Baldur's Gate 3 - The Dancer of Eilistraee Remastered (Sword Dancer Build)

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all right I am back with another video and apologies for my extended absence uh for those of you who kind of wondered where I went and don't uh see the community posts that I post on the channel uh long story short I got strep a which is very very nasty uh you know infection uh of the throat and I was in a lot of pain I lost my voice I was very tired cuz I wasn't sleeping cuz of the pain and yada yada yada you don't need to know the rest but all you need to know is I am cured and I am back baby now I originally intended for my return to come in the form of a live stream which is happening this weekend in which we are building the companions uh you know house in manthara uh jira Minsk uh which I meant to do last weekend but of course obviously got sick and can I just say I love that life was like oh yeah you're going to release your 100th uh build video it's going to be released to a lot of very kind uh words and you know it's really going to feel like a real high point in your YouTube career as it were and then you're going to get smacked down with a disease that has made you the worst you've ever felt in a long time so but I'm really really happy to be back for you all and I kind of just wanted to ease myself back into things with kind of a bonus video this Friday just to give you guys all a little bit of content before the stream and then again we're going to be diving into D and content starting on Monday which I'm really looking forward to but that's just where I've been what I'm planning to do so let's get into this video as you saw from the title this is going to be a bit similar to my 100th build this is a alternate or I guess remastered take on an older concept that I've done and we're going to be doing the concept on my the build on my channel that is by far the most popular I've ever done the dancer of oh my God I just listened to the pronunciation and I've forgotten it El Str no hold on I'm literally going to listen to I refuse to get it wrong again not not this late into into this Channel's life span listen isy okay I'm assuming you all heard that is dry Now with isy uh the whole so with that original build I guess and with is is as a whole I really wanted to create a true protagonist someone whose story um racial Choice affecting dialogue uh class Choice uh weapon Choice all made sense within the narrative but also felt really unique to to play a character as you went through and so really felt like you were a part of the story because the dark urge heavily affects the story and is an active character within it that has their own goals and Ambitions and I think while Tav while still a fun character to play they're still a blank slate while their actions do affect the campaign they don't have much of a place with in it outside of literally being your own avatar so I wanted to originally make a character that truly felt like the protagonist of the story that went for specific things that made sense for their character but also felt really good and have their own you know big moments in the game the main a good example of this being getting F Alo which is literally I've actually forgot it again uh illust I'm just going to say what I have been saying illustr weapon um that being fer alive and you literally get a whole cut scene of you pulling it out of stone or if you know vation uh the the ritual because you are a cleric of ustry then you can um you know just get it basically for free and it's a really cool character moment and that was kind of what inspired the whole character to begin with now in that original video there was a problem I didn't exactly do a lot of research um because I wasn't really too familiar on D and D law I was very new to making videos at the time and I was very let's just say shortsighted in my uh Ambitions at that time and as such I ended up making a lot of mistakes um a lot of things people wanted to correct me on but listen Okay the the main thing people kept telling me about was that ell ustry clerics are supposed to be nude no only during ceremonies not over bloody time you horny bastards so this character wearing armor is absolutely fine but if you wanted to go down that route I actually do have a solution for you in this video so with and so with this kind of looking back over things I've read the law I've come up with a slightly alternate take on the build it's not as big of a difference as I thought it would be uh it kind of keeps the same core idea but there's a bunch of new things more optimizations better equipment and again just a better overall understanding of the law coming from me to make this a much better video now uh I just also obviously you may have noticed a bit of a difference here I've decided to put the combat footage over my beginning ramblings instead so so that you can actually see it and I'm actually testing uh the Builds on act three encounters now because while I was off sick I decided to play through the whole game with this build get to act three and now I have a patch six uh save file with new mods to make videos and a bunch of encounters to test my Builds on so you're going to see a lot of quality of life improvements coming to the channel from here on out but with that out of the way let's get into the build of course we're going to be starting as a Bard with illustrate um you know Illustrated clerics basically being called or like their her followers being called sword dancers well blaz singer obviously comes to mind first as that's literally an Elven art of you know dancing while wielding a weapon as a form of combat we don't exactly have played singer in this game unless you mod the game and I think one of the biggest appeals of the original video is that this build is as vanilla as possible and I've stuck with that for this video none of the visual cosmetics in this are modded this is all vanilla so you can make this exactly as you see it in game and I wanted to keep that aspect for this build regardless um and as such I thought well the closest thing we can get to with that then is instead to go with a Bard cuz I feel like this is a character similar to the original video who basically wants to Rite who started off in the underd dark they are a full drown they are a saren drown and they basically have decided to rise out of the underd dark using uh illustr appreciation for art song music uh you know nature everything and spreading that love and joy throughout fyon in order to show everyone that the Dr are not as bad as everyone thinks they are and as such becomes the face of the party they're highly charismatic they're they're playing a class being a Bard that is not taken up by an origin or additional companion so it feels pretty unique to your own character and it's we also have a combination here it is going to be one of the more powerful kind of uh you know class combinations you can have so I think you're really really going to like this it's going to feel like you are the protagonist of your own game and with the equipment and the strategies that we have set up you're going to see that the progression of this character is great very similar to the original but anyways like I said we're kicking things off with a Bard which means we're going to get a couple of really useful things namely can trips uh vicious mockery is an absolute must I absolutely love it on all bards mainly just cuz it's while it is a decent can trip anyway uh allowing us to deal psychic damage which is a hard damage type for most enemies to resist and uh gives them disadvantage on the next attack role it also literally throws out voice taunts which are amazing so if you've not played a Bard before absolutely give it a shot I've also gone for friends it's one of the best uh C trips if you are the face of the party if you're playing on balanced on um or um Explorer there's literally no downside but on tactician and onor mode you enemies can go hostile on tactician and will go hostile on onor mode once it runs out so be a bit more careful but getting advantage on any Charisma checks against non-hostile creatures is really really nice so I like to pick it up here next up for our spells we have a fairly standard utility kit again this is mainly built for role playing of being able to interact with the game as much as possible again being a true protagonist and this gets us and this uh first level of Bard is going to get us a lot of what we want namely long strider for a little bit of extra movement speed uh feather fall to allow us to Traverse the map way easier speak with animals to open up every single animal as a potential dialogue uh you know options so now you can speak with a bunch of animals which unlocks quest lines funny dialogue lots of interesting situations and you know unique solutions to situations that you wouldn't normally have available to you absolutely well it and finally dissonant Whispers because I want a decent um you know damaged spell that can be cast with um you know up uh scaled up spells slots so we have a decent range damage option which is and this one is a great one it deals psychic damage again not a lot of enemies resist it um except for like M flares and such which I guess becomes more of a problem towards the end of the game but it's not so much for the most part uh and it also allows us to frighten creatures meaning they have disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls and they cannot move really really awesome Spell absolutely love it now as for our starting instrument I've actually got a good one here the flute and the reason I've gone with the flute is because in the Forgotten M Wei page it's specified that illustrate has I've said the name of the deity like 50 different ways just this video I've even looked it up and I'm still getting it wrong regardless that's just how I roll uh she actually has an ability or like a certain attack or something that basically sounds like a flute and it's kind of Rec iable as her thing so I thought our character having a flute makes total sense because it's literally calling on that power of it three so again I said it a different way then so I feel like the flute makes sense here as for our ability scores they are a bit different than the original build one thing I did not like about my original build was the stat score spread it was when I still didn't really understand how the math worked as well as I should have so I had both Constitution at 15 and charisma at 17 which was just it was not good like that build honestly in retrospect was not great uh don't get me wrong I think the concept and the characterization was perfect but the actual build itself needed some work and I feel like I've fixed that with this video so here we have our stats strength is at eight cuz we don't need it dexterity is at eight because yes we are going to be using the gloves of dexterity to put this up to 18 now originally in my original video I used the gloves of of the automaton for some reason that today I still don't understand and I feel like the gloves of dexterity are going to make this build a lot better it's going to immediately set our attacking stat which is which it Stacks uh to 18 and that means we have a lot more freedom for the rest of our skill uh points allowing us to become a much better face of the Party by having points in Charisma wisdom and intelligence meaning that we can pass way more checks than we would normally be able to and be way more versatile Constitution is at 16 because I want to be able to make those saving throws um intelligence is at 12 again for you know skill checks same with wisdom but for the saving throws that's also really nice and Charisma is our main spellcasting stat so we want it as high as we can get it as for our skill proficiencies I have gone with the folk hero background now obviously for a build like this Acolyte and Entertainer would both obviously make a ton of sense however folk hero just felt right to me as it did in the original video getting inspiration from doing good which is literally what this character is all about literally being a heroic character that rises up from a society that literally deems that kind of to be bad I think it's great and I really really like having that aspect of this character exist so we've gone with ful hero that's going to give us animal handling which unfortunately is completely useless since we have to speak with animals but what have you and survival which is nice and I feel like survival does make sense for a character like this you literally have to survive in the underdog so you know makes sense uh we also get perception because we are a Dr for free which is nice and I've gone for performance persuasion and religion as our chosen proficiencies persuasion and performance are obvious and religion makes sense again cuz we are a religious character at the end of the day so I quite like having those proficiencies but you can put them in anything you like that's what makes this build so versatile next up at level two I want to take a quick one level multiclass dip in in the exact same way in the original video this is because I want to get those uh Illustrated dialogue options as quickly as possible so we going to be jumping over to ceric now nothing's really going to change here from the original original video if you saw that video you know what we're getting into here we're going to be choosing the life domain because one of uh ustri um domains is life and since we're only going to be taking a one level dip in this build uh it made sense to go for this one this is going to give us a few things namely heavy armor proficiency I don't wear heavy armor in this build my particular fashion of choice is medium armor but if you go with this you now have access to every piece of armor in the game which is going to feel great as you progress you're not going to be limited by your options as well as you're going to get a little bit extra to your healing spells which is nice to have I feel like a cleric of illustrate would do healing and we also get things like bless and cure moons at AAR spell list for free but I can see a few other domains working like domain would also work as well uh knowledge domain I guess could work I mean any of these could work nature domain a lot of them would be uh on theme I would argue Tempest and trickery aren't and same with war domain but if you don't care necessarily about the domain you just want the dialog options I would say War domain might actually be your best bet uh you could get some extra attacks that way it and you get martial weapon proficiency as well so you could use any weapons not just the B weapons but I think life domain makes the most sense for this build but I can see light also being pretty close to one theme but I think life makes the most sense and of course our deity of choice is the great and wonderful illustr I'm going to keep you know what I've just decided I'm just going to keep saying it a different way every time so that I take everybody off equally uh we also get access to some can trips and I'm absolutely going to say we want the three pillars of conversation because our wisdom isn't the highest so we don't really need attacking spells from it so we're grabbing resistance guidance and Thor matury NOW Thor matury is great uh compared to friends friends works for all Charisma checks while this one only works on intimidation and performance however uh format tury will not cause people to get mad with you after you use it so it's a nice alternative when it comes up guidance is always great just being able to add a 1 D4 bonus to any skill chick is always welcome and resistance does the same for saving throws it's just a nice kit that's going to give you that little bit of a boost when you need it it's going to feel very much like you are the front runner and the face of the party and you can be entirely self-sufficient in doing so picking and choosing what Buffs you want to use in any given situation we also do get to prepare some spells and there's a few that I really like here the first one being obvious is sanctuary allowing you to basically completely protect yourself or an ally from harm it makes sense to protect an ally from harm uh from a kind of character standpoint again I think this character would be kind of a protector of the downtrodden cuz they kind of know what it's like to be downtrodden so just because they're a drought trying to live on the surface so and that's one of the things that I love about playing this character if you play a drought in this game there's so many different outcomes and dialogue things that happen just because of your race you experience full-on racism and I think that's really interesting but and also the bad guys in the game basically give you a free pass for everything as well again it really feels like your character choic and the the things that you're doing actually affect the game Dr more so than most other races I think you'll really like playing this character as much as I did with the original build but yeah sanctuary and also it lets you do some kind of shenanigans if you feel like you're in a dangerous situation you just need to get out of it quickly cast Sanctuary on yourself and dip uh you'll see in the combat footage that I showed that I used sanctuary to get out of a pretty nasty situation with the the old um what are they called uh Hell Fire watches sorry you have to forgive me my brain's a little over the place trying to remember all this information I've been I have been dead to the world for the past 3 days okay like strep is a hell of a disease uh but yes anyway Sanctuary always good pick it up I would say your next best bet would be healing word just so we have that bonus action heal again we're aive cleric might as well and your final Choice can be whatever you like we already have bless which is a good option so things like Shield of Faith could be nice guiding bolt if you want to kind of risk for lower chance to hit with just the advantage that it can gr it's entirely up to you I quite like create a destroy water cuzz it comes up in a lot more situations than you think and if you have someone that can cast lightning spells on your team uh maybe like a storm sorcerer or something like that uh this can really help them out so it works as a nice Synergy if you have a party member that can use it and again it has more uses than you would think not a lot of people pay attention to the destroy water aspect aspect which can really help so I would definitely pick that one [Music] up now with that out of the way I am going to jump back over to Bard and we're going to stay there you could take two levels of cleric mix it up a little bit if you want preserve life which doesn't scale with your cleric level it actually scales with your total level so you could get a bit more out of it I could be wrong about that but I've been told that that's how that works so let me know uh so I feel like preserve life could be worth it if you really wanted to lean into that healer aspect but I am personally not doing that so we're going to go back over to Bard to get our main kit level two of Bard is going to give us a ton of really useful things namely jack of all trades which is much more valuable on this version of the build than it was the original because all of our stats are quite spread out you're going to get much more use out of this cuz it gives us half of our proficiency bonus in all of ability checks that we're not proficient in so allowing us to be able to succeed way more checks across the board even if we're not proficient so for a a build with stats like these it works nicely song of rest is a third short rest per long rest which is oh it's so good especially in Ona mode do I think this build would work in on a mode yes you just got to be a bit careful that's all this isn't the tankiest build in the world world so be ready uh next up we do get to pick another spell and I think uh you could go for Fairy fire it would help out your teammates quite a lot and it is very on theme of being a Dr we do get this just from our race but it's once per long rest so if you wanted to use it more times you absolutely could um Thunder Wave could be also a nice offensive option if you need someone to get away from you but I quite like literally doing the protagonist move and picking up heroism allowing you to make yourself or a Target uh you choose a immune to being frightened and gain five temporary hit points each turn and I've just recently learned that if you up upcast this with higher level spell slots you can Target more than one target per spell slot so I think it's actually quite a nice spell and you can literally do the heroic entrance if you use it so it works out quite nicely and there you go there's fairy fire once per long rest from our Dr race at Bard level three we are going to be choosing our subass and nothing is changing from the original video this feels pretty obvious but if we want to make a dancing blade based character College of Swords makes perfect sense now this kind of is funny I've this is my second College of Swords build in a row again I didn't intend to do this build today I mean I just kind of hinted that I might do it in the uh in the 100th video and people were just like yes please do that so I'm like why not I'll do this now to ease me back into content creation after my week my nearly week long Hiatus so anyway as a college of Swords we are going to get uh a fighting style and we're going to be going with two weapon fighting here now in the original I got dueling I believe because well we were going to be just using uh one weapon I think or did I get two weapon fighting for the Dual crossbows I can't remember either way we're getting to weapon fighting here because there is a big change to this build over the original that I'll get into uh when we get there as for our spells we do get to pick a level two spell at this at this point and the best spell you can pick up here for this build is hold person hold person is really great for this build especially when you get to act three and there's a lot more humanoid enemies being able to uh upcast it so it attack it can hold more than one enemy at a time uh our high Charisma score will mean that saving throw is a lot harder to make and because we're going to be able to attack so many times in a round again you'll see why later uh we'll be able to do a ton of critical hits in a row just absolutely shredding our opponents unfortunately it's not going to work on monsterous creatures or automatons so it's not an allaround perfect spell but again for those human type enemies that you have to deal with in this game it is really good I absolutely recommend picking this up now uh and as well I forgot to mention with the collge of Swords we are going to be getting the blade flourishes as well but most of you already know this it's basically just augmented ranged and melee attacks uh one each having each uh both melee and ranged having their own variant of the same thing so we get three different things here slashing flourish allowing you to attack two enemies at once with the ranged version allowing you to select two en uh one enemy to hit twice which is really nice it deals extra um slashing damage equal to our Bic inspiration diet and costs our Bic inspiration to use so in our case at the moment a D6 there's defensive flourish which if you hit increases your armor cost by four which is going to be great for this build in fact it's actually probably my favorite um flourish to use and finally mobile flourish which allows us to hit an enemy and then teleport to them afterwards dealing extra damage as well same as all the flourishes I mean these are great these are some of the most ver versatile um kind of battle skills you can have in this game in my Dante video which was the last video I did uh we combine this with the Battle Master Maneuvers to just have a ton of different options in the battle and it's no exception here this is brilliant we also get to choose two skill expertise here and the game has chosen performance and persuasion and you know what I can't exactly argue I think that's [Music] perfect at Bard level four we get to choose our first beat and for this one I'm going to be choosing our main feat to get our core play style going dual wielder yes this is the big change from the original build we're picking up dual wielder this is a dual wielding build uh now that may go a little bit against what uh ustr's kind of image is being a you know dancer with only one sword but there's a change to this build's kind of law uh and the back character kind of you know backstory I came up with that I think justifies this quite Nic and again it creates a really cool new play style that I think you're really really going to enjoy um because I don't think this character would just worship illustrate anymore and I'll get to what what who that other deity is in a minute it's kind of a dual deity build o la la and it why the did I just say that oh that was weird okay anyways we get to pick another canp at this level and there's a ton you could go for here but I think Mage hand is one of the most versatile can trips in the game and I really like having it just remember that you have it I keep forgetting I have it in situations where it would actually be really useful so just please remember that you have it as for our spells we do get to pick another level two option here and it's entirely up to you what you want to pick nothing immediately stands out to me something that we absolutely must have but things like invisibility uh knock shatter SE invisibility uh thr heat metal enhance ability they could all be really useful uh it's entirely up to you in fact hell cloud of daggers could kind of be like dancing blades like spinning around in the air I mean you could just fire anyway you like it's entirely up to you I'm probably going to go with invisibility cuz I think that's what I chose before anyway and I think it works all right for this build uh but anyways we'll keep going for now uh we get Darkness now as a racial option if you wanted to pick up something like the eversight ring to stop yourself from being blinded and go for a Darkness devil slate combo without actually having devil slate that could also work out really nicely although this is once per long rest so it's not a core thing of the build but you could totally pick it up if you wanted and at Bard level five we're going to be getting some really important stuff here we're going to be getting our B inspiration diet upgraded to a d8 which means now all of our blade flourishes now deal an extra bit of damage as well as font of inspiration allowing those Bic inspiration die to recharge on a short rest as well as a long rest meaning that we're going to have access to our blade flourishes way more often we also do get level three spells by this point and one spell that I found really really works nicely for me with this build is Hypnotic gaze basically just choosing a big group of enemies to completely debilitate until they are hit or until two turns pass it can really help to kind of set things up in a battle just quickly take that grip of enemies out get set up and then unleash hell once your setup turns are done it's really helpful for your party members to kind of be able to have that but you can take other things too here like LIF of Waring could work well speak with dead would be great again as a protagonist option but I would really just use withers's necklace if you need to speak with dead for whatever reason and just kind of swap that out uh it's entirely up to you the only one I actively would not pick is Fe here because I feel like that's the exact opposite of what this character goes for uh thematically at least so I'd leave that one B but hypnotic gaze is what I'm going for for now at Bard level six we are going to be finally getting extra attack meaning that now we can attack twice with our action instead of once you know how extra attack works now the only thing that guys does kind of suck about this build is that Bard gets extra attack a level late anyway and because we took that level one dip into cleric which I would still absolutely recommend you take because the dialog options are really good uh we're basically delaying extra attack by two levels here the main draw of this build as you kind of progress through the game as how I played it uh is the fact that you're mainly going to be using uh your spells and such to be able to control the battlefield as well as be able to attack with your weapons when needed as well and kind of allowing your teammates to kind of make up the full and then you get extra attack and you get the rest of your equipment and you're good to go again since this is a dual wielding build as well you will technically get um extra attack a bit earlier anyway cuz as soon as you hit Level five total level five and you get that feat are you're able to attack with your bonus action anyway so and you will already have two weapon fighting as well so you you know it's basically a full extra attack with your off hand weapon so it makes sense so it's not it doesn't hurt too much but it's just it's nice to have it as soon as you can get it and now that we have it this build really takes off cuz now we have three attacks the turn with our offhand dual wield air tank so it makes sense we also get uh counter charm which is okay uh any allies within 9 meters of where you place the charm have advantage on saving throws against being Charmed or frightened very very Niche uh the best part about it is the fact that it liter that the charm that it summons is a music box that plays like the music box rendition of the main theme of the game so it's nice but it's not great uh as for our spells we do get to pick another one here and I'm going to go with I'm not I'll go with speid dead just cuz I kind of talked about it but it's entirely up to you plant growth could work really nicely Glyph of wng would be great cloud of daggers could be cool shatter pick whatever you like it really doesn't matter at Bard level seven now I would say actually after Bard level six you could take um the the next levels that you see in any order that you like but you definitely kind of want to get to that extra attack I kind of want my B levels more uh first but if you wanted to take our other multiclass because is another one uh you can do so instead but let's go into The Bard levels for now so with B level s we do get level four spells and it's entirely up to you what you want to pick I quite like picking up freedom of movement because it's basically just a free buff that you don't need to maintain concentration on and lasts until your next long rest uh it's it will snap any Ally out of stun which is great uh so you can't be stunned while you're under this uh difficult terrain cannot slow you down and you cannot be magically paralyzed or restrained it basically just gives you complete freedom of movement and if the target is restrained by non-magical means it can can spend a little bit of movement speed to free itself it's basically just a nice little buff to have that comes up in more situations than you might think you just cast it at the beginning of the day and forget about it but then you notice it when it comes up so I quite like having it but next up at Bard level eight we're going to be getting our second feat of the build now I'm just going to be taking an ability score Improvement here to bump up our Charisma to 18 we're not going to be maxing out Charisma on this build uh without equipment but you can use equipment to do so if you would like but 18 is a pretty happy final score for me to go with I in my opinion and it's the same as the original build in that respect so you know we've we definitely have optimized our stats a bit better here compared to the original build like I said uh so yeah we have a nice uh good number to end on here and finally for our last level four spell we're going to be picking up greater invisibility I remember I said in the original video and I'll recount it here uh that I thought the best thing you could possibly do is you kind of hear a character playing their song but it kind of Echoes around the room and you have no idea where it's coming from only to be struck down by an invisible force as the music continues and eventually once every once all of your like allies are dead are like dead or dropped on the floor they reveal themselves and it's just like a and it's like this like B character I don't know I just felt like that uh felt really cool you just hear the song throughout the room but you have no idea where it's coming from as as people drop around you I don't know it's a bit spooky for a character that's supposed to be good but I don't know I still think it's cool also greater invisibility invisibility is a really good spell so you know anyways with our final three levels that we have I want to pick up one last multic class and most of you would have guessed it already it's rogue rogue is going to give us a ton of stuff here we're going to be getting sneak attack which we can actually use on this build cuz my weapons of choice of both finesse which is awesome so we get to sneak attack which is going to allow us to once per turn add a bit of extra slashing damage to our attacks it's 1 D6 at the moment and I think by the time we hit the max level we get two D6 so it's decent it's a little bit of extra damage which we will absolutely be taking uh we also do get to choose um an extra skill proficiency and two expertise I'm going to say I want stealth no acrobatics cuz I feel like that makes sense we'll get expertise in acrobatics also grab expertise in religion I mean you can take whatever you like here I just think the idea of this character having acrobatics as kind of a blade dancer that weaves in between things uh makes a lot of sense it's also going to help you being shoved I mean we're getting this total level 10 so you know it's kind of whatever and yeah getting that religion uh expertise because again we are a religious character it makes sense next up at Rogue level two we're going to get the ability to dash hide and disengage as a bonus action the main thing here is being able to Dash this is going to give us a ton of maneuverability around the battlefield allowing us to Zip Zap Dash and dance around our foes as much as we [Music] like and then finally at Rogue level three we get to pick our subass and no sugar coding it we're picking Thief we are a dual wielding build this extra bonus action is essentially another extra attack giving us up to four attacks per round with our weapons which is amazing so definitely worth picking up here again you can pick this up before the final two B levels if you like if you want to get this a bit quicker but overall it doesn't really matter and that is the build overall you're going to be getting an absolute ton out of this my hot bar is now completely messed up but I'll kind of talk as I kind of reorganize it no I don't want to cast Dancing Lights thank you very much game so what you're going to be getting out of this build is a ton of utility you're going to be the face of the party allowing you to pass most of the skill checks in the game you're going to get a ton of maneuverability thanks to the Rogue levels you're going to be getting a ton of damage thanks to the sneak attack and the blade flourishes you're going to get things like healing the short rests uh all of past pretty much every skill check in the game be able to use Battlefield control through hold person and hypnotized and hypnotic pattern uh you'll be able to do range damage quite easily with things like vicious mockery buffing up your allies of btic inspiration if you need to and do things and also gain access to pretty much all the game's content through things like speak of animals and again having that really high Charisma stat this is definitely the character that I would say is the do everything in the game character just play through uh as much game content as you can with this character if you're doing a second playthrough where you're like looking up what quests are and stuff do it with this character because I think this character will feel like it will feel like the main character cuz it's all well in Gooding you can make a custom character in a game and have as much Freedom as you do but because you have so much Freedom your character feels like your CH your choices you make when you actually make your character feel less impactful whereas I feel like for racial choice and again the equipment that we're going to be grabbing is really going to make this character feel like they're of central importance to the game and it does feel like the hero's tale for sure let's get into the equipment real quick so the main thing here is the weapons and the obvious one being pH Al which I'll put here so F Alo is illustr weapon it is the it's really awesome because you get it in act one so you can obtain it really early on you find it in the underd dark which makes sense and again if you are a cleric ofil you get this really really cool moment in a cut scene that you wouldn't normally otherwise get and as such you get to get this weapon basically for free and it's a really good weapon All Things Considered it's a plus one weapon which is decent for the early game it gives you a plus one to Performance which is nice we're a Bard we like that but it also has a unique ability called fer Alo Melody allowing you to either use sing or shriek which it which provide two different effects sing basically gives all of your allies bless when it comes to attack roles and uh Charisma wisdom and intelligence saving throws within a 6m range around you but the main thing that everyone uses and agrees is the more powerful option is shriek causing all enemies within the range uh to have a 1 D4 penalty to Charisma wisdom and intelligence saving for so the opposite of before but also the creatures within this uh 6 M range take an extra 1 D4 Thunder damage whenever they take other sources of damage so you can kind of use this with something like magic Missile for example and have every single magic Missile you land deal an extra 1 D4 Thunder damage which is it's very strong um so basically this can buff you and your whole party and again when we attack as much as we do getting that extra bit of funder damage on every attack we do is really nice stacking in with other Buffs that we can grab as well because again this is the weapon we're going to be using for the whole game so we need ways to buff it up but let's get into my other weapon of choice and we're going to get into some more law and backstory stuff here this is love raan's wrath now for those of you that don't know and I would equip this in the main Hand by the way cuz it has a unique attack that only works in the main hand whereas you can use the melody in uh the main hand or the off hand um basically for those of you that don't know illustr is actually the daughter of L and corellian Le lithian which is basically the father God of all lves and I think and this weapon is also obtained in act one as well now it's usually just a plus one weapon uh but I have buffed it with the Drake fro glaive here as well to make it a plus two weapon with an extra bit of fire damage and I'll get to more of that in a minute but the main thing with lorian's wrath is is like I think this character after spreading their song far and wide and this is before the naalo by the way they're spreading their songs and their teachings far and wide you know taking part in their ceremonies their blade dances trying to spread the word and love of illustr and the fact and spread the ideology that Dr are not not all what people think they are that they deserve a chance to be understood but I don't think a lot of people would listen unfortunately illustr teachings are widely understood by the mass populace and as such are shut down quite a lot and as such people who practice them are often openly targeted and ridiculed and basically angry mobbed out of towns even sometimes and I think that could even happen in the place as big and diverse as bold as game so I think in a bit of a kind of like low point in this character's in their kind of Life they may have turned to a different tactic while obviously still worshiping illustr at the end of the day I think they would take on and try to understand the teachings of corellian understanding the creator of all elves and trying to you know use their teachings to help deepen their understanding of their own and as such be able to find new ways to spread that message and come at it with A New Perspective and understanding so not just trying to appeal to everyone but primarily the elves first when which would then allow that to spread to the other races as well with the influence that elves have in general and I think that makes sense and as such because this um game has two finesse long swords which means they use your dexterity in both fero which is ustr's weapon and the Ran's wrath which is uh corellian weapon it made sense to use them both doing this allows us to kind of have a silver sword and a golden sword which looks awesome and as such I've done the armor to include purple gold and silver like the fashion for this build is undeniably great uh it and and again it it boosts this build Power by giving us more attacks per round being able to use two weapons with the dual wheel defeat also boosts our AC as well which is really really nice giving us a nice rounded out 20 and I think is just a nice little addition onto lur of this character that wasn't already present and it creates a much more fun play style that looks way more badass in my opinion I mean just look at how these swords look sheath on the back they are sick I love it I've used this combination a couple of times but this is where I think it truly shines and makes the most sense now like I said these are both plus one weapons at the end of the day but they're obtained an act one so they're really really good like the play style for this build comes online super early like pretty much a lot of this stuff is obtained in act one or two so it makes a ton of sense and uh you know you just get all this stuff online pretty quick um but they do need to be buffed to stay viable so we have a couple of weapons here that can do that we have the Drake Thro glaive which if if you've been following my channel for a while you know if you twincast uh the spell with a sorcerer uh you can buff two weapons at once with a plus one to their damage and attack roles as well as an extal D4 of damage of a chosen type I've done it in plenty of videos before so and I did actually have both weapons buffed at the started this video but for some reason one of the Buffs went away when I resp I don't know why uh but yeah basic basically you can kind of use this weapon put the both swords on the ground uh have a sorcerer twin cast of a buff that comes with this weapon in fact I'll equip it so you can see here we are and again you get the plus one bonus to attack rolls and and it is to damage as well I don't know why it only says to attack rolls it is to damage and it deals an additional 1 D4 damage of your choice so you know basically it's a big buff overall but there is another weapon that can actually do this let me just re-equip these and that is the flail of Ages now the flail of Ages is obtained in act three whereas for GLA is in act two and what the FL of Ages does is a very similar thing except it's only meant to buff itself it normally can't buff um other weapons as you can see here it gives the exact same buff except it's slightly Limited in the amount of elements it can do however if you have the weapon you want to buff in your main hand and equip this in the off hand casting the buff will only affect the main hand weapon so in reality you can combine the FL of Ages with the Drake FR glaive to have two different elements on each weapon which just looks badass I had fire and lightning originally and it looked really cool uh basically the whole idea there is that you can kind of either use the drink for gla's twin cast method or using both uh you can basically buff these weapons to be plus two weapons overall with an extra bit of damage which is perfectly fine to take you through the whole game uh yes we do get legendary plus three weapons by the end and technically if you had a plus two weapon you would be can get a plus three weapon with this method but plus two is perfectly serviceable especially when the Buffs that we get far I like the fact that both of the weapons are fessal that's such a far out way the downside of getting if it not being a plus three weapon so I feel like it works out really really nicely now I've had to just uh oh oh I'll quickly show off the ranged weapon because it is quite important we are using a classic for the channel for dark fire short bow and I actually have a logistic I have a reason for this on ustr's Weeki page she has an alias of dark fire something it's on the Weeki page so it makes sense it's a really weak justification but if you go check the Wiki page it does there is a mention of like the lady of dark fire or something like that I swear it's true uh this is a plus two bow uh which grants us resistance to firing C damage and gives us haste now in my original video I used dual crossbows and one of the things people were quick to point out to me with that video is that with qu ofr ranged weapons are kind of a no no but because this character is now also following corelan who is known for using both a long sword and a bow I feel like it's kind of Justified that if he wanted to use bow attacks with this build it would be totally fine within the law once you start following Kellan but after you get his weapon in act one and as such or if you don't want to use a bow just keep this in your off hand gain the resistances and the and the once per long rest haste for free I mean you might as well right there's no reason not to um so yeah absolutely worth it in this build pick it up in early X to and go absolutely crazy haste makes this build go from four attacks to six attacks in a turn it's it goes nuclear it's brilliant right let's have a look at the rest of the equipment now this has been a very long equipment section but hey ho first up we have the birth right hat giving us a plus two to our Charisma allowing us to go all the way up to 20 uh this is just going to give us better spell safe DCS on our things like whole person and hypnotic gaze and whatever but you don't actually have to have this if you don't really care about that as much as well is the fact that this is an act three option I've come up with some other alternatives for the earlier game namely my personal choice for diadem of arame synergy what this does is it allows you to whenever you flict a condition which is really easy for this build to do because I believe the fer metal and D shriek inflicts a condition uh vicious mockery does uh disant Whispers does uh a lot of our spells do uh you can quite easily get this off you can you gain Arcane Synergy whenever you inflict a condition and as such our spell casting ability modifier is added to the damage of our weapon attacks meaning that our high Charisma is now also affecting our weapon attacks meaning we deal even more damage really great you get this around the same time you gain Lan's wrath so might as well pick it up and make your build a lot stronger this is an act one option so perfect as well as the helmet of Arcane accurity this is also a good option whenever we deal damage with a weapon attack we gain Arcane acurity and Arcane acurity means we have a plus one bonus to spell attack rolles and spell difficulty class for each remaining turn so it kind of does the um opposite of the deem of Arcane Synergy instead of casting a spell to augment our weapon attacks we make a weapon attack to augment our spells so it's entirely up to you if you'd rather have this or the deem I personally prefer the diadem but this is also a nice option anyways let's move on to the cloak I've gone with the cloak of displacement here at the beginning of the we's turn the cloak activates gring enemies disadvantage on attack RS that Target the wearer uh basically this kind of gives you a free casting of blur every time uh you start your turn and I feel like and I used this in the original video as well but I'll kind of give my explanation again here again I imagine this character who's dancing and weaving through the battlefield as they strike with their sword or Arc swords and they're just so hard to see that they become a blur with how you know fluid and quick their movements are and I feel like this cloak literally does that for us unfortunately this is an act three option so and it makes sense cuz it's quite powerful so you're not going to be getting it until the kind of I would say kind of last 40% of the game but it's absolutely worth picking up for this build and again colored right it looks great I'm pretty sure all of these are colored with the gor with the dark anim amethyst die and it just looks gorgeous I think the only exception is the Boost boots which are muddy red but I just love the color here man I think it's perfect um but if you want another cloak option I quite like the cloak of cunning broom since we're taking Rogue levels we can disengage as a bonus action using one of our two bonus actions I might add and this whenever we disengage creates a foggy Cloud around us and as such you can kind of create that foggy cloud and then attack enemies uh a lot easier because they can't see so it's quite a powerful combo that a people have pointed out to me before so I thought I would mention it here next up is the ont scale male a me a piece of medium armor that can be picked up in Act 2 it adds our full full dexterity modifier to our Armor class instead of the limited amount that Medium armor usually grants and additionally we do not gain disadvantage on stealth checks and we also gain a plus one bonus to initiative rules which is really really nice but of course the main thing here is the fashion the little neck scarf the way the colors work the way it blends with the other equipment the little kind of tail coat thing that we get it's one of the best looking armors in the game by far and is my personal favorite for female characters cuz unfortunately male characters don't get the little neck scarf which sucks but again this can be obtained in early Act 2 so it's perfect to pick up next up the gloves of dexterity uh this is an act one option you already know what it does and you get this around the same time you get lorian RAF and DM so pick it up and make your build awesome now it may suck to start with um eight dexterity so I definitely recommend kind of changing up those starting stats a bit taking those points out of intelligence and wisdom putting them into dexterity and then respecing once you get these gloves but I feel like with this build again if you're focusing more on the spellcast you might not worry about your dexterity as much but eight dexterity would still suck so I would definitely Respec but that's up to you if you kind of want to try your luck until you get these I mean you can gun it straight for these if you want but you would mess up the one quest line if you did that so you know you are going to be going um you're going to be going without these for a little bit but they're still obtained fairly early on considering when you get them in game and finally an interesting option here the acrobat shoes now you can put anything you like in this slot but I quite lik these this is going to give us a plus one to acrobatics which is nice but it's also going to us give us advantage on dexterity saving throws and I feel like that makes perfect sense for this character to have advantage on their saving throws we already have Proficiency in them because we started off as a bard but having advantage on them again as a blade dancer who's really quick on their feet and very fluid with their movements it makes sense for them to be a really good at dextr saving throws so getting advantage on them is really nice so this means we're not going to be slipping on things like grease or ice nearly as much uh sa dexterity saving throws against spells like fireable are going to go way better for us it makes a ton of sense so I quite liked picking these up but you can put whatever you like in the slot these were just my personal choice and again I felt like they fit nicely with the outfit as a whole next up onto the accessories we have the Amulet of the half here giving us advantage on wisdom saving throws I had this in the original build as well and I felt it was just perfect and decided to keep it uh you can get these an early a too again the advantage on wisdom saves is lovely especially for a protagonist type character cuz I feel like wisdom saving throws are the ones like where you get mind controlled and all that so it makes a lot of sense to just have something that prevents that from happening as much and it also gives us a free casting of Shield once per long rest so you know that's nice next up is the strange conduit ring we're pretty much always going to be concentrating on spells so in addition to the extra D4 of Elemental damage that our um that are weapon Buffs from the that our Elemental Buffs are going to give us as well as the D4 damage from F shrink uh getting another extra D4 of psychic damage which makes sense for a Bard cuz a lot of our damaging spells of psychic damage uh on top of all of that is really really good now in the combat Fage you'll see we're up against the steel Watcher so uh they are actually immune to psychic damage so technically we were doing less damage than we normally would in that showcase and as you see this build and as you saw I guess that uh our damage was still really good so you know it doesn't matter uh and finally uh this is kind of a free ring slot you could put whatever you like in the slot but I really think the band of the Mystic scoundrel works here after getting a creature with a weapon attack you can close you can cast illusion or enchantment spells as a bonus action spoiler rette all of our good spells are these two categories so you can basically attack with our weapons and our and our with our action and then if you wanted to you could cast two vicious mockeries uh with your two bonus actions for the rest of the turn if you wanted it just gives you a little bit more utility in when you're able to cast your spells and kind of mix them in mid combo I think it works really nicely for this build but unfortunately this is an act three option so I've got a couple of Alternatives from earlier on first up is an obvious one the Ring of Arcane Synergy if you don't end up wanting to wear the deem but still want to gain Arcane Synergy somehow this is how you do it whenever you deal damage of a can trip that being vicious mockery for us you gain Arcane Synergy for two turns so if you're not using the D ATM this is an alternate way of doing it cast vicious mockery with your action and then get two uh boosted attacks with your uh bonus actions that round and then you can go for a full four hit combo with that boost next turn also there's the Ring of free action and you can kind of get this maybe before the point where you get freedom of movement this basically just means that you uh ignore the effects of difficult terrain and cannot be paralyzed or restrained again again allowing those fluid movements to work in any situation uh if we don't have freedom of movement at this point so it can work a bit better in the earlier game so around um act two is where you'd get this and that's about kind of where you'd want it and finally one last thing I'll mention is again the big I can't believe I'm doing this the big thing about illustrating characters uh being nude well Camp clothing will do that for you I mean this obviously isn't nude but this is as much as I'm willing to as close as I'm willing to go because YouTube and as such I feel like this outfit works pretty nicely this is the angelicon outfit which could be a Tang NE 3 but of course if you wanted to actually go the let's just say the nudist rout then you could just not have any Camp clothing at all and just have that be there and still get all the benefits of your armor and such even though you can't see it but I'm not going to be doing that because I'm normal I wasn't meant as a dig that's just a joke do whatever you like you know I actually don't give a right uh that is the build I mean you've already seen the combat footage I mean I I mean I guess I'll play it again just so we're not staring at nothing really for the next little bit uh but as you can see here this build does do pretty well uh we gain uh a ton of attacks we get um you know we get a ton of utility which we can't really show off against the steel watch unfortunately because of obvious reasons they're immune to a lot of the stuff that we can do cuz they're not really psychically based so that kind of sucks uh but as a pure kind of just DPS test for the build it does work out pretty nicely again I got to play through basically the whole game with this build and the amount of Battlefield control that you can inflict with things like hold person and hypnotic gaze it's really really nice and again this build is mainly for just kind of playing the game and doing the dialogue and getting a ton of fun out the roleplay side of things again getting fer is amazing in this with this with a build like this the dialogue options and the way your both your uh ustri and cleric uh dialogue options and your Dr dialog options and how the game treats you because you're a Dr they mix together in such a really unique an interesting way that just feels so cool to go through the game with Dr are by far my favorite race to play this game with now giy Yankee are probably a close second because again they have a lot of really unique racial stuff that's available to them like there's a lot of interesting things that come out of this build that I can that I don't really want to spoil for you you just have to play the game and see for yourself and yeah I think with this setup again you're going to have a ton of damage all across the board I mean you can see the still Watcher kind of just fell apart um again I I kind of want take on the critic I kind of wanted to take on the criticism people were getting giving me about testing Builds on the tutorial boss which is why I've gone to the trouble of making this act three save that is updated to patch six and all this so that I can properly test Builds on various different Encounters this was a test against a single steel Watcher but I honestly think I could have probably fought maybe two at once or maybe a steel Watcher and a few guards or maybe like a group of like humanoid enemies or something I have I'll have to keep testing again this is kind of early days for me with this kind of style of testing things so let me know uh in the future but but this did I think work out pretty well in the long run I mean you can see how well this build Dodges things we had a really Rocky start cuz the character just uh The Watcher just opened up with a massive attack straight on our dome but we were able to allow ourselves a time to buff by casting Sanctuary giving ourselves haste giving ourselves a bit of healing and then we were Off to the Races after that we were able to cast shriek and then you can see the The Watcher just gets beaten down over and over and over again until it eventually goes Kaboom so yeah uh as for end of video stuff I mean I said at the start of the video but I'm back I've finally gotten over my illness for the most part I've still got to take the medication for a few more days just to make sure it doesn't come back which is a scary thought um but trust me it was not fun oh my God again it's the worst I've felt in a long time but I'm really happy to be back and the channel did well in my absence of course views and you know watch time and all that went down and so did subscribe and like obviously the channel did go into a bit of a LOL but the subscriber game was still steady which was nice uh and so it kind of made me feel a bit better that if I ever needed to take time off in the future for some reason I could and the channel wouldn't just go kaput right off the bat and I feel like this is a pretty strong video to return on I mean I'm literally revisiting my most popular concept ever my only video with over 100,000 views it's actually like 130k now or something is stupid like that so I not expect I mean while I'm not expecting that to be a guaranteed thing if this video is going to do well cuz I don't ever expect that it's just nice to kind of come back with a concept that I know is quite strong and really get me back into the groove of things so basically we're going to be kind of continuing from here on forward as normal the regular upload schedule will return and the affle mentioned newer content that I promised is going to be coming like I said we're going to be doing the companion build live stream this weekend so I hope a lot of people come to that uh Monday is going to be my first ever D and D build again meant to happen last week but of course things change and as such moving forward from here that is going to be part of the new content every Monday a D and D build instead then Wednesday I will probably have that be um you just either a regular build video or something else I'll probably or build request or something along those lines and then Friday we'll be doing the deity builds that being IL Mar being the next one again meant to happen this week uh this past week but couldn't for obvious reasons uh yeah and I mean again I just want to say a big thank you for sticking with me through uh your support all of your all of your uh get well wishes were very very uh comforting as I was laying on what felt like my deathbed I must admit it was not fun um and you know kind of seeing and kind of being worried about like what would happen with the channel because YouTube again if you stop uploading for just a little bit it can kill the momentum but luckily this channel was still going strong regardless so you know I was a little bit worried but seeing everybody kind of pitching in and like seeing the statistics I'm like yeah it'll be fine so but like I said I'm glad to be back uh going to be getting back into a normal upload schedule and hopefully uh there won't be any more surprises waiting in our near future all right that is going to do it for me thank you all so much for watching and thank you all so much for sticking around while I was gone and I will see you all next [Music] time
Channel: HoboZone
Views: 25,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's, Gate, Builds, Baldur's Gate 3 Builds, RPG, DND, DND 5E, HOBOZONE, DND Character, DND Build, OP Builds, Roleplay, Roleplay Builds, Lore Builds, Broken Build
Id: nnEULZnZGxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 6sec (3366 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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