Baldur's Gate 3 : What Race Should You Pick?

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a huge decision you will make immediately in Baldur's Gate 3 is the race you want to play and with so many options in Baldur's Gate 3 and with so many sub-races in Dungeons and Dragons and available in Baldur's Gate 3. it can be confusing remember that in Baldur's Gate 3 you can choose any race with any class you want and it will work you can make it work but of course some races are just going to naturally be better at certain classes because of their stats and boosts and things that they get so today let's take a quick look at every race in Baldur's Gate 3 what their best classes are and their subclasses remember you can use the chapters I've included to skip to a specific race if you want below or listen to them all and decide which race is best for you and your class in Baldur's Gate 3 by watching it all let's go so first up is the Dragonborn my favorite Baldur's Gate 3 brace now the Dragonborn in Baldur's Gate 3 are a draconic humanoid and they have various breath weapons depending on the color that they are and the resistances against that type of magic so for example if you pick a red Dragonborn you're going to be able to breathe fire and you're going to be resistant to fire a green Dragonborn is going to breathe poison and be resistant to poison and so on and so forth the Dragonborn sub-races are the colors of their skin so the sub races for Dragonborn are red green blue black white gold silver bronze copper and brass Dragonborn also get a boost to Charisma and strength which is great for fighter type classes but also a boom for Charisma based spellcasters so for dragonborns I would absolutely recommend Paladin which is exactly what I plan to be a Dragonborn Paladin or you can be a warlock a barbarian or a fighter all of those options should be really great for the Dragonborn now remember though you can pick any class with the Dragonborn that you want now the gift Yankee now the GIF come from the astral plane and are known to be Hunters of mind flayers which is why you see them chasing them in the opening of the game so long ago the Mind players had Enslaved the GIF but they made a deal with the dragon God Tiamat to escape and now ride atop Red Dragons to hunt down the mime players GIF are known to make great Fighters but they also get some intelligence bonuses as well so warlocks or Wizards are not off the table guests do get psionic as a racial ability which means they can cast Mage hand as a cantrip and they can do Misty Step at level 5. they get their very proficient in light and medium armor short and long swords and great swords so for the GIF in Baldur's Gate 3 I would recommend and the fighter Wizard or the Warlock now for elves the elves of Baldur's Gate 3 had two sub-races the high elf and the wood elf the high elf is the more magical and intelligent and wise race whereas the wood elves are more forest-dwelling Hunters the great dexterity means that elves can be great for a wide variety of classes but for High Elves it's the intelligence boost that makes them excellent Wizards the wisdom boost for what else makes them good at Divine spell casting so elves also do get dark vision which is excellent for dark caves being able to see up to 18 meters even in complete darkness they also get a boost of perception with Keen sense and due to Fey ancestry the elves are difficult to charm and they are proficient with long swords short swords long and short bows so for the high elf I suggest the wizard or even a rogue or the wood elf I suggest the ranger Rogue monk cleric or The Bard now for gnomes gnomes in Baldur's Gate 3 are short but energy filled creatures that have three sub-races the Deep gnomes the forest gnomes and the rockinomes now the Deep gnomes come from the underdark and our greatest stealth The Rock gnomes are teamed with technology and building while the Forest gnomes are one with nature so all gnomes get an intelligence boost making them excellent Wizards the Deep gnome is suited well for Rogues and the forest gnome comes with a built-in feature to talk to animals gnomes do get a plus two to intelligence they get an advantage on intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws gnomes do have a penalty to movement however and they just can't travel as far per turn as other races and that's because of their short little legs the Deep gnome gets Superior dark vision better than even the elves being able to see 24 meters in darkness and they get camouflage making them hard to spot on stealth Jets now the forest gnome gets regular dark vision to see 12 meters and can speak to animals once per long rest the rock gnome gets regular dark vision as well to see 12 meters in artificer's lore which is a bonus to history checks so the Deep gnome makes an excellent Rogue or wizard the forest gnome makes an excellent Rogue Wizard or Druid and the rotnome makes an excellent wizard now on to half Orcs so half Orcs in Baldur's Gate 3 are known as berserky type Warriors great for Frontline combat hitting hard and very strength based they get Savage attack which means when you get a critical hit instead of rolling double dice you get to roll triple dice they also get Relentless endurance so when they take enough damage to die they instead once per long rest get back one hit point so they get to cheat death once per long rest because of the Savage nature of the orc and their high strength I reckon recommend hap Works to be Fighters barbarians paladins monks or clerics now tieflings are born from Mortals who made a pact with the devil in Baldur's Gate 3. they are oftentimes treated badly because of this but in reality tieflings are not evil they can be good they can be bad that's up to you the interesting thing about tipplings is that they're sub-races depend on what Arch devil they are connected to so they are asmodius deeplings Zario tieflings or Mephistopheles teeplings all tape links get a boost to Charisma they all get dark vision to see 12 meters in darkness they get hellish resistance which allows them to only take half damage from fire and their sub races each had their own Boons as well so the asmodeus t-plings get plus one to intelligence and they also get as modious spell casting which means they can cast domaturgy as a cantrip they also get hellish rebuke after level 3 and darkness after level 5. Zario tiplings get plus one to strength Zario spell casting which means they can cast thermaturgy as a cantrip and Searing Smite at level 3 and branding Smite at level five the Mephistopheles teeplings get plus one to intelligence they get in the pistophyllis spell casting which means they can cast magehand as a cantrip they also get burning hands at level 3 and Flame blade at level five so for the different tape links I recommend as modi's team Sorcerers bards or Wizards the Zario tieflings Paladin Bard or Warlock and the mavista Fellas deepling barred warlock or sorcerer now halflings are basically Hobbits they love the simpler things in life such as good l dancing food they come in two sub-races the like puts and the strong Hearts the light puts move quietly and they're known to be Travelers whereas these strong hearts are tough and more willing to fight up front all halflings do get a bonus to dexterity and they get lucky meaning if you roll a Nat one you can re-roll and take the next roll they also get Brave which is an advantage to saving throws from being frightened they do get a penalty to movement however due to their short cute little legs like puts get a plus one to Charisma and a Proficiency in stealth stronghearts get a plus one to Constitution and strong heart resilience which is an advantage on poison saving throws and a resistant and a resistance to poison damage for haplings I recommend that like puts goper Rogues bards warlocks or Sorcerers and strong heart can go for more like Wizards Rogues Rangers even a fighter and definitely a monk dwarves so dwarves are rough and tumble Miners and warriors very set in their tradition and one of the greatest races ever invented let's be honest with Baldur's Gate 3 we're getting these sub race of doors called the dwargar which were captured by the Mind players and experimented on in the underdark but there's also the gold dwarf and the shield dwarves as well so dwarves had three sub races in Baldur's Gate 3. dwarves are sturdy making them excellent tanks the gold dwarf does get the wisdom boost making them excellent spellcasters and the dwarves overall they're very versatile all doors get a plus two to Constitution Dwarven resilience which is advantage on poison saving throws and resistance to poison damage they also get dark vision to see up to 18 meters just like an elf and they're proficient with battle axes hand axes liked and warhammers but doors do have a penalty to move speed because they're short stocky little legs the dwargar we don't know a lot about at the time it's recording for me to give good info for but I'm gonna do my best here are the recommendations for classes for the dwarves The Shield dwarf I recommend Paladin fighter or Barbarian for the gold dwarf I recommend cleric Druid monk or Ranger and for the dwargar I'm gonna recommend sorcerer or warlock now for the drow the drower elves who changed in the underdark by the spider goddess wolf they swear allegiance to loaf but there are some who have broken away from her these are how there are two types of drought you've got the loaf sworn drow and you have the seldering drought although there is no big change in how the races play you will see different dialogue and role play depending on which one you choose the drow had the best Dart Vision as they are tuned for the underdark and get a bump in dexterity and Charisma so drows get plus two to dexterity plus one to Charisma they get Fey ancestry meaning they get advantage against being Charmed and cannot be put to sleep through magical means they are proficient with the repair short sword and hand crossbow they also get drows spell casting so they can cast Dancing Lights as a character group they get very fire at level 3 and darkness at level 5. they also get Superior dark vision able to see up to 24 meters so the best Dart Vision in the game with all this in mind for classes I suggest either drow can be best at Sorcerers Wizards bards or Rogues now for the half elf now the half elves are half human half elf now depending on what type of Elf their parent was will be their subclass because they are half human they're very versatile in class options and honestly a half elf can be good at any class you want them to be but the bumping Charisma helps with classes like sorcerer bards or warlocks and half elves are great picks if you want that freedom but don't want to be a human all half elves get plus two to Charisma plus two ability score points to be spent however you want they also get Bay ancestry which is an advantage against being Charmed and can't be put to sleep through magical means they also get dark Vision to see up to 12 meters in darkness now let's talk about the subclasses the drow half elves get drows spell casting which means Dancing Lights as a cantorip berry fire at level three and darkness at level five high half elves get one wizard Cantor of choice would half elves get Fleet of foot which is a movement speed increase and mask of the wild which gives proficiency to stealth that the drow half elf be a sorcerer warlock or Bard the wood have helped be a rogue warlock sorcerer Ranger or Bard now for humans okay look I don't mean to describe what a human is but mutter's Gate 3 they are very versatile meaning you they get a plus one to every ability they really are just whatever you want them to be it's completely up to you if you choose a human so go wild and pick whatever class you want it really doesn't matter and these are all of the race options and what I believe to be the best class options for each race plus the bonuses and everything we know about each race I hope you enjoyed the video please comment down below what race class combo are you thinking or what are some of the options you're kind of tossing around in your mind that you're not sure what sub race you're going with let me know all the details of what you plan on playing in Boulder Skate 3 down below I love reading about it I love seeing what you guys are planning to build so let me know even if it's off the wall or if you disagree with some of the recommendations please throw them down below I'm not perfect I'm sure you're thinking of some things I haven't thought of I hope you enjoyed the video please like And subscribe if you want more content there'll be a lot of Baldur's Gate 3 content here on the channel and until next time my friends God bless and happy gaming I want to give a very special thank you to the members of Napalm for your contributions month over month and keeping me full time you help me pay the bills so I can keep streaming and pumping out content and I truly appreciate all of you thank you so much and I think think you might be interested in becoming a member of the Channel please click the join button down below the video for more information and join our family and I want to give an extremely big shout out to the Lords of Napalm Bounty goat Jared Woodhouse daimblows farthest reach Sparrow 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Channel: the Nathan NAPALM
Views: 35,928
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, bg3, guide, races, race, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 race, baldurs gate 3 races, sub-races, class race bg3, bg3 races, complete race guide, what race bg3, bg3 what race, baldur's gate 3 races, baldur's gate 3 race guide, race perks, walkthrough, tips and tricks, bg3 tips, baldur's gate 3 tips, baldur's gate 3 character create, bg3 character creation, character creation, baldurs gate 3 character creation, dnd, d&d, 2023, baldurs gate 3 classes, min max bg3
Id: 8UMwAPtA3sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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