What happens if you bring Jaheira and Minsc to Viconia

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at her side serve her to your last breath they already heard how you disgraced yourself before lady Shah how she marked you as the enemy but it is quite another thing for them to see it for themselves I am very glad you decided to return a cautionary tale such as yours will be studied by Lady Shah's initiates for years to come you've finally found yourself a following Mother Superior and you only had to hollow out their heads to do it pin your eyes to the treacherous shidrao not focus on the many many others boo will handle them always a pleasure to see old acquaintances who would be wise to not interfere in this matter but perhaps I can make a case for some small measure of Mercy and I can at least make this quick you always were too inquisitive for your own good no matter how much I disciplined you very well one little Indulgence before you face your Reckoning Whispers reached my ears from all Corners potential Rivals of Lady Shah all vying for the same prize a new God amassing the disaffected the outcasts those who should turn to us this absolute is but an upstart disturbing the natural order and threatening to impede the Glorious return of Lady Shah's pure endless Darkness I had to act I had to strangle that foul conspiracy while it was still in the Cradle we learned all we could the artifact was the one thing the absolutists feared the one thing they desperately wanted to keep out of their enemies grasp I had to have it lady Shah is a goddess she can afford to ignore that which does not threaten her I must keep her faith alive in Mortal Hearts I must defend her ways lead her children stop all threats even if I must go against her wishes I will prove myself her most loyal servant the artifact now this is your family and now you have turned your back on it you knew it would come to this yet still your heart races viconia De Vere your Mentor one-time mother figure now you'll foe for sure
Channel: kirbothestabo
Views: 253,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5rGJv1Y7NpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 9sec (189 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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