For so called “Alpha Males!” | Man 2 Man

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ladies and gentlemen tony guys here forgive me forgive me you know i was coming home i was coming home and uh from my son's soccer game and you know we ain't got nothing else to do tonight had two games in one day so i had two games in one day won the first game nine to one tied the second game two to two he scored five goals in the first in his first game in his uh middle school game then he played in his club game after that and uh so we've done for the night but i say you know what i'm gonna hop on on here because the devil mad and when you make the devil mad see one thing about me when i see the devil when i see the double man oh often i'm gonna be on i'm finna be on his head you hit me with a devil mad and i'm gonna be on his head so therefore listen here you gotta see me some more you have to see me some mo you hit me when the devil match you got to stomp on his head you hit me because it's a work being done and the work that's being done right now is the work of real men to work that being a real man and when real men doing work you're gonna have the devil man and he gonna be you know riled up because it's a shift happening it's a change happening and you got to understand the ripple effect so one person can say something and it could reach 10 people and then 10 people could reach 100 and then 100 people could reach a thousand so when you start to slowly but surely up in what the devil trying to do which is you know grown boys dominating and domineering over women and being a tyrant and trying to you know operate from their pain and their everything that they've been dealt with their childhood trauma all the stuff they went through and they operating from that space and it's breaking down the family it's breaking down the household so when that right there starts to happen hey you got to keep your foot on the devil net you hit me and keep going so i say i'm gonna pop on in here and uh uh pretty black uh i'm not sure what you talking about but that ain't none of my business what somebody else talking about saying about me so you know like they used to say when somebody say um oh somebody was talking about you and then say well why they felt comfortable talking about me to you so don't come telling me what somebody said about me what did you tell that person about me what do you know about me that you told that person you see what i'm saying because people gonna talk when you're out here and you're doing the lord's work and you making moves people don't have stuff to say so like like grandma used to always say they talked about jesus okay i remember a man told me he said you can't stop for every barking dog if you trying to get somewhere you can't stop for every barking dog because you stop for every barking dog then you ain't gonna ever get where you got to go all right so understand that right now so don't ever bring me no bone from nobody else who ain't got no house living and no pot to pee in and no window to throw it out of you hit me because we doing the lord's work over here so understand that let them let them keep letting them keep talking because they talking at me in that pr at free pr now let me see i'm gonna get some of your questions and now some of y'all was asking me about uh one of my videos where i was talking about well talking about i'm in love you know with my wife and i had to block uh one lady because anytime a person they knew on here and they they take you know my sense of humor too serious and want to get in the comments all righteous in their feelings they meet the block button and then they got to tell me what it feels like to be on the other side of a block button and so on that video what i was talking about in there is that as a real man and if you ever met a real man then you know when you see one real recognize real so a real woman gonna recognize a real man and any real woman and any real man know that it ain't nothing you know uh soft and scared and weak about me but when you become a real man that's when you really understand that your strength is in your gentleness and a lot of a lot of men who call themselves alpha men is really punks a lot of men who call themselves alpha men is really the real simps a lot of men who call themselves alpha men is really struggling from being traumatized their whole life whether whether they was picked on because they was looks challenged whether they was less fortunate and and they took that to heart and they let it make them feel less than whether they daddy abandoned them and so they take that that childhood trauma they take that pain and then they go into this space and they start to operate from that pain and they start to operate from that trauma and they start to make everybody else they bleed on everybody else and make everybody pay for their insecurities so what you'll see is you're gonna see so many men who calling themselves alpha men they really is soft they the real sense they really is butt hurt and so for them in order for them to be a man they have to put a woman down they got to make a woman feel less than they gotta make the woman to tell when they call himself the head but see the way with me being a man with me being a real man and y'all let me talk to you for a minute answer no question right now i'm talking to you with me being a real man one thing you're gonna notice by the real man is that he realizes is that it's two sides of a brain so it ain't just one side of a brain it's two sides of a brain and both sides do something different so a woman gonna see something different than a man a woman gonna do things different than a man but it's your differences that make you strong the strength is in your differences not your similarities so one thing about a man although we say oh the man is the head some men take that so literal and don't understand that they can only see one way and they don't understand that that woman is also the head what i mean by that the good boy say that you submit one to another it's a wives love cert love your husband as as unserve your husband as a submit unto your husband as unto the lord but then and say husbands love your wives as christ loved the church so when you when both do that it it levels the playing field so if you submit unto your husband as unto the lord but then he loves you the way christ loved the church now the playing field is even because what a lot of men don't understand is that if you take care of your woman mentally emotionally physically you take care of your woman she's and she can trust you then you don't have to compete for who's the head you ain't got to say oh i'm the head you tell oh i'm an alpha male oh i'm an alpha male you a woman listen get in your place you ain't gonna tell me what to do i'm a man you don't have to do all that when you love your woman and you respect your woman and you treat your woman like she is an equal not that not like she is less than so although she may be the weaker vessel according to the good word and according to your physical strength and what have you she still is qualified to think for herself and her thought process can take your life to another level but see it's a lot of simps out here that got it confused and they think that putting a foot on the neck of a woman make them a man no that make you a punk that make you a punk that make you a chunk that make you a wimp that you got to be putting a woman down and talking about her thoughts don't matter her thoughts insignificant she less than so that you can feel like you more of a man no use a punk use a punk and you got to go to therapy and you got to get healing and you got to work on yourself and stop calling real men simps stop calling real men punk because see that's the pot calling to kill the black no and see that's what's going on today and so now it's gonna be women that take advantage of that and that use that but see as a real man he's not gonna let a woman mistreat him and disrespect him and dog him out he gonna check her so understanding that a woman has a mind to think for herself don't mean a real man allows a woman to run over him it don't mean that a woman called all the shots but what it mean for me as a married man see a lot of men that's talking about being alpha males and red pill this and mgtow they're not married they single or they in a relationship and they're not married because they're non-committal and they're afraid to sacrifice and they're afraid to be humble and they are afraid to get married because it requires a sacrifice it requires discipline it requires self-love it requires self-respect and so they are afraid to get married because they still butt hurt from childhood trauma they still got ptsd from what they went through growing up from being bullied from being abandoned from being talked about from being looks challenged from being mistreated from being cheated on by the loose booty woman who that they was chasing out the foot all the wrong reasons and then boom she served him up what he had been asking for everything that he had done wrong to somebody else she made she happened to be reaping what he had sold and so now these men they coming as grown men and they hurt him they insecure they lost they they broke him and now they want to break a woman they want to put a woman down and stand on a woman's shoulder so they can feel like a giant you lost my brother you not no alpha male use a weak male use a lost mail use an immature mail and what you need to do is you need to go to god and you'll understand that god tells you in his word that a man who finds a wife finds a good thing and receives favor from the lord that's why the bible tells you and he draw and that's why in a good word it draws such a parallel as to say husbands love your wives as christ loved the church even if you don't believe in christ when you study the story of christ and the sacrifice that he made for the salvation of the people then you understand how great a love has to be from husband to wife and in that you understand there is no domineering there is no tyranny there is no you coming and thinking that you lead with an iron fist no your strength is in your gentleness with your woman your strength is in your ability to lead in love see you don't lead by dominating you don't lead by controlling you don't lead by manipulating you don't leave by telling a woman that at a certain point her thoughts are insignificant that's not how you lead you lead by example you lead in love so if you love this woman and you sacrifice for this woman then every shot you want to call she's going to look and because she trusts you because she trusts you because she knows that you love her then she's going to say okay so see for a lot of people like with my wife the other day i went the other day and some men said oh when you in business you can't let no woman lead you no i wouldn't be where i am without the wisdom of my wife my best books it was her idea i earned in my sleep and but it's my wife supporting me to help me get to that place and so the other day i went and i bought my sister a car and i bought my security guard a car he's also my best friend i bought two cars in the same day and my wife she could have said no we're not doing that no we cannot do that and she could have had this scarcity mindset because that's something big to do that's a big thing but i say listen she know i can go and get it she know that i'mma grind she know that i'm not afraid of work so she said okay if that's what you want to do i support it go ahead so she went ahead and she and she said i'ma support you so she let me call that shot but she trusts me that i'm gonna leave she trusts me that i'm gonna provide she trusts me that i got the ambition to get up and go work so that although i spent seventy thousand dollars cash in one day she said i know you can go and get it back i know that god's gonna honor what you doing in your life being a blessing to your loved ones to our loved ones our family being a blessing i know it's gonna come back tenfold so what a lot of simps don't understand this this the men who calling themselves alpha man to to even call yourself for alpha male let me know that you lost because there ain't it ain't no such thing you're just a man and when you're a man you ain't got to define yourself with no word with no with no letters you ain't got to you don't have to elevate yourself and debase the woman to make yourself feel like a quote-unquote alpha male you just operate in your manhood and when you operate in your manhood a woman recognize when she in front of a real man a man recognized when he in front of a real man that's why what i'm talking about and what i do on here i ain't never i work with multi-millionaire men last night i'm on the phone with one of the greatest to ever do what he does in his industry one of the absolute greatest to ever do it the highest paid to ever do it in his industry and they never once have a real man have a man come to me and say tony you lying face to face they'll say it on the internet for clout they'll say it on the internet for clout because they want their name said because they want to get an argument but see i don't argue with a fool because from a distance people can't tell the difference you don't heard that before but see real recognize real and these guys who calling themselves mgtow red pill alpha male don't look familiar but my life speaks for my life speaks for the philosophy that i have adopted to love my wife as my equal not less than me not like on the head and she the tail if i'm the head then she the spine if i rip your spine at your back then who are you if i take your spine at your back then what are you you a vegetable so while you calling yourself your the head take that spine out at your neck take that vertebrae out the back of your neck and then what you you can't turn your head you can't do nothing you you gonna die if i rip your spine at you you're gonna die if i rip your spine out you you you're a vegetable you can't move you can't do nothing and that's what men real men have to step up and not be afraid to understand that your strength is in your junction your strength is in your ability to lead with love not trying to dominate domineer control manipulate deceive debase demean but to uplift to uplift your woman to give her a voice so that she can operate in her highest self so that she can operate in her fullness and so that she can help you elevate and see i can't see for a lot of for a lot of men the only thing they understand is money that's all they care about all they care about is money and business and so they think that if you love a woman if you love a woman and this and this woman speak for the for the so-called alpha male that's that that and the grown boys that come and peep in on my videos let me let and this is the only time i'm gonna say this and and uh well i might have to say it again for the men who sang that because i love my wife and i serve my wife that that's gonna hinder me and that make me soft in business let me ask you this if that's the case then how do i make seven figures you know what seven figures is a million dollars or more how do i earn a million dollars or more sitting at home with no staff with no team if me loving my wife is gonna hinder my business how do i have over 50 streams of income and 13 companies how do i have that if me loving my wife and me honoring my wife is gonna make me weak in business explain that to me explain that to me alpha male and and and why are you as an alpha male broke broke busted and disgusted struggling and stressing worrying about what another man doing with his platform the reason why is because you have not tapped into love because when you learn how to love a woman righteously and purely that's when you unlock the next level of your life that's when you unlock the next level of your life because when you do that you tap into a part of your brain that has never been explored so you unlock your mind in a way that a schoolhouse can't teach you in a way that a mentor that a business consultant cannot teach you when you unlock love because why love is the greatest gift known to mankind so when men unlock drink genuine and pure love and that's what i tell every single man they say man what's the key to your success tony how you got over 50 streams of income tony how you make seven figures million dollars up from home without having to go anywhere i learn love it ain't just about business see when i when i serve my wife with love and i lead in love it unlock my mind because in that moment i learn self-control in that moment i learn dignity self-respect and self-love so when i unlock that love it allows me to elevate to my highest form but when i'm demeaning and debasing and degrading and minimizing my woman then that that has me operating and vibrating on a level that is less than my highest self so what you have to realize is that's where you have to get to so why are you calling yourself a alpha male why are you calling yourself uh men going your own way why you calling yourself red pill men all that you weak you lost because god made a woman for a reason and not just to kiss your behind he gave her abilities and attributes and mental assets that you do not possess that's why she helps you elevate the right woman but see you only get the right woman when you operating from the right place because what what you doing as a grown boy is you judging a woman by her booty you judging a woman by her beauty you judging a woman by those things alone and then you want a woman who's going to lick her wounds and and debase herself and put you on a pedestal and make you feel like a king and make you feel like a man but you making her feel like a handmaid you making her feel like a concubine but you expect for her to make you feel like a king and you want her to lick your because you less than a man because you're weak because you insecure because you broke because you still traumatized from childhood so you want her to put you on a pedestal and to sing your praises oh you so smart oh you so handsome oh you such a man oh you called the shots oh you're that's what you want her to do because of your insecurity because of your weakness and a woman who looked you in your eyes and she checked you and she called you out and she questions you and she challenges you and she push you to another level that woman makes you afraid that woman you fear that woman because she calls out the insecurity in you she offends her confidence offends your insecurity and so you start to feel like less than a man so you want a woman that you could put your foot on her neck and you could tell her what to do when you say jump she say ha ha and that makes you feel quote unquote like a alpha male use a punk and you got to sit down and you got to look at the man in the mirror and you got to confront yourself and you got to become a real man you got to get over your daddy wounds you got to get over your mama wounds you got to get over being bullied you got to get over being punk you got to get over being touched as a child you got to sit down and do the therapy that you need you got to get the mental health that you need you got to do the work that you need so you can understand what it is to be a real man that's what you got to do and and and uh latin uh be careful what you're saying because we know you talking to the men but when you say that it could sound like you talking to me so just say y'all don't say you okay be careful with that so understand this to y'all so-called alpha men that's tuned in stop being a punk stop being a chump stop calling the next man who a real man or sim a man who honors and respects a woman and knows her value because guess what i don't have to argue with my wife about what i want to do i ain't got to twist my wife's arm i ain't got to put hands on my wife i ain't got to debase my wife i ain't got to demean my wife i ain't got to make my wife feel dumb for her to honor and respect me for her to let me call a shot what i do is i love her i cherish her i treat her with love and respect and she say you know what now i know you a real man now i could trust you what we finna do what's the play you the quarterback call the play you know what i'm telling you so that's what you got to understand about manhood so a grown boy can't tell me nothing about being no sim because you can't explain because you can't explain nothing to me because if we sit down and if you don't respect love guess what we could go dollar for dollar we could go dollar for dollar so so for the women excuse me talking money cause it's offensive to you cause a lot of you don't judge a man by that but see men that's all they see so they think that you got to dominate a woman and be disrespect for the women and put a woman under your foot in order to be tough in business tell me why i get paid 300 percent of what a company say that i'm worth when a company when a company come to me and say look we got 20 000 for you tell me why i got 75 000. tell me how how am i weak in the boardroom tell me how my week in the boardroom when i get paid over 300 of what the industry of what the market says my value is it's because of the space that i operate from because of the level that i tapped into when i learned how to love and treat a woman and this what i know as a man this coming from a man that sold drugs in the street that hustled 21 out of 24 hours a day that was sitting in a college classroom on a football scholarship with a quarter pounder weed that every day after i lost my football scholarship and got kicked off the team and i had to go get in another college i was sitting in college with a quarter pounder wii and a 380 in my backpack with my notebook and pencil this coming from a man who thought he was a man this coming from a man who used to put hands who used to disrespect disrespect who used to demean who used to dog out this coming from a man who threatened who would sleep with three women in a 24-hour span this coming from a man who hadn't been with more than a hundred women by the age of 21. so y'all grown boys y'all so-called alpha males want to call somebody a simp and cream puff and wimp and wussy and all this boy what you think is a man what you think is a man is a lost confused boy what you think is a man i did all that everything that you did your girlfriend that you had wanted me the the women that you thought you was that you thought you had i was taking them women in a day in less than a day i know what it is to be a grown boy i know what it is to be a punk when i sleep with three women in one day and i was broke busted and disgusted wasn't even no millionaire and had more women that i could count that's what y'all call manhood man that's that right there is a symptom that right there is a grown boy that's lost guess what but me being a one woman man me honoring me uplifting me cherishing my wife me respecting my wife you can't cuz see when i was that man that what y'all call a man when i was that man and i was in the streets hustling and i was pulling triggers and i had gun and i'm doing all that and i'm thinking i'm somebody i was lost i was hurt i was broken just like y'all boys is online today online calling people simps i just seen a boy in my uh d i'm not my d on my comment oh but then they'll say oh that make you weak in business but then they'll come up to me these men will come up to me and they'll see me with twenty thousand dollar worth of chains on they'll see me get out of three hundred thousand dollar car they'll see me earn seven figures and then they sitting there struggling and they say well how you did that oh i thought you was a sim how you did that i say boy i'm a tech entrepreneur i own tech companies i said boy i got i own software online you hit me i said boy i build business i got 13 businesses boy i got over 50 streams of income i'm probably at 65 now i stopped counting at 53 streams of income i say boy and you know why i did that because i learned how to love a woman because i understand that a man's right of passage is to love a woman purely in my eyes you are not a man until you learn how to love a woman without controlling her without deceiving her without manipulating her without dominating her without cheating on her that's when you become a man so y'all ladies forgive me for flex in the night forgive me for flesh in the night but for the grown boys i just want y'all to understand this because all you speak is money but tell me why if i'm a sim tell me why i bought 10 cars in a pandemic if i'm a sim tell me why i bought my dad a maserati tell me why i bought my mama 20 20 mercedes-benz and put her in a house tell me why i bought my sister a mercedes-benz and bought my my security guard a gmc sierra 1500 in the same day if i'm a grown boy tell me why tell so all y'all grown boys is motivated by money see the reason why i don't flex my money but i'm a flash for you tonight because because if you thought we was on the same level if you thought we was on the same level i'mma flex for you tonight since you think that loving your wife make you a sim i'ma flex for you tell me why i create tech projects that make six figures and go into a bank account that i don't even touch tell me why if i'm a sim tell me why explain it to me let me put my foot up on the desk and and take my time and i tell me alpha male tell me alpha male why you broke busted and disgusted you see what i'm saying but here i am loving my wife as a one one-woman man tell me why you struggling to get one woman and it's real men that could have a hundred women and only want one turn down the 99 for the one tell explain that to the alpha male explain to me why we're in different positions in life explain it to me explain it to me why god retired me from working for somebody else at the age of 27. oh come on now come on now explain it to me do you want me grown boy who calling me a self and a cream puff do you want me since you since you talking about a woman mine is no good in when a man doing business do you want me to go and show you my wife 20 20 g wagon do you that that's a special color that is one of the only ones in the state of florida do you want me to go show you that do you need to look at a bentley do you need to see the maserati what you want to see grown boy for me to explain to you for me to get you to understand that me loving my wife me loving my wife purely me loving my wife purely is what helped me go to a level that you would never be at as long as you calling yourself a alpha male a red pill male a midtown man if you want to go dollar for dollar we could do it if you want to go bidding and forbidden we could do it we could do it tell me why i became a best-selling author in my early 20s tell me why i speak on three continents tell me why i became an intercontinental speaker before the age of 30. tell me why i retire at the age of 27 tell me why if loving your woman make you weak tell me why explain it to me explain it to me when you put your woman as your equal and you love her and you respect her mind explain it to me grown boy how that make you less than a man how that make you a sim how did it make you a a cream puff see y'all don't even know what y'all talking about cause you ain't never been on both sides of it you ain't been on both sides because you ugly inside and out so you have not been on both sides but when you can look good on the inside and your character can look good and you can become a real man who know what it is who know what it is see go find these so-called alpha male and tell me one ladies that you think is cute inside or out that's why they mad they mad because they were bullied tell me why that as a football player running backs average 5 yards a carry but i averaged 10.2 yards of carry tell me why i got a full football scholarship to college to at a college that don't even give full scholarships tell me why see you ain't been on both sides of it you ain't been a absolutely you ain't been an absolute dog and a 100 man see when you become a 100 man and you learn how to love and respect and to cherish a woman and you learn how to treat this woman as your equal not less than you you learn how to treat this woman as your backbone your spine your support system your lover your friend your business partner and you marry her and you give her a commitment until death do us part when you learn how to do that you unlock a part of your brain that allows you that teaches you discipline that teaches you self-love that teaches you self-respect that teaches you honor and dignity and integrity and when you do that you unlock universal laws see the reason why grown boy the reason why you broke busted and disgusted you can make six figures and you ain't touching 10 or what you could have because your mind trapped in the mindset of looking at a woman as your opponent you looking as a woman at your woman as your opposition you're looking as a at a woman as though she is less than you you don't understand what submission means see you don't have a mission but you want a woman to be in submission to you use a lost man use a lost boy posing as a man use a boy in a grown man's body you weak and you lost and you hearing from the adversary you hearing from satan himself and the reason why you hearing that way is because you don't understand the bigger picture you don't understand that you have the power in your hand to build up or to tear down and you don't understand let me turn the comments off cause we don't need to talk right now cause we got people that's confusing stuff and we ain't trying to man bass or nothing all like this right here they're just real talk and they ain't taking no question i know i said q a but let me talk to the grown boys let me talk to the real simpsons who calling me a sim see what you don't understand is that an adversary wants you to see a woman as less than she wants you to see he wants you to see her as less than so that you can debase her and demean her and when you do that you confuse your children you confuse your daughter because your daughter want to grow up and be powerful your daughter want to grow up and have a voice your daughter want to grow up and have agency in her life your daughter want to grow up and not have to depend on a man but because you see your woman as less than you your daughter grows up and she don't know her worth so she goes into a relationship and she get beaten on she get cheated on because she saw her daddy so-called call himself a alpha man and thought that mean that if he alpha man he gotta put his woman down that his woman don't get no say-so in his business at bench in his business endeavors that his woman don't get no say so in areas that he feel like it's only authorized territory for a man and don't understand he forget that he come out of a woman he forget that a woman carried him for nine or ten months he forget that a woman put a breast in his mouth and fed him he forget that when his daddy ran out on him his mama was there who held him up his mama was there who encouraged them so so-called alpha man you forgetting the value of the woman that raised you you forgetting the value of a woman but see as a real man as a real man who earned millions of dollars since you think every man who love and honor his wife is broke as a man who earned millions of dollars i understand the value of a woman and i understand that she's an asset and not a lot of not a liability i understand that she can help me bill or she could tear down but i understand that if she want to tear down she gonna want to tear down if i tear her down and i understand that she could slit my throat in my sleep i understand that she can embel some money i understand that she could steal from me if i make her feel like she less than but if i treat her like a queen instead of like a handmade like how you talk about women if i treat her like a queen that she wants she don't want to tear down the castle that she come to live in she don't want to tear down the castle that she helped build brick by brick because she understand that she's an equal partner in this adventure we call life she understand that she is equal and not less than she understand that weaker than a weaker vessel does not mean that it's my right to demean her and to degrade her but instead to uplift her to build her up to encourage her to inspire her and to allow her to let her keep her agency instead of trying to deceive and manipulate her see she understand that if i win she win that if she win i win she understand that we teammates and we not opponents and all she want to do is make sure that she's an asset because she realizes that i see her as an asset that i value her mind in the boardroom in the bedroom in the on the basketball court on the soccer field in front of the tv in the church house in the schoolhouse she realizes that she understands that i value her and because of that she's she's able to operate in her fullness as her highest self and that is when i get to see the majesty of god that is when i get to see what fearful and wonderfully created truly means that is when i get to see a woman in her true essence and that is when her value is brought to the table and we able to multiply instead of divide see what you so called alpha men don't understand is that you dividing and conquering in your own household because you think you better than your woman because you think you smarter than your woman because you think that being the head mean you called a shot and she got to deal with it but then when the ship start to sink when you suffer from ed when you have a stroke when you have a heart attack when you go broke when you lose the money in the ill-advised investments investments that you made because you call yourself a man and didn't want to hear her intelligence didn't want to hear her mindset when you lose your money in them ill advise investments now you want her to work a job and hold you up now you want her to float you some money now you want her to carry you because you so-called alpha male and you demean her and didn't allow her to use her righteous mind for herself and on your behalf because if she in the kingdom if she in the castle she wanted to flourish she's not in the castle to bring about a famine she in the castle to make sure that it flourishes but you have to honor and respect and love your woman see her as your equal i'm the head of the household but my wife is also the head of the household because we submit one to another so if i want to call a shot and my wife don't agree with that shot then guess what if i called a shot and she's not in agreeance then everything i do is hinder because we're not on one accord a house divided cannot stand but what is my job to do as a real man is choose a woman who is a real woman and choose this woman not for her beauty or her booty but to choose this woman for her heart for her mind for her intangibles not her tangibles the intangibles that she bring to the table and to understand that this woman can not only bring a table to the table but she could build the table and when you honor and you respect the woman on that level that's when you experience true life so to the grown boys who call yourself out for men who call me a self what you want to compare peace i know you ain't happy with me i know you ain't happy with me because you ain't got no you ain't got a queen that you could lie down next to and you know why you don't have a queen because you see her as a handmaid you see her as a concubine you have stolen her queen ship so i know you ain't peaceful as me i know you ain't joyful as me i know you ain't happy as me i know you're not as blessed as me what do you want to compare assets my portfolio diversified what what you want i got etfs i got iras i got stocks i own tesla starbucks i just bought palantir at 8.90 it's it's almost 30 dollars today so what you want to compare where where in business alpha male are you out doing me i got 13 company how many you got i got 50 plus streams of income how many so tell me where i'm losing that for allowing my wife for me not trying to steal my wife's voice tell me where i'm losing i just pulled up in a bentley continental gt speed and before i got in that i got out of a g wagon tell me where i'm losing that grown boy tell me so this is what i want y'all to understand for the alpha male that call yourself a alpha male you misunderstanding manhood manhood is not dictated and determined by your terminology by the definition that you want to give yourself manhood is not you are not a man because you don't let your woman call shots you not a man because you see your woman as an opponent and not a teammate you not a man because you're not man enough to allow a woman to operate in her strengths and to call shots if i see what my wife's stronger than me in an area she the head in the area if she say if she see where i'm stronger than her inner area i'm the hair in that area so yes i am the head but she is also the head because she see things i cannot see she know things i do not know my wife got a master's degree even if she didn't have a master's degree she got a phd in life she got a phd in common sense biomedical science she read 600 words a minute she read and comprehend the whole book before i even got through the forward you see what i'm telling you some of my best creations my first book my wife invested in now i'm an author of 17 books and i stopped counting so i might be at 25 i signed a six-figure book deal with an agent who came and found me and i and i packaged the whole deal i titled the book i wrote the book i did the marketing plan with a with a top five publisher simon and schuster i did the work that they were supposed to do so tell me how i'm weak in the boardroom in the business room when i'm winning on every level and i'm gonna tell you why it's because i tapped into god's promise that when you find a wife you find a good thing and you receive favor from the lord guess what you can go get a doctorate and it can't match god's favor you could go get certified in everything you want to be certified and it won't match god favor my wife said to me this year she said baby you made a million dollars in eight months working from home with no staff that needs to be taught she said teach that for the men that feel like you got to have an office space and you got to have 30 staff to be a millionaire she said teach them what you did i said baby they're not ready because they think manhood means being a player they think manhood they think being good in business means disrespecting women they think manhood and being good in business mean calling themselves mgtow and alpha male and red pill i say so they're not ready to understand the keys to success that i have discovered they're not going to understand how i earn 200 000 in a week they're not go working from home they're not ready to understand that because they don't understand what i tapped into and what i channel because i have love me and say what's your greatest asset love because love is the greatest gift given to mankind love when you read a real book you read think and grow rich by napoleon hill he'll tell you the power of a woman he talked about sexual transmutation he talked about when you inspired by your woman he talked about the inspiration of a woman is what have made thousands and thousands of men millionaires but see you bro busted and disgusted living paycheck to paycheck because you call it because you calling yourself an alpha male so you operating from a limited state of mind you operating from a reduced state of manhood because until you unlock love you have not unlocked the fullness of your heart and mind so understand what i'm telling you what you want to look at bank accounts stop portfolios retirement account what you want to see since you call yourself a real man where you want where you want to be at any man who come to me any man who come to me little boy today young boy today he say sir what do you do he said i've never seen a bentley like this he said sir what at this gas station what do you do because i want to have one one day myself i love my wife i tapped into love i became a real man i don't drink to get drunk i don't curse because you can't mix profanity with the sacred you can't mix the profane with the sacred so i don't use per uh curse words i don't watch pornography i don't masturbate i don't gamble see when i remove devices from my life that's crippling you so-called alpha men that's when i elevate it but in order to do that that's self-love self-love is the highest form of love it's above loving someone else because in order to truly love someone else you gotta fully love yourself but see what you understand about real love is not real love is not just loving in a way that you allow someone to take advantage of you real love means self-love means that you hold the people you love accountable it means that my wife don't get over on me my wife don't take advantage of me my wife ain't got me whipped my wife don't use me i'm a man in every sense of the word but i don't have to twist my wife's arm to call a shot in my household because i've established trust i've established real love i've established respect and that's what the men of this society is missing if there's a network b-e-t v-h-1 if one of y'all executives watching this tell me what it'll cost for me to air this on your on your station for an hour and i and i cut the check i'll wire it to you because the reason why we losing is because of so-called alpha men because they breaking down the household they're destroying the household because they're demeaning a woman and then trying to raise children the reason why black men in general are losing is because we don't respect our women we don't resp and when i say our women i'm not talking about you juggling multiple for women i'm talking about man to man we don't respect our woman we cheat on her we demean her we debase her we disrespect her we degrade her we tell her that she's stupid and she dumb and that she's not on our level we tell her that she can't speak to what we're doing in business we tell her that she holding us back because she won't let us go get a credit line to buy 10 diesel trucks and and now they're getting ready to move stuff through drones now they're getting ready to move stuff through self-driving vehicles but we don't bought trucks and we trying to man the trucks and the streets drying up they getting ready to have diesels driving themselves i mean electronic tesla trucks driving themselves but yet you to talk your woman into going to get 10 trucks and trying to find 10 drivers and and you broke busted and disgusted so your truck cost thousand dollars so you're spending more money in maintenance than you is making money everything you making going back out but if you would have sat and listened to your to your woman she would have said that's not the right move right now she would have said the industry moving somewhere else she would have said instead of you buying trucks you could be a dispatcher for the people who still buying trucks instead of you taking on that overhead she would have gave you another plan she would have helped you strategize because she read different she think different she sees different but because you think you were alpha male you stole her voice you debased her and put your foot on her neck all the thing you want her to do is cool you down from getting into a fight cause you know if you cause you know if you come my way you're gonna get shot ain't got time to throw punches i'm gonna put you in your grave and it gonna be self-defense so that's what that's when you wanted to jump in the way but when it come to anything else in the household oh woman shut up i'm the man and you call yourself a man use a punk use a punk so tonight this is a public service announcement we losing because of you grown boy your daughter lost and confused because of the way you treat her mama your son lost and confused because of the way you treat his mama when you become a real man and when you understand that being a real man don't mean controlling your woman it means loving your woman being a real man don't mean understanding your woman it means loving your woman good and the bad her flaws make her perfect when you see her as god's divine creation and you understand the asset that she is to your life and you stop tying your manhood up in relation to how you treat her you stop thinking that you're less of a man because you put her on her own pedestal you putting her on a pedestal don't mean you beneath her it means she's standing beside you and both of you being elevated so understand that so-called alpha male understand that put that message out this ain't about being weak loving a woman has nothing to do with weakness because love takes strength honoring and respecting a woman has nothing to do with weakness because that takes strength because it requires that you have discipline it requires that you have self-respect it requires that you have self-love it requires that you die out to your ego because your ego you cannot go until you let the e go you got to remove the eat so your life can go see when i was trapped in that mindset yeah i touched yeah i was on a job working for somebody else making 20 thousand a year getting another ten thousand from a college refund check then i got and started making forty thousand in my business then i mess around and touch 150 000 in my business but i still was not valuing my woman on the level that she should be valued but when i started to value her and i created a safe space to where she could be open and honest with me when she could tell me when she could speak truth to power because she know i could be powerful but in order to be powerful i first have to submit to god and i gotta surrender my ego i gotta let it go and in order for me to be powerful i have to be willing to listen and when i listen to my woman and she speak truth to power and she say this is what i see she said here is your gifts these are your gifts this what you represent because you can't see yourself god did not give us the ability to see ourselves to see ourselves through the eyes of someone else so your woman can see in you and speak life into you and call from out of you what no one else can call out of you that's what you have to understand so-called alpha male so when you elevate your wife and you take her from being your foot and you say look you're the head too we equal in this because if something happened to you as a man if you have debased your woman and made her feel that you the only shock caller and only your way is the highway and you don't give her a highway of her own then if something happened to you a stroke you run up on me and then you paraplegic for the rest of your life because you think i'm a simple you run up on a real man thinking that you tough and you get laid down and now your woman got to call shots guess what she don't even have the confidence to call shots because you have debates hurt and you have demeaned her so what i do know about business i teach it to my wife what i do or know about the world i teach it to my wife what she knows more about life than me she teaches it to me she then taught me so much so it elevated me so now my wife she understands how to earn a living in your sleep she understand by the stroke of a key she can make millions of dollars a year because i show her that and i show her that because she's my equal and i show her that because i have assets but i also need her assets so she is my board she is my teammate she is my consultant because she is valuable because that is why god created her he did not create her for me to demean her and for me to strip her of her agency for me to debase her and make her think just like me that's the problem with you alpha male is you think that your way is the only way and you want her to think and act and see the world like you but your vision is limited because your experiences are limited because she thinks with a different side of her brain than you on average she sees different she feels different she experiences the world differently so when you allow her to keep her voice instead of stripping her of her voice she makes you better and that is why that is why the men who know that when you release your ego when you let go of this macho act that you trying to keep up that's why those men are the men winning on the level that they supposed to win on i could win on a whole nother level if i wanted to but i'm okay earning a few million dollars a year i'm okay with that because because i was able to buy my whole family cause this year when a lot of people is going through and they struggling and i'm praying for them guess what i was able to do from my income this year i was able to give 230 000 cash money to people in need now let me talk to you alpha male 1 were you able to give 230 000 now see i don't talk about this i don't share this but since this is the language that y'all speak since all y'all speak is currency but you don't understand that your real currency is your character your character is your currency not what's in your bank account because if i take what's in your bank account and you don't have character you can't get it back but if you strip me of everything i can get it all back because i have character because i understand how to be a decent human being and i understand that the other version of a human being which is the woman is not less than me but she's equal to me and because i understand that i understand decency in my humanness so therefore i understand how to speak to the universe and call those things that be not to as though they were i know how to speak things into existence i know how to tap into universal laws because i understand that what god created me to come out of i come from a woman i would not be here had not a woman carried me for 10 months and that's what you got to understand grown boy that's what you got to understand so-called alpha male it ain't no way in no area in no form of a book in no letter or you more of a man than me because you demean your woman and don't allow her to have a voice and a mind and to call shots because you won't marry her and be 100 faithful to her because you're cheating on her on the facebook inbox because you got fake accounts on plenty of sharks and dumble because you got fake accounts on here online dating because you're cheating in the instagram dm because you're cheating physically and that's why your third leg is is burning because you're nasty because you think this woman less than so you juggling her with other women and that's why you're losing because you can't set a blade of grass on fire if you keep moving the magnifying glass but see when you magnify your woman you set her on fire and when you set this woman on fire she is brought to life she come to life and she gives you her energy she put it on you in every sense of the word and i ain't just talking about the bedroom but she brings everything that she is to you and that's why i'm winning because i understand the value of my wife because i understand what real manhood is because i was a dope boy because i had weed and guns in my lap because i was in the streets 21 hours out of the 24 and i was losing now i make four five times an hour what i used to make in a whole week now what i'm used to make in a year i make 10 times that i can make 10 times that in a week last week i made 10 times what i used to make in a year so you say that because i love my wife i'm not a man and i can't do business if i love her on that level and i cherish her and respect her that's a lie from the pit of hell and that's why your family losing that's why my 13 year old son from the age of fourth grade when they start giving a's and a minuses that's why my 13 year old son at a private school where they are three grade levels ahead where in the eighth grade they doing 11th grade work that's why my 13 year old son has never had an a minus because of the household that his father has created it's a safe space so his mother can work with him because that's her strength and that's her gift i don't have a college degree but she got a master's degree so my son don't have to stress when he doing his homework straight a's no a minuses the only kid of color doing it the only boy in his grade doing it that's why he just played two soccer games today scored five goals in the first game in the second game had a shutout his man didn't do nothing so he in the classroom winning straight a's no a minuses and then he end his sports winning that's why he a three sport at the league that's why he run three miles in cross country leave cross country and go play a full 90-minute soccer game and then go get straight a's no a minuses it's because a real man is on the throne in his household not a so-called alpha male not a so-called red pill man not a so-called midtown man that's angry with women that's butt hurt with women with the whole race of women because of one woman cheated on you because your mama abandoned you because your dad albanian now you're taking all your pain and your ptsd and all your childhood trauma and all your charma bonds you're taking it out on your woman and you hollering i need you to be my peace but you being her headache you hollering i need you to treat me like a king but you treat her like a handmaid boy you better get your life together and when you get your life together and when you understand what i know about life then we could compare m's but right now we can't even compare we can't even compare in no area we can't compare in no area because even if you make more money than me guess what the eyes the bags under your eyes bigger than mine your eyes red you tired you look broke busted and disgusted even though you make more money than me i can look in your eyes and tell you ain't peaceful i could tell that you don't sleep good i could tell that the only thing that defines you is money when i could go to broke go to bed broken wake up rich because money don't make me i make it because i understand the highest level of manhood is not debasing a woman and putting a woman down it's lifting a woman up because she is my equal because she is whoa man she is the woman that god created fearfully and wonderfully made so that by me being a man does not mean that i'm smarter than her that i'm more capable than her that i'm better than her that i have to call a shot i could shut my wife shut my mouth and let my wife call every shot and my life will still flourish because of my presence sanctions and enhances the environment because she know a real man when she see one so she don't have to argue with me she say if that's what you want to do that's what we gonna do because she trusts me because she know i understand what real love is because she knows that i'm not operating from daddy wounds i'm not operating from mommy wounds i'm not operating from childhood trauma so she trusts me she encourages me she speak life into me so y'all boys out here talking you don't know what love is and for the women that's out here that don't understand what love will make a man do what how far love can take a man listen you better stop listening to the midtown red pill uh our so-called alpha men who who broke busted and disgusted emotionally spiritually and mentally and they arguing and they're trying to make a sound argument but sound dumb because how do you advance your culture advance the society advance your lineage how do you advance your family line by demeaning and debasing your woman by saying that at a certain point a woman's mind is irrelevant that's what y'all so-called alpha men saying how can your lineage your family get ahead how can you create generational wealth when it will all be squandered because of the confusion your son has because he watches you demean his mother so you chasing millions that i don't already made you chasing millions that i could pass down to my son but he also understand how to respect and value and cherish a woman he also understand how to uplift his woman and it's okay for her to have a pedestal it's okay for her to have a table you know what my wife paid was last week from our company twenty thousand dollars was her salary last week it's okay that's her money and guess what out of my money that i'm paid i still pay every bill in the house and i'm not ashamed of it what my wife could do with her money what she want to do because i still take care of the investments i still invest my money i still i still pay the bills because what's mine is hers what's hers is mine but what's hers i don't want i want her to keep it because i'm a man because i'm a real provider because i'm not a alpha male quote unquote as y'all call it use a grown boy i heard your argument and it's weak it's too many holes in it but when you could show me more peace when you don't have to call another man out who working on his platform who plowing in the fields when you ain't got time to speak another man name that's when i know you own something that's why you don't hear me say another man name because i'm too busy working i'm doing a work up here and i can't come down from it but guess what i can't lead you astray and i can't leave you hanging because i know you got daddy wounds because i know you got childhood trauma because i know you probably got bullied or you probably got touched and because you're my brother i love you and what i want you to understand in order for you to go to the next level you gotta stop demeaning and debasing god's creation because as long as you do that you canceling your blessings the window of heaven can never be open and if you don't believe in god universal law can't even shine on you because you disrupting the natural order of things by disrespecting women somebody run tell that see everybody want to come run tell when somebody got my name in their mouth but when the last time you shared this video on your facebook when the last time you told a so-called alpha man these men who think they better than a woman and they got to put their woman down to stand taller standing on a woman's shoulders and calling himself a giant it's your woman credit that help you get where you at when you ain't have none you lived on her leaves when you have a car you were driving a woman car but you were alpha male come on now come on now y'all better get life hey it's tony gaskin the spirit just love put this on your facebook tell the alpha male to come see me no i ain't got time to argue with you on zone cause i don't argue with fools because my life is the proof in the pudding my life is the proof in the pudding in every aspect financially spiritually emotionally mentally watch these videos that i do watch these videos tell me how i could talk for an hour without notes every single day it's the wisdom of god tell me how i could give you point after point for longer than an hour with no teleprompter with no card it's the wisdom of god because i've tapped into a level of clarity that comes from tapping into the highest level of self which only is unlocked through self love and loving a woman purely when you learn how to love a woman purely without controlling her without disrespecting her without demeaning her without debasing her without cheating on her without abusing her mentally physically or verbally financially socially when you learn how to love a woman on that level when your goal is to shower her with love today i spent 11 000 on my wife on gifts that she did not ask for and no it's not about material things but i got it so i spin it and you know why i did it because she already has everything that money cannot buy she got loving and respectful children she got a loving and faithful husband yes i have made mistakes in my life as a man i don't trip and fail but i didn't wallow in my mistakes i got up i brushed myself off i took a lesson from the loss so the loss was no longer a loss because it came a lesson and then i leveled up and then i won and then when i won i multiplied and then i taught it to everybody else that's why on tony gaskins academy we have over 30 000 students that's why this year alone i have certified over a thousand new life coaches that's why i created my my creation my mind it runs by itself we don't have a style for the the profit rate the profit margin of my is 94 profit and it goes the money going to a bank account that i don't have to touch but it comes from a level of clarity so that's why when you go to and you go to and you go to and you go to when you go to this digital real estate the digital asset that i have created from a space of peace from a space of harmony because i don't have to worry about a woman coming out tomorrow and saying i've been in an affair with tony gaskins for the last five years and my wife leaving me and taking half i don't have i don't have a prenup because all i need is genuine and pure love the mistakes i made in my marriage my wife already know about him the mistakes she made i know about them our in-house business is our in-house business and we treat our relationship like a house that's why the dolls lock that's why you don't see us posting pictures every single day that's why my wife don't be on here on in on youtube because she say that's not my calling and i don't want no parts of it that's what you call too so go ahead so listen my house secure my bank account secure my business is secure my lineage secure my kids secure they college already secure their future already secure because i'm in a space that a man only realizes when he learns how to value and respect the asset that god put right beside you so when he created adam he said man it's not good enough on his own he needs a woman and then it was the adversary who came to trick and deceive the woman who tried to turn the woman into an opponent to the man instead of a teammate and when you call yourself a alpha male and when you think that means that you are higher or better or more intelligent than a woman you become the serpent in the garden of eden deceiving and stripping your generation your lineage your race your culture your people mankind you are stripping society of this greatest and its best asset because without healthy and whole women we are nothing but until men get over ourselves and we realize that you are not a man until you can value fully a woman that is when society evolves to where we supposed to be we got punks calling themselves presidents who devalue and disrespect women who call women out they name for no reason and then that trickles down to the proud boys and then you got punk boys who's saying i'm an alpha man and it's a symptom there's a cream puff over there tony garkin but you broke busting and scuffed it boy i could buy you if the government will sell human i got enough to buy you so-called alpha male so where we at where we comparing that so when you want to sit down man to man no cameras and you want to compare notes and you want to see who mo blessed and highly favored because of the level that we done tapped into we could do it we could do it any day because i don't slept with three women in a day i didn't been a dog i don't been there i don't have street money i don't have street justice it don't compare to the bliss to the peace to the health to the wealth you can't offer me more money than i have to go back to the man that i was you can't offer me a billion dollar you know why because i already know i'm gonna make a billion dollars because i got the blueprint to success because i'm honoring the woman that god has put in my life her way is my highway i ain't scared to say it alpha alpha man want to turn that into something weak what that mean is is that i respect my wife's mind what that mean is is i don't strip her of her agency to call shots in this household because she is a human with a heart and a mind and so i value her so we could sit down like adults and we could hash things out and i could say this is how i think this is how i feel how do you think and feel okay to that point i make this point what point do you have and we can go back and forth and then we devise a plan together and we come and we are on one accord and then we make shots that's why i say my wife is also the head because i don't make a move unless she's on board because i can't move if we don't move as one because that would be self-defeating hey this is tony gaskin god bless you watch this again share this on your facebook get it to a grown boy he gonna watch it because he broke in he gonna watch it because he hurt him he gonna watch it because he lost they sent me videos of grown boys i don't watch more than a minute because i'm already whole i don't care about what another man got to say about me i care about his soul i know he lost because pain recognized pain i know it i don't been there i don't been a punk i don't been a chump i haven't been on simp this ain't simp hood over here this manhood over here so i know what pain looked like i know what it looked like to be a grown boy parading and masquerading as a man i see it in your eyes i know you weak i know you cry about your childhood i know you got childhood trauma that's why you take it upon yourself to attack a man who has become something that you have not become who has something that you do not have and that's true support that's a platform that is god-given so that intimidates you it scares you because you know that one day it will up end what you're trying to do in these women life because every single woman that you try to disrespect and demean and debase every woman that you turn into a concubine one day she gonna know my message and she gonna be able to look at the way that you treat her she gonna be able to hear your philosophy about life and about manhood and that you think that manhood means stripping her of her womanhood and then she gonna be able to hear what i say over here and she gonna look at my wife because i'm not a single relationship coach giving relationship advice from singlehood or from a broken relationship she gonna look at my wife she gonna see her dripping she gonna see a glow she gonna see a piece she a woman know a woman who is peaceful and blessed and blissful and happy and she gonna look at her life and she gonna count the tears coming out her eyes and she gonna look at you so-called alpha man and she gonna see the money that you're bringing in and it's gonna be like gravel in her mouth it's gonna be like hot lava under her feet when her feet hit the ground it burns the soul of her foot and she'd rather get back in the bed she'd rather be dead than be beside you because when she see a real man she gonna say i want what she got because he values her and he respects her and he's still a man because i know if he had to he'll defend to the last breath his household and when she see that she gonna know what's the difference between a grown man and a grown boy so y'all so-called alpha men who disrespecting and dogging out women debasing women and you trying to create tactics you you creating war tactics against the one you post a bill with that is dumb that is the most ignorant thing in the world to see the woman that you lie down and sleep with and bring children into the world with to see her as your opponent to see her as less than you that is the most idiotic thing i have ever heard but that is a trick of the enemy because if the enemy can create division in a household then he can create division in your culture division in your generation divini division in your lineage division in the next generation because you are the blind leading the blind your money gonna evaporate everything you buy will rust and corrode because the way you get it is wrong because you disrespecting a woman to get there so until you understand and you learn the value of a woman you will never be a king you will always be upon you will always be a chump you will always be lost hey there tony gaskin i got to go god bless you
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 38,817
Rating: 4.8869791 out of 5
Id: A4omq-bWY0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 20sec (4760 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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