearing it up and that is a habitual drinker of alcohol okay you know what the bible tells you not to be okay so that right now what they say you are what they used to call you a sloppy drunk that's how some people walk around looking sober you sober and look like a sloppy jump so how you gonna attract who you want if you not taking the time and attention to your detail like present yourself like somebody love you like you love you i remember a lady came to me and she said tony i ain't met my husband yet and i'm i'm waiting to meet my husband now i offended her she got offended but when i seen her later she had made them changes because she realized she realized well i might as well try so i sent her a question now and then that question now it was some superficial questions in there like do you get your hair done do you do your nails do you paint your nails you uh do you clip your nails it was some questions in there like do you wear makeup it was a question in there and a whole lot of it came back no i don't do my health listen listen just out of cleanliness just out of cleanliness who do you think want somebody who nailed look chewed down who nails look like you is a beaver and you just like your little beave a little squirrel you just said nothing and see that's the thing when the bar get raised like okay when the bar get raised you can't be under the bar now so yes you you yourself are enough but don't get that twisted to me your complacent self your lazy self your effortless self present yourself as your best that you could be today and then get better tomorrow so it's kind of like this right here okay clear meals okay now you see here side profile all right now i got me to look good that i'm trying to get rid of nah now if i was on here life coaching you feel man and if i was gonna hear life coaching now oh lord my bottle one clothes y'all forgive me because you don't get my water in you know why i'm gonna get my water in i'm trying to be healthy now if i'm on your life coaching and okay i'm on your coaching night i'm gonna hear coaching and here i come now listen see what you got to do is you need to get your life together you need to work on you that's what your problem is you ain't working on you you'll love you now if i come on here guess what you nah listen ain't not i ain't saying nothing wrong with me having no stomach but you're gonna but are you gonna see me the same as you see me right now the way if you look at me and you see your little chest you see your little arm and you see okay all right he ain't all the way eight pack but he taking care of himself to a decent amount like he you could tell he trying to do something for his body so if somebody come talk to you about taking care of yourself who you going to listen to somebody who didn't let themselves go or somebody who take care of yourself if you single you getting ready to get married which one you gonna choose now let's just be all the way honest and real about this thing and stop being so offended in complacency now listen okay nah look at my nails all right you seen my nails okay why i cut my nails for me now come on now all right so this my hand okay this is my nails forgive me if i got my little fifth grade dirt under them then my nails they pretty much clean right now okay now i need my cuticle clip but i don't like going to the nail salon because they always cut me so my wife clipped my nails for me because every time i click them i'll be the fifth member of jagged edge almond they'll be jacking i'll be scratching and snagging clothes and everything so she does a better job than me so she clipped my nails for me okay now if you going on dates and you sitting there and the man is talking and his nails is clipped and they clean not but then you go on another date and you talking to the man and his nails are not clear they longer but it's black dirt under them just off aesthetics alone which one you gonna lean to which one you gonna choose when you look at the whole package one of them got dirty nails and he just he just eaten he eat he can stop working out and so now he then let himself go with dirty nails all right he goes to smile hey how you doing and all his teeth is the color of this logo his teeth the colors his logo now and with a little brown on it he got a couple of them that didn't rot it and then you go on a date with a man he smiled hey yeah so how you doing yeah and his teeth seem up appear to be white okay which one you gonna go with you see what i'm saying so listen this what i mean by when the bar has been raised if every man has dirty nails that's the norm but when you see a man with clean nails if you know anything about health and sanitation so now you like okay dirty nails mean you using your hands in the dirt or in dirty stuff and you not washing yourself okay clean nails mean you washing yourself do you see what i'm saying so here's the thing if you want to meet a man but the woman beside you gets her nails done so what that represents this what what it represents is a self-investment it ain't got to be long nails acrylic you know long and all of that to where the man wondering how do you wipe but just it's kept it look manicured it's kept and and what if she get a little color oh no she'd get them red or green or blue so now he see your hand that's gnawed down you can naught them down you know what do you like so yo what do you like to do for fun all right so that's you doing you that you the knowledge of nails down but then he goes on a date with a woman who hands is neatly kept and they manicured you could get on youtube and learn how to do this yourself i ain't got the budget uh tony i don't i can't afford that okay i am a such such job i ain't gonna say no job but then i got to hear about that oh you're trying to say that that profession doesn't earn enough money but that's what a lot of them say i can't afford it i can't afford it i can't afford this and we're going to talk about this on the group calls that we doing is kick off the year if you missed it unfortunately you missed it but i opened up the recorded calls um that you could sign up you could purchase the course to hit a recorded call but for rat9 it's the live call so it's the people who was really locked in paying attention read my emails that is a part of this right here and uh so listen so now this woman having her nails done is you're the same woman you got the same brain you got the same worth but just by getting your nails done it says something it says i budget my money to treat myself it says a nicer cleaner more manicured more professional look for the fingernails is available in the world and there's many different styles but i choose with i choose a rounded style so that and then not too long but with a nice color a neutral color but it just gives my fingernail a smooth all even color because sometimes your nail up under there may be brown you know it may be pink and white it just may look blotchy it may may look too pale so you may say boom with this neutral new color or you know just staple color or just standard color it just gives my hands a uniform look that looks clean looks classy or some women they want sassy they want jazzy they want prince prissy some women want different stuff but you're saying this man he's seeing he said okay this is available to a woman to do her hair to invest in products that is going to enrich her natural hair some women thought some women assume that when i say fix yourself up present yourself does that mean weave that that means lace fronts that that means no you can wear your natural hair you wear your natural hair look it don't mean get your nails done it don't mean get your nail done but you gotta ask yourself why aren't you getting your nails done that's the thing if you say i can't afford it it's places that do that for twelve dollars okay if you can't afford it can you afford a bottle of nail polish well no that's not in the budget i'm on baby step number one because i'm trying to have financial peace so there's no nail polish i can't afford nail polish i just got eaten and then i just lick them i lick them and that give them a shine this video not for you because you don't need to be worried about a man okay if you came forward nail polish you need to be focusing on you and some women get mad about that listen year 2021 this year the lord saying to me tony stop playing with people stop trying to cuddle stop trying to placate stop trying to pander and i ain't do much of it anyways already but i held back a lot of truth that could set the captors free this the year of truth this the year of of truth that's gonna set the count of free if you get mad scratch your booty and get glad come out your mouth sideways i see you're gonna be blocked anyway and so listen [Music] um one lady she wrote me telling me that i claim to be a man of god but i'm not a man of god because i'm telling women to be secular when did i say be secular do you even read the bible everything makeup jewelry all that was in the bible women presented themselves you hit me women took care of themselves all that was in the bible you read the bible and so listen i'm not saying drop it like it's hot if i tell you to go sleep with a man to convince him that you're his wife that's against the word of god me telling you to work on yourself me telling you to enhance yourself me telling you to beautify yourself what the saying used to say cleanliness is next to godliness and what your grandma used to tell you come on so understand this yes you are enough but you need to be working on the best version of you now listen when i put that pillow under my shirt now if that's the best version of me today so i could be that size but if i didn't already lost 10 20 pounds i'm making progress if i'm working on my eating habits am i working our habits then guess what three months from now that right now will be in here three more months that right there be in here three more months that right that'll be in here three more months that right they'll be in here you see what i'm saying so be the best you today but you working on you but here's the thing you have to know your season see don't bring me a deal see i don't want every deal because it ain't my time yet i don't want every deal i'm not worth enough right now for that kind of deal oh see you want to give me that deal right now because you see my trajectory you see where i'm going so you want to snag me up right now while you're getting for a low price and lock me into a long-term deal at a low price nope i don't want that deal see this the thing you got to take yourself off the market so here's the thing if you know that you working on yourself and you say listen okay i'm 50 pounds overweight i don't want the spouse that's for me 50 pounds overweight because i'm not where i want to be i understand i attract i attract what i am i want to get here mentally spiritually physically and then i'm gonna be open to who i attract in that season that is okay too now you may say well i want somebody to love me how i am right like this right here just like this right here if that's your choice you got to be willing to take what comes with that but if nothing is coming with it that also means you're not in your season that means you need to go back to the drawing board and keep doing work or because see listen nothing about god says complacency nothing in the bible is it tells you to be complacent nothing in the bible tells you to be less than your best nothing in the bible tells you to just settle for mediocrity no that so for those of you who try to pull the guard card up oh i don't have to do all that because god has my back and god's going to send my husband no you have to be prepared you have to be prepared and you have to be positioned for your husband god not finish because god loved him too god not finishing this good amazing man to a complacent lazy sorry woman if you being lazy if you saying i don't want to invest in myself i don't want to change my mindset to think abundantly to tell myself that i can afford it i want to keep telling myself i can't afford it i want to keep telling myself that i don't have it i want to keep telling myself that that is not necessary god is not a god of lack god is not a god of scarcity speaking god is not so god loved that man god want that man to find a wife so he could add favor to his life because the wife brings the favor but how are you gonna bring favor if you mediocre how you gonna bring favor if you settling for for the body that god did not design for you and you know that you got yourself to that place because of your pain or because of ignorance or because of abandonment or because of whatever it may be so you can't settle right there listen yes it's gonna be painful to change that's why we call it sacrifice you sacrificing to grow to be a better you so don't get stuck don't get trapped in a mindset of lack a mindset of mediocrity a mindset of scarcity because yes your and and what you got to realize everything is name brand people try to say you don't need name brand everything is name brand because everything you wear has a name so whether you shop at walmart or whether for your clothes or whether you shop at bergdorf goodman for your clothes all of the clothes have a name brand all of the clothes come from a company so people say you don't need name brand you have a name brand but if your name brand that you have makes their clothes with cheap fabric and they and when you wash it it fades or it shrinks and you are okay with that then you are being robbed because that t-shirt that you bought for five dollars cost five cent because the company bought it in bulk of ten thousand so they got it for five cent a shirt that's how they can sell it for 50 cent i mean for five dollars but five cent times 10 is 50 you pay five dollars so you paying 100 times you paying a 100 times markup what is that a thousand percent markup whereas the company who took the better cotton the better material and they charged thirty dollars for their shirt but their shirt cost them three dollars a shirt they marked it up times ten the other shirt that you bought that was so cheap it's a name brand too but the name brand doesn't take time or invest the money to have quality so while you're saying i don't need name brand you wearing a name brand but you wearing a name brand without quality and you are okay with that name brand that has no quality because you have a mindset of scarcity so how can you expect abundant blessings from god how can you expect a rich minded man an abundant ambitious minded man when you are trapped in a mindset of scarcity so if you have a scarcity mindset that allows you to settle for your level of income instead of an abundant mindset that says if i don't make enough to afford to take care of my skin or take care of my hair or take care of my presentation or to buy more quality clothes from a different name brand than the non-quality name brand i've been buying generic is still a brand it's called generic it's still a brand it's called walgreens bran instead of tylenol instead of at bill they just say walgreens or rite aid or cvs it's still a brand but they say listen we just love a couple ingredients i because that costs a little too much i don't know i got a little more money than us so we gonna get you the a setup for me but we left out the glycerine because that right now that costs a lot more so listen you could buy ours but you gonna get what you pay for because ain't nothing free in the world so yes that headache gonna last you a few extra hours because we left a couple ingredients i and then but because of your scarcity mindset you don't even have a tv or cable so in 10 years when your kid bleed you're gonna miss the commercial that says if you have been taking such and such trying to save money for the last 10 years and now you have a kidney bleed you are eligible for a cash settlement be due to a 300 million dollar lawsuit against such and such the generic brand that you were taking pride in because you thought you were saving money listen listen this world ain't doing us no favors you get what you pay for you get what you pay for there is a difference between the material louis vuitton makes their purse out of and the material michael kors makes their purse out of that is why there's a difference in the price if you had both then you can attest to this i've had michael kors purses for my wife i've also had louis vuitton person and chanel purses there is a difference in 12 months with normal wear that michael kors purse falling apart eight years later that louis vuitton purse still looked brand new five years or six years later that louis vuitton purse still looked brand new because there's a difference in the material you get what you pay for but if you say i'm gonna just settle and be okay here and i'm not going to get a higher quality of food of face wash of soap of cloth material for my shirt i'm gonna settle here because i want to save money and instead of me working on my business or working on a certification or or a degree so that my job can pay me more so that i could then earn more so that i could then afford more now see listen if it was the exact same if it was the exact same then it wouldn't be no sense in spending five dollars for a shirt when you can spend 50 cent for a shirt but if you buy a five dollar shirt and you buy a 50 cent shirt there is a difference and if you've done that then you know this so here's what i'm trying to tell you is if you want to attract your spouse you gotta become the five dollar version of you instead of being the 50 cent version of you you said i'm saying so listen you could be the see this thing you like to go to walmart and buy great value the great value brand because you say you saving money but that's also how you presenting yourself in the world you look like a generic brand to your potential husband instead of looking like a name brand but you can tell yourself that you've been to hate growth you've been to hate luxury you've been to hate paying a higher price i remember pastor said he said this this thing changed my life god rest his soul he say it's not expensive you just can't afford it he said that's not expensive you just can't afford it stop calling stuff expensive it ain't expensive you can't afford it so if ten thousand dollars is expensive to you do you think ten thousand dollars is expensive to warren buffett ten thousand dollars to warren buffett might be what 10 cent is to you it's relative but it's mindset warren said i don't want to be the same i don't want to live and die a social security number i don't want to live paycheck to paycheck i want to grow my wealth so to grow my wealth what do i need to do i need to get knowledge to get knowledge i have to buy a book if i can't buy a book i have to go get a library card and go check out the book to go to the library i have to walk or i have to draw that is a sacrifice okay that is action being taken to buy a book i have to spend money to get a newspaper i have to spend money to read the newspaper to get the knowledge i have to give my time i have to use my brain power all of that is action all of that is work all of that is sacrifice because you could be watching tv looking at commercials on tv y'all pay for cable and get commercials and don't complain youtube is free you get an ad on a video and you complain it's mindset you watching junk on television that gives you commercials every few minutes of stuff that you don't need and you don't complain why are you watching power or scandal that's gonna or whatever show that's out there housewives you come to youtube which is free getting knowledge that's going to advance your life change your life and you complain about seeing ads oh it's way too many ads it's mindset it ain't too many ads it's your mindset because one person is saying i'm getting knowledge that is tested tried and true from a seasoned professional that i don't have to pay him for an hour of his time the least i could do is hit the skip button when it says skip and if it's an unskippable ad the least i could do is watch an ad for this 15 seconds or how many of a second because this is a seasoned professional who this hour he is giving me he could have been rubbing his wife back but he here talking to me one person says that the other person said this is ridiculous this is too many ads this is way too many ads is mindset so one woman says you know what i want my husband to brush his teeth to floss his teeth to take care of his nails to take care of his hair to take care of his skin i want him to look healthy take care of his body i want him to be articulate i want him to be well spoken i want him to be well thought out i want him to be ambitious so guess what i'm going to take care of my skin take care of my hair take care of my nails take care of my body i'm going to be articulate i'm going to read books i'm going to study i'm going to take courses i'm going to be ambitious i'm going to get certified as a life coach even if i don't want to use it for the next five years i'm certified so i got another thing added to my name i have this degree or i have this trade this training you see what i'm saying it's mindset one woman says i'm not changing anything that's secular that is so secular to feel like you have to get dressed nice and you have to you know take care of your nails like i gotta do my nails to get a man you mean i gotta do something to my hair to get a man i'm not doing any of that but i want a man who is well kept put together well spoken ambitious man of god that don't go together that don't go together and see this what people don't understand oh so you're saying that i gotta spend eighty dollars for foundation no you spend eight dollars if that's what your budget is you spend 80 if that's what your budget is but guess what if you're gonna put the foundation on then learn how to put the foundation on so that you don't have all the flashback and every picture you take so then when you post it on instagram you look like casper the ghost your husband brought me to you on instagram he was like what like why is she blowing like that irritation why she getting the spf no flashback in her in the makeup it wouldn't cost that much mo like you could afford both of them but you just cheat minded so you got the one that got you got flashback so now your body brown and your face white you see what i'm saying it's mindset so guess what you may say tony i don't believe in makeup i don't want to wear makeup okay you don't want to wear makeup with the well you need to learn how to properly wash your face and to moisturize your face so that your face is the best face that god then gave you but so don't say you don't wear makeup but then you don't have a face routine that evens your skin and then he'll go some people ah well tony some people have alopecia and rosacea and some people have a condition that they have to wear weave and they have to wear wigs we're not talking about that because if a woman got vitiligo if a woman got alopecia if a woman got rosacea a man knows that he know that that's god-given he know that that's a blessing from god he know that that's natural beauty but if a woman don't have a face routine that she don't invest in the right face cleanser and moisturizer and as a result she is suffering from acne that comes from a lack of doing her research investing in a visit to the dermatologist to see if she needs a prescription for her face i had to do that i had a whole lot of acne but really what i wasn't washing my face but my parents took me to the dermatology he gave me a prescription for this bar called the panoxa bar i started washing my face with the pan arsenal bar it took off all the dead skin it took off a layer of dead skin it renewed my face up under that skin now all the black spots the blemishes was gone it renewed my skin rejuvenated my skin and then i knew you got to wash your face so i kept washing my face now some stuff is hormonal that's not what we talking about because it's already understood see what's understood don't need to be explained what's understood don't need to be explained so if you have something that cannot be changed that don't need to be explained we're not talking about that and i'd never say look don't wear no weird you can wear a wig i never said don't wear no weave you can wear weave and someone oh someone they have a condition where they can't grow hair or they don't have hair they got away with there's nothing wrong with wearing a wig but don't wear the wig and not comb it out don't keep wearing the wig and you not washing the wig and treating the wig and taking care of the weird hair so you walk around looking like you got spider webs on your head you walk around looking like you just stuck a fork in a you know in a socket if you want to wait wait wait wait don't wear your wig and your lace front like this take the time to look in the mirror and straighten your wig straighten your lace front get you invest in that little mirror that you can flip open to see if to see if the wind chill the wind gusts have moved that the lace it is women who say they want a husband and they walking around with that lay front like this that we all like they scratching in that thing i'm like listen get that together huh you gonna get a husband like that like you take a little more time that's what that's all i'm saying so listen don't ever think that i'm telling you that you got to go get a fake booty get a fake body that you got to be all fake that you got to be plastic i'm not that you got to be natural or that you got to have we i'm not saying what you have to go do what i'm saying is what you have to do is prepare you yes you are enough but be the best version of you so listen it's not secular to take care of your nails that it so if you want to do that yourself make sure you know what you're doing make sure you know how to take care of cuticles and that you know how to file and if you want to put a clear coat or no coat you just want the natural glare okay but still make sure your nail taken care of okay make sure you lotion in and you got that the elbow took care of make sure you take your kneecap behind your knees you see what i'm saying them ankles like make sure you prioritize you because what that says is i love me i respect me i cherish me and if you are coming into my life you have to come with the same energy if you just roll out the bed if you just roll out the bed and you don't do anything extra you ain't taking care like if you want to wear your natural hair make sure you get the products for your natural hair or you create a product for your natural hair you want to wear weed weed lay front make sure you get the product and you take care of that okay if you're not at your weight goal then and a man approach you but you're not you know you're not in the body that you're gonna be in then don't accept that man be if he's not what you want now if he what you want and he coming with good character then he loving you for where you act then that's your man but don't settle for this man when you know you ain't even who you want to be that's what i need you to understand hey this is tony gaffney now y'all forgive him i had the picture kind of head to come to my mind i deal with all kinds of stuff y'all forgive me for from a little laughter they'll forgive my i might try to cut it out we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 42,780
Rating: 4.9463086 out of 5
Id: Cx42SC2hCwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 25sec (3565 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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