OP Shadowheart / Cleric Build Guide Baldur's Gate 3

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hello everyone in this video I'll be showing you an OP Shadow heart or cleric build in balers Gate 3 so it's no surprise Shadow heart is not the best when you start off with her so we're going to give it a bit of a change here and I'm going to talk you through this here so she is a cleric of sh but we're going to go through with the cantrips here it's really whatever you prefer since the cantrips can be uh changed later on but we're going to go with I really like guidance cuz this helps out a lot especially as you're going to be using this to help out in conversations as your main character resistance is pretty good or thar is good as well but we're going to go with sacred flame and resistance for our first three produce flame can be nice too if you want to set things on fire or if you're a barrel mancer blade Ward can be useful at times but we're going to start with those three light's nice as well in act to but there's a lot of other things we can do to help out with that so we're going to go with those three now for domains life domain I think is the absolute best with light domain coming second so um there are some other ones that have some cool effects she starts off as trickery domain and that's not really what clerics are all about so we're going to go with life domain just because it increases the healing you get cure wounds and bless and bless is an amazing uh spell to have even though we already got it there but you get disciple of Life which gives you an increased plus two to the Spells level on its healing so or increases your health points equal to plus two of the Spells level so that is really nice to have as the extra healing is very useful at times for Ability points we're going to go we want wisdom to be the highest stat as that's what you use for uh healing so we're going to have that around 17 and then strength's a nice thing to have high as well dexterity to avoid getting hit too um intelligence we can have at eight Constitution to have extra Health points but we're just going to go with that there as we can continue this with our gear so we're going to go into leveling up Shadow heart now or really any type of cler cuz this can apply to to all clerics clerics are meant to heal and even though the action economy in balers Gate 3 is more so about dealing damage it can be nice to have some heals when you're in a pinch so for our first few spells um spells can be swapped out so it's not a huge difference but I like to have command healing word is good as well that's kind of your main one uh guiding bolt can be great for utility and it's good for damage dealing as well as the next attack roll is going to have Advantage which gives you two dice rolls per attack so that's quite nice we really like to have that inflict wounds can be useful as this is also going to remove the ability to get healing on that enemy so that is a great choice as well and actually no it does it's just necrotic damage but that's pretty much what we're going to roll with you can also go a shield of Faith there too uh I recommend always having guiding Boldt and healing word command can be really nice as well command drop can help out in some encounters as well protection from Good and Evil is useful at certain times when you're facing against like skele skons or any type of fiend but we're going to go with around just about that so Creator destroy water can also be a nice thing if you're setting up like an elect electric Mage a wizard or sorcerer but that'll be for level two getting into level three here we get to choose a couple more spells and then we get more spell slots and level two spells so that's really fun spiritual weapon is one that I like honestly myself the reason because you can create another weapon that draws AGG so that's going to help out if you have someone that's getting like Gail for instance gets hit all the time sometimes popping up a spiritual weapon gives the enemy something else to focus on so we're going to go with that silence can also be a really nice spell to have too for just protection hold person is okay as well Prayer of Healing too this is one that you can use only um outside of combat so that's one thing to note but it can be a useful spell to have I'd rather just do a long rest or a short rest at that point so we're not going to select that one uh protection from Poison all these are they're okay they have their advantages at times but I think having the spiritual weapon taking up protection good and evil maybe putting on silence just for utility can be very useful and it also makes you immune to thunder damage so that's another nice thing there so that'll be our level three proceeding on to level four we're going to get more we're going to get more cantrips here so this one can really be whatever you feel like you need cans aren't huge light can be nice at times especially as level four you're going to be going into the shadow curse lands but we're going to go with produce flame cuz that's just a nice thing to have the ability to create fire at times hold person is okay um it holds the humanoid and you can get a critical hit on them but I feel like there's better spells to have um it really just depends blindness can be nice because you can blind creatures and that gives you it's sometimes nice to take out an enemy um we'll go we'll go with Prayer of Healing just for some extra healing outside of combat not the most useful but there's better ones coming along after so with this it's really nice to go with um where is it here there's a few different ones that are nice for a cleric here um alert's always a great one plus five to initiative that's never a bad thing to have especially whenever you want let's say you get surprised it's always good to be you can't get surprised with alert so um ritual Caster spell snipers more so for um like a wizard or a sorcerer War cter that's what we're looking for jeez I don't know why I couldn't see it the reason we're going to go with warcaster not only do you gain advantage on saving throws to maintain concentration that is huge as you're going to be using a lot of concentrations later on as a cleric but you also get to use a reaction use shock and grasp that takes some Target out moving range so it's nice to have some reactions to help out but really the main thing is the advantage on concentration cuz we don't want to lose concentration especially as a cleric cuz there's some spells that are super important we don't want to drop now um speak with the dead is nice but there's items that give you that so we're going to take that one off um and for level three anime dead no I like Mass healing world where this can replace Prayer of Healing cuz it heals all Targets in your party so that's really nice to have as you can get into some some not so great situations and it's good just to have that healing support but we want Spirit Guardians here the reason it can turn Shadow heart or your cleric into a Beyblade so these will pop around your character and you can just run through if you have a lot of low low Health enemies you can just run Shadow heart through and she's going to take them all out really quickly Glyph of warning is also a pretty nice one to have but we're going to go with spear Guardians most fun spell for a cleric so we'll go with that now to level six we're going to get another nice um boost we're going to get the subass feature blessed healer healing others will heal you as well so this is actually huge so when you cast a healing spell of level one or higher on another creature you gain hit points equal to two plus the Spell's level so this can help out cuz you really want to be getting as much healing out as possible if you're going to waste a turn on healing so to be able to heal Shadow hard herself very useful we're going to take off speak with the dead again um but sto curse can be if you uh find a usage for it I like that or typically glyph awarding which is inscribes an Arcane glyph on the ground basically it's a mine that you can place on the ground so it's good you can be pretty smart with how you use this I find that shadow heart's really good for setting up kind of different spells and areas of effects as you'll see here as we get further down in this video but next as we go into level seven we're going to be getting level four spells so banish is okay um freedom of movement is it's hard to say which is better here I'm just going to go with we'll go with banishment for this first level but we're likely going to be switching this around here as we go into level eight we get more spell slots we get an action Divine strike radiant which is it's a it's kind of like being a paladin almost in a sense so that's a nice one and for level three spells I'm not going to take daylight there's a few different ones we can elect here um anime dead can be pretty cool as there's going to be this kind of turns into a necromancer almost it's good again just to have someone to hold aggro similar to the spiritual weapon there and for our feat ability Improvement is kind of the best of these but there's a few different ones throughout here that we could go with but I think for this level it's best to just go with ability Improvement take your wisdom up to 18 take your Constitution or your strength up but you're not going to be attacking much so we're going to go with Constitution and that is good there you can also I meent should have mentioned earlier take down your strength and put it into Constitution but it's personal choice now level nine is where the cleric gets really good we get level five spells insect plag and Flame strike are two crazy good spells so insect plag makes a large area become difficult terrain so creatures walk slowly through it it imposes disadvantage on perception checks and they also take damage so that's great planner binding is a pretty solid one dispel Good and Evil contage in or solid but flame strike is another it brings down a fire from above and it can deal quite a bit of damage so well not being a full-on damage class there's a couple really useful spells there that we're going to take I really like insect plague though there's a couple times in act three where that comes in extremely useful so we're going to go with that one there as we get into level 10 we get another canant trip this is really just whatever you want gain advantage on intimidations and performance checks or blade Ward we'll just go blade Ward as it can be cast on other people and remove curse is not a bad uh spell to have I should have mentioned that earlier we're going to stick with just that remove curse cuz it is quite useful as we get into level 11 we're almost near the end here so we're going to get some more uh spells and level six Spells at that so Heroes Feast everyone around you can't be poison disease or frighten your HP increases and makes wind wisdom saves with Advantage it can be useful pler Al bese one of those other worldly entities for Aid can be useful I like blade barrier you make a wall of blades and it does a lot of damage and it makes difficult terrain heal is also a really nice healing spell create Undead is another one that kind of is better than animate the Dead uh harm is great as well as a utility spell but I really like blade barrier just a set up a big wall um I also should mention that I'm using llander blessing or L the blood of llander weapon there it can be it can be obtained in Act One highly recommend that for shadow heart you don't have to make her a light domain cleric you just make her a life domain one like we did in this video here and as we get to level 12 we can get that final feat ability Improvement again is a nice one to have you can pump wisdom all the way up to 20 for increased healing um there's a few different choices as we go through here but I really do think that the best is probably just to continue on increasing her wisdom all the way up to 20 so there it is our op cleric build now as we get into a little bit of the um what we're working with I really like the blood laugh Lander that gives you laugh Landers light as well as Sunbeam and Sunbeam can be incredibly useful I also like to give her a good shield with Shield bash just to give the ability to knock someone prone and I don't have her fully Ked out in gear right yet but um there it is that is the cleric build for balers Gate 3 thank you so much for watching I hope you found this video useful and if you did please hit that subscribe button below and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: JasonDunna
Views: 12,093
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Keywords: Jason Dunn, jasondunna, OP Shadowheart / Cleric, OP Shadowheart / Cleric Build, OP Shadowheart / Cleric Build Guide, OP Shadowheart / Cleric Build Guide Baldur's, OP Shadowheart / Cleric Build Guide Baldur's Gate 3
Id: qwuyPnVN4vI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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