16 Minutes of Shadowheart Being Sassy & Funny

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I'm not sure this is a good idea oh it's going to be like that I love strong women they make the best servants I couldn't help but over here well all right I could have helped but didn't Mighty boo a goblin healer we really are desperate aren't we I hope so good night so that's to say you'd like to pry a little you do seem like the type I must say my look at you straight as an arrow and right to the point every time this isn't the tadpole I'm speaking to is it the personality seems a little lacking and that's the vessel you chose I just it's good to know you're not entirely without a sense of humor what is it if you're sure I won't pretend I'm disappointed your company is never mind see you at Camp perhaps let a girl have some Secrets if I wanted a tail I'd kill a cat I'm not looking for hunting advice gith how heroic I was wondering if we'd survive encountering such a fearsome Beast for instance you're a quick to anger type aren't you even less self-control than brains H there it is oh don't pout you walked right into that and there's no harm in a little hot blooded no harm at all in fact inquisitive looking for connection it's every man for himself and you're looking to make friends admirable I suppose or desperate I'm not quite sure if you want something from a person you need to know when and where to squeeze don't get too ahead of yourself I'm just having a little fun but who's to say I might need a distraction some evening these campsites do get cold the voice said I'd become a beautiful weapon what do you think that means huh adorable but your timing is awful you have made an ally from cres cier few know such Fortune call me Lael fool no point in showing a Mad Dog kindness it'll still bite you in the end you a sharp tongue would that your mind proved its equal half elf I suppose the fin details are lost on a creature like you as long as we have use for each other I can bite my tongue and stay my blade I don't see what more needs to be said on the matter like oil compliments an open flame perhaps but suppose I turn what would you do really I'd just kill you anyway get some rest try not to dream about tying me up huh and I'd chase you as fast as my tentacles could carry me you're funny I hadn't thought of that what do you have in mind H brambles on bare skin aren't as fun in practice I'm afraid besides I can't afford to tie you out we still have work to do to do rest [Music] well pretty tune you're better with your mouth than I would have figured I like her she looks like she could throw me over her shoulder and carry me to safety should the need arise perhaps I should hire a b to follow you around and make a Conant racket then just to be safe I just a vampire well that explains the P given our group's nature I don't see much harm we're each monsters in the making after all quite the opposite I'm here in the spirit of openness and honesty to work together as a team maybe we could get him to wear a bell disuade and any nighttime prowling if nothing else you can at least soak up any arrows that are loosed at us the famous blade of Frontier In the Flesh clever this hero act you've got going hero blade name strangers gave me my friends call me will excellent if we ever become friends I'll know what to call you nothing the trick of the light I'll take you as I find you repeat my instructions back to me please purple seam you donkey you feel Shadow heart's deep protectiveness of the artifact though she doesn't understand it she believes that her fate is entwined with it somehow exactly I'm just waiting for you to get really desperate before naming my price so Luna as if mingling with a hord of goblins wasn't bad enough let's do what we have to do then get out of here good I wasn't intending to a ruin abandoned to a murderous horde is a very fitting dedication to saluna go on kiss more foot or I'll kick your headed in on face kiss the damn foot worst things have been shoved in your face lately it will be worth it I promise go ahead I'm sure you're in need of a little Penance you want more as you wish dear one don't wear her out entirely priest I might have use for her yet wonderful you want more I'll give it to you not the worst Tech teque priest good wrist movement lots of enthusiasm best not keep me waiting I'd prefer not to entertain myself it wasn't the worst company bloodlust asde part of me will miss him he endangered the entire Camp perhaps whoever invited him here should be more careful next time we certainly won't I might start preemptively staking visitors through the heart food eat more careful once that thing's eaten through the camp it might start looking at you hungrily no run I'm not chasing after it if that's what you're thinking strong show you the little BEAST's quite Charming Once you get accustomed to the smell of Rotting Flesh who is to say perhaps she's Keen to see me corrupt you I can imagine she'd be delighted to turn a follow of saluna towards the darkness magic in your fingers Sparks but your spells fail again and again consumed by the ssaf flower what's the matter I could swear this plant's got you flush chin up I'll wager that they'll come back as soon as we move away from here of course I am you're not going to be undone by a flower are you slain The Pretender we knew in our hearts the god B was false but you we see you we know you by your true name Mar gluma if you're expecting me to drop to my knees before you forget it if this place is is as inviting as other aspects of gith yanki culture will be in for an interesting time to say the least so the gith yanki have no cure for our condition unless you count death as a cure I won't pretend to be surprised now jump to it or up to the lift and straight to the Shadows if I was that slave I'd be tempted to add a dash of something poisonous to their drinks rings a bell why oh hells you didn't pick that by hand did you they're deadly poisonous joking they're safe and beautiful thank you I don't have anything to give you in return I'm afraid no you shall not I'd hate to reward a kind gesture by breaking your fingers not the cheeriest of ins this place but I suppose the Mortal Peril lurking just past the firelight is liable to put a dampener on the mood careful in future you can't just stick your hand in every strange hole you come across I think your witty remarks were too much for him he's a blubbering wreck no you do not belong this is the dark lady's house she has no use for old faithless bones that man changes allegiances more frequently than a corisan changes their bed sheets i' trust this gas bag about as far as I can throw him which isn't far well chewed spider carcass oozes on the ground stomach lurches but your loins tingle was that arousal why are you looking at that dead spider ksh Le your guts cramp your stomach churns and your nerves burn with a pain that would almost be pleasurable were it not so Savage honestly what did you think was going to happen you develop a taste for it that silver tongue of yours is dangerous Bravo I can't believe you actually pulled that off you'd think I'd have more sympathy for someone trapped in a pod but perhaps we should have left maora where we found [Music] her no keep back no biting this is worse than I thought but kind Madam I I am but a humble cleric all I have belongs to my goddess because with him anything is [Music] pausable Gods I hate clowns I'm not even sure clowns like clowns you my Special Assistant come on up are you quite sure you have a friend called shadowart not an enemy right there oh perfect I'd advise you find someone to taste your food from now on I will look into your hearts and see if your love is eternal or doomed eternally you can't hurt I suppose unless you embarrass me then you might find yourself hurting in a whole manner of ways how does one earn the darkhaired maiden's respect I would never an impostor in our ranks if this is true it could be anyone you me well not me I know who I am there's nothing like a stroll through some sewers to keep your sense of self-importance in check what are you doing come back and finish this yourself you owe me that let go mother Embrace loss don't you stand there help me God damn it help me I suppose we should Aid him though I'd hate to miss the show as a blushing flush runs through you you rejoice anticipating all the pleasures you will feel without the world knowing my you must find the city very appealing to be making those sorts of noises out in public the corpse regards you lifelessly murdered by my son Charming she mustn't have nursed him enough as a child or too much why hello lover that sounded more Deon a in my head I'll admit hard to imagine isn't it me of all people in the lair of the Moon witch herself Gods your truest Act of heroism was putting up with all that Char and driil I was spouting for so long must I you presume a great deal I'm joking of course I want to know tell me all of course I do everything sounds good when I say it the latrine overflowing again Watch Your Step oh I truly hope you're not speaking from experience fine with a little bit of spittle Che your vittles then play Skittles congratulations I think I've sprained my tongue oh I've noticed ever since I first slipped into my Camp garments I should [Music] think uh forgetting something oh come here and pay the tax [Music] silly that's more like it don't get into trouble but if you must fetch me [Music] first
Channel: Shadowrisen
Views: 368,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3, shadowheart, shadowheart compilation, bg3 shadowheart, shadowheart romance, shadowheart lines, funny shadowheart lines, shadowheart lines compilations, shadowheart quotes, funny shadowheart, sassy shadowheart, bg3 funny, bg3 meme, shadowheart quote compilation
Id: Dfhu6IdVodk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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