Baldur's Gate 3 Perfected Wildshaper - Ultimate Druid Build Guide for Baldur's Gate 3

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hello Maureen here in today's video I'll be sharing my shapeshift Android build in Balance kit free that utilize the various forms and spells to support your team and play rough with your friends be it as a spinal Bear all bear Panther or Elemental being of a measurable power well actually it's quite mediocre power but it's fun to play you will have access to a wide selection of possible forms that bring different things to the table you're going to be a really good tank due to basically having multiple health bars bears are also here to summon allies buff your party or CC enemies to make things a little bit easier and this one is also not too complex you summon your allies cast the spell to initiate combat and turn into a beast with your bonus action it's very simple and strangely satisfying the biggest drawback of this one is larion dropping the ball in itemization there are only a handful of items here that you can benefit from Feats and actions are also mostly not possible to be used and performed while shapeshifted only very few multi-class options make sense and you're basically better off to just play a mono Druid I will however give you some recommendations and where I'll showcase you what I have been using here with the introduction of the build out of the way let's have a look at the starting ability score as well as level progression as for the stat lineup we're going with 8 strength 14 dexterity 16 Constitution 10 intelligence 16 wisdom and 10 Charisma now when you shapeshift into another form your strength dexterity and Constitution will be overwritten however you're not going to be constantly in your shape-shifted form meaning if you dump your Constitution and dexterity you will have no armor no initiative and no Health which will make you exceedingly squishy and this is a bad thing now if you get a hack here in the First Act you're going to lower your Constitution to 14 bump up your wisdom to 17 and your charisma to 12. with the hack here you can get 18 wisdom and 12 Charisma which will make your saving throws much better at this point you are mostly going to be in your shape-shifted form anyway so having that too constitutional less will still be very good now for SQL proficiencies we are going with perception Survivor both of which offer passive options this character will definitely not talk to other characters there are much better options for this we're going to start with Druid and our first level cantroops will be shillelium for some damage and guidance to improve our ability checks at level 2 we'll choose that cycle of the moon which will give us access to wide shape bear this ability is more of a tank it has an AOE town and Deals quite a bit of damage however the better DPS option with more Mobility is the spider you'll have a special jump will have lower Health but will also poison enemies with their attacks so those two will be a go-to shapeshift now before you're going to shapeshift into your form you're going to use long Strider outside of combat which is a ritual spell so this one doesn't have a concentration attribute to it and will be kept on you on the long rest it will boost your mobility in the shapeshifted form enhanced leap will also triple your jump distance this one does not require concentration and can be used as a ritual spell outside of combat to boost your Mobility speak with animals is also retrospel buff yourself with this one outside of combat and you can speak with enemies to your heart content healing word is something that you use to pick up downed allies or you can actually use it as an emergency heel and verify is your go-to spell concentration spell at this level to debuff enemies so you have advantage on your attacks this spell will boost your power immensely early on especially when combined with a cleric that has access to blasts you can cast the concentration spell before a shape shift and maintain that concentration spell while shape shifted you won't be able to move something like for example moonbian which will get a bit later but it will be kept on the target at level 3 again at Druid we have two choices for spells Spike growth or whole person at this point I would highly recommend Spike growth micro summons a massive AOE and whenever a Target moves through it they will be damaged with piercing damage the spell gets worse and worse before they progress in the game however early on it is exceptionally strong at level 4 you are going to start to come across more tougher foes so Spike growth or verifier might not cut it at this point so we are going to pick up hold person a humanoid enemy can be targeted by this and for 10 turns while you are concentrating on this one you're guaranteed to critically strike them your shape-shifting forms have a lot of dice meaning your spider has 2d8 your bear has 2d6 and so on and so forth those get doubled so this one will boost your damage immensely versus those targets they will also be prevented from doing anything at all so this spell is very strong versus single Target enemies upcasting this one can be then spread to multiple enemies for the cantrip go with you can just pull someone to you and for the feet we are going with Kevin brawler we're going to put this point in the Constitution at this point you can also respect and lower your Constitution by one level boost your charisma even a little bit more and then still have the 14 constitution in human form this attribute increase does not add to the shape shift same is true for the damage so the damage of this Pawn from the strength modifier does not get added to the shapeshift form however the attack roll bonus meaning they're plus to hit is going to apply to a shapeshift forms at least those that are attacking with just their paws or their beaks doesn't matter unarmed attacks so you're going to add additional hit chance to your moves level 3 has really bad spells so the best thing I can recommend here is Moonbeam in Act 2 there's a lot of enemies vulnerable to radiant damage so having Moonbeam active on those enemies will help you immensely Moonbeam cannot be moved while you are shape-shifted however you can maintain it and move it prior to shape shifting so you can play around that your level 3 spares like I said are really bad so don't pick those and in level 5 we get an extra attack with our shapeshift abilities level 6 will make our Beast attacks count as magicker and we get the panther as well as the old bear both of which will now be your primary damage sources the Panthers less Health but deals more damage and the old bear has a better hit chance and is tankier at level 7 we get access to another patch of spells ice storm can be used as a cc and really good AOE Spell condo Woodland being is a really good salmon this one can also summon another companion so you're going to double dip this one firewall is another really good concentration spell for damage and you also get polymorph which is a really nice CC ability so what I recommend at this point for a ton of AOE damage and conjure Woodland being for summon summons stay on the battlefield until they are destroyed so shape shifting doesn't remove them at level 8 we're going to pick another feat but this GoPhone ability score Improvement so we are maxing out with them if we have the hack here and we got 18 with them if we don't at level 9 we get access to level 5 spells so we are going to pick conjure Elemental which is a really strong companion this one can also be summoned while having Woodland beings out and we can also additionally pick conjure mono Elemental all of those stack so you can have quite a few companions out and for the last spell pick what you want I personally don't have a preference here so I'm just going with polymorph at level 10 we are going to get some really nice shape shifts shapeshift air memory on Earth murdon Fire and Water I would showcase those shape shifts in a little bit but I can't trip we are going with resistance and for the spares you can pick whatever you want at level 11 we have two choices we can either double dip in fighter which will give us action search as well as martial weapons martial weapons proficiencies will boost down hit attacks of our shape shifts only the mirroridons only some of the Mirror Dance will benefit from this but the action search can be used before shape shifting so we get double the attacks this can be done once per short rest so this one is used when you like your CC abilities but you're going to give up level 6 battles I personally like to go with the cleric which will give us some cantrips doesn't matter those we will not use and we get a domain The Tempest domain The Tempest domain will also provide us with the martial weapon proficiency and the reaction Wrath of the storm so when we are dropped out of our shape shift ability we can use this one we cannot use this one while shape-shifted however we get access to the spell list for the cleric we get guiding bold which is nice gives us advantage on attackwards when we hit this one as a range option we get Sanctuary which does not require concentration we get blessed so we can buff our allies before the fight starts before we shape shift later on there is quite a lot of enemies with a high Armor class so having that additional percentage on attack Rose is really nice to have command is a really nice CC ability for one turn so you can tell a ranged enemy to come closer it doesn't require concentration so you can combine it with another Cc or bless and we get create or destroy water which can support our Mages that are dealing lightning or cold damage doubles the damage of those and the last level will be a druid level we now get access to Heroes Feast which we can use in both our party gives additional HP and advantage on saves next I'll talk about the place time throughout the whole game you're going to first buff long stride on yourself and your party this one does not require concentration and can be cast as ritual before fights if you have the time to prepare you can cast enhanced leap on your party which rippers to jump distance does not require concentration we will buff yourself with Peak to animals which is also retrospell so you can speak to animals who has Hearts content then at this point we are going to use the staff of Arcane blessing if we are going to use the cleric with bless otherwise pick whatever you want you can go with a shield for example with a lot of AC so you can buff your AC in human form or the stuff of a Cane blessing so you get mistress blessing so we now buff our allies with the second level spell like so this will give us 1d4 to saving throws and weapon attacks and 2d4 to spell attack rows so our Caster like for example shadowheart which is currently spacked as a control Mage is going to hit her attacks we can also utilize this one to hit our guiding bolt much much easier if you want to see an enemy we can use verifier or hold person or whatever you want this will prevent us from using bless and then after doing all that we are going to shape shift in to our bear or into the spider the bear looks like this it has a regular tank which you have to use so press Ctrl to Target and then you can hit someone you also have golden raw Which towns nearby enemies and you can heal with lunarment this will consume spell slots so keep that in mind the spider looks like this we have venomous bite 1d8 plus 1 d8 plus three this one possibly also deals poison to enemies so they have disadvantage on attacks and ability checks and we can cast web web can possibly end web enemies which will give us advantage on attackers versus them and we get the spider jump which is just an enhanced jump so those two forms are going to be your bread and butter early game now if you're fighting a lot of enemies go for Spike growth it looks like this you're casting this one in an area enemies that walk through this one get damaged very nice damage early on this one is up for 100 turns and you can burn the ground so if you have a fire attack this one will catch fire and burn up you can cancel the conservation spares by clicking on the icon here so it disappears next what are you going to do in the mid game in the mid game you're going to get access to your summons so we're going to additionally summon your minor Elemental which you can pick basically any of those this one is good for damage this one is good for having meat Shields out and this one is also good for meat Shields I personally prefer the minor Elemental azer azer will summon a dwarf looking thingy has quite a lot of HP deals quite a lot of damage these fire damage can knock enemies prone can Daze enemies so it's quite useful and we are also going to summon the Woodland beam the Woodland being brings a lot to the table it has an aura nature stamp which gives us basically free movement no difficult terrain cannot be restrained paralyzed and we have resistance to poison they can also cast bike growth which I have showcased already can heal with goodberry can entangle enemies with a canned rip and can also cast for lava which summons another airline this one has additional health and is basically just here to soak damage it doesn't deal much damage it can also entangle and they get healed if they are entangled or are in the spike growth you can use your short rest to regenerate your wire shapes so now you're going to wire chip into for example the penta which looks like this you have your byte which these four D6 plus 2 damage so if you Critical Strike those get doubled you have invisibility prawn which then adds another 1d8 if you hit out of your invisibility so we prawn it requires concentration but does not use up as bear slot we can then pound on for example Asia right here and those are now prone we now can use jugular strike to deal a ton of damage with Advantage those are 1d4 plus 1d8 damage but if the enemy is prone they get another 2d6 damage so a better bite this form has less HP but needs a little bit more damage the alternative to this one is the old bear looks like this is a big fella deals a ton of damage with the class to the 8 plus 1 D6 plus five this one is strength based so Tavern brawler is going to add the most hit chance so you have tether brawler here plus five plus five the strength modifier when we look at the panther we only have plus two in Tavern brawler because that heaven brawler is based on strength and Panthers only have 14 strength so the old bear has the highest hit chance however not the highest damage Rapture will deal AOE damage which is also quite nice and we have crushing flight which is a jump like so which also deals a little bit of damage now in end game we are going to either buff ourselves with Heroes Feast which adds a ton of HP and bony to all our party members so we can cast this one they need to be in this cycle so I'm not going to show this one because it's basically just above but we can conjure an elemental level 5 Elementals are just Elementals so those have a basic multi-attack and normal attack and then some additional bony they are not very powerful just the body on the field try them out yourself there is not much to say about those and the murmidons are basically our shapeshift forms so I'm not going to show them here because they look basically the same as our shape shifts and I'm going to shape shift instead for this you need to know airmenons Tevin brawler doesn't work fine membrans same water memorandums same but Earth momentons attack without a weapon so Tavern brawler works on them they do not get the damage but they do get the attack hit bonus so this one has the highest hit shots the air memadon looks like this so it has an elemental form looks really neat as a regular tag with the electrified flail and a normal attack but we're only going to use the electrified flame looks like this can multi-attack kills damage we need a Proficiency in this one which we get for the cleric and we have a Teleport on any of those murmidons looks the same and then every myrmidon has also a specialized spell this one is an AOE without concentration is on the battlefield for 10 turns deals bludgeoning damage and silences enemies so Majors beware and we get invisibility the other minerals look basically the same the Earth Mirror Has Borough so we burrow underneath the ground use our movement in a bonus action and then we emerge and deal damage it is the tankiest of the bunch with Mark the metal gives us an additional Armor class so that's nice then we have the fine irmidon it's basically the same as the lightning one except this one has a cone AOE in front of them the same regular attack as the electrified flail just with a sword so it's a scorching sword and we have meridon emulation for free turns we get for free a haste buff if this one falls off we get stunned for one turn and then we have the water murmured on I will showcase this one because this one is a little bit special this one can heal AOE heal around us if we are poisoned this one will deal poison damage and we have heimer's strike the same as the electrified flail just with a spear but they have explosive icicle which is an Eldritch blast type spell with an AOE so we can Target the sector on the ground it will cast this one and freeze the ground after a while this one will create water which doubles the damage of this explosive icicle you have your fly you have a Teleport and that's about it so when you talk to someone you're going to change back and then change back into the mirror midon so keep that in mind you don't need to drop the form at least not in the camp we will however drop the form because we need to show you the gear if you're going to use the cleric tip go for the staff overcame blessing you can find this one in the underdark first chapter there is a mage Tower go to the top talk to the beings there they will reveal a hidden button at the platform this bot needs to be pressed down in the chamber in the private chamber this Arcane staff is going to lean next to a bookshelf or something like that very easy to find but if you are not going with the cleric you can pick anything a shield works perfectly fine for the SC so you're not completely garbage in a C-Class without the shape shift form next I'm going to talk about the few items that work on a shapeshift phone because there's basically only five or six items that work as a shape shifter everything else doesn't work weapon damage unknown damage advantages saving throws nothing works so you have the shapeshifter boom if you kill the strange ox or complete his questline you get this one all your checks plus one on D4 that's about it the next item is shapes with this head and Devil's fee there are items we need to perception check those and if you find enough you can go to the vendor here and talk to her about those items this will unlock a special inventory this inventory contains this shapeshifter head it increases your wild shaped charges by one this is one of the only hands that are going to be beneficial to this build so you now have three Mirror Dance use two but every other shapeshift is only using one so you can use an old bear and a regular mirror on shapeshift next we're going to talk about the armor of moon basking gives you plus 2 to Armor class advantage on saving throws temporary hit points we need wild shape and one less damage taken in wire shapes all of those effects work while shapeshifted it can be acquired in the undercity ruins right here so that's in the sewers at this vendor voiceless penitent baraki located right here talk to him steal it whatever he has this armor next a ring so I don't have the ring currently on me because you need to complete mall's questline in act 1. he will ask you to steal the idol from The Druids if you do this you get a ring of protection that increases your armor class by one and your saving throws by one this one works in shape shifting form the next item is going to be covet's token again an act 3 item your jump distance and fly speed increases by 1.5 meters and by polymorphed all in wide shape you get feather phone and you get polymorph diorism for free which can be used to Scout or just explore you can find this one right here it matters here's a vendor just trade it with him or steal it doesn't matter those are basically all items that work what perplexes me there are boots in this game that give you acrobatics and plus one to Armor class but they do not work on your shapeshift but the Ring of protection does work so there are massive inconsistencies maybe they fixed some of that in the second patch maybe they fixed some in the third patch maybe they do not fix anything but currently that optimization is garbage there's basically nothing you can wear in act 1 and X2 and just basically optimize the character like a regular caster and your shapes with on top a bonus of that so yeah that's about it for itemization if you have any other things that work on this class please comment down below so other people can find this one in a compiled place because the infos everywhere I tested every feed every multi-class every skill every reaction basically nothing works there are only a few things that are backed like for example resilient the Constitution works but the saving through does not the proficiency does not Tavern brawler and some it works on some it doesn't the damage portion doesn't work at all but the hit it does so it's miraculous no idea why anyway the sums up the build card if you like this one please leave a like this one took a lot of time to research and edit and record the recording is long comment like I said if you found something if you want to add a remark please do and also subscribe if you haven't already helps out a lot you can also join the channel membership or leave a donation if you have the spare coin so see you next time and bye
Channel: Mordarim
Views: 54,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate build, baldurs gate druid build, baldurs gate best druid build, baldurs gate shapeshifter build, baldurs gate best shapeshifter build, baldurs gate bear build, baldurs gate best bear build, baldurs gate 3 druid multiclass build, baldurs gate 3 shapeshifter multiclass build, bg3 druid, bg3 druid build, bg3 best druid build, bg3 shapeshifter, bg3 shapeshifter build, bg3 best shapeshifter build, bg3 shapeshifting forms
Id: wINojsyO_OM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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