Why You Should Spec Laezel Into A Monk In BG3

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hello hello good morning and welcome to another episode of Mother's Day three goats I think I'm not sure I'm not sure what to call this but third video in the series so here we are this is the lovely light zone the death Yankee Warrior and uh after some storyline things that happen I kind of thought that I had too many fighters in my party so I decided to respect lizelle into a monk I think it sort of makes sense story wise and monks are actually very very very good in Baldur's Gate 3. so spoilers for a little bit of act three very very minor spoilers um you will see some items from act three and so forth so if you're not there yet just be aware and um that's pretty much it uh I'm gonna show you a build for a month that I didn't necessarily come up with myself they're pretty much exactly identical bills on the internet but uh this this is just my take on it and I am not level capped yet I'm in act three a level 10 currently I believe yeah level 10 so this is still a work in progress but it's so powerful and it's just so kind of like over the top ridiculous that uh don't even need to be level 12 to pretty much solo the game and I will show you why so let's take a walk take a gander and uh pick a fight I'm gonna fast forward really quick to that you know it's right so I'm more of an actions person would say and uh let's get into that fight all right so we're in a fight and uh let's see did I forget to do anything I don't think so I think I got everything here so let's get started uh start with uh punch and then oh let's do actually let's do a flurry topple and he's out and he's out let's do another one he is not out but um I am gonna run away all right let's go foreign so they're just gonna chase after me because they really can't do anything on anything else they're melees and this guy's gonna try and do something all right well you just heard yourself punching the face uh topple oh we actually dodged it all right all right done ow ow okay that kind of hurt Let's uh let's try this okay now I have three bonus actions so yeah thank you yeah so let's all just absolutely annihilated six people or is it four people one two three four so four people absolutely annihilated I did take a little bit of damage but that's to be expected one versus several situation these guys were level eight so not super tough but uh I am only level 10. but as you can see this build does a ton of damage and it has a lot of attacks lizel wasn't hasted or anything so if she was haste it she'll be doing even more now let's take a look at what this build actually does and check the combat log so as you can see here um she's doing 22 bludgeoning oh no that's that was yeah yeah that's that's for damage so 22 22 plus five okay so the way it works is um it's the basic 1d6 for a punch uh damage plus five strength modifier because her strength is 20. let's see here all right so 21 strength she has drank the potion of Hill giant strength 18 dexterity which is just something she gets with her abilities course plus the graceful cloth and um 18 wisdom so the primary three stats are strength dexterity and wisdom and this particular build I have dumped strength to a 10 and then I've gotten it up to 21 with the elixir the only reason this actually matters is because I took Tavern brawler as one of my Feats which allows me to add an extra five to damage so calculation wise this is how it goes there is the plus five from strength which is just expected because strength is higher than my dexterity for a monk if dexterity was higher would use dexterity instead and then it has the two crushing blows that comes from these gloves here the gloves of crushing you don't need these gloves they do give a plus one to unarmed attack rolls and plus due to bludgeoning damage but there are other gloves you can use these aren't necessary it's just something I added because I thought they were cool and um let's see the four wisdom modifier comes from the abusive uninhibited kushigo so whenever the dware deals additional damage Okay so unarmed strike you deal additional additional damage equal to your wisdom modifier which is the reason why wisdom is important to have a 20. now I don't have my last feat but when I get there I'll probably ACI it to uh 220. and then um plus five strength modifier and that's from Tavern brawler so Tavern brawler in case you don't know what it does it adds an extra strength modifier to your unarmed improvised weapons and Throne attacks it also has that modifier to attack rolls so attack rolls and damage essentially what it adds it to which means that for a monk it's very hard to miss on their attacks and if you look here uh the attack was two so roll the two on the D20 Plus for proficiency plus one crushing plus one crushing blows plus five Tavern brawler and plus another five strength so Channel brawler as an extra plus 5 which is a huge huge advantage and then they're the radiant damage that comes from the passive which is manifestation of Soul you have three different manifestations you can choose one of them so it does an extra uh one two six radians 1d4 radian so 1d4 radiant plus wisdom so it always adds the wisdom modifier so like if everything is maxed out you're doing plus 20 damage on each hit that's crazy that's nuts that's a lot of damage and that's guaranteed damage there's no variance like there's no minimum or maximum you're always doing at least 20 damage in my case if I fully expect this build with uh the 21 strength that'll be doing exactly plus 20 damage with the two from gloves of crushing and plus the 1d6 and 1d4 so radiant and bludgeoning yeah pretty crazy and because uh you have these uh attacks here the Flurry of Blows you're doing like six attacks in a round with at least 20 damage each yeah it's pretty nuts that's pretty much the build uh the way you make this work is you go monk at least monk six open hand now do you need to do Open Hands uh yes because you get wholeness of body this ability is awesome once per long rest you can restore health and you regain half your key points and then you get in a an extra bonus action for three turns and your bonus actions is how you do your Flurry of Blows now the reason I have two bonus actions is because I'm also level four Rogue do you need level four Rogue yes uh you really do it makes the build a lot stronger and you don't really lose a whole lot and actually gain quite a bit too so um Rogues gets an extra bonus action if they're the thief subclass at level three which uh which is what I picked for I sell uh you have also the cunning actions so normally you have the step of the wind patient defense blah blah like step of the wind allows you to disengage and this allows you to dash but you have to pay key points and it uses a bonus action Rogues actually get it for free you don't have to pay anything you just get it for free so the disengage connection and dash are just better they're just better than the step of the wind stuff and you also get the cunning action hide and if you start it as a rogue you can spec into stealth as well so you get stealth a sleigh of hand and you get expertise it's it's just very very good to start as a rogue versus starting as a monk but I may reconsider and respect to start as a monk just for lore reasons so final notes on this build is that you don't need to have a brawler so if I had tense strength like I originally had in this build you don't need the electric field giant strike they can drink some other Elixir for example the one that gives you bloodlust and allows you to take an extra action when you kill a creature this just adds The Tavern brawler bonus of five to every attack but you're already getting the wisdom bonus twice with the boots and uh the other thing which was what is it called the passive uh the manifestation of Soul you're still doing great damage you're only missing out on the five damage from Tamara brawler and um if your dexterity is high enough so if this dexterity is 20 and your strength is low it's still fine you're doing like five less damage per hit like it's it's nothing to really like be super sad about it's not quite as strong obviously because you're just not like doing what is it 30 damage um have returned but it doesn't really matter that much not not really unless you're trying to solo you have other people that's going to help out so the bad thing about this build if there is one is that um it doesn't have the best AC right now lizelle has 19. uh that's because of Ring of protection and you guys have crusher's ring which just has movement speed not necessary for a monk but pretty cool the ring protection has Armor class which is nice for this build but if I did have wisdom at 20 and takes 30 at 20 which is something I'm planning to do potentially if I can get there lizelle would have um 20 AC just bass and with the Ring of protection I'll be 21. and that's pretty much it that is pretty much the build nothing really else to talk about and if you've seen this online there are other items you can run this is just what I run right now because that's what I have access to and there are definite like options you can slide in one option you can try as the let me just I actually didn't need to go here but you can do the flawed hell dusk gloves because they do one two four necrotic damage and it can inflict bleeding on unarmed attacks so that's pretty good hey but yeah that's that's it hope you learned something and I think that this is a cool build and it's fire for flazel for certain story reasons and um I think that's what I'm gonna stick with from now on that's it thanks for watching and I hope to see you in the next one bye
Channel: Distinguished Opinions
Views: 1,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BG3, Baldur's Gate, Larian Studios, DnD, 5th Edition, Builds, Monks, Laezel, Lae'zel, Githyanki, Githzerai
Id: ClpC6BidpeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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