Baldur's Gate 3 Ranger Guide - Hunter Subclass - Level 1-12 Guide

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hey everybody it's lero from lero gaming and in today's Ballers Gate 3 guide we're going to be looking at the hunter subass for the ranger we're going to cover features at level one of character creation including ability recommendations we're going to give you a full level 2 to 12 breakdown as well as go over all the Spells available as you level towards the end of the video I'll give you some general equipment recommendations and my thoughts on multiclassing as the hunter Ranger you can use the time stamps below to jump to the carried out most interest you remember drop a like and leave a comment below if your thoughts feedback and questions now without further Ado let's check out the hunter Ranger all right guys here we are at level one with the ranger it's important to not your primary ability is dexterity you're going to have saving throw proficiencies in dexterity and intelligence and your hit die is 1D 10 hit points you're going to have proficiency with simple weapons Marshall weapons Shields medium armor and light armor now we don't get to choose to be a hunter until level three but we still have some choices to make it level one you're going to get to pick a favorite enemy which is different than it is handled in normal DND so this is mainly going to give you different proficiencies and potential effects so Bounty Hunter gives you Proficiency in investigation and any creature you hit with your ins snaring strike either the ranged or melee version have disadvantage on saving throws if you choose Keeper of the veil it's going to give you Proficiency in Arana and lets you cast protection from evil and good Mage breaker gives you proficiency an Arcana and lets you cast your strike the most impactful one is Ranger Knight as it gives you skill Proficiency in history and more importantly armor proficiency of heavy armor so you can do a tanky heavy armor build Ranger if you like and then if you choose Sanctified stalker you gain Proficiency in religion and can cast sacred flame as you level up you're going to get to pick this multiple times so don't worry if there's multiple ones that you'd like to have you're also going to get to pick a natural Explorer element so the first one is Beast hammer and that's basically going to let you have a familiar if you like you can also pick Urban tracker that's going to give you proficiency and slight of hand so if you want to be a ranger and you want to be kind of like the rogish character but you don't necessarily want to bring around a rogue this is a good way to do that and then you can have one of three resistances so you can have waste and Wanderer cold which gives you resistance to cold or you can get resistance to fire or you can get resistance to poison and again as you level up you'll get you get to choose three of these so pick whichever one you want I could recommend poison for early game also familiars are actually pretty decent so you could think about that as well when it comes to your ability points I recommend starting with 10 strength you're going to want to do 17 dexterity if you want to take advantage of the hag to get this to 18 and if you do that then you can get Constitution 14 eight intelligence 16 wisdom and eight Charisma if you don't want to do to hag Mission slash situation to up your dexterity you could just as easily have this be 16 and then you have two more points you could for example get Charisma out of the negatives get it to 10 or the same with intelligence as an example now at level two you're going to get access to spells so you're going to get two level one spells and then you're going to get to pick two spells I'm going to Mouse over the different spells you can feel free to pause it anytime time to look in depth and snaring strike is a real popular one and Hunter's Mark is also quite popular as this is a concentration spell you can use it numerous times do note that long Strider as well as speak of animals can be cast as ritual spells they last until the longr and they do not take up a spell slot long Striders is extra good because you can cast at other party member as well at no cost and get extra movement and then you're going to to pick a fighting style Archer gives you plus two bonus to range weapon attacks can't go wrong with that if you're going to be really focusing on Bow crossbow attacks defense is universally good as long as you're wearing armor you're going to get plus one to your armor class dueling is really only meant for if you're going to be going with one handed with a one-handed probably finesse weapon plus a shield so if you want to go more tanky especially and heavy armor dueling might have a spot for you and two weapon fighting is pretty much a must if you do want to dual wield because it's going to allow you to add your ability modifier to the damage of your attacks of your offhand weapon now at level three you're finally going to get to pick your subass of Hunter to begin with you're going to get one more level one spell slot and you can pick one more spell and then you're going to get a hunter specific Hunter prey feature so you get to pick one of three specializations either Colossus Slayer so once per turn your weapon attacks deals an extra 1d8 damage if the target is below its hit point maximum so basically as long as you've done some damage to it or somebody has you do extra damage or you can choose giant killer if the monster is larger or bigger uh and it attacks you you can use your reaction to make a melee attack and it's very important to note here you must be able to the Ceda creature and must be within 1.5 M of you so it can't be against the range attack and you can also choose hord breaker you can Target Two creatures standing close to each other attacking them in quick succession so it's a multi-attack at level four you're going to have an opportunity to replace a spell so if you don't like one of the Spells you have you can go ahead and swap it out you're also going to get access to feets now as far as feet options go you cannot go wrong with ability improvements especially as you want to get your 30 to 20 if you're going to go for a dual wield setup then I highly recommend dual wielder it's going to give you a plus one bonus to your armor class and it's going to let you wield weapons that are also not light normally weapons have to be light in order to dual wield them if you're going to go sword and board so that more tanky setup of a shield you can get defensive dualist using a finesse weapon which are the ones that you're going to use dexterity for your uh rolls well as long as you're wearing that you can go ahead and use a reaction to add your proficiency bonus to your armor class so that is very good for defensive Focus setup and then I would say the other one that is going to be top priority potentially if you're going to go of a range setup is Sharpshooter so this makes it so if you're shooting up at enemies you're not going to have any negative penalties and you can basically get the equivalent of a power shot it's a passive ability let you get plus 10 to your damage rules at the penalty of a minus five to attack and you can turn turn this on and off as you wish so those are probably my top three options I would recommend level five is a big level you're going to get one more level one spell slot you're going to get two level two spell slots and you're going to get access to level two spells and you also get an extra attack now so you can do two attacks per turn you of course will get a chance to replace spells and here are the new level two spells I'll mounce uh over for you to take a look at so again pick the one that fits your build and how you want to play the best at level six you're going to get to pick your second favorite enemy so again pick whichever proficiency you'd like to have the most the secondary effects for most of these are not very good except for potentially Bounty Hunter and you can also pick your second natural Explorer feature level two spell slot you are going to get the chance to replace a spell you're going to get to pick another spell either level one or level two and then you're going to get to pick a defensive tactic one of three either Escape The Horde basically opportunity attacks against you have disadvantage normally if you move away from enemies uh without disengaging they're going to attack you for free so this will give them disadvantage steel will your Unshackled resolve grants you advantage on saving throws against being frightened and the last option is multi-attack defense when an enemy attacks you they have a minus four penalty to attack additional attacks against you until the start of the next turn so it doesn't help you on the first attack against you but it helps on the second and so forth so discs can be very powerful at level eight you're going to get to replace a spell if you wish you're going to get land stride difficult terrain so basically a difficult terrain no longer slows you down and you're going to pick another feat so either pick one of the specialty Feats or this might be a good time to get your dexterity to either 19 or 20 if you got the hag bonus at level 9 you're going to unlock level three spells and you're going to get two level three spell slots you will of course get get a chance to replace spells and then pick one spell that again can be level one two or three but again if you're going to be a melee setup conjure barrage is pretty darn good for range I recommend lightning Arrow at level 10 you're going to get your third and final favorite enemy option so again pick the one that suits you best you're also going to get final natural Explorer so again to note if you want to focus on resistances it's very possible to get cold fire and poison resistances all in one as you level up and then finally you're going to get an action called hide in plain sight you comage yourself with your environment to become invisible you're going to get plus 10 bonus to stealth checks as long as you stand still so the problem with this is unlike invisibility the second that you move this goes away so it can situationally be okay to get an advantage on an attack but it's not nearly as versa t as moving one visible at level 11 you're going to get another level one spell slot you will get to replace a spell you're going to get to pick another one of your level one two or three spells and you're going to get two actions the first one is volley and the second one is going to be Whirlwind attack which as you could probably imagine it's basically an AOE attack around you with a melee weapon and since the tool tip doesn't do a very good description of it I did want to show you what volue looks like as you can see here it does 1d6 uh damage plus your modifiers this is with that Power Attack effect enabled so in this case it's plus 14 and as you can see here it's a really nice uh AOE FR an ability and it kind of looks like this and now finally level 12 you're going to get one more level three spell slot you get a chance to replace a spell and and then go ahead and pick your final feet now when it comes to equipping your Hunter Ranger they're quite Diversified you can again make them be very good at melee as far as being survivable and staying in melee or you can build them to be really good at doing damage and range especially when you can do nice AOE range damage once you get the volley Skillet 11 so armor wise you definitely I would recommend stick to either medium armor or the very best heavy armor you can get if you're not going to be really relying on stealth then you can get that extra defensiveness from The Heavy Armor potentially when it comes to your melee weapon setup I normally recommend one-handed weapon and a shield to maximize your defense so that you can really lean into doing maximum range damage but it is also quite viable to go du wield if you do want to do that just make sure you pick up the corresponding Feats to make it effective support items don't have to be specific if you are going to make him a Frontline fighter picking up like a ring of protection or a cloak of protection to get more AC or saving throws could be good otherwise picking up some equipment that will give you for example Misty steps like there's an amulet that gives you Misty steps so you can teleport to a high point at the beginning of battle to get Advantage shooting from up high or any other effects that are going to either increase the damage of your range attacks or melee attacks depending what you're focusing on now when it comes to the Ranger and multiclassing this is a class that's interesting it's got some pretty good passive effects for helping you be very survivable have lots of different skill proficiencies and again you can build it to be melee or ranged it doesn't have anything that's super uniquely powerful until you get volley at level 11 so you're kind of stuck in a weird place of the ranger you can multiclass with it or lower levels just to get some of the benefits of getting good armor and some of those passives but you can get very similar passives being a fighter for example so if you are really wanting to be a hunter as a primary element and you want to get the most out of it then unfortunately means you need to go at least to level 11 so similar to The Beastmaster this specific subass isn't that suited for multiclassing effectively in my opinion but I would love to hear it if you have a good build utilizing the hunter Ranger in the comments below all right guys so that brings us to the end of my basic Hunter Ranger subclass guide I hope you have found it helpful if you have make sure to drop a like if you want to see more content from me that's going to be RPG looter shooter related then make sure to subscribe love all your support and as always I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Leeroy Gaming
Views: 5,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 ranger, bg3 ranger, baldurs gate 3 ranger guide, baldurs gate 3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 ranger class, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 ranger build, bg3 ranger guide, baldurs gate 3 Hunter Ranger guide, bg3 Ranger Hunter guide, bg3 ranger Huner, best ranger subclass bg3, bg3 ranger subclasses, baldurs gate 3 ranger subclasses, bg3 Hunter ranger
Id: PRfSVVy18lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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