Life Of A Legionary - Mount & Blade II Bannerlord #1

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hey how's it going guys my name is jackie fish and welcome back to some more mount and blade to bannerlord today we are diving in with a brand new campaign mainly focused around the freelancer mob which basically will allow us to join any lord or lady around the campaign map and fight in their ranks working our way up from the lowly tier ones all the way up to the tier five so it should be really fun however that is not the only mod i am using i'll leave a link down below in the description to my discord which will have all the links to all the mods i am using as well as my load order right there do keep in mind i am playing on 1.9 so not only are you gonna make sure you have to make sure that you're also playing on 1.9 you're gonna have to make sure that you are downloading the right 1.9 versions of said mods uh so that it will just work without a hitch whatsoever but not only am i using the freelancer mod i'm also using carrier expanded and carradia kingdoms so you guys should see and we need to start loading up into the campaign you guys should see the campaign map is completely different now we have a much larger campaign map there's loads more uh really cool kind of i don't know like this aesthetic stuff all around it looks great and the kingdoms themselves have been split up so the empire instead of three factions is now four and many of them do have different cultures because lights have been split up into three factions the sturgeons into two viva landians into a couple i believe the azeri are into three different factions so there are a lot more smaller kingdoms now around the campaign map i also have the eagle rising mob which does have a compatibility patch with carrier expanded kingdoms so the bottom two empire factions will actually be romans and that's what we're going to be joining up as as it will be a life of a legionary i have realistic battle mods which will make low tier units not as good as high tea units really hard for us in the early game but hopefully we'll be able to get around it and level up fast enough until we actually have some good weapons uh which should be really fun but yeah basically that mob makes 1v1s extremely difficult and it also goes ahead and makes it so that armor is actually really valuable if you're an elite soldier you're not going to go ahead and get yourself one shot off your horse i'm also using a ton of other mods which i'm sure will mention you know throughout this campaign or you can just check them out by clicking the link in the description so don't need to fret right now it does take a couple minutes and i'll cut it in a second but it does take a couple minutes for the game to load all of these mods that i'm using it has to basically build the campaign mapping and all the different stuff uh so you just have to give it like five minutes and come back to it and it should all be good and you should be able to dive right in but whilst this is happening i do want to mention that this is going to be a stream campaign tomorrow at 3pm gmt i will be streaming continuing on this campaign uh which should be really fun so make sure you do tune in if you are free come say hi come have some influence on what we do who we join and all that lovely stuff so it should be a lot of fun however don't fret if you can't make it if you're working you've got school you're just busy no need to worry i'll also leave a link down below in the description to the playlist which will have all the bods up from the live streams after i've done them so you can just watch them as if they are a normal episode which is really good because you can just watch them at your own time catch up see what i gap to and you can also watch them on two times speed as well which is always good and boom there we go i didn't have to cut it right there i was too busy rambling so as you can see we do have many new culture groups in the country expanded kingdoms mod uh we can go into players of the republic which will be down in the south you can see that they do have separate bonuses as well you know bonus to morale less trading penalty and a smaller boost to that construction speed if you go to the vanilla empire you can see how much larger one right there so the gear right here they have a a big reduction in their penalties in forest and snow kind of like a mix of sturgeon and botanium which is great uh the nordings loot a lot faster which will be very interesting the campaign map the uh the kergeites actually have unless morale and their party i'm not sure if this is meant for them or the people they're fighting then they get a big boost to their cavalry speed and also get a bit of a boost to their construction speed as well which is uh yeah fairly interesting the rolex go ahead and get a boost to bear horseman and also more experience and right over here more experience and then construction as well so kind of like a best of both worlds some interesting cultures i like that we are getting some of these custom ones right here because i think it does make for some interesting interesting setups we'll go ahead and be a republic man so we'll go ahead and click that and i do have a fairly good idea of exactly how i want to build my character i want to kind of make him quite lanky um i'm sorry that's his weight right there don't make it no i want to make him pretty skinny and i want to make him quite tall as well i don't want to make him like super super tall but yeah so i'm like that is fine i think um and everything else is relatively i mean i think i know he's like the default character but it doesn't look pretty good i'm trying to maybe randomize his face a little uh until i get one i want uh yeah and you guys will see as soon as i do go ahead and uh name my character a lot of you guys uh will know exactly what i'm doing now i'd be surprised if some of you guys can actually guess exactly what type of character i am building uh so he i think he does need to be clean-shaven and this is actually a fine haircut it's a little bit messy for a military man but uh that's probably fine nonetheless yeah that's fine right there cool that's perfect and that was quick i thought i was gonna spend ages doing that uh again one of the problems as well i've got a very cool character in mind for what i want to name my my one but a lot of this stuff doesn't fit him you know like his father was a slave he kind of joined the military when he was like 16 or like younger than that um so it wasn't really you know this doesn't really kind of hold firm but i'll go ahead and pick freeholder because you know it's still working the farmers you know you're not really making it not very rich background i should say and it also does give us a point in endurance and also athleticism which is actually really good as we'll be on the ground a lot of the time so getting back up early would be good good i think my character would be good at leadership you know with who i'm trying to build again i'm not going to spoil it until i name it because i'll see if any of you guys guess it down below in the description uh when we were younger what do we want to do um i guess this wouldn't be a bad one get some medicine none of these really fit my character uh whatsoever so i guess i'll just do herding the sheep because i say an extra point in endurance which is good uh right here i guess we'll train with the infantry because that's kind of my character went off and joined the military very very early on um and he did fight with the infantry so i guess that's what we'll pick and then right here again i mean he kind of did he defeated an enemy in battle he uh you know a famous escapade he did do that as well i guess i'll pick this though but i don't want to make him like an amazing fighter that's just not who he is he's more of an intrigue type of guy uh more so than anything else um this wouldn't be bad at five minutes escapade or we even go down here we treat people nice i think he's a nice guy so treating people nice i'll take that and look at the picker's age he's obviously a very young boy so we'll go ahead and pick him at 20 20. he doesn't look awful at 20. got his face gets a lot longer though as we go on uh but yeah let's go ahead and pick this we're going to do that and then for our name i will name him quintinius lucinius cato from the simon scarole eagle rising books because you know gotta love kato right there big shout out to anyone who's read them books i actually am very far behind on them books but still that's what we're going to call our character right i guess i should just leave this as my last name and just call him quintinius lincilius and we'll obviously play on realistic difficulty on all of them i like recruitment difficulty or an easy just because it is like it's still not the easiest but it's uh just gives you an extra couple of men and it's kind of like a boring part of the game just having to re-recruit soldiers and also movement speed as well just on easy it's fine it's like realistic very easy we got kind of going in the middle right there everything else though we'll be on very hard very hard uh we will obviously allow birth and death and also will allocate our own characters one of the reasons i really want to allow birth and death is that i have a modern that allows me to raise up soldiers from the ranks so obviously at the beginning of the game we are personally not really going to be doing much um in the way of forming our own army uh whatsoever we also have a cool banner as well i have obviously legio2 we are a uh you know we are a boy and uh we have to represent our original legion right there but yeah we're not going to be doing much in the way of of you know leading at the early game because we're just going to join someone else's army and kind of level up that way but obviously as we get further and further into this campaign that might become a possibility and we can use a distinguished service where if characters get a little kill or sorry units in general get a lot of kills in battles we can then make companions out of them which is pretty cool uh indeed we can even make a macro or a cater when we when we rise to legatus uh so yeah as you can see the campaign map already just of this small section is very very different and this is obviously down to the carradia expanded mod adds in loads of cool different small things like you know like just like kind of small real little bit of detail loads of roads and other stuff like that also as in these kind of river crossings as well where you can go on a boat and move across also if you go to a port town as well you can go ahead and just transport to any uh other port town on the map as well for a price which is really cool and as you take a look if we zoom all the way out as well you can see the state of the campaign map there are much smaller kingdoms now scattered throughout and they all have their own different culture groups as well so for example these northern two aren't are going to be eagle rising troops these northern two kingdoms are their own kind of custom culture group as you can see right here they're kind of the empire but they've been you know they've had additions to them and these are the imperial legionaries right here who look amazing honestly look really really good so yeah every faction has kind of a different semi-unitary some might share cultures to some extent but for the most part very different and then with the eagle rising compatibility patch we actually do have the bottom two the blue and the red empire factions actually being roman soldiers which is gonna be really cool indeed i believe out here in the uh the west bees guys are gonna be the gauls i believe yeah they look like they're golic which is gonna be cool i'm not sure if the blues are gonna be dacian or not i had a little bit of trouble getting that one to work because it's more of a recent addition uh the reds are gonna have their own completely different custom culture uh for example what faction is this so this is the royalist of velandians i believe some yeah some of them do look like very miss armor and they are in this armor but the troops are recruiting should be very different you can also edit hero here i'm not sure what what i've got that's doing that but i'll take it that could be kind of fun with my companions later on but yeah if we go to the encyclopedia uh go to the units and go to the royalists uh we should be here somewhere where are they maybe they are just valentian um yeah you can see their unit tree is very different right here uh to how uh the normal valentines are i believe it's these guys these are the units that they will be recruiting again if you go down to different factions like here you can see that these are kind of like a nomadic uh kind of like barbarian i guess they like more like a mix between sturgia and becauseites who again pretty scary faction probably two of the strongest factions on the campaign map so yeah there should be a bunch of factors that we can mess around with and get our way down but for now our journey is to make it our way down south and i might recruit some soldiers honestly just on my way down south uh i also actually might see if there's a tournament going on it could actually be a bad idea just to hit a tournament up here and i can also show you guys the realistic battle mode i'm using that makes 1v1s extremely hard like it makes it very very hard uh there is no tournament going on here it's fine so i've decided to go ahead and pick up some extra soldiers just in case you run into any looters along the way there are also uh scarier uh bandit parties called man hunters they're a lot more heavily armored than they're normally larger in number as well uh which can get very very scary uh if you do run across the sperm and make manage to catch you you're not going to be defeating them this early on in the campaign unless you outnumber them uh fairly severely especially as i said with realistic battle mode on uh they could probably take on b7 looters and they want to come fight me so not a bad way to dive in and take them on and again they're they're very lightly armored i don't believe they have shield we have shields either that's a little bit scary because again in the realistic battle mod units do use shields much more efficiently they block and defend way more than just like mindlessly strike so i wanted to get stuck in but you can also see our horse did damage as they hit into them again that makes cavalry very scary just like that like the ai is actually just blocking so we look a little bit of damage and obviously uh we our horse takes a lot of damage variable we do that as well so it's like a nice little trade-off until you have better armor i really need to try and whittle these guys down or at least try and maybe get some to chase me i need some of them to like chase me because our spears are not going to last long let's try and body block nice we actually managed to run over a looter without a sword as well as best as we can nice and he's running good good good i didn't also didn't lose a man i mean it doesn't really matter as i said because we're gonna be getting rid of these guys but it's good to kind of get some skill points in our stats i should probably be on foot as well honestly a little bit renowned the morale i'll take it nothing too special not gonna you know change our path in life we are on our way to join up i i guess and again that's another question like who do we join up with do we simp and join the the empress or do we go and join the western empire because as i said both these kingdoms should be roman soldiers let's just double check right here yeah they are perfect and you can see the newly updated eagle rising mod as well so we'll basically start off as an empire levy moves over to the video and then a legionary and then probably down this route we could decide to go down the auxiliary and join as a cavalryman i don't think i'll go with missiles even though that's probably the easiest way of doing it is just being an archer because you'll rack up loads of kills and that's how you level up in the india in the service of another lord 18 losers there you have to be very careful right there avoid them so yeah i think i will are they i mean you can see their manhunter parties as well see already pretty heavily armored and again you know that might not sound very scary you know it's like oh whatever i'll still do like 40 damage no your weapons will literally glance off heavy armored targets if you don't you know i think a lot of the gladius is you need to actually stab the enemy and even bend your 20 damage to more heavily armored targets um so yeah who are these guys at war with anyone the southern empire there are all the azerite and that allied so i'm also using the diplomacy mod as well which adds in diplomacy into the game so you'll see factions formed on aggressions alliances and other stuff like that i'm very very with these guys who i believe are the ones on the island uh where is it somewhere it's more over here yeah so that's them so they're valid with these guys which is good yeah again they're probably both here both of what the azerite and they can actually travel as well which is really cool so we can go like here to here and then into there as well which is doping and hit the azerite um but yeah i guess we'll just i guess we'll join up with with these guys because they're at war with uh with the desert which is nice obviously you need to avoid these parties we should be faster than them which is nice um so i guess we'll oh my god i guess we'll join up with the emperors because surely she's not gonna go and she has like she'll have the most soldiers under our command i only think that there's anyone else i would like to join like in here besides her i mean this would not he would be a bad one to join because he's a cool banner the eagle he's only tier three as well where was he last seen let's see and we'll also probably go searching for the empress as well so yeah he was seen all the way over here so he's probably making his way around right now to maybe go and fight someone down here for a second i thought there's a siege going going on here but it's just be uh the awesome river so cool man we've done such a good job here just making the campaign map look amazing again if you go over here as well it's like i look so good it really does definitely shows that song at battle lords definitely needs to add in themselves let's continue down and again if we run into any tournaments it could be a good thing to do oh i would not be a bad lord to join honestly 141 men what does he have for in his in his army a lot of levees but some pretty decent units as well uh we might go see if there's a tournament going on first and then we could go from there honestly ah there is no tournament okay okay okay no good lords here again where's the empress as well is she around here because i want to see how many soldiers she is under our command so her head probably towards her and if we finally have a good lord to join um i definitely will because again a lot of the time like the emperors don't actually join like they don't actually leave the armies as much as maybe they should so hopefully we'll run across it we'll go to arena as well on our way she's not bad no not bad we'll go here again see if there's a good tournament going on she might even still be here oh there she is perfect well i'll jump in here see if there's a tournament going on never isn't so i guess we'll just join up with her why not hopefully she'll be running into battle as well uh hello i am quintinius lussinius cato how is it going um so uh yeah there is something i'd like to discuss with you i would like to join your ranks oh excellent nice so how can i join she tells me to go and meet a sergeant with military tents and boom just like that we have now enlisted in the emperor's army ready to fight and die by her side and there will be missions later on when we level up some of our stats you can see right here we have fame we have loyalty and we also have popularity um them stats do a counter getting some cool stuff so once we get you know enough fame uh we will be tasked with actually protecting her in battle which is a little bit weird and finicky because obviously she's just gonna bull charge into the enemy and probably die but it's still a fun mission and hopefully you can get you know get away with it and get some good results because of that so right now we're being paid for gold we are just simply an empire levy we are you know nothing special whatsoever just in her ranks and uh hopefully you're able to uh get into some good combat but she's 177 men so i feel a bit more confident about it uh that she is moving in we are also as i said a war with the azerite so uh hopefully we do go over and try and conquer some land that would be pretty cool i believe there is a river crossing uh here that you can make your way in um but yeah this is one of the downsides of the mod for sure so there's not a ton to do right now we jumped in i'll leave it to the others right there they're gonna need to be involved in this one uh we planted gold i'll take it but yeah look there's a lot of down time in the morn whilst you're kind of doing these early stages unless you're in like a mega war um and when you're not aware of anyone you can just leave you can go ahead and ask for an honorable discharge or you can just ask to leave and nothing will happen if you do end up leaving though can we not play like this okay cool if you do end up leaving uh whilst you're at war she will be annoyed at you and so are a lot of other people in the faction so you kind of have to wait for peace time to arrive before doing that there are some options to do though whilst you once you have this downtime you can go and train with the troops by doing this you go ahead and get yourself wounded a little bit so it means that you can't do it constantly but it will level up your stats over time so right there yeah we were hurt badly so i lost 30 uh 30 hp but i gained some extra skill points in uh in athleticism and also in one-handed skills which is you know absolutely perfect leveling them up is great i might actually take another point right there in my one-handed skill as well um but as you can see i can't do that again i also kind of hunt as well whilst i am wounded i can gamble i can buy some beer which will help go ahead and uh get boost my popularity i can also leave for a couple days if there's certain things i want to go and do uh what you know maybe is to go buy some some gear or something like that if we're at a settlement or maybe go silver gear i've managed to plunder you can ask for an honorable discharge and a few other things so uh yeah i mean until we do truly go to war with like a bigger faction we are kind of stuck around here just kind of waiting for her to move in i mean we have 200 men now we've recruited a lot of soldiers and what is our army looking like right now did you just go on slow-mo uh so yeah she i mean she still hasn't she's a pretty good army there's not many levies i mean she has 37 levees but she also has a lot of vigilance as well and some good optios and and and cigna bearers as well that's a good line of mercenary horsemen as well so yeah her army i think we've definitely gone ahead and uh hooked our horse to the right race right now because she will do some serious damage this is obviously you know without waiting for her to go to war nice we can go ahead and train once again uh continue to level up back because yeah leveling up our athleticism is gonna be very important uh indeed and nice we actually did level up as well during that we get another focus point and also boosted this up cool morning exercise increasing your movement uh speed by ten percent which is really good actually uh and uh then improves the foot troops as well my formation and then also well built more hit points i mean also our troops get more more hit points i mean that's pretty good an extra of what five percent of hp or do we go faster i mean being faster is actually probably pretty important because if we're going to be on foot for a while but this should be good in the late game we'll go ahead and pick well built and as i said we have another point in focus uh we can sit down anywhere why do we want this hey one-handed again just try and really boost that stat up could not be a bad idea whatsoever and i'm surprised we're not going to war with anyone else at the moment we are simply just waiting um oh we got an aggression back so yeah we're letting you warm no one right now which kind of sucks i mean we could leave and come back because i believe there is no one else um i i believe because they're not a war of anyone we should be able to leave for free because these are just minor facts no question that there's actually a proper faction yeah that's a proper faction okay cool so it would be your horse lords yeah we're all of these guys now okay so we should be brought down then perfect if we weren't then we could just leave and then join back later and i believe you keep all your stats as well it's actually really nice but you can just you know you oh your fashion's a piece okay i'll leave for peace time go work on my own character and nice we've now formed an army let's go okay combat is uh is about to erupt uh and i'm ready to level up we need to get what two kills i think to get to our next rank and it continues to increase from there nice 400 men yeah we definitely do a good job there's an enemy army right there let's go let's go there right there what are we waiting for they're literally raiding us and this is one of the downsides definitely oh my god please it's gonna let them raid our poor people yeah she is she is willing to go elsewhere ready to go take a castle or something but yeah that's definitely one of the downsides is that we have no influence over what the ai does do uh we are just a simple soldier and we have to put up with it uh also who the hell is sieging this cinnamon i didn't even see it we're going down here to see whis which is fine so nice our first battle will be a siege battle which i think will be pretty good actually siege battles are much easier to get kills in i think because we can use the rocks to rack up some kills and do a lot more and yeah there you go we are sieging they have some ballistas we have a battering ram and she just wants to go in right there i mean we heavily outnumber them which is good with me i think so let's go ahead and uh obviously we will mount the battlements or we will push up we outnumber them so much as well i'm pretty sure we get to bring everybody we have into battle so yeah i am just this lonely soldier there is the empress herself dismounted marching to battle like an absolute mad lass and we could decide what we did you weren't going to maybe push up that siege tower i mean the battering ram even could be a good idea oh you just got the ladders the ladders also would not be a bad idea either because our main goal right here is to rack up kills if we can get some kills then that'll make my life much easier because as soon as we get up to the visual a status uh we you can see we get better armor and that guy's yeah we get better arm we get a better shield and also i believe about gladius as well so we really just need to rack up two kills during this battle without dying too much we can also maybe try and uh pick up someone else's armor as well as one of the other things we can do but we see our wounded soldiers like over here we could try and pick up his bow uh does he have anything down there's an arrow there and his sword that seems like that's about it because yeah we're really waiting for this uh the siege tab to be brought up you have any good gear again just your sword if you're sling there the sling is on leash hell yeah we're gonna have to probably pretty much just sit back and then i think going up the ladders is a very good idea honestly damn that doesn't look like a better sword than us but it's probably just the same one honestly we'll pick it up just in case it is yeah it's probably gonna be okay see i think i definitely got the ladders to be honest so far we are losing a lot of soldiers okay now you can probably start moving because they'll push up the ladders yeah now it's such a small shield as well because again our armor is gonna be really ineffective in these battles compared to oh there's one right there regardless of this guy easy kill can we do a little damage we need to be stabbing stabbing does way more damage bring him down boys i don't know why they are the lag he's trying to get up the stairs there we go perfect yeah i'll get up here unfortunately i didn't manage to rack up that kill but it's fine that guy was i had a lot better armor for the weapons that i had it's assuming there's a handful them up here though his arch is over there as well my god hopefully i can just guarantee about dying shields up and just try oh come on no oh my god i'm so dead i'm so dead make my way around here my shield's now broken oh my god i'm so dead i'm so dead just hide i didn't pick up some javelins maybe okay this is the way we do it we hide here and we lob javelins over there nice kill okay come on we lost our shield already that sucks i didn't get a kill either come on don't die die the archers oh my god we are just going to try and kill me so so effectively come on we need the kills i need one more kill you get this one this is the way to do it because as soon as we go out the archers are going to absolutely demolish me oh come on i might just get myself stuck in honestly i need that second kill and yeah as soon as i go for that one unfortunately i got brought down that sucks i suck so much losing that shield but you can see as well this is how like effective the realistic battle mode is like my shield got broken so quickly into this bridge is actually holding up pretty well in vanilla this breach would have just collapsed so quickly it's more soldiers break their way through we have also now taken this actually maybe just stayed on the wall really because until i get that level two like i could have picked up this shield and gone down just waiting for these boys to get down just kind of steal some kills obviously the most effective way of doing it is just getting a bow and arrow and then just shooting people you can back up hundreds of kills that way i'm kind of unlucky though honestly kind of unlucky but hey it's gonna be a victory number that's like how many kills yeah it's gonna be a victory nonetheless so i'm gonna take that i'll century in here taking on this awesome looking uh shield right there i definitely want myself one of them shields at some point taking on a much more elite soldier headshot right there boom boom come on bring him down show us why you are macro and you can see this is like how effective as well they block as well it really makes elite troops feel elite honestly a few archers out there but yeah the day is lost we've stormed the settlement pretty effectively really unfortunately i was not able to get more than like one kill which does suck because all you need is two kills to rank up and yeah that would have enabled me to be able to do a lot more in her empress's service but it's fine we will make do with what we have it wasn't even left right now they have what so whatever not the annoying things as well is i can't actually go ahead and join someone as well there's no allied troops to come on unfortunately because we are in the army so no one's actually under our commands we can't actually join up as anyone which does really suck yeah nice little victory right there i'll take that uh we're getting some renow we own one percent of a loot as well hey that's a good amount of money i'll take that our charm went up as well i guess because we helped her in battle so you know she noticed me a little bit and i will take that we are obviously severely wounded we can go to the soldier's camper and pay uh 20 gold to heal ourselves back up but again there's a real point for us doing that we're gained some loyalty we gained one kill and she's gonna go recruit some more soldiers level up a little bit as i heal up as well in the camp it will make our way in doesn't seem like the siege worked wherever the siege was happening over here we're gonna try and seize this main settlement as well god damn she is out for blood or we're gonna go maybe looting it'll be a bad idea as well i don't know we're gonna go back here engage whatever army is down here there we go 400 men i mean again i'm kind of nervous about this focus we have a lot of levies we have 90 levies in our army they have 103 votes so we're good how dare they loot in our face how absolutely dare they we will make them pay a nice this should be a battle we would not i shouldn't maybe have gone to the camp as well beforehand to heal all the way up this should be an easier battle like land battle i can kind of get on the side they have what 103 nomads out of their 400 soldiers i just need to make sure i don't get sniped by their horse archers because that would really really suck if the horse archers managed to find me and bring me down oh it's actually a nice little open battlefield as well okay okay okay i'll take that banner's rising up as well looking beautiful so this is one of the reasons i definitely wanted to make sure i got my athleticism up and yeah boom look about like we're actually actually pretty fast as well as the rest of the army is marching up in all its glory empress what do you desire of me we also have a fair amount of archers as well in the army definitely can't complain now i might just make it a little bit brighter uh really quickly as well let's go and make things a little bit brighter so you guys can see here it should be a bit better because i know a lot of the night battles youtube does not do it justice it youtube does a very poor job at lighting these battles so so where are they so they're just above this hill they have so currently our 19 horses are engaged with their they have a lot of horses actually a lot of missiles which is pretty scary they have 75 horses we have 19 but we obviously have way more information from them we have about 200 infantry we may have 200 infantry and we have a handful more than that right now we're just being told to advance i'll make sure i keep my shield up high now sergeant's telling us to regroup so you just get a good insight like how the ai does perform as well like if i really want you to like regroup advance regroup advance because yeah the ai is gonna be mainly situated over here right yeah they haven't really got they got some okay soldiers in there but nothing but scary if you like vikings as well oh an imperial lord there as well how dare they they'll be made to pay make sure we try and catch up as well again that's one of the annoying things as well because no one's actually in my party um can we like if there's nothing i can really follow i don't think you turn that on as well there we go i don't know maybe i'll make some difference i don't think it will though i don't think it will allow me to follow the infantry because technically i don't own these guys so i'm not sure if it will work if it does so that'd be great because i can kind of like take a look at the battlefield and we're just a little bit late right now which is fine because we can kind of pick up be at the ends of a battle and if any of these guys i need to make sure i have my shield up as well like when characters like that dive i'm gonna steal some of their weapons that'd be perfect that's like our main goal right now just make sure that we have a we like we can steal some people's armor and stuff they end up going down like that shield or that weapon that may be way more effective against heavily armored targets and saying about shield as well we're going uphill though there's a little bit of a slog but as soon as we get up here we'll be fine my armor is still trash but having that mace is really nice there you go the battle is now erupting we just need one more kill to level up to make sure i don't die to these horses help me romans help me i've got two of them on me right now there we go perfect we got a kill we have a kill nice okay so we should level up now i'm just farming for nomads actually a really good idea we've got so many of them after me oh my god the cavalry just come on one shot me this has not been going well honestly not be going well whatsoever you know unfortunately we can't control anyone because there's no allied troops because technically these soldiers aren't in us which makes sense you know can't believe we died though we just need to get some better armor and we should now now that we you know we we should level up because i believe it goes like two and it's like eight kills and then it's like 20 kills and then it's 50 and then it's like 100 i think yeah you can see the soldiers there and we're going to win this battle but again a poor showing i am truly a novice that's kind of fun though you know it's fun but i'm not just leveling up super quickly that cavalry came back smashed me in the back and i had no way of dealing with like these elite lancers you know and these are the upper tiers are because i soldiers and i'm just a lowly soldier in a tunic with a square shield guys can really see the uh cavalry moving in then the deadliness of cavalry cavalry is extremely good in realistic battle it just cares for infantry it does some crazy damage to catherine it's also pretty hard to kill as well unless you have spears obviously if you have spears then it becomes much easier to see that the romans though are simply just reforming the line and there's only got 69 of them she left here just simply reinforcing the line waiting for reinforcements to arrive and then they're going to push forward over 200 missiles now but it's not going to stop them from miss cavalry coming in and doing a lot of damage okay so the battle has been going on for a little while now uh with that cavalry just absolutely hammering away you've got some of the kills as well you can see a lot of their horses racking up a lot of kills these nomads over 28 kills and then bad boys which is pretty impressive for low tier units but yeah they've done some good job it's just kind of harassing the battle line coming in attacking retreating back the romans have finally decided to push forward and uh yeah take the fight and as soon as they do that they just absolutely slaughter a lot of what the enemy have they obviously still have their cavalrymen but yeah with them going down the battle is almost certainly loss of only 23 of their soldiers left remaining and victory will be ours but unfortunately again i only managed to rack up that one kill at least i got back because now it gives me a better shield actually gives me some armor so next time if that elite cavalry just hit me in the back i won't die immediately and uh we can hopefully rack up a few more kills as the last remnants of their army do go down a few more horses i think that's everything they have right here we have one more horse which is probably running for his life at this point no it's going back charging in front of glory hopefully he stopped down there and killed come on brian there you go yeah i'm taking down there's another there's a lone horse archer over here as well which has now been dismounted it's a nice two for two i'm happy that we managed to win two victories right there i will take it i should get a little bit of the profit as well a little bit of blue i did not maybe i died i died last time though um it's kind of weird i mean our army is very depleted now unfortunately um but i should level up i killed two enemies did i not i guess not okay well i guess it's more than that sucks because i really just really need a few more kills and this could be a good idea of maybe joining a another like a lower tier lords party oh it's just recording one man it might be a good idea to join someone like 50 soldiers because of that way you actually do manage to go and kill some looters and stuff in the early game which might not be a bad like an awful idea whatsoever you know killing like they're like below a t like 50 man groups do go chasing after them 21 man groups and stuff so obviously you know when we're part of a queen's army we're gonna um definitely not really be receiving that too much yeah we're just recruiting which is good and bad it doesn't mean that our army is gonna be nowhere near as effective because we're gonna have a lot of lower tier units let's just heal ourselves up and let's go train for a little bit more as well there was actually a fair amount of gold unfortunately uh we did train up though and we leveled up again from that which is nice and uh we just got another focus point yeah just another focus point uh what would you like to take vain i mean yeah this is going up quite nicely i guess scouting wouldn't be a bad thing to grab up in because it seems like our scouting is going up regardless man i'd love to kill them 18 looters now some easy kills for us everybody's going to scatter now is the war over have we uh have we made peace after taking that settlement uh no we also know that warren we're also one of the northern empire as well no we did yeah we made peace with via the kurgit and now we're over northern empire so with the diplomacy mob whenever you do end up uh whenever you do end up making peace you do go ahead and get on a question non-aggression pact with that faction yeah we we severely need to rack up some more men in here well because we only have 107 men 116 that's not good at all they must have also as well adjusted how many uh points you do need to level up because again we are still just a lowly lowly levy and i would very much like to not be a lowly lowly levi honestly because getting my armor pieces is so goddamn important all nice my training efforts have gone to a pretty good success we can pick deflect which goes and gives us the ability to uh wield our one-handed skill a lot more effectively which is which is good i'll take that extra handling oh he can take less damage in shield one and stunning people a bit more effectively this is actually pretty good but i'm not gonna be i'm just gonna be swinging aimlessly i think so let's go and pick the top one let's pick deflect there's also pretty good as well when it comes to uh fighting as well because it will hopefully uh when i obviously eventually go off by myself make me a lot more effective when it does come to fighting as well so there's a few only laws annoyingly as well it doesn't actually show you enemy lords either um as enemies because i'm not technically like i'm not technically part of this faction come on reinforcements better arrive in time we need reinforcements we need them like now like yesterday we need them they broke the siege because reinforcements have arrived and no you idiot oh my god we're gonna get slaughtered here what can we do and i guess i'm gonna have to fight him why would you not just wait oh my god the ai man why would they not just wait like two seconds and get that massive 400 stack in yeah well empress we need reinforcements and this is one of the reasons why i actually automated join nobody didn't join it's one of the reasons i really love that real-time feel with bannerlord online is because you have like that constant feel of like reinforcements are on the way and i think it would be very cool and overcooked mod is planning on doing that but i think it'd be really cool to have it so that reinforcements could actually arrive uh in battles even if they're a little bit you know in a distance away i think it'd be a really cool mod to give you the ability to have like soldiers but maybe like move very slowly like maybe at like 0.5 speed but like maybe reinforcements could actually find themselves and the same for the attackers as well it's also a beautiful map as well such a really cool map i've never noticed this one before oh yeah maybe it's because i've never gone this far back i'm always uh i'm always in the front lines charging forward at the enemy yeah i mean we stand no chance here this is definitely another defeat but maybe we can get some more kills and then we'll get set free when our reinforcements arrive yeah we are simply uh running up this hill okay here they come we can save them off in the distance our arches are firing off some volleys i'm kind of really hoping one of these guys to die so i could pick up their weaponry that'd be amazing uh but they're going to close the distance it's going to be so deadly because sooner rather than later they're going to be loving all of their javelins and me that line is so much longer than ours as well so i can't oh god i got hit there as well i'm good so i can't even really um i can't even really get around the flank either yeah this is so bad for us right now got hit again from another hour you get freely fired i think i might stop honestly i would charging down one of them and i'm just gonna go in the center and maybe try and pick up some people uh in that center pharah men are so much better than ours as well oh my god this is not good try and maybe pick up some of the stragglers around the side maybe like our lines are getting so thin so quickly i want to do no damage to that guy yeah no point going there doing some good damage to them i think i'm a weapon as well you can see like stabbing does way more than anything else oh god yeah we just have no ah as a poor battle but until we level up it's just like very hard to get the kills this is a very poor showing i do apologize but yeah the battle is lost for sure don't know why the empress went in but hey i am i'm a lowly soldier there's not much more i can do so yeah boom we lose that battles defeat we didn't even get many kills our army was so novice but maybe if we were like all legionaries that would have been good and we are now prisoner by the enemy they have no more use for me so they're setting me free so what i'm interested in finding out and i've enjoyed this battle probably is like when the empress does get um what did that say have six days to return to the army is that what it was uh so we also need to go obviously find the empress i imagine the emperor's though is probably in as a prisoner in this right i can only imagine because again i'm not part of these guys in their army so let's go and take a quick look actually let's update it and let's go see where she is um so she was last seen so she knows she is free again she was last seen over here okay oh my god there's big battles across the board as one unfortunately i can't be in any of them really well one cause i'm not actually even aware of them either so we have to go meet up back with the empress and rejoin the army even though i'm doing so bad i can't believe how poorly uh the campaign has gone so far but it'll brighten up tomorrow in the livestream for sure i believe in us and we'll be able to bring things uh forward so she's last seen so she's still here apparently she's fine giving me uh it doesn't look like she's still here but she was last seen here there tournament going on maybe there is a tournament going on so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna just kind of heal up a little bit i'll do this tournament can i get my my footing back because again i kind of feel like you guys think i'm really bad at this game uh from today's show and i probably need to win a tournament to prove my worth but we are healing so slowly come on but nowhere you heal faster we're gonna have a tavern maybe no uh i mean there's no way we're gonna win a tournament with this much hp let's wait till the next day and then we'll give it a go let's go up to 50 hp it's not gonna be enough to win it honestly but yeah four days to return to the army good to know let's win this tournament really quickly i'm gonna return to the empress with the tournament badge on my side and my god this is a good helmet as well oh there's no crazy like he's going to be really hard to defeat hopefully he doesn't get through the equity is going to be hard and this option is going to be hard but his tb2s as well um they got a slinger we've got an archer unfortunately i don't get a bow which sucks so let me try and tank this guy whilst you beat him oh 60 damage in my head as well you just see him the effectiveness of maces thank god he saved me there because i did fool as you get here boom good job my friend good job hopefully i'll see you in the final yeah you can see like how effective maces are compared to that gladius i'm wielding so again it's 2v2s again are all archer boys with us as well okay i'll protect you archer boy oh come on oh my god i did not i did not think i'd be get given him and yeah we lose god damn it god damn it man i got absolutely smashed i could have sworn i had my shield up and it really took me off guard as well man this is an embarrassing show trust me guys i am truly not bad at this game i am pretty good but today is not proving that yeah so she was last seen here again she's not here right can't get into the keeper she's not in there we can't see her there so where she is i wish i was like a marker on the map maybe would that be very helpful honestly showing me exactly where she is i can only assume probably gone this way she's not there though because i don't get this like negative of like her being like the entire empire being annoyed at me because i can't find them i wonder if maybe if i joined someone else's army that could be helpful again she was last seen in this settlement a day ago so she obviously hasn't stopped off anywhere i don't know exactly where she would be almost caught there as well i would have been absolutely awful make sure we don't die to these guys i guess we'll head down south the new day has passed and i'm hoping or we're starving as well sucks god damn this is a difficult campaign to kick ourselves off we need to buy some grain so we can buy one we can buy two hopefully she's popped back up on the map i want to send her a message oh yeah i totally forgot i could do this nice yeah could we even diplomacy i can just send her a message and i can then go join her that way boom nice good i totally feel like this makes my life so much easier i can't oh she's just still a prisoner so i can't join she must still be a prisoner somewhere oh that sucks so much okay well we'll keep on waiting and maybe we have to wait seven days before we can join again maybe maybe that's the case uh so maybe let's wait up here but if i get a big debuff with her because of that that really does suck let's see if there's another tournament going on there there is we've got a bit more hp now not loads of hp we still got enough um a nice little roman armor piece here that's great i believe in myself let's do this boom and we're on a horse back with a banner as well that's funny we've got such a huge lance as well i put this uh banner on my back oh my god this lance is absolutely humongous oh my 200 damage on that weapon as well weapon is insane oh my god look it is a true pike i've never seen one luckily though these are definitely the easier ones to use unfortunately he managed to block that we got two there's tv one bow so i think we make it through no matter what only dude 727 damage there not my mace maybe yeah put on my mace do some good damage to him that way but horse combat is probably not going to be my specialty 40 damage there boom boom boom i think we make it through no matter what still win this i think yeah boom it's him dead and this guy must be pretty low as well just mounted him 33 damage we also just 1v1 him on foot but as we know it's much easier this way okay of course join witness this one's a 1v1 v1 okay he's coming towards me both of you guys okay let's go over help out here i can deal with this guy but it's just obviously killing the actual armored guys probably a good idea for us to do first so what we do this we go and then make them fight one another boom we focus this guy down nice now i can take care of this guy hopefully nice let's go okay okay next we're up against a slinger perfect let me just beat one of the better people so this would be a fighting battle we can defeat this guy and then it's just fighting an actual lord in the final who will have such high stats it's gonna be very hard also we've only got 60 hp as well one hit on this guy now thank god oh okay now we're actually fighting nippon who is a pretty heavily armored lord you can see my mace is going to do barely any damage to me unless i get a good hit i know how much faster it is for me yeah headshots are definitely gonna be our damage makers boom nice broke his guard there as well it's only got like one one bit of hp left now boom oh my god that's so much easier than my other tournaments god damn 600 gold i'll take it we've got some good armor as well unfortunately we won't be able to wear this armor whenever we join her uh back again but i'll take it i'll put it on now just in case you went into any looters or anything uh boom boom yeah so it gives us some good armor at least i'll take it um yeah nice we also load up our poem skill as well nice i'll take it so to increase your damage with poems which is pretty good and just increase damage of infantry that's pretty good and mounted units um i mean are we gonna join the cavalry probably not right let's go ahead and just take pikemen i think just make our infantry better in the late game a lot of these things we're doing i have nine days to return to my party okay is she back again is she joined i guess i can look this way because i'd be more than happy to join her as soon as she's uh ready she was last seen back over there again so yeah i think she is still being held prison does it say if she's been held prisoner i think it did i mean unless i'm blind yeah just now i knew i own a new owner yeah no i can't i can't say i don't want to keep on playing 100 gold every time either um so i guess we'll head over or just maybe recruit some men of my own maybe go kill some looters whilst we wait go and hump to them and then we'll just go hunt for some losers still have nine days to find her which is good definitely gonna avoid the manhunter parties uh we definitely do not have the gear to deal with them as we run into some forest bandits again burst bandage shouldn't be the worst thing in the world because i am on horseback but an arrows are going to hurt do anywhere we can hide yeah let's just hide back here then we'll charge them as it gets super close i mean even still though it's going to be so scary you got some good armor on now yeah we'll hide here i guess yeah so we actually let's let them get really close i mean i maybe try and snipe one as soon as i get across here because then bows are gonna just one shot me i'm getting closer though they can't see me quite yet we can't see them either i wanted to take out one of them here nope oh god oh god oh god oh god yeah just keep on hiding being perfect yeah let's just let them keep on coming these mounds to our advantage the edging clothes be so careful it's so funny having to be this careful in the campaign just until they get close enough and we can charge them down god damn it let's just do that and just make our way in this way now hopefully be focusing me no they're already uh yeah we just not stand a chance my god okay so after being held prisoner for a little while we managed to finally escape and let's see now let's spend 100 gold i mean she still has not arrived i think she might still be a prisoner let's see uh let's see if we can join her so i'd like to rejoin your army is that the one i want to enter your service presents your service is actually becoming a mercenary right yes so she must still be because uh enter your service is a mercenary thing right yeah so she must still be in prison somewhere unfortunately uh which again does suck for us but you know it's fine oh that was close that was close let's get the hell out of there though for now and just that yeah sitting here heal up again and i think that's what we're going to end the episode i mean it was a absolutely atrocious episode we got barely anything done and uh we only managed to get free kills and not there too well whatsoever but we leveled up our stats hopefully we can rejoin the empress or i might just go rejoin someone else um at some point as well we have no quests or anything so maybe i'll see what happens if we join someone else's army if we lose relationships with her or something i'll maybe save it and test it out um but yeah i'll be streaming this again tomorrow so make sure you tune in don't worry if you can't tune in as i said i'll leave all the other vods from the live streams in a playlist down below so you can just watch them at your own pace and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Jackie Fish
Views: 476,931
Rating: 4.8801379 out of 5
Keywords: Life Of A Legionary - Mount & Blade II Bannerlord, mount & blade ii bannerlord, bannerlord mod, bannerlord gameplay, eagle rising bannerlord, bannerlord roman, mount and blade bannerlord, mount and blade ii bannerlord, mount and blade 2 bannerlord mods, mount and blade bannerlord mods, mount & blade bannerlord, bannerlord best mods, mount & blade 2, mount & blade, mount & blade ii: bannerlord, mount and blades bannerlord, mount & blade ii: bannerlord walkthrough
Id: DklF_HlXSoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 53sec (3353 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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