Baldur's Gate 3 - The Mystic Dagger (Build Request)

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all right I am back with another video and today I have got another build request again I'm getting through this massive backlog although technically this isn't a backlog item uh this is the fifth in a kind of video kind of massive recording session thing where I am recording a bunch of videos in a single day now in the process of recording these videos my first video of the week the um Assassin's Creed build has gone up somebody commented on that saying they would quite like to see a th growing DEA build and I thought you know what I actually want to do that so it got pushed up the list and is today's build which is Friday whereas I recorded this on the Monday so basically I'm kind of decided to do something a little bit interesting with this character because I think anybody who's played border Skate 3 extensively or has watched a lot of videos on on build making probably already knows where I'm going to go with this I mean there's one way to make a um kind of throwing build super super powerful but I wanted to challenge myself in a way that I can give it a kind of different vibe despite the classes we're using so I've decided to try and make a rogue without making a rogue and you'll see how I manag to achieve that in a minute so but first we're starting off as Fighter for obvious reasons that we'll get to in a minute now for your fighting style Throne weapons are weird I don't know if using the dueling fighting style with a dagger in one hand would apply that bonus to the throw because I don't know if technically because it is still a one-handed attack it would still get the extra damage from dueling I have absolutely no idea if this works or not so I would like you guys to test it for me and kind of get back to me on that if you don't mind but for the sake of getting a little bit of extra Armor class and and just overall knowing that this will work let's grab defense for now however if you wanted to perhaps dual wheel daggers with this you could go for two two weapon finding as well but just know you can only throw the dagger in your main hand uh for the purposes of this build so anyways let's keep going now our stats are going to look a little bit weird but I promise this all will make sense our strength is going to be at 17 we're going to be bumping the with a half feet later you already know the one and also we can use the potion of everlasting Vigor to push it straight to 20 we also have dexterity at 14 to give us a decent chunk to our Armor class we also have Constitution at 14 to give us a decent amount of Health to start intelligence at 12 cuz it's going to matter for some abilities that are important and I quite like the idea of this intelligence-based Rogue not Rogue having a little bit of like extra intelligence based stuff so I thought that was kind of neat wisdom at 10 and Charisma 8 I don't think this one is very good at talking however I think I absolutely nailed the fashion here I think it looks awesome uh anyways as for our um uh skill proficiencies I have stealth and deception I believe from the criminal background with a buff to our perception thanks to our race that being the Dr and also I want to take uh proficiency and Athletics cuz that does help our throwing and the second one can kind of be whatever you like it doesn't really matter at the end of the day I'm down to grab H well we don't really get any proficiencies from the intelligence base skills for such which sucks so you know what we'll keep intimidation just in case next up at fighter level two this we're going to get action surge this is going to give us a big round of damage whenever we need it basically giving us an extra action and therefore also an extra attack to use once per short rest allowing us to throw our dagger with this an extra attack up to four times per turn which is pretty good at fighter level three we're going to be able to choose our subass and there's only one for it you would have seen this coming we are going for Eldridge Knight this is going to give us the weapon bond feature ritually bind the weapon in your main hand that's important the weapon cannot be knocked out of your hand and automatically returns to you when thrown meaning that we don't have to keep a th daggers in our inventory throwing them over and over again and then having to pick them all up when the battle is done also going to be able to gain a couple of can trips and really since our intelligence is in our highest score here I only want to grab some utility options so I think friends and Mage hand fit on theme with this Rogue but not actually a rogue type deal kind of giving us a sort of magean Ledger Ledger domain or whatever it's called from the Arcane trickster but not really because it's not invisible but hey still it's nice to have and also friends because it's one of the best K trips in the game as for our spells again we're going to be going for utility options here mainly Shield which is going to be really nice in most situations just as a reaction and your second one can be magic Missile if you just want another ranged option that can go around corners and like but again it's not going to be your most powerful option we also gain one um expanded spell list option I'm going get to take a kind of utility spell here so I'm going to grab feather fall because I feel like with the kind of build that I'm going for here with the ability to basically be able to move around quite a bit we're going to want FEA fall a lot for those to be able to jump down from high places long Strider could also be useful here but we don't really need it as much and while enhance leap would be useful we are going to be supplementing this with an item so I don't think it's as necessary here so fful feels like the best option that you're going to get the most use out of next up at fighter level four we're going to be grabbing our first feat and we're doing a throwing build to you already know what we're going for it is Tavern brawler as this is going to add our strength modifier twice to the attack and damage RS of our Throne weapons and allows us to bump our strength up to 18 using the potion of everlasting fgure to turn this up to a20 giving us the maximum possible damage on our thr weapons right off the bat which is awesome something we absolutely want and now as for our spells we have a any a few options here but you can take really whatever you like it really doesn't matter again this is not really going to be something that we're focusing on so chromatic orb just has a decent amount of utility being able to create certain surfaces with its alter with its alternative attacks such as ice surfaces for example next up at fighter level five we're going to be grabbing extra attack which means now we can throw twice per turn which is awesome again this now brings up our action surge to be even more powerful as well allowing for four throws per turn now we could go into fighter level six straight away but I really want to get the second most important part of this build as early as possible but feel free to take this extra feat if you feel like one of these stats really isn't doing it for you at this stage of the game but I think where we're kind of in the middle of act two at this point you're going to be doing okay so we're all right to switch to our second multiclass which is barar Aran this is going to give us rage deal an extra two damage with melee improvised weapons and throwing so this means our throwing is going to do even more damage now while raging yes this means we can't use our spells which sucks but really they're only for utility options anyway that are mostly used outside of combat with maybe the exception being Shield however so this is basically going to be a powerful option regardless most of the time in combat we're also going to get un armored defense but I'm not using that here but you can if you want to I like spinning the character makes all the physics go wee this is my fifth recording of the day I'm slowly losing my mind I'm going to stop uh level two Barbarian we're going to grab a danger sense which means we get an advantage on on dexterity saving frow against traps spells and services pretty good we also going to gain Reckless attack which we're not really going to be using cuz I don't think this interacts with throwing however if you are caught up in melee this is still a nice extra option available to you next up at Barbarian Level three we get to choose our subass and you already know what we're here for if you know about throwing builds we're here for Berserker this is going to turn our rage into a frenzy allowing us to use frenzy strike which lets us make a melee attack as a bonus action but also enraged throw allowing our throws to do a little bit of additional damage and we can now throw as a bonus action and have a chance to knock our Target prone this is huge this is super super important this means we're now going to be able to throw with attack extra attack and an enraged throw now you may be thinking well now that we can throw as a bonus action we should be going Thief to get a second bonus action you can only use either frenzy strike or en rag throw once per turn so it's not as useful as you might think don't get me wrong taking those levels in Rogue would be useful but again I'm kind of doing this as a self-imposed challenge to not take those levels and I actually think getting the extra Feats from fighter which is what we're going to go back to after level four Barbarian actually does end up being more useful in the long run for this type of strategy if you're focusing on throwing uh which we are with this build but again if you wanted to play with a thief Rogue dip as well or not really dip it's like another multiclass because you have to go four levels or three uh you you can it's not going to make this building anything weaker it's only going to make it a bit stronger cuz technically um frenzy Barbarian also lets you do improvised weapons as like a bonus action so you could do that uh but it's entirely up to you so use what you like but I'm just going to be going back to um fighter rather now at Barbarian Level four we're going to be ging an extra feat and I want to bump up our constitution so we have a bit more Health this just means we're going to be a bit better in most combat and I feel like 16 is a good middle ground to stop with as far as HP goes and the lovely thing about the way we've been doing this leveling means going back over to fighter means we immediately get another feat I'm going to grab another ability score Improvement to bump up our dexterity to 16 giving us a bit more AC although there are a few options here you can go with if you really want to uh mobile or athlete would give you even more maneuverability to get in position to throw things uh alert would give you um a plus five bonus to initiative meaning you could get ready set up right away even if you're not expecting combat uh there's a ton of different things you could do here if you wanted to dual wield weapons with this build dual wielder would actually work really well just remember that you would have to have your non thrwing dagger in the off hand or whatever weapon you choose to do but if it could still work it's entirely up to you um I mean I don't think there's anything else that really interacts with throwing here so use your best judgment but I'm just going to be going with an ability score Improvement next up at fighter level s we're going to be getting some interesting little features here we're going to be getting some extra spell slots and we're also going to be grabbing War magic after you cast a can trip you can make a weapon attack as a bonus action not really going to be casting can trips really at all because we didn't take any offensive can trips so I don't know even know why I brought it up uh but we are going to get some level two Spells at this point and darkness will always have some utility if you're not raging straight away this can create an opening for your allies to do tons of damage and since we're not really going to really get much out of damage options here I mean you can take scorching Ray but gust of wind may also be something interesting you could use or Mouse acid Arrow but scorching Ray should do just fine for the hour purposes and finally at final fighter level eight we're going to be getting our final feat uh and again I'm just going to take an ability score Improvement and I am quite happy to BU dexterity up to 18 to give us even more Armor class and in general just help us out with our Dex based skills allowing us to be even better at various dexterity based abilities and again we already have strength for 20 uh so yeah as for our expanded spell list we get a few more options here and I going to grab Misty step as a nice little teleportation option we are going to be getting it from from an item but not the one you might think and so having it as an extra bit of utility to help you yourself get set up before you rage and start throwing is really really useful and that is the build again when you build with mostly martial classes it's a bit more short sweet and straight to the point however what we're going to be getting out of this build is a lot of really cool things like I say we can have our throwing weapon return to us so we can have still have a signature weapon even though we're eating them all across the damn I've never seen that before that was a nice little pose uh this character's got some flare anyways I got distracted what was I saying yes so we can throw our weapons and have them return to us we have a few short small utility options to help us with stuff in and out of combat such as Missy step Mage hand feather fall friends all that good stuff and we also have all of our good fighter and Barbarian goodies such as action surge frenzy strike and well frenzy throw so let's get into the actual equipment now again I've never seen this before I don't know why this character is doing this but it's it's awesome I like that pose uh let's get into the equipment first off the marxman ship hat you gain a plus one bonus to range attack rolls and Throne attack rolls meaning our thrown attack rolls are more like more likely to land we also have the padded armor plus two you take plus two less bludgeoning damage uh this is just a really cool looking armor set in my opinion and I thought worked really nicely as kind of a rogish outfit for this build next up is the gloves of uninhibited cigo this the wearer deals an additional 1 D4 damage with throw attacks and attacks made of improvised weapons meaning that our throwing damage is going to get even stronger this can also be stacked upon with the Ring of flinging meaning we get an extra 1 D4 bonus to throw damage meaning we have a 2 D4 bonus to our throwing attacks overall pretty good I've also gone for the boots of speed giving you the click heals ability letting you spend your bonus action to gain speed and freedom of movement which is kind of a better version of the rogue's um cunning action Dash and there's no limitation on this even though it's from a piece of equipment you can use this as many times as you like uh as long as it's only once per turn there's no short rest or long rest requirement meaning we've essentially got the Rogues bonus action Dash which is really useful for helping us get into position to be able to do some throwing because with throwing you want to be as high up as you hand because the more gravity and more distance it's in between you and the thing you're targeting the more damage it's going to do meaning that the Amulet of Misty step to give us Misty step to allow us to teleport and get to position all the Ring of jumping to let us uh cast jump as a bonus action to be able to get in allowing us to Triple our jump distance is going to get us into position to do some massive throwing damage really really quickly and again plays into that Rogue but not actually a rogue aspect by giving us highflying gymnastics and daring speed overall it's quite interesting actually but dager I have chosen to go with is the Susa dagger which is just a plus one uh dagger but it does S have a chance to silence Targets on hit meaning that you can use this to take spellcasters out of a fight which is actually super impressive but really any dagger will work and the higher the D the damage on the dagger because it is a thrown weapon the more damage your throw attacks will do but these are all just solid options with the exception of the Marksmanship hat all of this uh equipment can be obtained in act one I believe so with that this build comes online quite early basically as early as level three really to get you started with the out Knight returning weapon and then at level four getting T and brawler means you're pretty much going to be getting a huge amount of this buil power really really early on then you add the Barbarian levels in an extra attack and by the time you're at act three you may have gotten some better equipment as well you will be absolutely Unstoppable which is awesome uh so yeah that is the build I meant to ex the menu uh overall I feel like this was actually a really fun idea to kind of experiment with um as you'll see in the combat footage now I mean if you know about throwing builds you know they are super powerful but I really wanted to kind of give my own twist on kind of it this throwing dagger concept I mean obviously any thrown weapon is going to be powerful with this build if you don't feel like you just want to do daggers and you want to give yourself a bit more o javelins Spears Trident uh anything with the throne property is going to do massive amounts of damage and because of the way we've built this character if you want to pick up a goblin and throw them that also works so feel free but I kind of feel like if we want to stay with the kind of roguish aspect of this character we definitely want to be kind of sticking to throwing our dagger to stay on theme but anyway I hope the person who requested this enjoys this build I understand that they seemed quite enthusiastic about it so I was quite happy to do it uh since this uh post editing me here uh didn't really sign off the video properly in the original recording so I'm just doing a quick re-record here um not I'm afraid this weekend there is not going to be another Halloween build uh my next Halloween build is going to be on Halloween itself and I'm kind of taking this weekend off to kind of you know have a bit of time off I'm a bit busy that weekend and there just a few things I want to get done so my next video will be on Monday and then after that my final Halloween build will be on Halloween itself which is the Tuesday so hope you all enjoy and I'll see you all next time
Channel: HoboZone
Views: 16,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hzfZssap0XA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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