Baldur's Gate 3 - The Dancer of Eilistraee (Deity Build)

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all right I am back with another video and today we are doing the next uh in my lineup of deity based builds uh this one we're doing the kind of opposing opposite the between to my last one which was the um chosen of love we are doing the chosen of Ellis tray and I mentioned illustrating that video but I'll go over it quickly here illustrate is the uh goddess of good aligned drown she is the daughter of Loaf and is constantly fighting against her now Alistair herself is a goddess of Life freedom and nature basically kind of advocating for Drought to ascend to the service surface overcome their chains and be free and enjoying like Ford it is uh so I kind of wanted to reflect that here now uh now what class in the game reflects freedom and you know an overall sense of good and you know all that good stuff it's bad the most free and fun character you can be is a Bard really and being able to travel across the land spreading songs and doing good uh while you know trying to make for Drought big opinions of the drought change on the surface world I think being a Bard is absolutely the way to do it uh it also doesn't help the fact that illustrate is depicted as a drowned woman dancing with a sword in a similar fashion to a blade singer so if we're going a Bard that wants to use a sword I mean you already know what we're doing but I feel like there's enough of a unique Twist on this concept but I feel like this is going to be quite fun and as far as building a protagonist for this game as in I mean someone that is going to have meaningful character moments meaningful dialogue options and interactions with care with other NPCs this might be one of my favorite builds I've ever done simply because being a drought um illustrate illustrate I don't know what to say whatever you'd call this uh a servant of elastry it creates so many interesting dialogue options and even getting illustria's chosen weapon which we'll go over in a minute has a unique event associated with being a load of Alistair so I feel like this again if you were to play this build from start to finish in a campaign you would feel really strong but also have some incredible character moments and just feel absolutely awesome as you played through the game also the design I've kind of come up with this character here like with this armor set and the coloring and like the Little Neck neckerchief scarf whatever you want to call it I just think this build it it's just awesome I actually think this is one of the builds I'm most proud of overall and I really really hope you enjoy it uh so obviously we're starting things off as a bad as for our can trips nothing changes from the norm here we are taking vicious mockery and friends and I feel like friends even even though I always I just think it's one of the best 10 trips in the game anyway this actually just fits in really really thematically here and just being able to is in being someone who would normally be shunned by Society you know trying to befriend everyone I feel like this really really works so I quite like friends of Mrs mockery here as for the Spells I feel like this character as much as we are building a fighting character that I do believe that this is a person who would try to de-escalate situations before they become uh too violent and help where they can uh so I actually feel like this character is going to be a bit of a Healer uh so we're definitely gonna be taking healing word and cure wounds here as kind of two of our main spells to allow us to be able to heal more efficiently uh fairy fire is also a nice little one here it fits in line with a drought anyways it's kind of one of their racial spells and it's going to let you help out your allies and give yourself advantage on Attack rules as well so it's overall pretty good I've also gone for heroism here but honestly this can be changed out for anything uh it makes it so you're so yourself yourself or a Target or immune to frightened and you get five temporary hit points each turn I think this just like kind of fits in nice with like the bolstered personality of a Bard especially one who's trying to be so forthcoming and helpful to just jump in like a hero like a true protagonist would however I feel like um disguise self also bugs here quite well thematically because someone who is playing adrenal might want to disguise themselves as another race when they are somewhere that may be a little bit less welcoming however I feel like again this is a character who wants to show off their Heritage loud and proud so they decided to go with heroism here uh as for your starting instrument I actually quite like the liar here I'll just quickly select it so you can I don't know I feel like it's a very calming but also quite beautiful instrument and as well there is a liar in the game that is specifically related to trowel so I feel like it would be quite nice to pick that up as a thematic option as well if you can uh as for your ability scores we're doing a pretty standard Charisma stat spread here 17 Charisma 15 Constitution 16 dexterity but using our first ability to score Improvement to Bumper power of numbers will be good but this is a strong starting base for us we don't need any of the other stats because they're not really essential to this build but feel free to play around with this if you like uh with the I will also go over the reason we're starting with Bard and this is important here is we're going to be getting proficiencies that we absolutely need first of all we're going to be getting a long sword proficiency which we need uh light armor for efficiency which will eventually turn into medium armor proficiency without subclass later so we'll want that as well and also being able to get all these extra skills is really really nice persuasion performance interception in particular I also again I kind of wanted to go into this because I feel like this is such a protagonist move but I've also gone for the folk hero background meaning that whenever you help someone or save the day uh you are going to be getting inspiration so I just feel like overall this build comes together really really nicely all right at level two we're going to be switching over to cleric for a quick moment uh yes I know we dumped wisdom but we're not really actually going to be casting any spells as a cleric we just want a few important things let's start some can traps uh we're gonna be wanting to ground before matergy resistance and guidance here all really really good social spells guidance is probably one of the best can trips in the game alongside friends so it's definitely something you want to pick up uh resistance is always good as well for those saving pros and for material can give you an advantage on intimidation and performance checks without triggering the potential hostility that friends can so I would definitely definitely pick this up our domain is going to be real life domain and this is going to be quite important because since we're going to be playing a character that can do decent healing this is just going to bring up that ability even more with the subclass feature disciple of life uh your devotion empowers your healing spells when casting a healing spell the target regains an additional hit points equals to two plus the Spells level so for big uh AOE healing spells such as a mass kill wounds this is a huge huge buff to that to that uh spells potential definitely worth picking up are you also going to be getting blessed for free here which is nice as well as cure wounds uh bless and blessed is always just a really nice concentration spell to have early here wounds we already get from um from Bard and that version is more effective so this probably won't come up but the main thing that we're going to be getting from this is the fact that we are going to be able to align ourselves with illustrate and be an illustrate cleric and as you can see here illustrates the goddess of good online Trail Beauty song and freedom uh the dark Maiden designs balance between all Races and struggles against her mother loves corrupt aims it specifically says on the wiki and from a few other sources but this character's domain are Life Light and nature so being a life domain cleric definitely works here ask your prepared spells it's not going to be really worth taking something like uh guiding bolts or cure wounds I don't think because our damage and saving for us with these are going to be subpar at best I actually would recommend Sanctuary this is a spell that can be used in a lot of really Niche situations but can definitely come up and be super important when it counts and I think it also works quite nicely for a character that might want to de-escalate conflict before it gets too far but this is also a good way for you to be able to set up perhaps some non-lethal spell effects that will be that can help with your strategy without having to worry about taking damage as well next up we're gonna leave cleric and go straight back to Bard I mean you could take a second level of cleric if you want preserve life but I don't think it's really good since we would only be taking Max two levels of cleric on this build so I definitely think we're going to want to jump back to Bard at this point uh because this is going to give us a ton of things like Jack of all trades song of rest and some more spells are we going to be getting another level one spell at this point uh you can take whatever you like here like I say this guy itself might be thematic uh long Strider is always a good spell because if that's your whole party of extra movement speed featherfall is a really good spell for traversing uh speak with animals can actually be really really good here if you want those extra dialogue options and I think this is what I'm going to take over all just because I quite like the um ability to give us more dialogue options as a protagonist you want to be able to do as much as possible in a video game and this is going to let you do even more however if you want something purely for combat I would absolutely recommend Tasha's hideous laughter uh being a Bard who is so funny that your that your opponents can't help but laugh is just really really fun and feels just it feels thematic but honestly I quite like speak of animals here just to for the just to be able to use access that additional bit of dialogue I'm also going to get verified as a racial feature here once per long rest pretty good we are getting it as a regular spell anyway but being able to use it without spell slot is always nice and next up at Bard level three I mean do I even have to drum it up here you know what we're doing we're going College of swords we are playing a kind of a blade singer type character here and while we don't actually have blade singing or as I might have gone that route we can get the next best thing which is the College of Swords Bard uh you know the deal at this point I've done this a bunch of times we're gonna get a fighting style we're going to be getting our flourishes one that lets us attack up to two enemies at once one that lets us increase our Armor class by four and one that lets us um basically teleport to an enemy after hitting them they all do an extra 1d6 of slashing damage and can be used at range or with a melee weapon one of the best uh subclass features in the game Bar None these all come with really unique animations that are really fun to use uh we do get level two Spells at this point as well and there's nothing that immediately stands out to me as something I'd like but if we're still going on this um de-escalation route heat metal is an interesting option to make your enemies drop their weapons um hold person could be a good option for basically making it so it's like hey stop what you're doing or you know just let your allies kill them I mean you have a lot of options here I actually quite like detect thoughts here again as that kind of protagonist sort of thing you want to be have as many dialogue options as possible and def tech force is going to give you even more opportunities to see more content in the game definitely worth picking up I'm kind of leaning into this protagonist aspect because I think the story of this kind of of this character as a protagonist is so so interesting so I really want to lean into that aspect so to take thoughts and speak with animals plus being a drow and all that is going to give you a ton of dialogue stuff you never would have before definitely want to pick that up uh at this point you can kind of choose what you want if you feel like you want to go for maybe a two weapon fighting style uh maybe picking up the dual wheel defeat later on to be able to wield your long sword with maybe another long sword this is absolutely a powerful option and something that I think would be quite powerful but I'm going to take dueling here since I am only wielding like one sword in my hand and again it says that this does not work with versatile weapons however there are conflicting stories on this apparently if like you have something in your offhound like a shield uh this can work even with long swords I can't confirm or to know that either way it's really hard to kind of test this sort of thing um at least for me but if someone could like do the testing let me know and report back I would like to know but we'll take dueling here just in case it does work uh next up we're going to be about level four and this means we're going to be getting our first beat and I'm definitely going to be taking the ability score Improvement to Bumper Charisma and Constitution up to even numbers giving us more HP and a higher spells spell casting stat uh we're also going to get another can trip up this level main Chan is a really really unique and useful can trip that comes in handy in a lot of situations as for our spells you can take whatever you like here I might take Heap metal here just because I quite like the theming of it and I think it's even quite a unique spell to use and quite a lot of fun uh we're gonna be getting Darkness as a racial feature here just a nice little bonus and yeah moving on right thanks to play Something Bad level five we're going to be getting a ton of really useful stuff we're going to be getting an improved Sonic inspiration increasing our diet to a d8 I'm also going to be getting font of inspiration meaning our vatic inspiration can now restore itself on a short rest instead of just on Long rest uh we're also gonna be getting the three Spells at this level and then obviously if you wanted to keep going this um protagonist round you can take speak with dead to be able to speak with corpses and get even more dialogue options out of that but again if you're interested in more of just a building for combat type of style I actually quite like something like hypnotic pattern for this build I think it's very on theme being non-lethal causing a Target to be unable to move and fun fact I wasn't aware of what this spell you can actually cast it while you're silenced there's no um somatic component to this or verbal component even so you can actually use the small silence just got to use just a nice niche unique little thing about it but I'm going to speak with that because again I personally wanted but change this up how you like a next step of bar double six we're finally going to be getting at total level seven extra attack again this character has probably been more of a Caster up until this point and more of a Healer support character but now you can go full in on the martial aspect so this is all this is quite fun uh you're also going to get counter charm at this level which is uh it's not it's always not great unfortunately it feels just like a weaker version of like a paladins aura but it may have its use cases later on in the game where enemies use more status effects again you can get another Free level three spell at this point and as said before I'm going to be taking hypnotic pattern uh next up at Bard level seven we're going to be getting another spell and at this point we're at the level 4 spells and you you just gotta take greater invisibility this is a super fun spell to use now picture this if you will you're this big bombastic bar that comes in playing their loot all ready to save the day their enemies are all staring at you and getting ready to square up and they're like laughing because you seem weak and then all of a sudden you disappear but your music is still playing and ominously filling the room causing your enemies to be uncertain and filled with fear and then you strike from the Shadows I don't know it just seems cool it just seems like a total like hero move to come in and save the day like that so I think this is actually quite a fun move maybe I'm just putting like too much fan fiction I guess whatever you'd call it like head canon in to this build but I just I like it I like this build man all right next up about level eight we're gonna be getting our second feat and at this point you can take whatever you like if you wanted to go that door wielding route you could absolutely go with the Dual wiel defeat here as I said or you could have taken it your last ability score Improvement but I think getting those ability scores up is more important uh there's also a few other options here uh you could go for something like wall Caster if you want a vantage on concentration spells uh mobile if you want more Mobility lucky even if you wanted to really feel like a protagonist and be able to literally alter fate with your plot armor that could actually be quite fun but I'm just going to take the ability score Improvement here and I want to bump up on dexterity to 18 so we can get more use out of our finesse weapons which we will be using uh you can also take another level for small uh spell at this point nothing really catches my eye here freedom of movement is a fun spell but you can also get that from a decent pair of boots so it might not be worth it uh dimension door is really good if you want to be able to teleport around but it feels kind of expensive when you've got something like Misty step that could potentially be available to you uh and then confusion confusion is quite good and probably would be something I would take here as a level 4 option uh being able to just kind of take enemies out of combat for a while and even make them kind of fight for you in a weird way it just it just kind of works I quite like it next up above level nine we're going to be grabbing another spell nothing too crazy here but this point we are on to level five spells and I absolutely want to stay on the theme of A Healer and take mascule wounds because we took that um level of Life clerk which is going to be even even better than it was before I will point out a quick visual error uh that it does say on the screen that this does 3D 8 minus one this is because for some reason it's it's taking our wisdom into account on this tooltip but actually on your hotbot and in combat it will take your charisma into account and it will show up properly definitely want to pick this up here next up at Bard level 10 we're going to be getting a level 10 plus features now I've never actually taken a bar to level 10 in any of my videos so there is actually going to be some interesting things to show off here first of all we're gonna get two expertise which is quite nice I would say persuasion is a nice option here and I quite like perception as well uh we're also going to be getting another can trip at this level uh iron blade Ward Works minor illusion Works light works take whatever you fancy we do get dancing like as a racial feature at level one so that might not be so light might not be the best option I'm going to take blade World here uh we're also going to get another level five or lower spell at this point you can take whatever you like it really doesn't matter I quite like hold monster just just because it looks it's just a really good utility spell I can come in handy in a lot of situations but here's the big one magical secrets we get access to a massive list of level 5 and lower spells including a spell that I'm going to use here that is not available anywhere else this is banishing Smite a level 5 AB duration spell that can be used either melee or ranged it adds an additional 5d10 Force damage to your to your attack and has the ability to banish possibly banish a target with 50 hit points or less uh you cast it as using both your action and your bonus action and it requires concentration much like the other smart spells but it I don't believe this uses your spell slots if you miss it's the same as the others this I just want to pick it up here because it's so unique and you cannot get this anywhere else and it actually is really powerful I used it in in my testing and it is just a really fun spell to use and it feels like you're getting some sort of massive big uh attack from your guard or Patron or whatever so I feel like it's a chosen of a god this is really really fun to have uh it it gives it just that this build just a little bit of Paladin just a little bit of Paladin and it's really fun uh as for your second spell it can be whatever you liked uh pick your preference here if you wanted to lean more into the Healer Mass healing word is a really powerful option uh you could also go with Spirit Guardians here although we are a little bit concentration heavy so you might not be using this as much but Spirit Guardians is still an extremely powerful option that fits on theme for someone who is a bit of a holy Warrior haste is an absolutely Immaculate spell you know it you love it again concentration based but still really really strong and would just buff up this build immensely uh counter spell really really powerful and kind of works on that kind of de-escalation aspect that we keep talking about there are so many good spells this is absolutely a pick your favorites moment and I'm serious pick your favorites there is so much good stuff here that I feel like it's actually overwhelming that we only get two um I'm honestly gonna just go with kind of with the theme I've been going for here and grab a mass healing word this way you can be the team's dedicated healer if you really want to yeah maybe getting this at level 10 is a little bit underpowered compared to you know some of the other options here but again this is just take whatever you want have fun because this is fun this is a fun build and I love it and our final level Kim be whatever I kind of um I built in my notes leading into this video to build bar to level 11 because you could get something like Otto is a resistible dance but honestly this is up to you so I will go over a few options here you could go for uh you could take that seven level second level of cleric as we discussed but I don't really think you're gonna get much out of it there is some interesting level uh one options here you could go for you could go for a storm sorcerer which would give you the ability to fly after casting a leveled spell using the subclass feature that you'd get at level one uh pretty good uh but probably not the greatest option maybe uh if you went for a level of wizard you would have access to every spell every spell scroll in the game because we are a full Caster all around uh so you could go for that route if you wanted extra spells maybe that could be like another extra side quest on your mission throughout the game to get us a ton of spells and build an interesting kit uh you could go for rogue maybe if you wanted sneak attack you could go for fighter if you wanted another fighting style there's a lot of options here so it is definitely a pick your favorite situation but for the sake of this build and just keeping things simple I'm gonna go for that 11th level of Bard and I am going to be taking autism irresistible dance because again it is just another fun spell that you can't really get any other way and it it kind of works like the whole person um spells but this one makes them dance which is just super super fun I I really really like this spell uh but again you can take whatever you like here I bite is also a strong option but it'd be a little bit evil just a little bit foreign that is the build uh quite a lot to talk about here I mean like look at all of this we have got a ton of melee ranged magic uh support healing we we've got every option we've got so much good stuff here uh but I feel like the equipment is gonna push this build even further and make it super super fun let's get into it so starting off with the headpiece we have repairers Crown uh when healing another the wearer gains one to six hit points so it's basically just when you hear when you heal someone you also get a little bit of healing this is just something that can be obtained in act one and it's quite useful but for example if you say you wanted to go the wizard round or you just wanted to have a higher intelligence in general I would replace this with the Warped headband of intellect to give you 17 intelligence which can come in handy in a lot of different ways next up is our cloak the cloak of displacement at the beginning of the wearer's turn the cloak activates grounding enemies disadvantage on attack rolls that Target the wearer this effect lasts until the wearer takes damage this is a really nice option here to kind of give you the feeling that you're dancing through your enemies attacks as you attack a bit like a blade singer but meaning they have a lesser chance to hit you quite fun this is the 1T scale male this is a really easy to obtain piece of armor and act 2 you just buy it from a vendor and I can't believe I missed this because this isn't one of my favorite armor sets in the game uh you add your full dexterity modifier to your armor class Additionally you do not get a disadvantage on stealth checks so that's pretty fun you're also getting plus one bonus to initiative rolls but the fashion man look at this with the drow with like the purple and like I said the little neck scarf that you get I think only the female variant the Armor gets the next scarf which is a shame but still this hot this armor just looks awesome and I'm so cross for myself that I haven't used this before because it's just awesome uh next up the gloves of the automaton this is bought from another vendor in act two and I I passed these up I didn't realize how good these were until I just kind of stumbled across them on the wiki recently basically what this is going to give you is a plus one to your strength saves the source is going to give you circuitry interface uh once per short rest as a bonus action you can uh use this ability to make yourself a cons well at least considered a construct which means your weapon Attack rules have advantage and you have a resistance to lightning damage this is awesome attack every single weapon attack roll being done with Advantage uh if you wanted to lean into like a ranged build with this for example like going dual crossbows which I do have here and you could go with the sharp sheet of feet and then use this to kind of offset the penalty super powerful ability that again you can just get from a random vendor in Act 2 really really easily so definitely worth picking up can we can we click off the thingy thank you uh the next step is the boots of Brilliance uh this is a piece of Footwear that gives you the ability to restore Bardock inspiration once for long rest you can play your instrument to restore one of your Bardock inspiration slots uh this I kind of just wanted to show off that this exists and again it's fairly easy to get but you can honestly replace these with whatever um because well you know it's not really that important because again once you have like font of inspiration and you can recover your robotic inspiration on a short rest this does feel kind of useless so feel free to replace this with with um whatever you like for the disintegrating nightwalkers are a great option if you want Misty stamp uh you could get the boots of persistence which will give you freedom of moving on Long Strider uh but so yeah just play around with this a bit uh see what you can come up with but I definitely think that this is a decent option to start off with in those early game days because you can get this quite early uh next up I'm just kind of using this as an opportunity to show some extra equipment we have the Amulet of Harpers you get advantage on wisdom saving for a checks which is nice because our wisdom is quite low and you also get the ability to cast Shield uh once per long rest similar to um the elegant studded lever I feel like this is just a really solid amulet Choice overall again when you have low wisdom being able to get advantage on those saving Pros it's really really nice and I feel like this is just a nice option that I haven't really used yet so I felt like showing it off in this video here uh we're also using the ring def do us plot I just just chose this because it's again a piece of equipment I've not used before and it gives us a nice on-them feature called Beacon of Hope basically your allies will regain the maximum hit points possible when healed so it works nicely on theme with this build they also get an advantage on wisdom saving throws and death saving throws so you get again taking on that protagonist who's trying to steer their whole people into a light into a brighter future being a literal Beacon of Hope both both mechanically and thematically is really really nice did I say beacon of hoof Beacon of Hope I can't speak again uh but I really really like this spell just thematically obviously you can swap this out if you don't feel like you need it but I just wanted to show it off also we have the shifting Corpus ring this can be obtained in act two uh it gives you access to the ability to cast invisibility and blur just a couple of extra spells that I think is quite nice I believe these are cast ones per long rest like most other things yes uh but it's just a little bit of extra utility that fits on theme with kind of like the shiftiness that the drown actually come with I don't know you can shift you can shift this around if you like there's a lot of different options here now onto our weapons this one's kind of obvious it's fala aluv uh most players have seen I've come across this weapon and probably used it this is literally alistair's weapon and again I said if you're a cleric of illustrate getting this weapon has a unique event a tie tied to it so it's awesome it's really really fun and it fits on theme and it's a powerful weapon uh you're gonna be getting it's a plus one long sword but it's finesse based which means you can cast this with your dexterity and it actually gets a unique animation um for wielding it when you do so also you get fella real life Melody allowing you to create an aura around yourself of one of two auras either sing or shriek the sing Aura has all allies within six meters of range have a 1d4 bonus to attack rules and Charisma wisdom and intelligence saving throws are basically sort of a more minor version of Bless but you don't have to maintain concentration on it and it's quite a powerful buff and then the next one is shriek ever sword shrieks all enemies within six meters of range have a 1d4 penalty to Charisma wisdom intelligence saving throws the opposite of before and the effective creatures receive an extra one to four Thunder damage uh this is quite a powerful ability getting a little bit of extra damage is quite nice basically I have a single streak are going to be good I will note here just in case someone points out in the comments uh because this is a status effect that I quite like as well and I've shown off a couple of times a reverberation will not trigger for example if you're using the gloves of belligerent Skies will not trigger off of the Thunder damage uh that you that you get from this ability because I think it's technically not you doing the Thunder damage it is the aura which is it's just a weird way of saying game logic being game logic here but according to the weekend according to the testing that I've kind of done back and forth a little bit uh back when I was doing the Fallen Thunder God video the funner damage here does not trigger uh reverberation from the gloves of belligerent Skies so in case you wanted to run those here prepare to be disappointed but I figured I'd point that out while I remembered uh so yeah that is the build um overall like I said I'm quite proud of this one I feel like this is one of the best kind of protagonists I've ever built uh it works really well in both the story and mechanical side of playing Baldur's Gate 3 giving you a ton of dialogue options and the ability to really feel like you are playing the hero of the story with and it comes with an interesting backstory of again being a literal Beacon of Hope for your people to steer them in the right direction and become and you know turn them good a race that has been subjugated and result and kind of pushed aside to being evil eventually coming back and doing some genuine good and I don't know it just it feels right it feels like a really cool Redemption Arc but doesn't require you having to be a dark urge character so yeah and again uh like I said before this is a compliment to my spider of Loft build I kind of um built spider overloath why didn't I call the video that oh anyway it doesn't matter um but I kind of envisioned these two characters as being twins one being kind of like following love and being more evil-sided and one following Ellis Ray and being more um good-sided and I feel like that really really works thematically so yeah I think that is going to do it for me um I I would definitely say that this is a build I would recommend for an actual playthrough whereas my other builds I like yeah you can definitely play them and you will have fun and they're powerful and all this they don't really like consider the fact that Baldur Skate 3 is a game where you are the protagonist this build does and I really do think that you will have a really fun and unique playthrough if you go with this character ah but yeah I think I'm gonna stop myself here before I continue rambling on about my head cannons um so yeah that's gonna do it I will see you all next time [Music]
Channel: HoboZone
Views: 76,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Gsx47yR7N_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 47sec (1847 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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