Baldur's Gate 3 Why I love Light Clerics

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light clerics are amazing the give might get up here I am just respecting my monk what do we get as a light cleric first of all we get one extra cantrip is light can be useful especially for races that do not have dark vision we get burning hands it's okay it's nothing to shout out shouts about really verifies fairly decent though as a cleric I might prefer to use Bless but it's nice to have very far if there's a load of enemies but we get this warding flare when enemies attack you you can give them disadvantage if you use your reaction now one great change compared to fifth edition for us as clerics is the uses of this are not linked to our wisdom modifier and then at level two we get this Radiance of the Dawn Channel Divinity at the lower levels it's amazing at the high levels it's maybe not as good because the damage isn't as high but it's effectively just a free AOE spell where we do damage just to enemies we don't have to worry about allies we can or even neutral NPCs you can just run in the middle and shoot this off and you've saved a spell slot it's really really good at level three we get access to Flaming sphere and scorching Ray they're okay okay unfortunately Fleming sphere's concentration we do have a fair few number of concentration spells as a cleric but it's good to have an extra Ally on the battlefield it will take damage it will be targeted it saves you scorching raid can be okay in the right situation there are some items that can boost this sort of stuff level four is the normal ability score Improvement or feat and then at level five you really start to shine we get fireball who needs a wizard when you've got a light cleric you've got daylight that can be good against enemies such as maybe dwega which gives them disadvantage maybe someone dead perhaps some shadows and stuff so it's kind of useful to have this you might not use it all the time but it's nice to have always prepared but Fireball man and then at level six this is where things really start to kick off not only can we use this warning flare for ourselves we can use it to actually protect an ally as well and it's just unlimited use so you can give only once per round because it does require a reaction but you can give disadvantages to enemies against a particular Target probably more useful against bosses or where there are fewer enemies on the battlefield but you're almost certainly going to be using your reaction every single turn at level seven we will always have guardian of Faith prepared which is a spell I used every now and again with Shadow heart and my own playthrough and Wall of fire downside to this is concentration but it can do loads of damage and the AI doesn't seem to avoid it that much at the moment so this can be really really nice because they will just take damage by being nearby level eight will be the usual ability score Improvement or feat and we also get this where we can add our wisdom modifier to the damage we deal with cat trips I mean it's kind of nice but the only country we have that deals damage is sacred flame so it's not necessarily the best I want wisdom as high as it can be and at level nine we get flame strike always prepared I use this a few times it's nice to have it always prepared because then I can actually prepare some other spells and might use less often and then destructive wave kind of a very much upgraded Radiance of the Dawn really awesome number 10 we just get the normal things that we can't trip and let's use that because oh yeah made a mistake earlier I said we only have sacred flame as an attack and Cat trip we do have produced flame also but the range on that is only 30 feet and we do get this divine intervention we can only use it once in the game once per safe so you've got to pick that very carefully and at level 11 we don't get any more spells already prepared we just get the usual level six cleric spells and at level 12 we get the final feed or ability score Improvement this isn't really about a build I just want to show off the light cleric and I'm not really at all focusing on items I've not got the best items at all I've got this as a more of a monk sort of setup so I am in act three so if you don't want to see any more of x3 than what you can see on the screen and turn away so found these flaming fists as a single steel Watcher and I want to show off what the light cleric can do we'll start with the fireball then classic witnessed someone yeah it was was nice so here's improved warning Flair now at these very high levels it's not going to be as useful because the attack bonuses from the enemies generally quite high but it did help probably against someone if he still went off so I'm just gonna wait until they've had their turn they get many attacks let's just make one fail shall we so they're all the nine with disadvantage but with all the bonuses they still managed to get the armor class of my animal companion here still watch is going to come and kick our ass a bit and we do only get one warding flare per turn which is why I didn't get to use it again there now because I only get one reaction per turn I don't think it's worth using it right here so don't particularly care about sharing that corvid this might be slightly more important so we'll use this one but not that still rolled high enough to hit which is a shame so it's gonna be up to you to decide when is a good chance to use a good time to use that when it's not a good time to use warning flirt but I think I'm like cleric's next turn we're going to be able to finish off a few of these flaming fists I think let's see Radiance to the dawn so I'm going to get the like characters come somewhere in the middle I don't want them to take an opportunity attack so I'm actually going to use a scroll of Misty step somewhere about here I'll be fine look at that they're all within range don't need to worry about harming my allies oh so close we did deal out a chunky amount of damage all together it's not as much as we could do with I don't know the photo that's been hasted I'll show you flame strike I notice this isn't the light cleric but this is always prepared on the light cleric not bad when they feel they're saving through especially but that is level five spell the light can it really weakened a lot of these enemies let's try this there we are I made the Miss to the heart is safe at least for one attack and again the high levels it's gonna get slightly less useful because enemies won't have multiple attacks one of the better things about variants of the Dawn is that it doesn't require spell slot it's gonna lose twice per short rest these two are almost certainly going to die a lot I should certain is it there we go send them both out all right so I've reloaded on back to the beginning of the fight I'm gonna just want to show you destructive wave let's use some radiant damage shall we foreign destroyed two of them they did they were softened up with a fireball destroyed two of them two of them are now prone and the ones that are remaining have a fairly low hit points that is a level five spell so you do expect it to be strong but now maybe uh I'm a little hamster friend here come finish them off and so once again I think Radiance The Thorn will be a good choice this dude's going to get an opportunity attack I think it's worth it they might miss I don't know why not doesn't matter too much until we're getting into the right position here we are we'll probably get rid of fist worm there that fist is definitely going down this fist is probably going down really nice of finishing off multiple weak enemies sure it's not a magic Missile but magic Missile would not have finished off all of those enemies so the light cleric I love it very versatile it does all the clerical things plus some other things other clerics or even other characters can't do like warding flair and Radiance to the dawn help turn the light cleric into almost uh not exactly a wizard but get some of the wizard abilities such as nice AOE damage you've got scorching Ray and this kind of makes a nice little substitute for having a wizard in the party obviously it doesn't replace a wizard it's not the same but I think it's a nice kind of compromise between having an Arcane and divine Caster the only downside is if you've got all these spells on a single person well you can only cast one for a turn right but but on the other hand you're gonna have other character in your party perhaps that can do other things so let me know what you think of the lights cleric have you played one will you play one will you have a look at them at least because I think they've always been very good perhaps the warning flare isn't as good at the higher levels because the attack bonuses are very high but nevertheless it's the lovely little reaction to have if you've made it this far please consider subscribing thank you to all the subscribers on my channel and all the members and hopefully I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Casual Veteran Gamer
Views: 5,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, bg3 light cleric, baldurs gate 3 light cleric, baldur's gate 3 light cleric, light cleric bg3, light cleric baldur's gate 3, light cleric baldurs gate 3, cleric bg3, cleric baldur's Gate 3, cleric baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3 cleric, bg3 cleric, baldurs gate 3 cleric
Id: AkCXaz51_ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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