The Last Samurai - Life Of A Samurai - Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord #1

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hey how's it going guys my name is jackie fish and welcome back to some more mountain blade 2. baloney today we are embarking on another epic adventure today marks the beginning of life of a samurai if you guys have never seen my life of a series before basically what we go ahead and do is we dive into a campaign and we use the amazing freelancer mob that allows me to join up as a individual soldier in any of the lords or ladies armies across calradia it's an absolutely spectacular mod then basically what you do when you join them armies you have absolutely no control over what is happening you are just a simple soldier in the ranks leveling your way up then you progress through the ranks so as you get more kills experience etc etc then you go up and you you level up and then you can be a tier two tier three an archer a cavalryman and then eventually you hit the max rank when you do that in the new freelancer you actually get granted a settlement it's obviously a long ways away you have to really get in there you have to prove yourself grind your way to the top but when you hit 15 000 experience you do actually get granted a settlement and get made a lord of that faction which is such an awesome feature and obviously if you don't want that you can also decline it as well so you don't actually have to take that settlement if you want to go off and forge your own kingdom so today we will be starting that i'll go ahead and stick my mod list up on your screen right now so you guys can check it out i try to go for a much more simpler mod list this time so you guys can also download it i know when i do have these big 40 50 mod uh mod playlist uh you guys do get a little bit confused as it is pretty complicated to get them all to work um in one go however this time it should be a lot more simple i am probably adding a few mods here and there as the campaign progresses but for now that's basically what i have i am also playing on 1.6.2 again just mainly because it's a lot more of a mods are updated for 1.6.2 and we need stuff like distinguished service which is a mod when i go independent uh which allows me to create as many companions as i want as i want when anyone in my army gets more than five kills in become a companion and i get to name them after you amazing members as well as that the members will be scattered throughout the campaign as well i i on my discord all the lords and king level members have actually been given clans and characters before we dive into this campaign so you'll see some awesome uh some awesome members in the game as kings and lords and and other stuff like that which is really really uh dope obviously the main mod we're using is going to be the ronin mod that is for japan mod the mother adds in uh japan inspired soldiers so there's a lot of samurai-esque soldiers and the faction is pretty goddamn deadly they are they spawn very like in the east they have about four to five settlements and a lot of clans as well they don't have as strong clans everybody else but they have quite a few of them which allows for some really exciting gameplay so what we're going to do um so unfortunately i have tried to click the uh the the japanese culture here but it does seem to crash the game so we are going to pick someone else which isn't the end you know isn't the end all of bill i think it's gonna be absolutely fine i'm gonna grab because it's because we are kind of more in that eastern side of things and the kids likes are the most kind of like asian s faction that we have in bangalore even though you know kind of obviously after the mongols and mongols stretched everywhere so uh that they'll kind of do for now which is which is fine with me and they have some pretty good stats as well they have recruiting the upgraded mountain troops are ten percent cheaper that's going to be really really nice because the japan faction does have i guess it's called marone infection has a very very tasty heavy cavalry line so uh we're gonna be going down that and hopefully cutting some people down with some amazing english let's go ahead and do that we also get more production from you know from cattle and stuff which isn't bad but we also get this money from tax which also isn't necessarily uh great so let's go ahead and we'll go and grab up a nice little body uh so we'll just randomize the body try and get something decent for ourselves you know nice and we're obviously gonna have long hair we're gonna go from there obviously you want to be a child this man is extremely old so it's maybe uh maybe this will be good let's make him a little bit younger you're a uh yeah that'll do for now weight will make him a little bit skinnier i'll make him a bit butcher which is always like and obviously we have to go with a super oh there you go yeah we're going to go with a super high pitched voice as well we're in is the voice this is down here somewhere yeah there is super high pitched voice that's exactly what we want to do and big old hands because you know what they say about big old hands and big old forearms uh so face uh i think face is is probably pretty good um so let's just go to hair now obviously i want to give myself some good looking long hair uh but i'm ready for battle and the question is do we become long shaven i'm actually not too sure if we do there you go that's very cool yeah we'll go with ponytail um i'm just gonna just go with like dark hair yeah it seems pretty decent any markings i don't think so no scars i mean maybe we have like a lip scar or something you know that we've actually seen battle but we are just joining up as an individual soldier so maybe what we'll do is for now we'll leave ourselves blank and then maybe when we hit a certain rank i'll give myself maybe when we get wounded i'll go ahead and give myself some scars across the face and be my goddamn that looks like i've been absolutely uh ravaged um which does kind of fit our backstory but even still that's absolutely fine so yeah i think we are we're good to go i don't think we want a beard i think we want to be clean clean shaven so let's dive on uh and then we have a few decisions to make you know i'm going to be going kind of a little bit try hard i mean obviously i think you know we are going to be focusing on the kind of mounted cavalry but again at the beginning of the campaign i'm not going gonna be i can't afford a horse i'm just a lonely recruit in an army so i i guess we will go ahead like my father was a nobleman but our village was ravaged um so that that kind of makes sense so we'll do that then as i was young i mean again braun is always good but in the new 1.6 updates you kind of really have to kind of focus on a handful of skills you can't really uh go down just like heavily focused down everything but i think again i'll go i'll go my skill of horses uh you know that is uh that was the thing my village was known for that so i'll focus on that um and again i i think for the most part it's going to be like but then also do i want to go glaives or do i want to go like proper samurai swords again there's just so many decisions let me know what you guys think down below in the comments what we should do um i guess you know kind of this would be a bad one as well getting like a bow skill as we'll be like a horseback rider as well i mean i just kind of find myself wanting to do pretty much everything in this maybe trained with a cavalry again but is that too much in there i mean training the infantry also isn't bad i also kind of feel like we need a point in athletics because that's gonna definitely do i think i think what we'll do is train with the infantry because it does give us a bigger point which will allow us to get these skills that a little bit faster um and then what do we want to do down here uh athletics can be bad social is always good as well getting a point in that early is not so bad and we'll just really focus down like yeah social vigor and endurance i guess and it also gives us a point in stewardship which is really good as well and then we'll just be a young we'll be a young man i think i think we'll be 20 fresh we get a couple more points to spend but that is absolutely fine and then for a name we do alva's course have a name and this was chosen uh by a uh by our uh our highest donator of the last month which i really appreciate this was this was named by victor so big shout out to victor i really do appreciate the support so it's gonna be asana uh asana asana naganori there we go finally got there uh my pronunciation is appalling but let's just dive in be playing on the battle difficulty uh we'll allow this it makes my life much easier when we get started getting companions and yeah just realistic everything i don't really see a reason uh not to so also a little thing as well the first five episodes of this campaign are going to be in video format i'm actually away as of when you guys are seeing this for five days so the first five episodes of this series are gonna be on video format pretty much one after the other every day and then on the following monday this will be turning into a live stream campaign the live stream campaigns are amazing we get so much more done i can interact with you guys you guys can influence my decisions they're really really cool however if you guys can ever make my live streams or maybe i just you know you just don't really enjoy them that much live don't worry they'll all go into a playlist down below in the description so you can watch them and you can just watch them in our blocks you know as if they are videos it's really really easy so our our clan name as well is going to be of akko so we are asano naganori of akko so okay i managed to uh fix banner pace i don't know exactly what was wrong with it but i just restarted my game and it seemingly worked which is perfect so yeah let's continue to head our way down south we obviously have to be very careful of bandits as we do prepare ourselves to make our way obviously down to where our kingdom is and i believe they're actually already at war with becauseites uh yeah they are so we're gonna have to obviously join up enlist in the armies you can see that uh lee sin right there is already building his army uh which is one of you guys so obviously there are a ton of members scattered around the campaign map we've got lucian mccreal of the nomadic enlightens uh we have i believe i named someone over here as well yeah drago of the frozen blades we have a couple down in the the japan faction which is what we're joining we have shino naboo the great uh which is really cool of clan still fear we have the red sun and lee han uh so there's a ton of people scattered throughout i also believe the azerite have one so if you guys are a lord or yeah go hook for wise right there if you guys are a lord or king level member you can find out more about that by hitting the join button below the stream uh you guys let me know if you haven't already got your character in this campaign let me know and then obviously uh all the tier ones and tier twos will be able to get them when we start getting companions we get tons of companions through the distinguished service mob which is really really dope uh basically whenever anyone in my army gets five kills like i mentioned in the intro they become a companion and then we get to name them after you guys in the live streams uh which will be really really fun so now that we are down here and we only have to pay looters once to annoy me uh to stop annoying me we now have to actually go ahead and decide on who we're going to join uh you know finding a man that we can follow is going to be pretty important also if you guys want to take a look at the unit roster this is what we've got so we've got kind of a two-handed samurai tree right here they don't have any shields just a you know just a two-hole two-handed sword and that's about it um even though it's this poem right there that's a one-handed katana unless this poem may this is how it's set up they also i noticed don't have great armor either 24 armor on the body isn't great um but we'll have to see how that plays out in battle we then have the spear shielded infantry line right here looking very cool the heavy cavalry and i know the cavalry imitation mod is exactly what you want to get they are brutal even obviously also have the archer line as well as the horse arch alignment have the naginatas on their back as well so yeah you really want to focus when you're building an army for the ronin mod you really want to focus on that cavalry because it is super deadly so i was looking at a few of the lords and i think the lord i want to join is kiro he looks pretty badass um and he has a cool sigil and stuff so i think that is for clan i'm going to head down and and join up with him if i see i think he has a daughter or his wife is also leading an army so if i see her i'll join her you know whatever one uh kind of piques my interest but hopefully we'll get into battles right away because we are already at war and there you go there is kuro himself looking pretty badass a man i could follow into battle so how it is going um let's go ahead and join him let me join your warband and boom there you go we are now in his army we have no decision over what he does he could lead us into the desert and starve us for a hundred days there is nothing we can do about it i am obviously at tier one right now i need to get 600 experience to hit my next tier and that will allow me to uh that will allow me to go ahead and pick from all the different uh units at bacteria so for example we did just look at it but i'll show you guys again when we uh when we hit tier two and we go downstairs right there so yeah if we hit tier two we'll be able to pick between an archer and an infantry however we can change whenever we want when we hit tier three we're going to be able to pick between any of these and again we can we can check every single second we could change between them uh and then obviously the next tier we can pick between all of these and then the final tier so i like that i like the idea of being able to change up so it makes the campaign a little bit more interesting maybe in a siege battle you don't want to be on horseback so you decide to be you know an archer instead you know you can basically just have some fun with it which is cool and if you want to play super serious you can just pick one and that's your pick you know it's up to a player to decide uh uh so yeah we gain experience through killing uh for doing damage and a handful of other things i'm also gonna drop a save here as well uh just in case we do crash at any point as i know the running mod isn't the most stable in the world but it's not that bad um so it should be fine um yeah so yeah you get experience for doing damage the higher tier units you damage kill the more experience you get and we need 600 in total you also get 10 just daily experience as well so there's always that little bit of gain you can also see down here as well we are getting some athleticism as well so that's gonna be good so cool we got our first siege battle this is gonna be interesting because we are a low tier unit we have no armor um an awful weapon okay we are in the battle now so let's go ahead and dive in i'm actually really nervous because if i pause you guys can take a look at the units like we have a very little shielded infantry which in a siege battle is going to be absolutely brutal but we do have some obviously the the spearmen the aries and and that will be able to give us some protection but we have none of that so we're gonna have to be a true scavenger in this battle we're gonna have to find the dead pick up their equipment and fight hard so it seems like we've got the siege down the left-hand side we are obviously also using the siege tower fix as well so the siege towers should work perfectly which i'm very much looking forward to and i should make siege battles i mean these battles in general in 1.6.2 are much better so yeah i mean i guess we need to be careful because like one arrow will kill us so we just like sit here this is like a good little ride up to the battlefield and just keep an eye out for someone being hit by artillery or dying i mean lots of people are dying realistically i would love to be able to get pick up like a bow that'd be the dream and there is actually okay there you go perfect i mean all of them you guys just died okay but we obviously need to make sure we run away from the place it just got struck it was also a shield perfect let me pick it up pick it up pick up goddammit man do we not have enough for a sword there you go cool no we have a bow oh can we pick up two arrows okay that's fine let's see if we can back up a kill or two i mean our bose skill is gonna be yeah look how bad that is my god but it's better than nothing and it's better from just charging in so i'm gonna do some damage and again you get experience points for just doing damage in this so oh no the siege tower went down that's not good that is not good at all losing that siege tower is huge i guess we will obviously just smash our way over because it basically means we have to go up the ladders now which is not good uh just kind of ladders is a little bit shaky we'll use this as protection i mean there's no way i'll make these shots right yeah not when it just goes into that as well and you already see their sorted infantry going in but at least it's kind of a bit of an easy target here you go 28 damage that's like 10 experience right there oh god so i think our best bet is going to go obviously go through the gate itself how many we've got here single person yet archery is good say let's get closer should be able to hit from here and you can't really see anyone from here oh god kill though let's give us some good experience it's only a militia but still pretty decent we got to hear i should be okay is the gate open yet have we managed to cut our way through that gate yeah we actually have nice okay pull out our sword let's put our shield oh do i have a sword i don't do i yeah okay sword and shield now oh we are blitzing through here perfect oh we have so many arches there though keep our shield up there let's just try and kill some routing men i mean their march is gonna master us i don't really want to charge them yeah they are cutting us down well we've cleared over this right hand side of the siege tower was that's good this is from archers man i'm scared of them but we are pushing now so i'll just go with the boys as best as i can doesn't seem like oh my god they don't want to go after them i can't really again i'm just trying to survive you know my life is at stake here there we go okay we've broken this trying to get to the gate obviously putting out swords now and fighting unfortunately we do like next to no damage but [Applause] and they're just running now if we can get any of these high if i can kill this guy that'll be juicy because he's worth so much experience my this is where you can see putting points in athleticism is so good because you can just obviously keep up to me oh they're stuck yes let's go no i'm not gonna catch him at least get that guy okay cool well we cleared the solomon i did pretty good five kills i'll take that that must push us relatively close to the next tier i mean who's left yeah we won nice this element has been secured [Applause] i like to see it good on you boys we'll cheer as well [Applause] there we go i'm happy we won time to feast perfect time cool yeah i mean we got five kills we did lose a decent part of our army but now we get into the key battle which is cool so obviously keep battles are a finger one point six point two uh so let's move in there we are pretty good on hp um so we are just going to sit back and obviously play quite passive i've actually never attacked a cause i uh keep before pretty much any damage i can do is going to be good no i think i'm not i think i'm going to be able to do much hey i got a kill i don't know i'm in tier 1 but i'll take them and i really hope uh tailwell zugo like do like add more stuff to these these battles now they have scenes like this in it'd be really cool to have like multi like for the capital to have like a two two part siege battle where you do siege like the next layer in a war or something like that would be so cool ah oh i thought it died there luckily not like slippery um yeah it'd be really cool to have like you know multiples part siege battle so maybe the city center has a uh a siege battle sorry the city capitals have a siege battle where it's like you fight for the outer wall and you fight three in a wall and then you fight for a heat battle i think that would be really cool oh i blocked that even i didn't see i couldn't even see where he was attacking me from luckily managed to get that off though this is quite a lengthy uh keep as well i like it oh my god there's so many of them this is one of the largest keeps i've i've seen because that ones are awesome i'm just gonna go and grab that shield as well they're safe than sorry and i've already done decently in this made myself just a little bit safer is that everybody yeah and there's the treasure room it'd be really cool if you could actually loot some stuff in here as well like add more interactive stuff a nice the keep has been taken we've secured ourselves our first settlement getting a little bit renowned got four kills there as well so i think nine in total that could be enough no we're just short of hitting the next rank uh which is a little bit shame but hell yeah we took that first settlement my first battle wasn't too bad we also leveled up a little bit as well oh yeah we have all our levels from the beginning as well um so let's do this so we have a we have one uh main actual point i'll probably stick that in in bigger and more six times in intellect for stewardship which will be really important later and we have some focus points i'm not sure exactly what i want to do um like if i because in 1.6.2 you kind of have to focus a handful of stats you can't just get everything you can but it's going to be slower i'm not sure if i want to go samurai like two-handed snagging like samurai or if i want to go like uh like kind of like a sword and then poe arm i'm mostly not too sure so i might leave that a little bit up in the air i'll probably get another point in one hand because that's what we're gonna be using to begin with uh we'll definitely take the flex skill uh also no point in riding even though we're not getting any right now i guess athletics can take uh it's just such a waste because we're gonna be switching over to probably cavalry at some point um so all i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna leave these two focus points you guys can let me know in the comments or what you uh what you want to see okay cool and we now we're heading back home now i think yeah we're heading you can already see where the army is going because it marks it for you um so we're heading back home now uh oh we're breaking apart as well which is fine hopefully we don't end up dying yeah we only have 73 men left in the army but the nice thing is it's only gonna take us five days to rank up because we get that daily experience gain yeah we are heading back home luckily though i have the uh the very very awesome uh better time mod that allows me to speed up the time by like 10 so it's really awesome so he just grabs 35 member um so in down periods like this we can do that and i think we just got a uh mission pop-up saying that we're going to be ambushed i was speeding time up so maybe we missed it yeah there's gonna be deserters so yeah this is really cool you have like these mini missions like this i was hoping we could get our last tick of experience but yeah basically uh with the new freelancer update you have stuff like this happening whereas like deserters or bandits or maybe your your lord asks you to do something inside of a city or maybe the local clans ask you to do something um which basically really just kind of like you know when your lord isn't doing anything it gives you something to do uh which is always cool so let's march our way forward and uh yeah again we just again we're already gonna be tier two so it's not gonna be the end of the world uh if we don't get any kills but again they actually have some really good soldiers as well from i remember yeah i don't know why we're all the way over here when their army is over there um they have some infantry some horse archers some cavalry gonna be a pain uh we're kind of facing the wrong way oh we're in a circle as well i don't know why we are playing defensive i'm going to try and use these bodies as my human shield well that cavalry is just gonna harass us to no end and i myself i'm gonna try and uh use these guys as a shield as we don't really have much else oh here we go bring him down i didn't oh that's good if i oh nice can i ride that horse as well i can't i can't equip it shield that's gonna be a good amount of experience as well cool now we have a shield now we have a spear i can start dealing with a handful of their stuff ah what did i get hit by and that's just gonna be the way of things until we get better armor getting one shot by an arrow is gonna be the pain in my ass because yeah i got a head shot i think which is what did it but hey we got that kill on that tier like five or tier six so it'll be enough for now and now the boys are gonna clear things up know we have taken a lot of casualties we've lost 30 men so far yeah now we clear our bees luckily obviously just having so many more men i say that hello kill them it can be super frustrating sometimes as well just watching the ai just do the most stupid things in the world but luckily now all they have to do is deal with these uh horse archers hopefully and there they're done i mean they have enough men and there we have it that's what has been won they did take that pound of flesh fro that is for sure that should be enough to level us up to tier two which allows us to then uh yeah there you go um you have proven yourself to be a fine warrior for your bravery and loyalty i've decided to give you a promotion visit my bladesmith and armor in the camp and they'll provide you with the gear best befitting your rank so now we can decide between three we can be uh this guy which is sword and shield we can be an archer or an infantry gonna pick the sword and shield i think is gonna make us a much better uh chance i can't fight in this battle unfortunately because i'm wounded um but yeah we got some experience with that and that's also one of the things i really like there's a bunch of missions uh that allow you to get relationships and bonuses with certain certain units and certain like places so you can get like missions here that allow to boost your relationship with shop owners and same with villages which is really cool in freelancer because it allows you to basically uh you know kind of almost get the same things as if you're going solo but in an army uh which is really important because it does suck um yeah there's some poachers here this time good thing i did pick the shielded guy uh because i think the poachers are watchers yeah 50 archers it's a good thing i did in the class already i mean outfitted quite nicely i do say so myself decent shield but yeah there's gonna be a lot of arrows coming in us closing the distance gonna be super important and come on charge them and as you can see as well my um my athleticism is not good i'm so slow i don't know if i'm gonna be able to get on any of them yeah they're running before i can even get there and that's that's the downside of not putting any points in athleticism is i'm just so slow that the battle's over before it even begins but hey not the end of the world i guess uh did we also get a level up somewhere as well nice let's dig up so we'll definitely increase our movement speed our charm went up as well um and i'll keep on saying this until they do something about it but this is by far the worst skill in the entire game there is nothing that comes close to it when introducing yourself to a law for the first time so this only happens once when you introduce yourself to a person who's leading an army you have a 10 percent chance to gain two relations so it's not even it'll be okay if it's like every time you meet someone you get you know two relations it's a 10 chance it's the smallest chance of getting like a minuscule amount of relations it's so bad i believe this one isn't even in the game right uh people always tell me that top one isn't even in the game but i'd rather that then a 10 chance to gain a measly two relations with someone it's so bad tail worlds please fix it are we still at war out of interest uh yeah we asked it at what oh we made an alliance with the northern empire as well so yeah i'm using the diplomacy mob allows us to actually get alliances with factions uh which is super cool and i assume it's because we're both fighting because it's uh so we forged an alliance which is so dope i love that i already do is anyone else's fortune alliance probably not uh for the most part you need to have i did make it so alliances were a little bit more regular i gave everybody a my plus 10 to forging alliances so pretty much if if factions are a war with uh one person like if two factions are awarded one person there's probably a pretty good chance that they will forge an alliance to beat that person and then they'll probably break it after that alliance is done or a little ways after that alliance is done but i really like that i mean that's such a cool feature i love the diplomacy mod um so yeah big big fan of that so as you can see our next rank is 1700 and the question is do you want to switch uh we also are making some good money as well um so hey so this is the silversmith uh do i want to make some gold i've got a problem with an upstart by the name of uh discomfort scythe he has been bothering shop owners under our protection demanding money making threats i mean okay sign me up i'll give it up i'll give it my best shot but i don't i don't expect to see too well here we've done these missions before and you get given a lot less men than they do uh but we'll give it our best shot so let's say let's fight in this little choke point i think it'll be a good idea so there's 24 of them and 19 of us not great okay let's forge a line here we'll bring them into the hot gates where their numbers mean nothing hold the line boys and charge i mean so far so good that's a lot of green ah it's a lot of red it's hard to tell who's who as well i am just swinging i think there's a lot more of them than there are boss oh one-on-one yes we did it look at this massacre oh my god imagine me just like officers there's been a battle and i'm just like here just like it wasn't me i promise i had nothing to do with this we clutched that one out though uh how many kills did we get five kills as well not bad and free skills in medicine i guess i'll take that and seven in one-handed skills that's really important as soon as we get better one-handed skills um you know it's gonna be really important 1600 gold uh some skill points and charm and also some roguery i'll take that as well as that it also gives you really good renown because it's a battle where you're actually outnumbered and we'll drop a save here as well uh it's a battle where you're outnumbered so it's actually really good because it gives you like six renowned which again is really important because if we spend our the entire early game in this army we're going to be uh we're going to be like under ranked on renown but with their missions you actually end up getting a decent amount of renowned uh oh and we're at war of the azeroa do we peace out with the kazaites uh we did and then we uh sorry yeah we did um and yeah we we got a non-aggression with viet with them yeah still i've got our alliance which is good uh out of a frying pan and into a fire i guess so a minor battle there's like what three of them so i'm just gonna charge cavry will probably beat me to it but maybe we can get a little bit of experience get that cavalry but the the roaning cavalry is really strong especially the mounted variants as well that's what we're going to be really focusing on i think is when we get there is to uh to build ourselves up come on let me get there in time perfect we got the kill that's that's why we do these battles that's why we do these battles um i'll i'll take it nice nice nice because yeah but getting rank free would be on me obviously i don't think we'll do it this episode but next episode i think almost certainly uh we will and it might be a good idea as well to switch over from doing athletics to doing something else because again if our plan is to obviously mount and uh and you know be on horseback as quickly as possible which i again i don't know if i really want to 100 do that it could be a good idea to like maybe hit like 50 athletics and then just stop it because i think this is always going to be important being relatively fast is always important but it's maybe not necessarily something we definitely desperately always need and be careful not to get obviously swamped and obviously run over by their archers and stuff but boys are getting stuck in now yeah any any kills we can get here is gonna be good because it's always such a cluster move on to the archer line where it's easy pickings and there's not like a million soldiers here [Applause] oh yeah being slow sucks nice anyone else we can get man there's a horse there can we ride this horse it looks like a pretty high level one to probably not no yeah even we have decent riding but even with that we can't get it and there we go facilities been taken two kills to give us a little bit of experience and the ranks are good as well so i'll take all of that oh yeah we need to be careful as well not to die because again we could quite oh there we go a big battle nice and we get a battle perfect okay now let's take a look at this we have another actual free attribute point which i'm gonna take an intelligence just because i'm gonna need it at some point so just getting one in here is gonna be good i was gonna have a point stewardship at some point as well i guess i'll do that just so we can hit 50 and then we'll leave it like uh form-fitting armor is nice means you can wear super heavy armor doesn't slow you down as much yeah uh and then we have one more focus point to stick in i just don't know because leadership is not important right now we're going to be getting it unless we switch over to it which could be a good idea i guess we're going to scouting uh we can probably become our scout even though i have really bad stats uh but yeah let's dive into this battle let's see let's see what they have to offer can be a fairly one so i want to form a defensive ring oh yeah i remember the azerite are brutal in 1.6.2 because they just have a million cavalry yeah look at that we have six cavalry they have 40. this could be a loss you know i don't actually have 17 horse archers which i guess is good um but yeah the azerai are like the new kazaites they have so much heavy cavalry it's actually brutal but yeah we'll sit here and wait for them to come hold the line that's one also one of the downsides of this faction as well as we have no throwing weapons i'm just going to charge okay let's get around the flanks maybe a little bit easier to hit people cool taking him down cavalry also if we can get any of that would be not bad no damage man obviously killing the cavalry is a good idea good good good ferrarch is coming in though can we go charge the arches oh also as well something i completely forgot to mention at the higher tiers as well um when i hit rank six i believe i actually go ahead and get to um i get to actually command the part of the army as well so tier six or tier five i can't remember it's one of those i actually did command a part of the uh the army whether it's the infantry the archers i actually get to decide uh which is super dope and that's a horse here let's move in get some kills and that was not a single kill there which is not good nice good experience though don't even know why the army is not charging almost so much cavalry left oh my god there like a spear lying around i'm really scared of this guy always just tries to go for the horse let's try and get a spear no just going for my goddamn horse i killed my horse luckily there's plenty more around here but still oh we can't even get on that one no there's one right here perfect okay yeah there i can't get on that one either oh the worst luckily their arches are pretty much slain it's just the cavalry left there we go awesome the nice thing is about mounting these horses as well as you can actually just chase down and get some routing kills as well there we go perfect everything yeah nice little victory right there free kills i'll take it some poem skill a little bit of one handed [Applause] yeah i mean we're winning some pretty decisive battles and also the game relationship as if we were to help this person so now we gain yeah you can see a little relationship right there with her perfect that is great cool now i mean i want to be a little bit careful we're so dead oh we're so dead run flee oh my god the ai sometimes you just have to believe we got does he really think we can take them on like why are we why are we chasing him he's 171 men okay now we're going home i think with both of us where we could have done it oh well we we trapped that person and we escaped at least i escaped so i won't complain too much now we're heading home to rebuild our army uh which i'll take god damn we've got to save here as well it's always good to make sure you save like every er basically whenever you jump out of a battle i like to save there's holy [ __ ] right there as well we'll dive in here drop of our prisoners get some more recruits i mean so far kuro is doing a good job i i'm i'm happy with the way he's led us i mean his defensive rings aren't ideal um but you know he's he's done a good job i think so far uh and we obviously we've taken a very valuable city as well from because i'd so i'll take the acolyte is that yeah pretty profitable one it has like three villages i think in it so it definitely does the job uh just some looters again we'll dive into this there's a good chance we can get a couple kills which again does add up some good experience but i'll just triple speed it through the cavalry's gonna run through them and this is whether or not they break or not hopefully they they don't i mean i can get in it's also good enough like you know good training for via the athletics um that i'm gonna be doing okay they've already long gone they're long they immediately break yeah i mean we can just order resolve them battles as well so when we catch them again if we catch them again uh it shouldn't be too difficult but that deciders do grow a lot more in 1.6.2 so you know you can still find some decent ones and obviously you also have the bandits and everything else that do arrive uh from freelancer so we're just patrolling right now again we don't need to fight these battles and how are we doing on netflix is that so we might as well wait until we get this before changing so you can go ahead and go ask for a different assignment and then make a different decision so for example if i'm doing guard judy will give me scouting actually we put we put a point in scouting so i'll go ahead and just leave it in that scouting's good to get at least up to 25 and it seems like we are just cleansing the countryside right now clearing out uh so much of the land again have we made pieces of yellowstone why are we still fighting i'm just choosing yeah oh yeah we did oh where was sturgia why are we almost urging us yeah we are at peace right now um oh we got another yeah quick gold mission we'll do this again these you know it's it's a free it was all free but it's a good amount of money and there's normally very few repercussions we have 15 they have 20 okay get back boys this seemed like it worked last time especially this time we have less men as well let them come i will hold the ground with you guys [Music] oh my god me no this one's not looking as good yeah this one's not looking anywhere near oh god yeah there's so many of them left live there nine of them luckily nothing really bad happens we just get wounded unless that'd be fine actually kind of sucks because there is a tournament here and you can actually join tournaments but we're wounded is gonna let me join oh it is okay am i gonna be like one here though so i probably should have done that yeah all right it's because i tournament rules as well it's not good oh no oh no okay we managed to dodge that thank god so i may just go after the archers there's no way we're in this tournament though with the um with the status of our our soldiers also gives us some good opportunity to get some experience so i won't i won't say no to that not that i can hear anything with my bow oh hello let's help out here if i can yeah nice we're going to win this luckily i don't have to do him too much there like hitting his horse instead of him there we go cool i gotta kill i'll take that um yeah i'm not gonna burn myself anymore actually because in situations like this it's just not worth it we are in horseback votes as long as we don't die to the to the spears i'm i'm good when you can do it so help my guy and the thing is as well we do have to be like the number one person in we just have to be like the top two you guys decided to stop fighting okay i'll take it it was just you know be the top two which is good uh there's no way i don't take a hit in the final though no way oh this is one 1v1 oh it's nagging as well i love if it's a negan after i can win the final we have to get some really good armor as well it's javelins okay javelin's on my specialty as long as we don't get here obviously we can get it once boom nice i'll take it a little bit of money decent piece of armor now the question is do i put that armor on i don't think so i think we wait until we maybe hit the next rank before we put the arm wrong because you can just equip yourself with whatever equipment you want i don't we do uh because it would be kind of lame to be like oh yeah you know we did win it in a tournament so maybe our lord would allow us to wear it but you know we are just a tier two can i wait yeah and maybe when we hit tier three i'll switch over and then we'll equip it it doesn't have a really cool flag on the back let's have a bet that's like our top tier armor i don't really want to be wearing you know you know episode one we're already wearing the best armor we have to offer um also one i wonder if we've sent any armies to sturgeon i really do we can't really see up there but apparently sturgeon did something very very annoying to us and we are now heading north uh which is funny uh i imagine at war we only last i believe every war has to last at least 10 days yeah i mean the war's over non-aggressions our alliance with the empire is broken and now uh yeah now we wait for another war and i think now is probably the perfect time to go ahead and call this an episode so hopefully you guys enjoyed this if you want to keep on seeing more of this make sure you drop a like and comment down below obviously as i said in the beginning of the video this is going to be the first five episodes are going to be in video format so again if you want to see me do more of that upload them in more video format style things then make sure you have a like if these videos do really well in video format maybe it's something i'll do more of instead of streaming and i'll stream something a little bit different and but let me know uh let me know drop a like and a comment down below obviously if you you've got any tips or tricks for me let me know that as well any advice obviously take right down below in the comments if there's any other mods i can add to a campaign ongoing also let me know about that as well obviously mod this will be down below in the description along with the playlist to this entire series so you can just watch it from start to finish if you're watching this maybe a little bit later and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Jackie Fish
Views: 104,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord, Life Of A Samurai bannerlord, jackie fish bannerlord, jackie fish bannerlord mod, bannerlord jackie fish, mount and blade 2 bannerlord gameplay, mount and blade 2 bannerlord mods, mount and blade 2, bannerlord samurai mod, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount & blade ii: bannerlord, mount and blade, bannerlord mods, mount and blade bannerlord, bannerlord gameplay, #1, bannerlord let's play, let's play bannerlord, mount & blade 2: bannerlord
Id: -PdrrOvsPok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 39sec (2739 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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