BANNERLORD HORSE ONLY CHALLENGE IS BROKEN - Bannerlord is a Perfectly Balanced game with no exploits

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Spiff instantly failing in the tournament at the beginning of the video after bragging how easy it will be and betting a ton of money on himself was the best part, lol

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Gruphius 📅︎︎ Aug 04 2021 đź—«︎ replies
we are a single boy with a pointy spear and a whole bunch of arrow boys scootling along the map with all of my stolen goods come on i'm genghis khan at this point i have so much horse it is unbelievable this is genuinely the best way to play banter lord all other ways are inferior just recruit only horses enjoy fun hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing print and today we're playing the wonderful mountain blade 2 bannerlord where we're going to be doing a very unique challenge today as we try and break the game by instead of building a nice balanced army comprising of infantryman spearman archer's cavalry you name it nope we're just gonna throw all of that out the window we're going cavalry only just horsey boys they are the most expensive units in this game quite rightly because you have to keep both a man and a horse alive at the same time and arguably like most of history the value of the horse is higher than the value of the man cavalry units in this game are ridiculously expensive and seeing as we're only allowed to recruit cavalry units this is going to be an absolutely incredible challenge so make sure you set back relax you have a nice warm cup of tea in hand and if you feel especially fantastic you can even like this video now without further ado let's dive right into this game so we're going to start a brand new campaign last time we played as the wonderful boss baby an incredible character who became a multi-billionaire by ransoming the same human being a million times today we're going to be playing as a horse lord meaning we're going to pick up kozait as our culture and in terms of our actual character we're just going to slide everything to the right just the most right man in the universe and well here he is ladies and gents but we've created him he's incredible he's the most right being in the universe meaning he's also the most correct and perfect creation that this universe has ever conjured oh he's gonna be amazing oh his voice is so his voice to stop matching his body it does not match his body at all oh my goodness he's perfect right we're going to throw them in now we need to of course choose our heritage from our lovely slightly terrifying looking parents naturally we're just going to sink every single thing we can into large quantities of bonuses for horses and also archery now we're going to be finishing this with six points of endurance and four points in the horse category which is incredible and we need to actually create our legendary character my goodness he looks absolutely insane he kind of looks like human shrek so we're just gonna call him shrek uh shrek here is going to love horses he's going to be absolutely perfect i'm just going to play on the default difficulties across the board now we're just going to skip the tutorial because the tutorial is going to be absolutely boring who needs any of this nonsense now we start out the game instantaneously leveling up because we are just that incredible oh we actually need to create our family name this is of course going to be the horse dynasty oh we look fantastic right now of course we leveled up because we're so good we need to actually put some points into riding just with how fantastic horses are and here we are in the wider world now instantaneously there's an issue we have 1 000 gold to our name and we're only allowed to recruit horses this does create a little bit of a problem because let's say we take the wonderful shrek over here moving at this incredible speed of 7.4 and we run all the way over to this village here well we go up to the village and let's say we want to recruit some troops ah these peasants don't really seem to be on horseback and that's because they're not as we are entirely limited to just cavalry we can't exactly recruit from here because we are just never going to get any cavalry from here so instead i need to cross the entirety of the world map and make my way over to the wonderful kurz8 empire so that's exactly what we're going to do whilst of course dodging as many bandits along the way as we can luckily for us however we move very fast as we are just a single shrek on a horse oh now lucky for us there's a tournament happening in vostrum we're going to take part in the tournament because there's a good chance we could win something here like some clothing very nice i'm even willing to put some money on myself winning oh my goodness i'm so big what is my armor doing so i'm so big oh my goodness i got murdered immediately don't believe that okay well we lost 150 gold well we got murdered in the arena it turns out fighting with someone the size of shrek is actually difficult normally most of the characters i play in bannerlord they're deliberately the smallest character you can come up with this makes their hitbox smaller which makes fighting a hell of a lot easier shrek however is the size of a bus consequently this is going to make our run a little bit more challenging because whilst an archer might not be able to hit the side of a barn door they can probably hit the side of shrek welcome back ladies and gentlemen some time has passed i've done a few quests and managed to make myself 2445 gold dinars this is lovely stuff now my intention was to actually recruit horses from these local villages here and by doing quests we've been able to grind of reputation improvement to the point where we can actually start recruiting them however in order to do most of the quests for these villages we have a few limitations for a start most of the quests actually require us to have troops in the first place and we don't have troops so i'm going to be spending pretty much all of my money by buying free mercenary horsemen it's a huge investment of 2100 gold but it is necessary because now we actually have troops in our party these troops are powerful look at these boys they've got long swords and pokey sticks and trust me they're gonna do a great job massacring some opponents in the meantime we just need to actually start making ourselves some money so that means more quests as we're going to be doing everything we can to gain reputation oh fantastic this local village lord needs help with brigands it's absolutely perfect for shrek it doesn't think we have enough troops for the task oh beans can i recruit any nope you haven't got any horse boys oh dear oh dear that's a shame because that would be a perfect quest for us all right i've just been tasked with protecting this caravan that's been getting ambushed so myself and my lovely horsemen that is exactly what we're going to be doing just protecting this caravan from oh dear i think it's from step bandits isn't it yes it is oh dear oh dear dear right okay this is gonna be a bit of a rough fight but let's attack oh my gosh it's mostly peasants mostly just peasants what am i meant to do with defending mostly just peasants right well i guess we let everyone else soak up the attacks all right fantastic i'm killing a few of these mounted raiders here they're pretty tough cookies to crack but um with this lovely jabby spear we're able to do a pretty decent job there we go there's another one dead there we go and another and another lovely stuff shrek you're doing a splendid job here oh and we took out the horse on that one lovely stuff oh lovely i think that's the quest complete yep the enemies are fleeing we've won the battle oh glorious now we've made some great progress ladies and gentlemen we've improved our relations with the two owners of the village of garidin here and because we're so friendly with them we're now able to recruit horses directly say hello to the kazaite noble sun this is an incredibly powerful unit it is a horse archer unit costs 200 gold doesn't require much to maintain but my goodness is this one powerful horsey boy so naturally we're going to be recruiting him and as soon as we get more quests from these kinds of villagers it is going to be fantastic for us because we can then just keep recruiting horses over and over again from them oh this village has a quest and they've got two horses for me to recruit oh my goodness this is fantastic this is going great we're already up to nine men admittedly some of the men are technically you know bandits that we're recruiting but that still counts you know so far ten horsemen oh it's glorious what is your quest you need manual laborers okay we can do that all right he wants nine prisoners no problem i shall go and collect myself nine random looters wandering around ah here we go 13 looters splendid stuff you can't run away my friends right well now we of course have a distinct advantage because looters are effectively paper now we'll just delegate the ai to do everything for us because you know they'll do a fine job and i'll uh stab that boy there we go oh my goodness horses are just so good against lightly armored noodle boys like this well the enemies already fleeing because you know the morale damage of being hit by a horse is surprisingly good well that's off to a good start we've managed to capture ourselves free looters oh one of our horsemen is leveled up glorious this is awesome lovely upgrades we're now getting ourselves oh and one looter ran away well you know i think i can probably send in the troops for that one there we go and he's wounded and he's captured right just a few more troops to go now shrek is currently in what i like to call operation initiate diplomacy because the most important thing for us at the moment is to make people like us because when people like us we can recruit their sons and make them horse warriors and as part of this mission we are going to ambush this bandit hideout because by doing so we will be able to improve our relations with all of the local notable peoples and this should allow us to gain access to some lovely troops so we shall attack oh my goodness there you have it ladies and gentlemen we managed to defeat the bandit camp and this did increase our relations with nearby locals only by two though which isn't exactly the best we did also lose quite a few men in the process but we did also pick up some prisoners who we can then recruit so in total it's not the greatest news but also at the same time you know it was necessary progress we do sadly only have one mercenary cavalry boy left and they're basically our front line shock infantry but we are still able to immediately resupply right back up to where we were and up to 10 troops here we've actually spotted yet another hide up my goodness there's so many of them well i suppose it's good because eventually we'll get some quests to go and defeat those hideouts and then the more quests we get the happier the local people are and the happier the local people are the more horses we can get for free right and some time has passed we've successfully leveled up our clan to the point where we can now house 54 troops inside of our party no we'll recruit one of these marauders now as you can see our party is pretty much entirely just ranged cavalry and they're pretty good at what they do just what are we going to do with our now 40 range cavalry what we're going to try and take on this trade caravan defended by some pretty strong looking troops we're going to try and decimate them why not it'll be good fun in fact they apparently have an advantage but luckily for us shrek is leading an entire party of ranged cavalry which means we can just pretty much put them to doing whatever they like and lo and behold they're going to cause some lovely chaos anyway i'm going to go see if i can murder some horses with my gigantic spear boy i know rage cavalry don't push me onto the rocks thank you i'm a little bit faster than my troops which is fantastic and oh yes i can draw some rage fire this is fantastic if i can draw most of the shots then i can give my men ease of access to the enemy and a stab yes lovely stuff look at that and another stab oh yes very good and another step oh yes our cavalry is doing good this is the perks of ranged cavalry ladies and gentlemen they are strong as heck stab and has stabbed lovely stuff and of course the perks of ranged cavalry they cause morale issues what happens when morale gets low men start running what happens when men start running men start breaking up the formation and when the formation starts to break well that's when the fun can begin now i'm only really comfortable doing this because we've now hit a reputation point where we have ease of access to these cavalry units the only thing we're lacking is money that would appear the only surviving part of the enemy forces there's a whole bunch of routing archers and a few bits of cavalry actually my goodness look at this there's a boy on a horse not for much longer though of course and his horse is gone and a stabby and a stabby he's dead and that's another one dead and another one bites the dust add another one bites the dust ah add another one god didn't avoid gun another stab to the face ow don't you poke me it's illegal to poke back there you go now you're dead well i think that's the entire enemy forces entirely routed uh which is splendid stuff for us of course wait no there's one boy and he's dead two horses and another one stabby stabbed oh yes that was good and he dead well there we go we win gg easy peasy how many casualties did we take 11 to their 27 very good considering they had the advantage honestly if i'd been doing it manually probably could have done better but it's fine part of the fun of having a whole bunch of cavalry armies is that they just fight in whatever loose fashion they like and there's minimal control over them you know we get to steal everything they're transporting which we can probably sell for some decent money we can actually attack them again oh my goodness this is fantastic right well that's fine we'll just attack them again oh man go kill them we get to kill them for a second time very nice yes we're probably going to sell most these goods and stab oh yes that was a good stab and another step oh yes we are just a mean bean killing machine and another dead one and another dead one and gg oh my goodness and of course all of their goods just respawn so we get even more goods for us to steal this is fantastic absolutely fantastic we will need to restock our army before we try and pillage another trade caravan but my goodness is it going to be worth it we're going to make about 5.6 k off of that which is absolutely wonderful news for us that's a huge amount of money all right now let's go restock on some horses and then go and rob some more trade caravans and was as shrek famously said please get out of my swamp or i will kill you now that is of course a very famous saying that will last for generations but of course there's a deeper meaning why did track say that well it's because he wanted to defend his swamp and everything in it belonged to him now shrek has now since decided that every single thing on the map is his swamp and consequently all belongs to him so for that exact reason we will raid and burn this entire village down to the ground now we're about to be attacked by the village's very weak militia which is of course absolutely fine for us because we now have 44 roving horse archers these are pretty good at killing things consequently they're about to storm their way through this village and cause a whole bunch of shenanigans so we're just going to run around and absolutely massacre all of these peasants ah lovely we've just murdered one oh dear and it would appear some of them were trying to run away oh no we haven't even lost a single man and yet the enemy is fleeing well that is a shame oh well i guess i will just have to stab them in the head repeatedly go shrek defend your swamp well so far only two of the enemy units are actually still standing and fighting the rest of running away at high speed and you know what hats off to them they're completely stupid but hats off to them nonetheless right you get a personal stab from me there you go well done for surviving that long well overall it's been pretty good uh two of our soldiers were wounded and uh we slayed the entire village's militia oh it's so stupidly overpowered i love horse archers they're so much fun and we're bam we just get to level them up and make them even more powerful right let us simply remain here and continue pillaging and the best thing is even if an enemy lord does start running towards us to try and alleviate the pillaging guess what we can do simply run in the opposite direction because shrek's party has an average land move speed of 6.8 meaning we effectively run at the speed of a nuclear missile oh look here comes regia moving at 3.2 well that's fine we just stop raiding and leave look at how we cruise across the entire landmass here don't mind me i'm scooting away at 6.8 miles an hour farewell regia you will never see me again scootling along the map with all of my stolen goods it's great i'd have been given a mission to secure some cows for this village where are the nearest cows probably miles a trade caravan ah fantastic oh lovely think of all of the goods now trade caravans very fast moving 5.5 land speed however it's not enough to outrun death itself in the form of shrek the chunkiest sausage in the universe hand over your goods or die once again these are professionals trained to move at high speed and defend caravan from the strongest of raiders they will be a formidable threat we however are a single boy with a pointy spear and a whole bunch of arrow boys and that is all we're going to need to decimate this entire defense you think your measly 11 cavalry can stand up to my 45 i wish you luck oh hello there cavalry boys stabby step and the star b step and a star b stab oh he blocked it that's illegal well let's just cause some problems by running straight through their arrow line and causing them to rout and there we go they're starting to break and i think we've got them to run yep they are now running splendid stuff i guess it literally only takes about four kills then the entirety of the enemy force is just route that is the power of cavalry we're not even that powerful eventually we can level ourselves up so that our cavalry becomes the most terrifying thing in the known universe okay that caravan guard is dead fantastic stuff of course we want to make sure that some of them do actually get away and the reasoning is simple if some of them escape we can simply attack them again and steal all of their goods for a second time because the game is magical and you're dead oh my goodness 198 damage this is one heck of a spiri boy i am shrek the destroyer of worlds and owner of many horses this is just the ultimate way to play vadderlord well in total one of our men were killed and um they lost all bar free so that's a pretty good turnaround for us also we get to steal some of their men we only take horse-based prisoners as well because we can recruit them later on and my goodness this has gone splendidly for us and here we have it ladies and gentlemen we are here this is it fantastic stuff we found ourselves an enemy lord called regbold regbold has a mixed army mostly infantry he's got some ranged units and he's got some cavalry he's technically a mercenary company meaning his men are very good but naturally we lead an army consisting of 55 horse archers consequently we're going to do something that i like to call a pro gamer maneuver now whilst we are fighting in a forest which is quite possibly the worst environment to fight in with horses we are still going to do something majestic because whilst on paper he's probably superior to us we have the power of cheese on our side and cheese is very powerful firstly i'm going to do a couch lance maneuver what does a couch lance maneuver do well it allows me to do this 184 damage and instantly almost murder that horse which is pretty good considering that this is their lord riding quite possibly one of the fanciest looking horses in the universe oh couch lance very good 292 damage very nice stuff indeed well the enemy forces are looking a little bit bewildered now uh what we've us you know running men just threw them willy-nilly most of their archers appear to have died which is a fantastic sign for us oh my goodness this is an absolute slaughter they've got some of the best infantry in the game but i mean good infantry never stands up against horse archers just simply because horse archers can continuously outmaneuver them what's the point of having a shield if you can have someone that can teleport behind you and shoot you well these were some of the best units in the game high level britainians and um they've all just kind of been evaporated by us oh dear oh dear oh dear what a shame for them wait i can chase down the final person using my super speed there he is come on yes super speed couch launchy time chase he chases chasey chase oh he's fallen over fantastic stuff oh your shield's not going to save you now sunshine red bold is dead gg ladies and gentlemen well in total we only lost two men oh that is so unfair two men that is just not okay oh regboard you're my prisoner now welcome welcome break bold and oh you've given me some lovely men to steal oh look at these expensive horses we're going to recruit lovely stuff right well we'll leave the rest we have no interest in recruiting people who are shackled to the floor and consequently can't run at the speed of a horse oh fantastic our army grows stronger my goodness shrek is just so powerful this boy cannot be stopped well i suppose we might as well go and pillage oh we've been given a ransom offer of 3232 gold that's a pretty nice ransom offer you know we just might have to do it but first we're going to raid this entire village and yes they're defended by 28 militiamen but i mean come on guys we're a roving band of horse archers come on like what can these 28 men do you're gonna you're gonna defeat this come on i'm genghis khan at this point i have so much horse it is unbelievable this is genuinely the best way to play banter lord all other ways are inferior just recruit only horses enjoy fun and stab there we go oh it's so much damage it's wonderful and a step and uh step and another step lovely stuff and a couch and a step this is so good oh it's so enjoyable there we have a glorious victory we had zero casualties we had to level up some of our troops and now the glorious raiding can commence fantastic stuff once again if we have any issues with an enemy lord coming to say hang on a second can you stop murdering my peasants we can just dab and weave away it's 4 000 miles an hour it just works ladies and gentlemen it's fantastic who knew raiding villages could be so effective anyway ladies and gentlemen this has been the adventures of shrek the fastest being on the planet with the capability of destroying everything you love with his super speedy horse boys there is no counter to him there is no stopping him he is your new god so legally go into the comment section and pledge your allegiance to shrek by saying shrek is love shrek is life anyway there you have it ladies and gentlemen if you've enjoyed today's video make sure to give it a like and heck why not consider subscribing to join our lovely community as always a massive thank you to each and every one of our amazing patrons who make these fantastic videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much you lovely majestic sausages and hey if you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have a lovely day and good bye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 777,219
Rating: 4.9652047 out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, horse, horse only challenge, only challenge, bannerlord challenge, perfectly balanced game, bannerlord gameplay, bannerlord 1.5, skyrim, skyrim necromancy challenge, is broken, elder scrolls, exploit, challenge, video game exploit, skyrim exploit, spiffing brit, rpg exploit, funny moments, rt game, can you beat skyrim, english, bannerlord only, bannerlord is broken, mount and blade, perfectly balanced, can you beat, horse only, cavalry only, the spiffing brit
Id: x0utDnHP5aU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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