🔴Lae'zel Actor Devora Wilde talks BALDUR'S GATE 3, Tieflings, Good Ending & Romance Scenes

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Larian if you read this, give us more Lae'zel or at least more Devora in your future games! Great voice actress, and one of the best companions I've ever encountered in gaming ever. The moment I heard her for the first time in early access and that "attitude" of her I thought this was one of the most unique video game characters and her arc throughout the game is the most satisfying. The Shadowheart & Lae'zel dynamic is one of the biggest highlights of the game.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Tvp9 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2023 🗫︎ replies
devorah Wilde everybody welcome to the show it's a pleasure to have you how are you I'm very well how are you very well just playing the best game of the year how is it no biggie I know I mean this is your first Mo cap first sort of gig in the gaming world and yes one of the greatest games in years how'd you do what can I say luck literally luck I wish I could say I had something to do with it but right place right time whenever people used to say that about like you know anything to do with actor I'd be like oh God that's am I allowed to swear by the way on this of course you are great please it's encouraging what a load of crap what a load of boiler because it's all to do with being prepared and it's all to do with being like on top of your game it is but also it's being in the right place at the right time so how's it been uh I mean it's just crazy the reception I mean it was at one point it was the you know the best reviewed game on Metacritic and all this Acclaim millions of people playing has it been for you taking this all in um a pretty yeah pretty mad just uh I'm loving engaging with everyone right now on social media and that's um making me laugh a lot like a lot um also because I think that when we were recording it and because it took so long um at least I never really thought about hey how's it going to be received like are people going to like lazy I'll be We're not gonna like her it was just you just sort of get on with it don't you and you and you know it's like a job and then you know once it's out you kind of realize wow so many people have been looking forward to this game so many people are loving the game and it's just quite it's very entertaining I'm enjoying it I'm loving you on Tick Tock at the moment I think you're enjoying yourself over there I really am yeah it's a bit of fun it's yeah it kind of started off as like a it's just like I was like oh why not why not do Tick Tock like as something creative and I did like loads of pregnancy stuff on men I was like why not talk about acting stuff on Border's gate and I didn't think the community I thought the community was more on Twitter yeah but it turns out there's a lot of people on Tick Tock as well so okay yeah I just do random is there any crossover between the pregnant fans on Tick Tock and the bonus game you know because you started off with the pregnant videos a few went viral and now you're on Baldur's Gate okay there was one person that commented underneath my video saying I followed you for the pregnancy content and and then I downloaded Boulders Gate 3 and and then I realized you're in that as well and I was like so there is apparently there is a crossover um and and people got very confused when I posted that um picture of me pregnant in the mocap suit they were like spoilers spoilers for the game and I was like guys I need to explain what mocap is and that it was me being pregnant but a few of my friends were very confused as well they were like are you is that a spoiler for the game are you wearing like a fake belly like what's happening so I had to sort of explain that it was not very self-explanatory apparently I think it was me that was pregnant I think you're the first guest I've ever had that had a baby while recording a game and went into the mocap with a belly and everything how was all that that must have been kind of crazy uh uh yeah I mean I I had a fairly easy pregnancy so up until about that maybe eighth month I was fine and then you know towards the end when you're sort of a bit bigger it's like it was um it was kind of tough being on my feet for four hours at a time so I had a little chair I had my special Lazelle chair in there and literally pretty much after every few lines I'd just be like just give me a second just give me one second waddle over to my chat have a little sit down take a few little breaths and uh and uh yeah the team at Pit Stop were very very kind to me as they always are but they were extra kind to me while I was pregnant I was enjoying my pregnancy privileges as I call them I was calling in cups of tea and coffee and all sorts of uh favors and whenever we'd have breaks I would just uh rummage around looking for chocolate so I can't say it was too bad yeah it wasn't too bad at all Was Your Last Day recording for Lazelle you were still pregnant yeah yeah my Waters yeah yeah I so I was meant to be recording up until my due date because they were like are you okay with that like whatever you want however you feel but I felt great and I was like no problem everyone's telling me that the baby's gonna be born after the due date because that's what first babies do apparently so I'm very chilled I was like babies be born in two weeks after the due date we finish recording after that sort of session and I went home and I was like oh I think my Waters have broken and I was like no I don't feel any contractions I was like I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure I can go in tomorrow right and my husband just looked at me and went no you can't you're not going to work tomorrow like you're you're not so that's that's what happened and then I think people were notified by like a chat or slack or whatever they had and everyone was messaging me like we hear you're not in today because you've got into labor are you okay like what's happening so it was it was very funny it was very funny did you end up missing missing it when you were you know out for a few weeks there did you want to get back of course yeah yes yeah I was and and I came back after like three weeks and everyone's like what are you doing back and I was like guys I couldn't I couldn't stay away you know I wanted to first of all because we had a bit more to record and obviously on a deadline and I was very conscious of that even though they were like don't worry about it take your time but you know I was like I wanted to go back and also because up until that point um I'd been in every single day and so not being in was just strange for me even though I had like the baby to take care of and that was I was taking up a lot of my time and energy I was just yeah after three weeks I was just a bit like guys I'm ready to come back have me back yeah any Cravings no no not really I had a very um I had a pretty boring pregnancy in terms of like I didn't have any morning sickness and having any weird Cravings it was all pretty standard and I'm grateful for that like I don't I don't particularly wanna feel sick or anything so I'm happy so you were born in Bulgaria and you're currently there now on holiday I'm currently here now yes and I'm guessing you frequent there often for family for holiday for yeah yeah yeah I mean I wouldn't I wouldn't even really call it a holiday because I just feel like it's where I go back to see my family and of course it's it's lovely it is sort of a holiday but I am kind of working you know whenever I can from my laptop or whatever um but yeah I go back uh I mean during the pandemic I spent a lot of time here because you know everything was shut down yeah and and we just thought hey we don't opt to get the chance to spend a concentrated amount of time here with our family so we spent like about five or six months um here in 2020 and in 2021 and uh but yeah it's such a short flight away from London that it's you know we go whenever we can really what's it like over there at the moment it's very very hot uh it's still the kind of place that has Seasons so you have like skiing and lovely winter you know stuff in the in the winter like snow and then very hot summers and very good foods like proper food proper like fruit and vegetable like from people's Gardens which I love go to my grandma's Garden yeah and I pick figs and do all that um so yeah just yeah so it's home pretty much even though I've lived in the UK for such a long time but I don't really know I feel like an in-between person you know I don't really it's hard for me to consider one or the other place home because I just feel like I'm sort of caught between both yeah would you would you live in Bulgaria if if you could bring your work with you oh God I don't know tough one yeah tough one maybe if I could split my time maybe for a few months I think it'd be cool to spend the Summers here you know like long long summer say may through to October or something because that is literally when the summer is here um but yeah it's hard isn't it because the work especially now with with the voiceovers that well and acting everything's pretty much gone back to in the room um so it's hard it's hard being away from like the Hub The Hub of it hey is it true you did um you wanted to be a fashion journalist have I got that right well I was a fashion journalist oh you were sorry I was I was yeah I was I went to I did a master's in fashion journalism and then I went and did a few uh internships and I realized what a cluster [ __ ] of a world that was yeah even more so on the acting I'd say but I would say why why is it a cluster Farm what it was so weird like I went and did these internships where I was um I was supposed to be learning about journalism and I swear to God I spent two weeks in a Cupboard folding clothes from shoots that was cool and I was like okay I get it like in turns okay like get them to do the dirty work fine but I didn't learn a single thing about journalism and I and I at the end of these internships I thought you know what I don't love it enough to do that um I think with acting I'm willing to do you know a lot more because I love it and I'm willing to go through all of that and pay my dues and you know go through it but but with passengers and journalism I was like no I'd rather not to be honest and I'm sure a lot of people would yeah was the original plan before that to do singing dancing theater that sort of thing or was that did that come after the fashion journalism no it was always my original plan you know because I'm because I'm I'm a child of uh 1988 uh born in you know born in before communism fell in Bulgaria because it fell in 1989 and uh and then when I used to go back for the Summers to visit my grandparents in Bulgaria we'd have cassettes um so anyone you know old enough to remember cassettes uh that's what we used to have and there is very heard of them never heard of them right yeah that was very um croaky performances of me singing my little heart out of doing Bulgarian sort of songs and nursery rhymes and all sorts of things and you know would we say I had a great singing voice back when I was five or six probably not but I really tried I really did and and I always said when anyone would ask me what you want to be when you grow up I always said a singer or an actor that's what I always said that's good and look at me now Look at you now and you're going to do a rendition of a Bulgarian song for us live right now correct we've you've prepared something for us of course good job I I wish I would but I won't I won't um no no please don't so then how did you get into this world I mean this was your first game so was it just a normal audition for you and and everything just came through yeah I think it's because I I didn't know very much about this whole world of voice uh acting and and mocap or I didn't really know anything about it for me it was um a way to kind of uh make a bit of money on the side of acting even though now I've done voice acting for four years and I realized that voice acting is acting but at the time it was kind of like hey uh you've got a nice voice you should do voiceovers they're really good money and you should just like you know do it on the side of acting and I was like ah yeah why not so I applied for a few agencies and then I got this audition through and it was um it was for motion capture so I had to do like a filmed audition and I was very used to doing those already because um obviously self tapes so I was like okay let's give it a crack and and I sort of spent an afternoon uh because there was a lot of characters to audition for and now I I know why for this game a few characters yeah in this game yeah yeah and it was like an elf and then a you know a a wizard and and this and that and all sorts of things so yeah I spent an afternoon kind of set up set on my phone I think I did it on the phone and then uh and then sent it off and then realized I got it and it was very it was very underwhelming in many ways because I just didn't I just had no idea of the scope of it I didn't know a year later 2019. yeah yeah and you didn't know it was Baldur's Gate until what a year later of at least a year later when I when I even bothered to ask because I was like cool a video game and then I was like cool motion capture never done that before got so caught up in the whole thing that I didn't and because everything's codenamed uh and part of me was like oh maybe I maybe they won't tell me maybe I shouldn't ask and then part of me was like oh I don't care I have the character I have the story I didn't really care too much what the title was because I don't play video games so it wouldn't have made any difference to me whatsoever I needed to know the context and the character and all of that and I was given that and then I was like oh maybe I should ask what the game was and they told me and I was like oh okay yeah cool no idea I literally blank blank face I I I'm still perplexed people keep saying you look like lizelle lizelle I just think it's ridiculous I don't know I don't quite understand it I mean well maybe I'm gonna get ripped in the comments I mean they're all gonna say now that what are you talking about are you blind I don't see it what what do you don't see it I don't see it either um a few people have said the eyes so maybe the eyes I don't know do you see it I don't I don't see it I don't see it I don't see it maybe I need to but but do you know what a lot of people have been saying it's not so much the looks it's the gestures and the things that she does and obviously they're my gestures so that's the subconscious thing that's making people go oh she looks like her rather than obviously I'm not a green GIF Yankee um or am I but no I'm not but um but you know I think and I think that whoever said that in one of the comments is is right maybe it's to do with the gestures and they did use our face uh our faces for the reference um for the emotional kind of references they didn't do facial capture but they did capture the yeah the emotions so maybe that's part of it too I noticed like in some of the scenes there was some Jitters was that all you as well you know what I mean some of the scenes there was kind of a bit of a and it just felt different to the other races sort of I was wondering if that was intentional I mean yeah we definitely had like more of jerky jerky moments when she's talking yeah that was that and it was a lot more jerky when we started uh and then we we toned it down and pulled it back because it wasn't really working and also to be honest four years of doing this every time I spoke was just it was a bit much um so yes but but but jerky I would say jerky and sort of quite Warrior like I think she sort of holds herself quite stiff and quite sort of proud and and yeah yeah I mean we worked sort of together with the whole team to to create that do you remember seeing her for the first time you remember seeing the art what she looked like I don't remember the first time uh but I do remember I think I think either somebody showed me in a recording session I was like oh ah slaysell okay and then I think when Early Access came out I would look up YouTube clips um and because that was cool for me to see her interacting with the other characters as well that was so cool because everything in while we're recording we we don't get to to see that and I was like wow oh this is so cool so like and seeing it in the game and seeing it with the atmosphere and the other characters and the music and I was like okay that's yeah I'm enjoying it and there's so much there's so many cool you know art pieces out there on Twitter and Instagram and I'm sure you've been tagged yeah yeah yeah yeah really brilliant fan art yeah yeah there's a lot of people that like her which I'm I'm glad about because there's also a lot of people that don't like her but that's that's fine that's okay um I I just love seeing the comments hysterical you don't get offended when people say I killed her straight away or I hate her no I don't I don't because uh right two things first of all I think that it's much better to be a polarizing character than a boring character so for her to be divisive in that way I think is [ __ ] brilliant I love it I love it because it means that she's really uh made an impact on people be it good or bad and and second of all I mean it is what it is you know you can't people can't like everyone so whether you liked it or not and also I mean I'm enjoying the fact that because people have seen the tick tocks and the and the Twitter and everything a few people have gone you know what now you're making me want to give her a second chance so I now I've seen you and I've seen the way you're talking about the character and how passionate you are I'm actually going to go back and do a playthrough as her and actually you're winning them over yeah I'm winning them over so I don't mind I don't mind do whatever you want with laser but do give her a chance because she she is fun and I think she is a character that shows a lot of development once you get past her personality and her directness and her brashness uh she yeah she she will show you very interesting um very interesting things let's say she'll show you a different side to herself I think which will be very rewarding there's a rough exterior and it sort of gets [ __ ] down as you play and I'm wondering was that always the arc did you know about that have you played as laser have you played have you played with her in your party or of course of course Romancing yeah well of course but she loves my touch at the moment that's for sure it's yeah I don't know I don't I don't want to mug Myself by some of the lines are so good but so yeah so good yeah I think that her romance is is incredibly well written and it's just yeah because I've seen a few people being like oh she just tries to romance me immediately like that's like so off-putting and I'm like just just give her a chance give her a chance calm down and just give her a chance and wait because it turns into something better but obviously I don't want to give it away too much for people but um I'm glad that you have experienced some little romance slight spoilers guys just so everyone oh if you need to leave for this short thing um there's a scene where she confesses her love at the camp and I'm wondering if you remember that scene I love the line I don't want to hurt you I want to protect you for you to protect me that was a great piece of writing yeah I mean I've said it before and I will say it again the writing is incredible Uh Kevin Kevin Van ORD is the lead writer for Lazelle and he is a stunning human being because I mean wow I I think there were several times um during the sessions especially in some of those themes so that one at the camp and then there is another one uh uh later on let's say how should I put this um sitting on a on a high building oh I kind of want you know yeah I'm not going to say too much about it but yeah yeah if you get to that one where I was incredibly moved um because it was just it was not a side of how you see very often and I was just like wow I mean the writing for this game is is out of this world it's uh it's a better miles better than most film and TV uh things that I've done or auditioned for honestly and it's just yeah like yeah they need to make a live-action borders gate three is what I'm basically saying and cast us all yeah do you so that that was a very wholesome scene that Sunrise scene yeah I'm wondering I'm wondering you know do you approach those things differently or do you just keep try and keep it consistent for what you've done the whole time um I think you're always trying to approach it from the point of view of the character but for those seen specifically it was um we sort of really had to be like okay wow this is a different side to to uh Lazelle so we're going to show maybe a bit more vulnerability here we're gonna uh soften the tone maybe and it was just a kind of a work in progress with uh you know with the team because obviously in each session I have the um the direction the performance director and the audio engineer the mocap Engineers so we would um we would sort of work together to to create that um but I wouldn't say I approached it any differently it was just for me it was really fun to explore a completely different side tab because obviously most of her stuff is very direct brass get out of my way my way or the highway do what I say I will end you I will kill you that's you know that's that's the gist uh if you do anything to to upset me um so for her to have moments like that for me was incredibly rewarding and and I think for the for the player as well it will be uh again if you get to that stage and just give her a bit of a chance so you've watched those scenes those two particular scenes that I've just met yes I have I have some people have uploaded them uh on on YouTube and some people have tagged me as well on on Twitter so yeah I have ah so you asked that though yeah they they turned out very and the soundtrack yeah I was just about to say yeah it adds another Elementary don't you think God yeah it's beautiful stunning stunning um stunning soundtrack and it really yeah it really adds to the to the whole atmosphere because again you know I recorded those lines in isolation and we felt the atmosphere in the room but God's seeing it in the game and seeing the the colors and the the emotions on the face yeah look at my little Lele look at her go oh it's just I love her they really do yeah I can tell did you ever get emotional on on set at all because it as you said you are the character doesn't really open up too much so there's not a lot of room to be emotional besides a couple of these things yeah I I don't I probably in those scenes is is the the the most emotional I got um because yeah you're right there isn't there isn't much scope and I think I'm the kind of person especially like even when the game ended and I think there were a lot of people who sort of cried and were upset or you know upset happy yeah Bittersweet yeah I think for me um probably because I was off having a baby as well and caught up in all of that as well but I was just like I'm not the kind of person that would so easily maybe get emotional kind of like lizelle um um but but you know the way that I interpret things I sort of mull them over and then you know maybe I'll get emotional later like by myself yeah um rather than that's the kind of person that I am um yeah very similar to her but but yeah I sort of interpret things in my own little way and I get emotional but it's very deep down inside it's very Eastern European heart do you think that's why they casted you they saw a lot of her and you I like to think so I mean yeah I mean what does that say about me they saw me and thought cold-hearted [ __ ] perfect yeah [Applause] the whole game um yes yes that is why they cost me but it's funny because a lot of people do say like oh you never you know even my friends they're like Deb you never open up like just you know you you do but once you get you have to really get to know you to like get to to your I don't know your vulnerability and uh yeah and I think I am a bit like that I think people see this kind of um exterior first and maybe it's a hard exterior to to break down because I'm not the kind of person that necessarily wears their heart on their sleeve and uh Lazelle isn't either so yeah they saw that and they were like perfect what have you I'm curious what have you learned about the character after the game came out like from the audience have they given you anything like have you learned anything after the fact I mean just how many people are are willing to go with her sort of abrasiveness even though she's very she's very [ __ ] rude and very dismissive and very like I think if it was me playing and I met that character I'd be a bit like oh are you being like that [ __ ] off then but a lot of people are willing to really give her a chance to stick with her and a lot of people see through her and see that this is just a character that essentially just really wants to prove herself and it's just a underneath this sort of tough Warrior facade is this sort of very frightened little yiki Yankee that just wants to prove herself and and the audience reaction to that is very wholesome and um yeah I've just just seeing people's reactions to that is uh is really incredible whose idea was it to um say teeth links brilliant uh correction of the uh tieflings tiefling lines and also the the Fey run and they're like don't you mean Beirut and she's like Ugh the iron the eye rolls so good so good and again I I don't really I don't particularly remember that session whether I rolled my eyes in the session or not I don't know but but I can't take credit for for that perfect mispronunciation um that was written in that was written in you you've said a lot um that you don't remember much about the pro like because it was so long over the four years and I don't I don't remember what I have for breakfast yesterday so don't worry okay I love that you've said a lot about this game that you don't really remember recording any of it no but honestly because it's so long four years and no one can remember every day but what's the day that sticks out the most to you I mean yeah I remember I don't I don't bloody rubber well I'm look I'm gonna have to probably go with that day that my water's broke because honestly we're having a great long time yeah I have to I have to go with that um day uh there was also a day where um okay so I'm gonna have to go into a little bit of backstory here please I love that story yeah okay basically there was a time I think it was coming up to Early Access and uh we had a bit of a deadline and we had to record a lot of lines and I love a little bit of a challenge and I was like don't worry guys I'll do it and I got through a [ __ ] ton of lines and since that day I personally uh have myself the fastest actor of all the uh actors that took part in this game not only have I named myself the fastest actor but I also wrote it there's a little whiteboard that they have at Pit Stop Productions they write all their stuff I wrote it down with the date Deborah Wilde fastest actor at pit stop and I didn't realize that it was in indelible ink that was not supposed to be written with on the board and it took them quite a while to clean it off people say I did it on purpose did I do it on purpose well never know um anyway point of the story is they also told me with Statistics that I was the fastest actor anyway wow we we got to laughing and joking and I was like guys you know and whenever I'd go into one of the studios I'd be like that's the Lazelle Studio that's the laser because I was also I think one of the first actors to go in and start recording for this game I think it was myself and and Jennifer English I think we were one before before Neil as well see I'm not sure but we were we were there oh I think it was August 2019 we were kind of the first ones to get cast and get going and I was laughing and joking and you know being my usual happy-go-lucky cell and I was like you know what I think this studio needs to be named after me blah blah blah I was like haha you're so funny and uh and then I I came in and I had ordered myself a plaque that said the Lazelle studio uh fastest actor at pit stop and that plaque is at Pit Stop Studios and we're waiting to have a uh oh that's brilliant a ribbon cutting ceremony for that uh we still haven't done it yet but we but we will so um just fun and games basically it's fun and games that's fantastic put it right as you walk in I reckon so everyone knows but but yeah it needs to be and it needs to be a significant I mean it is a significant plaque but maybe uh maybe I'll rename the whole area the lizelle area and basically lizelle have you got any plans to play this game because I know you're not a game I mean the last game you played was what the Sims 20 years ago but what what are you gonna pick up the PS5 or are you gonna get that PC running and give it a crack or is it too much if somebody gifts me a PS5 or a good enough PC yes I will play the game I actually I do really want to play the game I do I don't have much time these days with a three-month-old baby but uh you know I would actually love to play this game in all seriousness but I don't have a good enough I I have a I have a Macbook that I use to do work stuff which I've heard is not good for playing the game that's not the kind of thing you use I love that slow like oh bless and I do not own a PS5 so basically what I'm saying is gift me a PS5 somebody and I'll play the game and I'll record it and uh we'll all have a bit of fun with me going uh how do you how do you do this what is this dice roll for persuasion what is this I have no idea how to play this game no idea so yeah Twitch streaming or anything like that's not on the cards anytime soon switch it to me it's just a twitch that I do for Lazelle that's that's I've heard people talk about twitching yeah this and that yeah no no look it can be on the card but I need to set myself up first is what I'm saying but I would love to I think I need to what you should do come on come on over to this channel we'll set it up and you can react to the scenes that'd be good yeah easy I'd love to do that a reacting character oh despicable have you got any more have you have you seen the um have you seen the romance speedruns on YouTube oh my God people keep uh telling me about this I I've uh I read an article about it but I haven't actually I haven't actually seen it and I feel like it's something that I need to watch and and possibly react to someone's got it down to two minutes two minutes it takes to have sex with Lazelle two minutes wow yeah oh lizelle I'm kind of disappointed almost I know it's it's very yeah I don't know how I can do it so quick yeah well they will see no laser very well that's how I'm gonna take a look though I'm gonna take a look I've heard that she's the most she's the one that people are trying to do as a speed run because I guess it's quite hard to romance her yeah yeah well I also I think because you made her first I think it's the easier one to do but um right yeah I can't say I've sped around doing that anyway fan questions I've got a few questions um moving on yeah that got a few fan questions here that we should get through hit me how did you prepare your vocal cords for each recording session I imagine talking like that will make your voice hoarse oh God you know what I'm gonna sound like the world's worst um voice actor when I tell you that I didn't um and somebody else asked me like yeah somebody else was like oh do you warm up and do all that and it's again world's worst voice actor I don't warm up and I didn't prepare my vocal cords to do it um there's nothing wrong with it I don't they're well yeah I mean whatever works sound sound very blase about the whole thing but I think it's because honestly I think it's because we didn't stop with that voice that voice sort of got lower and lower and lower and then it settled into the place that you have now for Lazelle and uh I just I guess I sort of made sure that it was a voice I could easily reach um yeah and so no it didn't it didn't make my voice too too strained or too hoarse I think it was it's a you know my natural voice is quite low anyway so I could sort of reach that that spot uh so I thought I suppose the short answer to that question is I did not prepare my voice and I did not warm up when did you when when in the process did you find the voice because you said it gradually got lower how far in did it get lower when did you actually this is it um I think probably after after we'd uh maybe at some point during Early Access or a little bit afterwards and and we were like okay that's that's the voice now and you know sometimes if I'd slip into this voice my Dev voice and and the director would be like Deb you need to use your lizelle voice and be like yeah sorry uh you know I'd be like okay sorry um so yeah and then uh but but actually you know I listened to the some of the Early Access stuff and it's not it's not so different it's definitely not like hello yeah it's something like this it's still pretty it's in the same ballpark um but I think uh yeah we just settled on a more breathy I wouldn't even call it deep I'd call it maybe more breathy voice that's what I'd call it yeah yeah that's for that was from Daniel Crazy Wolf uh this is from a Firkin what was the thing you struggled with the most during the whole process any of this person's in the struggle because it's been so much fun and I I I can't even think of a specific day or moment where I was like oh my god um well I I'll tell you what I did struggle with actually now I've come to think all right here we go those bloody spells those bloody effing spells oh my God and some of the insults that we had to to do which I think are kind of generic for all the characters and they were not very lazely and I and I remember like being to the director I was like this is not LaSalle at all and they'd be like yeah but we all have they all have to record this so just kind of like ah um so yeah I struggled with that a little bit um yeah but but other than that I Can't Describe any of this process of the struggle it was it was just too much fun too much fun to be had Patrick how difficult was it to now the gift Yankee language you pull it off flawlessly as far as I'm concerned thank you Patrick um thank you very much because it was hard to get my my mouth around those words um they use there's a lot of uh uh somebody corrected me and told me there were glottal stops they are indeed you know where they're with their little apostrophe where it's like um key or something where you stop the sound so that was um a little bit tricky or you know that try or the it's a lot of it's a lot of that kind of stuff so that that was tricky to make it especially if it's in a sentence to make it sound smooth that was that was tricky um but I had I had a lot of help obviously from the directors I had the uh pronunciations written out phonetically so sometimes if I had to read like a long sentence I'd be like guys and get rid of that gif talk and just paste the phonetics for me because I mean otherwise a lot of the a lot of the words actually the way they're written and the way they're said is slightly different so I would just use the phonetics but it was it was um it was tricky but it got easier as as the game went on and I think we started off with a maybe one or two words thrown in here and there like your classic you know your Chuck or your spa or your canyonc or whatever and then we'd uh build to bigger sentences um I think that was just because she ended up using more you know more complex sentences since the game went on I'm not I'm not quite sure what the reason for that is uh maybe as you get to know her better than she assumes you you sort of know a bit more of the language I I'm not quite sure what the reason for that is but but yeah yeah I've just triggered a memory the the same way you laugh hysterically do you remember doing that scene that was yes I do oh I do and it was hard to give Lazelle like a laugh yes I was gonna be like it's hot yeah that was hot that was hard to do I think that was the that was definitely a session where they'd be like okay that sounded more like you laughing historically now let's try ladies out but yeah yeah somebody had tagged me in a clip of her and Shadow heart laughing hysterically on Twitter which was very funny very very funny uh round rat why so Bae basil round rat well because I am basal as you can see from my Twitter handle bae I love this phase out by the way this is hysterical to me that's that's the name that people have coined for her hysterical brilliant recent ad this is a good one if Baldur's Gate 3 was made into a live-action movie or TV series if you weren't cast it who would you choose to play Lazelle if I wasn't casting it which that would be a barrel yeah it'll be a crime that'd be a crime in an alternate universe if you weren't available who's doing who's taking up the range available [Laughter] um gosh oh that's so tricky well okay look I'm gonna have to go with my all-time favorite act actress because I love her I don't know I'm now trying to picture her as Lazelle and I think that it it would work Angelina Jolie Angelina Jolie just because I I I love her I'm in love with her I love her are you yeah what's your what's her favorite how many times I can say it a purse yeah oh probably that one was it called the changeling I think where she has where her child gets like kidnapped or something and also classic Girl Interrupted oh yeah classic bit of a classic um classic she won Oscar for that I believe um but yeah I'd have to go with her just because I I love her and I she was probably the one person I would concede that role to I'd be like look um you know me and you we're you know we're both no I wouldn't say anything Tara just literally I would I would die if I met her I would yeah I'm just yeah yeah uh the the metronome kid if you had to pick one characteristic that you share with our favorite gift Yankee what would it be oh I could pick a lot um uh the word Direct sort of no [ __ ] and I don't mean to be like that but I'm people laugh when I when I sort of I can reply in quite like one Words answers and people find that hysterical where I'm just like oh do you do you like so and so and I'm just like no and people like oh that's so funny and I'm like why is that funny that's just me being like I think it's an Eastern European thing as well just being like yeah because she never lies in the game I feel like she's never she never lies no great she doesn't and I think that's what people like about her yeah I I mean look am I that honest in real life as in I I wouldn't be so direct maybe with people in real life as she is because I think that I wouldn't have any friends and I do want friends in my life um but um thank you thanks thanks Dan I've got you back one person yeah um but I think that sometimes I can the way that I answer things people find it hysterical and I don't mean to be hysterical I just that's the way I come across um so yeah direct sort of no shit's given driven determined like once I set my mind to something ah it's very difficult to sort of set me on a different path yeah yeah those are probably the characteristics yeah the soul killer when everyone is taking a long rest at the camp who makes the best food oh well I mean it's probably not food that I would eat but probably I can see Shadow heart making like a good curry yeah yeah okay I can see that I wouldn't eat it I wouldn't touch it with the barge pole but I could I could see it I could see that playing out how would you describe um lizelle and Shadow Hearts relationship complicated uh uh yes and strained yeah Strange Magic will lizelle has taught me noses are optional ah yes they are yes they are magic will um I mean you they're probably are they optional if you need to breathe I don't know but but yes yes in in her sense there's a lot of little chat about her nose um I'm not happy with that I think her nose is perfect that way it is and I think that you should all just lay off her nose it's the nose she has she is a gift Yankee and she is perfect spoon LOL any ideas or scenes for the character that got cut or changed over time that you can remember um I don't think any scenes as far as I know got cut although obviously I don't do the the sort of the the rest of the game you know I don't I don't do you know I record my lines and I go home and I'm happy happy as Larry uh and then I don't know what really happens afterwards uh but but a lot of the scenes were changed so what would happen is um we'd record a scene uh or some lines and then we'd come back in our next session or a few sessions afterwards and and I'd be like oh I've done this scene before and maybe a line would be changed or a word would be changed or there'd be more options in that scene so we'd have to record uh other branches so that's that's kind of the way that things would would change um yeah I don't think anything massively changed a lot of things got added I think as well as the game went on a lot of stuff got added actually I mean this was supposed to be a a two-year project that turned into a four-year project so yeah a lot of stuff got added how do you how do you manage like how do you manage like because they've got to tell you obviously okay this is the scene they're going to give you the context um yeah how do you manage that because you're not shooting chronologically and over all this time how do you keep the character sort of on the right path well at the beginning I had to be given a lot of context probably like you know a half an hour pep talk I'm joking obviously but you know what I'm saying like a big old chat around the scene because obviously I didn't really know about the world of Dungeons and Dragons either so I think there were a lot of people who are familiar with it I was just like uh Blank Slate like a baby I was just like what uh and that happens okay and then that's okay and they're connected to this part okay okay that's a lot for me to handle okay and then as the game went on they like do you remember this person from like way back in early access I'd be like yes well they're now coming over to here because this and this and I'm like right by the end I hardly needed to be given any context at all in fact sometimes I was the one giving the content oh oh the student becomes the teacher sorry the student becomes a teacher but this was rare um so the anyway to answer you I had to be given a lot of context and uh that's that's how it worked basically and most of the stuff would be sectioned into themes I don't think the chronology mattered so much I mean it did for certain things but if I was given context it's fine I'm a professional it's fine I could handle it indeed uh the final fan question if you call it a question how did you handle being the goat the greatest of all time well I I don't even know what to say to that I'm um very humbled and very flattered and just uh well you know I always knew Lazar would be the goat let's put it that way ow boom yeah no good one is there anything you wanted to say to the fans as we wrap up here um uh give lizelle a chance uh I mean if you're a fan you're already giving her a chance uh uh just play Let Her Story play out surrender to her green charms um indulge her whims do as she says and uh and enjoy it that's all I can say beautiful and also I wanted to say you're you're actually quite good at stand up I saw a video of you doing a bit of stand-up everyone watching type in stand up devorah take a look brilliant level yes is that nerve wracking because I I'd be oh my God I literally [ __ ] my pants I didn't literally but metaphorically speaking I did it was so nerve-wracking my God it was so nerve-wracking was that your first time that video or had you done it before no no that was the combination of like uh of a 10-week course that I did at the Soho theater in London because last summer I was like maybe I should do stand up like why not because that's clearly the kind of person I am and I started to regret it instantly because it was so terriblying it was so terrifying and uh but also so rewarding like when you hear people laugh it's like God I'm funny it's like oh yeah but then you also have the flip side where a joke that you have been laughing at to yourself for the last you know week that you've been practicing doesn't it just crickets there's crickets and then you'll you'll do something random like even like a random noise or something and people just find it's terrible honestly there's no Rhyme or Reason to it um there's no Rhyme or Reason to it but I I loved it I had I had a such a good time and it was really I would call it character building it was very character building because it was uh what builds confidence surely yeah but it's also a very sort of um male dominated world the stand-up world and that's that's quite intimidating to go into that uh yeah but but it definitely character was it confidence building I don't know oh would you do it again well I after that video after that course I I was like I'm gonna do this now I'm gonna be a gigging up that's what I'm gonna do because I was getting so frustrated with the acting like it never goes your way and like it's so hard to like get jobs and roles yeah and I was like I'm stand up that's what you know and people always people have always told me I'm funny and I was like this is it it's gonna be easy peasy I'm apparently naturally funny yeah it turns out that your friends think you're naturally funny yeah not random people who don't know you that's what did you buy funny because they know you did you bomb um oh yeah I did this one stand-up gig which was at my favorite comedy club in uh London where I live and it's uh it's a it's called the blackout okay so what you have to do is uh you have to get through your set without being like blacked out by the lights and it's brutal right because only three people it's a big audience but only three people have the blackout cards and uh people were sort of not doing very well but I was confident in my set okay so that's that that you watched I was confident it got a lot of laughs in that people were like even applauding a little bit I was like come on do it I get up there and I can hear people's reactions I'm like okay this is not going too badly and then I see one of the cards go up and then all three went up and and I was like and honestly that that kind of made me very sad because I thought I was doing very well but um um it's probably just rigged yeah they've been paid off don't worry about it yeah but it was that was that was um that was difficult that was difficult to handle and and then I did a few gigs and I and I just thought God this is so um there is so much rejection in this world uh very similar to the acting world and I was just like I don't think I can handle a double dose of rejection in my life I just I can't um yeah because it's a lot and also you have to go to gigs and you have to do that and you have to build it up from the you have to from the ground up kind of with that same with acting and I just honestly couldn't be bothered to to do that I just again like the fashion journalism full circle I uh I I I guess I realized I didn't I didn't love it enough I'd rather be naturally oh okay that's which is my husband going to the other room um I'd rather be like naturally funny in a role or or do it that way rather than uh having to sort of yeah I loved coming up with the material I think it's very unique in that sense that you can really uh you can make fun of your life which I always love yeah I think it's hysterical but uh but it's brutal it's a brutal World very beautiful yeah hey thanks Dev for taking the time today we really appreciate it I've had a ball it's uh blown by um so you've got Twitter Instagram Tick Tock that's where we can find you doing any Cameo or signings or anything like that I am on Cameo uh I reckon it yeah if you just search for me you'll find me or it's in my link tree which is linked in my Twitter and in my uh Instagram and in my Tick Tock as well are you doing I am doing the stream early but I don't know when it is at some point I will be doing extremely um we'll also be at insomnia myself and Neil will be at insomnia which is uh I think because I've never been to a gaming Festival so I'm very excited about that uh we'll be at Comic-Con as well and probably lots of other things to come so come say hi I'm not mean in real life I promise you should have seen her off air guys she was thought he was making demands left right to let you go is there anything Lazelle could say to Dan anything that Zell could say to Dan what like words of advice anything you want it can be you know any thing you can remember and he quote well the only thing I would say to you Dan Allen is that you are and always will be an ishtek oh that's brilliant but please don't test Millie [Laughter] thank you Deb I appreciate it thank you so much have a great day thank you thank you very much foreign
Channel: Dan Allen Gaming
Views: 89,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laezel, laezel voice actor, laezel voice actress, lae'zel baldurs gate 3, laezel romance full, laezel actor, laezel bg3, laezel ending
Id: Ys5ol-A1pRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 0sec (3300 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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