Baldur's Gate 3 Druid Guide - Circle of Spores Subclass - Level 1-12 Guide

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hey everybody it's Leroy from Lira gaming and in today's Baldur's Gate 3 guide we're going to be looking at the circle of spores subclass for the Druid within this video You're Gonna See Me cover features at level one of character creation including ability recommendations gonna have full level 2 to 12 breakdown all spells available to you as you level will be shown and then I'm going to provide you feedback on General equipment recommendations for this class as well as my thoughts on multi-classing the circle of spores druid you can use timestamps below to jump to the area that most interests you and remember drop a like and leave a comment below of your thoughts feedback and questions and now without further Ado let's check out the circle of spores druid alright guys for starters at level one with the dread you do not get to pick your subclass quite yet that's gonna be a level two so at level one the main things you need to know is that the circle spores Druid primary ability is wisdom you're saving throw proficiencies are going to be intelligence and wisdom and you're going to have a hit die of 1d8 hit points your proficiencies are going to be with simple weapons light armor medium armor and shields now at level one you will get to pick two cantrips and you definitely I would say want to get guidance and then Shaylee for this particular setup but here are the other options that I'll Mouse over so feel free to pause the video if you want to read the descriptions now at level one you will also get two level one spell slots and you will have five spells that are memorized these are the ones here there's a variety of effects and then when it comes to your ability points for starters I would recommend eight strength 14 dexterity 16 Constitution eight intelligence 17 wisdom and 10 Charisma I do want to point out that this build almost never transforms because of the way the mechanics works so you actually do care about the Constitution and dexterity stats here for your combat prowess and defense elements in addition to your wisdom do note I.E primarily like to do 17 wisdom here if you're gonna side of the hag within the story to get that plus one just that you would want to bump this to 18 of course if you're not planning on doing that then it's a little less important to do 17 wisdom you could drop it to 16 and either bump up your strength a little bit your intelligence or or charisma now level two is when you get to pick your subclass and this is where the circle of spores Druid gets interesting thematically do note it's much more about summoning Undead it's about adding necrotic damage to all your attacks and into making yourself much more sturdy while you're in your non-transformed form now for starters you do get one more level one spell slot you will be able to prepare five spells still and here are all the options that I'm gonna Mouse over for you to check out now do note the way that the prepared spells work for this class and subclass is as you level up you're going to get more and more prepared spells you can pick but you're gonna have to select across all the levels of spells so right now you only have level one spots to worry about but then as you unlock level two three four Etc you're gonna have to pick from all of those to your one pool of prepared spells the good news is that you can change these at any time not only at level up but if you go into your inventory there is a little subcategory and you can swap out your prepared Spells at any time outside of combat now as a circle the spores Druid you do get wild shape and you can do this two times per short rest as an action and you do get all the basic Transformations so badger spider wolf and cat but that's not how you're likely to use your wild shapes instead what you can do is you can utilize something called symbiotic entity and what's interesting is you're going to get temporary hit points you start with eight but this will scale up and you're going to do one to six necrotic damage while you have them so as long as you have those temporary hit points and this is for all attacks and not just mainly you can use it for melee you can use it for your range attacks as well and do note then it says casting Halo spores with double damage while this is going on and Halo spores is very unique it is not a bonus action it is a reaction that you can use at any time so it doesn't have to literally be a quote-unquote reaction but this is basically an extra attack it's a six meter necrotic damage attack and do note again as the descriptor Museum symbiotic entity says it will double damage so instead of one to four it should be two to eight in addition to this you will also get the bone chill can trip which is quite decent especially against the undead now level three you're gonna get to prepare six spells and you're gonna get one more level one spell slot and two level two spell slots and you get access to all of the level two spells I'll go ahead Mouse over them for you again so you can check them out enhance ability is a great concentration spell to help you a variety of skill checks Moonbeam is great for offense and protection from Poison is amazing as this does not take concentration lasts till the end of a long rest you'll also get two spells that will all be memory always be memorized and that is Blindness and detect thoughts The Tick tots is great for conversations but it does require concentration unfortunately now level four you're gonna get to get another can trip you're gonna prepare seven spells you will also get one more level two spell slot you will unlock the wildship for deep Roth and you will also unlock feats now when it comes to feet recommendations ability improvements is going to be really really strong to get wisdom nice and high you may even consider bumping Constitution up if you want to be more tanky warcaster is also really high recommendation here gaining advantage on saving throws to maintain concentration on spells as you're likely to consistently use concentration spells on this build I can recommend Elemental adapt with an asterisk and that's only if you end up using one of the elements because if you focus on necrotic damage then that this will not be useful however if you end up leaning into one or more maybe let's say lightning or thunder spells then gaining the ability to ignore resistance and making sure you can't roll one on a damage roll is actually quite helpful now this is a build that I do recommend actually using range attacks and so Sharpshooter may also be very quite viable here so that if you shoot up at enemies you will not get the negative effects of high ground and you can also get the passive bonus of plus 10 to damage for only a minus five penalty to attack rolls so this could also be very viable for this particular build now at level five you're gonna get two level three spell slots wild strike will make you attack at an additional time after making an unarmed strike while in wall shape this is less beneficial for the subclass as you're unlikely to spend as much time in your traditional wild shapes and then here are your level 3 spells call lightning is amazing and then here are the ones that will always be memorized and animate dead is a big one here this is where you can start being a Summoner and of course you can prepare eight spells now at level six you're gonna get one more level three spell slot you can prepare nine spells you can now transform into a panther or owl bear and very importantly you get fungal infestation so the description is raisin mildewed molded encrusted zombie from a corpse and this is definitely something that's real nice because you can stack this on top of that animate dead spell so now you're gonna be able to have multiple Undead creatures and do note that this just uses a reaction all right level seven you're gonna get one level four spell slot we're gonna unlock all your level 4 spells do note the ones that are always going to be memorized or blight which is deadly and also confusion and here are the other options you can choose Contra minor Elemental is pretty nice Contra Woodland being is probably more specific to this setup and you can prepare 10 spells now a level eight you're gonna get to prepare 11 spells you're gonna get one more level for spell slot and you're gonna pick your second feet at level nine you're gonna get to prepare 13 spells you're gonna get one more level for spell slot gonna get one more level five spell slot and you're gonna be actually unlocking level five spells your two level five spells that you'll always have are Cloud kill Contagion and then here are the other spells caught your Elemental very powerful at level 10 you're gonna get to pick another can trip you're now up to 14 spells that you can prepare you're gonna get another little five spell slot you get improved wild strikes you can now make two additional attacks if they're making unarmed strike while in Wild shape again less useful for this build but you're also going to get spread spores so while you have your symbiotic entity active remember that's your main transformation use you can create a cloud of spreading spores and here's the effect on this and you're also going to get to well get wild shape Dilophosaurus and then you can of course prepare 14 spells now at level 11 you're going to be able to prepare 15 spells you're gonna get level 6 spell slot and here are dispose you can utilize and then finally level 12 you're gonna go ahead and have 16 spots to memorize and you're going to be able to pick your final feet now as we talk about equipment for this class I did want to point something out so this subclass in addition to the wild shape charges are going to you're going to have fungal infestation charges that are particular for raising the undead and this is going to be using that fungal infestation we mentioned as a reaction so you're going to get numerous of these at 12 you're going to have four of them and they recharge it long rest so this again on top of the level three animate Undead spell if you select that is going to be the core of your summoning now because you're going to be in your kind of human form you can really lean into utilizing your weapons more than any other Druid subclass so what I recommend equipment wise of course get the very best medium armor potential here unless you just decide to multi-class and get heavy armor but I highly actually recommend leaning into using a really good bow or crossbow because your effect from symbiotic entity will buff the damage of your range of taxes as well that would lead you to want to probably use a Quarter Staff and a shield to maximize your defense while you're in melee you can of course Cash She Lele and be decent with melee tax as well but the best way to build out this character is probably to have a bunch of summons and an attack from range and then just have enough defense if something does attack you so that you don't get beat down too hard this also means that your support items should just be there to make you more tanky like a cloak of protection or ring of protection and then anything else that's going to either give you extra spell slots for more casting or just provide you with specific spells now I would definitely recommend getting at least an item that will let you use Misti steps there's definitely an amulet early on that you can get for this and I think there's other items as well so you can get to high ground and then use your bows with the benefits of high ground and then you can summon your Undead from corpses on the ground as you kill things now finally talking about multi-classing I would say that once you get your levels five spell slots and potentially six spell slots you do have potentially one or two maybe three levels that you could multi-class into however just like the other Druid subclasses this class as a whole is so powerful when it comes to its spell casting ability that there's no shame in not multi-classing the main reasoning I could see behind multi-classing is if you wanted to make yourself super super tanky you could very well get a level fighter of a or a martial class like a ranger to get access to Heavy Armor and make yourself even more tanky and to gain access to other weapons if you so wished otherwise this class gives you pretty much everything you need to be an amazing Summoner and spreader of death and decay right guys that's gonna bring us to the end of the circle of spores Druid subclass video I hope you found it helpful if you did make sure to drop a like subscribe for more videos from me thank you for all your support and as always I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Leeroy Gaming
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 Druid, bg3 Druid, baldurs gate 3 Druid guide, baldurs gate 3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 Druid class, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 Druid build, bg3 Druid guide, baldurs gate 3 Druid Circle of Spores guide, bg3 Druid circle of Spores guide, bg3 Circle of Spores, best Druid subclass bg3, bg3 Druid subclasses, baldurs gate 3 Druid subclasses, bg3 Circle of Spores Druid, baldurs gate 3 druid circle of Spores
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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