Baldur's Gate 3 Sorcerer Build Guide - Early Game Sorcerer Builds (Including Multiclassing)

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in this Baldur's Gate 3 video I'm going to be showing you three early game sorcerer builds that you can use put together an effective sorcerer early on in the game we'll have more advanced sorcerer builds later in individual videos but for now let's get into what these are so this first build is just a single class wild magic Sorcerer And I think this is probably the most effective at this point in the game or at least a source or at level 6 doesn't have to be wild magic and the reason for that is because you need to get to level three spells quickly once you get fireball and lightning bolt things really improve for the sorcerer their AOE capabilities improve greatly and they can really start taking out a lot of enemies on the battlefield and you don't want to delay that too much you could dip one level into something else which you'll see in the other two builds that I do but you're not going to want to stray too far from that at this point so what I really like about wild magic Sorcerers is tides of chaos this is really handy in my opinion it's good for giving you advantage on Attack rules saving throws and ability checks once every short rest that's quite often that means you're gonna be able to use it three times in between long rest if you short rest just in between each use that's pretty good that's like once a combat scenario and that can save you from like a dangerous spell or if you're casting like a cantrip that targets the armor class of an enemy you can ensure that you hit it will increase the chances of wild Magic surges happening which is sometimes fun sometimes so keep that in mind but it's not going to be much of an issue on us but what I really love about wild magic sorcers at level 6 is Ben block once they gain bad luck it's a game changer for them and what this does is it makes it so that when a creature they can see makes an attack roll ability check or saving throw you can use as your reaction two sorcery points to either add 1d4 or subtract 1d4 to that role so you can penalize you know enemies or you can bolster allies that's completely up to you and you'll be able to use this three times in between long rest because you don't replenish Source three points until you've long rest this gives wild magic sorcers a ton of control about what's happening on the battlefield between tides of chaos and Ben luck and these two things can really make it so that one combat goes a lot smoother than you anticipated and one of the meta Magics that I recommend getting for this build really on any sorcerer you should probably have is quick and spell this allows you to use three sorcery points to make a spell a bonus action so that you can effectively cast a spell with an action and a bonus action in the same turn there's nothing quite like using light bolt and Fireball on the same turn or possibly using two fireballs and just cleaning up enemies just left and right they're just dropping like flies really really good at taking out multiple enemies and because you're level six if you don't use your sorcery points on Bend luck or anything else you could effectively do this twice during a combat because you'll have six sorcery points which is great and when it comes to the feat that you'll choose for this build at level four I strongly either suggest alert to give you way more initiative so that you can go first in combat or close to first so you can get off your one two spell combo just wipe out packs of enemies before I can even get to you the best defense in this game is a good offense and very few classes have the offensive Firepower that Sorcerers have in one turn or you can take ability Improvement to gain more Charisma this will make it more likely that your spells are going to connect and will improve your dialogue checks and the next build is a sorcerer 5 fighter level 1 or fighter level one sorcerer level five depending on what you want they both have Constitution proficiency meaning when they make concentration saving throws they're both institution to that so that's not a consideration here they both have strong concentration saving throws however if you do take fighter first you will gain heavy armor proficiency which you won't gain if you take it second so that's something to factor in if you want to play a heavy armor sorcerer it doesn't really have to worry about you know their dexterity modifier for their Armor class you can that way you can dump dexterity and really focus on Charisma and Constitution just keep in mind that if you do that your initiative will be rather low and you might want to definitely take the alert feat in order to speed up your initiative so that you can go sooner and combat and what I really love about this combo is that you have tons of armor protection because you can use a shield you can use heavy armor or even medium armor whichever you want you don't have to worry about proficiencies at all you can go tank on the front lines have high Armor class and if you have the shield spell which you absolutely should if you're running sorcerer that's such a good spell as a reaction if someone does manage to hit you you can boost your armor class by five for the entire round so then you'll have even more armor making you incredibly hard to which means you could play a really tanky sorcerer like you can be the tank and be a sorcerer walk up to everything Let IT Crowd around you Thunder Wave it all absolutely you know burning hands at all whatever you want to do throw a fireball use lightning bolt whatever you want to do here you absolutely can and you're just not the squishy sorcerer that everyone is typically used to the downside to taking fighter first though is that if you take it first it's gonna take you one extra level to get to level three spells gaining you know to gain Fireball and lightning bolts so that's you know maybe several hours of the game it'll take you before you can get it but once you have it you're gonna be in good shape and you know the early levels of the game do not take as long to level up as the later level so that's not too bad in my opinion and if you're worried about that you want to get your spell sooner you can always flip it the other way around and go five sorcerer then one fighter you wouldn't have the heavy armor proficiency but if you had some dexterity and you were using medium armor your protection should be similar anyway and that would give you better initiative allowing you to take something different for your feet like ability Improvement into game more charisma and then moving on to our final build here I have five levels of sorcerer and one level of Tempest cleric or one level of Tempest cleric and five levels of sorcerer it's really up to you which order you want to go in but what I like about Tempest cleric is that you're going to gain heavy armor proficiency here no matter what order you take it in so if you decide to go five levels of sorcerer first in order to pick up you know your level three spells faster you absolutely can and then when you take your sixth level and take Tempest clerk you'll still gain that heavy armor proficiency which is really nice and this allows you to keep your Constitution proficiency for your concentration saving throws which is really good too and for sorcerer I like to go storm sorcery here and focus on lightning and thunder spells and stuff like that I really like the Synergy between Tempest cleric storm sorcery they both have a focus on lightning and thunder spells and what's really great about level one of storm sorcery is that when you cast a spell you'll actually be able to fly with your opponent's action and move around without triggering a tax of opportunity so you have really good Mobility on this build you can attack move attack move and you can move really well and position yourself for good aoes and you know to use lightning bolt very very effectively and something else that's really nice about Tempest cleric is that you'll gain Thunder Wave and fog for free once you take one level of that so you don't need to take Thunder Wave on your sorcerer if you don't want you can just pick it up here instead and Tempest clerk is going to make it so that you can use a reaction to deal lightning or thunder damage to an enemy that strikes you basically and melee combat and you can you can do this once around which is really nice it's a good alternative to doing like a melee attack because you aren't going to have very high mailing capabilities with this build you're not playing a martial class so being able to have a decent reaction to enemies in combat is great and keep in mind this is when they strike you so they're not they don't have to move away from you which doesn't happen as much so the likelihood of this happening is going to be higher and you'll be able to trigger this reaction much more often than attack of opportunity and a good feat for this build would be Elemental Adept I like lightning here because I just feel like lighting spells are stronger at this portion of the game but that will help you ignore resistances and also make it so that your damage rolls can't roll a one so you can gain more damage out of your lightning spells in general but you could also do ability Improvement or alert to further boost your initiative if you're not using dexterity at all because you're wearing and a couple other things with this build moving forward if you take one more level of Tempest cleric and decide to go like 10 and 2 which you know will prevent you from getting your level 11 subclass feature of storm sorcery which is you know damage when someone hits you in melee range which isn't the greatest thing at the end of the game or towards the end of the game in my opinion because you probably don't want to be getting hit as a sorcerer at that point but if you decide to take two Tempest cleric instead you can actually use your channel Divinity ability to Max roll your damage when you use a lightning or thunder spell once per short rest that's huge that means if you cast like lightning bolt like everyone hits that doesn't save is going to take Max damage and everyone who does save is going to take Max half damage that's a lot especially if you're upscaling those spells you know this applies to any lightning or thunder spell so this can be really huge once per short rest that means like basically once a combat you can just max damage a spell and it'll absolutely annihilate anything that it hits and taking one more level in storm sorcery at level 6 of storm source so you're gonna gain heart of the storm which is going to make it so that you deal lightning or thunder damage around you in an AOE it's not very much damage but it's kind of nice especially if you're in the thick of it whenever you cast a thunder or lightning based spell and it's also going to give you damage resistance to lightning and thunder damage and on top of that it's going to let you learn call a lightning sleet storm gust of when crater destroy water and thunderway for free you gain five spells learned for free at this point which is really great because keep in mind sorcers have to learn all of their spells unlike Wizards who have the whole spell list and then just prepare the spells that they need from that spell list there's just have to pick and choose what they want so you don't have to spend the Spells you select on these spells and if you already have you can change them out as you level up into other spells that you might want to know I have one last tip about this build as well is that if you use create water on a group of enemies and then use something like quick and spell then cast lightning bolt on the same turn you can absolutely wipe out enemies especially if you use the max damage from Tempest cleric with their Channel Divinity if you have one more level and that's because enemies that you use you know create water on are going to be vulnerable to lightning and cold damage so that means they're gonna take double damage so imagine if they took double Max damage you could absolutely throttle enemies in one turn because of quick and spell so that's a really really strong Synergy right there and there are tons of other builds we can make including Paladin we do have a paladin sorcerer build in our paladins video if you want to see that that's also a really good combo tides of chaos gives you advantage on attack rolls and divine Smite does not trigger tides of chaos even though it uses spell slots you can completely avoid wild Magic on a paladin most of the time if you still want to get that tides of chaos class feature with one level which is really nice that also allows you to pick up shield on a paladin which is super strong giving them extra armor so that wraps up our three early game builds for sorcerer I hope you guys found this informative we will have more specific builds for this late game that go up to level 12 that are individual builds but I wanted to get something out we'll continue on with our class guides and build guides again if you have more tips or players please leave them in the comments and if you have questions I will try and get to them [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 58,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3 Sorcerer build, bg3 Sorcerer multiclass, bg3 Sorcerer guide, bg3 Sorcerer subclasses, baldurs gate 3 Sorcerer build, baldurs gate 3 Sorcerer guide, baldurs gate 3 Sorcerer subclasses, baldurs gate 3 Sorcerer multiclass, baldurs gate 3 Sorcerer spells, baldrur's gate 3 Sorcerer build, bg3 sorcerer warlock multiclass, bg3 sorcerer wild magic, baldurs gate 3 wild magic sorcerer build, bg3 wild magic, baldur's gate 3 Sorcerer, baldur's gate 3 sorcerer build, baldur's gate 3, bg3
Id: 69qpgC2BSWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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