Dark Justiciar Shadowheart returns to overthrow Viconia DeVir | Baldur's Gate 3

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I thought you might try to flee rather than face us perhaps you are braver than I thought or more arrogant than even I can fathom no matter you are here now to face the dark lady's judgment before a gathering of your peers give the artifact and perhaps we will be merciful no I already faced lady Sharp I passed her trials I wielded her Spear and now I am her mortal voice I have been embraced by her in ways you could only dream of nonsense ravings trade GA failed lady Shah's Mission and allowed ambition to rot your mind tell her tell them all tell them how the night singer has blessed me I did not consent to Christians but I suppose you have undergone a great deal to reach this place anything I tell you cannot compromise me now for you will either leave on my terms or not at all Whispers reached my ears from all Corners potential Rivals of Lady Shah all vying for the same prize a new God amassing the disaffected the outcasts those who should turn to us this absolute is but an upstart disturbing the natural order and threatening to impede the Glorious return of Lady Shah's pure endless Darkness I had to act I had to strangle that foul conspiracy while it was still in the Cradle we learned all we could the artifact was the one thing the absolutists feared the one thing they desperately wanted to keep out of their enemies grasp I had to have it lady Shah's concerns lie elsewhere with another but she is a goddess she can afford to ignore that which does not threaten her I must keep her faith alive in Mortal Hearts I must defend her ways lead her children stop all threats even if I must go against her wishes I will prove myself her most loyal servant you think you know better than the dark lady no wonder she sent me to this place of your poison tell them what you witnessed tell them how Lady Shaw favors me I shall stand with Shadow heart so be it a traitor's end awaits you all these are the desperate lies of Trapped Vermin nothing more you are deluded girl I'm not here to convince you mother you are already disgraced in lady Shah's eyes I merely wish to give the others a chance to repent before they are dragged down with you a coup attempt Shadow heart will need all the help she can get if she's to win over the remaining die hards from viconia's ranks I sank a spear into the heart of the Moon which his daughter ladies Shaw rewarded me she turned the pain that once held me back into the power that now drives me on and she told me to cleanse her Church of those who failed her the traitor's ranked swell like a corpse left under the sun I will take joy in making each and every one of you suffer enough talk girl the sooner we finish this the sooner your blood can be sluiced off lady Shah's sacred Grotto enough speeches the odds are already in my favor do you think the dark lady would want you to die for a lost cause or show some cunning and Live Another Day no matter I built this place from nothing I can always start anew once you've been dealt with you were right about one thing isha's Church does need to be cleansed by my hand the um lady Char's instrument
Channel: PerfectParadox
Views: 34,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, tips, guide, walkthrough, playthrough, trophy, achievement, trophies, help, how to, fight, remastered, trailer, theory, analysis, tutorial, ps4, xbox, pc, console, lets play, let's play
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 18sec (318 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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