Baldur's Gate 3 The Lore You Need to Know

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today I'd like to break down the basic lore and background information for Baldur's Gate 3 that you will want to know to fully appreciate and understand what is happening in Baldur's Gate 3 before you play this video will not have spoilers in the plot beyond the very Basics that even watching a trailer would spoil this isn't meant to tell you the story of Baldur's Gate 3 but instead to teach you a places events and the background war that is present and to catch you up on Dungeons and Dragons information that will enhance your play at Baldur's Gate 3 so let's get started and there is no better place to begin than Baldur's Gate itself Baldur's Gate is one of the oldest cities in the sword Coast the entire area that Baldur's Gate 3 takes place in it has a very high population and is practically the capital city of the area Baldur's Gate is known for holding law in order to a very high degree it is a history City where even Gods themselves have Ward Aldersgate is known for being prosperous and as being a merchant City it is south of water deep and has a distinct crescent moon shape wrapping around its harbor Baldur's Gate is protected by the Flaming fists and for good reason the city can be dangerous and from its very early Beginnings has been home to Pirates and all kinds of unsavory types throughout its history the city is named after bull Duran who selled the world and used his wealth to build the Great Wall around what became Baldur's Gate and it's worth mentioning Water Deep just north of Baldur's Gate because it is home to the famous Tavern the yawning portal which acts more than just any other Tavern it has a pit an entry well that leads down into the dungeon known as the under Mountain adventurers go there to pay gold in order to gain access to this treacherous dungeon and a spin tells of Grand Adventure now let's talk about the illithed race also known as the Mind players these are a race of creatures that roams Across the Universe looking for specimens to reproduce with by injecting worms into their bodies which over some time the specimen will turn into a mind player and while the worm is within their body they generally become thralls enslaved by the Mind players long ago the get the race was completely enslaved as a people by the illithant but thanks to a woman named gith they United and broke free the Mind players and thus named their entire race give Yankee in her memory they now devote themselves to fighting the Mind players in retaliation but there is another actual sect of the GIF that does not wish to retaliate and they are known as the githzarai now it's worth mentioning that the ships that the Mind players use to travel can teleport and jump between dimensional planes this made it hard for the gift to chase them so they made a pack with the dragon goddess kiamat who currently resides in a furnace more on that in a minute in order to ride atop Red Dragons with the power to also teleport so they can chase the Mind player ships now due to generations of fighting the orthods the and their history with them the gift know more about the Mind players than probably anyone else in the Forgotten Realms and we need to talk a bit about racial relations in the sword Coast area but also in the larger realm of Forgotten Realms let's start with what is referred to as the noble races which is made up of the humans elves dwarves gnomes and halflings these races are seen as good and non-eble races now this isn't necessarily true but is the way the general populace behaves and acts and helps you understand relationships and conversations there are also races such as the drow half Orcs get Yankee deeplings and others that are seen as originating from something even people and are frowned upon by many people the drow come from the underdark and since many of them worship the spider goddess loaf we'll talk about that in a minute too they are seen as evil where's races like the tieflings are born due to a pact with the Devil Due to this origin there being many fear deeplings and want them cast out because of the fear that they will summon forth the devil into the material plane and other such things and now I want to talk about avernus because it will be referenced and probably and definitely more in Baldur Skate 3 and I feel the understanding of this is crucial to many conversations and events you're going to come across a Bernice is basically the first level of hell and the damned Souls come through avernus in order to reach the other layers of the nine Hells as modius rules over the nine hells and has forbade any portals to other areas of the nine Hells so avernus also being the first level is the most traveled and known about of the nine Hells avernus has an ongoing war between the devils and demons because yes those are two different factions in Baldur's Gate 3 and DND as a whole and many archdebels extremely powerful creatures and Tiamat the queen of evil dragons with five heads also resides zariel is a fallen angel who now rolls over averness this first level of the nine hells and next let's discuss the multiple gods of the Multiverse because different factions and cultures will talk about these and they possibly might even come into play during Baldur's Gate 3. there are many but I'll try to hit the big ones so first up is ball the god of murder and is part of the dead three with Merkel the lord of the dead and Bane the Lord of tyranny who is known for being very violent cruel and hateful ball was originally a mortal assassin who ascended to godhood with the help of and Merkel when they defeated one of the seven lost gods and divided his power amongst themselves they then defeated another God and divided its power ball was defeated by another god named cyric with the sword called God's Bane atop boreskier Bridge ball had foreseen his death however and had already impregnated mortal women with his seed to carry a piece of his divine presence with them these children are known as the children of ball or ball spawn and are leading to his resurrection if these children are slain and their Essence gathered at the Mana Forge he can return his symbol is that one you see in Baldur's Gate logos Etc with the skull surrounded by a ring of teardrops at the end of Throne a ball so the final expansion for Baldur's Gate 2 Ball's Essence is absorbed now Hal Baldur's Gate 3 decides to handle this is unknown to me Shar is another goddess we need to mention a goddess of darkness and night she created the shadow weave which is a corrupting force of magic that drains life and muddles the mind and senses and enhances certain schools of magic considered very dangerous to tamper with Shar is considered to be twisted and perverse full of hate and envy with a goal to destroy all order Char is also the enemy of the goddess of magic mistra so let's talk about mystra a goddess of magic wherever magic is worked mystra is present Mr is known to shape change with Mortals claiming to have seen her saying she changed constantly others claim she looks like a willow wisp Mrs purpose appears to be to maintain the order in the World of Magic Tempest is a god you may hear a lot about as the God of War very powerful and often his name is whispered when someone draws their weapon tear is the God of Justice eight lawful good god of the Forgotten Realms the Lockheed is the goddess of the a gift she was once a powerful Lich but Rose to godhood and is now the deity of the Geth race and finally we have Loaf the goddess of the drow a powerful demon and calling the underdark her home a spider goddess very powerful whose influence Echoes across the history of the drow with all of this information you should be able to well understand the Forgotten Realms in conversations within Baldur's Gate 3. I felt like these particular subjects are necessary and really will deeply enhance your gameplay and understanding of the world please leave me a comment about any additional information about this lore that you also find to be important but avoid spoilers of course please and hit that like button and subscribe for more we will be covering Baldur's Gate 3 extensively here on the channel and until next time my friends God bless and happy gaming I want to give a very special thank you to the members of Napalm for your contributions month over month in keeping me full time you help me pay the bills so I can keep streaming and pumping out content and I truly appreciate all of you thank you so much and I think you might be interested in becoming a member of the Channel please click the join button down below the video for more information and join our family and I want to give an extremely big shout out to the Lords of Napalm Bounty goat Jared Woodhouse dimeblows farthest reach Sparrow Christopher Hensel random Rob zelick lived rotten your mom Vander Gallery moon song what's the takeaway trips bad wolf gaming Richard glass Chrono Guru kobold and the Cyber Nomad Witcher thank you for your highest tier membership
Channel: the Nathan NAPALM
Views: 34,190
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3 lore, lore, d&d lore, before baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 lore, lore of baldur's gate, lore of baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate story, need to know lore, baldur's gate 3, larian studios, bg3 lore, baldurs gate lore, baldur's gate lore, Baldur's Gate III lore, Baldur's Gate 3 story, story of baldur's gate, before you play baldur's gate, before you play baldur's gate 3, before you play baldurs gate 3, before you play, quick lore bg3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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