Lords of the Fallen - 10 Best MOST POWERFUL Weapons You NEED Early - All Build OP Weapon Guide!

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[Music] ladies gentlemen and dark Crusaders of all ages with the amount of people jumping on to try out Lords of the Fallen I've seen a lot of people get pretty stuck in so far not as in stuck like unable to progress but stuck in like really diving into the game and enjoying it and as a new addition to these Souls like genre there is one thing I know pretty much every player has a vested interest in and that is of course the weapons in any game like this unless you are going pure Caster mode the weapons will have a major impact on the way that you play the way that you think and the way that you build your character too for a lot of people and hey even if you go hard on the magic side and the Spells route you have a limited Mana pool honestly so of course even then you will want a trusty wooden or metal companion by your side to whack hack and slice things up as necessary so today we'll be talking about a nice collection of weapons that you can pick up for yourself relatively early on in Lords of the Fallen this video will cover the section of the game leading up to Fitzroy Gorge as a level as well as the very beginning of that level two meaning that we will talk about the areas through to the third remembrance boss but of course as usual with these collection type videos I will present it in progression order of the game so if you are earlier on in you can just get the info on the things that you are after and drop out as we get further into the list to avoid spoilers without further Ado then let's begin with the faithful bludgeon this is a big nasty strength weapon and I mean that in the nicest possible of ways it's what I've been using myself so far in my playthrough and I am loving it big base attack decent enough scaling for the early game and it's just fun to run around whacking things with a big bone honestly and it uses the grand Hammer move which I'm personally quite a fan of as far as where to get this one once you have reached the vestage of chabi you have two choices you can progress through the building and continue main story progression or you can turn around run back out to the big platform and drop down on the backside to find a massive sprawling side path with a ton of Parkour this path is quite long but eventually as you progress through it you'll reach this massive stone bridge at the end of the bridge is an emergency exit from the umbral and there's a fun trick here where you're supposed to use the lamp just held in front of you to walk to the right spot along the bridge then put the the lamp away when you're on top of the platform below you so that you drop onto the right spot and right here then is where you will find the faithful bludgeon for yourself second up today we have hallowed praise this is a short sword that only has C minus agility scaling but a low agility requirement and it also has a chunk of holy damage on top of its physical and 80 bleed status buildup which is pretty high for these early game weapons so it essentially has three accessible damage types as you attack an enemy which is fantastic foolproofing against some enemies just being immune or at least heavily resistant to certain types of damage as far as how to get this one then it is prettyy much just along the main path after the sister of sin boss fight you'll walk out into Pilgrim's perch proper and you just want to continue along here until you reach this First floating parkour platform and after you jump to the following platform the sword is simply sitting on the ground waiting for you third then we have the param felin 22 agility requirement not the greatest scaling but pretty solid base damage which makes it work as an early weapon for sure and it lets you have another short sword if dual wielding shortsword sounds like something you'd be interested in as far as how to get this one then we'll go from the vestage of blind Agatha in Pilgrim's perch then just head past the bucket head enemy in front of you here to come out and drop down to the right side of the platform to reach another wooden platform and then at the end of this one on the left there is a little hidden beam that you can actually drop off down to and find this sword it is definitely a decently hidden item so always fun to collect those fourth up is the hammer of holy Agony this is a regular Hammer D+ strength and D plus radiant scaling so it is a nice mix thatat weapon for you holy paladins out there decent base damage mixed between both physical and holy but then also some B bleed stus build up on top of that which makes it really tied together nicely as far as how to get it then this one is a bit more of a journey first you need to get to the Pilgrim's purch key and buy that from Captain stormind in the hub area of the game then once you have that we go to the vestage of blind Agatha and Pilgrim's perch once more right beside this vestage is a locked door that you can open with this key to a later game area that has higher difficulty enemies but you can get this without killing anything we just running through past all the enemies just taking this path and eventually through this way you will eventually reach an outside area immediately on your left as you pop out to the outer area though you can find this waiting for you on a little beam of wood fifth today is the bloody Glory sword this is a grand sword and it is an extremely powerful one for the point in the game where you can actually get it this thing has fantastic base damage with a nice physical and holy split a whopping 300 bleed buildup which is absolutely nasty this early on like really really strong and then for scaling it is a c for radiance and E for strength meaning it actually scales quite well for an early weapon as well as far as getting this we'll be continuing on from the same place that you got the hammer of holy Agony so this is in the higher level area once more continue through the outer section of this area and you'll once again head back inside to a little Hut that has a flower bed and a ladder you can set up a vestage here if you want otherwise just head up the ladder and through the tunnel in front of you and you'll find a lower area with an optional boss on the left but instead if you just hug the wall and continue going up the stairs on the right just go up the tunnel up the stairs everything past all the enemies eventually you will reach the top or you can just find this weapon simply waiting for you on the floor simple as sixth up is the Angel's axe a nice big nasty strength focused axe this thing has C minus strength scaling which is a bit below average for early weapons but not terrible by any means and it also has pretty notable High base attack power and is the first proper Grand axe that you can find if you want to mess around with that move set too and of course it looks really cool because why wouldn't it to get this one then we are moving on to the Forsaken Fen area and from the vestage of valade beside our good friend Byron the gravekeeper you want to progress forward on the main path and cross over the little bit of wood in front of you and as you continue through this tunnel you'll see some murky water on your left unless you are in the umbr realm in which case you can find a nice flushy loot box down at the bottom of this little ditch in front of you which you can open up and find the weapon for yourself seventh we have rash massage sword D minus strength sailing D plus agility scaling but the combination of both together is quite decent if you're running both stats only physical damage but not a bad weapon at all the thing that makes this one special is just how far away from anything of relevance it actually is as far to how to get it them sticking to the The Forsaken fin area as you continue to progress this little area you will eventually find the shortcut that will lead back around to the vestage of aade if we go from that vage then through this shortcut specifically only if you are in the umra realm you will see a ladder on your left that isn't there otherwise this actually leads to a particularly long side path that you can follow for quite a while and if you take the path that leads you sort of up the hill rather than down you will eventually wind up right above where you fell in earlier to find the congregates boss and it's at this upper perch where you can find the sword just there waiting for you eighth up today is cagin sword and this thing is absolutely exceptional C minus agility scaling would be decent enough even if this was a pure agility blade but it also has e strength scaling just for a slight bonus but the thing that makes this blade actually incredible is that it has decent physical damage sure but it also comes with 60 bleed buildup and 60 poison buildup so you can get really nasty with status application while using this thing and while poison and bleed won't do much to random trash enemies that you pass through they can be quite strong against a boss where you get to see their effects properly as far as how to get this one then well this is a bit of a weird one as you continue progressing through the Forsaken Fen you'll reach a nice swampy bog that you need to go umbrell to continue through at the back left side of this area is a little cave with a petrified NPC that will sing when you're far away and then will talk to you if you actually walk up and interact with it the singing makes them particularly hard to miss but they will basically just give you a quest and if you complete the quest they become a part of the story and they can be brought as a summon for a number of bosses if you're into that sort of thing alternatively though you can hit the while they're petrified which will instantly kill them and then they'll drop this weapon on the floor for you I found this by accident I didn't mean to kill them but I've since found out since the sword isn't acquirable if you don't kill her so I don't really much regret my choice up to you if you follow me or let her live though that's your choice ninth today then we have the pale butcher blade C minus strength scaling which isn't too bad D on agility which is pretty good for a secondary stat scaling the base damage is good but the neat part of this is that it actually does wither damage just straight up as a bonus on every hit so every every time you connect with an enemy they also get a bit of gry Health that you get to pop as bonus damage the next time you hit them this is quite the specific little bonus but it makes the sword extra interesting just for having it as far as how to get it then it's in the same swampy area as kukaj Jin's sword you will eventually round back to the entrance and knock down a bridge for a shortcut that allows you to walk back through the area without being forced into umbrel if you then go from the entrance back across that bridge where the flower bed is the Hut immediately in front of you on this bridge will have a breakable piece of wood at its entrance and inside of this Hut you can find this sword for yourself finally today then we have bloodlust this is an extremely solid shortsword Double C scaling on both agility and Inferno which makes it extremely solid for both of those stats base damage split between fire and physical which is pretty cool and it also has a 60 bleed buildup as well as 60 burn buildup both of which are pretty strong statuses on top of that though a little bonus this weapon has is that it actually will restore a little bit of your health when you kill an enemy which of course makes it significantly better as for how to get this for yourself then once you reach Fitzroy Gorge as a level simply progress through through the area holding to the left hand side as much as you possibly can and then eventually you'll find this battlefield of Waring factions in front of a little fort past this there is a little mini boss within the fort for you to kill who isn't that hard but after you kill him in the very back end of his boss Arena you can find a glowing red chest tucked into the corner on the right and opening that up will net you this weapon for yourself and That Just About Does it for today then everyone a wonderful collection of 10 strong orced interesting weapons that you can pick up early on in Lords of the Fallen with a little something for everyone regardless of what your main stat is I hope you've enjoyed this video and I hope you enjoy using any of these weapons for yourself especially if you didn't know about them beforehand let us know any more cool weapons that you find if you think that they are worth sharing with everyone else and it could be included in a future video like if you like the video subscribe hit the notification Bell for more and most importantly ladies and gentlemen until next time stay sweet Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 111,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lords of the fallen strength weapon, lords of the fallen agility weapon, inferno weapon, radiance weapon, best weapon, lords of the fallen best weapon, lords of the fallen vigour, lords of the fallen powerful early, lords of the fallen, lords of the fallen 2023, lords of the fallen gameplay, lords of the fallen guide, best class, build, best build, lords of the fallen build, guide, gameplay, best, lords of the fallen best, strength weapon, strength build, inferno, ragegamingvideos
Id: mHRpI4QZnBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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