Baldur's Gate 3 LORE you NEED to know!

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Baldur's Gate 3's launch is just around the corner and in this video we'll go over a couple of places races and topics you may want to know about to help you understand the story a little bit better first off balder's gate Baldur's Gate also known as the gate or the city of blood is actually the name of a large Metropolitan city-state it is located in ferun more specifically on the western coast of the Sea of Swords known as The Sword Coast as one of the most prosperous and influential Merchant cities on the western coast it attracts all sorts of people different races and people from different walks of life the piece is kept by the watch along with the mercenary company known as The Flaming fists which is definitely necessary as with all those different people there some have said that Baldur's Gate is a Viper's nest of schemes and schemers to the outside eye however Baldur's Gate is an impressive sight as minstrels have described it it is like a crescent moon wrapping around the great Harbor the region in which it lays is known for its abundance of drizzling rain and despite its Advanced water system mitigating most of this it is still necessary to line the streets with straw or gravel to avoid slipping one thing the baldurian state great pride in is its inclusiveness and despite its dense population and less Savory fog that might be found it is remarkably clean and safe for Citizens and visitors alike despite the city's inclusiveness there are three religions that dominate the city where favor and safety at Sea the veneration of umberly has been a Mainstay throughout their history the favor of timora was often sought for greater wealth and prosperity with regards to trade gambling and mercantiles and endeavors lastly as continual expression of gratitude with the technological blessings bestowed upon the city the worship of God was widespread even Beyond his Temple and Museum alright so we've started with a little bit of backstory about the namesake of the gang now to get into the content first off the illith it also known as mind players are a race of sadistic aberrations feared by sentient creatures on many worlds due to their psionic abilities these creatures seek to expand their dominion over all other life forms controlling their minds and feasting on their brains literally if they're not feasting on their victims or mind controlling them into their slaves they are most likely keeping them to be inserted with one of their tadpoles the tadpole makes its way through the eye to the brain and Nestles there slowly taking over the body of its host a process known as serramorphosis the humanoid creature loses itself entirely in both body and mind becoming a new elephant of itself utterly arrogant and the illithids believe themselves to be agents of order seeing themselves as the Supreme Being and all others as inferior and mere livestock to be harvested and used with their own design whether that was as a slave food or a vessel this arrogance even extends to their own kind as well while not viewing them as generally inferior they do generally believe themselves to be just better than their peers the one thing they all have in common and that is the elder brain the Elder brain is the heart of their colony and consisted of the brains of dead elephant this elder brain had telepathy control over all illicit from that Colony oat one mind flayer seizure and they all see one mind one nasty Suspicious Mind end quote next on our list of important Balaji gay three lore are the gift Yankee to put it simply they get Yankee are space pirates they're weird in the sense that they raid without discrimination good or bad they don't care it's what they do but they are also the illith's biggest opposing Force quote what would become of this Multiverse if githyanki didn't guard the astral plane from the illited Menace what would reality become if beings of thought ruled the plane of thought end quote now let's backtrack it a little bit guess Yankee have been enslaved by the illith for as long as anyone can remember for so long even that the original name of the race has been forgotten but it was referred to by some as the forerunners they now call themselves githyanki after gith one of the slaves that started the Rebellion that led to their freedom yet Yankee have the weird ability to be able to live in the astral plane without being affected by it and they use this gift and the astroplanes connection to well everything to organize raids and stop deal with it wherever they can as I said they are kind of weird as in obviously their rage on settlements are bad but they might just be one of the main reasons why the elephant are being held back after their enslavement ended their leader GIF made a pact the queen of evil dragons Tiamat and in exchange because Yankee are able to ride dragons which aged them in intercepting the nautiloy shifts of the illithed there's another group of Geth as well but again I have full videos on most of these topics if you want more in-depth knowledge so make sure to check those out too now I want to quickly touch on the subject of the nine Hells as well as you'll run into that as well in the game as just said El or biator in infernal consists of nine Hells it is a plane that embodies lawful evil but all are inospitable nor deadly to Outsiders these nine Hells could be represented as layers stacked on top of each other with avernus being the most accessible for the astral Travelers it's a desolate Wasteland with Rocky terrain sparse Twisted vegetation concealed snake pits caves and warrants volcanoes and rivers of magma the sky is starless all of choking smoke and glows a dark red due to the balls of flammable gas that floats about or streak across the atmosphere randomly exploding as a fireball the other layers are this minoros tegatos stigia marbles maladomini Kenya and nessus I won't go into too much detail but two more important facts to know each of the Nine Circles are ruled by an arch Devil with asmodeus being the overlord rolling from her gargantuan Citadel in nessets and these are devils not demons there's a very important distinction here as the devils and demons have actually been locked in an ancient conflict known as the blood War you see both devils and demons are evil but whereas Devils represent lawful evil demons are chaotic evil Devils for example can be found to enter into contracts with other races even those of the material plane and they will respect that contract do read a fine print though whereas demons oh they'll just Slaughter you without so much as a parlay there are many deities in the world of Dungeons and Dragons and I'm not going to go over all of them but Shar is one you may want to know more about for Baldur's Gate 3. Shar is the ferunian goddess of darkness and night and the malevolent twin counterpart that the goddess of the moon saluna not just the goddess of dark places such as caves or the underdark but also of dark Deeds Secrets loss and the ability to forget the depths of Char's evil were too extreme to be described by words she is deeply twisted and perverse a being of ceaseless Petty hate and envy although shahr prepared to be a Healer soothing the grief stricken by letting them forget their woes she is in truth a sadist and enjoys conflicting the pain of loss on her worshipers her alleged help is not a release from that pain but a numbness to it the acceptance of it as normal and the removal of any expectation otherwise the lady of lost doesn't truly believe in healing grief not even her own but in harnessing it in nurturing spite nursing in dignity and reinforcing regrets until minor slights at least in her mind become transgressions worthy of bitter vengeance with all of this however it might be curious then to know that not all of Char's followers are evil as well miners for example can be found uttering a prayer to Shar for their safety in the darkness of the below and those hurt by loss or deep emotional pain would pray to her to help ease her pain there are many races that wondered Forgotten Realms and I have videos on a lot of them but I do think it's important to mention the teeth links in this video as well as you'll run into them quite soon and interactions with them might leave you wondering iflings have seen some changes over the editions but in fifth edition where Baldur's gay 3 is based on they are human-based plain touched most often through descent from fiends demons Devils or evil deities who had bread with humans this could even be dormant for Generations before manifesting somewhere down the line unlike half fiends evenings aren't predisposed to evil and their nature varies as much as a regular human oftentimes they'd go out of their way even to prove to the world that they don't have anything to do with their evil heritage despite this however many people still view tieflings as Devil's Pawn or cursed sometimes even by their own parents if the Heritage had been dormant because they were so distrusted many themselves became distrusting and self-reliant however members of other races would find that once they demonstrated friendship and Trust towards the tiefling it would quickly be reciprocated in full once that Bond was forged it was rarely broken the underdark is a vast network of underground caverns and tunnels underneath the surface of the world this dark Cavern system is extremely dangerous besides the obvious like pitch black darkness or air circulation and getting lost it is home to many predators and often hostile races such as the drow burger and illitits the first three miles down are known as the upper dark and it's here that surface dwellers and those in the underdark most often meet though without good reason and in possession of a sound mind any surface dweller would avoid stepping foot in this place we cannot talk about the underdark and then not mention the drow one of the most hostile creatures to live in the underdark drao are a race of dark-skinned elves hated and feared due to their cruelty most drow worship the Spider Queen LOL an evil goddess they lie cheat torture and enslave they are people that thrive on malice even amongst their own kind the other Society is ruled by matriarchs as males are despised by their goddess love most males are only looked at as being just above a slave unless they showed promise with a blade there were some non-evil jao and in a smaller number still even good ones though they usually don't last long within their society and in the best of cases they make it to the surface world the worst of cases when found out they are used as sacrifices to their goddess the last point I wanted to touch on in this video are the dwaregar also known as the gray dwarfs that make their home Underground their kinship to other Dwarven sub-races could be compared to that of the drought to surface elves in other words they are generally to be avoided they are as crafty and Hardy as any dwarf but with a strong sense of hatred and will for Revenge quote consider that the dwargar began as homeless outcasts and today their fortresses are some of the most impregnable strong points in the underdark the question might not be if they will conquer the realm below but when end quote the reason for their hatred is the generations long enslavement by the mind flayers the illith this game right after a disagreement they had with other Dwarven Clans after Breaking Free from their captivity they started carving out a new home for themselves in the underdark though faced constant opposition from its denizens such as the Dao and the illithid they still carry this bitterness within them and so most veregar don't respond kindly but those not have their own kind hope this video gives you somewhat of a decent background for the game and helps you understand what is going on do make sure to check out some of my other lore videos on DND if you enjoyed this one as always be well happy adventuring my friends [Music]
Channel: Doublezone
Views: 589,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's play, Doublezone, Baldur's Gate 3, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3 lore, Who is Shar, Baldur's gate 3 bear, what is baldur's gate, what is baldur's gate 3
Id: 7106dzFfQKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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