Baldur's Gate 3 - Shoving Mechanics (finally) Explained?

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embrace the magic hello so in order to successfully shove you need to roll an Athletics check versus a DC of 10 plus the target's Athletics or corbatics whichever is higher but that does the game tell you this of course not it only shows the dc-0 so in order to test this basically I use two characters with no zero Athletics or acrobatic skill and you can as you can see here 55 percent is a basically a DC of 10 and no modifiers and again someone who has acrobatics plus two it goes down to 45 which makes sense so going back to our original formula no DC equals 55 chance but what if you have plus nine Athletics then one plus nine equals ten you have 100 chance but if you put 9 acrobatics then the chances are equal again and you go back to a 55 chance how does Delta visibility affect the equation well doesn't it only gives you advantage on the shove attempts this can be seen here 45 went up to 70 percent if you look at the combat log the advantage will show on the Athletics check [Music] so how to access affect shove well basically they give a -5 to the ability check but wait uh it was 45 and now it's only 60 that's only a plus three increase well what happens is that since the dexterity got knocked by five it will uh the target will now use his Athletics which was at -1 as opposed to the corbatics plus two so in order for you to do this effectively you have to actually hex both ability scores strength and dexterity to achieve the 70 shown here [Music] so another interesting way you can increase your shove chances is by reducing uh that opponent's ability scores and you can do this with an elited power for example so here I'm gonna hit the target he's gonna have his strength reduced by one so down to 11 which should make it easier now for me to shove let's see now it's at eighty percent instead of 75 percent do you know any other ways to reduce ability scores I'm curious about this oh and lastly we have to talk about weight limits on shove so as you can see here I was too weak to shove a half Arc which is a medium-sized creature of um 100 kilos and as soon as I increased the strength score to nine uh apparently that was enough to be able to shove it so I did a little bit of searching uh into DND books and I found that um oh yeah and if you use a large person you can see that the way it increases it goes to 235 kilos and now I can't shove the target again so I'm going to be needing more strength how much strength is that exactly so I tried to come up with a formula and basically it's 30 times your strength pounds which is then converted to kilos I believe they use something around 0.4 so as you can see here with 19 strength I wasn't able to do it but with 20 strengths I will now be able because 20 times 30 is 600 times 0.4 is 240 which is above the target's weight and yes we can now shove it so what did you think of these shoving tips hopefully would make your bg3 journey all the more delightful thank you for watching fellow wizard and may magic be with you
Channel: The Mages Corner
Views: 733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, BG3, D&D, D&D 5E, shove, shoving, mechanics, stealth, invisibility, hex, strength, dexterity, athletics, acrobatics, weight
Id: GwPGrevjHrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 20sec (260 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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