Hunter Thief Dual Wield Ranged Multi Class Baldur's Gate 3 Build Step by Step Guide [BG3]

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hello and welcome to my channel kuramos here today I am back with another Ranger built focused in ranged combat with a touch of dual wield this will be mainly a ranger multi-classed into Thief with two levels of fighter added at the end to get our beloved action search we will mainly fight from a distance but thanks to our Ranger and Rogue features will be decent in melee too allowing for a mixed combat style which I am a big fan of keep in mind however that we will be quite squishy but we will hit hard we will progress as a ranger until Level 5. our subclass with Ranger will be the Hunter and we will pick up a very straightforward passive Colossus Slayer that will deal 1d8 damage to wounded enemies once a turn helping us to finish our enemies we will have a total of 3d6 of snake attack thanks to the 5 levels of thief that we will add to the mix we can utilize these attacks while hidden or attacking an enemy that is under the effects of ensnaring strike finally the two levels of fighter will give us access to a second fighting style dual wield is the choice for extra cool points keep in mind the goal of this guide is to show different and creative playstyle that I hope you find inspiring or fun to try it won't be necessarily be the most powerful build however the progression is thought out in a way where you will not need to respect unless you want to and you will stay competitive throughout your adventure so for this reason you may pick any rights and skills you like also feel free to choose the items you feel are the best for each occasion finally for the combat showcase at the end of the video no elixirs or crazy equipment are used so you can evaluate the build as it is let me know in the comments what are your thoughts on this build and without more delay let's begin we will start our journey as a ranger favorite enemy we will choose Bounty Hunter since we'll Force the enemy to have disadvantage under saving throw against Tower and snaring strike for natural Explorer we will choose Wasteland Wonder fire since fire is the most common element from what I have seen as for abilities we are going to focus into dexterity and Constitution with a little bit of wisdom to have access to the ranger spell list four skills you may choose whatever you prefer we continue our progression in Ranger and at this level we will get access to our first spells we are going to choose ensnaring strike as well as a second spell that we can decide in this case I will go for long Strider since having extra Mobility is very useful in this game Hunter's Mark is also good but we will consume a bonus action same as the snaring strike for fighting style we will go for archery as it is the main focus of this build we reach character level 3 and we will get access to our subclass for this build we're going to go with the hunter before that we are going to select our third level one spell now we're going to go with Hunter's Mark since it's a good alternative for ensnaring strike next we select our subclass it is going to be Hunter and then we choose the hunter spray passive we're going to choose Colossus Slayer this is triggered passively and it will add 1d8 to any damaged enemy that we hit once per turn at character level 4 we will get access to our first feed keep in mind the second feed will take a while to arrive so this choice is quite important here we can go for alert or athlete to round up our dexterity it will also consume less movement after we are knocked prone and will increase our jump Distance by 50 percent I think jumping more is important because if we get The High Ground we will have bonifiers to our shooting which I think is vital for this build once we reach character level 5 we will get an extra attack as well as a second level spell we can go for lesser restoration or protection from Poison this will be our last level in the ranger class so at character level 6 we will multi-class into Rogue getting access to our sneak attack plus we can specialize in some skills of our choice these I leave it up to you character level 7 we will continue progressing in the Rogue class getting access to canning action this will allow us to hide Dash or disengage spending a bonus action instead of our action character level 8 we will get our third level in Rogue getting access to the subclass choice I decided to go with thief because I really love the versatility and flexibility that you get while having an extra bonus action this will also improve our dual wielding capabilities granting us an extra offhand attack if necessary we also get to choose the feet we can go for alert here or just ability Improvement in this case I will go with alert if your part is very crowd control intensive you can also consider Sharpshooter to greatly boost your damage at character level 10 we will get our last level of Rogue we get uncanny Dodge that is a toggle we can activate to get half damage the reason mainly to get this level is to get the last Improvement to our sneak attack and now we will proceed and multi-class into fighter for our choice of fighting style we can go for defense or two weapon fighting in this case I will go with two weapon fighting and finally at character level 12 we get our last level in fighter which will give us access to action search which will potentially lead to very high burst damage when we decide to activate it so for the combat footage this time I have decided to replay the same combat since we will have a weapon variation in the first combat I will be wearing a bow and in the second one I will be wearing dual hand crossbow you can see here how I successfully applying then snaring strike and I am able to trigger the snake attack once you get access to the Rogue class make sure you go to the reaction menu pressing the K key and make sure you activate the snake attack and the small button that says ask you will see the damage is quite decent both in Malay and in ranged also please consider if you're playing in a party it is very easy to trigger the snake attack you only need another party member to be next to the enemy in Malay to activate it foreign foreign foreign hope you enjoyed the guide thank you very much for watching and see you in the next one adios
Channel: Khuromus
Views: 7,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #gaming, #gamereviews, #bg3, #baldur'sgate 3, #guide, #beginners, #stepbystep, #build, #ranger, #rogue, #fighter, #ranged, #dual wield
Id: ozua5J39iIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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